Latin világ


Lazio - nem foci, s még nem al-Lat.

Lazio (latinul Latium) Olaszország egyik régiója, amelyet Toszkána, Umbria, Abruzzo, Marche, Molise, Campania és a Tirrén-tenger határol. Lakosainak száma 5 602 882, székhelye Róma. Területén található a Vatikán.

Angol variáns

Latium (Latin: Lătĭŭm [ˈlatiʊ̃]) is the region of central western Italy in which the city of Rome was founded and grew to be the capital city of the Roman Empire. Latium was originally a small triangle of fertile, volcanic soil on which resided the tribe of the Latins. It was located on the left bank (east and south) of the Tiber river, extending northward to the Anio river (a left-bank tributary of the Tiber) and southeastward to the Pomptina Palus (Pontine Marshes, now the Pontine Fields) as far south as the Circeian promontory


Középitalia nyugati tartománya, melyet egyesek Latinus király nevével hoznak kapcsolatba, mások a latere (lappangani) szóval (Ov. fast. 1, 238. Verg. A. 8, 222); de helyesebb a latura (platuV, lapályos vidék) gondolni. A legrégib időben egy 225 km2-nyi területre szorítkozott, melyet Északon a Tiberis, Délen a Numicus folyó, Nyugaton a tenger és Keleten a mons Albanus határolt. A latinus szövetség római fenhatóság alá jutván, L. területe megnagyobbodott és Latium vetus a Tiberistől Anxurig vagy Terracináig terjedt.

a volscusok földjén a Liris mindkét partján voltak: Sora, Arpinum, m. Arpino, Fregellae, m. Ceprano, Aquinum, m. Aquino, Casinum, m. Monte Casino kolostor, Interamna Lirinas, Fabrateria, m. Falvaterra, Pviernum, m. Piperno Vecchio romjai, Astura, m. Torre d'Astura, Circeji, m. Circello, Tarracina, előbb Anxur, m. Terracina és Lautulae;

Latium - Térképek és képek


Lazio (pronounced [ˈlattsjo], Latin: Latium) is one of the 20 administrative regions of Italy, situated in the central/southern peninsular section of the country.
Lazio comes from the Latin word "latus", meaning "wide", expressing the idea of "flat land" meaning the Roman Campagna. Much of Lazio is in fact flat or rolling. The lands originally inhabited by the Latini were extended into the territories of the Samnites, the Marsi, the Hernici, the Aequi, the Aurunci and the Volsci, all surrounding Italic tribes. The 54% of its territory is hilly, the 26% is mountainous, the rest are mostly alluvial plains.

Lazio Name. Origin Hungarian. Lazio = László. (Laosz ló ?)


Priverno is the Italianized name of Privernum, a town conquered by the Romans in 324 BC and abandoned in the VIIIth century because of the Saracen raids. Its inhabitants founded a new town called Piperno, on a low hill separating the valley of the Amaseno River from the coastal plain.

(Tuscania was conquered in 1354); the effects of the conquest, coupled with those of the Black Death, a bubonic plague which almost halved the population of Europe in 1348-49, led to a reduction in the town's size.

Corneto is located on a hill overlooking the Marta River, a few miles from its mouth where the Etruscans built a harbour. In 1922 the town was renamed Tarquinia in memory of a nearby ancient town which played a major role in the early days of Rome.

Map: A New Map of Latium, Etruria and as much of Antient Italy as lay Between Gallia Cis-Alpina and Graecia Magna

Selon Denis d'Halicarnasse (historien et critique Grec vivant à Rome au Ier siècle avant J-C), c'était une population autochtone, appelée Rasenna dont l'origine pouvait remonter aux Pélasges, autre civilisation apparue au IIème millénaire avant J-C. D'autres historiens comme Tite-Live, (-59 +17 après J-C) indique la présence d'Etrusques dans la vallée du Pô et jusqu'aux Alpes et évoque une certaine parenté avec les Rhètes, peuple vivant entre la Lombardie actuelle, le Tyrol et les Grisons.

Még LÁTók

History - Tarkán, a törzsfőnök
Recent discoveries of Archeology go back in Tarquinia to a very ancient time. In the past, scholars believed that the city dated back to the seventh century BC, but, apparently, it should go further back in time, even to the ninth-tenth century BC, as some type of "Villanovian" tombs have been identified. Scholars agree in recognizing Tarquinia in the ancient Etruscan city of "Tarchna" or "Tarchuna", the etymology of which refers to the noble "Tarquinius". There is general agreement on this etymology, though some scholars (See G. de Santis, "Scritti minori", Ediz. di storia e Letteratura, 1970: 342) has raised some concern, because, in his opinion, "Tarchna" should be traslated into Latin as "Tarqui-t-ius", and not "Tarqui-n -ius"; however, the relation "Tarchna"-"Tarqui-n-ius" is generally accepted. Tarquinia is located about 200 meters above sea level in Maremma ( Latium), near Viterbo.

The ancient spelling of Tarquinia, Tarchuna or Turania, is related to the name of its mythological founder Tarchon, a name meaning (the one) who perceives. However, many scholars argue that the name is related to the ancient god of conquest Turan, who was once popular in the region.

Etrusk falfestmények: Birds in flight, Tomb of Hunting & Fishing, Tarquinia, ~510 B.C. Note the colored wreaths.

Egyéb etimológiák
Name: Tarquinia (Ptol., Plin., Peut.) Corythus (Verg.)
Etymology: Probably, Corythus was an older name of Tarquinia. This was spelled tarchna, tarchuna in Etruscan, and it has been related to the name of Tarchon, its mythical founder (UTET). According to Zavaroni, the name of Tarchon, from which that of the town comes, means '(the one) that perceives', being related to Etruscan tarchi 'perception', and having an IE origin (*tark(h)- 'to perceive, grasp, grab'). But the Luwian and Hittite deity Tarhun-(da), very close to Tarchon, was rather a god of conquest, and his name has been associated to Hittite tarh 'to conquer' (Sewell). Here, very tentatively, a relationship is proposed with the extension *(s)terg- of the IE root *(s)ter- 'stiff, solid'. Then, the place-name should have meant 'the strong' in a language, where *g>k. This language can likely be the "Pelasgian" or pre-Greek, as proposed by Georgiev, and the A-vocalism can be explained from a sonant r in a zero-grade form, or if this language was an A-language, from an O-grade. Then, the Etruscan form is only an adaption (with *kThe first name, Corythus, probably referred to the hill (Corythus mons) is very likely "Pelasgian" and have the same origin of Corinthus (Argolis), to which town the history of Corythus/Tarquinia has a close relationship. The name has been explained by Georgiev as "Pelasgian", from IE *gwer- 'mountain' at a O-grade, given the "Pelasgian" shifts *g>k, *t>th.

Gigászok útja - népbetegség
Gigantizmusban szenvedő ókori beteg komplett csontvázát tárták fel Róma közelében, a leletről a Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism című folyóiratban jelentették meg tanulmányukat a Pisai Egyetem kutatói.
Rómától keletre élt a HERCINIANS nép. Távoli rokona lehetett a HERCUNIANS népnek.

Vati Kán - kép. Itt Sar kánok laknak.

Népszínház a colossus helyén. Róma, Colosseum.

In about 110 BC Roman settlers colonised the east coast of Tyrannia. They settled peacefully, oblivious to the prescence of the inlanders. It was only some time after arriving that the colonists encountered the natives. The tribal leaders' title was translated by the Romans as tyrannus, 'tyrant', then a simple title for an absolute, non-hereditary ruler and not yet having aquired its negative connotations. From this word came the name, 'Tyrannia'. In 62 BC, Gaius Julius Caeser led a campaign to annex the whole of Tyrannia. He succesfully conquered the people of Old Tyrannia and named the region of Nova Latium which the capital is situated in and was later named after, but was forced to return to Europe before his forces could move west into the Western region later known as New Imperial Tyrannia (which was always isolated from the East by the Cocoa Desert).

Turistaút Sardinia: Olbia - Budoni - Siniscola - Nuoro

Ab ovo
Montovolo was the Sacred Mountain ( or Omphalos) of the Northern Etruscan Dodecapolis and that the Oval Stone was an important symbol of Etruscan Religion.
*This ostrich- egg (Tarquinia- Museo Archeologico) was found in an Etruscan tomb. I have modified it to use as a Wish -card for recognizing that in ancient Italy the Easter (Pasqua) was an Etruscan festival. Many similar eggs were found in several Etruscan Tombs. The eggs as the oval stones , were their religious symbol of regeneration of life, of rebirth and this symbol, as the cross, derives from oriental civilization such as Sumerian, Egyptian ecc. ( see my recent web page)

A mindent látó szem

Útkereső: A "VATICAN" szó jelentése: jövendőmondó

A Vatikán szó eredetileg Rómában egy a Tiber folyó jobb oldalán fekvő dombhoz (mons vaticanus) fűzödik.

Zsinat: Ötven éve tartották meg a katolikus egyház megújulásához vezető II. vatikáni zsinatot. A zsinat szó jelentése egyházi gyűlés (görögül szünodosz (sy-nod), latinul concilium. /Sy=together, nod=node/ plural: sym-po-sia). Az egyetemes zsinatok olyan egyházi gyűlések, melyen a katolikus egyház összes püspöke, pátriárkája és más, magas egyházi funkciót betöltő tagja együtt tanácskozik.
sz -> zs hangváltás, lásd: zsinagóga. Zsinat: szlávos Si-Nod-(us) Nod=csomópont. A Holdpálya és az ekliptika metszéspontjai NOD-ok.

Látók gyülekezete: Albanian Sy: From Proto-Albanian *asi, compare Lithuanian akis, Ancient Greek ósse, "eyes"), English eye).

Vati település (Rhodes)
Later Greek mythology recalled a Rhodian race called the Telchines, and associated the island of Rhodes with Danaus; it was sometimes nicknamed Telchinis.
South Rhodes (Gennadi, Apolakkia, Arnitha, Asklipieio, Vati, Istrios, Kattavia, Lachania, Mesanagros, Profilia)

Néz/to see :: Oirata language: 'wataʔe

A látó :: link:

Etymology - végbél

VATICANUS: The Word & its Meaning from which is derived the word Vatican as in Vatican City the Imperial Seat of the Roman Caesars.
VATICAN is derived from two Latin words Vatic-anus.
VATIC- "Characteristic of a prophet; oracular" From Latin: vts, seer -ANUS "The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is eliminated from the body" From Latin: nus, ring, anus

Az isteni kígyó
the greek word "Vatis=divine" and "can=serpent".
Latin word vatis or vates, an archaic word originally meaning "prophet", "seer" or "oracle" (also by extension, "poet"): for example, a few claim that it came from the phrase vates canunt (the seers proclaim).

Izraelita szemszög
Vates (n) 1620s, "poet or bard," specifically "Celtic divinely inspired poet" (1728), from L. vates "sooth-sayer, prophet, seer," cognate with O.Ir. faith "poet," Welsh gwawd "poem," O.E. wod "mad, frenzied" (see wood (adj.)). Hence vaticination "oracular prediction" (c.1600).

Ager városa, papok városa - Jósok, látnokok
Vatic = prophetic, oracular
suffix -anus : old woman, hag (Nem "anyós"!)

What = temple és a szélistenek (Vayu)
Middle Persian (vat). Compare Persian بد (bad). bad, wicked, vile, low.
Sanscrit: Vata means "wind".
Szigony vagy fügefa ? Piktogramm az Indus völgyből.
In Dravidian, the word vata also means 'north', and in Old Tamil vata-meen is the name of the North star. This Dravidian homophony, linking vata 'Indian fig' and vata 'north', suggests an earlier Indian background also for the classification of trees found in Sanskrit texts which make the Indian fig the "tree of the northern direction".

the name Mami Wata is plural, meaning it refers to a pantheon of ancient water deities. Mami Wata are not part of the Yoruba pantheon of Orishas (i.e., Yemoja, Oshun etc.,), nor are their initiation ceremonies or means by which they are identified the same.

the Sanskrit-English dictionary compiled by Mornier Williams (first published in 1889), more than one meaning to wata can be found; for example, surrounded, covered, banyan tree (Indian fig tree), sort of a bird, small shell, pawn (in chess), sulphur, a name of a 'theertha' (ford or a sacred place), string, rope, a small lamp, a little round ball etc.

Wata in English means cross. Marinus Willern de Visser (1913:137) notes consensus that wata is an Old Japanese word for "sea".
Cotton rokonsága: Polish: wata cukrowa.

Watta - kert
Vatthu in Prakrit and Pali means a site, ground, field, plot, an object etc. (Turner and Concise Pali English Dictionary).
The word Lilavati itself means beautiful or one possessing beauty (lila-beautiful, vati-female possessing the quality).

Kutyafejű szent

A little-discussed fact of Christian history is that both St. Christopher, described as 'terrifying in countenance'¹ and St. Andrew, the Gospel brother of St. Peter, are regularly depicted in ancient artwork with dog-heads. An ancient Gospel fragment narrates that St. Andrew was born in a town called Cynocephali in Kokar Kilise, Cappadocia, Turkey (ibid), one of the centres of the dog-headed race of people called the Cynocephali (Gk; Kunokephaloi) and first described by Herodotus, a highly regarded Greek historian (c. 484-430 BCE; The Histories, Book 4, p. 191, 1592 Paris edition, trans. by A. D. Godley, 1921). St. Augustine (d. 430), one of the most influential early Christian fathers who lived some 800 years after Herodotus, confirmed the existence of the Cynocephali and other peculiar races, claiming that he personally preached them the Gospel (De Civitate Dei (The City of God), Augustine, Book xvi (of xxii), Section 8, p. 315).

Samos-nak áll a világ!: The island's capital is the city of Samos, sometimes called Vati,

conveniently located between the sea and covered with green hills.

"Panna" means "wisdom," and "vati" is "the one who has," so it's like "wise woman."


László nevünk többek szerint a szláv Vadislav magyarosított változata. Mint ismert, a magyar királyoknak véletlenül sem lehetett magyar neve. Lásd István, Géza, László...

Szlavüj Vaszil:
Laslo \l(a)-s
lo, las-lo\ as a boy's name is a variant of Ladislas (Slavic), and the meaning of Laslo is "glorious rule".
The baby name Laslo sounds like Lazlo and Laszlo. Other similar baby names are Lalo and Lallo.

Laos=Nép. Ló népe?
Lo nevek. link:
My boni lass. link:
Törökösen: La-Ci, La-Si, La-Tia, La-Ten. Ahol a "la=terület".

O.E. læt "occurring after the customary or expected time," originally "slow, sluggish," from P.Gmc. *lata- (cf. O.N. latr "sluggish, lazy," M.Du., O.S. lat, Ger. laß "idle, weary," Goth. lats "weary, sluggish, lazy," latjan "to hinder"), from PIE *led- "slow, weary" (cf. L. lassus "faint, weary, languid,
exhausted," Gk. ledein "to be weary"), from root *le- "to let go, slacken" (see let (v.)). The sense of "deceased" (as in the late Mrs. Smith) is from late
15c., from an adverbial sense of "recently." Of women's menstrual periods, attested colloquially from 1962. Related: Lateness. As an adverb, from O.E. late.

O.Fr. superlatif -> lat- "carry"

Laz nyelv
The Laz language (ლაზური ნენა, lazuri nena; Georgian: ლაზური ენა, lazuri ena, or ჭანური ენა, č'anuri ena, also chanuri ena; Turkish: Lazca) is a Kartvelian language spoken by the Laz people on the Southeast shore of the Black Sea.

Laz nyelven a 7 = shkit. A "3=sum", mint a samguk. Medve = tuti, Hold = tuta. Madár = kInçi. Szem = tolî. Kerítés = boz(gh)ori.

A láz számos nyelvben a "tűz" valamilyen variációja (februar). Csak a magyar LÁZnak nem leljük eredetét. A lázas bántalom vége is lehet kétféle, vagy lassankint marad el a láz s ekkor lázoldódásról (lysis) szólunk, vagy hirtelen esik le a hőmérséklet: krizis, amidőn rendesen a rendes alá, a subnormálos értékre sülyed.

Catalan: febre
Danish: feber
Faroese: fepur
Italian: febbre
Swedish: feber
Portuguese: febre
Latin: febris

-Erdei tisztás, hegyi rét. [szláv] Tulajdonképpen bokrok, cserjék, fák gyér, laza jelenléte jellemzi a láz jellegű erdei tisztásokat. Esetenként a székely közösségek, a közbirtokosság megbízásából kiirtották, gyérítették, azaz lazítottak a területet benövő bokrok sűrűségét. Innen a láz megnevezés.

Kína: tóng {hán} hot; heated. xī {sí} bright; warm. cāng {cán} blue; green(color of water); cold; vast (of water) {lán}. kàn {kán} it depends; think; to see; to look at. yāo {jáo}, rén {zsen} magician; sorcerer. zhī {csű} prophet. kuān {khuán} lenient; wide; broad. bó dà {tá} enormous; broad; extensive.
bì {pí} fever. zhǔ {csúu} to cook; to boil.


(A-láz itt külön írva. Egybeírva - aláz - a szó héber eredetű (győzelem).)

Lapis lazuli
Lapis is the Latin word for "stone" and lazuli is the genitive form of the Medieval Latin lazulum, which is taken from the Arabian لازورد lāzaward, meaning "heaven" or "sky", since the sky is blue; therefore, it is the "stone of heaven" or "sky stone". Lāzaward is from the arabic لاژورد lāzhward, the name of a place where lapis lazuli was mined. Taken as a whole, lapis lazuli means "stone of Lāzhward".
Persian lazhward "blue color". ..valamelyik nyelven a "gall=kék" szintén. Hittite *kuwanna(n)- "copper blue."
A környező szláv nyelvekben a kék szín "modra".

Érdekességnek: "Kék Hold" az évi extra "telihold". Normális esetben egy évben 12 telihold van. Néha azonban 13. Ez a plusz a "kék Hold". A 19 éves Meton ciklus alatt 7-szer van plusz telihold. link:

In Sorb language local river in their area is called Laz
in Romania river Laz is tributary of river Sebis

Mindent látó szem
Physicians for ancient Egypt, Sumer and Babylon used Lapis Lazuli for many medicinal purposes, including curing eye cataracts. The connection with the eye may have come from the use of Lapis Lazuli to fashion carvings of a stylized, which was called the Eye of Isis or the All-Seeing Eye of the Goddess Maat.


Hol a pokolban van Rhetia ?

Rhetia commonly called the Grisions country, Heluetia aliàs Switzerland /Grision (Grisor/Shion)/
grískur m. Greek (of the Greek language, people or country) /icelandic
Also Known by: Bündner Oberländ (German), Graubünden, Grisions.
in France, Sauoy, Italyj Rhetia commonly called the Grisions country

IN the republic of the Three Leagues of the Grisons, the sovereign is all the people of a great part of the ancient Rhetia. This is called a democratical republic of three leagues. 1. The League of the Grisons. 2. The League Caddee. 3. The League of Ten Jurisdictions. These three are united by the perpetual confederation of 1472, which has been several times renewed. The government resides sovereignty in the commons, where every thing is decided by the plurality of voices. The commons elect and instruct their deputies for the general diet, which is held once a year. Each league elects also its chief or president, who presides at the dietes, each one in his league. The general diet assembles one year at Ilanz, in the league of the Grisons; one year at Coire, in the league Caddee; and one year at Davons, in the league of Ten Jurisdictions. There is another ordinary assembly, composed of chiefs and of three deputies from each league, which is held at Coire, in the month of January. Besides these regular assemblies, they hold congresses whenever the necessities of the state require them; sometimes of the chiefs alone, sometimes of certain deputies from each league, according to the importance of the case: these assemblies are held at Coire. The three leagues form but one body in general affairs; and, although one league has more deputies than another, they count the voices without distinction of leagues. They conduct separately their particular affairs. Their country is thirty-five leagues in length, and thirty in breadth.

Even in this happy country, where there is more equality than in almost any other, there are noble families, who, although they live like their neighbours by the cultivation of the earth, and think it no disgrace, are very proud of the immense antiquity of their descent, and boast of it, and value themselves upon it, as much as Julius Cæsar did, who was descended from a goddess.


RHETIA: A Nymphe who, according to some, was the mother of the Korybantes by Apollon. (Rhetia, may be a corruption of the name Rhea, mother of Zeus, the goddess whom the Kouretes served).

..és eljutunk Cybele (Kebele, gebel) istennőig is. Melle két halom és két cicája van.

Dák lap - a szárnyas hirnök

Other two inscriptions regarding the ancient residence of Hermes have been discovered in Rhetia. One of these contains a dedication made to Mercurius Arcecius (C. I. L. vol. III. nr. 5768), where the last word is only a simple local epithet, identical with Sargetius.

The second inscription from Rhetia mentions the residence of Mercury (Hermes) with the words: "cuius sedes Atep (var. Atergo) sunt" (C. I. L. vol. III. nr. 5793). It is probable that we have here a corrupt form of the name "Ateg" or Hateg
Rhetia történelme ott kezdődik, hogy megjöttek a "cymbri"-k BC 100-ban.

Pokoli ország - the Hell

800 - 58 B.C. Iron Age

Helvetians Weapons and tools made from iron. Celtic tribes all over Western Europe. The Helvetians, a celtic tribe, give their name to the Swiss territory: hence HELVETIA on Swiss coins and stamps, ch = Confoederatio Helvetica on cars and internet domains.

Ancient Greek and Roman historians described the Celtic tribes as barbaric. Modern archeology has corrected this picture quite a bit. From excavations at La Tène on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel (western Switzerland, 1858) and many more in France, Germany and Austria we know that the Celts in central Europe had a highly developed culture. The Celtic cultural period Latène between 450 B.C. and 50 B.C. has been named after the excavations at La Tène.

Képeskönyv - Svájc

Sváj történelme

Időszámításunk előtt 5-10 000 éves emlékekről adnak számot azok a neolitkori cölöpépítmények, amelyek az Új-Guinea pápuáinál még ma is fellelhető építkezési formákra emlékeztetnek, és 1853-ban a Zürichi tóban találták a száraz időjárás következtében leapadtvízszint következtében.

Ami a történelemből kimaradt

The material culture of its inhabitants the Vindelici was La Tène. The ethnic origin of the Vindelici is not certain. Whether they spoke a Celtic (i.e. Gaulish), Germanic, or other Indo-European language is unclear. (A possible etymology of their name includes a Celtic element *windo-, cognate to Irish find- 'white'.


A keleti germán nyelvek valószínűleg igen közel álltak egymáshoz: a rómaiak, talán éppen ennek köszönhetően valamennyiüket vandálnak (Vindelici) nevezték.

Rhetia secunda és más érdekességek

Vindéliciens, habitants de la Vindélicie.
Domuit autem partim ductu partim auspiciis suis Cantabriam, Aquitaniam, Pannoniam, Delmatiam cum Illyrico omni, item Raetiam et Vindelicos ac Salassos, gentes Inalpinas. - (Suétone, Vita divi Augusti)

A barbárok pénze

Venetoi = latin wind gods (lég urak?)

Finaly Henrik - Vindelici, orum, hn. t.
népség Germaniában, délre a Dunától, Vürtemberg keleti és Bavaria nyugati részén, mely vidék róluk Vindelicia, ae, nn. nevet kapott. Innen: Vindelicus, mn.

Augusta Vindelicorum (also Augusta Vindelicum is that Roman-antique Name of the city Augsburg. Probably under emperors Trajan (98-117 n. Chr.) became it Capital the Roman province Raetia raised.

The surname Vindelicorum places the genitive Plural of Vindelicus (Nominativ Plural: Vindelici) and/or. Vindelicum of Vindelix (Nominativ Plural: Vindelices) (both lat. for Vindeliker). It refers to that celtic Race that Vindeliker, that in this part Rätiens, thus between Value oh (Latin Vinda) and Lech (Latin Licus) resided.

Lacus Curtius
Prima trans Alpes arma nostra sensere Saluvii, cum de eis eorum fidissima atque amicissima civitas Massilia quereretur; 4 Allobroges deinde et Arveni, cum adversus eos12 similes Haeduorum querelae opem et auxilium nostrum flagitarent; utriusque13 victoriae testes14 Isara et Vindelicus amnes et inpiger fluminum Rhodanus. 5 Maximus barbaris terror elephanti15 fuere, inmanitati gentium pares. Nihil tam conspicuum in triumpho quam rex ipse Bituitus16 discoloribus p168in armis argenteoque carpento, qualis pugnaverat.

Kernten: Carinthia, Carmia.
Madrid: Mantua Carpentanorum, Viseria. Madritium. op. in Hisp. Tarraconensi.
Napels: Neapolis, Parthenope, Parthenopae. Campaniae vrbs regni titulo & Academia celebris.
Orchies: Orchiesa. oppidul Gal. Fland.
Preslaw: Budorgis, Budurgis, Vratislauia, Bratislauia. Silesiae vrbs, ad Viadrum amnem.
Seuen-berghen: Septimontium, Seuenberga oppidul. Holland
Tolen: Toletum op Zeland. (Judland)
Toloese: Tolosa Colonia Gall. Narbon.
Voghel: Adula mons. & Mons Claudius. mons inter Alpes.

Selyemút - sok képpel

Blonde and tall mummies have been found in many places from Mongolia and the Tarim Basin areas and into Europe. These old people (Khotan, Turks & Scythians) have been described by a Chinese Buddhist Monk who wrote that they had left the steppes before 400 CE. Read the books of Aurel Stein: The ancient Khotan


vinda (svéd nyelvből): to twist, to wrap, to wind
vinda c. a tool to bundle yarn

Sail - wind (v.1)
"move by turning and twisting," O.E. windan "to turn, twist, wind" (class III strong verb; past tense wand, pp. wunden), from P.Gmc. *wendanan (cf. O.S. windan, O.N. vinda, O.Fris. winda, Du. winden, O.H.G. wintan, Ger. winden, Goth. windan "to wind"), from PIE *wendh- "to turn, wind, weave" (cf. L. viere "twist, plait, weave," vincire "bind," Lith. vyti "twist, wind"). Related to wend, which is its causative form, and to wander. Wind down "come to a conclusion" is recorded from 1952; wind up "come to a conclusion" is from 1825. Winding sheet "shroud of a corpse" is attested from early 15c.

Sanskrit: Means "cow finder", derived from Sanskrit गो (go) "cow" combined with विन्द (vinda) "finding".

Finaly Henrik szótára: Licus, i, hn. az Ister mellékfolyója Vindeliciában, ma Lech.

Lich az armen nyelvben Loch. Lake.

From Old Norse lík: Noun "lik=corpse ".

Szélkedvelők - Wind-like

Érdekességnek - Török az angolban


Pesti István 2012 december
