Amerika 6.

Majáktól az Andokig


Tistik! Tukin a pakat! Hulel! "welcome" (in three different Maya dialects)
Yucatec Maya is spoken in Mexico in the states of Yucatán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo; there are also speakers of Yucatec in Guatemala and Belize.

Nevada, USA
Az ég/sky: cheroqui: newadi;
A Rio Grande indiánjainál: Newa-de, "mask."
A spanyoloknál: Nevado : havas

Az oroszoknál pedig NEVA=FOLYÓ (Finnish: nevo meaning sea, short: Nevajoki, Nevajärvi)
Latin: Neva is in a general sense " inclino," to bend or tend downwards ; and, when applied to the eye, is to close the eye ; hence, to close the eye frequently..
Old Frisian: neva; nift `kleindochter, nicht, vrouwelijke verwant'
NEVA: Old English name meaning "new." (NOVA?)

Navajo nyelv a háborúban
A navahó nyelv igen fontos történelmi szerepet töltött be a második világháború idején: az Egyesült Államok haditengerészete üzenetek titkosítására használta a csendes-óceáni hadszíntéren. Az anyanyelvi navahók (code talkers – kódbeszélők) által kódolt üzeneteket a japán kódtörőknek a háború végéig sem sikerült megfejteniük.
Amerika indián őslakosai még ma is kb. 30 különböző nyelvcsalád több száz nyelvét és legalább 25 további izolált nyelvet beszélnek.

Amerind rontott nevek
HINTO: Baby name books say that this name means "blue" in Dakota Sioux. Actually, it means "blue hair." If you've got a blue roan horse or something, it might be a good name for it. For a child, it would be rather odd.

HONOVI: This one is claimed to mean "strong" or "strong deer" in Hopi. Probably this originally came from a typo. Hopi for "strong" is "hongvi," and some baby book author who knows nothing about the language probably misread the 'g' as an 'o' at some point.

KOTORI: This is supposed to mean "owl" or "screech owl spirit" in Hopi. Clearly some baby book author made a typo at some point and no one bothered to check it before repeating it, because the Hopi word for screech owl is tokori, not kotori.

MEDA: This one is supposed to mean "priestess" or "prophetess" or "princess" in some unspecified Native American language. This is too generic a claim to entirely disprove (there are hundreds of Amerindian languages, and we cannot be sure that the name does not resemble a word meaning some kind of woman in one of them.) The combination of the non-Indian word "priestess" with the lack of a tribal identification makes me extremely skeptical of this, however. Meda doesn't mean a medicine woman or any other kind of woman in any language we're familiar with, and it is also completely absent from the anthropological literature (unlikely if it was a real religious term.) Meda is a Hindu family name used in India, which may be the source of this rumor; Hindu names are frequently incorrectly identified as Native American by baby book authors because they only hear that the name is "Indian." The Hindu name means "good house," though, which doesn't have anything to do with women or magic. More likely this name is a corruption of Medea, which was the name of a well-known witch-priestess of Greek mythology (who also happened to be a princess.)

South American language Guarani, where jasy (pronounced similar to yah-sih) means "moon."

ich-e kòol-ó ti yàan wáay, áak, páap, láal yéetelyàalam.
in-DEF milpa-D2 LOC EXIST sorcerer turtle hawk stinging nettle and fawn
 “In the corn field, there are a sorcerer, a turtle, a hawk, a stinging nettle, and a fawn.”

Indián fejdíszek
Megemlítendő a MANDAN bölényszarvas fejdísz és a CAYUGA párta.

Maja szent hely: Paclom Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala

A maja szent helyen kereszteket látni. De ez nem a kereszténység keresztje, hanem a kozmosz és az ember viszonyának 4 fő pontját jelképezi.

Képeskönyv - Guatemala


All three of these chronicles came from the highlands of Guatemala. Apart from Mayan, evidence of written languages in the Americas is very limited, but there are several undeciphered scripts scattered around. The Nahua used pictographic sketches as mnemonic aids to recite history. And there is the Andean knot code used for accounting known as quipu in the native dialects.

Popol Vuh
Vucub-Noh, 7 Noh, a day of the calendar. Cauutepech, "adorned with rings," says Ximénez, because this king used to wear such ornaments.

Etimológiai szótár

242 EYE EYE1 *(i)to( ÷)
Penutian: enutian: Oregon: Proto-Kalapuy Kalapuyan an *h hu…thu ‘see.’
Hokan: Proto-Hok Hokan an *÷at’u ‘ey eye, e, head,’ Seri ÷a:to (Kro Kroeb eber er ito).
Subtiaba: Subtiaba s-i:tu (cf. i:tu in in inyi:tu yi:‘tear’), Tlappanec i$ u. Yuman: uman: Mari- Maricopa copa hi $ o÷, Co Cocopa copa iyu ÷, Walapai alapai yu ÷, etc.
Central Amerind: Proto-Aztec-T Tanoan anoan *t thew ewa ‘see, find.’ Tanoan: anoan: Kio Kiowa thòõõ-n -‘find,’ Jemez ˇsi ‘see.’ Proto-Oto-Manguean *te ‘learn, teac teach.’ h.’ Proto-
Uto-Aztecan *te(w) ‘see.’
Chibchan: Proto-Aruak *tu ‘see.’ Yanomam anomam ta ‘see, lo look.’ ok.’
Paezan: aezan: Cho Choco: co: Andagueda to tow, w, Sam Sambu, bu, Cho Choco, co, Baudo, Tado, ado, Saija tau.
Tim Timucua ucua hoto ‘w watc atch, h, guard.’
Macr Macro-T o-Tucanoan: ucanoan: Puina Puinave: Parana arana Boab Boaboa oa tu. Ticuna etu, ete. Yuri uri æti, iti.
Equatorial: Ara Arawak: ak: Gua Guajiro, jiro, Paraujano araujano ta-i. Cofan tha÷tha÷ ‘lo look.’ ok.’ Esmer- Esmeralda alda tu. Proto-Guahiban *ta-Ne ‘see,’ *takh takhu ‘ey eye,’ e,’ Guahib Guahibo tae ‘see,’ ta ‘lo look.’ ok.’ Jiv Jivaro: aro: Zamora ti, Sh Shuara uara hi. Kandoshi: Kandoshi k-a ˇci- ˇc,
Shapra k-a ˇci. Taruma aruma a-ci. Timote tiyi ‘see.’ Yaruro aruro da ‘see.’ Ac Achagua hagua -toi, Pi-
Piapoco -tui. Itene to.
Macr Macro-Carib: o-Andok Andoke doa. Witoto eto etoy.
Macr Macro-P o-Panoan: anoan: Guaicuru: Guac Guachi hi yata ataya, Pilaga ite, etc. Mataco: Macca toi, Vejoz ejoz te. Macr Macro-Ge: o-Ge: Krengez nto, to, Cheren Cherente te to, toi, Acroa ai-n n†o, Cha Chavante, te, Cher- Cheren ente te -to, Karaho, Ca Cayapo, Apinage i-n nto, to, Ap Aponegricran onegricran i-n n†o, Fulnio, ulnio, Sak Sakamekran amekran i-to, Mak Makamekran amekran ˜noto, Mehin, Taje, je, Krenje, Piok Piokob obye n-to.

MATEMATIKA With the Maya, focuses on their calendar.  Again, much has been estroyed.  For example, there only four codices remain, whereas thousands were burned by the Spnish. Fortunately, many stelae still exist.  These show a calendar system with a variety of cycles. hese cycles to us suggest Chinese Remainder problems.  Examples of cycles are the 260 day ritua almanac composed of a cycle of 13 numbers and 20 named dieties, the vague year of 365 days omposed of a cycle of 20 numbers within a cycle of 18 named dieties plus 5 unnamed days, their lest common multiple (the calendar round of 18,980 days), the long count of days (in effect, mltiples of 360 days plus a remainder), a 9 day cycle of Lords of the night associated with gods of the underworld, a lunar cycle of 29 and 30 day months, 13 levels in the heaven, a cycle of 4 cardinal directions (associated with different colors), sometimes used in conjunction with an 819 day cycle of the rain god.  The Mayans appear to have had keen astronomical knowledge. The author notes that the error between real and tabulated times of the position of Venus would be off by just two hours in 500 years.

Pregörög nyelv
Pelipa = Lóbarát (philippos), zuni nyelv


Fehér ember
1965-ben fedezték fel az Andok keleti lejtőin és csúcsain található un. chachapoya civilizációt, mely kb. 35-40 négyzetkilométernyi területen épített hatalmas citadellákat, több száz kör alakú kőházat és őrtornyokat. De ami igazán mulatságos az az, hogy az a Viracocha isten, aki az inkák legendáiban fehérbőrűként szerepelt, akár ’származhatott’ közvetve ebből a népből is. Azt már nyomon követhettük, hogy Viracocha, a vigyorgó botos isten figurája i.e. 3500 körül feltűnt a földrészen.

A jellegzetes kör alakú, kőből épített masszív házaikat egyszerű mintákkal díszítették, oly módon, hogy a kövek egy részét úgy építették be a falba, hogy azok geometriai formát adjanak ki. Rusztikus formájú épületeik védő funkciókat is képesek voltak ellátni, egyszerre megvédvén őket a vadállatoktól és az ellenséges támadásoktól. Az ablakok kicsik és nagyon magasan vannak, ez is mutathatja, hogy ezek az emberek semmit sem bíztak a véletlenre. Kuelad, mely az egyik településük volt, 2-3 embermagasságú fallal van körbevéve.


a turisták által látogatott dél-perui régióban egy hatalmas gázvezeték építése közben hat olyan településre bukkantak, melyek Kr.e. 2 ezer körülre datálhatók, így a perui kultúra eddigi legrégebbi nyomai, addig Észak-Peruban az inkákat közvetlenül megelőző civilizáció nyomait fedezték fel régészek.

A Chachapoya civilizáció, ahogy az 1965-ben felfedezett kultúrát Gene Savoy elnevezte, több mint kétharmad magyarországnyi területet foglalt el, hatalmas citadellákat, több száz kör alakú kőházat és őrtonyot hátrahagyva az utókorra.

Kuelap is situated in the Province of Luya in the Departmento Amazonas, approximately 35 km south of the modern departmental capital of Chachapoyas.

A 800 és 1475 között virágzó Chachapoya-civilizáció hegytetőkön elhelyezett citadelláiról - mint Kuelpa és Vira Vira -, valamint kitűnő állapotban fennmaradt múmiáiról ismert. A birodalmat a spanyolok érkezése előtt meghódították az inkák, majd 1532-ben a Chachapoyák a spanyolokkal szövetkeztek, ám áldozatul estek az Európából behurcolt betegségeknek, és végül eltűntek.

The name Chachapoya is in fact the name that was given to this culture by the Inca; the name that these people may have actually used to refer to themselves is not known. The meaning of the word Chachapoyas may have been derived from sacha-p-collas, the equivalent of "colla people who live in the woods" (sacha = wild p = of the colla = nation in which Aymara is spoken). Some believe the word is a variant of the Quechua construction sacha puya, or People of the Clouds.

Mintha a felfedező nevezte volna el ezt a kihalt népet chachapoyanak. Vajh miért nem kérdezte meg tőle senki, hogy mi alapján, milyen nyelven keresztelt? ..hiszen nemrég halt meg.

Miért felhő?
It is possible that "Chachapoya" is derived from "sacha puya", which in an Incan language means "cloud people." Érdekességként az armen nyelvben a "felhő=amb". A "male=aru". Akkor a felhőember az ambaru? Embers (parazsak) az ante?.

Idegen fórumról
I was reading about the ChaChaPoya from Peru the other day and it mentioned that they were said to have had blonde hair and blue eyes. They were looked upon as the "children of the gods". I remember reading elsewhere that ChaChaPoya means "cloud people".

The Tuatha De Danaan from Celtic/Irish myth where said to be fair-haired beings that decended to earth "in a cloud"! The name means, "the tribe or children of the goddess Danu"

the city's name may be derived (from the Quechua word: sachapuyos, meaning "mount of haze"). Another interpretation of the name Chachapoyas is the one that alludes its meaning of "strong male".

Chachapoyas -whose name comes from chachapoyacuno that means forest or mist mountain-, was founded on September, 1538 by Alonso de Alvarado.

..még kűlap
Kuelapis twice as old as the Inca Empire and its stonework remains in remarkably good condition. It was built by the Chachapoyan Cloud People (most likely) to stop the invasion of the Andes most spectacular Tiahunaco/ Huari Empire advancing from Bolivia. The archaeological remains are among the most important ones in the north of the country and, located at an altitude of 3,050 meters above sea level at mountain-top cliffs overlooking the verdant Andean landscape.

Másik fórum
The meaning of the word Chachapoyas is unknown. It may have been derived from sacha-p-collas, the equivalent of "colla people who live in the woods" (sacha = wild p = of the colla = nation in which Aymara is spoken).
Ezeket a szakákat is keresztelték már mindennek.. Itt, Irohito környékén élt a sakata nép is.

Képeskönyv - Peru






Youtube video

Hold = poh (Mixe-Zoquean) moon *poya (Mayan) De mi a "chacha" ? Chicha?

the accounts of the first Spaniards to enter the region, visitas (fact-finding missions by Spanish officials), the legal squabbles of disenfranchised local lords — kurakas — and the frustratingly meager references in the chronicles of Garcilaso de la Vega, Pedro de Cieza de León, Antonio de la Calancha and a handful of others.

Decorative, masonry friezes (zigzags, rhomboids, step-frets or figurative, mosaic-like friezes such as those at Gran Pajatén) often embellish the foundations or the structure’s upper walls. Cornices, surrounding or set in a half-moon around the houses, served as decorative features or walkways, protecting the foundation platforms from rainfall.

Excavations demonstrated that people occupied the site as early as 200 BC. We do not know what early Gran Pajatén looked like, however, because the later occupants used fill from earlier refuse dumps and constructions to build their settlement. Gran Pajatén appears to have been uninhabited from around AD 600 until the Inkas reoccupied the site. The circular buildings crowning the ridge today were built in the Chachapoya style during Inka times.

(from the Quechua, purun, wild; savage and machu, old)

The Inka presence in Chachapoyas amounted to a brief, yet intense, 60 or so years. The Inkas not only made an impact on local religion and language, but also transformed the region politically, imposing strict control over the local population and reshuffling the power of the kurakas. Topa Inka divided the province into administrative units of tribute payers composed of pachaka (100), waranqa (1,000), and hunu (10,000) heads of household. The entire province is said to have contained three hunu, or 30,000 tribute paying heads of household, but this could be an ideal number.

Fehér ember - szakák

The Chachapoyas, a white-skinned tribe known as the “cloud people” or “Warriors of the Clouds” by the Incas because of the cloud forests they inhabited in northern Peru, ruled the area from around 800 AD to around 1475, when they were conquered by the Incas.

Zoque de Copainala (Native American): Poyah = moon
Zoque de Rayon (Native American): Poya = moon

Kőműves Kelemen ősei
A chachapoya indiánok újabb települését fedezték fel Peru északi részén, Amazonas-tartományban. A felhők harcosainak nevezett chachapoya indiánok civilizációja a Kr.u. 750-800 körül alakult és 1475-ig létezett.

A Kr.u. VII. századból származó emberi maradványokat tártak fel a chachapoya indiánoknak, a "felhők harcosainak" az erődje restauráláskor Peru északi részén. A 79 tetemet Kuelap fellegvárának kőfalba "építették be".

A Hold nevei
Sierra Popoluca (Native American): Poya = Hold

Amerind - Pomo indians

head - cina - cna - kaiya - cina - cīna - xīya - tīna
eye - ūī- ūī - ūī - hūūī - hūūi - ūī - ūī
hand - tana - tana - bī'ya - ō'tōma, tana - djōco - atan - t!oco
nails - hetc - etc - rīk - hetc - hetc - asap - hetca
foot - kama - kama - xama - kama - kama - xaman - kama
tobacco - saxa - saka - saxa - kawa - kawa - tōm-kōwa - sakō
water - xa - ka - xa - aka - aka - xa - ka
seven - sēlawī - semlawī - cemlawī - hopītēnaūk - ōpūnūn - mikasko - ōpetōt
round - poolo - pōwōlō - napōlīs - pokoiyihe - paletc*
hawk (w. redtail) - limhûna - walīnapi - hûlhûl - cek - sahōl - sahol*
golden eagle - līnenmele - sūīyū - lepitc - sa'(s) - sa'
bird - mēye - mēye - mele - tsītsa - tcēme - tc'īmit
condor - mōlok - mōlok - mōlok- tsūts - pal - pal


The Spanish word chico 'small' /nálunk fiatal ló a csikó/

Comanche <choco> 'spotted' and <rico> 'bird'
Comanche, where 'spotted' is naboo-, 'bird' is huutsúu

Navajo Tó Ligaaí Háálíní /tó 'water'/

Ouray city and county. This term, currently pronounced both [ú:rei"> and [jú:rei">, is derived from the name of Chief Ouray, a famous 19th century leader of the Ute tribe; but a question arises as to where that chief got his name. He himself wrote it, in English, as both <U-Ray> and <U-re>


Pregörög nyelv

Pelipa = Lóbarát (philippos), zuni nyelv
Az ecuadori kerámiaszobor orrában olyan karika, mint a mai kuna indiánoknál. Láthatunk továbbá agyafurt és torzított koponyát, illetve durván felfűrészeltet a Kr.e. első évezredből. Az Andokból már BC 9000-ből van emberi jelenlétre utaló nyom...
A Caral-nál talált amfiteátrum talán a legöregebb a világon.

The term " Jōmon" means "cord-marked" in Japanese. This refers to the markings made on clay vessels and figures using sticks with cords wrapped around them.
Nazca pottery
was the comparison by Betty Meggars (Smithsonian) of Valdivian pottery (Eduador) with that from ancient Jomon culture (Japan) ca. 3,000 B.C., which meshes so well with the finding of HTLV-1 virus in ancient Japan and in mummies from the Atacama desert of Chile (bone marrow compared).

Az első képen egy nő a farkánál ragad meg két nagymacskát. Hasonló motívum Ciprusról is került elő, ahol egy érmén "Zeusz" ugyanígy játszik két oroszlánnal.

Láthatunk fallikus szobrokat Columbiában és hasonlókat Polinéziában. Továbbá dél-amerikai (Valdivia, Ecuador, was dated at 2300 BC. ) kerámiát jomon mintázattal.

A jomon leszármazottak

Római pénzek Amerikában

Ainu-baszk szavak

Visszaáramlás ?

I wasn’t particularly surprised to find a stone "dish" in Bolivia filled with Phoenician writing because some ten years earlier I had read Cyrus Gordon's Riddles In History (New York, 1974) in which he translates some Phoenician inscriptions that had been collected in Brazil in the nineteenth century, which indicated that Phoenicians had been blown ashore in Brazil during a storm at the time of Solomon/King Hiram of Tyre

I believe I was the first person to identify Carthaginian Tanit altars among the so-called "Yopi" Indians in Mexico

Phoenician funerary masks that were close doubles of their counterparts among the Olmecs in Mexico, and side by side presented drawings of the Egyptian-Phoenician god, Bes, from both western Mexico (again "Yopi"-territory) and Egypt.

the Mochica pot was also a Portrayal of Herakles fighting Triton

If the Phoenicians also had colonies in Mexico (Guerrero and La Venta) and were involved with the development of Olmeca culture, why isn't Olmeca-ware similar to that of the Mochicas? In fact, are there any other cultures in the so-called New World whose pottery has the same Greek cartoon-like clarity as that of the Mochica?

(there is some writing in phoenician alphabet in a place called Pedra da Gavea). There is some descriptions in Greek ancient texts talking about cities in Amazon region.

In Rio Grande do Norte state, after roaming a 11 km canal, the Phoenician boats used to anchor in the Extremoz lake. The Austrian professor Mr. Ludwig Schwennhagen studied the place's subterranean parts and the embankments carefully and also some others that exist near the village of Touro where the Phoenician navigators anchored after roaming about 10 km of a canal. The same professor Schwennhagen tells us that he found Phoenician inscriptions in the Amazon in which there were references to many kings of Sidon and Tyre (887 to 856 BC).
the Indian "Touro Sentado (Sitting Bull)"

Az égi kutya napja?
Although the people of the region called themselves bani kan'an "Children of Canaan," the name Phoenicia became common because of the Greeks who called the people phoiniki (cf. Gk Φοινίκη "Phoiníkē'"; see also List of traditional Greek place names), a name attested as early as Linear B ponikijo. Ultimately, this term was borrowed from Ancient Egyptian Fnkhw "Syrians." Due to phonetic similarity, the Greek word for Phoenician was synonymous with the color purple or crimson, φονιξ (phoînix), through its close association with the famous purple dye that becomes known as Tyrian purple (cf. also Phoenix).


"Jim Bailey says around 3100 bc, 'many Sumerian refugees went off to America', they may have been the sea people called the Enki from Eridu. This is the same global disaster time when Krishna dies, and the Kali Yuga begins, the Peruvians migrate to Yucatan, when the Maya began, the Harappan culture begins, the Sumerian homeland destroyed by a storm, the old kingdom begins in Egypt, and a tidal wave hits Ireland."
"Now refer to the potter's marks from the Shang Dynasty of China, which are basically identical to that of the 'eastern Semites' [which could be Frisian or Magyar]. "
"I'm interested in the Magyars use of cuneiform, since that script has been found in Bolivia. This Frisian connection with South America is I think a major find of great importance. "


Az Azték Birodalomban a bab és a tök mellett a fő termesztett növény a kukorica volt (a legértékesebb a kakaó), amelyet eke híján speciális botok segítségével ültettek el. A kedvező termésnek két időjárási akadálya lehetett: a dér és a szárazság (Davies, 2002). Időnként, például 1454-ben a Mexikói-völgyben éheztek az emberek. Ezért az aztékok az időjárást nagyon fontosnak tartották. A fővárosukban lévő Nagy Templomot az ősi hadisten mellett (Huitzilopichtli) Tlalocnak, az esőistennek szentelték. Tlalocot sokszor darutollas fejdíszben, egyik kezében pajzzsal, a másikban villámmal ábrázolták. Egy másik főisten, a Tollas Kígyó (Quetzalcoatl), az embernek a mezőgazdaságot és az írás tudományát adományozta. A Tollas Kígyó ugyanakkor a szelek istene is volt.

A Tollas Kígyó, Tlalochoz hasonlóan, eredetileg a toltékok istene volt. A tolték birodalom összeomlása után (fővárosukat, Tulát talán az aztékok dúlták fel) Quelzalcoatl keletre távozott, ahonnan a legenda szerint egyszer visszatér.


Gyík lándzsájával megsebesít egy kígyót, melyből víz fakad. Ezt úgy magyarázzák, hogy ezzel ér véget egy hosszú, száraz időszak, mivel 4 Gyík elvágja a tűzkígyót, és így Tlaloc, az esőisten, akit 7 Háznak is neveznek, összetör egy edényt, melyből esőcseppek hullanak a földre.

Kul túra

Az ősi közép-amerikai kultúrák városaiban található piramisok közös teremtéstörténetre utalhatnak, mert a különleges építmények hegyet idéző alakja a világ teremtéskor létrejövő "első hegyet" mintázhatja - véli egy mexikói művészettörténész-restaurátor.

The Linguistic Origins of
Native Americans

Ahol a palpal jár..
A NaDene nép migrációját 7000 évvel ezelőttire becsülik...

Hittite: annas 'mother'
Yupik: aana 'mother'

Lutuami: palpal'white'
Canichana: bala/bara 'white'
Vilela: po 'white'

Paez: kuse 'hand, finger'
Norte˜no: kuse 'hand'
Panikita: kuse 'hand'
Moguex: koze 'hand'
Anunze: ua-kize 'hand'

Washo: iki 'see'
Chumulu: oko 'eye'
Move: ogua 'eye'

Siriono: kise 'cut'
Maue: kese 'knife'
Munduruku: kise 'knife'

Manchu: kuri 'dark brown'
Japanese: kuro-i 'black'
Ainu: ekurok 'black'; kuru 'shadow'
Araucanian: kuru 'black'
Surinam: k¯arai 'black'

Armenian: -k' (plural)
Hungarian: -k (plural)
Saami: -k (plural)

Chorti: nuk' 'neck'
Tzotzil: nuk 'neck'
Piro: noxi 'neck'
Selkup: nukka 'nape of the neck'

Elképzelhetően a "pitu=kéz" alapján jött létre az 5-ös szám neve.

Buriat: balay 'dark'
Yana: pal 'black'
Karankawa: pal 'black'
Ulua: bara 'black'
Qawasqar: pal 'black'

Saliba: pule 'hair'
Tucura: puda 'hair'
Chami: buda 'hair'
Catio: buda 'hair'
Waunana: pura 'hair'
Mayoruna: pu 'hair'
Tunica: -puli 'hair'

Pesti István 2011 május

Vissza az Amerika 1. lapra.
Tovább az Amerika 5. lapra.