Afrika 9.

A fekete kontinens

Nyugat-Afrika varázslói



Some Haitians resort to bokÚ, who are specialists in sorcery and magic. Haiti has several secret societies whose members practice sorcery

Voodoo specialists, male houngan and female manbo, mediate between humans and spirits through divination and trance. They diagnose illnesses and reveal the origins of other misfortune. They can also perform rituals to appease spirits or ancestors or to repel magic. Many voodoo specialists are accomplished herbalists who treat a variety of illnesses

Ehhez még..

Bush, Bokros

Voodoo remains a popular religion in Haiti and in other cities where Haitians have immigrated, such as New Orleans. The keystone of the Voodoo imaginary is the belief that Voodoo sorcerers, or Bokor, are in communication with Vodu (an African word meaning spirit or god), and are endowed with the ability to perform black magic. The magic of the Bokor consists in various powders that allegedly give the Bokor (spelled variously: boco, bocu, boko, or boku) some power over their victim



"it is supposed {they} originated from the remnants of the children of Canaan, who were of the tribe of Nimrod. The cause of their establishment in the west of Africa was, as it is stated, in consequence of their being driven by Yaa-rooba, son of Kahtan, out of Arabia to the western coast between Egypt and Abyssinia. From that spot they advanced into the interior of Africa till they reached Yarba, where they fixed their residence. On their way they left, in every place they stopped at, a tribe of their own people. Thus it is supposed that all the tribes of the Soodan, who inhabit the mountains, are originated from them, as also are the inhabitants of Ya-ory."

And "duniya" does mean "world" in the Manding languages. ... The Hausa word for the Yoruba language is Yarbanci.


The twin kingdoms of Edo and Oyo (Yorubaland) remained two of the most powerful kingdoms on the west coast of Africa up until the establishment of the British Protectorate at the end of the nineteenth century. Benin City is called Edo by its inhabitants and in certain contexts individuals from all parts of the kingdom will refer to themselves as ovbiedo (child of Edo ).

The Edo Kings (Oba)

The Oba was the focus of both the political and religious life of the Empire, participating in an incredible number of elaborate rituals, considering that he also had to govern an increasingly more powerful Empire.


The nations of Nigeria and Niger are named after the river. The people who live along it have a variety of names for it, notably Jeliba in Manding and Isa Ber "big river" in Songhay. The Romans had heard of the Niger and called it Dasibari; the middle and lower course of the Niger was also known as Quorra, also of unknown origin.

Határokon át

A négus

Az etiópiai sémi nyelvű népek körében elterjedt uralkodói cím. Kezdetben általános értelemben királyt, uralkodót jelentett. Miután a térség első nagy birodalmának, Akszúmnak az uralkodója felvette a nagasa nagasi (’királyok királya; császár’) címet, a ~ titulus a hűbéres fejedelmeket illette meg.

Zmej, a bűvös sárkány

Zmej, illetve e név változatai a szláv nyelveken sárkányt jelentenek. Zmej Gorinyics orosz háromfejű sárkány, visszanövős fejjel. Teste kígyó, nagy szárnyai vannak, lába oroszlánláb.

Isa Bere guineai sárkány, aki a hegyekben élt, s a Niger folyó vizét itta, ezzel aszályt okozott. Samba király 8 éven át csatázott vele, 800 lándzsadöfést mért rá, mígnem egy szíven találta a sárkányt, s a szívéből kifolyt a korábban megivott rengeteg víz, véget vetve a szárazságnak. A legenda szerint Isa Bere csontjai a mai napig a Niger medrében hevernek.

Niger - képeskönyv


"Niger" and "Niger-ia" are two countries in Africa. No one has asked the Niger-ian" or the "Nigerian" people, please change your name because it's not politically correct. The words "Niger" means in Ibo "King (emperor)" and "Niger-ia" means "Queen (empress)."

Dravida Afrika - bantu expanzió.

In both Africa and Dravidian India the people were organized into various "caste" or corporations. Many of the corporations such as that of the blacksmiths in Africa and India have corresponding names e.g., Wolof Kamara and Telugu Kamara. The are similarities in agricultural technique in Africa and India. For example both groups used the hoe for tilling the ground, manuring the ground to fertilize crops, terracing irrigation and canal building. There are also affinities in animal husbandry, and even the names of animals. For example, sheep: Wolof xar, Brahui (Dravidian) xar 'ram'; and cow: Wolof "nag", Serere "nak", Tamil "naku" 'a female buffalo' and Tulu "naku" 'heifer'. There are also similarities  between the Dravidian and African religions. For example, both groups held a common interest in the cult of the Serpent and believed in a Supreme God, who lived in a place of peace and tranquility. There are also affinities between the names of many gods including Amun/Amma and Murugan. Murugan the Dravidian god of the mountains parallels a common god in East Africa worshipped by 25 ethnic groups called Murungu, the god who resides in the mountains.


Holdkő és Lualaba

Pedra da lua (moon stone) Rio de Janeiro közelében.
Afrikában: (Bantu, Gur, LuGanda) y-a-lábá áni = Who did he see ?


By the time Voodoo is being recognized in New Orleans, this great spirit, the snake, is called either, "Li Grand Zombi” or Ouncongo. Later as the African languages began to merge with Louisiana French, the spirit is remembered as Papa Labas or St. Peter.

the traditional greeting Asalaam alaikum – Peace be upon you and was a bit surprised when people didn’t respond very well to it or just ignored her. Instead her companions said Labas – Peace, I think, and the response was very good and friendly so I would recommend that. On the other hand, French is widely spoken in Algeria so you could say Bonjour monsieur/madame – ca va?


laba-laba = gossip
nyam = eat

Laba = feather, amharic

The name Lebanon derives from the Hebrew Laban, white, and refers to the "white" peaks of the Lebanon Mountains. In Hebrew, the name Laban means- White.



Indeed, NASA believes that allegations of the ancient civilization found on the Moon are not serious. The authors of the controversial book also say that President John F. Kennedy, who launched the lunar race with the Soviet Union, actually intended to share extraterrestrial technologies with Moscow. Making a speech at the United Nations Organizations in September of 1963, Kennedy supposedly offered the USSR to organize a joint mission to the Moon.

A fórumon

Medjerda: folyó Tunisz területén.

Hausa nyelv

farin rago = 'white ram' = fehér kos
dogon yaro = 'tall boy' = magas fiú
sabon littafi = 'new book' = új könyv
shekara nawa? = 'how many years?' = hány év ?
ruwan sanyi = 'cold water' = hideg víz
ruwan zafi = 'hot water' = meleg víz

A Nílus völgye


The T-shape is an ancient representation of man himself, and also the "Man of the Sky" - so called "God".  A good example of this is the so-called "Ankh" symbol of ancient Masarians (so-called "Egyptians"). The "Ankh" symbol of the ancient Masarians has been taken and "adapted" by the Christian church into the Christian "cross" sign - which has nothing to do with the so-called "Crucification" event of "Jesus". Ancient Masarians (MISIR) were Turanian peoples and their stone based culture of six-thousand years ago (or more) seems to be very much an improved continuation of this ancient Göbekli Tepe civilization.

A lap 7. ábráján Gilgamesh két nagymacskával játszik. Hasonló ábrázolással találkozhattunk Kréta ókorából, csak ott "Zeusz" játszik.. A magyarok vándorútján sokfelé megtaláljuk a "két állat közt egy ember" ábrázolást.


 "ANU BAŞ" means "ANU is head", that is, the Sky-God ANU (Turkish "AN O" (Gök O) meaning "it is sky" and "HAN U" meaning "That Lord") is the top Sky-God. Sumerian ANU is also known as the name of the universal Sky-God. Thus, in this context, ANPU (ANUBIS) is the personification of the Top Sky God.

Turkish BAŞ means "head", but it also means "first among others", for example a "king" is the first among all others in a society and therefore he is the "head" of the country; A good example of this is the supposedly "Greek" word "BASIL" (VASIL, VASILUS) meaning "King".  But this Greek word BASIL (VASIL) is nothing but Turkish words "BAŞ IL" (IL BAŞI) meaning "the head of the conutry" which is the "king".  In the case of VASILUS", it is made up from Turkish "IL US BAŞI" meaning "the wise head of country".

Manysi és khanty

Additionally, Osiris was the Lord, that is, "KHANTI" (KHANDI) in Turkish, where "KHANTI" (KHANDI) means "he is the Lord" or "He was the ruler" which a "governor" is. Turkish word KHENDI means "himself" and ŞAHIT means "witness" . (Afrikában csak "öreg".)


The claim that there was no letter "L" in the ancient "Egyptian" (Masarian) language is a falsehood.  As one goes through, for example, "The Egyptian  Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by Sir Wallis Budge, many words having the ("kar" magyar) sign are found, but, the "L" is not pronounced in the Latin transliteration because it was somehow ignored.

Törökök Egyiptomban - Ay-Gipt-os
The equivalent of this concept in Turkish would be "KENT (GENT), KONUT (GONUT), KONTU (KONDU, GONDU)" meaning "established dwellings area, city, town, village".
The sign (madár, magyar) can be read as "MA"(MAH) as in ancient Turkish, meaning the "moon", {p. 627, lines 245-246}. The moon also had the name of "AY" in addition to the name "MA".  The word MA (MAH) also meant "magnificent".

the term "pest" would also represent the "human head".
the Turkish name "BAŞ EŞTI" where BAŞ means "head" and EŞTI (EŞIT) means "equal".


Mint Polat Kaya pántörök elméletéből látjuk, a turkok ott voltak Egyiptom bölcsőjénél, a sumer világban és a prekolumbian Amerikában.
Mindezekre a történész számos nyelvi bizonyítékot hoz, s ezek közül nem egy vitathatatlan. Mintha valóban turk népek járták volna a világot. Nyugati turk ?... Noha én a BASILEUS-t másképp fejtem, a "BAS IL" is elgondolkodtató, mint az ILe de France.

Mint olvashattuk, a KHANTY név is turk eredetű. Szerencsétlen finnugorászokat még az ág is húzza... /"KHANTI" (KHANDI) a törökben "ő az úr" ill. 'ő volt az uralkodó'./
Egyiptom (Masarian, Ay-Gyptos) a "madár ábra" jelentése MAH. Ez pedig a török szerző szerint az Ay mellett a Hold-at jelentette az ősturk nyelvben.
..hogy miért a mi malmunkra hajtja a vizet a pánörmény és a pántörök elmélet...

Egyiptom - albán szemmel.

Rómában, a Lateráni Szent János téren áll egy obeliszk, amelynek négy oldalán olvasható III. Tuthmószisz összes titulusa, de a nevek két különböző változatban láthatók. Az obeliszket a király ötvennégy éves uralkodásának vége felé állították, mivel címei utalnak Egyiptom hagyományos ellenségei, a "Kilenc Íjak" legyőzésére. III. Tuthmószisz harcos fáraó volt, és Egyiptom az ő uralkodása alatt érte el - hódításainak köszönhetően -, a legnagyobb kiterjedését. Nem csoda tehát, ha sikereit neveiben is közhírré tette. Az már nem ennyire egyértelmű, miért változtatta Hórusz-nevét, a "Thébában Felemelkedő Hatalmas Biká"-t "Ré Által Szeretett Hatalmas Biká"-ra. A "hatalmas" vagy "győzelmes bika" népszerű királyi díszítő jelző volt már a legkorábbi időktől, hiszen a Narmer-táblán ellenségeit eltaposó bikának ábrázolják a királyt.

Varga Csaba

Kent - Mongolia, Anglia

Khenty-khety (Greek: Khentekhtai)  was the (crocodile?) god of Athribis who in time (NK) merged with the falcon god Horus into Horus-Khenty-khety (Greek: Harkentekhthai). There were more mergers, also with the local bull god, and from there with Osiris into Osiris-Khenty-khety (Greek: Osirkhentekhtha). As a result, the god could be depicted with a falcon's head, bull's horns, a solar disk and a (Osirian) atef-crown. The wonders of syncretism.

Szent véset

Olyan esetekben, amikor a kiejtéshez feltétlenül szükséges a magánhangzó, a modern felfogás szerint "e"-t illesztünk be, tehát a név szót, amely "rn"-ként íródik, "ren"-nek ejtjük. Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy a szót valóban így ejtették, csupán segítséget nyújt a az ókori egyiptomi nyelvet tanulmányozók számára.

Az egyszerű egyiptomiak, akiket a görög "aigüptos" (jelentése: "a Hold ajándéka") elnevezés után koptoknak kezdtek nevezni, természetesen továbbra is beszélték őseik nyelvét, de mert nagyrészt írástudatlanok voltak, az írott nyelv gyorsan feledésbe merült. /E-gipt a ház ajándéka?/

Varga Csaba szerint az ómagyar, föníciai és ógörög betükészletben már szerepelt a szláv "zs" betü, a felfelé álló 3 ágú villa, másképpen életjel.

Baráth Tibor

A mindent látó szem - "Ak-szum"

A rovásjelekkel írt és a Kr. előtti időkből származó magyar nyelvemlékek első nagyobb csoportját a Vörös-tenger déli partvidékén találjuk, főleg a jelenlegi Etiópiának Eritrea és Tigré nevű- tartományaiban, valamint az arábiai oldalon. A bemutatásra kerülő emlékek zöme arról a területről került elő, amely keleti oldalával a Vörös-tengerre támaszkodik (ld. 2. táblát). Ez a tengerparti oldal kb. 300 km hosszú és a Massuah nevű kikötőtől délkeletre a Dankáli sivatagig ér.


Az életszimbólum eredete
... the 13th letter of the Phoenician alphabet of 1000 B.C. was the wavy-lined mem, ancestor of our M. The name "mem" meant "water". The Phoenicians' 14th letter was their N, called nun, meaning "fish". Mem is King over Water.

Ugye, a 3 ágú villa (szigony?) kapcsolatba hozható a halászattal. A kép az "n" betü, a jelentés pedig "hal". Persze, a kígyó is "nyakas" állat volt arra délen az ókorban. A víz pedig hullámzik. A hullámvonalból alakult ki az "M" betü és a "mem=víz". A héberben a "mayim=víz". A betü fordítottja a "W", amely  az angol "water=víz" kezdőbetüje. Egyiptomban az "M" csak egy (bagoly)madár volt.




Hieroglyph {water} symbol is pronounced /n/ by Egyptologists from I believe the Hadrian cartouch, but everything I see leads to the conclusion that it was an /m/ and only later became /n/ during the Greco Roman period.

1.Coptic Egyptian word for {water} is 'moou' or 'mo', indicating by the acrophonic principle /m/.
2. In Hamito Semitic languages in general 'water' begins with the letter m and Egyptian is such a language. In Ancient Hebrew it is 'mym', 'ma' in Arabic, (see above for Cotpic).
3. The Early semitic letter for M is derived from the Egyptian hieroglyph for {water">, as is the Greek and Roman (mistakenly thought to be strictly from Phoenician).
4. Also I have been able to show that three consecutive identical symbols in Egyptian mask a medial U (vav) or Y (yod), so for instance {water} {water} {water} is MMM which is MYM which is the word for "water". Another provable example is the Isis crown which is {horn} {sun} {horn} which is SSS which is SYS as in Isis.

Idegen fórum

For example, among the odd inscriptions Gardiner found frequent mention of b-'-l-t (Baalat), the Canaanite word for "mistress."

Healing rods - gyógyító rúd

How to Use the Egyptian Healing Rods:
There are 10 different Egyptian rods, each with a different vibration or frequency to align with energy system capacity of different people. Each set of rods includes a b>Sun rod of copper/gold and a Moon rod of zinc/silver. The Sun rod is held in the right hand to balance the bodies' masculine (yang) energies and the Moon rod is held in the left hand to balance feminine (yin) energies. When these two rods are held together for 5 minutes, Russian scientific research suggests that they open the chakras and balance the meridians, two major energy medicine systems in the body, equivalent to a 30 minute acupuncture treatment.

Máshol még nem láttam - shen

The ancient Sumerians saw this star pattern as a sheep, while in ancient China, Orion was one of the 28 zodiac signs Xiu. Known as Shen its literally meaning is "three", it is believed to be named so for the three stars located in Orion's belt. Chinese Constellations.


Gordon Childe also commented on the relations between Crete and pre dynastic Egypt:

"At least on the Mesara, the great plain of southern Crete facing Africa, Minoan Crete's indebtedness to the Nile is disclosed in the most intimate aspects of its culture. Not only do the forms of early Minoan stone vases, the precision of the lapidaries' technique and the aesthetic selection of variegated stones as his materials carry on the the pre dynastic tradition, Nilotic religious customs such as the use of the sistrum, the wearing of amulets in the forms of legs, mummies and monkeys, and statuettes plainly derived from Gerzean `block figures,' and personal habits revealed by depilatory tweezers of the Egyptian shape and stone unguent palettes from the early tombs and, later, details of costumes such as the penis-sheath and loin-cloth betoken something deeper than the external relations of commerce."


The fourth millennium pre-dynastic cultures of Upper Egypt (southern Egypt) are known from cemeteries in particular (Tasian, Badarian, Amratian, Gerzean); of Lower Egypt (northern Egypt) the town culture of Maadi.

Kik voltak?

Amerre a Nílus ered


Szudan - Polat Kaya

the ancient  "Upper Egypt" where presently the country of "SUDAN" is located. Since this is a picture writing system, while it may have a phonetic value of "SU", it is equally likely that it could be read as Turkish word "S, US, USU, ISU, IShU" as well.  We note that many king names, while they were the king of only "Upper Egypt" (upper Nile), have a writing in front of their cartouche names in the form "S-T-N" or "SU-T-N". For example, the names of the kings in Masarian (Misir) Dynasties I, II, III, IV and V have this writing,  {Sir Wallis Budge, "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary", 1920, Dover Publications.  p. 917-921}.  But this Hieroglyphic writing not only expresses the name SUTAN  (which is the country name "SUDAN" which was part of ancient "Egypt"), but also the Turkish names ISTAN meaning "God", ISITAN meaning "One who heats" that is the "sun", "IShITAN" meaning "one who lights" again that is the"sun" and "ÜSTHAN" meaning "Top Lord".  All of these refer to the Sun and the Sky-God - but in Turkish

Nubia - apám..!
Nubian has virtually the same basic kinship terms used in English (i.e. aaba ‘ for father’, yo ‘for mother’, ambes ‘my brother’, anaysi ‘my sister’, aanu ‘my grandfather’, aanow ‘my grandmother’, assi ‘grand-son’, etc). However, unlike the case in English where the term uncle could refer to either father’s brother or sister, in DN there are two separate terms: one for a father’s brother (ambayna ‘paternal uncle’) and another for mother’s brother (angi ‘maternal uncle’). The same goes for mother’s sister (anaynkaygid ‘aunt’) and father’s sister (ambaanaysi ‘aunt’).

ur = ‘king’

Érdekességnek: Bango Reed (or bangoe) is a type of papyrus, which grows on the shores of the Gambia River. It's also called "spear reed", It is a segmented grass, and used in much the same ways that bamboo is -- but doesn't grow nearly as tall, or large in diameter. Bango-Bango -- a tribe of the Lualaba region, near the Congo.

Kusita királyság

Az ásatások során a Nílus mentén egy kb.150km hosszú, eldugott szakaszon - amely már az időben is hajózásra alkalmatlan volt, egy eddig ismeretlen piramis romjai alól i.e. 700-ból való rendkívül precízen megmunkált arany ékszerek kerültek elő a távoli Törökországból származó agyagedényekkel együtt. Továbbá számos ősi, a kőmegmunkálás művészetét bizonyító lelet került elő. Külön érdekesség a zenei téren alkalmazott "zenélő-kövek” lelete, amelyeket hangszerként használtak a Kushite birodalomban.

Az első Kushite Királyság hatalmi szempontból az általunk már ismert Egyiptom riválisa volt i.e.2500-i.e.1500 között, mégpedig abban az időszakban, amikor az egyiptomi birodalom legnagyobb piramisait építette fel.
A második királyságot pedig úgy tartottuk számon, mint egy terület amelyet mindenki elkerült. Ezzel szemben a kiásott piramisok azt bizonyítják, hogy ez a terület egy igazi hatalmi központ volt. Ez nem egy jelentéktelen kis hely volt ahogy hittük, hanem része a fő kereskedelmi útvonalaknak.

Települések Szudánban

Még több Kaur

Nipar, Lil,  Kur, Kir, Imadas, Hadadar, Gar'at, Bar...

M betüvel

Madar, Machar, Madum, Magar, Masikissa, Masur, Mora, Moso...

Szatellit map

Khor Saryangwi - PortSzudan-tól délre, Tókar-tól északra.

Sharqiyah van a térképen Arad-a és Kassa-la is...

Indoeurópai - tölgy. German meaning: Anord. eik (conservative stem) f. `oak', as. ēk, ags. āc (engl. oak), ahd. eih, mhd. eich, eiche, nhd. Eiche; O.E. ac "oak tree," from P.Gmc. *aiks (cf. O.N. eik, O.Fris., M.Du. ek, Du. eik, O.H.G. eih, Ger. Eiche), ... PIE base *sor-/*ser- "red, reddish-brown."

Igyál ! ne csodálkozz, ha (kövi)dinka leszel utána!

tribal area; a tract of land used by nomadic or other tribes. Bor Dinka (26.2km)
Dinkas are people of Southern Sudan, inhabiting the swampland and are the largest ethnic tribe region of the Nile basin.
For the Hungarian wine grape, see Dinka (grape).

Bor, Szudán: populated place; a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work.


The Arab armies sought to extend their conquests to Nubia. Major military expeditions in 643 AD pushed deep into Nubia but were repulsed by the fearsome Nubian archers. Following the invasion of 652 an agreement, known as the Baqt, was made between the two sides. Both sides agreed to refrain from attacking the other, and a regular trading relationship was established. Nubia supplied slaves annually to Egypt and the Egyptians supplied quantities of grain, cloth, wine and horses to the Nubians. This agreement (which reflected the historic relationship between Nubia and Egypt) proved durable and relations between the two countries were stable for nearly 600 years until the Fatimid rulers in Egypt were overthrown in 1172.

A núbiaiak szlávokat adtak Egyiptomnak. Cserébe gabonát, ruhaneműt, bort, lovakat kaptak északról. Egyiptom elfeketedett...



Paintings of their gods show at least six held the common Somali nomad’s HANGOOL – a handy stuff hook-shaped at one end and a V-shaped at the other traditionally used for handling thorn bushes. Another three gods held the slender Somali spear. Ancient Egyptian traditional dresses, the Royal scarf worn around the waist as well as the (Ivory) headrest all reminds one of the present day Somalia. Curiously enough, the beautifully decorated scarf to this day remained part of a Somali nomad girl’s ceremonial attire and was called BOQOR. The word BOQOR was also the only Somali word for king. While the method of burying the dead with their belongings was also a pre-Islamic Somali tradition, there where the persistent reports of the existence of man-made hills in north-east Somalia- a probable predecessor to ancient Egypt’s geometrical pyramids

Bar-koch-ba, a barbar

the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph was also called BARBA. Incidentally, BARBA in Somali meant teach to write and was still in use in the old quarter of Mogadishu. "BAR" in Somali means "teach" and BA was the first letter of the Hieroglyph as well as the Somali orthography Other Somali words which also contained the supreme sun god GARAC

Néppé válás

In the cited book of Loprieno {A. Loprieno, Ancient Egyptian A linguistic Introduction , Cambridge UP 1995} is an interdisciplinary book on the development of the Ancient Egyptian language for the use of linguists and Egyptologists, emphasizing diachronic and typological investigations. He discusses the development of the language from the Old Egyptian. According to Loprieno "Ancient Egyptian shows the closest relation to Beja (Cushitic), Semitic and Berber, more distant ones to the rest of Cushitic an Chadic." {p. 5}

Elefánt - sok nyelven
Dime: baltu = horn (Mukarovsky, 1987, 214p)

Mande nyelvekből: ya, yo az "víz", mint pár amerind nyelvben. A Csád tó legnagyobb folyója: Yo. Vajon a KULA=TORONY is elefánt volt?


Liliom egy egyiptomi múmián és Tutankhamun maszkja

Az Urnil mentén

Szomália istenei


A szomáliaiak szerint napisten. Héber kiejtése (angolosan): gaw-ras'. Csak nem Hathor leszármazottja?

Idegen fórum

While the Cananite god Pal was still present in Somalia in the same sense in one or two words, the ancient Aramaic name for the almighty, EBBE, was to this day the most commonly used names for God besides the Islamic ‘Allah’. The Biblical TUBAN-CAIN, whose profession was to make instruments (Genesis 4:22) was obviously a Greek mispronunciation of TUMAL, the Somali iron-monger.

Holdisten, mint Tanít

Another supposedly ‘ancient Hamitic god’, HOBAL, also was evidently of Somali origin. HOOBAL – alternatively HOOYAL – was probably the best known of all Somali gods and continues to dominate Somali poetry and traditional folklore songs. Pagan Arabia’s most important god, HUBAL, was none other than the Somali HUBAL, co-opted and given an Arabised sound. In modern Somali today, HOBAL, was understood to mean ‘Artiste’. The ancient god was probably the patron-god of Somali literature.

Dime is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the northern part of the Selamago district in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region of Ethiopia


Garac (görög?), a vándor

Bal- és jobbkéz

The Somali word for ‘wrong’ was GURRAC (GUR-RAC). GUR meant ‘the left hand’, which in most languages stood for ‘wrong’
The two words GARRE (GAR-RE) and BARRE (BAR-RE) incorporated the third alias of the sun god, RE. Consequently, GARRE meant the same as GARAC – both meaning an illegitimate child. Hence the saying "GARRE GARAC MALE” – meaning the GARRE (a clan in the south) have no illegitimate child. It was an accepted tradition to this day among the clan that a newly-wed bride was immediately taken away by young herdsmen and could not be returned to her husband until she was pregnant. BARRE (BAR-RE) meant god’s rain. BAR means rain drops as in BARWAAQO (BAR-WAQ).

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Huur  or Xuur was the messenger of Death and had the form of a large bird. The deity was akin to Waaq of  and played a similar role in the ancient Somali society. /Hur=tűz, arman nyelv/

Eebe is the Somali word for God and was synonymously used for the ancient Cushitic Sky God Waaq. According to Somali Legend Eebe lived in the Heavens  and whenever the Somalis successfully prayed for rain it was known as Bar-waaqo (God's rain)

Bar-waaqo was considered a gift from God to the founders and heads of the ancient Wadaads of somalia  orders. It is likewise associated with major Gods Tole and Tin-cire  and their clan genealogies.

Afrika I.rész.
Afrika VIII.rész.

Pesti István 2011 jun.
