Afrika 17.

Afrika számol

Számok 5000 nyelven

Finnugorok Afrikában. Száz forintnak 50 a fele..
Nyelv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Loko ilafele cawa naai ndou ngohita ngofela ngosaakba karaabu kapuu
Loma gla felego saago nane doluo doseta dofera dosawata'u pu
Kpelle taang fele saba naang lolu lol maida lol mai fele lol mai saba lol mai naang pu
Mende yelá felé sawá náâni lôôlu wéita wófela wáyâkpa tálu puú
Bandi hita fele sawa nani dolu woita ngofera ngohakpa tau pu
Fulani go'o d`id`- tat- nay- jow- joweego'o joweed`id`- joweetat- joweenay- sappo
Maasina go'o d`id`i tati nayi joyi jeegon jed`d`i jetti jeenayi sappo
Vagala kpe nee horo naazu nue numbel niidaanee ngmantaanaazi kabel fi
Dadia win` yoo taal naal nuu nukun` nebel` nááleb tólkob kob

Négy (4): Ősi örökség a finnugor korból: vogul nilji, mordvin nilje, finn neljä, lapp nöllje, a ~ negy- tőalakja ezek szabályos fejleménye.
Fél, fele (1/2): Ősi örökség az uráli korból: vogul pal, osztják pelek, zürjén pel (‘fél’), cseremisz, mordvin pel (‘oldal’), szamojéd pelle, finn pouli, Belarusian palóva, Slav languages polovína, szelkup pele (‘fél’). A pele pedig egy mókusféle állat. A horo szó legalább annyira hasonlít a három (3) szavunkra, mint a finn "kholme", bár kétség kívül a "kholme" is magába foglalja a "halom" szavunkat. Harm a szemita népeknél káros, ártalmas, tiltott dolog. Legyen az "hárem, harmfull", mindegyik hurt a népet. Harm/árt: zulu ukubulungu, Sanksrit ard, Pahlavi äzarm, Bengali atyahita=great harm, Urdu nuksaan. (Herse was a daughter of Jupiter and Selene.) Sumerian: hur (44x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hur "to scratch, draw", ugarit: "hur=tűz".

Dravida nyelv:
For its part, Peul "recalls Tamil through the large number of transitive verbs having a geminated second consonant and the formation of intransitive verbs with -wu = drav. -vu" (examples follow). Other common elements are Tam. od- conjunctive suffix = Peul -d-, Peul nay, '4' = Tam. nalu (cf. may, 'to die' = Tam. mal), Peul ala, "there is no" (with a raised tone) = Drav. -al, -a negatives, Peul -i = Drav. - i of the preterit.

Sotho nyelv:
noka = river
naga = country, land, territory
nôga = kígyó (A dollár jele is egy stilizált kígyó a boton.)
sehlaka = hut, cabin
madi = blood
tshêhla = yellow male animal; sun
anyediša = to milk
Modimo = god
pua = child

Malagasy: - Papango. Sárga csőrű kánya. A kánya egy jelentése "nő, leány".
the hawk a large bird of pray, kind of kite (milan doré, Milvus Aegyptius)

Még négy (4) pár nyelven: Zulu: ne, Xhosa: ne, Rundi: ne, NorthernSotho: nne, Swahili: nne, Fulfulde: nay..

Tubu turkano, turkome, Teda-Daza turkon, Zaghawa targwi "fingernail, toe, claw". The second componet also appears in Kanuri f&r-gdmi "fingernail" (Mukarovsky 1981: 203), cf. Kanembu gondii, Kanuri gámbuskin "to claw, scratch" — see Lukas 1931: 107). The closest external cognate is Fur tori "finger" (Meinhof). Greenberg (1963: 138) adds Surma: Tirma teri II West Nilotic: Bumn tuli id. The semantic shift "fingers (of a hand)" = "5", allows to enlarge the related forms, cf. Maban: Masalit (Edgar) tur = (MacMichael) toro, Maba t(u)ur, Aiki tuur, Kibet tur (all Edgar), Mabang tura, Runga tor, Kodoi dur (all Gaudefroy-Demombynes) "5" // Surma: Majang tul, Shabo tuul; Didinga, Murle, Longarim, Bale, Zilmamu tur "5" (Fleming 1983: 541) // Kuliak *tud "5" (Fleming 1983a: 440) // Taman: Tama tor, Erenga tor, tur, Sungor tdr, Miisiiri tor, Maraariit tuur, Abu-Shaarib tur "6" (Edgar 1991: 121), originally "5+[l]" or "a finger [in addition]" (?), cf. Mimi (Gaudefroy-Demombynes) tulgu "6" < Maban *tur- "5" & Mimi deg "1" ? The meaning "5" can also be reconstructed for the first member of the numeral "7" in pKAN *tullor and pTU *tudesu or *turesu = "5 + 2" (see 7.1.). /(tyrkouáz) for turquoise pedig egy zöldeskék szín./

Zenére születtek

Ru-mba, zu-mba, sa-mba..
Ru: On the south-west this district is bounded more or less by the Rusizi river down to Tanganyika. It includes the district of Busoga on the north-east and all the archipelagoes and inhabited islands of the Victoria Nyanza even as far east as Bukerebe, except those islands near the north-east coast. The dialects of Busoga, the Sese Islands and the west coast of Lake Victoria are closely related to the language of the kingdom of Uganda.
This includes the dialects spoken by the Hima (Hamitic aristocracy of these equatorial lands - Uru-hima, Ru-hinda, etc.), Ru-songora, Ru-iro, Ru-toro, Ru-tusi, and all the kindred dialects of Karagwe, Busiba, Ruanda, Businja and Bukerebe.


(Ferdinand de Saussure (1972) General HISTORY OF Africa)
Kun / qun (brave man) Ekun (title of a brave man)
Iset (a water god) Ise (a water god)
Sami (water god) Sami (a water god)
Sata (perfect) Santan (perfect)
Tan (complete) Tan (complete)
Aru (rise) Ru (rise up)
Shabu (watcher) Ashonbo (watcher)
Semati (door keeper) Sema (lock/shut the door)
Mu (water) Mu (drink water)
Kurud (round) Kurudu (round)
Ta (land) Ita (land junction)
Hoo (rejoice) Yo (rejoice)

Yoruba dict. - Eng.-Hun.-Yor.
bird = madár = eye
wing = szárny = apá
womb = méh = ikún
mouth = száj = enu


juba (1)[83] A group dance with complex rhythmic clapping and slapping of knees and things, as done by plantations slaves (1834). Both dance and word are of African origin.
juba (2)[84] One of the earliest records of the term juba dates to American minstrelsy days. Both Juba and Jube consistently appeared as names of enslaved Africans who were skilled musicians and dancers.
juba (3)[lxxxiv] Bantu juba, jiouba, or diubu, to beat time rhythmically. Used to describe an African dance step, the Charleston; recorded particularly in South Carolina and West Indies. Juba is also the Akan female day name for a child born on Monday.
honkie[68] Wolof hong, red pink; color used to describe white people in African languages.
sambo[127 Bantu –samba, to comfort, cheer, console. Cf. Also widespread West African personal name: Wolof Samb, Samba; Mandingo Sambu; Hausa sambo; similar names among Bantu.


After bolingo ("love") and motema ("feeling" or "heart"), the most frequently occurring word in Congolese popular song lyrics is most likely "Kinshasa", whose multiple identities reflect the combinatory playfulness of the city’s predominantly Lingala-speaking population: "Kiniville", "Kin Plaisir" (Kinshasa the Pleasurable), "Kin la Joie" (Kinshasa the Joyful), "Kin la Belle" (Kinshasa the Beautiful) and following the economic and political crisis of the early 1990s "Kin la Poubelle" (Kinshasa the Garbage Can). It is almost unheard of for musicians to achieve success without first having earned celebrity status in the nation’s capital and very few groups are able to sustain careers elsewhere in the Congo. For people from Kinshasa (les Kinois), this city is the cradle of modern Congolese rumba.


"a series of terms of Afroamerican origin like tumba, macumba, tambo, and others meaning collective partying, with the general meaning of group, meeting."

U-mba=build; kaya=település
Umba: (and Varzuga) a place in Chonyi.-:) ..another Chonyi. AtDzivwani their uganga [traditional ritual practice — MTW] told them that they hadalready passed their hill, so they turned back and went to Umba. They said they weregoing to build [umba] their home there. This was at the bottom of Kaya Chonyi hill.

Spear’s Chonyiinformant implied that the name Umba is derived from the verb root - umba. (Umba River [near the present Kenyan—Tanzanian border])
, ‘to mould,create’; while David Parkin has also suggested this as the origin of the ethnonym. This name seems to have been formed in the same way as the (now obsolete) ethnonym amadhaka (see above), which appears to derive from the noun stem - dhaka , originally meaning ‘bush’ (amadhaka therefore translates as ‘people of the bush’).

/"Ku-daka = to catch", swahili./
A "Közép Országa"..:-)
Kinu (vi-) 1. mortar, press, mill 2. hub (of a wheel, bicycle, etc.) Swahili-English-Dictionary
Swahili marimba, malimba "xylophone-like instrument").


  Proto-Bantu. However, *-bo´ mba` (potter's clay)
ibuu´mba, ‘clay’
ikibuu´mba, ‘a child who does not have its teeth yet, considered as an embryonic being’
urubuu´mba, ‘clay soil ’
imbuu´mba, ‘statue of a cow in clay, used in the ancestral cult ’
umubu´umbyi, ‘potter’

Bantu rokon: - dr Alfred Toth

25 folyni "to flow", folyó "river"
ŠL 2; 60; Gost. 68, 385, 555; Wanger 1935, p. 39
Sum. hal, hal bis, pa6
Ntu bura, fula, fuya "river"
Zulu um-fula, um-fuya "river"
(chadic: "hal=go")

42 hal "fish"
ŠL 589; Gost. 730, 731; Wanger 1929, p. 559; 1935, p. 118
Sum. ku6, ha (Kala uszikelé elevene..)
Zulu in/hla-nzi (nzi "water") "fish"

A Tanganyika tó déli részén: "Awe-mba = a tó népe".

Xylophon (marimba) Zeneszerszám

Dos Santos is here describing, for the first time in recorded history, the mbira known by some as a kalimba (Berliner 1993:9; see Figure 2). The Shona karimba, variously referred to as the "Tapera ‘kalimba’ mbira" (A. Tracey 1961:44–46), the "Kwanangoma mbira" (Axelsson 1981:61), the "South Bank karimba" (A. Tracey 1972:90), and "Nyunganyunga" (Maraire 1984; see Figure 2), appears at first glance to employ a hexatonic tuning. Marimba is, therefore, the full instrument, consisting of many rimba (notes)."

The rimba/limba stem is also found in the commonly used term kalimba to designate a lamellaphone.
According to Kauffman (1980:497), in other parts of Tanzania and on Zanzibar, lamellaphones are called marimba madogo, which means "small marimba."


STRONG WIND (n.): *kißuto (7/8) ~ *lußuto (11/10)
GIR kivuto (7) ‘at great speed’;
luvuto (11/10) ‘high wind, storm’;
rivuto (5/6)‘hurricane’ [D]
?DUR kimfudo (7/8) ‘a storm’ [KR]
N.DIG  phuto (5/6) ‘wind, storm’ [G]; phuto (9/10) ‘wind’ [MNNZ]= the root in KAB – vutũkya (v.) ‘to blow’ [M]

ngurunga = ‘cave, cavern’ = maghara = barlang, üreg

GIR k’uro (9/10) ‘dog’ [T, H] (kutya)
CHO kuro (9/10) ‘dog’ [H]
RAB kuro (9/10) ‘dog’; ka-kuro (12/13) ‘small dog’ /kutyus-ka/[KR]= DAI ngurũ ~ ngurø (9/10) ‘dog’ [N]; MER kurũ (9/10) ‘dog’ [N]. Cf. Pare nguro ~iguro (9/10) ‘dog’.
E.DUR chera (7/8) ‘tool to cut with’ /Greek "kheri=kéz/hand"; Kurd "kér=kés/knife"/

GIR – kaya (v.) ‘to shout – of an inarticulate cry’ [T] (kaját, kayabal, hun.vulg.) Mongol: "kaya=rock"

Cf. Shambala ‘dance’. Nurse (ms.) implies that this is a loanword in DAI (from MK or Shambala). However, a CKB derivation seems most likely: ‘activity ingeneral’ > ‘the activity of dancing and singing’. (tánc)

E.DUR mbari (9/10) ‘clan, relatives’ [NN] (rokon emberek)

Zimbabwe neve

Emlékezzünk! A térségben élnek Áron leszármazottai, a Bulba clan.
There are two theories on the origin of the word Zimbabwe: The first theory holds that the word is derived from Dzimba - dza-mabwe, translated from the Karanga dialect of Shona as "large houses of stone" (dzimba = plural of imba, "house"; mabwe = plural of bwe, "stone"). The Karanga-speaking Shona people are found around Great Zimbabwe in the modern - day province of Masvingo and have been known to have inhabited the region since the building of this ancient city. A second theory is that Zimbabwe is a contracted form of dzimba-hwe which means "venerated houses" in the Zezuru dialect of Shona, and is usually applied to chiefs' houses or graves. Kimwani: spoken in the Ker-imba Islands and northern coastal Mozambique. /ZI-MBA-BWE ? vagy valóban csak "Kőházak"./ Lélek.

The discoveries of petroglyphs of winged discs and carved dolerite statues of giant birds, some resembling the hawk-headed god Horus, suggest that the prototype Sumerian and Egyptian civilisations had their origins in southern Africa thousands of years before they emerged in the north.

Szótár - a shona egy dialektusa
"bwe = kő". 'crow' = kukuridza - kukurigo. "chinomwe = seven =7". "Mwedzi = Moon". "garikuni = Wild". "Vanhu = emberek", Munhu = ember. "nomwe = seven". Bird = shiri. Wing = bapiro. Cloud = gore. Leg = gumbo/ synonym: bandauko. Hand = chanza/ szinte chamsa. Eye = ziso. Moon = jenaguru. Lake = dziva. River = rwizi. Snake = Nyoka. Spring/well = chisipiti/zvakanaka. House = imba. Barley = bhari. Keep = chengeta. Watcher = muoni. Observer = muongorori. Claw = dzara. Girl = musikana, puna. Man = murume, hono. Wheel = viri. Gold = ndarama. Swimming = kushambira. White = chena. Black = dema. Smoke = hutsi. Sew = sona. Kukorékol=kukuridza.

Lehet, hogy a kakaskukorékolásból származik a "kukorica" szavunk ?
Kukorica kása: In Kenya, it is also known as kimyet in Kalenjin, ngima in Kikuyu, kuon in Luo, Obusuma in the Nyole dialect of the Luhya tribe, nkima in the meru language and obokima in the Kisii language (Ekegusii). Málé. Zimbabwe területén csak pap. Tán a kohenek vitték oda.. Számos nyelvben (Afrika) saját neve van a kukoricának. Pl "bemba" akikuyu és "hemba" a chagga nyelvben. Máshol zsidósan csak "tengeri" néven emlegetik lefordítva a tigrinya "mashela baheri" nevet. A hauza nyelvben a "misar" változatát, a "masa" szót használják, a fulfulde egyik dialektusában "maka" a kukorica. (Forrás: James McCann: Maize and Grace). Furcsa, hogy sem Winters amerikai négerei, sem az angol gyarmatosítók nem vitték a saját szavukat a növénnyel. Sotho a "pune" (Hold?) nevet aggatta a kukoricát odavivő, de nevét eltitkoló szerzetesek növényére. Tswana nyelvén pedig "mmedi" lett. A sabi nyelvben "saka", a sagala nyelvben "tama" és az amba nyelvben "kusa" a kukorica. /A könyvből megismerhetjük az "Asantehene" szót, valamint a száraz szél "harmattan" fogalmát./ Eredet. One of the greatest geneticists and researcher of cultivated plants of the 20th century, Nikolai Vavilov (1887-1943,, contributed to the concept of center of origin. Kína vidékére teszi a kukorica őshazáját.
Név nélkül terjedt
"NyamNyam", Batu, Yakutare területen, brit Kamerun részen "ajo Kwana", Hona területen "panu"... de számos nyelven megtaláljuk a linken a kukorica nevét. Annyira eltér az európaitól, mintha közünk sem lenne hozzá. Bantu languages expressing the domestic fowl - kuku, Uganda and the Victoria Nyanza, and also in Runyoro on the Victoria Nile, the word for "fowl" is enkoko. Afrika, Aranypart táján a "szárnyas=kuba". Közép-Amerikában a "Costa Rico=Madárpart". (The Comanche word for bird, he testified, was "rico" and the word for "spotted" was "choco". The Spanish words "chico rico" mean "rich little fellow"). The Birds represented on either side of the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago are the Scarlet Ibis and the Cocrico (native to Tobago), which are shown in their natural colours. Otomi and Manding languages: "brother=ku koro". Közép-Amerikában a "maize=co". CO-rn? A kukorica porzója hasonlít a kakasfarokra, s a kakas szereti a kukoricát. Sanskrit: kūrcá m. rarely n. (g. ardharcâdi) a bunch of anything m. (n. L.) 'ball, roll', N. of certain parts of the human body (as the hands, feet, neck, and the membrum virile). A "kuko=öreg ember" és a "rico=madár". Etymology: Similarly, coko seems to be a clear occurrence, on a Kalenjin word, of the corresponding Kalenjin plural suffix, -ka . (Cognates of both suffixes are of course also found elsewhere in Nilotic,but the distribution and form argue for Kalenjin origin.)The single pair kuko "old man" - kukuye "old woman" suggests some sort of feminine suffix -ye ; perhaps the same suffix is to be sought in kokuye "dog", kongiye "eye", konoye "oil".

Elfelejtett szavak
(i); muitiwa (i); chiyumb"a (3). crow, gunguyu (5) ; chikunguyu* credit, give, -pa chikwerete (for.). take on ", kwereta (for.) ; 'posa. " creep (as snake), monereka ; " v.i., rira ; kuma ; kukuridza.

Shona név
Kukara, Kukanya, Kukuridza, Kunatsa, Kuno, Kunze.. Magaka, Magamba, Magandanga, Magara, Magariro, Mago, Magora...

Lehetett-e a kukuruz a kék úr vize valaha? A csicsára gondolok... Mindenesetre a bolgár "carevica" a magyarban "kukorica", a szláv és a balti nyelvekben "kukuruz", de a törököknél és a cigányoknál "misír" (Armenian: egiptacoren). (Egyiptomi misar, az uborka pedig "kuk-umber".) Érdekes következtetésre lehet jutni a pulyka nevét kutatva szintén.

Shona kurultaj
Shona: -kusha, vt. K
Meaning: to sow seeds by scattering them over a wide area, especially by hand; -kusa M; -mwana Z
English: cast; broadcast
Shona: -kururudza, vt. MZ
Meaning: to make a short, high-pitched sound (cricket)
English: chirp
Shona: kurukudza, n. KZ
Meaning: conversation in a lively manner
English: conversation

"-mba=ásni", zulu. Hold: "első negyed=Kula"; tele-hold=Dili-nga"; "utolsó negyed=Hlepuka", "Moon= Inya-nga", zulu. Charm (As a person)= Unga, zulu. "School= Isikole", zulu.

William Croft: Typology Problems

Fante (Akan, Twi) is widely spoken in Ghana in West Africa. adasa-mba, F. men, children of man ; syn. nnyimpa. e-wi, iwi, F. = a\via, ewia, sun.

‘child’ eba pl. mba
‘stone’ beba pl. mbeba
‘horse’ ponk pl. mponk
‘ditch’ okä pl. akä
(A munkában látjuk, hogy a finn többes szám jele megegyezik az ugorokéval. "t". A kharia nyelvben a többes szám jele "ki".)

Dances With Words
Noli me tangere
Here the dictionary gives the doubtful etymology of Latin 'tangir' (to play instruments). Latin ergo tango = I play. It is only natural to try to find a Latin origin to the word, although this etymological line obviously is not related to the Argentinean meaning. The 1914 edition gives the etymology tangir or tangere "to play or to touch".

Vilamovian - nyelv, melyben magyaros hangok vannak.
Dance - tanc pl. tenc
From German Tanz, from Old French danse ("dance").
Finn: tanssi
Bask: dantza
Dán: dans
Middle English daunsen, from Anglo-Norman dancer, dauncer ("to dance") (compare Old French dancier), from Frankish *danson ("to draw, to pull, to gesture") (compare Old High German danson ("to draw, pull")), from Proto-Germanic *dansoną. From Proto-Germanic *?insanan 'to stretch', from Proto-Indo-European *ten-s, *tenw(?)- 'to pull'. Shiva's Dance/"Ring around the Rosy", >Hung. * TANC > Germ. TANZ > Dance

Bulgarian: танц (bg) m (tanc)
Belarusian: танец m (tánjec)
Czech: tanec
Estonian: tants
Hungarian: tánc
Turkmen: tans
Ukrainian: танець m (tánec), танок m (tánok)
Slovak: tanec
Serbo-Croatian: Cyrillic: плес m, игранка f, танац m; Roman: ples m, igranka f, tanac m .
Russian: пляс (ru) m (pljas), пляска (ru) f (pljaska), танец (ru) m (tánec)
Polish: taniec
Macedonian: танц m (tanc)
Sanskrit: नटनम् n (naTanam)

tañc 1:  tañc (= √tvañc), cl. 1. ○cati, to go
tañc 2:  tañc cl. 7. tanakti, to contract Bhaṭṭ. vi, 38
• cf. ā, abhy-ā-
• upâtaṅkya
• takmán and ○kra

TANC (szláv), KHORO (óbulgár) a dance greek xoro, > turk. hora (xora)

Thanc a szavakkal
Ir szótár: Damhsa (leírva) Dow-suh (kiejtve) Dance (jelentése). Old English thanc (in singular) expression of thanks, orig., thought, thoughtfulness; (v.) Middle English thanken, Old English thancian (cognate with Dutch, German danken); akin to think

Wolof: "tanca = foot" (láb)

wolof: "weer = moon/month"; keep doing=waa; weeh = fehér;


Egypt rosetta

Kiswahili-Bantu: mizao-wote = children, offspring
The plural of mzao, a child is mizao, children or offspring. The collective plural may be given as mizao-wote, which means all, everyone the complete lot, or set of children or offspring.

Egypt forum

The Dogon sign "gono" or "gonono",written at the end of the Sigi Time (sixty years) and identical to the Egyptian "ânkh" represents God after he created the world. Ancient Egyptians also celebrated, each sixty years, a ceremony called "hn" representing the renewing of the world. The osirian rite Sâh and the Dogon Sigi are isomorphic.
The relationship between AE and modern Black Africa is irrefutable.
Dogon gonono: "a 60 years time"
Egypt hnn:"a 60 years time"(Budge)
Dogon Sigi
Egypt sâh
Dogon Naporo =Osiris
Egypt Npr =Osiris(E.Naville)

The Egyptian word for deity but also pharaoh, Ntr is also found in modern BA languages as thus:
Coptic: Noyte, Nute
Gurma: Unteru (god)
Gurmantche: Untenu (god)
Fulani: Ntori (god)
Masai: Naiteru (god)
Kwasio: Nture (sacred)
Mombutu: Nôro (god)

Kaszás isten: That weapon (scyth) is also an agricultural tool and is shown wielded by kings from earlier periods. Mintha a képen "sarló=sickle" lenne.. Szaturnuszt szokták ilyen paraszti szerszámmal ábrázolni.

Mag = Seed - Egyiptomi fórum
Bozo sii, Bambara sii, Daba sisin, Somali sinni, Loma sii. A "si" különben sok nyelven sokfélét jelent. Sárga, kéz, oroszlán, Hold...

Hun koponyatorzítás - video

  Fura gondolatokat vetnek fel Tutankhamon néger származásával kapcsolatosan. Tudomásom szerint nemzetbiztonsági okokból nem publikálták a fárao géntípusát.  III.Rhamses E1b1a géntípusa Hitleréhez hasonló. Szemita. Mondjuk, a géntípus nem határozza meg a fenotípust a mai besorolás szerint. (A rasszjellegek kialakulásában részt vevő génmintákat kivették a besorolásokból, mint instabilakat.) A koponyatorzítás pedig szinte minden rassznál megtalálható. Egyedül kínait nem láttam még. (Yanomami, mangbetu, Óceánia, Európa, Belső-Ázsia..)


A koponyatorzítás hagyománya.

Napjainkban nagyobbrészt már csak afrikai törzseknél fordul elő. Az a furcsa, hogy egy nagyon régi, világméretű hagyományról van szó. Hippokrátész 2400 évvel ezelőtt írta, hogy Ázsiában a Maeotis-tavon él egy nép, amelyik gyerekeik fejét torzítja. Az ásatások igazolták a feltevést. Jerikhóból, görög és római sírokból, a korai dél-amerikai indiánoknál, Egyiptomból és Afrika egyéb részeiről sok torzított koponya került elő. Egymástól függetlenül alakult ki a szokás, mert a nagy távolságok miatt egymástól nem tanulhatták. Magyarországon eddig 200 torzított koponyát találtak.
Mezopotámiában, Eridu temetőjében a halottak fejének 80 %-a volt alakítva  (Kr.e 3800). Egyiptomban a XVIII. Dinasztiabeli Echnatontól indult ki, a hettiták révén Eurázsia más részeibe is átterjedt. A legelső koponyák Franciaország újkőkorából származnak.


The earliest significant record of skull elongation comes in the form of the pottery representations of the Gods from the 5th millennium B.C. The Al-Ubaid culture proceeded the Sumerian culture was a people known as the Ubaidians who established settlements in the region later known as Sumer (Mesopotamia) (2) It has been noticed that there are very strong similarities between the Ubaid artwork, and that of of 'Old Europe' Vinca Culture which flourished c. 6,000 - 3,500 BC.
At present, such practices are all but gone but they were recorded into the 20th century with records of 'Some isolated groups in Africa and South America who continue this practice'.


Az afrikai mangbetu népnél már csecsemő korban kialakul a torz koponya. Vajon mikor nő be a feje lágya ? A torzító kötés rákerül a baba fejére. Szemre a lányoknál gyakori fejalakítás. Okosabbak lettek?

THE KYNOKEPHALOI (or Cynocephali) were an Indian and African tribe of dog-headed men. The name Kynokephalos means dog-headed, from "kuôn," a dog, and "kephalos," head. Értsd: "kujon koponyájúak, nem kékfejűek! There was no word for blue in the ancient Greek language. The nearest words to blue – glaukos and kyanos are more like expressions of relative light intensity than descriptions of color. Kunoe=kiss.

Darwin emberei
The discovery of a complete 1.8 million-years-old skull has rewritten the story of how modern man evolved from our early ancestors in Africa, according to Swiss scientists. Távol Afrikától és az új faj. A gyenyiszovoi ember keveredett egy eddig ismeretlen fajjal a DNA analízis szerint. (400 ezer éves! Nem neandervölgyi!) Még a végén kiderül, hogy mégsem a napfény hiánya miatt lett az afrikai néger Európában fehér, Kínában sárga és Amerikában rézbőrű.

Afrika 1.rész.
Afrika 16.rész.

Pesti István 2014 február
