Mediterran 2

A Földközi-tenger partjainál.


I. Jusztiniánusz hódításai nem voltak hosszú életűek, utódai idején a birodalom a belső válságba jutott és csak a védekezésre összpontosíthatta erejét. Az avarok elől menekülő longobárdok 568-ban letelepedtek Észak-Itáliában, s királyságuk hosszú konfliktusba került a birodalommal. Heves longobárd támadások után Maurikiosz (582–602) császár megszilárdította a birodalom itáliai birtokait a terület közigazgatásának militarizálásával, a ravennai exarchatus megszervezésével (584 előtt). Ekkor jött létre az észak-afrikai (karthágói) exarchatus is (591 előtt). A 7. század társadalmi válsága miatt felgyorsult a területvesztési folyamat, 625-ben elveszett a hispániai partvidék, 637-től pedig az arab támadók a birodalom keleti területeit foglalták el, 638-ban Jeruzsálem, 642. Palesztina, Egyiptom (Alexandria 646) esett el. 680-ban az önállóvá vált Bulgária csatolt el országrészeket, 751-ben pedig a ravennai exarchátus területe szűnt meg a birodalom része lenni. (Itália az ariánus gótok kezén volt hosszú ideig, azért kellett Ravennába egy exarchát [főpüspök/ egyházfő- alkirály] kinevezni.) Őskeresztény művészet. Bizánc nyugati területein alakultak meg az exarhátusok. A Ravennai Exarchátusról kr.u. 584-ben, a Karthágói Exarchátusról 591-ben történik először említés.

Az írásban megemlékeznek a Kata-komba szóról, analog a heka-tomb (sír-domb) szóval. [PROF. DR. ALFRÉD TÓTH] Mondjuk, ma Róma földalatti kazamatáit (casa-matta) értjük a KATAKOMBA alatt. Mordwin komba “little hill on the meadow”. Osty. komp “id.” Komp a túlvilágra. A mi nyelvünkben is "kikompolták" a földtulajdon határát kapával kiemelt dombbal. A "mortal combat" pedig holtak sírjai csata helyett ? EGYPTIAN Arabic kom, komat, “heap, pile, mound, tell”. KATA: lehullott, kapus, Hold.. [Takács Lajos: Komp, kompol, kompolás (349. oldal)] Ahol a KOMP van, ott az átjárás ODAÁT-ra. "K" Komp: Mint torok hang a g és h betük rokona, melyek között legkeményebb, s velök több szóban, s kivált g-vel több képzőben is fölcserélődik, nevezetesen a) g-vel: kajmó, gajmó; kajdász, gajdol; kalatyol, galatyol; kaliba, galiba; kondor, gondor; kukora, gugora; kácsér, gácsér; kánya (cserjefaj) gánya; kövecs, göbecs, stb.; b) h-val: kankalék, hankalék; komp, homp; kompol, hompol; korhol, horhol; kuka, huka; kuny, huny;

A következő császár, I. Athanasius (491–518), nem tudta őket feltartóztatni. Végre a határvédelem régi eszközéhez nyúlt és 507-től 512-ig, Konstantinápolytól mintegy 65 kilométernyire nyugatra a „hosszú falat” építette a thrák félszigeten át. Befejező részlete volt ez annak a láncolatnak, amely erődítményekkel vette körül a birodalmat és a hadrianusi limes-rendszerből fejlődött ki. Anastasius 518-ban meghal és a thrák paraszti származású, latinul beszélő, írni-olvasni nem tudó I. Iustinus (518–527) kerül trónra. Kezdettől fogva unokaöccse, Iustinianus állt mellette, teljes nevén Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus. Velük a helyzet teljesen átalakul. A kormány visszatér az orthodox hitre, ezért Vitalianust rövid időre rehabilitálják. Azután helyreáll a béke Rómával: feláldozzák érte Zenon vallási-egység rendeletét és annak megteremtőjét, Acacius patriarchát. Végre kiközösítik a monophysiták akkori fejét, Severus alexandriai püspököt (519). Nagy felzúdulást okozott nyugaton például az, hogy 535-ben a császárné határozott monophysitát emelt Kontantinápoly patriarchájává.

Szláv mocsár Ultimately from a Slavic word for “mud; swamp”; compare Old Church Slavonic blato.
A Balaton tó (Platten see) latin neve Volcea Palus, germánosan Blato-Voltschje (Farkasmocsár?). A német platten "lapos" jelentésű, azért ne keverjük a Balatont a Tirgu Lapus településsel! Latin neve, a Lacus Pelso magyarul sekély tavat jelent. A volcae (falka, folk) egyik ága a "Tető-keresők" (tecto-sages) törzse volt Tolosates területéről. Finnish: "valkea=fehér". Romanian: "välcea=farkas". Latin palus (“marsh, mocsaras”). Ancient Greek pelós “mud, earth, clay”. Vajh a Her-kunok (Proto-Germanic *kuningaz "king") is Pálosok voltak? Mondjuk Bal holdisten és Aton napisten találkozója is elképzelhető itt. Mások a VOLCAE törzset a VLACH, Wallon, Welsh névvel rokonítják.. (hosszan vágottak alul)
Mocsár: Russian: bolóto. Serbo-Croatian: mocsvara. [moS=víz, moister + vara=terület > Mosa (river) + tara, terra. S-ator > Cs-ador.] Anient Greek: hélos. Polish: moczar. Moczar-t az Balato-n? [Indo-Iranian -an (e.g., Talib-an). (children. In Moroccan and Hijazi, we also say "bibaan" for "doors") Persian plural suffix –ān.] She called his name Moses, as she said, 'For I drew him from the water.' Moses (Hebrew Moshe) comes from Greek which does not allow masculine names to end with a vowel (Yeshua becomes Jesus, Moshe becomes Moses. [Mose-ay pedig Holdfolyó? Amenmose? Mis-ar pedig folyami árterület? Bár a "Mi" jelent Hold-at is.] Szép madárka: The etymology of Sep-hora: Sephos (Greek for beauty) + Zipphora (wife of Moses known for her beauty) = Sephora.
finnugor Mosel: mos (1214) mosdó (1260), mosdik (1260), mosdatlan (1376), mosogat (1519), mosatlan (1604), mosakodik (1772), mosoda ( 1872) (zárójelben első ismert említése). Lavo: Kisbíró Akkád masu = Magyar mos = Angol wash [mi > we], de emlékezzünk az aranymosók Mosoni-Duna ágára vagy a vitatott Mosaburgra is! Middle English moiste ("moist, wet", also "fresh"), from Anglo-Norman moiste and Middle French moiste ("damp, mouldy, wet"), of obscure origin and formation. Robert Archibald Armstrong - gaelic: Phlegm; humours; moisture; water. Flicheachd, s. fn frorn fliche. (Ir. id.) Phlegm; hu-'mours ; moisture ; water ; ooziness. Welsh llaid, mire, Breton leiz, moist. Latin madeo, be wet; root m?d, mad; m?in , m?ine peat, moss, Irish m?in, g. m?na, Early Irish m?in, pl. m?inte, Welsh mawn, peat, turf: *mân-; Latin mâno, flow, English emanate. Strachan takes it from *mokni-, root mok, mak, Church Slavonic mokru@u, wet, Lithuanian makone, puddle; Stokes agrees, giving Celtic as *mâkni-, môkni-. It is doubtful if Welsh k would disappear before n (cf. deur). Welsh has also a form migen, mign, a bog. from the root mu, befoul, be wet. Thot-mosis a folyó istene? ..vagy csillagfolyó? Moso helyek Sh-val.. Sa-mos meg a Zsil bátyja? Maas pedig a latin Mosa folyó.

Fasti körkép
Ovidius (Kr.?e. 43–Kr.?u. 17) római költő már a Julianus naptár idején élt, de közvetlenül a Caesar meggyilkolását követő évben született. Fasti (Ünnepek) című költeményében a római naptár szerint haladva megemlékezett a különböző ünnepekről. Művét nem fejezte be, vagy a második félév nem maradt fenn.


In fact, by the Augustan period, an adult female wearing a toga was .... the mitra, tiara, infula, vittae, tunic, amictus, laena, chlamys, palla, and toga. ...
Római divat
Tertullian's pithy oration, De pallio, is even addressed to "the eternal Princes of Africa, men of Carthage" (principes semper Africae, viri Carthaginienses), indicating the provincial setting of this oration and the ethnic construction of Christian masculinity being advanced in it.
Roman authors insist that matrons should wear the stola, a garment with a v-shaped neckline that was worn over a tunic, and the vittae, ribbons that were tied into the hair. Yet the visual record of such items, most especially the vittae, are rare (38). Indeed, the item of dress that more often distinguished the high-standing woman was the palla, a wrap or mantle that could be, but was not always, used to veil the head (34-36). Olson concludes that literary presentations indicate an ideal dress code, perhaps even an antiquarian one, "drawn from the clothing of the flaminca Dialis", who was the high priestess known for "marital fidelity" (41). Items of dress could be used rhetorically to indicate a woman's character; a chaste woman, for instance, could be called stolata, stola-clad, where a prostitute might be called togata, toga-clad, but such descriptors signified moral dispositions rather than routine habits of dress (50 and 113).

7 híd a 7 halom városában
The bridges over the Tiber in Rome, seven in number: Pons Sublicius, called afterwards, when built of stone, Aemilius Fabricius and Cestius, leading to and from Insula Tiberina, the island of Aesculapius ; Palatinus or Senatorius, now Ponte Rotto; Vaticanus or Triumphalis ; these five are more or less destroyed ; Janiculensis, now Ponte di Sisto; and Aelius, built by Adrian to give access to his magnificent mausoleum, now the bridge and castle of St. Angelo.

Római épületek: Diadalívek, fürdők, arénák, templomok..
"A Colosseum mellett áll Nagy Konstantin diadalíve, melyet 315-ben emeltetett a császár a Maxentius császár feletti győzelmének emlékére. Ez a csata volt az első lépés a kereszténységre való áttérés felé. A krónikák szerint Konstantinnak látomása volt, melyben az Isten győzelmet ígért a császár seregének, ha katonái pajzsukon keresztet viselnek." [Pontosabban a kereszt két mássalhangzóját (ki-ro betűket) ligatura szerűen. Az akvadukt elnevezés a latin aqua (víz) és a ducere (vezeték) szóból ered. [A duce pedig az olasz nemzetvezető volt.]

Etruscan Language traducted by an albanian expert in langauges and history
Te urat........te uret.............nobles. [Ti urak, ti urak..]
Tan.............tan..................our. [Ten fiad kebledre..]
Na la...............left us. [Nála még a levél.. Nala means "gift" in Swahili.]
Rez.............rrez.................rays. [Réz szavunk. Ré fiai?]
Ula..............ul, pošt...........down, under. [Üla székre le.]
Ul...............ul (v)...............drop, to lower.
Me..............m',, into.
Va?r………varr................grave. [Lithuanian: vartai=kapu.]
Lautn………(i) lart............high, great. [Lieutenant > Hadnagy.]
Fušle.............pus, guv.........1- cave; 2- well (n)

A velencei kalmár
In the Middle Ages the Venetians were known as the archetypes of the parasite, the people who “neither sow nor reap.” For the Greeks, they were the hated “frogs of the marshes.” In Germany, a folk tale describes the merchant of Venice as an aged Pantaloon who makes his rounds robbing men of their human hearts and leaving a cold stone in their place.
sedēre "to sit" (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *sed-, as in English sit).
esse "to be" (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *h1es-, as in English is) The verb esse was an irregular, suppletive verb, with some of its forms (e.g. fui "I was") taken from the Proto-Indo-European verb *bhuH- (as in English be).
stāre "to stand" or "to stay" (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *steh2-, as in English stand and German stehen).

STAND — Stative/intrans. ‘stand’ is expressed in Hitt. by the middle verb ar- < IE *er- ‘move, stir, raise’, > "ST-ar-e" NEM megy. (David Michael Weeks után szabadosan) A ST-and pedig NEM andalog? Nem ERed neki?

Magna Graecia Orra, Strabo-nál Urra.
In the Liber Coloniarum (p. 262), among the Civitates Provinciae Calabriae, the “Uritanus ager” is undoubtedly associated with this center (Plin. HN 3.100). Etymology: The Messapian name Orra derives from a previous *Uria, given the known Messapian development *ri->rr. The Greek name Hyria has a counterpart in Hyrium (Apulia), and both have been related to a Messapian urios 'portam' or to the IE root *(a)uer- 'water, rain, flow'. [Itt akkor az "Erech" nem is "őrök", hanem kapuk? Melyeken át a víz folyt?]

Égi lányok földjén

The city of Palma is the political, administrative and business centre of the Balearic archipelago. The service sector, tourism and construction lead the economy since the sixties of the 20th century. Quinto Cecilio Metelo founded Palma in 123 BC after conquering Majorca [Mah-orka?] for Rome in order to definitely control the Mediterranean basin. Medina Mayurqa, the Arab name of Palma, was integrated in the omeyan state of Al-Andalus at the beginning of the 10th century. The Christian king Jaume I d'Aragó conquered the island on the 31st of December 1229, calling it Ciutat de Mallorques. In 1230 it became the capital of the Regne de Mallorca.
Madina Mayurqa (Palma in Majorca) and Palermo. Arabok nem szerették a "p" hangot. Panormos -> Balermo. Paler -> Baler. Noha a hőmérséklet 0-40 fok között ingadozik, így kevés ruhára volt szükség, azért nem a "naked=balle" szó után kaphatta a nevét az orchipelago.
May jelenthet : méh, egy, illuzió..
Majorka. Hebrew: "illuminated". Paleárok: Mallorca, Minorca, Ibiza.. Van, akinél a sziget eredete Maior-ca, ahol a "major=nagy" és a "-ca=ősszláv kicsinyítő" > Nagyocska. Vajh a May-urga tükörfordítása a Mall-orca? Catalan: "palmell=tenyér/palma". Dhivehi: "attila=kéz". Coptic: "tot=kéz". Oroqen: "na:la=kéz". [Mayuria=páva: May (Moon) - ur(unknown lang.) - ia (helynévképző).] Maya word "u=Moon". (si in the Mochik language)

Képeskönyv - Szicíliai kisváros
Lungo il confine meridionale della provincia di Catania, immersa nel panorama tipico dei monti Iblei, si trova Vizzini. Spanish Ibiza, from Catalan Eivissa. The Isle of Bes.

But his father belonged to the Asclepiad clan, and as the Asclepiads were certainly not Dorians, neither can that race in general nor the Hyblaean Magarians in .... Anadyomene (Anaduomene), the goddess rising out of the sea, a surname given to Aphrodite, in allusion to the story of her being born from the foam of the sea. Hybla was the name of a pre-Greek divinity, later identified with the Greek Aphrodite . [Vajon azonosítható Hu-bal istennel? S Hu-Bal az "(ki)-ku-pál"?] (In the sixth Homeric hymn Aphrodite is called glykmeilochos, sweet like honey). Hybla was worshipped on hills in Sicily which had unusual natural phenomena, such as a volcano and mineral springs. Hupli (német = "ugrató"); Walloon: "hopea=domb/hupli"; hupli = hepehupa, dudor, kidudorodás; English: hump - púp (domb, huppanó, hupli). Viszont a görög "hopliták" állítólag a pajzsuk (hoplon) után kapták nevüket.

Lais of Hyccara (died 340 BC) was a courtesan of Ancient Greece. She was probably born in Hyccara, Sicily (in the place of modern Carini) and died in Thessaly. Another hetaira (courtesan) with the same name was Lais of Corinth. Since ancient authors in their (usually indirect) accounts often confuse them or do not indicate which they refer to, the two are inextricably linked.

enblahay -- Answer: (hyblaean) [Hübsch hableány a Kardhágótól északra. :-) ] Mount Hyblean: Monti Iblei mészkőhegység nem Ibizán. Uyghur mészkő: (h)ak teshi. The name "Ebla" means "White Rock," and refers to the limestone. Fehér: Gujarati: saphed. Min Nan: peh-sek. Estonian: valge. Manchu: šanyan. Persian: sepid. Khmer: saa. Latvian: balts. Zazaki: sipe. Pipil: istak. Scottish Gaelic: geal, ban, fionn.

An important archaeological centre, this town lies up against the spurs of the Hyblaean Hills, in the upper Ana-po valley. The remains of an archaic temple building (sixth century B.C.) on the site on the acropolis provide evidence that a Temple of Aphro-dite once stood there.

Above the theater one can see ruins of several buildings and, among these the remains of the Temple of Aphrodite of the sixth century BC, of which remains large square blocks and part of the cell.
Akrai and the necropolis of Pantalica are found in the Hyblaean Mountains, an area full of wild flowers and almond trees. Amongst the ost significant urban remains of Akrai, a sub-colony of Syracuse, are the basis of a Doric temple, a superb Greek theatre and an acropolis dedicated to Aphrodite.
The Cipolla di Giarratana (Giarratana Onion) is a Sicilian variety of onion, sweet and of considerable size, with bulbs from the flattened shape which can be up to 500 grams and a white-brownish tunic. It is cultivated in the comune of Giarratana, in the Hyblaean Mountains, where is the main product of the local agriculture.

One day Hybla, mother of the bee-rich mountains nearby, took pity on the Maiden and sent her Nymphs, who were knowledgeable in all the herbs that grow on that miraculously fertile island, to drug the dragons into a deep slumber from which they would not rouse, and the Nymphs enticed the Maiden from her tower of solitude to dance with them and gather lovely flowers for festive crowns. They were joined in their revels by the virgins Athene, Artemis and Hekate who were overjoyed to be reunited with their long-lost sister the Maiden, who had never been given a proper name of her own, so great had her mother neglected her in an effort to protect her.

Megara sometimes called, for distinction's sake, Megara Hyblaea (ta Megara: Eth. Megareus or Megareus Hublaios, Megarensis), a city of Sicily, situated on the E. coast of the island, between Syracuse and Catana, in the deep bay formed by the Xiphonian promontory. It was unquestionably a Greek colony, deriving its origin from the Megara in Greece Proper; and the circumstances attending its foundation are related in detail by Thucydides.

Elements of Ionic decoration were added to this Doric temple, which was probably dedicated to Aphrodite.

The Syracuse area, or Syracusana, had five rivers, all originating in the Hyblean Mountains, the Anapos being the longest.

Arab a spanyolban
Arabic word wadi meaning ‘river’ or ‘valley’. Some examples are Guadalajara (wadi al-hijarah, ‘river/valley of stone’), Guadalcazar (wadi al-qasr, ‘river/valley of the castle’), and Guadalaviar (wadi al-abyad, ‘white river’).
The military-related words Spanish gained include: weaponry, such as adarga (‘shield’) from Arabic ad-daraqah and alfanje (a type of sabre) from anǧar; people, such as alférez (‘lieutenant’) from al-fāris (‘the gentleman’) and algara (‘cavalry’) from al-ārah; and structures, such as alcázar (‘fortress’) from al-qar and atalaya (‘watchtower’) from at-alā'i‘.

Qarho is another name of Dibon. In the famous Mesha Stele (or Moabite stone),a the ninth-century Moabite king Mesha regularly calls Dibon “Qarho”; in this inscription, Mesha uses the name Dibon exclusively for his political state. But Dibon and Qarho seem to have been used interchangeably as names for the city. Although Ramesses II here calls the city Qarho, he calls it Dibon in a historical inscription to which I will return presently. Hebrew
Šē d絈. A šēd héber szó többes száma hímnemben. Etimológiáját tekintve a héber nyelven belül több kifejezéssel (šad – női mell, √ šdd – pusztulni à šod – pusztulás) is kapcsolatban lehet, de ez tisztázatlan. Több kutató is feltételezi, hogy a héberben a šēd az akkádból származó jövevényszó lenne, a šêdu átvétele. [Szud-An területéről pedig a SDN (korona, mocsár) ismert.]
Minoan-Etrusk connection Gregory Nagy of Harvard University developed a list of Linear A and Linear B terms based on the assumption “that signs of identical or similar shape in the two scripts will represent similar or identical phonetic values”; Nagy concluded that the language of Linear A bears “Greek-like” and Indo-European elements.

Rokonok? E magyarul elolvasott öt szöveg alapján határozottan úgy véljük, hogy az etruszk nyelv a magyar nyelvcsaládba tartozik és annak itt meghatározó dialektusa annyira közeli árnyalata a magyar nyelvnek, hogy vele teljesen azonosnak veheto. Ez nagy eredmény, mert igazolja, hogy az Olasz-félszigetre a Kr.e. 1000 után betelepedett és ott magas kultúrát alkotott szántó-veto nép is magyar volt, akárcsak az Égei-szigetek és a Balkán-félsziget elso népessége, valamint Nyugat-Európa elso két néphulláma.

Dr Fáy Elek - Siculus, az SKL tengeri nép
Bockhardt … a szikulok nevét a kánaáni Eszkol-völgyre vezette vissza, mely Mózes IV. könyve 24. versében fordul elő, mint ahonnan a lemetszett szőlőfürt való volt, amelyet a Kánaánba előre küldött kémek vittek Mózes elé. Bockhardt szerint ugyanis a héber eszkol (szőlőfürt) szíriai nyelven szegul vagy szegolnak hangzik.

Nem a büszke vezér
Holdhoz kapcsolható: német: "Siechel (sarló)". sumer: "Szin (hold)". latin: siccus (száraz). Tamil word Cakkaram/Sakkaram mean "wheel," as well as "circle" and "cycle".

Diodorus Siculus Diodor de Sicília o Diodor Sícul (Diodorus Siculus) fou un historiador grec de Sicília que va viure al segle I aC contemporani de Juli Cesar i August.

The name originates from the Greek Sikelia, land of Sikeloi; Sicilians were the autochthonous Italic tribe that was swept by the Greek and Roman migrations. A SY-can-ok ősi lakhelye volt Sy-cil-ia. Aki megengedheti magának, olvassa Krahmalkov szótárát! A comparison of Sinaitic "T" and Phoenician "Š". Thin > Shin.

Forum: Sometime early in his career, Plautus, whose first plays were produced ca. 200 b.c., undertook to translate for the Roman stage the Athenian comedy Karkehdonios (“Carthaginian”), perhaps the play of this name by the poet Alexis (ca. 375-275 b.c.). If Plautus’s translation is true to the plot of the original, the Karkhedonios told the story of the tireless quest of the noble Hanno of Carthage for his daughters and nephew, who had been abducted from Carthage as children, and his joyous discovery and reunion with them in the city of Calydon. Plautus called his version of the play Patruus (“The Uncle”), but the work acquired a second name, Poenulus (“Little Phoenician”), by which it is today better known. At the time Plautus was translating the Karkhedonios into Latin, he learned of the existence of a Punic translation of the play. Consistent with his unique sense of the comic, Plautus conceived the highly original idea to incorporate lines of the Punic version of the Greek play into his own Latin version: in his play, Plautus would have the Carthaginians speak authentic Punic, not Greek as in the sedate Attic original of Alexis.

Tevenyereg, a héber birka
Ráhel: The corpus of Sicilian rahl toponyms, said to consist of more than a hundred rahl toponyms (107 rahl and 18 manzil, according to Burman, 1991, p. 88), includes a relatively small number of localities where the prefix managed to survive in one form or other. The same remarks on the relatively limited modern descent of rahl toponyms in the Iberian context may be made from an observation of the corpus of rahl toponyms from Majorca and Valencia (Bofarull y Mascaró, 1856).

Palica - ókori település Sziciliában. (pinyin: pà li chá)
Its archeological site is located in Rocchicella on a spur of basalt in the valley of the Margi river. It lies at a distance of two kilometers to the west of the comune of Palagonia, but is part of the comune of Mineo, both in the province of Catania. Diodorus Siculus writes that it was founded in 453 BCE by the native Sikel leader Ducetius near the Palicorum Lacus. Palagonia is outstanding for the vast production of cereals, olives, grapes, and the delicious "arance rosse". Map. Pantalica is a plateau in which 5,000 tombs were built between the 13th and 7th centuries BC. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Valamint Ducezio. A szikelek útja The Sicels (Siculi), the ancient namesake of Sicily, probably came from the Italian peninsula to the East side of the island. The Sicani might have come from Spain or Northern Africa to the West coast of the island. The Elymian claimed to be refugees from the Trojan War. During the Roman Empire ‘Tyrian purple’ was more valuable than gold. ‘Born in the Purple’ a term popularized during the Byzantine Empire, signified destiny and superiority of children born to the Royal family. The color became synonymous with wealth and power.


Gascogne F > H.
As far as I could notice, the FF is a convention in the Gascon dialect of Occitan to note an [h] sound, similar to English 'h', in words where Latin had F. E.g. "hèsta" (latin FESTA, party), "hilha" (latin FILIA, daughter), "in.hèrn" (latin INFERNU, Hell), and of course "hont" (Latin FONTE, spring, fountain = Forrás).

Elvira Peyrafitte (also my last name) was buried at the St.Vincent de Paul Cemetery in New Orleans on December 5th 1915. My mother who keeps our family tree had no records of her. It turned out that the name was most likely Peyrefitte and not Peyrafitte, as mine is. One  thing is sure, both names have the exact same meaning: peyre,peire/a —from the latin & occitan : stone;  and hitta/o/e (gascon) or fitta /o/e (eastern occitan) : raised.

Libatömés: In Occitan-Gascon the word magret —from the latin magre, literally means “lean”. It is definitely the leanest piece of the canard gras — that is the fattened moulard duck raised for foie gras. To make moulard ducks fat, force-feeding is required for a few weeks. This ancient technique seems to be referenced as far back as the 5th century BC.

Palacsinta "Pannequets have been part of the French cuisine repertoire for a long time, though the word derives from the English “pancake”— from the middle English pan +cake —that’s an easy one." Greek: tiganíta. Slovak: palacinka (5 lapos? máshol a "chince=bedbug".). Assamese: kék. (> kukta, konyha, bár amerind "kuti=tűz".) Sütemény: Hebrew: uga(ri-t?). Pale! Kukken sie bitte! Romance: In some relatively ancient papyri originating from outside the subsequent leniting Romance area we find audem < autem 'however', pecado, peccadis < peccat- 'sin, error', and perhaps also expedivi < expetiui 'I desired' (Vaannen 1982:113) [Fr. honte 'shame', Fr., Occ. franc 'frank, free'] c(k) > g: dominigo, gdligo, tridigo in 11th-century texts. Búza: [busca 'search'] Occitan: blat (blatten see?). Basque: gari. Cantonese: siu mak. Old Portuguese: triigo. Wu: mah. Alemannic German: Weisse. Kyrgyz: buud-ay.

Yakov Malkiel The Hypothetical Base in Romance Etymology
*budiine (from buda 'swamp grass') > Seg. Vall. Sal. Extr. bod6n, bodonal, bohonal 'bog, quagmire'
Spanish is tolondro 'bump from a blow' < *torondro < *torondo < *torundu < toru 'protuberance'
Fáklya facula 'faggot, torch'. a fáklya egyik végén égetett FA (ált. gyantás fenyőág), amely később olajjal átitatott ruhatekercset (torqueo = twist) kapott a hosszabb égésért. A FA-cula FÁ-cska. A "wood" nem csak a magyarban "fa". Afrikában is előfordul (takeli lang.).
The same Menage, to account for Fr. ancien, posited the series ante, *antius, *antianus, still widely considered as valid.5 Caseneuve, in 1641, and his better remembered contemporary Du Cange decided that Fr. acheter was related to Lat. caput through V. L. *accapitare, an explanation condemned by Diez, yet defended by Thomas.

(titulu 'title' not > *tejo; natiuu 'native' not> *nadio; saeculu 'century' not > *sejo; cupiditäs, *-ttia 'greed' not > *codeza' Manual 12-4) and in criticizing etyma established by predecessors (Diez's* grüicula would have yielded *grueja rather than grulla crane Rom. 29.354).
Kancsal: Leon. bisgo, Cat. bizco 'squint-eyed' were aptly connected with *uersfcu 'turned, shifted' by means of the assumed links *viesgo and *viesco, cf. Ptg.-Gal. vesgo and topon. Tritikálé: OSp. herdad and between triticu, Hisp.-Lat. tridigo (11th century) 'wheat' and OSp. trigo can be bridged in several ways (Manual1154, 183). [A tritikálé a búza és a rozs keresztezésével létrehozott szemes gabonaféle takarmánynövény. Neve a búza (triticum) és a rozs (secale) latin nevének összevonása.]

Occitania was often politically united during the Early Middle Ages, under the Visigothic Kingdom and several Merovingian and Carolingian sovereigns.

Kata lányok karma. Mi-Claus
The word clavell and its cognates can trace their earliest roots to the Indo-European root [klawo], used to designate a clinching instrument, and it's itself a variant of [kleu], a hook. The root [klawo] was incorporated into most of the ancient Western languages, such as Phoenician and Greek. Eventually Latin, a direct descendant of Greek and Etruscan, also used the root, spelling it clavus.
Towards the last days of the Empire, clavus (meaning nail and spice clove) developed a especialized variation in clavellus, "little nail", which defined more particularly the spice clove. But by then the people of Occitania (South France) and Catalunya thought the carnation flower was extremely reminiscent of the spice clove. When clavellus entered their vocabulary the fragant carnation was given the name of clavellus as well, as the species that was baptized with the name smelled just like the spice clove. We believe that the incorporation of clavellus into Southern France and Catalunya presents the clear root to the origin of the words clavell (Catalunya) and clavel (South France), and eventually the surnames Clavell (Catalunya), Clavel (South France), and Claville (from Clavel, in Normandy). In Spanish, the “ll” basically makes a “ya” sound. Me llamo = “may yamo.” Mallorca.

Tusculanum Tüzecském?
"Tusculum was an ancient city of Latium in the Alban Hills, on the northern edge of the outer ring of Alban volcanoes (some 15 miles from Rome, near modern Frascati). Founded by at least the eighth century BC, its earlier history was often hostile to Rome during the period the town belonged to the Latin League. But from at least the fourth century B.C., it was a part of Rome's system of allied villages and tribes."
The name TUSCULUM is an indication that even this town was founded by the Turanians of the Latium (from Tr. ALTAYUM) region. Being a town next to a volcano gives a hint about its name. TUSCULUM when read as "TUS-CULUM" in one meaning in Turkish is "TOZ KÜLUM" meaning "I am dust and ash" which is what a volcano spews out. In another meaning it is a form of the Turkish name "ATAS KULUM" (ATES KÜLÜM) meaning "I am fire and ashes" which is again what a volcano throws up and out. These two Turkish explanatory phrases explain the Romanized name TUSCULUM which is a town next to a volcano.

Read more: Linkek:
Ugorok és a sedes.
Mediterran 1

Pesti István 2018 augusztus
