Óceánia felé
The Pacific
Pacific térsége
Fülöp szigetek
23 Quando chegaram a Mara, não podiam beber as águas de Mara, porque eram amargas; por isso chamou ao lugar Mara.
És eljutának Márába, de nem ihatják vala a vizet Márában, mivelhogy keserû vala. Azért is nevezék nevét Márának.
Fülöp szigetek - turistainfo. HimaMalaya és társai.
- I don’t understand, is burat a bastos word?
- Burat, in the lower abdomen? Meaning the rat’s penis?
- Burat is different from Barat. Barat is “kuripot” while Burat is that little thing connected to the rat’s lower abdomen.
Min nevetnek a filippinok?
Dasal naman ng mga babae:
Sa edad na 20 - "Lord, I want the best man." Kislány: Istenem, add nekem a legjobb férfit!
Sa edad na 25 - "Lord, I want a good man." Nagylány: Istenem, adj nekem egy jó férfit!
Sa edad na 30 - "Lord, I want any man." Idősödő: Istenem, adj egy férfit!
Sa edad na 40 - "Lord, please naman..." Korosodó: Istenem, csak férfit ne!
The MONGOLE s *, a nation remarkable as the disturbers of the world, every where extended their ravages, as if the annihilation of the human race had
been their ultimate object.
the Mong-u, who in the sequel were called Jstonk-kos and Mongoles ; farther to the east the Kitanes.
...egyik fő megélhetési forrás a bányászat. Pl
Balatoc aranybányáiban...
Sibulan neve állítólag egy félreértésből fakad. Spanyol hódítók csatangoltak a vidéken, s gyér nyelvtudásukkal a hely neve iránt érdeklődtek. Az épp forrásvizet cipelő nők pedig azt hitték, a vízlelőhely neve érdekli a katonákat. Így lett a "sibul=forrás" nevéből a terület - Sibulan - neve.
moon in tagalog:
buwan; lumubog; lumulubog; lulubog; maglubog; naglubog; naglulubog; maglulubog; ilubog; inilubog; inilulubog; ilulubog; sumikat; sumisikat; sisikat; sinag.
Bulan, Philippine moon goddess, daughter of Bathala; also known as Mayari
wellspring = bukal;
wells = balon; bukal; mga balon; na bukal; bukal na;
spring = tagsibol; bukal; tipunan; lumilitaw; liwayway; tipunan ng; batis; ay lumilitaw; na nagbigay; nagbigay; lumabas na; lumabas; ay lumabas; ay lumabas na;
The legendary Mt. Arayat rises like a solitary giant over the central plains of Luzon. Long before it drew the attention of hikers, it was already popular in myth. It was said to be dwelling-place of the Kapampangan sun god, Sinukuan.
Térkép Manilától Hugom-ig. (Vaj van-e köze a TollWay-nak a stolen szóhoz?)
Hamiguitan A filippinok nyelvén "Kapatagan=tábor".
Isarog Panicuason Egy régi hőforrás
Napulauan They established a stronghold on the slopes of Mt. Napaluan in Hungduan..
Taal Volcano: ehet asszociálni a tál szavunkra, vagy a Talas völgyre!
Ugo(R): Byscaya-ban volt egyszer egy vitorláshajó...
Még ezt nem törölték
Bal Bal p.n. spirit know to Muslims. It has the body of a man, the wings of a bird and eats the livers of unburied bodies
Az egyik austronesian nyelvben a BEN_BEN a "szárny". A piramis teteje is "ben-ben".
Ben -> Pen (toll)
Mint olvashattuk, a Fülöp-szigeteken él a Moros nép, amelynek mondáiban szerepel a "szárnyas ember" (bal-bal), amely a temetetlen halottak máját zabálja. Fene a gusztusát ennek a szamojednak! Én inkább egy kis kacsa- vagy libamájat ennék!
Papa Tom: Bevezetés a hawaii huna nyelvbe
The word, Huna simply means, "secret or to keep secret." Being based on the ancient Hawaiian knowledge of how the various parts of the human personality function it teaches how the psyche works
Sokan az ősi templomok heiau vagy Hawaii tartott magas, fából készült keret úgynevezett anu'u, hogy részben borított KAPA, vagy a kéreg anyag, amelynek felhasználásával a kínálatot ajánlanak, és mint olyan helyet, a papok, hogy felfedje a szavakat az istenek. (A kapa segítségével vágjuk meg a talaj kérgét, megszüntetve a hajszálcsövességet, fellazítva a talajt.)
Mint láthattuk, a hawaii nyelvben proto-altaji szó is előfordul, ami elég korai kontaktust jelez. (Kapa szó.)
Hawaii táltosok
Pár szó a hawaii huna nyelvből, amelyek más nyelvből ismerősek:
ustr (v) build ; khorris (v) fire, bake ; zhert (n) sky ; hal (n) time /sanskrit Kala és a Hold meg halad/ ; Huna (n) world
The word, Huna simply means, secret or to keep secret. Being based on the ancient Hawaiian knowledge of how the various parts of the human personality function it teaches how the psyche works
He has been living in Hawaii, practicing the Huna way for over 20 years and has studied with various Kahuna skilled in this knowledge. In 2000,
Pohaku was given his Hawaiian name, "Na Papa Pohaku O Ka Honua" ("Foundation Stone of the Earth") by a Kahuna Nui (Great Master) who is a descendant of King
Kamehameha. The name Pohaku means "Stone". The secret meaning of Pohaku is understood when you break the word into its Hawaiian root words of Po and
Haku which can be interpreted to mean "Master of the Spirit World".
Online dict.
hale - hajlék
1. nvi. House, building, institution, lodge, station, hall; to have a house. Many types of hale are listed below. Ua hale mākou, we have a house. Hale i luna a i lalo, a two-story house. hoʻo.hale To lodge in a house; to receive in a house. E hoʻohale ʻia aku, he makamaka ola, extend the hospitality of the house, [he is] a friend who extends appreciation. (PPN fale.)
2. n. Host, hospitable person. Cf. hale aikāne, hale kipa. He hale leo ʻole aku ia, he is a kindly hospitable friend.
3. n. Name listed by Brigham for a pāwehe mat pattern; there is a central large lozenge with an enclosed rectangular figure internally enhanced with red on alternate weft crossings.
4. Also hare. Hare. (Oihk. 11.6.)
1. n. Shelf, perch, platform; roost, as for chickens; fish spear rack; rack for suspending water gourds and other household objects; rack attached to booms
of double canoe to hold spears and other objects; ladder (see alahaka, haka ʻūlili). Haka kau a ka manu, a perch for birds to light upon [a promiscuous woman]. (PPN fata.)
2. n. Recipient; medium, oracle, one possessed. Haka waiwai (Kep. 117), recipient of wealth.
3. n. Crested feather helmet, so called because the crest perches on the helmet.
4. nvs. Hole, breach, open space, vacancy; empty, vacant, full of holes or spaces. Cf. hakahaka, ʻolohaka. hoʻo.haka To make openings holes, spaces; to create space; full of holes. Fig., hungry.
5. nvt. To stare, gaze. (Hal. 22.17) Haka hele, to stare or examine carefully as one walks. Ua haka malū aku kona mau maka i ka mea ʻilihune (Hal. 10.8), his eyes are privily set against the poor.
6. vt. To place wood in a ground oven, to lay an oven fire.
7. n. Heart, hearts, in a deck of cards. Eng.
1. n. Horse (perhaps derived from lio 2, or, more likely, a shortening of ʻīlio, formerly a generic name for quadrupeds: Gram. 2.9.2). Kona lio, his horse. Holo lio, kau lio, to ride horseback.
2. vs. Tight, taut, as a rope, or of hair or horse's ears pulled back tightly. Cf. lilio.
3. n. Rope tied to the bottom of a large bag net.
1. n. Tapa, as made from wauke or māmaki bark; formerly clothes of any kind or bedclothes; quilt (various kinds are listed below). ʻElua kāua i ke kapa hoʻokahi (PH xiii), two of us in a single tapa [marriage]. (PCP tapa.)
2. vt. To call, term, give a name to. Kapa ʻia, called, named. (PPN tapa.)
3. loc.n. Edge, border, brim, boundary; side, as of a road; bank, as of a stream (often not preceded by ke: Gram. 8.6). Kū ma kapa, to stand on the edge; fig., forbidding, unapproachable, unreceptive. Keiki kapa aliʻi (FS 115), child only one of whose parents was a chief. (PPN tapa.)
4. n. Labia. (PCP tapa.)
5. vi. To rustle, rattle, splash, as rain.
6. Also kaba n. Cab (a Hebrew measure). (Heb. qab.)
1. nvs. Taboo, prohibition; special privilege or exemption from ordinary taboo; sacredness; prohibited, forbidden; sacred, holy, consecrated; no
trespassing, keep out. hoʻo.kapu To make taboo, prohibit, sanctify consecrate, forbid. (PPN tapu.)
2. n. Tub. Eng.
3. n. Cap. Eng.. See pāpale kapu.
Hōkū = star = csillag
Moku = ship, boat = hajó
Miki'ao = claw = karom
Maka = eye = szem
Mauna = mountain = hegy
Manu = bird = madár
'Uhane = soul = lélek
To shoot with an arrow, pana.
Hawaii táltosok
Kahuna is a Hawaiian word, defined in Pukui & Elbert (1986) as a "priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, expert in any profession".
Selyem - vízjelkészítés
The mo’omo’o is soaked in water and left to ferment until it is soft. The second beating is done with the i’e kuku, a square beater. The special function of the i’e kuki is to implant the watermark into the thin kapa by striking it, while wet, on the smooth surface of the kua kuku. I’e kuku has grooves on three sides; the fourth side has intricate designs, usually geometrical figures and forms from nature. The grooves and longitudinal lines in the early kapa beaters were carved with shark’s teeth, bone tools, and the blades of adzes. The watermark pattern indicated the village where the kapa was made as well as
its maker. (the watermark pattern can be seen by holding the kapa up to the light.) The kapa is again laid out in the sun to dry. Once the kapa has dried it is ready to be dyed and printed.
Húsvét sziget
Vengriából nézve - az Andok népe? ..vagy Óceániáé?
Wanganui egy történelmi folyóparti város az Északi-sziget nyugati részén, a Tasman tenger partján. Az egyik legrégebbi, európaiak által alapított új-zélandi település, amit a Whanganui folyó oszt két részre. Lakossága kb. 40 ezer fõ.
Mai maori nevét 1852-ben kapta, jelentése Nagy Öböl (Whanga Nui).
Rapa Nui
The native Polynesian name is Mata-kite-ran "Eyes that Watch the Stars."
Rapa Nui National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
11; He Maori (El Maori); 2:20. Sound Clip for He Maori (El Maori) from Isla De Pascua ( Easter Island . 12; Mahatu Iti Iti (Corazón Pequeño);
The objects are mostly tablets shaped from irregular pieces of wood, sometimes driftwood, but include a chieftain's staff, a bird-man statuette, and two reimiro ornaments. There are also a few petroglyphs which may include short rongorongo inscriptions. Oral history suggests that only a small elite was ever literate and that the tablets were sacred.
Rapa Nui Numerals 1-10:
(ka) tahi
(ka) rua
(ka) toru
(ka) ha
(ka) rima
(ka) ono
(ka) hitu
(ka) va’u/varu
(ka) iva
(ka) aŋahuru
For example, Rapa Nui has Tahitian ‘ite alongside original tike‘a for 'to see', both derived from Proto-Eastern Polynesian *kite‘a. There are also hybridized forms of words such as haka‘ite 'to teach', from native haka (causative suffix) and Tahitian ‘ite.
Magyarul - A "Madáremberek szigete"
A bennszülöttek nyelvén Rapa Nuinak, azaz Nagy Evezőnek hívják, valamit elterjedt a költői Te Pito o Te Henua, azaz A világ köldöke jelölés is. Az én fordításomban pedig "Nagy út = Rapa Nui". A Húsvét sziget nyelvén "Nui nui = nagy (big)". Mapudungun (Andokból) nyelven "Rüpü = út".
A Húsvét-sziget a moai-nak nevezett kőszobrok révén híres.
Husvét sziget
..And then I saw him, Ahu Ko te Riku, one of the biggest moai on the island, noticeable by his red hat and white eyes. Impressed, most definitely! ..
Rapa Nui
Némelyik szobor a 800 mázsát is eléri...
..de csak az egyik.
We know the hats were rolled along the road made from a cement of compressed red scoria dust." Each hat, weighing several tons, was carved from volcanic rock. They were placed on the heads of the famous statues all around the coast of the island.
Indonéz szigetvilág
New Guinea, as you will see a movie, Dead Birds, on a similar highland society, is now a province of Indonesia even though as a Melanesian culture-geographic area, it is racially, culturally and linguistically different from Southeast Asian Indonesia (yet another case where modern nation-state borders crosscut ethnic groups). But because Western New Guinea and Indonesia were both parts of the Dutch colonial empire, when the Japanese conquered the Dutch Asian holdings in WWII, thus ending their empire, it came with Indonesia when the latter reached independence after the war.
Magyar vicc a "Dugó Dani"-ról ?
New Guinea, as you will see a movie, Dead Birds, on a similar highland society, is now a province of Indonesia even though as a Melanesian culture-geographic area, it is racially, culturally and linguistically different from Southeast Asian Indonesia (yet another case where modern nation-state borders crosscut ethnic groups). But because Western New Guinea and Indonesia were both parts of the Dutch colonial empire, when the Japanese conquered the Dutch Asian holdings in WWII, thus ending their empire, it came with Indonesia when the latter reached independence after the war.
Dead Birds is an informative and affecting ethnographic film that records the culture of the Dani people of New Guinea.
The Dugum Dani: A Papuan Culture in the Highlands of West New Guinea. Aldine Publishing. Heider, Karl G. (1996).
Dani nép - képek
Erőszakos rokonság
Érdekes, hogy ezek a dugódanik vagy a yanomami nép milyen harcias, miközben a !kung és cunha nép meg sosem háborúzik.
The Zuni Indians share with the Hopi a distaste for competitive behavior and open aggression, and sacrifice individuality to the collective. Bu this does not eliminate envy. Both very poor and particular rich Zuni can be suspected of witchcraft.
Hét (7) - seven Austronesian nyelveken
Vajon a Toron-Tal az "tornyos palota" ?
Seram 40 nyelve és a hely
Seram (formerly spelled Ceram; also Seran or Serang) is the largest and main island of Maluku province of Indonesia, despite Ambon Island's historical importance. It is located just north of smaller Ambon Island. seram bagian barat (west seram regency) piru or dataran hunipopu , seram bagian timur (east seram regency) bula or dataran hunimoa..
Nunusaku languages:
- Kayeli (Nincs az adatbázisban valamiért!)
- Piru Bay languages (20 languages)
- Three Rivers (10 languages)
Nyelvek "K" betüvel
A szótárakban az enni, inni szavakat keressük!
head = qulu = fej
to drink = in?m = inni
wing = kapit = szárny
to drink = 'inu = inni
to eat = 'ane = enni
house = ruma = ház
stick/wood = ai latui = bot/fa
earth/soil = tapele = föld/talaj
sky = lanite = ég (főnév)
Seven = itu = hét
lili-poti *ity-bity=ici-pici
Small kicsi
Short rövid
Aki eszik de, hát
madarat a
tolláról, ha egyszer szárnyas (Ghari nyelven: rapɔ-na. Rapa Nui nyelvén: kará)
tamana jelentése "apa".
A "kapa=kéreg" altaji szó megjelenése Óceániában.
Kayeli (Indonesian: Bahasa Kayeli) is an Austronesian language which was used by the Kayeli people who lived in Indonesian island Buru (Indonesian: Pulau Buru). Two dialects were recognized, namely Leliali (Liliali) and Lumaete (Lumaiti, Mumaite, Lumara). Whereas about 800 Kayeli people still live in the southern coast of the Kayeli Bay, in the eastern part of Buru, as of 1995, only 3 elderly people could speak the language and have not used it for three decades; other natives changed to the Ambon dialect of Malay language (Melayu Ambon).
Az ős Kaján
A kayeli vezetőket nevezik "12 raja patti" vagy 12 latu patti néven is. A falvak: Kayeli, Lisela, Tagalisa, Marulat, Leliali, Ilat és Bara (Fogi). Érdekes, de Itália keleti részén is közel egymáshoz található Foggia és Bari. (Apulia, régen Árpi várossal.)
orang kaya : malay "rich man"
A temetést követően egy rituális étkezés (halotti tor nálunk) VERA van tartva, amely része az egész ünnepi szertartásnak (fiest), a helyiek nyelvén kenduri-nak.
Sinaugro nyelv
/ḡaro/ [`ɤa.ro">{gyaro?} ‘sun’= Nap
[`ta.ri.`ma.-ri"> ‘people’ = nép
New Zealand
Egyike Földünk legkésőbb benépesült szárazföldjeinek. Polinéziaiak vándoroltak be 500 és 1300 között és létrehozták a maori kultúrát.
Európába meg a szaracén tömegek érkeztek... Érdekes, de a KAJA=FOOD szó a maorik felé is megtalálható. Talán a tenger cigányai ?...
among = i roto; i waenganui
announce = pänui; pänuitia; whakaaturia
advertisement = pänui
advise = tohutohungia
between = waenganui
big = rahi; nui
biggest = nunui
broad = whänui
busy = nui ti mahi
celebrate = whakanuia
central = waenganui; matua; rito
centre = waenganui; pokapü; takuahi
community = iwi whänui; roopu ä
dictate = pänui-ä-waha
enlarge = whakanuia
famous = rongonui; hau
honour = whakanuia; whakahönoretia
hide = piri; huna; hunaia
i'm = ahau; au
important = hira; nui; tiketike; whai tikanga
large = rahi; nui
kite = manu
knee = turi
lake = roto
land = whenua; üngia; uta
maize = känga
major = nuinga
magic = Mäui
many = nui; maha; tokomaha
meal = kai
meeting-house = wharenui
message = kupu
middle = waenganui; pokapü
midnight = waenganui pö
moon = marama
more = ėtahi atu; nui ake; nui atu; ake
mountain = maunga
much = nuinga; eke; nui; nui atu
newscaster = kaipänui
over-river = täwähi
overview = tirohanga whänui
pamphlet = pänui whakamärama
party = roopu; nuinga; hokowhitu; whakauru
patient = ngäwari; manawanui
plentiful = nui
public = iwi whänui; wähi tangata;
public-notice = pänuitia
race = momo; uri
rate = nuinga; utu; whakatau
reach-the-land = üngia
read = pänuitia
renown = rongonui
roof = tuanui
secondary = haunui
size = rahi; nui
speak-aloud = pänuitia
stand = türia; tü
star = whetu
steadfast = manawanui
sun = rä
superset = huinga nui
system = aonui; tikanga; tätaitanga
together = tahi; /one = tahi;
tolerance = manawa nui
white = mä; /whiteboard = papamä
wide = whänui
bird = manu; tļtļ; manaia
The Bahnaric languages are a group of about thirty Mon-Khmer languages spoken by about 700,000 people in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Nem rokon nyelv (még a LAVI sem!). Az angolok is igyekeztek eltérő szóval fordítani. Pl a "lik" /lék, lyuk/ szavunk (angol "leak" {li:k}) itt "luh", de az angol a "hole" szóval fordítja.
Az, hogy Indokínában a LAN az "szárny" jelentésű, lehet véletlen is. Bár Sziám területén számos NAK-HON van, ami Nyugat-Bengália vidékén "karom" jelentésű. A NAGA pedig "kígyó" egész Dél-Ázsiában.
Csendesen - tarsolyosok?
A Maranao sultan's betel box with silver applique (above). Below is a betel box with silver inlay and strap. The Maranao were skilled silver and goldsmiths and even practiced their own indigenous form of dentistry. Gold teeth were implanted by cutting away the tooth, allowing the pulp to dry, and placing a silver core in the cleaned socket. A gold exterior was welded to the silver nail.(Source: http://www.lasieexotique.com/mag_betel.html)
Csámpa puszta
In ancient Chinese literature, a mysterious region beyond their southern border in Annam was known as Chin-lin "Golden Neighbor" and the Southeast Asian border was also called the "Golden Frontier."
When China invaded Annam (northern Vietnam) in the first century BCE, the kingdom of Champa fortified villages along the old caravan trail. This path became Route Colonial 9 during the French colonial period, and it was used by the Americans to build the McNamara Line of fortified bases during the Vietnam War.
Palota - érdekességek
Az árpád-sávos zászlón megjelenik a székelyek félhold-csillag szimbóluma.
Brunei - képek
Regent bird
One who rules or reigns; a governor; a ruler.
Regent bird (Zool.), a beautiful Australian bower bird (Sericulus melinus). The male has the head, neck, and large patches on the wings, bright golden yellow, and the rest of the plumage deep velvety black; -- so called in honor of the Prince of Wales (afterward George IV.), who was Prince Regent in the reign of George III.
Nyuka-(1) the regent bird; (2) the sun. NyuggiU-gemy-summer ; cf. wurrig-cold ; wurri&il-winter.
Hermafrodita állat
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Ez is sárga
Maori Y hg
Amerikai helynevek
Jáva, Celebesz
Magyar neokolonialisták, Indonezia:
A Gara család Jávára költözött:
..meg Celebeszre:
Magyar Hold
A Bega partján
Celebesz G-vel
KepuluanGargita, Seku, Pandan...
Kayaapu, Ketahun
Pesti István 2010 december
Óceánia 1.