Ez a szó mindenütt felbukkan, ahol a magyarok hosszabban időztek. Egyértelműen hozzájuk kötném, bár számtalan nyelven rengeteg jelentése van a szónak. Egyik kedvencem a TAT nyelvű TOLA, amely ARANY jelentésű. Ugyanis őseink valamiért vonzódtak a sárga fémhez... akad még pár elfogadható etimológia a szóra:

Ecuador északi részén, Esmeraldas és San Lorenzo között található La Tola helység, s stőle északra La Tolita. Kr.e. 500 - Kr.u. 700 között környezetéből kiemelkedő kulturáju nép élt ezen a partszakaszon, nyomaik ma a "Museo del Banco Central"-ban láthatók. A múzeumot megtekintők bepillantást nyerhetnek a térségnek Afro-Ecuadorian történelmébe. Mindkét hely a Cayapas folyó mentén található. Keletre terül el az "El Majagual" erdő, igen gazdag madárvilággal. Itt nőnek a föld legmagasabb mangrovefái.

Finnland TOLA

district=tolaa, India


(Pronounced: Toe-la. Translation: Land of the Toltecas)
"The pre-Aztec Toltecs were also called Nahoa and Nahua. Nahua tribes did, and still do, extend even into South America. Since the Toltecs could not pronounce "V," I ask myself whether the words Nahoa and Nahua derive from the Sanskrit Nava, meaning "Ship; Boat." The word "Toltec" also appears to derive from the Sanskrit word for "Descendant of the Upper World Nation": Tal-Toka." Viszont én a NAHUA szóban a 4-es (FOUR) számot látom, s NAHUA-ATL pdig a NÉGYVÍZ (Fourwater) a területükön levő 4 folyó után.

Gigante lies in the municipo (county) of Tola. Tola has a long and storied history going all the way back to the indigenous Chorotegas & Nicaraguans who it is believed settled here from southern Mexico in the 4th century. the name Tola comes from Mexican ancestry and has a double meaning of incomparable land and land of the Toltecas.

A Tolita sziget Ecuadorban egy vallási központ lehetett, ahol a nagy főnök, a kacika lakhatott, a feltárt tárgyak alapján ítélve.
Ecuadorban a TOLA szó megfelel a "tepe" szónak. Kurgan/Kunhalom.

Nyelv Indonézia környékén: Tolai
Sherpur of Bogra úgy is ismert, mint Észak-Bengal "delhije". Közelében található a régi TOLA romjai. (Meg Tissa stb..)

Tola Ganwaria in Birdpur frontier road - Siddharth Nagar
Ancient Site Tola Salrgarh south-west of Siswa Tal near Nepal - India border Siddharth Nagar

De ne aprózzuk! Van, mint csillag az égen! Tola
Érdekességnek: ..ahol a TARLO szavunk TARLA, meg FELD.. de van sep=szép is! field=tarla (tolaa), Etiópia (Mondjuk, a TARLO szó nálunk is ismert..) (könnyebb legyen a finnugorászoknak...)


Japán - Korea
The reason given for this assertion is said that in Korean dialect "Tol" (stone) can also be pronounced as "Tok" and that this can be read as "Tokdo" by changing into Chinese characters taking into account its pronunciation.

"Tolentinum :
- Place: Tolentino, province Macerata, region Marche, Italy
- Name: *Tolentinum from Tolentinates (Plin.)
- Etymology: Clearly belonging to some O-language, the name shows a second part -ent- that my be the IE *-uent- 'rich of' or a participe marker. The stem *tol- may be compared with Toleria (Latium) and maybe, outside of Italy, with Toletum (Tarraconensis) and Tolosa (Narbonensis). For the Picene place-name a derivation from the IE root *del- 'to split, divide' is possible, since the phonetic feature *d>t could be one of the markers of the so-called "Picene" linguistic stratum. In this case the meaning may be that of 'division mark'. Another hypothesis is proposed by UTET, and compares the name with the ethnic Taulantini, an Illyrian tribe in modern Albania."

Albula fl. Place: not identified, possibly river Vezzola, province Teramo, region Abruzzo, Italy [Name: Albula fl. (Plin.) ">
Etymology: The name is the same as Albula fl., the old name of the Tiberis fl. (Latium). Together with Albis fl. (Germania), Albis fl. (Lugdunensis), these names are usually explained (Pokorny) from the IE root *albho- 'white', with a diminutive suffix. The name cannot be Eastern Italic for the fact that *bh>b.

Megjegyezném, hogy MARCHE terület nem csak SEPTIPEDIA környékén van, hanem a francia TURÁNtól délre is...


"Il nome Tolfa ha origine incerta, potrebbe derivare da "Tulphae", dalla radice tol- (sollevare), riferito alla sua posizione geografica. Secondo un'altra ipotesi potrebbe riferirsi al nome di un principe longobardo, forse Agilulfo o Ataulfo. Nel territorio della Tolfa sono ben documentate, tramite ritrovamenti archeologici, "

"Caere; hajdan virágzó városállam volt, ahol az etruszkok hatalmas nekropoliszt építettek. 2004 óta Cerveteri és a közelében fekvő Tarquinia temetővárosai – közel 1000 feltárt halomsír – az etruszk lakóépítészet egyetlen ránk maradt emlékei, az UNESCO kulturális Világörökségének részei"

Sar-deg-na (Szardínia) szigete érdekes történelemmel rendelkezik. Pl valaha egyik fő területe volt a Vandál Királyságnak. Kiemelkedően magas az "I" hg aránya. Főbb városai: Cagliari, Sassari, Olbia. De ami a legérdekesebb nyom: Tola hely is található Ardara területén.

"Alumen Romanum. Római timsó. Tolfa vidékérôl, Civita Vecchia, Róma mellett. Ezt az anyagot római vitriolnak is nevezték, vitriolum Romanum."


"A déli városokban a Tolfa-hegység ásványkincsei,gazdag vas-és rézlelőhelyei biztosították a fejlődést."
Megyék TOL- kezdettel:
"... Tolea megye , Tolra megye , Tolsa megye , Tolta megye , Tolua megye , Tolva megye , Tolya megye , Tolza megye , Tolfa megye , Tolga megye , Tolha megye ...Tola megye , Tolaa megye , Tolba megye , Tolca megye , Tolda megye , Tolea megye , Tolfa megye , Tolia megye , Tolja megye ..Tolla , Tolma , Tolna , Toloa , Tolpa , Tolqa , Tolra , Tolsa ..."


(Nem azonos TULA várossal!)
Maya erőd-város a Karib tenger partján. Láthatóan terv szerint építették, mert főbb útjai párhuzamosak és É-D irányúak. Fő szentélye a "Földre szállt isten temploma". Ez egy szárnyas isten, akit "méh-isten"-ként tart számon a régészet. (méh = ary, turk). A régészek szerint TULUM az ERŐD jelentésű, de állítólag régen a "Hajnalpír városa" volt. Utak vezettek a főbb maya központok felé. A templom egyik ábrája alapján a pap fején egy "tiara"-szerű süveg volt.
Lehet, hogy a TULA/TOLA az KELET jelentésű valami régi nyelven? Anatolia?.. ..amely a magyar HAJNAL szó ógörög átvétele? ..vagy a Nap kapuja? Tolun

Tibet 7 megyéjének egyike:
"Today, Lhasa exercises jurisdiction over seven counties (Damshung, Tolun Dechen, Chushur, Medro Gongkar, Taktse, Nyemo and Lhundup) and one district (City Propers)."

Terület Mesoamerikában: ( Tolun)

Gyakori turk név:
"Ankara University's Department ofArchaeology, who organized a sizeable tearn with Dr. Hayri Ertem and Dr. Atila Tolun. Serdaroglu thus opened five soundings at the Hor§ik Area near Agm, and excavated the necropolis on the north as well as the Kalecik mound in the valley. Simultaneously Dr. Ertem took charge of the Kalayclk mound on the eastern shore of the Karasu which joins the Murat River to form the Euphrates." [Mura(t) folyó, Karasu folyó..">

tolun = tojás(tetum)

Meaning: to shine, reflect
Mongolian: *tolui
Tungus-Manchu: *ti-
Japanese: *ta`ir- ( ~ ti`ar-)
Comments: The Jpn. diphthong is not quite clear. It is interesting also to mention Turkic data: cf. Karakh. tolun in tolun aj 'full moon' (MK, see EDT 501), {[TELEHOLD, magyar} with tolun formally being a participle from *dol- 'to be filled', but in fact used only in this phrase in the sense of "full moon". Modern Turkish has dolunaj 'full moon' with d- (just as in dol- 'be filled'), but the verb tolun- 'to become full (of moon)' - which would correspond quite regularly to PA *t`i?o`lo. One should reckon with a possibility of rather archaic contamination in Turkic (since most languages do not distinguish between the reflexes of *t- and *d-).

Tolan, Tolun, Tolon... : Földtulajdonos (Old English)


Terület Mesoamerikában: Tolun



Magyarországon csak Tolna neve hasonlít rá....(Kelta: Tulna és Bécs mellett:Tulln)
"Abímelek után fölkelt Izráel megszabadítására az issakárbeli Tólá, Dódó fiának, Púának a fia. Sámírban, Efraim hegyvidékén lakott. "Huszonhárom évig volt Izráel bírája. Amikor meghalt, Sámírban temették el."
Pápua Új-Guinea
Pár hasonló nevű település a világban:

Tule - reed
These Tule lands--the word is pronounced as though spelled "toola"--are simply deposits of muck, a mixture of the wash or sediment brought down by the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers with the decayed vegetable matter resulting from an immense growth of various grasses, and of the reed called the "tule," which often grows ten feet high in a season, and decays every ear.
"Tula" a hegyi zsidók nyelvén "arany" jelentésű.
Tule - indián város
Although the population of Tula never reached the levels of classic-period Teotihuacan, the Toltec capital dominated central Mexico. Toltec (TOLL-tek) Tula (TOO-la) 2nd Pass Pages 14820_11_267-290_r2ek.qxd 4/2/04 3:34 PM Page 275 The Postclassic Period in Mesoamerica, 900–1500. Toltec decoration had a more warlike and violent character than did the decoration of earlier Mesoamerican cultures. Nearly all Toltec public buildings and temples were decorated with representations of warriors or with scenes suggesting human sacri?ce. Two chieftains or kings apparently ruled the Toltec state together.

l Toley was variously spelled Tola, Tula, Toola, Tooley, Tuley, and Toolee. Root, "Ferries in Kansas," 265-267, Anna Heloise Abel, "Indian Reservations and the Extinguishment of Their Titles," Kansas Historical Collections, VIII (1904): 93.

Tulach (gaelic) "hill"; tulos (greek)"hill".

A nepáliak a magyarokhoz hasonlóan "Lo-sar"-t ünnepeltek Újév napján.
New Year festival called Lo-Sar. Lo means year and Sar means new. Thus, Lo-Sar means a New Year. They have kinds of Lo-Sar. They are “Tola”, “Sonam” and “Gyalpo” Lo-Sars. Some people think that it is a mock New Year celebration because the name “Tola” denotes mock.

The noun "tola" is found 43 times in the Bible. It really means "that which is red or crimson!"
Hogyan nevezzük gyermekeinket?: (héberben a tola egyesek szerint worm/féreg)
the sons of Issachar; Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron
A finneknél is van Tola!
Érdekes: A finneknek nem volt királya. Azért a címerükön a korona liliomos. Liliomos a magyar Aranybulla pecsétje (az Anjou-k előtt!) és a történelmi atlaszban szereplő pápai tiara is liliom mintás. Pengő And that’s partly how the Tongan money got the name pa’anga when decimal currency was introduced - the other reason was that ‘dollar’ translated to ‘tola’, which means ‘pig’s snout’ (malacorr).

Brit Cornish words maen, meaning stone, and tol, meaning hole. Koreai hatás Tori was one of the Buddhist sculptors active in this period. His nationality was probably Korean. Tol is "stone" in Korean, and stone was the favored material for sculpture in Korea. "Tori" is the Japanized form, the "l" changing to "r." (Elképzelhető mindez fordítva is! Az "r" módosult "l" hanggá, miután az "r"-t kevésbé szerető népek szaporodtak el.. Máshol "tok=kő" a koreaiban.)

- Ad *nad "seven" (pp. 959-60) - add Kitan *dol "seven", *doluwei "seventh" (Ching-geltei 2002, 107).

Moon in Korean is 'dal.' I think Sara is an early variant of Silla.
Tuwa = fire = tűz (altaji)

The Dogon name for Sirius B is Po Tolo. It means star - tolo and smallest seed - po.


Today Bair is a fully practising shaman and has up to 30 clients a day. Some with ailments or diseases, most with problems big or small. He gives advice, counselling, heals with the traditional healing disc, the toli (a metal disc made of copper and nickel which is charged with life force and the power of the spirits), and even performs ceremonies. His 'gear', shamanic wand, crown, dress etc. he inherited from his grandmother; they are about 200 years old.
We learnt that the only other ways to be called by the spirits to the profession of shaman are either to be struck be lightning ("the fire of the gods"), or to find a meteorite and touch it.

He put on his shapke, his shamanic cap which hides the face and physical eyes (so the shaman can focus better on his inner sight), and started his drumming and singing invocations.


Tola Canton is a canton of Ecuador, located in the Napo Province.

La Tola, Tumbaco Valley (Quito, Ecuador)

Pregörög - like an etruskTreasury of Atreus (Tomb of Agamemnon) - a giant tomb (Tolos), built in the Mycenaean era of near Mycenae.

"The drop, which in many places exceeded three feet, first was noted after strong northerly winds and a drop in temperature. At Nafplion Harbor, in Southern Greece, small boats 'sat' on the sea bottom after the level of the waters fell by three feet. This low level was constant for a week. At Tolos, near Nafplion, fishing boats have had difficulty in approaching the wharves. The bottom of the old Venetian harbor, at Heraklion, Crete, has appeared in many places. Similar phenomena were reported from Rhodes Island in the Southeast [Mediterranean] and Lefkas Island, off the western coast of Greece."

Pesti István 2008. aug.

A domb


Az égi Hold dombja?


The name Men-an-Tol means simply 'holed stone' and despite having been considered a significant and popular monument from a very early date, its true purpose remains a mystery.
There are instances of burial chambers close to stone circles, as at nearby Boskednan, and a barrow mound with stone cist has been identified to the north-east of the Men-an-Tol, so it seems likely that the site was part of a more extensive ritual or ceremonial complex.

Holed stones are very rare in prehistoric Cornwall; there is only one other comparable site, the Tolvan Stone near Gweek.

Az ördög szeme - Mên-an-Tol

A TBC gyógyszere


This glyph represents Toluca (capital of the state of Mexico) whose real Nahuatl name was Tollocan which means "Where the head is bowed down." Tol(oa) means to bow the head and means nose, extension, point, or beginning. This name required a suffix variant -lo used in name that ends in the letter L. The -can at the end is a location suffix which denotes a place name. This suffix is used after suffixes that end in -yo or -lo.

Talmai is an Aramaic name meaning "hill, mound, furrows." Shortened forms: Barto, Tola, Toli.
Tola in Hebrew means: crimson/worm color.
Tola means hamlet and is a separate portion of a village. Ur/Oor/Uru/Ore: In Tamil/Kannada, means village/town, e.g. Kadambur, Bangalore, Coonoor
Pilgrimage in Ireland: Saint Tola founded this 8th century monastic site. The Church and High Cross " the white cross of St Tola " date from the 12th or 13th century.


La Tolita towns dwelled between the year 350 B.C. and 350 A.C., in the North Cost of Ecuador along Esmeraldas province. Tolita name comes from "tola" that means small hill.


Jaigarh or the 'Fort of Victory' is perched atop Chilh ka Tola (Hill of Eagles), 400 feet above the Amber Fort. The walls of the fort are spread acrossr three kilometres.

Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola is a location in the Napo Province, Ecuador. It is the seat of the Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola Canton.

Képeskönyv - Tola

Porból lettünk..
Remains from these areas are associated with three chronological periods: Tolita Temprano (600 BC to 200 BC), Tolita Clasico (200 BC to 90 AD), and Tolita Tardio (90 AD to 400 AD).
The skull lacks evidence of disease and deformation. The following measurements (mm) were recorded: auricular height, 113; porion-bregma, 112; cranial length, 183; cranial breadth, 145; minimum frontal breadth, 97; bicondylar breadth, 111; bigonial breadth, 96; height of ascending ramus, 64; minimum
breadth of ascending ramus, 29; height of mandibular symphysis, 34; and corpal length, 80. A mylohyoid bridge was present on the right but not on the left.


Isla de La Tola is an island in Esmeraldas, Coastal Lowlands. The nearest places to Isla de La Tola are Cacagual (1100 meters west), La Palma (3 km south), La Tolita (4 km north), La Pampa (4 km southeast), and Ranchito (4 km southeast).

Tola: In Peru, a native burial-mound.

Érdekességnek: Hajo a Brahmaputránál.
For the village in Azerbaijan, see Həjo. For the Romanian village of Haieu, called Hájó in Hungarian, see Sânmartin, Bihor.

Lehetséges-e kapcsolat a tol-TEK és a TEK-ila között ?
S merre lehettek Arámia talmai (halmai) ?

Hasonló témák:
Halom - hill

O.E. hyll "hill," from P.Gmc. *hulni- (cf. M.Du. hille, Low Ger. hull "hill," O.N. hallr "stone," Goth. hallus "rock," O.N. holmr "islet in a bay," O.E. holm "rising land, island"), from PIE root *kel- "to rise, be elevated, be prominent" (cf. Skt. kutam "top, skull;" L. collis "hill," columna "projecting object," culmen "top, summit," cellere "raise," celsus "high;" Gk. kolonos "hill," kolophon "summit;" Lith. kalnas "mountain," kalnelis "hill," kelti "raise"). Formerly including mountains, now usually confined to heights under 2,000 feet.

Hungarian: Halom

Icelandic: hæð, hóll
Bulgarian: hólm
Scots: hill

Arabic: tall (angolban csak magas)
A görögnek a domb: lófos

Az indonéz "bukit", a dán "bakke", svéd "backe" és a grönlandi "bakki" emlékeztet a magyar "bakhát" szóra.
Az olasz "callina" és a francia "colline" és a spanyol "colina" az amerind "calli"-t juttatja eszembe.
Az észt "mägi" és a finn "mäki" sem a mákoskalácsot idézi.
Ez az izlandi hæð mennyire hasonlít a hegy szavunkra ! Szinte ineb hedzs.

Bíbor palástban jött keletről..

tizón (=madera) firebrand
embër = name, /arberes/
Filippino: baga = ember, angolul/ parázs, magyarul

Uygur Empire - turk látásmód

We saw that the Saka people were and are still known as the Scythians (see Chapter 4, The Asiatic Scythians). These people are also known under the name of Yakut. Although the origin of "Yakut" is not clear, most probably Yaku is a transposition of Yuka, where "a" and "u" have changed place. The suffix -t is found in many Turkish words. For example: kanıt, boyut, soyut, gömüt,….etc. Another group of people next to the Yukagir are the Koryak. This name is made of the "kor" root word and the suffix "-yak". Kor means 'ember' and yak means 'burn' in Turkish, so the name Koryak can be understood as "glowing ember".

Létige, VAN
The last word, which is "is" on the above Table, is worth considering in somewhat more detail. "Is" stands for "here it is" or "it exists" and represents a fundamental concept without which one cannot talk about the physical world.

Nagy koponyák
The name of the region is also worth investigating. Cappadocia can be dissected as Cappa-d-oc-ia. Cappa, written as "kapa", means "close" in Turkish. The Etruscans named their dwellings "capua" and "cabanne" means a small hut, in French. There is an ancient Etruscan city in Italy whose name is Capua. The word standing for head covering in Latin was "cappa" and it changed to "capelli" in Italian, "chapeau" in French and "cap" in English. The same word is found as "kap" (container), "kapı" (door), "kapak" (cover) and "kalpak" (hat) in Turkish. From these correlations we can now elucidate Cappadocia meaning: "The covered (closed) dwellings of the Oc people".

Szette-vette teremtette!

A FOG a yakut nyelvben "Tiis", az angolban a fogak "teeth". (Tagalog "fog=pannu"). A kígyó a Yakut: moğoy.
Vajon a halála után a yakut is a walhallába kerül ? Yakut "ég = hallaan".
Amíg a dolgan nyelvben a "7=hette", addig: Italian sette 'seven' Sakha (Yakut) sette 'seven' .


Oscan language was the largest group of Italic family, and it was spoken by tribes of the Volsci, Samnites, Marsi, Paeligni, Marrucini and Vistini in Central Italy, and in the south by the Lucani and Bruttii in the south. Closely related to Oscan was Umbrian, which was spoken at Upper Tiber.

Időszámításunk előtt

Etruscans - The Greeks called these people Tyrrhenia or Tyrsenia; the Romans called them Etrusci or Tusci. They called themselves Rasenna. The Etruscans were at their greatest power between 700 and 500 B.C. The area of the Italian peninsula that they dominated was known as Etruria and includes an area from modern Tuscany to Rome.


M.Fr. ombre (in terre d'ombre), or It. ombra (in terra di ombra), both from either L. umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage) or from Umbra, fem. of Umber "belonging to Umbria," region in central Italy from which the coloring matter first came.

"a man" (especially one of Spanish descent), 1846, from Spanish, from L. hominem, accusative of homo "man" (see homunculus).

Vajon az "umber" lefordítva a "tűz fiai", vagy "szellemek" ? ..esetleg a "hombre" is csak olyan, mint a "hombar" ?

A hombár

gabonás: 1. gerendatalpakra épített, borona- vagy deszkafalú, fazsindellyel vagy szalmával fedett kis épület az udvarban. A gerendatalpakat kő- vagy téglalábakra állítják. Az épület bejárati ajtaja előtt gyakran kis tornác van, melyhez néhány lépcső vezet fel. Belül általában osztatlan. Az itt elhelyezett nagy → ácsolt ládákban (→ hombár, szuszék) és vesszőkasokban (→ gabonáskas), néha deszka rekesztékben tárolták a gabonát.

Ismerjük Lengyelo.-ból, Moldvából, Ukrajnából, Fehér-Oroszo.-ból és a Baltikumból is.

Jövevény szavak

A szláv jövevényszavak főleg a mindennapi gazdálkodással kapcsolatosak: szecska, repce, hombár; betegségnevek: csömör, zsába.
A szemes terményt, gabonát, lisztet, rizst zsákban, török eredetű nevén harárban tárolták. Nagyobb mennyiségű gabona szállítására és tárolására pedig a deszkából készült láda, török eredetű nevén hombár szolgált.

Árpa-lak - Barn for crops

Bulgarian: хамбар {hambar}
Crimean Tatar: anbar
Russian: амбар {ambár}

Embermag: barn (plural barns) (dialect, parts of Northern England) A child.

Bayza (ancient Nesayak) Their dialect of Arabic is known as "Bahrani" or "Bahrani Arabic" .
the Arabic « Madinat al-bayzā », we are told, is the Hebrew equivalent of « Üriing-kent »,a rather archaic Turkic phrase meaning « White City ».
the standard-bearer ('alam-dār) of Ishāq Bāb.
Abstract-Bayza is a dialect spoken in the southwest of Iran in Fars province. ..... hombār. /hmbar/. < hamvār. /hćmvar/ flat. 40 m < n : ambor. /ćmbr/. < anbor.
A "homvar" az válik "hombar" szóvá. Flat.

Bayzai - Standard Persian - English
ba:ra /bæ?ra/ - bahre /bæhr ə / - profit
ru /r /ruxuna /r kh n ə /bassa /bæs ə /ambār /æmbar/ - anbār /ænbar/ - storehouse
xun /khun/ - xin /khīn/ - blood

holla - qolla - [crest of mountain]
xār /khar/[thorn] - kār /kar/[work]
orsi /rsi:/[shoes]- korsi /k rsi:/[chair]
abr /æbr/[cloud]- babr /bæbr/[tiger]
sar /sær/[head]- dar /dær/[door]
kol /k l/[slow]- tol /t l/[hill]
par /pær/[feather]- tar /tær/[wet]

Kert? -&gt; ker /ker/[hidden]

Ez a tol /t l/[hill] , magyarul "halom" Amerikában is megtalálható. De nem a toltékok felé, hanem az Andokban.

Hungarian: Halom

A hasonló a hasonlónak örül: Halom szavunk

Catalan: puig
Maori: puke

A szlávok közül elüt:

Bulgarian: hálm
Russian: holm

Halom a perzsában: Hegygerinc
holla - qolla - [crest of mountain]

Mintha a Hold szavunk lenne elrejtve...

Miként láthattuk, a "domb" szavunk az ó-arámi népelemünk hozadéka. (dambaran). Vagy magyar az ó-arámiban.
Ha netán valaki nem tudná:
Az ó-arámi nyelvben felejtettük a többes szám jelét, a "-k" hangot is! Máshol nem is nagyon látni, csak némi jóindulattal az euskal(d) nyelvben. Mint az elemiből tudjuk, néha mi sem használjuk a "-k"-t.
Pl vad(ak), liszt(ek), mák(ok) /általánosságban az anyagneveknél, gyűjtőfogalmaknál/

Ha valaki továbbgondolja, hogy mikor is beszélték az ó-arámi nyelvet, s mikor találkozhattak a magyarok az arámi néppel...

ChK * tǝłe-"járni" (M 136), U * Tule-"kommen" (UEW 535) = * Tola-"jönni" (S 540). Lit.: Bouda 1952

Pesti István 2012. október
