Afrika 21. rész


A Nílus (Bahr An-nil / Nahr An-nil) felső folyásánál létrejött ország. Sudan állítólag "fekete" jelentésű. Arabic "süd=blacks" singular "sawdä(rábia)". Az "-an" hasonló, mint a magyarban a "fekete - feketén". Vagyis Bilad al-Südan az "ország a feketéken". Vicces, hogy a világosbarna arab feketézi a sötétbarna négert. Saud: Arab (in Hebrew Arvi) names meaning "family" or "the house of". Sudan nevének bizonyára nincs köze a latin "sudare=sweat" szóhoz. Az arab hódítók a 7. sz.-ban jelentek meg, le egészen Makuria területéig. Makuria a 14.sz.-ban összeomlott. Ez után kezdhették el a területre használni a Sudan nevet. The Arabic word sudd is derived from sadd, meaning "barrier" or "obstruction". The term the sudd has come to refer to any large solid floating vegetation island or mat. Szud mocsárvilága. A Fehér-Nílus adja a stabil vízhozamot és a Kék-Nílus pedig az áradásokat. SDN pedig egy kushita sapka-korona neve. Török László az egyiptomi fehér koronával hozza párhuzamba: stn.w. The sedge plant (swt) is the symbol of Upper Egypt and the bee (bit) is the symbol of Lower Egypt. The sdn was kept in the Amon Temple at Napata. Koronák Szudánból. A "Queen, 1250ca." aláírású hasonlít a Komnenosok koronájára.
Törekedve a teljességre: Tajik: "sudan=go/megy". God (Allah), Muslims often follow it with the abbreviation "SWT." These letters stand for the Arabic words "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala," or "Glory to Him, the Exalted." Sedan definition, an enclosed automobile. The location where the two Niles meet is known as "al-Mogran", meaning the confluence. Václav Blažek: On Classification of Middle Iranian Languages. Npstn = nibastan. Wazark = great, huge. šidan/sudon =fight,kill; /sidan= svéd "oldal"/. Ursula Lenker,Anneli Meurman-Solin: "a sith-ek bosszúja", ahol "sud=dél". Shadow, szellem (Sw.t, Egypt).
Masseiana: The stelae of Baal (Sut) would be records of Sothis, the Dog-star, the star of Sut, the first announcer of celestial time in relation to the Great Bear and the inundation in Egypt. Shu, in his twofold character, has been sufficiently identified with the Moses and Joshua of the Hebrew writings. Sut is Seth, to whom the pillars and stelae are attributed. Törekedve a teljességre: finnish "sydän= szív= heart".

Fekete néhány nyelven: Albanian: zi, Azeri: qara, Cantonese: hak, Chuukese: chon, Chuvash: hura (kuro-shio), Uzbek: siyoh, Italian: nero, Kannada: kappu, Somali: madow, Sanskrit: krsna, Rohingya: hala, Ossetian: saw, Lithuanian: júodas. (Vajon a zi-gan szóban a "-gan" az a plural jel? Nem, mert a -gan perzsa, ez a "zi" albán szó. Firdausi a "Királyok könyvében" azt írja, hogy a fekete ZIGAN (másik ZI/CI/SI) nem mossa a fehérneműjét. The ZI corresponded with the ka or "double" of the Egyptians, which accompanied like a shadow all things in heaven and earth. Cigányvilág.)

A dinka Sudan legnagyobb népcsoportja, számuk 2-3 millióra tehető.
Every Dinka male is given an ox by his father, uncle or whoever is responsible for him. His ‘bull-name’ like other Dinka names also derive from colour of their cattle and a girl (Ayen, Yar, etc.) or a boy (Mayom, Mayen, Malith, etc.) could be named after the colour of the best ox (mayom, malith, mayen) or cow (ayen, yar) that was given in marriage by the father.

Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century. Szerkesztette: Bethwell A. Ogot,Unesco. "The Luo intrusions into Baar apparently induced the Madi-led Panyimur, Atyak and Koc-Pagak to migrate south to the Mount Kilak area. A Madi-Luo struggle for power ensued in Pakwac-Pawir. In the chiefsom of Atyak it was prophesied that a child of the princess, Nyilak (c.1517-62) would assassinate her father the king and seize the throne.

Simon and Gar FUNKEL..-) (Melyik volt magyar?)
A két Nílus közötti nép részben a FUNG nép maradványa, amely valaha Senaar földjét uralta. Egyik águk a Tabi hegy völgyeiben élő Ingassana törzs. A környék népei közül érdekes nevű még a Mogoreb törzs.
A "nuba fung" gyakorolja a körülmetélést, s vezetője az esőcsináló. A nuba nép nem vásárolja a feleséget, mint a többi szudáni, ezért náluk anyai rokonság is létezik. Fung dynasty. Funj > Panj, mint a shilluk? (karom). Vagy a thaiföldi "phong=ghost" változata? "Sen" means Noodles in Thai - Sennar. The Fung of the Sudan are another people whose name means stranger, or foreigner. A fung szónak feltehetően nincs köze a kantoni "fing=szél" szóhoz.
Sudan history: The Chollo led by Nyikango moved northwards from WicPac. They raided the Fung who were forced to leave the area and settle at Sennar on the Blue Nile.
Névrokonok délen. A fungwe nagyon lényeges szó. Lefordítva több, mint "vágy". Ha ez a vágy valakit eltölt, akkor az a sorsát is meghatározza. Méh jelentéssel is fordítják.

Hofmayr (1925. p.7.) szerint a Shilluk nép adta a ya puny nevet a Fung népnek, s az módosult. Másik hipotézise szerint Sennar népe a "cai" és a Dongo jelentése valószínűleg "hegylakó". S a Fung nép Sennar magasabb részén él.
Shilluk nyelven a Juok=God, aki egyrészt szellem (wei), másrészt emberi testet (del) is ölthet. /Cyril Daryll Forde/ (Del-os?)
The foreigners, e.g. Fulani, Galla, Fung, Havashi, Batwa. Európában viszont "idegen" jelentésű népnevek a welsh, lapps, waloon, hebrew, vlatsch.

Meroe utódállama
Nobadia a Meroé Királyság összeomlása (körülbelül 350) után létrejött egyik utódállam. amelynek uralkodói a 6. században keresztény hitre tértek. A korai pogány Nobadia régészeti kulturáját Ballana kultúra (más néven: X csoport) néven is nevezik. A királyság vezetőrétege valószínűleg a nobák közül került ki.
Nobadia felett az úgynevezett eparkhosz uralkodott, akit Pakhórasz domesztikoszának is címeztek, arabul pedig a Hegyek Ura (száhib el-gebel) neveztek.

Sudan - Burial mound
The Nubian kingdom of Noba-tia (or Nobadia) had its capital at Pachoras (modern Faras), and was located in modern northern Sudan and southern Egypt.
A Greek inscription by Silko at Kalabsha may be dated to around this time. Silko refers to himself as Basiliskos, or kinglet, of the Nobatae, and describes fighting the Blemmyes from Ibrim to Shellal and extracting an oath of submission from them. These would probably be the same Blemmyes who were defeated by Roman Emperor Diocletian in AD 297 when he called in a people known as the Nobate from the oases of the western Egyptian desert (on the fringes of Kush), to defend the southern frontier of the empire at Aswan.

The Post-Meroitic phase of Sudanese history, which roughly covers the period from the fourth to the sixth centuries CE, is most distinguished by the X-Group culture.
A képen látható koronán feltűnik a 3-as motívum.

Estván, a király
On the walls of the Faras cathedrals are some more or less well preserved frescoes of saints, angels and biblical figures. The more interesting frescoes for us however, show kings and queens and other Nobatian dignitaries, amongst them some eparchs or chief executives.
A third group is made up of a king wearing an apron with a pattern of large squares and seven-petalled marguerite-like flowers, his tunica chequy, in each square a little disc. He is wearing a cross-sack, a piece of cloth worn from the right shoulder and draped over his left lower arm. He is wearing a veiled crown of three triangular plates and a collar with a crux quadrata.
The statuette is of a sitting queen with a crown on her head of Komnenan Byzantine fashion, consisting of a cilindrical diadem with three hoops.

Par(n=m)ai kolostor
Sapkaszerű korona a kushita népnél.
Az Istenek még a "parnasszuson" (pr-nsw = királyi rezidencia) laktak. Hittite parna "abode." Parnassus with twin peaks.

A kétszarvú csúcsot a tragédiaíróknál Dionüszosz uralja, aki éjszakánként itt mulatozik a nimfákkal. Apolló neve náluk csupán a Delphoi jósda és a tiszteletére épített szentély kapcsán kerül kapcsolatba a Parnasszussal, de ilyenkor nem karvezetői, hanem papi és jósművészi jelzője kerül előtérbe. A tragédiaírók magyarázói lesznek majd később azok, akik a "Parnassus biceps" csúcsait felosztják a két isten között, igazodva a az apollói és dionüszoszi ünnepek váltakozásának hagyományához.

Winters - Kétnyelvűek?
Anatolia was occupied by many Kushite groups,including the Kashkas and or Hatti. The Hatti , like the Dravidian speaking people were probably related Some of the Tehenu or Kushites settled Anatolia. Some of the major Anatolian Kushite tribes were the Kaska and Hatti speakers who spoke non-IE languages called Khat-tili. The gods of the Hattic people were Kasku and Kusuh (< Kush).


This paper examines art and culture among the Igbo of Nigeria and the Ainu of Japan.
The Ainu lived in basic villages or communities commonly known as Kotan.
Pic - afrikai néprajzi kiállítás
Viharisten Afrikában
When thunder is heard, you should salute him by crying ‘Cabio Sile Shango’, or words to that effect.
Yoruba deiti
Bantu szavak. /Ja ljublju u tyibjá. orosz nyelven./
lubo lubi lubwo v. to love. (Nem lóvé, hanem szeretet.)
laka lace lakwa v. to refuse. (Visszautasít, megtagad.)
kirikiri a. round. (kerek)
hwonno hwenni hwonwo v. to burn. (égni)
hwaga hwaj? hwagwa v. to cut (hair)
húló huri hulwo v. to blow (e.g. musical instrument. Hurrikán rokon? Karib térség, Nepál.)
bu-busa a- i-bus? n. Grass species used for thatching roofs. (Fűféle zsupptetőhöz.)

Haal-de = to speak. Beszélni.
jeedidi = seven. 7 a turk nyelvekből.
laaci, laasi = tail

Hausa: tsaba=mag.
Íná náni Píkká. I’m a Bole woman. or "I’m a woman of Fika."
Íná Léngi. = I’m Lengi. = Én a Léngi vagyok.

Chadic "igirn=shoulder". Iga?
Wolof numbers: Note: the irregular form of fanweer for thirty. This word is formed by the Wolof fan which means day and weer which means month = the number of days in a month.
Igbo - EGYPTIAN | IGBO (Onitsha and Uburu dialects used)
Feh (to go away) | Feh (to fly away. Elszáll.)
Budo (dwelling place) | Obodo/ubudo (country, dwelling place. Lakóhely.)
Beka (pray/confess. Imádkozó, hitvalló.) | Biko/Beko (to plead, please)
Ma (to know. Tudni.) | Ma, Ma-li (to know)
Ala (Land of. Földje.) | Ala (Land of, ground, boundary)
Amu (children. Gyerekek, mint a Hold általában.) | Umu (children)
Isi (leader. Vezető, főnök.) | Isi (leader, head (body part), female name as in igbo: “Isioma”)
Miri (water. Víz.) | Miri (water)
The word for Fulani in Wolof is Pël, from this the French derived Peul
Paal - a Kushite god; a form of Ra
Fulani are Hal Pulaaren i.e. speakers of Pulaar a language also called Fulbe/Fulfulde of the Ful people where the word Fulani originates.

Kap Iten
Város Kenyában - Iten
Iten is a town in Elgeyo-Marakwet County of Kenya. It is located along the road between Eldoret and Kabarnet. Elgeyo escarpment and Kerio River are located east of Iten.
Maratoni futók szülőhelye.
Despite an injury withdrawal from the London Marathon by the world-record holder, Patrick Makau, a performance that cost him a spot on the Olympic team, Kenyans appear poised to accomplish great feats at the London Games.
Képek a környékről. Kienyeji greens (managu or kunde or spinach-depends on the availability on Iten

Itan - Yoruba
Its homeland is in Southwestern Nigeria and the adjoining parts of Benin and Togo, a region that has come to be known as Yorubaland. Yoroba religion is formed of diverse traditions and has no single founder. Yoruba religious beliefs are part of itan, the total complex of songs, histories, stories and other cultural concepts which make up the Yoruba society.
Téli rege
Instead, this is an African reboot of "The Winter's Tale", one of the lesser known tragicomedies written by the Bard about a child princess cast away out of jealous rage and later reunited with her royal family. A theater company in Nigeria is performing their version of the play, called "Itan Oginintin", at Shakespeare's Globe in London for a festival showing 38 Shakespeare plays in different world languages as part of the London Cultural Olympiad.

Ahol a kapitány a főkolompos: - gezagvoerder
“It’s Etymology Captain, but Not as We Know It”: Pump in North Australia
Jingulu "k—ulum-b—upi =trumpet". Warlpiri (PNy) kurlumpurrngu ‘trumpet, didjeridu, guitar’. Unknown Queensland Gulf language (PNy) colombo, associated with ‘a hardwood drone pipe collected from the Gulf of Carpentaria’a. Kalkatungu (PNy) kuíumpu ‘emu-caller’ Blake (1979: 179).

Kapitány szavunk - némi áttétellel - az ókori rómaiaknál is felbukkan: Cap-i-tolium. Amelyből a KOPonya és a "tola=domb, Hold, tűz" hallatszik ki. Szinte Golgota!..:-).
Viszont a kunoknak már a várkapitányok előtt kapitányaik voltak.. Tóth Gyula még a gepidákat is a főből eredezteti. Gep-ida > Kap-ida? Mindenesetre a gepida temetőkből számos nagy koponya került elő. ("Hun koponyatorzítás."). Török nyelvből pedig "kapi-tan" valami "tan" kapuja. Hajnal kapuja?

Jászok: Az első adatok a jász kapitányokról a XIV. század végéről származnak. A kapitány szó (a latin «caput» – «fej») manapság inkább katonai rangként ismeretes, azokban az időkben pedig így nevezték a helyi vezetőket, akik a népet a békeidőben és a jász lovasságot a háborúkban irányították.

Nyelv: KAPISHTE – a pagan Bulgar temple. Kap – a prayer (Eastern Caucasian). Kapisha – a priest (Accadian). In the Old Bulgarian literary language they are represented solely by the words kumir (idol) and kapishte (heathen shrine). A "keptan" amerind területen is felbukkant. Gerald Massey szerint a kepiten szó Micmac eredetű. A kep lehet őr is. A tan pinyin altar ill. santalfa.


The Koegu people, numbering about 300 individuals, live along the western bank of the Omo River in the extreme southwestern corner of Ethiopia. They are called Muguji by the neighboring Kara, or Umucu by the Burne. Koegu Vocabulary, with a Reference to Kara:
canine/ szemfog, tépőfog= kasala (-!an pl.) (Kara: kasala)
fart/ fing= tutush (Kara: puuso)
scar/ heg= mada (Kara: mada)
eye/ szem = karbo (-ban pl.) (Kara: aapi)
leg, foot/ láb = jap (-an plural) (Kara: raa)
foot/ láb(fej) = jap ka jaaren (-an pl.) (Kara: raasa)
small rib/ kis borda = kur (-an pl.)
person/ személy= hur (-an pl.) (Kara: eedi)
slope of a river bank/ a folyó part lejtője= geeti
horse/ ló = parda (Kara: parda)
whirlwind/ forgó szél= saile

Kara nyelv Ezen a néven a világ több pontján.
Tanzánia - kara
Kara, or Regi, is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken off Ukerewe Island in Lake Victoria.
Pápua - kara
Kara (also Lemusmus or Lemakot) is an Austronesian language spoken by about 5,000 people in 1998 in the Kavieng District of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea.

Kara nyelv - Alternate Names: Kikara, Kilegi, Kiregi, Regi.

Gula - A "Tar Gula", azaz Gula nyelv a Közép-Afrikai Köztársaság egyik nyelve. Egyes nyelvészek a kara nyelvek közé sorolják.

Kara nyelvek
Ide sorolják a Fer, Gula, Yama, Yamegi nyelveket és a kara számos dialektusát. Szudán és Kamerun határán beszélt nyelv a Gula és Fongoro. The Fer language, also Dam Fer or Fertit, one of several languages called Kara ("Kara of Birao"), is a Central Sudanic language spoken by some five thousand people in the northern Central African Republic near the Sudanese and Chadian borders, in the region known as Dar Runga. Feroge (Feroghe), endonym Kaligi, is a Ubangian language of South Sudan.

In the Koegu language, there are separate names to subdivide a wild animal or a fish. For example, besides a general term to mean 'buffalo,' there are nine names to classify buffalo according to sex, age, size and so on (e.g. , a big male buffalo: dimak, a young female buffalo: kaura, an old male buffalo: bush, a young male buffalo: gide, a small male buffalo: c'encela, a mature male buffalo: kobor, an old female buffalo: gogura, a small female buffalo: mogosh, a mature female buffalo: carkeilban).

Koegu: tok ka koegu
language of koegu
'The Koegu language'
Koegu: aan a hur ka asik-into
I am man of working
'I am a worker.'

cooking-stone = baaki (koegu) baaka (kara). floor = shen (koegu) shen (kara)


Maszáj Mara tenyésztők
mar- 'cow, calf' (Mafa-Matakam maray 'sacrificial bull')
kVn- co-wife, sister-in-law' (Akkadian qinītu 'concubine, second-rating wife' / Tigre kǝnto 'title for girls with the Mänsa' / Berber ta-kna(w)-' 'co-wife, concubine') wr? (Egyptian jˁ 'moon god' / Akkadian war 'moon' / Hebrew yārēa 'moon') xl(d/t)? (Egyptian rt 'mole god' / Arabic xld 'mole') wan-/wun- 'day, sun' (Egyptian wn(y/w) 'light (n.); Sun-god')

Writing in his book Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, author Laurence Gardner disagrees with Hancock’s assertions, and states that the Axumite Ark “Called a manbara tabot, is actually a casket which contains a venerated altar slab known as a tabot. The reality is that, although the Axum chest might be of some particular cultural significance in the region, there are manbara tabotat (plural of tabot) in churches across the breadth of Ethiopia. The tabotat which they contain are rectangular altar slabs, made of wood or stone.

Nyanja (chinyanja), also known as Chewa (chichewa) after the largest tribe speaking it, is a Bantu language spoken by over 15 million people in southern Africa. Chewa, also known as Nyanja, is a language of the Bantu language family. The noun class prefix chi- is used for languages, so the language is also known as Chichewa and Chinyanja (spelled Cinyanja in Zambia), and locally Nyasa in Mozambique. A kunda törzs is a tó nyelvét beszéli.
Death= nyifa (A magyar is néha kinyiffan.)
Drove of cattle= gulu (A marhát a GULYÁS hajtja.)
Four= i-nai (Négy)
Grave= manda (Más nyelvekből: mazar, mogyla..)
Here= apa, pano, kuno
Hill= piri (szinte piramis)
Hump, of ox= chi-tamb-i
Pond= tiwi
Modernebb szótár
Ka a diminutive prefix, small. Jánoska.
Kazi Feminine.
Magwero head or source of river.
Makhalo private parts of both men or women
Nyanja lake.
Sunga to keep.
Tani (verb) to do what? to say what?
Wala to shine as in sun, to be light.

Nyasza tónál
In certain words the B of the singular becomes W in the plural, or is dropped, as bango, maa/ango, bungu, maungu. Banga, s., V. (pi. mawanga), spot, pattern on cloth ; the spots of a leopard. Bassi, basi, interjection, Swa.
Kaza, ku-, v. tr., to watch, look out for, keep guard against. Kazembe, s., \.,an ambassador.

Full moon, mwezi mkubwa [mduara, mpezm]. New moon, mwezi mwandama. Young moon, mwezi mckanga. Halo, n. (of moon, san) u»ungo . Moonbeam, n. kianga cha mwezi. Moon-blindness, n. kiwi. Kazán szoros: kazana= Be tight. Földműves: Tillage= kilimo. Water, n. maji. Grave, n. kaburi [»w-], siara [ma-']. Hidden, a. -a siri.

"Muzungu" is the nickname used in East Africa, which translation can be "white foreigner". 35 albinos were killed in Tanzania in 2008, while the positive aspect of this news is that the police of Dar es Salaam, has created a mobile network connected with a private number. Malaika
Kilimangiaro > Mangiaro=eat/enni

Luo, or Dholuo, as it calls itself, is spoken by more than three million people, mostly located in southwestern Kenya; Nyanza Province in particular. Languages in Kenya are often divided into Bantu, Nilotic, and Cushitic; Luo is Nilotic.
Water= pi. Head= wich (Note Kiswahili: kichwa) . Mouth= dhok . Luo= man . A rooster says: kokorioko .
biro= to come . uso= to sell . got, pl. gode =hills, mountains. house= ot, pl. udi. ee= yes. good =ber, tall =bor . thuno (thund)= breast . Kedd a második nap, szerda a harmadik, csütörtök a negyedik és péntek az ötödik nap.


Morocco: Gus nyelv és raCi. Sför = trip.
Dogon "Ben Tey (Beni language)". Berber numerals

1)‘вода’- zi, zie, zia (из языка Lооma);
16)‘камень’- ta, tal, tade;
13) to suck (nurse, breast) - MALIQ’A (szopni -> mellek)

Kolo: szláv KÖRtánc
*kol “to be round, to curve”
Koman: Uduk kol “to be curved”
Saharan: Kanuri kolo “to swing round, spin” [NS *w punctive (?)]
Berta: huhulu “egg” [partially reduplicated stem + NS *-uh n. suff.] →
Nubian: Dongolawi kole “waterwheel” [NS *y n. derivative suff.]
W. Nilot.: Jyang (Dinka) kol “wheel”
E. Nilot.: Bari lokolo? “curved” [< *lo-kolol, ENil. adj. pref. *lV- + partially reduplicated stem; Bari final *l > ?] → Bender (ref. 14) reports huuhulu in the Undu, Mayu, and Fadasi varieties, and hoholo ~ hòhòlu in the Gebeto variety. A non-reduplicated form holo occurs additionally in Fadasi.


Rodin Musee: Egy egyiptomi sztélé.


Latopolis 1
The tutelary deities of Latopolis seem to have been the triad – Khnum and Neith, and Heka their offspring. The temple of Esna, dedicated to this triad, was remarkable for the beauty of its site and the magnificence of its architecture. It was built of red sandstone, and its portico consisted of six rows of four columns each, with lotus-leaf capitals, all of which however differ from each other. Névváltozatok

Contra Latopolis (sometime named Al Hilla or El-Hella ) Latitude : 25.284, Longtitude : 32.583. Al-Lat semita isten az iszlám előtti időkben. Allat is also a goddess of wisdom. She is seen as the Queen of Heaven, and is said to possess wisdom of heaven and earth.
Khnum-Ra enthroned (holding the Uas-Scepter of Power and Dominion and the Ankh) and His Divine Wife, the Goddess Menhyt (lioness-headed, wearing the Solar Crown with the Uraeus, holding the Papyrus-Scepter and the Ankh); from the Temple of Neith and Khnum at Iunyt/Latopolis
The temple, which lies in a pit below the level of the houses in Isna, is dedicated to the god, Khnum. This the ram god that was worshipped through out this area and who fashioned mankind from mud of the Nile on his potter's wheel. He was associated with other gods, including Menhyt (his consort), Nebtu (the goddess of the countryside) and Hka (the manifestation of vital energy).

The Greek name Latopolis (Strab. 17.1.47) refers to the fish Latus that was venerated here, mummified, and buried in its special necropolis in the mountains.
A hal nevének etimológiája ismeretlen. The minor pentatonic scale of "Malloumi" played on the five-string Biram harp.

By the Greeks the place was called Latopolis, from the worship here of the latus fish. Különösen halászlének elkészítve imádták.. A nílusi latus egyedül a Nílusban él. Egyéb latus változatok a világ számos pontján. The generic name Lates derives from the Latin "latére" (to be hidden). Látens/latent: Lates: La-tin, la-teo, la-tere = to be hidden. A lat-er-an is "elbújt béka" néhány etimológusunknál. A bengáli "Lates calcifer" neve begti. Teo, Tea, Dea...
Vizafogó: Old English fisc "fish," from Proto-Germanic *fiskaz (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German fisc, Old Norse fiskr, Middle Dutch visc, Dutch vis, ...
Ismét mások az egyiptomi konstellációk alapján a Szíriusz csillaggal hozzák kapcsolatba ezt a látó várost.
Ostrakon Látopoliszból: Respectus, surely a praefectus cohortis rather than the praefectus castrorum in Nicopolis, is an addition to the equestrian officers known to have served in Egypt.14 His cognomen is especially common in the Danubian provinces.'"


Ha már a béka szóba került:
Heka means activating the Ka and magic worked by activating the power of the soul. The father of Heka was the Khnum the ram-headed creator god of fertility. Khnum was credited with providing man with the part of the soul called the 'Ka'. Heka had the ability to activate the Ka hence his title "He Who Activates the Ka"
Heka 2: Mrauk U, which means "North Far". Mrauk U is a little known archeological site in the Rakhine (Arakan) state of Western Burma. Basque: begi=szem.
The Triad of Latopolis consisted of Khnum, his consort Neith and son, Heka. Khnum the ram-headed god of fertility, Neith the goddess of war, Heka the god of Magic and Medicine.

Strabo és a len.
Then follows the Hermopolite Castle, a place where is collected the toll on merchandise brought down from the Thebais. At this place begins the reckoning by schoeni of sixty stadia each, which is continued to Syene and Elephantina. Next is the Thebaic Keep, and a canal leading to Tanis. Then follow Lycopolis, Aphroditopolis, and Panopolis, an old settlement belonging to masons and weavers of linen. (Lásd a latin pannus..)

The Kushite migration explains the spread of R1*-M173, which is found mainly, but not exclusively in Africa. Haplogroup R1*-M173 is the pristine form of haplogroup R.

I have been exploring the connection between the ancient Kushites and the Kushan of Bactria and China. Pyramids in Xian China in the Tarum Valley The so-called "Ur-David" mummy (1900 BC) was found here. He was tall and had red hair. The Kushite and the Kushan both mummified their rulers. There are definite similarities in clothing, facial appearance, skin tone, and religious practices among the Kushan-Yuetzhi and the Nilotic Ainu.

In Egypt, the Giza Plateau has an enormous underground system that is a combination of manmade caverns and tunnels as well as subterranean rivers and passages. Since 1978 the caverns have been mapped using ground penetrating radar with the explorations led by Dr Jim Hurtak who has supposedly entered massive chambers larger than our largest cathedrals. A few historians believe that the underground cave system in Giza, is the legendary ‘City of the Gods’, the massive underground city described by ancient writers Herodotus (5th century BC) and Strabo (1st Century AD).

serpent goddess culture
Both Sirius B and C take 50 years to orbit Sirius A and the symbolism of one hundred, the duel orbit of "the twins", was often used as code for the Sirius system, according to Robert Temple in The Sirius Mystery. It is also important to note that, as Temple points out, the ancient Egyptian word and hieroglyph for goddess also means serpent, and their hieroglyph for Sirius also means tooth. Thus the stories of the "serpent's tooth" can be read as the "Goddess Sirius". The Egyptian word for tooth also means dog and, more specifically, dog-god and one hundred.

Egypt - A tűzisten földje
Variant names: Egypt - Aigyptos (Aegyptus) - Aeria - Aetia - Arankelis - Araukilis - Araurakelis - Mysra (Misr) - Potamitis - Ogygia - Hermochymios - Hephaistia - Chemia - Kemi - Tawi ('(The) two lands') - Baki (Beki) ('(The) bright one'). Hephaistos was identified with the Egyptian god Ptah and the Italian god Volcanos / Adranos.
Baku: Likewise, the name "Baka" is sometimes mistakenly applied to other peoples of the area who, like the Baka and Twa, have been historically called pygmies, a term that is no longer considered respectful. ( pauci; 'the few')

For thousands of years, the Efe, commonly known as "pygmies," have lived and foraged in the Ituri Forest in the isolated northeast corner of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Although the Egyptian pharaoh Nefrikare suggested the presence of "dancing dwarves" or "people of the trees" in Central Africa as far back as 2250 B.C., and Homer, Herodotus, and Aristotle all made mythical allusions to a similar population, it was not until the 1960s that the pygmies captured the anthropological imagination.
Pygmy Paphs a méretet (kicsi, nagy) egy allél pár (Mendelian genes) irányítja.
Forum: Egyptian texts from around 2500 BC refer to the Pygmies as little men from the land of trees and spirits at the foot of the Mountains of the Moon. Egyptian king Nef-ri-kare sent an expedition into central Africa and it returned with a dancing dwarf known as Akka. In the pyramid text of the sixth-dynasty monarch Pepi I it is declared that, "He who is between the thighs of Nut is the Pygmy who danceth like the god and who pleaseth the heart of the god before his great throne." Nut was the goddess of heaven and the mother of Osiris. This Pygmy was called Bes. (Greek Saytr or Pan aka Bes aka Bacchus.) Manitu: The word "Mantis" is also the Greek word for "prophet or seer".
Pan Dora szelencéje.

Egypt astronomy
Sakiyah ("draw-wells"). Maghir ("caves") or Bbn ("doors"). Mastabah ("stone bench"). Madima, Nabat, Ptolemi Modiana, Uyn plural of Ayn en Eye of Water. Midian
As before, there was no game till we approached the springs; yet tufts and scatters of tamarisks, Samur (Inga unguis) and Ark (Salvadora), looked capable of sheltering it.
Ibidem (Madyan) Medjan sive Midjan, Antiqui nominis oppidum in Maris Rubri littore, sub 29 degrees grad. latitudine; ad ortum brumalem deflectens montis Sin extremitate: ubi fer site Ptolemi Modiana, haud dubi eadem cum Midjan.
Mózes apósa is midianita volt.

A labirintus, ahogy néhányan nevezték a távoli múltban, egy rendkívüli föld alatti komplexum, amely kulcs lehet az emberiség történelmének megismeréséhez. Azt mondják, hogy részletes információk találhatók itt a történelem ismeretlen civilizációiról, nagy birodalmakról, uralkodókról, akik a bolygón éltek jóval azelőtt, mint amiről történelmi tudással rendelkezünk.

Azonban az egyes lelohelyekrol elokerült állatcsontok másképp tanúskodnak az ókori egyiptomiak húsfogyasztásáról: azt igazolják, hogy a szarvasmarha-, illetve a juh- és kecsketenyésztés mellett a disznótartás és -fogyasztás általános volt a Nílus-völgyben; ha a teljes lakosságot tekintjük, valószínűleg igen jelentos proteinforrás volt.

Naukratis: Greeks in Egypts
Teian: Latin "teius" (from Greek teios, from Teos, Teos Teos, ancient Greek city of Asia Minor) + English -an. Anacreon, a native of Teion, in Paphlagonia. (B.C. 563-478.)

Tamana - Winters néger nyelvész
At Borota-Kukula in Hungary, Borota near Lake Chad in Africa, Kukura, Bolivia and Kukula, New Guinea we find Cone-Houses of similar shapes. In addition we find that 6000 year old pottery signs from sites such as Tordos in the Carpathian Basin of Europe, ancient Egypt and Banpo in China all show amazing correspondence.

Pharaonic Egyptian - Wolof; (Wolof meaning)
aam - aam: seize (take this)
aar - aar: paradise (divine protection)
Aku - Aku: foreigners (Creole descendants of European traders and African wives)
atef - ate: a crown of Osiris, judge of the soul (to judge)
bai - bai: a priestly title (father)
ben ben - ben ben: overflow, flood
bon - bon: evil
deg - deega: to see, to look at carefully (to understand)
deresht - deret: blood
diou - diou rom: five
fei - fab: to carry
fero - fari: king
itef - itef: father
kat - kata: vagina (to have sexual intercourse)
kau - kau: high, above, heaven
kaw - kaw: height
kef - kef: to seize, grasp
khekh - khekh: to fight, to wage war, war
kher - ker: country (house) Kerület
lebou - Lebou: those at the stream, Lebou/fishermen Senegal
maga - mag: veteran, old person
NDam - NDam: throne
neb - ndab: float
nit - nit: citizen
Ntr - Twr: protecting god, totem
nwt - nit: fire of heaven (evening light)
pe - pey: capital, heaven (King's capital)
per - per: house (the wall surrounding the house. Perem?)
pur - bur: king
ro - ro: mouth (to swallow)
sa - sa: wise, educated, to teach
seh - seh: noble (dignitary)
sent - san: sister
set - set: woman (wife)
sok - sookha: to pound grain (sokh - to strike, beat)
ta - ta: earth, land (inundated earth)
tem - tem: to completely stop doing something
tn.r - dener: to remember (to imagine) /Emlékezz a tanárra!/

Finnugor nyelvész: A "tanít, tanul" igéből keletkezett ELVONÁSSAL a "tan" főnév. 90-es IQ felettieknél: Tanit ókori istennő. A szótő több nyelvből is visszaköszön: Turk: tani; mordvin: tona; mongol: täni; szelkap: tanu.. Tanárok formában már Páriz-Pápai, Dictionárium Hungaro-Latinumában (Leutschoviae, 1708. 226) is szerepel. Szerény meglátásom szerint a TANár hasonlítható az Ish-TAN szóhoz, a végződés pedig -ar, -er, -ir, -őr.

Egyptian (p > b) Wolof
pw - bw
pane - bane
pa - ba
ipatne - batne
ipatafe - batafe
kat - vagina............Cott li - vagina (Katt bi is a vulgar term for having sex)
sir shawn is offline Reply

Fák The head dress worn by one of the women buried in the tomb of Queen Pu'abi at the Sumerian site of Ur (c. 2500 BCE) includes in the elaborate decoration clusters of gold pomegranates, three fruits hanging together shielded by their leaves, together with the branches of some other tree with golden stems and fruit or pods of gold and carnelian.


Bushmen is an Anglicization of boesman, the Dutch and Afrikaner name for them; saan (plural) or saa (singular) is the Nama word for "bush dweller(s)", and the Nama name is now generally favoured by anthropologists. Each of these terms has a problematic history, as they have been used by outsiders to refer to them, often with pejorative connotations. The individual groups identify by names such as Ju/'hoansi and !Kung (the punctuation characters representing different click consonants), and most call themselves by the pejorative "Bushmen" when referring to themselves collectively.

Afrikáns - Néger fajüldözők által elnyomott fehérek. (Erőszak, rablás stb büntetlenül)
egpaar = married couple = egy pár, házastársak
taal = language = nyelv
tien = ten = tíz
tuisland = home, homeland, native country = szülőföld
veld = field = föld

The main groupings consist of the Yombe, Nthali, Wenya, and Hewe (sometimes identified as an extension of the Kamanga) and the Phoka, Kamanga, Henga, and Tumbuka. The Tumbuka cluster is bounded to the north by the Nkonde peoples, to the west by the Fungwe and Nyika, to the south by the Ngoni and Senga, and to the east by the Thonga. Az afrikai civetmacska neve Xitsonga nyelven fungwe. Kupiga fungo, to tie a knot. A gazdagok is sz.t isznak! Kopi Luwak. Cibet az arab "zabäd" szóból állítólag. Bár a viv-ette is hasonló.. Cibet: Greek: μόσχος (moszkosz), μοσχογαλή zapétion?. Spanish: algalia. Russian: виверра (vivérra). Telugu: punugupilli. West Coast Bajau: puju. Chinese: Ye zi mao. Arabic: sinnawr al-zabād. Shona: bvungo? mbeva?. Tsonga: fungwe. Swahili: fungo. Hausa: muzurun-juda. Ganda: fumbe. Futó ötlet a funk és a fullánk közötti kapcsolatkeresés. Nem jött be.
Nyanja nyelv: Kulazwa = kulazidwa, pass, of I.
Ku malawi, to . or from the south. Wa ku malawi, people of tfu South.

Tumbuka - Malawiban beszélt bantu nyelv
The language of the Tumbuka is called chiTumbuka - the 'chi' in front of Tumbuka meaning 'the language of', similar to 'ki' in kiSwahili or 'se' in seTswana.
Finnugor 4=nayi
Afternoon = mise = délután
ma(plural prefix)lawi
Sunday = Sabata = vasárnap
blue = ubidi = kék
water = maji = víz
Malalo = graveyard =temető
Manda, Ndiri (Chewa lang.) = grave = sír
Given the two translations, "zimbowela" would seem to indicate a "floating island" supporting a fishing camp.

Afrika 1.rész.
Afrika 20.rész.

Pesti István 2016 március
