Amerika 16

Amerika és a Pacific szigetvilága


American Spanish, short for earlier Pimahitos, Pima Aytos, from O'odham (18th century) pimahaitu nothing Indiánok
Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development, 1. kötet szerző: Robert M. W. Dixon Torres strait nyelvi csoport a Ba: baga-l =spear in Al, West-Torres: karay=stand; pagan=spear; nagi=see; Pama-Ny-ungar nyelvekből: galga "spear" in B-F, H, J (Hale 1982b, O'Grady and Tyron 1990: 6 also mention galga "stick with a cook at each end.

Bleyhl: Óceánia: taliga=fül
Daniel Macdonald Savage Island: falu=some=néhány
lasi=to meet (találkozni)
lake= the foundation of the Hill (lak a dombon)
laki= to marry (Házasodik. Lakodalom?)
rakaha= to place upon (rárak)
kuti= to cut (kurtít,vág)
kosu= a cutting instrument (vágó szerszám)
kis= a shell, used for cutting (kagyló, vágásra használt)
käl= a child (gyerek)
kalu= bowstring (íjhur)

Toraja --- Sulawesi
The Toraja are an ethnic group indigenous to a mountainous region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Their population is approximately 1,100,000, of whom 450,000 live in the regency of Tana Toraja ("Land of Toraja"). A typical case is the nominalizing infix ni in Leti, an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Leti. ... (56) Nominalizing -ni- in Leti (Blevins 1999) a. ka:ti 'to carve'; k-ni-asi =to dig =ásni. na:sama=nyitom a számat. (Matthew Baerman).

Tagalog "hulog= fall down = lehull".

What we observe it is that near the statues cylindrical stone vats known locally as kalamba can be found. In the Bada Valley they are not in good condition, and are often in fragments or missing a lid (site of Suso -Lore Barat) (Figure 14). Similar artifacts are known in Lampung south of Sumatra, Borneo (Arifin and Sellato 2003) and from Laos (Colani 1935). The most beautiful kalambas are in the Besoa valley northwest of the Bada valley. It opens into the Napu valley towards the city of Palu. Fifteen sites have been identified here; the richest are Pokekea, Tadulako, Padalalu, Bangkelua, Halodo, Potabakoa, Padang Taipa, Padang Hadoa, and Entovera.

Dombvidék - Barlangország
The island province of Bohol may aptly be called "Cave Country." Some 1400 caves have been counted, and probably many more have escaped notice. Some claim that Bohol even got its name from the word buho, meaning hole. Bohol may be called "cave country" since there are an estimated 1,400 caves. A mészkőben gyakori barlangok, lyukak (hole) után elnevezve.

Bohol Már a kőkor embere is lakta.
The earliest discovered stone tool is reported to belong to the Paleolithic Age. Two other stone tools found are said to belong to the late Neolithic. Archaeological finds also include copper or brass, lead, and iron implements; shell and glass beads; Tang to Ming porcelain; wooden coffins; and artificially deformed skulls. The chronology of these finds, however, has not been made.

A Rayna Queen-cse or Rain and tears.:-) [Az ung nép gyűrűje.]
For example, no native Boholano-Visayan word begins with r-, wu- or yi-, even though European borrowings allow these onsets in words such as rayna (‘queen’; from Sp. reina), wul (‘woollen cloth’; from Eng. ‘wool’) and yilu (‘ice’; from Sp. hielo). Rayna is most likely a Bulgarian form of Regina. Also feminine form of Ray (Old German) "wise guardian". Ré-nő?

Yawelmani dialect of Yokuts (California)

Vendég és a Tüköroldal
paÜitähin paÜitäk’a paÜtäal paÜtäit fight
Üugunhun Üugunk’a Üugnal Üugnut drink
veendi = ‘ones who like people’
c‡uunga ‘wet lowland’. c‡aanga ‘grave’.
kaanga ‘small grave’. kuunga ‘small wet lowland’.

Vanuatu's name is derived from the word vanua ("land" or "home"), sasoi panah (arrows) or sasoi katar (shield dance) may be merged with the softer.

In Asia the bow and arrow is used by the Samoiedes, a people resembling the American Indians, and inhabiting the great Siberian promontory, ending in Cape North; the Khalkas, the most important tribe of the Eastern Mongols; the Buriäts and Yakuts (Siberians); the Siamese, who use powerful cross-bows and poisoned arrows for big game; the Andaman islanders; the Dyaks (Malay), who also use poisoned arrows.
The te-a, or archery, was also a sacred game, more so perhaps than any other. The bows, arrows, quiver and cloth in which they were usually kept together with the dresses worn by the archers, were all sacred, and under the especial care of persons regularly appointed to keep them. It was usually practised as a most honourable recreation between the residents of a place and their guests. The sport was generally followed either at the foot of a mountain or on the sea-shore. My house in the valley of Haamene, at Huahine, stood very near an ancient rahi te-a—place of archery.
The Kayans (Dyaks) carry the arrows in a bamboo case, hung at the side, and at the bottom of this quiver is the poison of the upas. A kaján szót kapcsolatba hozzák a kővel, kutyával, csillaggal, kézzel, fehérrel..
A szigetvilág nyelveiben sok a hasonlóság:
7 = Fitu, Hitu, Ahiku, Itu, Hitu, Fitu, Fitu, Fitu, Fitu, Whitu.
De szintén hasonló a zealandi "ka-wha=4" és a tongán mondott "fa=4"; 6=ka-hunnoo= ono.; 1= ko-tahi = Ta'ha.
White, ma (sometimes tea—very limited application). Ma is doubtless a contraction for Marama, light, which is derived from Ra, the sun.
Black, pouri, pango, mangu. Pouri, black, is derived from Po, night.
Red, whero, kura, ngangana. A vér színe vörös, de állítólag az Andokban élt sötét vérű nép is. blue = puuru.

Munda: Sub-stratum of Tibeto-Himalayan Languages, 7. kötet; szerző: Devidatta Śarma. Munda nyelven a "senca (szencsa?)= to raise [inani]; dhilan=loose. Halan=brain (Faroese: heili. Telugu: medadu. Gujarati: magaj. Slovak: mozog. Old Norse: heili.) päkhän = wing; [A HALAN rokonítva van a HELEN (selen) szóval, ami HOLD lenne. De mi köze a Holdnak a halántékhoz? ..és a halántéklebenynek a vallásossághoz? Hom-lok: Chechen: Haž. Finnish: otsa. Korean: ima. Star: Okinawan: husi. S akit halántékon vágnak, azt hókon nyomták? Kapu lenne, Haqen?]
Helen: H-eli-os? Mene-laos felesége. Bab-ilon, Iluna (Catalan Moon), Elena, Lena, Luna (Occitan Moon). Vajon Babilon az isten kapuja (bab-el), az égé (bab-i-lan), vagy a holdé (bab-i-luna)? Továbbá: Luz(itan) > lux > luc(fenyő) > leukos. Lucius derives from Latin word Lux (gen. lucis; Lucifer, Lucid, Lumen), meaning "light". De eredhet egy RÉS-ből, amin átjön a fény: Lyuk > luk > luke (OLG) > Loukász (Gr). A TÓ/lake is eredhet az özönvíz kapuiból. Loch, lich, leak.
Luxus bejárat: Hungarian KA-PU - Hawaiian PU-KA. Akkad PU = Sumer KA =Angol GATE. Mongolian HAALGA, Icelandic HLID.
Lusitania: Persian: "luxan=Moon". Azonos eredetű a LU-NA és a SI-NA? Galician "lúa=Hold". A lues pedig a sy-phillis. LUPA egy nőstény farkas. Lan-y a luvnya? A "holdleány" számos nyelven elég dehonesztáló a mi erkölcsi álláspontunk szerint.
Míg a latin, magyar "LAK=hely", addig DK-Ázsiában "laku, lunga, lingar = to go" (menni). A "loina, lunya" szavak is megtalálhatók, ami nem Cata-lunya. (John Mathew). The name of Catalunya is documented since 1070. A lunyama egy afrikai gyermekbetegség.
Az "American Heritage Dictionaries" szerint az arab "shifr" megfelel a szanszkrit zeronak "lunya", ami "üres". Cifra nyomorúság. Szanszkrit szótáram szerint "zUnya" az "üres", na meg a sUna. Buddhizmus: Lunya = The Analects of Confucious.
Empty, üres: Bengali: khali. Azeri: xali. Tajik: xoly. Telugu: khäli. - Cantonese: hung. Mongolian: hooson.

Kitérő a homlok miatt:
Meaning: forehead
Chechen: haž
Ingush: haža
Batsbi: hak

Basque *lok- ‘temple; middle of forehead’ (NCED 775, ToB). PAPUAN YIDINY (= Queensland) "dalu = forehead"; ETHNICALLY-PAPUAN AUSTRONESIAN FIJIAN "koro = upper part of the head"; ETHNICALLY-PAPUAN AUSTRONESIAN LAU (= Malaita in the Solomon Islands) "dará = forehead"; AUSTRONESIAN CHAM (= Vietnam) "haluv = head"; Rutul "bäl = homlok" (pál?).

A német Stern hasonlít a Stirn szóra. A magyar csillag (ill) pedig a szláv "cselo" szóra. Vajh van valami közös a csillag és a homlok eredetében? A magyar HOM-LOK első tagja emlékeztet a homo sapiensre. A latin HOMO pedig a szanszkrit *dhg-hom = eart szóra, s mi porból lettünk, s porrá leszünk. Homlok: Swedish: panna. Quechua: urkuv. Tagalog: noo. Tulu: illu. German: heim. Tajik: Hona. Andoke: túdu. Csillag: Albanian: yll. Luo: sulwe. Baluchi: istár, astár. Old Provençal: stella. Dolgan: hulus. Dongxiang: xodun. East Yugur: hodën. Yup'ik: agyaq. Csillagok.

Tongkonan: The Toraja are divided up geographically into different groups, the most important of which are the Mamasa, who are centred around the isolated Kalumpang valley, and the Sa'dan of the southern Toraja lands. There have never been any strong, lasting political groupings within the Toraja. The Sa'dan area, with its market towns of Makale and Rantepao, is known as Tana Toraja ("Land of Toraja"). Good roads now reach Tana Toraja from Makassar or formerly known as Ujung Panjang, the capital of Sulawesi, bringing a large seasonal influx of foreign tourists who, while injecting money into the local economy, have not yet had much lasting affect on local people's lives.
Grave: Once in Toraja, aside from the beautiful panorama left and right, the places that usually are visited there are mostly consist of burial sites, e.g. Kete Kesu (tombs of the kings and is said to be the origins for Toraja people); Lemo (hanging graves); Londa (cliff graves); Suaya&Sangala (baby graves in trees)
A warung egy kis családi vállalkozás. Vajh lehet köze a VAR és az UNG szavakhoz? mamak stall [Malay gerai mamak, warung mamak] stall run by an Indian Muslim, usually selling humble fare like roti canai, local kuihs, noodles, teh tarik, etc. A warung (food stall) egy piaci elárusítóhely, ahol állva kínálják az árut várva a vevőt. A "warung wareg" második tagja japán "kielégített". Orang putih n. [Malay orang people + putih white] a Caucasian.

nunga n. salt water fish (Siganus vermiculatus) [from Fijian nuqa]
nakkhun n. nail/claw [from Urdu naakhun]
pallaa n. door [from Awadhi/Bhojpuri]
panjaa n. claw [from Hindi]
raaji adj. willing, satisfied, agreed [from Urdu raazi]
rang n. colour [from Urdu ran.g > színek jelezték a társadalmi pozíciót.]
tiboro n. ghost, devil [from Fijian tevoro]
tiis n. thirty

Másik fiji
Village = koro. wait for = waraka. Wife's father's sister = nei. top = dela. seven = vitu. people = kai. mother = tina. moon = vula. cattle = bulumakau. Knife = sele. tini = ten = 10.

‘moon’ hunE hun¢E
‘pig’ hake hak¢E
friend halke
stone hako

The answer is no, and the solution to the problem is offered to us on the web site already mentioned. At the bottom of the introduction page, as well as in the text itself are found runic characters, usually a mixture of common Germanic and Viking Age Scandinavian runes. The author claims that Varangians, the East Norse Vikings, settled in Sudovia and influence its language and society.
Dél-Arizonában, mintegy 30 mérföldre a mexikói határtól északra fekszik a Mustang-hegység. A barlangi kövön talált runát 12. sz._i angollal azonosítják. Párhuzamot próbáltak találni a mogollon ( indian) lakóhelyekkel. A rovásírást egyesek hamisítványnak, mások latinnak, de van, aki sudoviannak (Balti Yatvingian) vélik.
[Sudovian words: "bad (evil,trouble) =vargas". bag ( purse) =kulikis. "bar ( rod ) =kaltas". bard ( poet ) =daininikas. "bean =baba". beard =bardas. "belly =vederas". door =vartai. "dress =danga". copper =varijan. "conical hut =küte". church =kirke. "cemetery =kapai". call (a shout) =vakas (vaker, vakkant). "crow =varne". pilis =castle, hill-fort. pilnas =full. pilnatis =full moon. fall, drop =paltun. fire =panu .]

Érdekességnek: bohol dialektusban a létra (hágcsó?) > Hagdan.

Paul F. Reed
The Chacoans preferred a specific type of chert derived from Narbona Pass in the Chuska Mountains. Chetro Ketl: Also written as Chetro Kettle and Chettrokettle. ... Chimney Rock Pueblo: The northeastern-most outpost of the Chacoan world.

isik [!.sk] Ref: JH 1928, LK, VH
'paddle, oar'.
Etym: From a Chinookan noun: í-sik
<-sik, #!sik> (Boas 601, Clatsop
[Hymes pace Boas]). Cf Bay Center
CW [ísk] <ísk> 'a paddle'.

ka [ká(), k] Ref: VH, WB, EP, JP
'quiet; shut up'.
Etym: From a Chinookan particle: k a
'silent, quiet, nothing'

Hula tánc
All hula in former times were preceded and followed by prayers, blessings and other ritual. Chants to Laka were performed, an altar was built on the eastern wall of the halau, the dancing school or building, symbolic of the life-giving force of the sunrise. Dancers bathed frequently and offerings to Laka were ritually cleansed and sprinkled with salt water. Training in a hula school was strict, with adherence to kapu, rules, being stringent. The kapu varied through the different schools, however certain codes of conduct such as personal cleanliness, not cutting hair or nails, abstinence from sexual activity, and restrictions of certain foods were usual.

religious law
The legal system was based on religious taboos, known as kapu. Hawaiian Kapu System
The kapu system was the religious law system that ruled over almost every act of Hawaiian life. It included thousands of rules which identified what people could and could not do. The kapu system was based on beliefs about mana (spiritual power.) Penalties were severe for breaking kapu. The law officer (‘ilamuku) hunted down kapu breakers and saw to it that they were put to death by strangulation, clubbing, stoning, burning, or drowning.

Komorian: huran = moon, month. kina = glitter, sparkle, shine. lanit = sky. turu = to descend, come down.
Kambera: njara = horse. palita = lamp. pana = bow; shoot with bow and arrow. tuna = eel. ura = lines in the palm of the hand; lot, fate, destiny. palu = to beat, strike.

Bali Place of interest

Kertha Gosa is located in the heart of Semarapura town and it's name is taken away from a Sanskrit namely Kertha which is meaning Peaceful and Gosa from the Gosita word mean announcement. Thereby, the word's meaning of Kertha Gosa is a building of a kind Jurisdiction in form of Bale for the king who announces the legislation, jurisdiction, penalization etc.
The word of Tenganan ascribed by a Tengah root word which can mean to aim to middle of Pegringsingan, representing the cloth type weave to fasten typically produce by Tenganan village resident. The structure of resident in Tenganan village is built in linear consisted of six ray, every ray consisted of some lawn broadly, form the building which relative, existence of art shop have altered the original some types of the resident. All the tradition existence of the human being harmonious with the God, human being with the human being and human being environmentally as according to conception of Tri Hita Karana.
Beratan Lake is a shallow lake with the high caldera about 1231m above sea level and it is located at Bedugul, the famous tourist destinations in Bali. This lake have wide 3,8 km2 and also its deepness is up to 22 meters.

Gloss. Melanau MukahLebbo'
mothertina sina
going upriverju'ai menju'ay
nose - turung (bajau: urung)
banana - punti

Blood = bada (Latti lang).
Tema si tané. = Bury in ground. = Temet a földbe.

Sursurunga Wordlist
Sursurunga is an Oceanic language of New Ireland. (SE part of the island)
mat ‘hole’ par ‘squeeze sago’
pat ‘holy’ siir ‘approve’
pak ‘broken’ mut ‘fish species’
bat ‘fish species’ paas ‘stick’
xat ‘cane’ xoo ‘head’
gaas ‘bush spirit’ bae ‘shark’
xaat ‘stone’ met ‘die’
taat ‘same sex sibling’ loot ‘big’
naat ‘tree species’ ees ‘walk’
maas ‘old man’ pai ‘praise’
lis ‘deep pit’ rees ‘rejoice’
sas ‘fight’ yos ‘Malay apple species’
lot ‘boil’ pit ‘ashes’
buk ‘mountain’ koko ‘cousin’
was ‘something’ tuu ‘sugar cane’
xa ‘one’ gim ‘you plural’
muut ‘broken’ baai ‘cover something’
les ‘lime powder’ bobo ‘fish species’
xuup ‘shout’ kuku ‘dust’
geem ‘we (exclusive)’ yaa ‘I’
took ‘red’ tso ‘joined’
riit ‘cut grass’ tee ‘faeces’
meet ‘low tide’ ya ‘he’
bool ‘pig’ no ‘plural marker’
pis ‘jump’ tsoo ‘smell’
piis ‘flat’ rii ‘shave’
nit ‘mask’ too ‘alive’
xiit ‘fencepost’ xe ‘net’
xaat ‘stone’ xiixii ‘mushroom’
kup ‘sea cucumber’ kiikii ‘kingfisher’
xaa ‘some’ kaka ‘men’s house’
rik ‘jump’ po kiki ‘pan pipes’
bai ‘mumu overnight’ sook ‘plant’
keekee ‘spring on beach’ dis ‘long’
nong ‘laugh’ ngong ‘crazy’
xos ‘poison (in frog)’ pes ‘shell species’
xo ‘fish’ miit ‘fibrous mesh used to make sago’
pae ‘fish species’ pees ‘examine’
tun ‘cook on fire’ xiis ‘basket’
xol ‘fall’ xur ‘wall’
gem ‘shell species’ tuun ‘high tide’
saar ‘reef’


Unga lies on the southeast coast of Unga Island, in the Shumagin Islands of the Aleutian Chain. It lies at approximately 55d 11m N Latitude, 160d 30m W Longitude. Ung települések: zömükben Afrikában és DK-Ázsiában.

Florida Ethnobotany szerző: Daniel F. Austin
Xyris ambigua: [rakó cfáni:ki, arrow+twisted]
Maya, Yucatan: kic-che renews+tree
The Muskogean name for the Calusa grape is culosw [coló:swv] (creek indian) [Grape < grupp (fürt). Creep? Calloose is a hamlet near Leedstown in west Cornwall: Carloose (Creed) = Karloos. From kar ‘fort, enclosed farm’ + loos ‘grey’.
Omaha Ponca: haz-hi = grapevine
Creel: purko rako = big grape (nagy szöllő vagy sok szem?). Latin szőlőfürt: "racinus = a bunch of grapes".

There is so much discussion and argument as to the spelling of her name: Sacagawea, Sakakawea, Sacajawea. Her name in the Shoshone language means Bird Woman and in Hidatsa "Boat Launcher". Pomp means leader.

Ekkor Pókasszony, valamint Pöokónghoya, meg a bátyja, Balö’ongawhoya és a sokszavú poszáta, aki a nyílást meglelte sorban fölmásztak a calávi-fenyőfán. Mikor kimásztak a nyíláson, Pöokónghoya megragadta a calávi-fenyőt, bátyja pedig a nádat, s erősen markolták azokat, hogy ne inogjanak, amikor az emberek fölmásznak rajtuk. a sokszavú poszáta a közelükbe telepedett, és sok-sok dalt elénekelt, azokat, amelyeket ma is énekelnek a Wúwuchim ceremónia során. Pókasszony is a közelükben üldögélt, s figyelte, mi történik. Az emberek lassan elkezdtek felfelé mászni, egyesek a calávi-fenyőn, mások a lö’ogö-fenyőn, a többiek a bákavi-nádon és az áhkawau-napraforgón. Ahogy az emberek fölértek, s kimásztak, a sokszavú poszáta kijelölte lakóhelyeiket, és a beszélt nyelvüket is megadta nékik. Az egyiknek azt mondta: “Te leszel a hopi, nyelved pedig ez lesz.” A másiknak mondta: “Te leszel a navajo, a nyelved pedig emez.” A harmadiknak meg: “Te leszel az apacs, mohave, mexikói…” – és így tovább, beleértve a fehér embert is. Az alsó világban az alábbi pueblo-indiánok nyelvét beszélték: kawáhykaka, ákokavi, kátihcha, kótiyti – ezért a pueblo-indiánok e négy törzse lényegében egy nyelvet beszél.

Mogotes: Mogotes rising out of pineapple fields in a plain of blanket sand near Coto Sur. The quarry in the left background is 1 kilometer east of Manati. Tower heights are generally less than 25 m; diameters range from 10 to 200 m.
A dombok hasonlítanak a Bohol szigeten láthatókhoz. "Tornyok" a kunhalom szerű képződmények. The towers are of variable morphology. Balazs (1973) suggested that four classes could be recognized on the basis of their height/width ratio: the Yangshuo, Organos, Sewu, and Tual types, named after their “type examples” in China, Cuba, Java, and Kai-Ketjil Island (Indonesia) respectively. Tower karst landscapes represent perhaps the most spectacular terrain developed on carbonate rocks. Broadly, they consist of relatively isolated, often steep-sided, residual carbonate hills (towers). The major feature of Gunung Sewu is the surface topography. The limestone hills are remarkably uniform in size and shape, each being about 200 m in diameter and 50 m high. They were first described by Herbert Lehman as the type example of kegelkarst, or cone karst. However, the hills are actually hemispherical .. The name 'Gunung Sewu' (meaning 'thousand mountains'; in southern Java).

Dombvidék Puerto Rico területén Narrative of the Incas. szerző: Juan de Betanzos
Palla: A woman of the Inca nobility.
Papa: Priest
Uturungu: Jaguar
Yunga: Forró, nedves alföld. Neve az ott élő indiánoknak.
Inca: Király. Kéziratokban Ynga.
Guaci, Huaci: House.
Caliz: Söröskorsó.
Amaro: Kígyó.
Arpa, Arpay: Véráldozat.

Inka szavak
The Sun (Inti) was not the most universally acknowledged before the Inca brought him into prominence. (Az INTI ismert Afrikában is,de SZEM jelentéssel.)
H betüvel kezdődő szavak
hark'ay, arkay: (v) To prevent. QP Obstruct, defend, detain, prevent, intevene in favor of another. TLD To block, to bar.
Hatun Inti: (n) The Divine Central Sun. God.
hatun runa: (n) Literally, the great people, were the Inca commoners.
Huanti átka: Syphilis, which left its marks on ancient Peruvian bones. The antiquity of this disease in the New World and its possible incorporation from America to Europe has originated a great scientific and literary controversy. Most authors favor the American origin of this disease on the theory that the spread to Europe was via the sailors who returned with Columbus from La Hispaniola (Santo Domingo). However, there is equally reliable data showing that this disease was present in Europe before Columbus.
machu: (adj) Ancient, old. (n) Old man. An ancient spirit, either malevolent or benevolent.
Machu Picchu: (n) Literally, old peak, the name of one of the most sacred of the Inca sites.
muhu, muju: (n) Seed. [A moha szavunk is elképzelhetően a "sok/mak" variánsa.]
waka punku: (n) Literally, cow gate. Slang for big butt. RS [My Quechua dictionaries define waka as cow. But, because cows did not exist in South America until the Spanish brought them, waka must come from the Spanish word for the animal: vaca. (Would huaca waka mean holy cow?)
wilka, willka, villka, wilco, wilca, huilca, huillca: (adj.) Sacred. ROR TLD Holy, sacred and dangerous. RS Sometimes can mean “dangerous” as well, an etymological connection which may come from the notion of the holy as being all-powerful and not particularly appreciative of egotistical lack of reverence.
Ka-Ata-Killa: (n) A moon goddess in Inca and pre-Inca mythology.
karpay: (n) Energy initiation or transmission; rite of passage. Gift of the power of the ancient lineage. RS KOAK Transmission or initiation; rite of passage; coronation or crowning.
kat'a (AYM): (n) Dawn. kuku: (n) Ghost, spirit. kura: (n) Priest.
balsam of Peru, balsam of Tolu: (n) Myroxylon balsamum, also known as quina or balsamo. Other names include tolu in Colombia, quina quina in Argentina; in lumber trade, sometimes named santos mahogany. .. the plants have been reported to inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis as well as the common ulcer-causing bacteria, H. pylori in test-tube studies..

The Australian race
Olakuna — ^Watching.
Oodlaka — Watehguard.
Oodlakuthuruna — Watching or guarding together.
Ookuna — Mixing, joining.
Camp -- ngoora.
Yes -- yooa.
Come on - panni winni.
Thunder -- kooroona.
Bowels - warna.

..."kuk" "feather" with the adjectival suffix "-ul", giving "kukul" "feathered", combined with "can" "snake" (Tzotzil "chon"), giving a literal meaning of "feathered snake".
Gary Grossen szerint a tzotzil "chon=animal".

“Sillustani” is a pre-Incan burial ground on the shores of Lake Umayo near Puno in Peru.So, this word SILLUSTANI, which is the name of a place in Peru, is an extremely important and eye opening evidence of the presence of ancient Turkish speaking Turanian peoples in the Inca lands of South America. Not only were the Inca and other South American natives ancient Turkish speaking Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, but even the pre-Inca natives were Turanians - contrary to all kinds of historical deception, disguise and disfigurement designed to cover up the existing traces of ancient Turanian civilizations in South America and North America - by the latest invaders of these continents.
Viracocha Mama Killa fényes arca
Viracocha is the great creator deity in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology in the Andes region of South America. Full name and some spelling alternatives are Wiracocha, Apu Qun Tiqsi Wiraqutra, and Con-Tici (also spelled Kon-Tiki, the source of the name of Thor Heyerdahl's raft) Viracocha. Viracocha was worshipped as god of the sun and of storms. The Turkish word “BIRO” was Semitized as “PHARAOH”
YEL APA = Szél apa. KOTLA-YAL = Szent szél. NAP= SUN > KÜNE > Güne > KUN. VIR-COC-AHA > BIR GÖK AGA > Egy kék úr. Kék vérű mester? Az AHA eredhet e proto-oceanic APA szóból.

Hawaii táján a Ha-wai az 4 víz. Aha keiki = 4 gyerek. Ha'a : törpe. Tánc hajlított térdekkel, 1800 óta HULA. ( Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert) [tahi > kahi; Tolu > kolu.] Másoknál: Hawaii came from: HA: breath; WAI: fresh water Egy harmadik szótár.
Natchez: "aha=water". Paipai: "Ahah water".
Water Mohave: aha=water.
Ahr means "a wild, rapid stream" from Ur or Ar an old word signifying "wild" or "fierce" and Aha or Ach; for the Ahrgau (Ahr district) is often called in old writings Arachgau, Arahafelt (or feld, "fields") and U-rachgow. German "aha= sunk fence". Árok? The affinity of this word Ach with the Latin aqua is obvious. Goth Ahwa =folyó.
Language in the Americas. szerző: Joseph Harold Greenberg
SMALL: Araucanian: "pici= few, small. Aymara: pisi. Quechua: pisi.
THROW: Aymara aha. Zaparo: aha. [Yuri: "iti=szem". Pilaga: "ite=eye".]
THREE: Kahuapana: kara. Jebero: kala. Hongote: calas.

Kék madár
Parrot fashion: the newly discovered blue-winged amazon loudly cries ‘yak yak yak’ in flight but adopts a more 'melodious' tone with its family Tony Silva. A madár szárnya zöld és kék.

Opa-tisha-wocka-locka meaning a big island covered with many trees
Opa-locka has the largest collection of Moorish Revival architecture in the Western hemisphere, and streets with such names as Sabur Lane, Sultan Avenue, Ali Baba Avenue, Perviz Avenue, and Sesame Street. The name Opa-locka is an abbreviation of a Seminole place name, spelled Opa-tisha-wocka-locka. The original name probably signified a wooded "hammock in a swamp". A helynevet egyesek a seminole indiánok nyelvében vélik eredeztetni, mások arab-perzsa származára gondolnak. Mindenesetre a "lock" az számos nyelven "lak/ hely". (Locus, bár az angol "lack=hiány".) Azért senki se fordítsa "Tisza apa vacka, laka" néven!


Kőmunkák Amerikából. Érdekesen kivitelezett földrengésálló falak, precíz lyukfúrás található a kőbaltás ember korából.

Monguor nyelvből: "furu = down, downwards = lefelé". Ugyanitt a közép-amerikai (h)uri-[kán] = to blow = fújni, ami a Himalája vidékén is előfordul. Fúr: Portuguese: furar. Catalan: foradar. Icelandic: bora. Fúró: skandináv: bor. Finnish: pora. French: foreuse. (Finnugor nyelvészek szerint a szamojed "parre=fúró" variáns.)

Ancient megalith wisconsin
An estimated 1,300 mounds are thought to have existed in Madison's four lakes region. Some 200 survive, many preserved on public lands. Nagy kövek Észak-Amerikából.


According to these sites, the skulls have been shown to have DNA that proves them not to be modern Homo sapiens but something else. Depending on the slant of the site, they are the remains of either an unknown but earthly species or aliens. A HSS koponyáján hiányzik hátul a két kis lyuk, valamint 2 parietal bone van a perui 1 helyett. (Az állatoknak is 1 van. Darwin?) A DNA nem egyezik sem a HSS, sem a neandervölgy, sem a gyenyiszovai ember genetikai lenyomatával.

Hun koponyatorzítás. Szerte a földön, mint a piramisok.
Paracas elongated skull. Varrás mentén reped. Deformation. Sokuknak vörös haja volt. DNA testing of the baby Paracas was conducted in the Lakehead University lab in Canada, as well as two other labs in the United States. The results that came back showed only one discernible haplogroup present, that of U2e1. U2 samples were found in the Yamna culture (U2e1a), Corded Ware culture (U2e1 and U2e2), Unetice culture (U2e1f), as well as the Andronovo culture (U2e) in Central Asia. Temető Chullpa burial towers.
Utánzatok A bolygó számos pontján gyakorolták a koponyatorzítás durva szokását. Az utánzatok esetében nincs fejméret növekedés.

Nagy utazás (rapa nui)

Madarak jönnek, madarak jönnek..

A Rapa Nui hasonló kezdetű társaiból: Ráta: ‘törlesztési részlet’, ‘rész, hányad’, ‘arány, mérték’: értéktöbbletráta.
Swedish RA-STA: to rest; to take a pause (Megáll, megpihen). Raster, a grid. Ehhez dallamában hasonlít az orosz VER-STA (1066,78 m).
Rapa Nui nevében a RAPA nem RÉPA, bár olyan jelentésű szó is van. Vagy az andoki "rüpü=út", vagy pl egy latinos "rata=rész, arány".

In a short note with the above heading in the AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST,‘ Truman Michelson criticizes Dobo for his enthusiastic appreciation of de Hevesy’s discoveries concerning the identity of the Indus and the Easter Island scripts and the genetic connection of the Mundij languages with Finno-Ugrian. The second discovery that there exist in India Finno-Ugrian languages belonging to the Ugrian branch is of course not a lesser one, because it shows that before the advent of the Aryans there must have been in India an immigration of a Finno- Ugrian speaking people.

Frank Joseph: The Rise and Fall of the World's Oldest Culture A helyi legenda szerint volt egy nagy ország, melyet HIVA-nak (a templomok földjének) neveztek. Hatalmas körépületek, kőutak, díszterek és virágzó mezőgazdaság. Bár a forró nyári nap rendszerint felperzselte a földet. Egy szélső területe volt Marae Renga, melyet Haumaka uralt. Egy éjjel a madárfejű istenről (Makemake) álmodott, minek hatása alatt expedíciót szervezett. Ez a csapat találta meg a nagy föld délnyugati oldalán a kis szigetet, minek a napisten után a Matakite-Ra-ni nevet adták...

Hevesy script Hevesy 1930 táján fedezte fel a rongorongo és az indus script hasonlóságait egy (Dr Hunter által készített) pecsét képe alapján (Mohenjo Daro). Pár évvel ez után jelentette be Erich von Hornbostel a panamai cuna indiánok szintén hasonló írásának elemzését, amit szintén "ökörszántással" írtak. Fatáblák szent írással.
Analog Rono-rono - rovás Rapa Nui szigetén. [Maori: "roro=brain/agy".]
Theword 0'ono is the equivalent of rongo since in the Marquesan dialect the r is dropped and the nasal velar (ng) becomes n."
Barthel (1974) mentions the glyph for ha'u, or "feathered crowns."
An analysis of Heyerdahl's 17 "similarities" between rongorongo motifs and Tiahuanacan art is not within the realm of this present work.
Mesterdalnokok: "In the Marquesas the tuhuna o'ono was "master chanter, tribal bard, or ceremonial priest; who presided in all important ritual, and served as repository and teacher of sacred and traditional lore." (Harlez, 1896:145)
It is conceivable that Metraux is the one who humorously suggested the connection to the Cuna Indians (and the Ojibwa) in the first place. He used thesame methods as Hevezy (see Part II) tO compare rongorongo to the Cuna script - that is, he found select glyphs lo compare, rather than considering the entire corpus.
A kis - körömnyi - jeleket hasonlítva olyan véseteket láthatunk, mint "Madárember, koponyák, lándzsák.."

Hanga Hoonu és a Konstellációk: In the second case the moon was an incarnation of the moon goddess Hina known also as Haua, the wife of the solar god Tiki-Makemake, and the words atua, etua meant "god; goddess". Hina Ira marama, marama Pua “the fill moon,” a Ure. (They are the nights) Ina Ira, the full moon Pua (= Hina-Pu, Vina-Pu), Ma-ure. Rapanuio honu, Marquesan hono "turtle". Ururangi: Maori "rangi =sky" + Maori "uru =head, chief, top". Puhi (Wind). (H)etuu Pu =Aldebaran. Maori "uri =off-spring, issue".
Heyerdahl a Húsvét sziget írását rokonítja számos pre-columbian szkripttel, így aymara, kecsua és cuna (Panama) írásokkal. [Ha a Madárszigetet és a másik csupasz tengeri sziklát is ide számítjuk, akkor "szigetek".] Madár szobrok pedig számos helyen felbukkannak: Nimrod dag, Zimbabwe, Tiye..

Pesti István 2018 január

Amerika 15. rész
Óceánia 5. rész