Északi területeken

Nord 5.


Rítus és a Szent Fa (Santa Fe). [spanyolul santa fé, "szent hit" -> hit (vmiben) [főnév] = fe (n) (en).]
On the morning of burial, a Druid came with a rod called a “fey” or fe. It was made of Aspen with Ogham letters and symbols carved into it. It was used to measure the body to ensure a proper fit within the final resting place. It was said that if you looked at the fey, your death was unavoidable because it had already measured you. Some sources also say the Druid would whisper to the dead person, giving him/her instructions on how to get to the next world. If the person was murdered or otherwise died without the presence of a Druid, they would still try to speak to the spirit to guide it. The grave was called in old Gaelic a fert.
hüvely: sheath = hulða
show; (mid.) appear to be, seem; exist = sýna(d) (nem szünódus)
sink (v) = siga (süllyed)
slope = brekka (lejtő)
sign; boundary = merki
smoke = gufa (füst)
step (v) = stíga (lépés)
walk (v) = stíga (gyalogol. Ógermán striga, walkür?)
path, way = stígr, gata (út, mód)
word; speech; conversation; message; = orð (szó, üzenet)
strength = mightvorka (erősség)
turn(ing) = vík (fordul)
victory = sigr(rs) (győzelem)
watch (v) = gata (figyelő, őr)
wing = vangr (szárny)
youth = ungmenni (ifjúság)
mud = saurr (sár) Mongolian: savar
mound = haugr (hegy) Bércre hág..
hill = ha? (halom, domb)
seeress; witch, sorceress = völva (boszorka, jós)
altar of stone, sanctuary (outdoor sanctuary), temple = hörgr
fight, battle = víg (Rover?)

Számos nyelvben a "falu, város" eredete a "holdkörre" megy vissza. Vajon a "vik" a Holdra, vagy a körre vezet vissza? [oi-k-os ay-k-as?] Moon= máni, tungl, nið Circle = kringla. Gaelic: "sráidbhaile =village". (Pal-a-)tine=fire. Gothic: "wardja = guard". wigs= way, journey. Hakasca: "village= aal". Ay toli= teli Hold aydiñ naazi. =növekvő Hold Aymaq = alien people.. Rus "bochka =barrel, cask".
Old Icelandic szerző: Geir T. Zoega: víg-sök = suit of manslaughter. vík = small bay. viking = freebooting voyage, piracy. vikingr = searover. to move, go = þeir víkja þegar eptir þessum mönnum.

Estafa, a csaló [frod].
Skandináv az angolban *hald-
However, hold is the form found in some names suspected of being Scand., in which case it is appropriate to give as the etymon Late Scand. (not necessarily Late AScand.) *hüld-, i.e. showing u-umlaut (EPNE 1: 258).
málmr ‘sand(y place)’ *malm. Ez a malom nem az arámi örlőfog.
úlfr ‘wolf’ *ulf- (farkas)
Halom: for instance *hvállv- isolated hill evolves into *hól-, and there is evidence for both the earlier and the later in English toponymy (EPNE 1: 270, 258). Hajlék, mint hawaii nyelvben? and hjallr =shed

Names: Ómami
The most common group is that of the Gaelic (und gaelicised) surnames with Ó ("descendent, grandchild") and Mac ("son"). Mac is mostly pronounced [@k] and it is sometimes even written so: 'ac Although the words ó and mac mean "grandchild of ","son" this doesn't mean that someone was named after his father or grandfather. Mac an tSaor = "son of the freeman". Iníon Uí Cheallaigh = Iníon an Cheallaigh = Miss O'Kelly. Nincs köze az inion csonthoz. The Anatolian bump (also known as the Inion, and protuberantia occipitalis externa) is a bump at the back of your cranium.

Tudor ház a keltában. Látó úr?
Redin (1919) contains material that might serve as a starting-point for identifying such names in use in the Anglo-Saxon period. But he observes in relation to one of the most plausible candidates, Tuda (1919: 71) that “it will be safest to assume that Tuda is a short form of ... Celtic compounds [in Touto-, RC], perhaps coined by the Anglo-Saxons”, and that leaves us unable to be sure what the available anthroponymic material tells us about ethnicity and therefore about what the English actually adopted from the Britons.
The name Tudor, Modern Welsh Tudur, is of Celtic derivation. Italic (Oscan) touto 'people', 'city'. Wiki: I have to say, the "tud" and "rhi" ("land" and "king") theory strikes me as plain silly, as the name came into the family as the Christian name of Tudur Hen, from whom it was ultimately adopted as an English-style surname by Owen Tudor. "Tewdwr", or Tudor, however spelt, is plainly a personal name, not a territorial one. Germanic (e.g. Gothic fiuda 'people, nation'), Umbrian tota, Oscan touto 'city'. Tisztító szent tűz: Reconstructed from Greek aitho 'I burn', Old Irish aed 'fire', Latin aedes 'the hearth of the house, temple', Old Icelandic eldr (Common Germanic *aidh-lo- 'fire'. [Engem ez az "ai-tho" szó nagyon emlékeztet a "sin-to" szóra!]
Brittonic *tïγ ‘house’
Cair Brïtton ‘Britons’ village’
Brittonic *dïβr ‘water’. Mint Dobrudzsa?
Brittonic origin of torr ‘outcrop, peak’
toroc ‘bung’ (whose status as an English word has even been questioned, though I have recently argued that it is an English word meaning ‘throat’ but not of Brittonic origin
Basque moko ‘peak’ or muga ‘boundary’),
This compound name Touto~rīx is in fact attested, as a divine name, in Gaulish (see TEUTATES; D. Ellis Evans, BBCS 24.420) and is made up of elements signifying 'tribe' and 'king' (see KINGSHIP); cf. Old Irish TUATH and .
Tuda: Lith. tauto, Osc. touto, O.Ir. tuath, Goth. Þiuda

Helynevek északon
Ir. Gael. tanaiste
Bokmal "jökel=gleccser"
Old Norse Futh-Ark
Tungri, orum, hn. t.: népség északnyugat Németországon, hasonnevű fővárossal, ma Tongern

Római helyek
Az istennő falvai: Devovicia, Devionisso, Devoni
"Eburos" was a personal name known in Gaul. Yews, tiszafa, vagy kutyaúr? Ptolemy's river (Is)caelis, which itself incorporates the place-name Isca. Holdfolyó?
Note, too, how the interplay of land-names and river-names has been explained in the case of the place-name Bresnetenaci/Bremetonaci and the river-name Belisama, as in the case of the place-name Cactabactonion/Cataractoni and the river-name Swale, not to mention the case of the place-name Ugrulentum and the river-names Matovion and Isla.

Holle anyó
‘Frau Holle’ was in fact only one of her many names – the version common in Hesse and Thuringia, from where many of her traditions are recorded. Throughout the northern German and Scandinavian regions she went by a number of other epithets, including ‘Holda’ and ‘Frau Gode’. In the southern regions of Germany she was often known as ‘Perchta’, ‘Berchta’ or ‘Bertha’. As befits the protean Great Goddess of old Europe, the names exhibit a degree of plasticity, having been preserved in oral traditions beyond the era when ‘she’ was officially accepted as a deity. Also known as Holda, Hulda, Huldra as well as Gode. Cybele (Kebele) a trákoknál Cottys. Cy-bel > Sy-bil > Hold-tüze. /Kotyos eggéiston/. Nem ábrázolják oroszlánokkal. Ellenben egy Buddha-szerű kéregetőedény van nála. Valami kotlaféle. Különösen népszerű volt az Edones (Mac Edones?) embereknél.
The earliest reference to Holda by name appears to come from the pen of a 13thC Cistercian monk, known only to us as Rudolph, who noted the following custom:
“On the night of Christ’s nativity, they set the table in honour of the queen of heaven, commonly known as Holda”

Kabil - Kapál a gebe.
Celtic word for the horse – variously written as ‘Gebel’, ‘Cabbyl’, or ‘Capal’ and in a number of other ways. The word ‘Cavalier’ is derived from this Indo-European root-word.
(also known as Jatvingian , Yatvingian , or Yotvingian ) is an extinct western Baltic language
pilis castle, hill-fort (kastély)
pilnas full (tele)
pilna-tis full moon (telehold)
sarke magpie (pica pica) (szarka, varjú)
seina hay (széna) Szláv: seno. Greek: sanós. Spanish: heno.
senas ancient (öreg, szenilis. senis (‘öreg’). Lásd még szenátus, szenior.)

Hun: Szarka. Sorbian: sroka. Slovak: straka. Serbo-Croatian: svrāka. Lithuanian: šarka. Russian: soróka. Belarusian: saróka. Skolt Sami: soorkos. Spanish: urraca. Friulian: cheche.

menye-pallent ‘full moon’
Hold: Tiz, Tis, Menye..
Rapanne mene designates the twelfth month since the underlying *rap is borrowed from Old Chinese *rap (Middle Chinese *lap, modern Mandarin la).

Gothicetymology Winfred Philipp Lehmann
Simplex is OI negla, OE naeglian, OS neglian, OHG negilen, OSl nogyty=talon. A madár négy karma.
Latin "unguis = köröm", ungula=karom. Arm "elungn=karom".

Goth hals-agga 'nape of neck', Rus v/azf 'nape', Grk (Aeolic) afj for example, in thiudari-gardi, "king's house;" gutli-bldstreis, " God-worshipper" (for guda-) ; gutT-hus, " God's house ;" hals'-agga, Cf. Goth. hals-agga 'neck', Gk. rpaxnlo-asoaorng 'neck-binder'; 'earring' is Hitt. istamahura- (q.v.), whereas new terms for 'necklace' include huwahhuwartalla-, [Hald sagga?!] bals-agga

ahma, wm. "spirit", the Holy Ghost. daúr, sn. door. OE. dor, OHG. tor. galga, wm. cross, gallows, OE. gealga, OHG. galgo. garda, wm. yard, fold, OHG. garto, garden. haldan, sv. VII, to hold, take care of, tend, feed. OE. healdan, OHG. haltan. Kutya: hunds, sm. dog, hound, OE. hund, OHG. hunt. rign, sn. rain. OE. regn, OHG. regan. taíhun, num. ten. OE. ten, OHG. zehan.

Dán szavak
earth = jorden
desert = örken
roof = tag
ice = is
liquid =vaeske
mother = mor
girl = pige
friend = ven
smoke = os
world =jorden
hill =bakke
view = bese

Bál: bal = ball, dance. Pánt: bånd = bond, tie. Egyén: egen = own, personal. Árenda? år = year.

Old Prussian (po)sinnat “to confess,” Latvian zinat, Lithuanian žinóti “to know.” A zsi-nat pedig kukacgyűlés, a szi-nód-us pedig csomópontok együttese? Konszenzus, ha mindenki rábólint?
Old Prussian median “forest,” Lithuanian medžias, Latvian mežs.

Lithuanian proverb as a motto:
“Miszka su Lokiu, Abu du tokiu.” A grizzly and a bear are one and the same. Eb vagy kutya!
Lithuanian ones, e.g., kiuocis – basket (Lith. krepšys, Latvian "kocis")

It was only in 1387 that the sacred fire was extinguished in Eastern, 1413 - in western Lithuania. At first these changes affected principally the nobility; the conservative Lithuanian population maintained the traditions of their ancestors and secretly worshiped their gods for several centuries more.

onsider e.g. the word eld (fire). Vajh rokona az ELD az ÁLD szónak? Áld=megváltoztat. S tisztító szent tűz, hogyha átaléget, az is megváltoztatja a dolgokat..
The plural form is eld+ar (yes, unlike -or, the -er and -ar endings are applicable for nouns and verbs, although the adjectives have a different plural - or, actually, emphasised - form).
The postpositional definite article is -na; hence, 'the fires' will be

Central Breton (Wm?re 1999)
a. ['ko?z] kozh ‘old’
b. ['kos?h] koshoc’h ‘older’
c. [a? 'hos?] ar c’hoshan ‘the oldest’
metheglin" Derives From Meddyglyn, A Compound Of Meddyg, "healing" + Llyn, "liquor".
Etymologicon Universale: Or, Universal Etymological Dictionary. On ..., 2. kötet szerző: Walter Whiter
The Meddyg, or Mezyo, the Phisician, is undoubtedly the Mixer, belonging to Medicus, and Metheglin is the Mead Drink.

According to the census, there are 9,614 “other” Finno-Ugric people living in Estonia: Erzyas, Mokshas, Udmurts, Komis, Karelians, Maris, Hungarians, Finns, Ingrians and many others.

Some linguists consider that Ainu, a disappearing language in Hokkaido in Japan, is a distant relative of the Finno-Ugric subgroup of Ural-Altaic languages. Mindegyik nyelvben van magánhangzó harmónia és mindegyik ragozó. A magyar ét-készlettel eszik: 'eat', 'esa' for feed in Japanese and e for eating in Aynu. Finnish, Hungarian and Japanese languages have about 400 words in common -- all nouns.
Mushi = musë (bug, fly)
Kochi kochi = kuti kuti (tickling, tickle-tickle)
Tooi = toli (far, távoli) (very similar because the Lithuanian vowel "o" is pronounced long like Japanese "oo")

Ring fort
Knockhouse Ringfort is an extremely rare medieval tri-valette dwelling of a nobleman or King discovered in Waterford, Ireland. As well as the remains of its relatively unique arrangement of earthen embankments and their related excavation ditches, the site also contains three well-preserved examples of souterrains or underground chambers and tunnels.

Tara Mound és "omphalos". The Lia Fáil or Stone of Destiny which stands about one metre in height is considered by some to have been a fertility symbol.
A Dictionary of the Welsh Language: Explained in English; with ..., 1. kötet szerző: William Owen Pughe
Régi szerzők műveiből
baleis = a rod = pálca, rud.
barn = a child = gyerek (Aram. bar)
bekene = a beacon = szalonna
eten, ete = to eat. pret. s. eet, =étkezik, eszik
fold, foold = the world, the earth = a föld
juttes = low persons = kurta ember

A skull
Among a tomb of gold pins, pearls and a rare bronze mirror dating back to the early Dark Ages, researchers have discovered a heavily deformed human skull.
The cone-shaped skull was found in one of 18 tombs buried in Alsace. The tomb and skull is thought to be 1,650 years old when artificial cranial deformation was a common practice.

For the medieval Scandinavians, the term Wends (Vender) meant Slavs living near the southern shore of the Baltic Sea (Vendland)

"Tule mu hauale..." = "Come to my grave... (Nem a "síromon túl!") haud= grave, tomb. hauakivi= tombstone, headstone, gravestone. hauakamber= sírkamra. haldur= manager. haldaja= keeper. häll= cradle. kirst /puusärk= coffin (Fa szarkofág?). sada=hundred. Finn coffin = arch-kuu.
Yorkshire - Glossary
bairn = child. bonny = pretty. dale = valley. garth = yard. in a bit = bye. lass = girl/young woman/wife. mester = mister. skip = ship. slape = slippery (slope?). sup = drink. thorpe = hamlet. yune = oven.

Lake District
fell = hill = old norse 'fjall'. moss = bog; eg Great Moss at the source of the river Esk (old english). fionn, ban = white; eg Fionn Bheinn (gaelic). llyn = lake (welsh). rhyd = ford (welsh). afon = river (welsh).

Hill (back, ridge): cefn > cefen in the south. In south-east Wales, a final e become a, hence cefan.
Cefncribwr ‹KEE-ven-KRII-bur› village in Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
y cefn bychan = ‘liitle hill’ (y definite article) + (cefn = back, hill) + (bychan = little)

Gaelic köpeny, palást, mente
falluing, a mantle, so Ir., M. Ir. fallaing, Latinised form phalingis (Geraldus), dat.pl., W. ffaling; from Lat. palla, mantle, pallium. Cf. O. Fr. pallion, M. Eng. pallioun. M.E. falding, sort of coarse cloth (Hend.).
Fang Gaelic keselyű. Ir holló.

english | proto-celtic | serbian
(*curly) hair | *gourjo- | kovrdzava/grgurava (curly) kosa (hair)
(be) quiet | *tauso- | tiho (quiet), tišina (silence)
(night)mare | *moro- | mora
(sea-)harbour | *kaΦno- | kopno (coast e.g. when looked from see)
(who/what)soever | *kwinnako- (??) | ionako [Sorry, but most of those are connections that are clearly connected via common Proto-Indo-European origin]

- the Galatian personal name "Brogitarus"
- the Gaulish tribal name "Allobrogi"
- Breton "Bro" ("country", "borough")
- Welsh "Bro" ("area", "district")

Macskakapu =Kattegat?
Germanic: Proto-Germanic *kattu- "cat," which may be borrowed from Latin cattus or borrowed from another language. North Germanic: Old Norse kottr "cat;" West Germanic: Old High German kazzo "cat," Old Saxon katto 'id.,' Old Frisian katte 'id.,' Old English catt (English cat)
According to Den Store Danske Encyklopadi and Nudansk Ordbog, the name derives from the Dutch words kat (cat) and gat (hole, gate). It derives from late medieval navigation jargon, in which captains of the Hanseatic trading fleets would compare the Danish Straits to a hole so narrow that even a cat would have difficulty squeezing its way through, on account of the many reefs and shallow waters.
Ha az "egér" hajó beúszott a kapun, amit a kalóz macskák nyitva hagytak, akkor az egér csapdába került.

A Gothic Etymological Dictionary: szerző: Winfred Philipp Lehmann
Run hlaiwa = grave, hlaiwido "I buried", OE hläw, OHG hleo, "léwir = burial mound".
Visit a mediveal ruin and hear about king Gustav Vasa who raised a rebellion aginst the danish king and took the conutry by force. He invited reformators from Germany and reformed the chuch from a chatolic chuch to a protestantic chuch. Vada, egy Merowing kori település. Vada burial mounds are the remnants of an ancient Iron Age power centre by the Lânghundra waterway, one of the most important trading routes in Sweden during the Iron Age. Three large burial mounds (two over 30 meters in diameter) dominate the landscape and are surrounded by more than hundred of graves. This tour takes you back in time to experience the Swedish epoch called the Vendel age (500-800 AD).

Early Stone Fortifications Tradition ascribes the building of Dún Aengus and other, smaller, Aran Island forts to the Fir Bolg (Belgae), one of the prehistoric invaders of ancient Ireland. Similar stone-craft can be noted as early as around 2000 B.C.

Svéd gének kecskepásztor szemmel
A női ág cca fele megfelelően az európai átlagnak Helén leánya. A "J, K, és U" leányok is egyenként 7 % feletti gyakorisággal vannak jelen. A férfiak több, mint harmada az "I" nemzet része. Negyed részük az R1a1 "szláv-zsidó" nemzet leszármazottja, 14 % a finn-permi népeknél gyakori N3 származék és 13 % a nyugat-európai férfiak gyermeke.
S mint látjuk, a finno-ugric csoport nem igazán ugric. Mert, hogy a finn és az ugric nyelvében sem rokon, azt a vak is látja. De itt kiderül, hogy a nemzeteik is eltérőek. A kelet-balti népeknél az 1/3-ot elérő "szláv-zsidó" gén (R1a1) a magyaroknál is közel hasonló arányban megtalálható. Viszont a magyarokból hiányzik az N3 nemzet.
Egy friss tanulmány szerint: Sweden. Haplogroup I1a* was found to be the most common haplogroup in Sweden and accounted, together with haplogroups R1b3, R1a1 and N3, for over 80% of the male lineages. Within Sweden, a minor stratification was found in which the northern region Vasterbotten differed significantly (Po0.05) from the other Swedish regions. A flow of N3 chromosomes into Vasterbotten mainly from Saami and Finnish populations could be one explanation for this stratification. A portál szerint európai eredetű az R1a1 Indiában. Ennek ellentmond az R2 indiai jelenléte, amely Európában leginkább a vándor cigányoknál található meg. Nézetem szerint az indoeurópai népek India felől érkezhettek Európába. Furcsa módon a magyarok "finnugor" szavai is elvezetnek bennünket az Indonéz szigetvilágba.
Svéd nemzet nincs, állítják meg nem nevezett kutatók. R1a, a magyar királyi gén :-).

Az ember hazudik. A bizonyíték nem.
There are loanwords in Sámi from Volga-East-Baltic that show no indications of Finnic sound changes ( ie, Sámi "luossa"< Volga-Baltic " lašiša" vs. Finnish "lohi", salmon ), which help to approximately date a common source language for Finnic and Saami - and trade with Volga-Balts. The loanwords were decidedly not prestigious items of an arrogant elite, ie Sámi "duovli ", Latvian "dagla " tinder, or for example [széna], North Sámi "suoidni " hay, Finnish heinä " id, Lith. "šienas " id,  Finnish "ranta " shore, Lith. "krantas " id.
Suvalkija / Vilkaviđkis regions of Lithuania indicate GAC settlements there ( Brazaitis 2005 fig 5, Girininkas 2009, Fig. 150 ). Pẽkus in Sűduva is a residual substratum word, not an import
like pešti, pešùs, or pẽšis.. [pes, pedis -foot]

Vajon az oroszok hegylakók voltak (Greek oros "mountain"; ório, “limit, boundary”), vidékiek (Latin: rus), vörösök (ross) avagy utazók (rout) ? Origin: Ouros orkok Horus szemmel őrzik a földet. Russian a mongol nyelvben is orosz. [Répa, retek, Ré-z.] Greek, sauros, lizard: “Mountain lizard". = Orinosaurus. *Orici derived from Greek (Dorian) oros 'mountain'. Manchu oronco, “those who inhabit the mountains”. Some groups call themselves orochen 'an inhabitant of the River Oro'.

Észtek Szibériában
A 28 000 ugorhoz hasonlóan 20 000 észt is él Szibériában. Valamikor a XIX. - XX. század fordulóján érkeztek önkéntes alapon. Estonians live mostly in the Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, and Kemerovo regions and, in eastern Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk and Primorsk regions.

Pesti István 2018 november

Északi területeken
Skandinávia felé