A látók



Now " satan ".""" Satan (שָׂטָן Standard Hebrew Satan, Greek σατν sátan, from the proper name Σατανάς Sátanas, Tiberian Hebrew Œātān; Aramaic שִׂטְנָא Œatanâ; Arabic شيطان Shaitan: both words mean "Adversary; accuser"; derived from the Semitic root šin, which carries the semantics of opposing, obstructing, and of being adverse) is a Judeo-Christian term which is, together with the Islamic term Shaitan, traditionally applied to an """ angel, demon, or minor god """ in many religions.

Tűz-imádók - Atash-Gad

Tyr (Old Norse: is the god of warfare and battle in Norse mythology, portrayed as a one-handed man. He was a son of either Odin or Hymir. Corresponding names in other Germanic languages include Tyz (Gothic), Ty (Old Norwegian), Ti (Old Swedish), Tiw, Tiu or Tew (Old English) Tyr (Modern Icelandic), and Ziu (Old High German).

Babtized - Keresztény

Germanic word god has been hotly disputed, though most agree to a reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form khut, which is the neuter passive perfect participle of the root *khu-, which likely meant "libation", "sacrifice". Compare:-
Vedic Sanskrit hu- = "to sacrifice".
Greek khu-, kheu- = "to pour".
Common Germanic strong verb *geutan (Anglo-Saxon geotan) = "to pour", English in-got.
The connection between these meanings is likely via the meaning "pour a libation". Another possible meaning of *khutm is "invocation", related to Sanskrit huta.

Az isten és a sátán valahogy mindent látók.


Dik mán, zigan!: Armenian di-k` "gods".
Aljosa! Khuda tü igyjos ?

Pusztán érdekességnek - nem tudomány

A tudomány határain túl

Ez a fenyőtoboz történelmi munkákban is feltűnt.

The sad ending (called NEPHALIM - meaning fallen blood - NOT ignited with the CHARGE called Bliss) is kids in todays science classes - who are NOT taught that their blood and bio-field in fact COULD BE IGNITED WITH BLISS + ecstasy - the only source ofimmune system sustainability, and what electrically survives death, and the ultimate biologic form of education.


A mindent látó szem

Érdekességnek: (csillag) ester -> este; (Hold) aj -> éj


Hazael ([pronunciation?];Hebrew: חֲזָהאֵל‎; Aramaic, from the triliteral Semitic root h-z-y, "to see"; his full name meaning, "God has seen") was a court official and later an Aramean king who is mentioned in the Bible.
/Fordítsd!: "I'll see you to the door." -> "HawaSSalak lil-baab"/
TO SEE رَأَى RA-A link: http://www.firdaous.com/en/0023.htm

Pa'al (or Qal) fa'ala (Stem I) 3rd. masc. sing perfect kataba "he wrote"

Mester hazy

In front Historical discussions (2) of the ending +ut treat it together with +it, regarding both as a +(V)t feminine suffix originating in roots with y or w as the third radical: +it realized with root-final y, as in hazit 'front' (h.z.y),


The change of /Z/ to what looks like /D/ is not uncommon. This is the case in the "phonetic" spelling of the divine name wxrmzd, written wxrmdd, identical in shape with wxrm ; or ydd n for yzd n. In ideograms this phenomenon is clearly present in 20:14 XDYTWNtn' = dytn' 'to see', for the Aramaic root hzy.
NWLA = ataxs 'fire', should be interpreted as the Aramaic word for 'alien'

Érdekességnek: Galaxis -> Galactos -> Tejút
The Milky Way (a translation of the Latin Via Lactea in turn derived from the Greek Galaxia gala, galactos means "milk") is a hazy band

The 1sg. present ending was originally just the enclitic personal pronoun *-na (< independent *ana), attached to the present active participle. Cf. the Syriac present paradigms for the strong root [root]dmk 'sleep' and the III-y root [root]hzy 'see':
1sg m. damekna hazena ˜ hazen
f. damkana ˜ damkan hazyana ˜ hazyan
2sg.m. damkat hazet
f. damkat hazyat
3sg.m. damek haze
f. damka hazya

Láss, ne csak nézz! (Shen:: German: sehen )

Kazakh: körw, kарау, qaraw
Kyrgyz: kör
Chuvash: kurma
Bashkir: küreü
Tatar: kürergä

Ilocano: kita
Maori: kite
Tagalog: kita

Hebrew: ra'ah (Men-kheper-ra) /Ráro - (ruth)... ráth meg egy gyűrűvár/
Arabic: raʾā, yarā
Egyptian Arabic: šāf

Faroese: síggja
Dutch: zien
West Frisian: sjen

Belarusian: báčyc'
Ukrainian: báčyty

Japanese: miru, go-ran-ni naru
Sardinian: Campidanese: biri
Tamil: paar
Korean: boda
Bulgarian: víždam (wisdom ?)

Látó emberek

A bulgár látó - víždam

Wisdom - bölcsesség

Burmese: wei'-zà
Danish: visdom
Dutch: wijsheid
Finnish: viisaus
German: Weisheit
Norwegian: visdom

Urak látása
ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight

Sapienti sat

O.E. wisdom, from wis (see wise (adj.)) + -dom. A common Gmc. compound (cf. O.S., O.Fris. wisdom, O.N. visdomr, O.H.G. wistuom "wisdom," Ger. Weistum "judicial sentence serving as a precedent"). Wisdom teeth so called from 1848 (earlier teeth of wisdom, 1660s), a loan-translation of L. dentes sapientiae, itself a loan-transl. of Gk. sophronisteres (used by Hippocrates, from sophron "prudent, self-controlled")

Bölcs, vagy látó goth
Ha az osztrák gótok voltak keleten és a vizigótok nyugaton, akkor a vizigótok nyugati gótok, vagy bölcs gótok? ..és Visehrad (3 db Visekhrat?) az nyugati város, vagy a bölcsek városa?

Carpetana - Mad-ri-d

Those who believed the city's first name was "Metragirta," or "Mantua Carpetana", said that it had been founded by Ocno Bianor, son of Tiberis, King of Tuscany, and of the lovely Mantua. But they could neither know nor imagine the real facts of old, lost civilizations, which investigators have rediscovered from time to time. ...along with a tree called the "madroño"
Madrid szimbóluma: a medve a madronyafával.

A két gót - bigot, my god

According to Egon Friedell, "bigot" is of the same root as "visigoth".

The Spanish word bigote means moustache, probably because Visigoths had moustaches. Since both Normans and Goths were Germanic peoples, the Franks might well have referred the Normans as "Visigoths" with the expression bigot. This claim is also supported by the fact that the word bigoth for Visigoths appear in Medieval Latin language.

Terwingi, az orangutan - Jordanesnél kangarféle.

The Visigoths are called Wesi or Wisi by Trebellius Pollio, Claudian, and Sidonius Apollinaris. The word is Gothic for "good", implying the "good or worthy people",7 related to Gothic iusiza "better" and a reflex of Indo-European *wesu "good", akin to Welsh gwiw "excellent", Greek eus "good", Sanskrit vásu-ş "id.". Jordanes relates the tribe's name to a river, though this is most likely a folk etymology or legend like his similar story about the Greuthung name

A vizigótok vándorlását tekintve észre kell venni, hogy Bizánc térségét is útbaejtették. Feltehetően akkor ragadt rájuk a bizánci ékszerészet tudománya, amely a bizánciakhoz a Kubán vidékéről jutott el.

Kapuk között - Átjáró v. lejáró?

"gateway," O.E., from O.Fr. porte "gate, entrance," from L. porta "gate, door," from PIE root *per-
A PortoKalo meg a PerSia ? Tem-pülon ? (tem-pylon)
"gateway to an Egyptian temple," from Gk. pylon "gateway," from pyle "gate," of unknown origin.
PIE *wes- (source of Gk. hesperos, L. vesper "evening, west"), perhaps an enlarged form of root *we- "to go down"

Nemzetiség - "Panthean"? Mindent látók?

Kicsit zavaró, mint a panteon esetében az -n végződés -i helyett... Ma hazánkban hivatalosan 2 etnikum van: a zsidó és a cigány.


This mantra originates form Chenrezig, the Tibetan name of the Bodhisatwa of Compassion (Sanskrit: Avalokiteshvara). Chen means Eye, re means Corner of the Eye and zig means to see. Chenrizing means so to speak: He who sees the needs of all the people with compassionate eyes.


QENQO (Means in Quechua language ZIG - ZAG)
The Temple of the Sacred Water, A marvel of hydraulic engineering and impressive, the waters still flow today.

Sumer világ - igéző

Az első tekintetre láthatjuk, hogy az igi, ini, idi nyelvjárásbeli változatok.
Igi -_ zi(g) v. Igi-si(g) : szemmel megver (legyőz) vagyis
igéz (zig v. sig : legyőz, lever)
La-idi : szemét teljessé teszi - lát (régi: láti) (Lal vagy la - teljessé tesz, megtölt).
(I)ne-zi(g) v. sig : szemét teljessé teszi - néz


26) Z-ZIG ZAG ZIG-means that the black man, black woman and black child must build together to destroy all unrighteousness. ZIG ZAG ZIG is also knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Finnish Kale, Welsh Kale, Iberian Kale...

Zigan - ma romani a gyűjtőnevük a cca 40 évvel ezelőtti cigánykonferencia óta. Talán, mert Romániában vagy 6 millióan vannak. (Bass arab!) Régebben sem az önelnevezésük, sem más népek nyelvén NEM volt romani a nevük.

1419: Konrad Justinger krónikájában tűnt föl a ~ egyiptomi eredetének elmélete, s a fáraó népe, a fáraó fiai név. Indiai rokonságukat elsőként Vályi István 1776: bizonyította. - A ~ nyelve, gondolkodásmódja és életformája indiai jellegű.
Kultúrájuk és ruházatuk a környező népektől való, melyekkel vándorlásaik során találkoztak. Írott történelmük nincs.
Őshazájukat Kr. u. az 5-10. sz: hagyták el. Kisázsián és a Balkánon keresztül érkeztek a 15. sz. elején Mo-ra. Okl-einkben zigan néven említik őket, de létszámukról és elhelyezkedésükről nincsenek adatok.

Cigányok - ácsingózók?
A cigány elnevezés eredetije a görög ατσιγανος (atsziganosz), amelynek eredeti jelentése "érinthetetlen". A magyarba feltehetően délszláv közvetítéssel került. Az első magyarországi írásos említések a 14. századból valók Zigan, Zygan, Zigany, Czigany, Chygan, Cygan alakban.
Lehet, hogy a "zig-an" egyszerűen "égi látó", csak az idők során minden barna bőrű embert odasoroltak ?

The stem *tol- may be compared with Toleria (Latium) and maybe, outside of Italy, with Toletum (Tarraconensis) and Tolosa (Narbonensis).



Arabic: Khouria (from the word khoury, meaning "priest")
Carpatho-Russian: Pani (literally "lady," comparable to Pan for priests, meaning "lord")

Magyar wiki

A presbiter az ősi keresztény egyházak elöljáróinak neve volt. A régi keresztény egyházakban az izraelita zsinagógai alkotmány mintájára elöljárókat választottak, akik bizonyos hatalmat nyertek, felügyeltek az istentiszteletnél a rendre, kezelték az egyházközség ügyeit és felügyelték az egyháztagok erkölcsi magaviseletét. (görög eredetű szó, jelentése: a legöregebb) egy egyházi elöljáró.

Idegen szavak

A középmagyar korban a latin nyelvet tudók köre kitágul,és ez kedvez a jövevényszavak beáramlásának. Nagyon sok, különösen szakszó kerül be a magyarba, amelyek közül több egy idő után kihull, azonban számos szó napjainkig él. Ezek közé sorolhatjuk az egyházi élettel kapcsolatos szavak közül a következőket: pl. eklézsia, kollégium, kurátor, presbiter, jezsuita, piarista, prímás stb.

Etiópia királya

"But at this daye as myne Authour Sabellicus saieth that he learned of those that are enhabitantes in that countrey: The King of Ethiope (whom we commonly calle Pretoianes or Presbiter Ihon) is"


Much of the doctrinal confusion on this matter is caused by the difference between the Greek words ερεύς (hiereus meaning "sacred one") and πρεσβύτερος (presbyteros meaning "one with elderhood"), which are usually both translated in English with the word "priest". The former term refers to the sacrificial ritual leaders of Judaism, the kohanim, and to those holding the office of conducting sacrifices in ancient pagan temples, whereas the latter term refers to an acknowledged elder of a community.

The earliest Christianity is not recorded as ever having created an office of hiereus, except to acknowledge Jesus in that role, and as in the Greek of 1 Peter 2:9, to recognize the Church as having it in a collective sense. The New Testament records the role of presbyter and/or bishop (or episkopos which literally means "overseer") in the earliest Christian churches as the role ordained by the Apostles to the earliest acknowledged leaders of the Church. So, to say that a Christian is a "sacred one" (i.e. hiereus) is not to say that each Christian is "one with elderhood" (i.e.presbyteros).

Within the Plymouth Brethren, the concept is most usually evidenced in the lack of distinction between "clergy" and "laity," ..

Látod ?! Laity: The word lay derives from the Anglo-French lai (from Late Latin laicus, from the Greek λαϊκός, laikos, of the people, from λαός, laos, the people at large).

Lajos király: laius (Greek mythology) king of Thebes who was unwittingly killed by his son Oedipus


Aromanian: ved
Bulgarian: víždam
Czech: vidět
Italian: vedere
Latin: video (la), specto (la), specio (la), viso (la), visito
Lower Sorbian: wiŸeœ
Old Provençal: veder
Piedmontese: vëdde
Polish: widzieć (pl), dostrzegać
Romanian: vedea
Russian: vídet'
Sicilian: vìdiri
Slovak: vidie
Slovene: videti

Tocharian AB läk

From Proto-Indo-European *weyd- ("to know; see"). Cognates include Ancient Greek εδω (eidō), Mycenaean Greek wi-de, Sanskrit वेत्ति (vétti), Russian видеть (videt'), Old English witan (English wit), German wissen.

Vedda is based on an Old Sinhalese form called Hela.

Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of Veda is "knowledge" (Aki LÁT az TUD.)

A vid- = figyel valami olyasmi lehet, mint a For(og) = vor-tex.
Az ófelnémet "fenno=vándor" (amely a középfelnémetben "vende" lett, s hasonlít a gót "finthan=wagrians" szóhoz)


Pesti István 2012 május

Módosítva: 2012.szept.26.