Afrika 23


Dinka nép

Nyelvjárásai: Dinka (natively Thujä?, Thu ee Jieng or simply Jieng) is a Nilotic dialect cluster spoken by the Dinka people, the major ethnic group of South Sudan.
A dinka nyelv a Nilo-Saharan családba tartozik, rokonságban a nuer és a luo nyelvekkel Szudán déli részén. A nőnemű dolgokat a "nuot" végződés hozzáadásával fejezik ki, a többes számot a belső magánhangzó változásával, mint az angol "tooth > teeth". Itt a gyermek "meth > miith", ami tán a méh (mit) szóval rokon. Rendhagyó a férfi többes száma: moc > ror.
When an agent is mentioned there is usually  a vowel change e.g. aman (‘to hate’), amɛn (‘to be hated’).

ten/10: thiäär, tyaar. father/apa: wä, wär. son/fiam: menh, meth, wät.
There are five main dialect groups: 1) Northeastern or Padang, 2) Northwestern or Ruweng, 3) Southwestern or Rek, 4) Southcentral or Agar, 5) Southeastern or Bor. Mások csoportosításában a nyelvjárások: Ngok, Rek, Agaar, Awiel, Twic Mayardit, Hol, Nyarweng, Twi and Bor. The Dinka refer to other peoples as foreigners (jur) and the colour of the skin is the only distinction. ‘Jur chol’ refer to black foreigners and jur mathiang or buony refer to light skin people. Érdekességként a dinka kerítés rook, mint a nőket bekerítő rokolya, ami nem hasonlít a perzsa rok (sarok) szóra.

Dinka nép: The Dinka just like the other tribes such as Nuer, Turkana, Samburu and masai`s are one of the tallest people in the world. Males can have an average height of 1.9 m (6 ft, 4in), while women of 1.8 m (6 ft). Shilluk call them Jango. Chieftainship is hereditary and holds the title of beny (plural bany), which translates into different things such as chief, expert, or military officer. 100 éve még hazánkban is dinka módra cipelték a nők a terheket: Egy tekercset tettek a fejükre a stabilitás és teherelosztás kedvéért, s arra került a terhet tartalmazó kosár.

Rwanda népei
Trák: dinga ‘fertile ground’ [Latv. dinga ‘fertile place’, Old-Icel. dyngia ‘dunghill’]. Ólatin "nyelv=dinka".
The sub-group of Tutsi in southern Burundi are called Hima, while the northern group are called Ruguru (Banyaruguru). The Tutsi in Uganda (refugees from earlier troubles in Burundi and Rwanda) are called Hima.
wuŋ SCa v. bore, drill. (fúr)
wur SWr v. perforate; to bore. Morph: wurwur.
wär / wɛ̈ɛ̈r SWr n. any body of water: river, lake or pond, water well. loc: wïïr. (kút)
kerie NWr n. big coin (nagy érme)
caar SWj v. ask, interrogate. n. prophecy. (kér)
kɔ̈k Pl: kök ̚. n. arm
door SWr n. crowd of fighters, army. SWr: apuruk. Apuruuk = armies.
cier SWr n. Venus, evening star. cf: magorgor big star.


Kőbe vésve - Glyph
However the Coptic word for God is NOUTE. Kiswahili-Bantu word ‘ANDAA’ > The fundamental meaning is, to prepare, or to put in order. Kiswahili transliteration, CH-ORWA, T-ORWA means ‘(Something) written’ or ‘(Something) painted’, a painting, writing.

Egyptian Civilization:
The Shining Ones: szerző: Helene E. Hagan. Rekhyt: nomadic or tribal PEOPLE. Eltér a "nép/people=nebu" jelentéstartalomtól. A korai időkben a "Rekhyt=törzs", amit egy sólyom szimbolizált, amely karmaival egy bárkát (ark) emel. A "törzs" neve Marokkó felé: Ayt Arkha.
A badarian és nadaqa kultúra maradványaiból látott képen feltűnik az egy ember két állat között kép, amit én magyar szimbólumnak vélek. A Fayum vidék neve Ta-She volt. The word sebkhet means salt lake in Arabic. Tunisia has many salt lakes. This one is in the central east and lies between the cities of Sousse and Kairouan. (Valaha erre volt Af-rica, ma a félsziget neve Sha-rik, ami talán ugyanazt jelenti. Zeu-Gi-Tana?) Karthago keleti határa a Halycus (Platani) folyó volt. Tunisztól 65 km-re található Bizerte, amelyet a latinok "Hippo Diarrhytus" néven emlegettek talán a lovai után. A "rus, ras" föníciai eredetű "fok" (cape). Ruscinona is the present “Porto Farina,” on the coast of Tunis, called by the inhabitants, from an ancient saltwork near it, “ Gar-el-Mailah,” i. e. the cave of salt. Tunisia: Keletre a tengeröböl neve Syrtis (Gulf of Gabes and Gulf of Sidra), ami homokdünéket rejtő alacsony vízállást jelent. Sok hajó elsüllyedt itt. Greek sytris (=quicksand), from syrein (=to trail, drag, sweep away)-

Immigrants in Germany
In 2005 four multiple burials were discovered near Eulau, Germany. The 4,600-year-old graves contained groups of (Black) adults and children buried facing each other. Skeletal and artifactual evidence and the simultaneous interment of the individuals suggest the supposed families fell victim to a violent event.
Érdekességként: Black/Fekete: Chuukese: apa-chon. Chuvash: hura. Cantonese: hak.


Ge hinna - Henna, mint a pokol tüze
bat kwpr (henna)
kpr Ugaritic
?inna Arabic
qwpr Demotic
kopher, kuphr Hebrew
kuphrav Aramaic
kinna Greek
kwpr Coptic
brg: to force open a door. burgle = betörés. A réz (kuprum) színe vörös, mint a henna.

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Joaquín Sanmartín írásában: a hebrew kpr=henna, ami a görögben kypros, ugyanitt a "falu=kprm hlq" [OAram "kpr=open village"] valamint a kaptár szerű "kptr=residence", feltehetően ahol az őrség lakott. Ebben a könyvben a kp az "kap", vagyis héber tenyér, ami az araboknál kaff, az akkádban kappu.

Sólyom/ falcon:
bk; bēq, bāq, bq, bēdj, bādji, bēq, biq, bidj. (Hieraconpolis, means "falcon city") Hieracosphinx - Egyptian myth - a falcon headed sphinx. "After death" in Dutch "hiernamaals" (pad-mal?). (EEN VALK a falcon.) A hiero-glyph írást "szent véset" szóval fordítjuk. Hékások! Valaki mondja már meg: Vajon a "bk" az a "hk" változása? Mint a "z > t" ? Ház > hat > het > bet.
Bár az egyiptomi és a wolof szavak kapcsán "p > b" hangváltásról beszélnek: Pane > bane; pw > bw; pafa > bafa; ipatafe > batafe.

Van keep-ünk hozzá
Saját Keep és Thai
- tuu-kep ná?s?ˇ? is also ‘bookcase’ (‘cabinet-keep-book’)
- KEP, n.1 Also cep; kj(a)ep (Sh.); dim. keppie. Sc. forms of Eng. cap, a covering for the head. Gen.Sc. (in s.Sc. only of a woman's cap).
KEPE? KEP, n.2 A wooden measure, holding enough oats for a feed for one horse (Ayr.1 1910; Lth. 1959). [k?p]
- N'kep is a variety of Sakao spoken by around 800 people at Hog Harbour, Vanuatu.
- Kep province

Pharaonic Egyptian - Wolof; (Wolof meaning)
atef - ate : a crown of Osiris, judge of the soul (to judge)
er - per : house (the wall surrounding the house)
seked - seggay : a slope. Lejtő.
maga - mag : veteran, old person. Magázódjunk!
kher - ker : country (house). Gar. Bekerített terület: Tigrana-kert.
kau - kau : high, above, heaven. Magas, mint a Kaukázus. (Nem mindenütt cauca.)
ben ben - ben ben : overflow, flood. Árvízszint.
sok - sookha : to pound grain (sokh - to strike, beat)
ta - ta : earth, land (inundated earth). Talaj szavunk finnugor nyelvújítási szó. Tana.
ta tenen - ten : first lands (clay of first humans) Tiz-iri.
wer - wer : great, trustworthy
kat - Cott li - vagina. Nem rokona a trák és turk kottla. (Szent,edény) Bár Kata vaginája is felfogható edénynek.

Fulani are Hal Pulaaren i.e. speakers of Pulaar a language also called Fulbe/Ful-fulde of the Ful people where the word Fulani originates. Futa is a word announcing places of major Fulani habitance. Fadak in Yoruba means silver. The word fahaka survives in modern parlance as "Egyptian Faddah" which means "silver". (Fading?) Az ezüst a kabylok nyelvén is fedda. Osu in Yoruba means moon.

Biodiversity: The Lemba
As of today these Southern African "Bantu" speakers are the most genetically "Jewish" people on Earth (at least of those of us who have been tested). Biodiversity:">Forum:

Mogotes: magányos sziklakiemelkedések Afrikában. Dél-amerikai városka Colombia területén.
Cast mogote 'isolated mound' : Basq moko 'peak', muga 'boundary'. (Murga?)
Magányos szarv: mogón, ona a. having one horn missing or broken (vattle); mogote m. knoll; budding antler. (E.Roberts)
Afrika állatai
Emprunt a l'arabe ifrit« diable », du persan afärid « créature ».
One — nwe hela
Two — pedi, or bedi
Three — tharo, or raro
Four — ^nne
Five — tlhano
Six — ^thataro^ or rataro
Seven — shupa
Eight — hera e le mebedi
Nine — hera o le monwe
Ten — leshome

Magvető - Bambara:
Chiwara, also spelled Chi wara or Tyiwara, antelope figure of the Bambara (Bamana) people of Mali that represents the spirit that taught humans the fundamentals of agriculture.

The name derives from the Berber phrase Tizi n At Aycha (via the Arabic, Theniet Beni Aicha), which means "the mountain pass of the Aycha tribe" — the prefix "At" means "tribe" in Berber.

is derived from a Nandi root word siep which means 'to lay on'. ‘Siep’ can also mean ‘to cover over’, like when thatching a roof. And if you fancy some notty meaning as the English counterpart, yes it is also possible to ‘siep’ a girl, over a soft surface, like over the green grassy meadows, if not a bed.
A saying among the Nandi (people of Kenya, a subtribe of the Kalenjin)
[Sori language: SIPI=BIRD. Awa nyelven a toll "luvana".] Kanuri "shi=láb"; shilá=síp, furulya; "kóró=kérdezni". [Angol szlengben a BIRDY (madárka) "lány"-t is jelent.]

Rajki András swahili etimológiai szótárából:
nyungu [see buu] = worm, féreg
nyuni [Bem cuni, Dua inon, Fan non, Gan nyonyi, Kik nyoni, Kon injuni, Lub nyunyi, Mwe noni, Rwa nyoni, San inyuni, Sot lenong, Tsw nonyane, Ven tshinoni , Zul nyoni, from PBan *juni] = bird, madár
nyoka [Bem nsoka, Che njoka, Fan oo, Her onyoka, Kon injoka, Lin nyoka, Lub nyoka, Mwe nzoka, Nya njoka, Rwa zoka, San inyokha , Sho nyoka, Sot noga, Umb nyoka, Ven nowa, Zul nyoka, from PBan *joka] = snake, kígyó. (Máshol a joka=folyó).
mguu [Bem gulu, Gan gulu, Kik kuguru, Lub kulu, Nko okuguru, Mwe mgulu, Rwa guru, from PBan *gudu] = leg, foot.
mkunga [Kik mukunga, from PBan * kunga] = eel. Az angolna több nyelven ugor, hun..

Swahili 2
changu = bream
chapa = mark
cheti = certificate, testimony
chui = leopard
chura = frog
fulana = undershirt
gari = wheeled vehicle
giza = darkness, murk
hekalu = temple
hindi = maize

A few examples taken from Shona may help to illustrate the type of culture- historical conclusions that we can draw from our collection of loanwords. Shona is particularly fortunate in that it is situated in Central Africa, literally on the crossroads of cultural influences. In Shona we find 120 Afrikaans loanwords that trickled in from the south, many of them evidently via Zulu. They denote in the first place articles of clothing, e.g. bachi (jacket), bande (belt), buruku (trousers), chipereti (pin), nariti (needle), roko (skirt), makorosibandi and makurubandi (braces), fasikoto (apron), hembe (shirt), jasi (coat), kamu (comb), and konopera (to button). The word gumbeze (blanket) is French couverts via Afrikaans. [Ha valaki mindenáron - nem magyar - átvételt keres a FASI-KOTO kapcsán, akkor India felé nézzen körül. Pasi > faszi. Koto az ójapán kard és a "fasi=híd". (Proto-Japanese: Bjarke Frellesvig,John Whitman) OJ "turu=crane".]

Hungarian: híd; Ossetic: hid; Japanese: hashi; Waray-Waray: tulay; Tahitian: 'e'a turu; Lithuanian: tiltas; Yoruba: afárá;

Tuareg is a Berber language or a number of closely-related languages spoken in parts of Mali, Niger, Algeria, Libya and Burkina Faso by the Tuareg people, and by some Kinnin people in Chad. Észak-Afrikában jelentős számban megtalálható (cigányokhoz hasonlóan) az M mtDNA és a misztikus X mtDNA. Tuareg is used as a swear word and is comparable with the use of the word gypsy.

Gyal – Trini pronunciation of the word girl. (Mah-gyal?)

hùlfù (ǝ) n. seeds | iri
hunî n. miserliness | rowa
hùr n. pregnancy | cikin mace
kilà n. 1. dog. 2. prostitute | kare; karuwa
kùfà (Ø) n. watercourse, swamp, waterhole | rafi, fadama
kùlà (Ø) v. grave | kabari
lahà (Ø) n. hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) | dorina
maɗankyàr n. offspring, children | ’ya’ya
nyara (Ø) v. lick | lasa
raghì adv.loc. east | gabas
rāgù (u) n. cassava (Manihot esculenta) | rogo
suli (i) v. fry | soya
ti (i) v. cook | dafa
(ii) n. place | wuri
wàrwàr n. forehead | goshi

A complete etymology-based hundred wordlist of Semitic Gaf. mäyä is considered a loan from Oromo meya id. in LGaf 218 (but not in LGur 441, where the comment is “also in Ga. meya”); Har. ūga; Wol. ungä (together with Selt ungä, Zway ūngä) road, way are, according to LGur 60, "from Cushitic".
Hausa - English Paul Newman
Tsar = guard, protect
TÁR = Collect, gather, assemble.
WÁR = separate things.

Finnugor LÁB: örökség az uráli korból: szamojéd laamb, lamb (‘csizma eleje, talp’). Logikus, hogy a csizmatalpról nevezik el a lábat, s nem a lábról a csizmát, mert az volt előbb. Mellesleg emlékezzünk az ókori "lábas"-ra, amiben a "lebes" főtt.
Malay word: Labu = pumpkin, squash, gourd, calabash. Tök.
Tagalog: "labu-labo=brawl, melee,scuffle". Verekedés, veszekedés, viaskodás.
laba •. v. maglaba, labhan (mag-:-an) to wash clothes, to launder.
Luba: Kongó DK részén élő, bantu nép.
Latvian: visu labu = goodbye. labu nakti ! good night! (labu meaning beet in Farsi)
Quran: inqalabü = they go back. inqalaba = he turns. wayanqalibu = And he will return.
Swahili: aghalabu = gyakran.
djellaba, from Arabic jalläba, jalläbiya, djellaba, from jalläb, "trader, importer".
lb': Common Semitic noun *lab', *labi', lion. Leo, leonine, lev, lion; chameleon, codling, 1, dandelion, Leo Minor, leopard, from Greek leon, from a Semitic source akin to Akkadian läbu, lab'u, labbu, Ugaritic lb', Hebrew läbi', lion, and Arabic feminine lab(u)'a, labwa, lioness; compare also Egyptian rw, Coptic laboi, lion(ess).
laba. Romanian word for "masturbation". O iau la laba "I'm masturbating".
Polish dialect laba 'paw'
The Zapotec lapa or laba means a drop, and a crown or garland;

barba = beard. barba-ar? Borbély?
LILA: Latvian "purpurs=lila" [berbers? Tu-a-reg-i népből vagy?] Italian: porpora. Basque: morea. Malay: ungu. (javan: wungu). Maori: papura. Hun, German, Tagalog: lila.
Pales a pásztorok istene. Peal pedig Apollo egyik neve. [Pallas Athina?]
Palate: From Middle English, from Old French palat, from Latin palatum (“roof of the mouth, palate”), perhaps of Etruscan origin. (Pala- tina?)

Igbo nyelv talaján
iji ala (having common grounds)
Aja ala (earth force)
Igbo Ufesi Odo (Igbos around Odo River)
Anyanwu (the sungod), Igwekaala (the sky god), Ala (Earth .... The concept of reincarnation makes meaningful the Igbo belief of life after death.

Az egyiptomi nyelvről pedig úgy vélekednek, azt nemcsak a Nílus völgyében beszélték, hanem egész Délkelet-Afrikában, majd utóbb, az Egyiptomi Birodalom kialakulása (Kr. e. 1500) után a Földközi-tenger és az Eufrátesz nagy kanyara közé eső szíriai vidéken is. E két nyelvet a világ legrégibb nyelvének ítélik (The language of the hieroglyphs is perhaps the oldest in the world, 22m. 90).

Derives from pharaô, the Greek form in the Septuaginta of Hebrew par'oh, which is a loan of AE pr-'3 (par-'o, *per-'a) (="Great House"), originally the term for the palace, in the New Kingdom also used for the person residing there (i.e. the king). In cuneiform transcriptions (Assyrian records) the AE word occurs as pi-ir-3u-u (pir3u), and the Greek historians (like Herodotus) had pherôn. In Coptic the title is [p]rro (< *pero). The Quran calls the king of Egypt fir'awn.
(In centuries past, a link with p3-r' ("the sun") or p3-wr ("the great one", king) had sometimes (wrongly) been suggested).
Hur tüze
The ancient Egyptians called the Great Sphinx of Giza Hr-m-Axt, "Horus in the Horizon", Harmakhis being a form of Horus that was regularly equated with the originally Semitic god Hawron (Hwrn) (see Hannig p. 1222, 1225). It was probably after a short form of the name Hwrn that they called the Sphinx also Hwr (HWB 1222). A label including this name was assimilated by the Arabs to their own language as Abul-Hol which means "Father of Terror" in Arabic. The label being either p3-Hwr (*pe-Hul), "the one of Hawron", or pr-Hwr (*pi-Hul), "House of Hawron". (Selim Hassan, The Sphinx: Its History in the Light of Recent Excavations (Cairo, 1949), p. 152, 155ff, prefers the second option and points at the temple of the Sphinx mentioned in the Inventory Stela (BAR I par. 180 ).)

Szinte Hercun
Erkun egy marokkói település Tiznit-től délre. Dervischjan (1877;68) szerint az ERK szógyökér a görögből származik és Félelem (fear) jelentésű. (Déosz). Arm. tiezerk ‘world’. Old Armenian "erkir =earth" > erkin ‘sky’. Arm. het ‘footprint, track’. Uyghur: erkin shéir =költészet. Basque: "erkingu = Orient". De eki "sun" or better erkin "come out" and gu "place".

One of the most remarkable features of Armenian phonology, i.e. a sound-change of the Indo-European p to h in Armenian (cp. Armenian hayr ‘father’, hur ‘fire’ and Greek pater, pyr ‘id.’)
Erkin This patronymic surname is derived from Erka (pronounced Yerka) a diminutive form of the men's names Erofei (pronounced Yerofei) and Erast (pronounced Yerast). Among the Molokans, this surname occurred only in Russia.

Gender: female
Meaning/translation: the morning, the dawn, the morning star
Info about origin: can be interpreted as Albanian 'afër dita' (near to the day, thus possibly: dawn) in this context can also mean 'morning star' but could be (like 'Afrodita') an Albanian variant of 'Aphrodite', the name of the Greek goddess of love often simply written 'Aferdita' (without diacritics)
Words: afër=near (Albanian) ; dita=the day (Albanian)
Variants: Afërdita

Wandala királyság
Mandara Mountains (Cameroon and Nigeria) populations of the region (the Chadic speakers including Ouldemé, Podokwo, Mada,.
A mai népességgel rokonnak vélt Sao és Maya nép már AD 400-1400 között fejlett fémművességet mutatott fel. (A pásztor népek között gyakoribb a nyugat-európai R1b, a farmerek között az E1b1 y haplogroup.)

A Kulung Vocabulary (Jörg Adelberger and Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer):
abide (dwell) = tusi; m tusam a la mindi I have put down my load at this house. Feltehetően nem rokon a latin tusculanum, bár szemantikailag hasonló. Ferdowsi Tusi írta a "Királyok könyve" (Shahname) poemát. Tusi, Tushi, Tush angolnát jelent a modern Luba nyelvben. afar = pasina; pasi

Tusculum, i, kn. régi város (a mai Frascati közelében) Latiumban, a monda szerint Telegonus építette. Tusca, ae, hn. folyó Africában, Numidia és Zeugitana között.

Linguistic Affiliation. There are four national languages. Hassaniya is a mixture of Arabic and Berber and is the language of the white Maurs and the Haratin. Pulaar (Fulani) is spoken on the Atlantic coast and across the sahel-savannah zone. Soninke (Sarakolle) is spoken on the borders with Mali and Senegal. Wolof is widely spoken. Bambara is spoken in the southeast. At independence, French became the official language

Situated east of the River Niger between the Songhay-Zerma people and the Hausa city-states, one of the major surviving polities of the Sudanic belt is Kebbi. In terms of the Hausa tradition of Daura, Kebbi belongs to the banza bakwai seven illegitimate states, because the Hausa language here has been superimposed on a preceding language which resisted assimilation for a long time (Barth 1857: 472)
Karom - Piros tojás, kék tojás..
Sham el nessim is one of the oldest Egyptian festivals in which Egyptians celebrate the spring. The festival was originally celebrated by ancient Egyptians (Pharaohs) more than 4500 years ago. The ancient Egyptians celebrated Shemu their harvest season by offering salted fish, green onions, and lettuce to their deities. In modern days, sham el nessim is the Monday following the Egyptian Easter indicated by the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Ogun also has three variations as follows: (Olira, Meji, Medye).

Gyula betűivel - Megye
jula-kan jula, dioula, dyoula, dyula, djula, diula widely used as vehicular language in Côte d'Ivoire and in western Burkina-Faso Mangbetu+ Ngbele Congo/Zaire; Uganda: na-mangbetu-ti mangbetu-ti, mangbettu, mambetto, ki-ngbetu; a-mangbetu community Congo/Zaire: (Haut-Zaire) na-meje-ti meje, meje-ti, meeje, medye, medje, megye; ne-meeje, e-meeje ko-mende ko, "up-line mende", mende-E. including komboyo-mende Kenema… Kailahun

Lu-Ganda nyelven Ugandában beszélnek, ami egy bantu nyelvjárás, amit cca 3 milló baganda ember beszél a Buganda régióban. A baganda jelentése swahili nyelven uganda. A "tányér" nyelvükön esowaani.

Bengali: thala. Belarusian: taljérka. Mandarin: pánzi. (Nem pénz, mint a tallér!). Northern Sami: tallearka. Rusyn: tanir. Tatar: tälinkä. Turkish: tanner. German: Teller . Tányér szavunk: Olasz eredetű szó: északolasz taijer (‘fatányér’), az irodalmi olasz tagliere (‘vágódeszka’) megfelelője a tagliare (‘vág, taglóz’) igéből.

Igbo nyelven: "plate=afere"; pot=ite; present=nye; earth=ala; hawk=egbe; height=elu; house=ülö; afa=name.

Dong village in Taraba State, Nigeria:
Bird wɛ́r cf. Tiba wérùm bird sp. Lamja sààwɛm
Chain kãyaŋ
Feather pek cf. Eastern Ịjọ pɪkɔ but also PB –piko ‘wing’
Seed ʃindù
Sky napiŋ
Stone tar cf. Common Mumuye root tari (Shimizu 1979: Root 50)
Sweat silla
Tear sɛn sɔk ‘eye’ + ‘water’ [Érdekes, de finn-permi népeknél is "sz" hanggal (silma) kezdődik a "sen / szem". Meg az albánoknál (sy).]
Tooth taŋ; cf. Tsobo taan-ù, cf. Common Mumuye root tã́ri (Shimizu 1979: Root 54)
Village sal see ‘house’
Wing kele cf. Tiba káárá
Bury si
Remember isa
Four naas (nelja, szintén "n" kezdővel, mint a magyar "négy".)

"The Gula, Lendu and all of the Mangbetu/Mombattu cluster (Medye, Badjo, Mabisanga, Lese et all) practice circumcision, but the Sara and most tribes of the Madi cluster don't (Luluba, Lugbara, Avare, Lendu/Lega, Logo, Avukaya, Dongo, Kaliko, Moru, Agi/Ogi, Andri, Lakamadi, Kediru, Mittu, Baka, Gberi, Kodo, Lori, Wadi, Wira). The Madi group extract the lower incisors instead. The Madi group know nothing about spear and shield, they are Bow People. They bury either within the homestead (in contracted position of course) or immediately outside the home. The Moru build huge earthen mounds on top of their graves.

They vary constantly in form and their use extends across Africa from the Upper Nile on the east through Central Africa by Lake Chad to the Africans of the Gabon in West Africa. In parts of Central Africa, these weapons assume the form of a bird's head.
Shona: "whistle=nyere".(Nem nye-nyere). river=rwizi.
The original carved birds are from the ruined city of Great Zimbabwe, which was built by ancestors of the Shona, starting in the 11th century and inhabited for over 300 years. The ruins, after which modern Zimbabwe was named, cover some 730 hectares (1,800 acres) and are the largest ancient stone construction in sub-Saharan Africa.
Zimbabwe birds represent sacred or totemic animals of the Shona – the bateleur eagle (Shona: chapungu), which was held to be a messenger from Mwari (God) and the ancestors, or the fish eagle (hungwe) which it has been suggested was the original totem of the Shona.

Xhosa - Dél-Afrika
igqwirha/ubugqwirha = witch/witchcraft
ugqirha = doctor
undwendwe = visitor
intloko = head
indlovu = elephant

Körkörös romok
Through its alignment with the stars and the movement of the sun, this African Stonehenge that I named Adam’s Calendar has for the first time created a link to the countless other stone ruins in southern Africa, and suggests that these ruins are much older than we initially thought and forces us to start rethinking the activity by early humans in the so-called “Cradle of Humankind”.
Az egyik képen "Göbekli tepe" látható, amit állítólag vadászó-gyűjtögető emberek hoztak létre két gyűjtögetés között. Másik képen egy afrikai 8000 éves csónak. Elképzelhetően nem ez volt a világ első csónakja.
A kőbaltás ember épületei és a Konteo gyártás folyamata.

Kohn Theo vita. Egyesek szerint az "összeesküvés elmélet", magyarul KONspirációs TEOria (Conspiracy Theory) rövidítése. Esperanto: "konteo=grófi föld". A finn Metsan Kuningas neve is Konteo volt. Viet Nam falucskája: Kon Teo.

Circular Ruins (kör-romok) a bolygó számos pontján megtalálhatóak, pl Afrika, Közel-Kelet, Peru.. Dél-Afrika ősi romjai. In 1891, a coin issued by Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius in AD 138 was found 25 metres deep in a gold mine by Theodore Bent, who conducted the first excavation of Great Zimbabwe. The Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II (1279–1213 BC) wrote about crossing the African continent to its southern tip and of his encounters with gold in this part of the world. It becomes evident that these are probably the fabled mines of King Solomon.
Minden ágon egy mérő makk
Archaeologists and historians know very little about the Bakoni ruins. The Bakoni people are referred to not in any written form, but in oral history, and are considered by local archaeologists as different groups of people, with different origins, who arrived across a period of time. They became collectively known as the people from the North - Bokoni.
Indiánok Afrikában. Komatiland.
The Full Moon, the New Moon, and the Suzn were the main visible appearances of the God worshipped by the Quena, and they referred to them by the names borrowed from the Dravidian and Sanscritic languages of India. The Moon they callaed "Cha" or "K'Cha", from the Indian Chan or Chandra.
Quena a régi neve Dél-Afrika hottentotta népének, egyesek szerint a glóbusz legősibb lakói. A san nyelvet beszélő busmanok a Kalahári lakói, a khoikhoi (csettegő) nyelvet beszélők a dél-afrikai hottentották. A koiszanhoz tartozik a !kung nép. [The quena is the traditional flute of the Andes. ]
Rasszok. Valamint minden egyenlőség dacára, eltérések is vannak a rasszok között. A hottentották szerint a fehér szamár húsa olyan édes, mint a mandula és a japán nők abban a hitben nyelik el a gilisztákat, hogy szép hangjuk lesz tőle. Az egyiptomi bennszülöttek szakácskönyvet írhatnának, annyiféleképen készítik el — a sáskát. Afrika fekete lakói élnek-halnak a tevehusért és az oroszlánlábért. A nemi szervek hangsúlyozását szolgálja például az a több helyen dívó szokás, hogy a nők kisajkaikat gyerekkortól kezdve nyújtják (hottentotta – kötény), úgy, hogy az akár 10- 15 centiméterre is kilóg a lábaik közül. Máshol az alsó ajkat (száj) nyújtják, vagy pl a nyak hosszát.
Vonaldíszes kultúra, KM: Az idol a Szlovák Tudományos Akadémia Archeológiai Intézete gyűjteményében, Nyitrán található 17. ábra: A gagarinoi Vénuszon a vulva egyik nem ritka variánsát, az u.n. hottentotta kötényt tüntették fel. Koiszan: alacsonyak, kávébarna bőrűek, vágott szem, széles pofacsont, hajuk csomócskákban vadászatból, gyűjtögetésből élnek. Kutyájuk: A Rhodesiai Ridgeback az egyetlen kutyafaj, amely Dél-Afrikából származik, ahol régi hagyományokkal rendelkezik mint vadász és őrző-védő kutya.

Afrika 1.rész.
Afrika 22.rész.

Pesti István 2018 február
