Afrika 8

A tudomány határán 2.

A Vörös-tenger körül


KMT - Kína

Fesd feketére! ..avagy a manchu nyelvek a világban. Vitte a szél.
Old Egyptian: km
Meaning: 'black'/fekete (pyr)
Coptic: *kame 'black'
Proto-Korean: *kǝ̄m-
Modern Korean: kǝ̄m-, k:ǝ̄m-, kām-, k:ām-
kumunk egyet!
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *kVm- 'be evening'

GimbUtas, VitaUtas, teleUtas...:-)

According to old Chinese sources, in the first half of the I millennium AD western regions of Central Asia were inhabited by the tribes of nomad cattle-breeders named "Tele". The comparison of skulls from Ur-Badari with synchronous craniological materials from the foothills and mountains of the Altai has shown that these groups share a similarity. However there are some differences between them. For instance, low cranial index and high value of cranial height unite the series of Ur-Bedari and the one from the Altai foothills and distinguish them from the mountain Altai group. These differences are analogous to those observed between the Teleutian skulls and the ones of other Turkic speaking groups of modern aboriginal population in Southern and Western Siberia.


A perzsa mitológia a Szíriusz csillagot megszemélyesítette Tishtrya, az íjász személyében. A védákban csak Tishya. A Tish-trya feltehetően szanszkrit eredetű, s három csillagos jelentésű. (..mert így igazságos..) A Szíriuszé a Kutya csillagkép. A görög mondákban a pokol kutyája Cerberus. (A Szíriusz a Nagykutya képben /canis major/ található) Heru Sept means Horus of the Dog Star

Is Sirius a triple star?

Kutya csillag (Benest, D.; Duvent, J. L. Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.299, p.621; )
Sirius has been discovered as double more than 130 years ago. From the beginning of our century up to now, observational as well as physical and dynamical indications lead to the hypothesis of the existence of a third body in the system. In this paper, we present recent orbital analysis of the binary Sirius A-B which, helped by numerical simulation of triple systems, strengthens the idea for the triplicity of Sirius: a tiny star could revolve in about 6 years around Sirius A. Finally, we discuss the possibility of direct detection for this suspected Sirius C.

A terembura is onnét származik! Bár a többi ezoterikus valami csúszómászó fajt emleget...


Kleopátra egyiptomi királynő áspiskígyó harapásától halt meg, amelyet egy paraszt hozott neki egy fügével teli kosárban - állította Plutarkhosz, a görög-római történetírás egyik legnagyobb alakja szerint , de az újabb kutatások szerint ez kizárt.

Él viszont Észak-Afrikában és Egyiptom száraz tájain az Echis Carinatus kígyó, amely a szakértők szerint a világ egyik legagresszívabb és legfélelmetesebb mérges kígyója. Harapása csaknem mindig halálos. Mivel csak 40-60 centiméterre nő meg, jól elférhetett a fügék között

A körülbelül 1 méter hosszú efa (Echis carinatus) (Tunéziában nagyon ritka) viperafaj mérge családjában a legerősebb.  A már ismert keresztes vipera (Vipera berus) hozzá képest egy angyal. A világon legtöbb áldozatot követelő kígyómarások elkövetői a puffogó vipera (Vipera arietans) és az efa (Echis carinatus).

Erős mérgű még az itt nem említett, de más történelmi vonatkozásban már citált Bungarus caeruleus, amelyet magyar kígyónak hittem a nevében található "ungar" és a "kerül" szavak alapján. De egyszerű magyarázata van a névnek: A kígyó kék alapon arany gyűrűs mintázatú. A "kék=coerulus" a latinban, a "bungar=arany" a tagalogban.


A koptok között a régi alexandriai nyelv jelentékeny antióchiai befolyást szenvedett el, midőn a VI. században újraszervezték azt Szeti kolostoraiban szír szerzetescsoportok. A szaidikus kopt kizárólagos használatát, némi rövid görög megszövegezéssel, Benjámin pátriárka (626-665) törvényesítette.

Miként Egyiptomban, a szír keresztények is megoszlottak a Khalkedoni zsinat miatt melkítákra, akik hűségesek voltak a zsinathoz és az uralkodóhoz (malko = "kormányzó" vagy "király") és antikhalkedoniánusokra. A melkíták fokozatosan elfogadták a birodalmi főváros liturgiáját is, ami a bizánci rítus részévé vált: azok a szír hívek, akik visszautasították a zsinatot, lassacskán saját egyházat alakítottak, ennek mozgalmát mozdította elő Jakab Bar Addai († 578) és az általa alapított független hierarchia 543-tól kezdve. Így a szír Egyházat jakobitának nevezték.

Remete Pál

Szír szerzetesek

Az V-VII.század között az alapvető szír, és a esetenkénti bizánci kapcsolat mellett kimutatható, de pontosan nem körvonalazható a kapcsolat a szintén monofizita alexandriai patriarchátussal (pl. 584-től az alexandriai Húsvét-számítást fogadták el). Ennek bizonyos építészeti nyomai a VI-VII.századi kopt és núbiai templomépítészetben is kimutathatók. Ugyanígy csak sejtés lehet, hogy a szír missziós szerzetesek révén ismerte meg az etióp egyház az ó-örmény (krapar) írást. Ez az etióp liturgikus nyelvvel és írással (geez) rokonságot mutat.

A 325-ös nikaiai zsinaton már 100 püspök képviselte az egyiptomi egyházat

Az  északi egyiptomi "nagy" bazilikáknál valamivel tisztábban mutatják a kopt liturgikus teret a VI-XI. századi núbiai bazilikák. Ezek alakítására inkább a szír hombártemplomok hatása a jellemző.

Az V. század második felében 9 menekült szír szerzetes misszionáriusként érkezett Etiópiába. Ezek az Antiochiából vagy Szíria más területéről kirajzó monofiziták a saját tanításuk szerint térítették a lakosságot. Ugyanebbe az irányba hatott, hogy az "anyaegyház", Alexandria is ekkor vált monofizitává. A szír szerzetesek alapították az első etióp kolostorokat, melyek a későbbiekben az etióp vallásos műveltség szinte kizárólagos központjai lettek. A szír papok nagymértékben befolyásolták az etióp liturgiát, abba sok szír elemet vittek bele. Az etióp hagiográfiában különleges jelentőséget tulajdonítanak a "kilenc szent atyának", a néphagyomány pedig szinte minden ősi vallásos elemet velük hoz kapcsolatba. A liturgia nyelve a geez maradt, beszélt nyelvként a VI-X. század között fokoza-tosan kihalt.

A geez nyelvű liturgikus irodalomban az Ó- és Újszövetség könyvei mellett szép számmal használnak apokrif irodalmat is. Ezekben különösen sok a Sz.Máriára vonatkozó túlzás. ... Így például minden hónap elseje Sz.Mária születése

A kopt liturgiával rokon, de - főleg külsőségekben - több szír elemet tartalmazó etióp liturgiában szép számmal akadnak ószövetségi elemek. Ilyen a szombati nap megünneplése

Az említett keleti szír missziók mellett fokozott szerephez jutottak a nyugati szír térítők is. Az általuk közvetített liturgia hatása érezhető az örmény, a kopt vagy az etióp szertartásrendben és építészetben, de működésük nyomai felismerhetők a fejlődő nyugati (gallikán) liturgiákban is. A szír szerzetesek néhány helyen jelentős zarándok-központokat tartottak fönn, ill. biztosították ezek "forgalmát".

Perzsák Afrikában

The occupation of Egypt is the first recorded evidence of the Sasanian presence on African soil
Actually, a first encounter between Persia and an African people had already happened when Khosrow I expelled the Christian Aksumites (or Abyssinians) from Yemen in c. 570 A.D. {Conti Rossini, 1928, pp. 195-201; Harmatta, 1974; Muller, 1984, pp. 129-130; Smith, 1988, p. 129; al-'Mad'aj, 1988, p. 2}.

Regarding this episode there is some evidence about an indirect contact between Persia and Abyssinia. In fact, the Aksumite Negus Armah (7th century) issued a particular kind of coinage with a possible representation of the Holy Sepulchre just to commemorate the recovery of Jerusalem from the Sasanians {Munro-Hay, 1993, p. 32}.

In the 7th century the most powerful kingdoms lying south of Egypt were Nobadia (extended from the border with Egypt until the Third Cataract), Mukurra (the Makouria of classical sources or Dongola, extended from the border with Nobadia until the Fifth Cataract) and Alwa (Alodia, from the Fifth Cataract to the confluence of the Blue Nile with White Nile).

The archaeological excavations at Faras (arabul ló), the capital of ancient Nobadia, revealed the remains of civil and religious buildings which presented in the lower stratification traces of destruction ascribable to 7th century. Monneret de Villard and Michalowsky, the first archaeologists who excavated the site, linked the destruction of the site to the Sasanian invasion of 616-619

A 3. képen a Nap, Hold és a 12 hónap szimbóluma. Perzsa kontaktust jelez a Szomáliában és Mozambikban ásatások során előkerült tárgyak sora ill. a Zanzibárban előkerült Szasszanida érmék.. A Szasszanida relikviák Malajziától Kínáig is megtalálhatók. Érdekeltési körük egész Ázsiára, s mint itt látjuk, Kelet-Afrikára is kiterjedt.

Etiópia felé

Mazaua: Is a word. Is an isle. Is a port. Is a language. Is an enig

Mazaua is a port in Eritrea, in the Red Sea, that dates back to classical antiquity. It was where fabled luxury goods from Asia�pearl, gold, silk, cloves, pepper, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, turmeric, asafetida, other spices (the Alexandria Manifest of the 5th c listed some 54 of these species)�were disgorged by Arab ships to be shipped by camel caravans to Alexandria for transshipment to other points in the Mediterranean. This port still exists and today�s maps show it as Massawa sometimes Mazau or Mitsiwa.

A "Michoacan Mazahua" és a "Central Mazahua" nyelvet Mexiko középső régiójában beszélik az őslakosok. Legnagyobb populációjuk Toluca környékén található. Nyelvük 60 fonémát használ. (Forrás: wiki)


Görög? Aethi=?
The Ibis religiosa (threskiornis aethi- opted) is a white shining bird
Answers: The root 'aeth-' is from the ancient, classical Greek language. It appears in such ancient, classical Latin words as 'aether', 'aetherius', and 'aethra'. All of the words deal with the upper air, which is the meaning in the original Greek too.
OP(T)-  eye, to seeex: optic, autopsy


Ókori etiópok
Asóka oszlopa

Néger korona


CEPHEUS (G) means ‘the branch’. An ancient Ethiopian name was HYK ‘a king’. /hyk-nusa, hyk-sos/ Also we have AL GHOUL (A) meaning ‘the evil spirit’. .. The Akkadian name was UR-ANA ‘the light of heaven’. TISTRYA (P) or TISTAR (P) ‘the chieftain of the east’.

the name 'Ethiopia'

Continuing our historical – political approach to the essence of a national name change, and to the need for obliteration of the usurped term ‘Ethiopia’, and for urgent rehabilitation of the correct national name of ‘Abyssinia’ – that should take place along with the secession of Oromo Ethiopia, Kushitic Sidama, Ogaden, and Afar provinces – states-to-be –, we reach a stage where History, Philosophy, Political Sciences and Sociology converge.

the ancient people of Kashka, who lived in Northern Central Anatolia (Turkey) in the 2nd millennium BCE is limited to just a book of academic dissertation! But our documentation about the Hittites, and/or the Urartu (pre-Armenians) is very extensive

the Sassanid Empire of Iran, was under Macedonian rule during almost 200 years (before the rise of Kushan), since the successors of Alexander the Great had formed a state entity at the eastern border of the Seleucid Empire of Antioch first, and after 250 BCE at the eastern confines of the Arsacid (Ashkanian) Parthian state of Iran.


(with poetic function of `horn'?)
However, the Hebrew word for black is  (sahar 2368). The heth and rosh in this word are so dominant that the name Cush can hardly have come from it.


A kan
Hitler a berber
The Waldviertel region in Austria where Hitler's cousin, farmer Norbert H, was found
Adolf Hitler turn up a chromosome rarely found in Western Europe called Haplogroup E1b1b1. It’s common among the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews

they will present a paper showing that 15 percent of healthy Amish octogenarians have haplogroup X, a genetic pattern within the mitochondria, which are the regions of cells that generate energy and help guard against deterioration. Haplogroup X is generally found in only 2 percent of Europeans, from whom the Amish descended.


The Fante are one of the Akan people living in southern Ghana. Please refer to our page on the Akan people for more information about the Fante.


Ghana languages used: Akan, Ewe
Human Y-chromosome material is unable to recombine with the X-chromosome, save for a small percentage of pseudoautosomal regions. The SNPs in the NRY region help us to trace direct paternal ancestral lines.

The most  frequent haplogroup was E1b1a7 and then E1b1a8

For Igbo speakers (n = 209) , the modal haplogroup was E1b1a7 followed by E1b1a8

Veeramah et al. (2010) were surprised to find in very minimal frequencies in the Cross River samples:  some NRY haplogroups (P*(xR1a), J and possibly F, G, and I) (18).


. It looks like these 2010 samples are really the mysterious pre-2003 samples mentioned back then by Weale, which have never been published before. And they re-tested them for E1b1a8, a new haplogroup found in ~2007.

Haplogroup DE-YAP(xE-SRY4064) has been found in six individuals from southeastern Nigeria (including 1/101 = 1.0% Oron, 2/209 = 1.0% Igbo, and 3/516 = 0.6% Ibibio), zero individuals from northwestern Cameroon (including 0/34 Tikar, 0/117 Bamun, and 0/118 Aghem), and zero individuals from Ghana (including 0/155 Akan and 0/88 Ewe) in the present study. The authors have not reported testing for any marker of haplogroup D.

1/11 = 9.1% Nama (Typically Khoisan-looking Khoe speakers from Namibia)
2/24 = 8.3% Herero (Bantu speakers from Namibia)
1/18 = 5.6% Dama (Typically Bantu-looking Khoe speakers from Namibia)
1/32 = 3.1% Fante (Kwa > Akan speakers from Ghana)
1/92 = 1.1% Egyptian

10/28 = 35.7% Tunisian
13/44 = 29.5% Mali (Underhill et al. 2000)
2/34 = 5.9% Wolof (Senegal-Guinea speakers from Gambia/Senegal)
2/40 = 5.0% Sudan (Underhill et al. 2000)
4/92 = 4.3% Egyptian
1/24 = 4.2% Mid-east (Underhill et al. 2000)
1/28 = 3.6% Morocco (Underhill et al. 2000)
1/39 = 2.6% Mandinka (Mande speakers from Gambia/Senegal)
1/45 = 2.2% Basque (Underhill et al. 2000)

E1b1a/M2 is also the most common Y haplogroup in African Americans (50-75%), a result of slave trade from Sub-Saharan Africa. In South America, the estimates are ~8% for the M2 subclade. Subclades of E1b1a (defined by SNPs U181, M291, U174, U290, U175) have been examined only in African and European American populations, where they are present in the former and absent in the latter. U174 or E1b1a7a is the most prevalent at about 24% of African Americans. The E1b1a7 (M191) subclade is closely associated with the phylogeography of the precursor E1b1a (M2) and the Bantu population that is responsible for its dissemination. It has a frequency peak (15-45%) in a belt through Sub-Saharan and Equatorial Africa. Modest amounts have been detected in the Arabian Peninsula (3-6%). It is also represented by the high frequency of its descendants, e.g. subclade E1b1a7a (U174) in African Americans. E1b1a8. U175
The E1b1a8 (U175) subclade is an abundant branch in African American populations. Outside of its descendants, E1b1a8a1 (U290) and E1b1a8a1a (U181), the paragroup E1b1a8 accounts for ~8.5% of African American Y-chromosomes. With these descendants, this branch encompasses >23% of African American Y-chromosomes. It has yet to be studied or reported outside of this population. Check this site regularly for updates on this subclade as new information will be posted as studies become available

paternity testing, and identification of non- and half-siblings. In this study, we used a population of 118 African- and 125 European-Americans to evaluate 12 previously phylogenetically undefined Y-SNPs for their ability to further differentiate individuals who belong to the major African (E3a)- and European (R1b3, I)-derived haplogroups. Ten of these markers define seven new sub-clades (equivalent to E3a7a, E3a8, E3a8a, E3a8a1, R1b3h, R1b3i, and R1b3i1 using the Y Chromosome Consortium nomenclature) within haplogroups E and R. Interestingly, during the course of this study we evaluated M222, a sub-R1b3 marker rarely used, and found that this sub-haplogroup in effect defines the Y-STR Irish Modal Haplotype (IMH).


Ainu are considered Jomon-jin, natives to Japan from the Jomon period. "The Ainu lived in this place a hundred thousand years before the Children of the Sun came" is told in one of their Yukar Upopo (Ainu legends).

Many "authentic Ainu villages" advertised in Hokkaido such as Akan and Shiraoi are tourist attractions

I brought up the Ainu because of lake Akan (Akan ko), which is a beautiful lake in Hokkaido, right by the town of Akankohan/Akankotan. I found this lake while carrying out research on the Ainu.

Az orkok imádtak az arany mellé telepedni
Mali develops trade with the developing gold fields of the Akan in modern-day Ghana.
Dakota Sioux Indian tribe (Dakota State) -  <>  Turkic languages :
Wakan - Chief <> Kagan - "khan"
tani - learn to make clear <> tanu - learn
Yudek - throat <> Yotyk, yotky, zhotyk - throat
Yuhep - swallowing <> Yotu, yotyp, zhutu - swallowing
Icu - to dring <> Echu, I shu - to drink
Yasu, yaco - to sentence <> Yasau, Zhasau - to make
Yuta - eating <> Yota, iota, zhutu -to swallow
Kapsun - to bite with teeth <> Kabu - bite
Kan - vein <>Kan - Blood
Mi - I <> Men - I
Bagana - Make mark <> Bagana - A marking sign
sue - milk <> sut - milk
Chanke - Route, the road <> Changy - Skiing, skiing, ski road
Baha - Old man <> Baba, babay - Grandfather
Ik, ic - Two <> Ike, or - Two


MANDINGO, the name currently given to a very important division of negro peoples in West Africa. It is seemingly a corruption of a term applied to an important section of this group, the Mande-nka or Mande-nga. The present writer has usually heard this word pronounced by the Mandingo themselves "Mandina," or even Madina. (Madina nem keverendő az arab "Medina=Kastély" szóval!) It seems to be derived from the racial name Mande, coupled with the suffix nka or nke, meaning "people," the people of Mande.

..a passionate love of music, a characteristic of all true Mandingo tribes at the present day. It is noteworthy that many of the instruments affected by the Mandingos are found again in the more civilized regions of Bantu Africa, as well as in the central Sudan. Many of these types of musical instruments can also be traced originally to ancient Egypt. The Mandingos also seem to have brought with them in their westward march the Egyptian type of ox, with the long, erect horns.

The Mandenga are supposed to have either the manati or the hippopotamus as tanna (totem). (Binger states that the manati was the totem of the Mande group, to which perhaps belonged originally the Susu and the Dyula.) ... the Vai of south-western Liberia, and the Dyula or Gyula of the region at the back of the Ivory Coast.

the capital, also called Melle. Idrisi in the 12th century describes the Wangara (a Hausa name for the Mandingo) as a powerful people

Mojo - Mokoo

A füvesember:

probably of Creole origin, cf. Gullah moco "witchcraft," Fula moco'o "medicine man." A mojo can be 'the ability to cast a magic or voodoo spell'; 'such a spell itself'; 'a magical charm or amulet'; 'magic (in the broad sense)'; or even simply 'power or ability (in any form)'. To have one's mojo working, thus, can mean 'to be lucky' without any suggestion of magic.

Budo viszont Afrika északi részén gyógyított boszorkányos ügyességgel. Japánban csak a szamurájok útja.

A KilimaNdzsaro cigányai (kalenjin) között viszont a boszorkánydoktor az orkoy, a régi ORK szó módosulata. Külsőre ez a nép (kalenjin) nem tűnik cigánynak, hiszen bőrük nem fényes, szurokfekete, mint a román cigányoké, hanem matt szürkésbarna. Igen magas, szikár emberek. A hosszutávfutás aranyérmeit többnyire ők söprik be.


Underlying the noise and movement is a clearly defined organization. Each market has a headman (the Sarkin Kasuwa or Magajin Kasuwa) responsible to the village or town chief. He in turn has a number of assistan~s, the Sarkin Awo (Chief of the Grain Sellers, often a woman), the Sarkin Pawa (Chief Butcher), the Sarkin Dillalai (Chief Broker), and so on.

The Hausa word gari denotes a rural town or village.

Thus, Sarkin Makeran Kano (the Chief of the Blacksmiths of Kano City) was appointed by Sarkin Kano (the Emir of Kano), and was responsible for blacksmiths throughout the emirate. He appointed as assistant~, a Galadiman Makeran Kano, a Madaki, and others, giving each responsibIlIty for dealing With the blacksmiths in certain districts.

Az iraki MOJO szó etimológiáját tekintve a FULANI moco'oval rokon. Füves embert, mágust jelent.

"Ház" indiai nyelveken: (A hausa "gari" szó kapcsán)

house: गृहः; दमः gr̥haḥ; damaḥ घर; मकान gʰar; makān گھر، مکان gʰar; makān घर gʰar বাড়ি; ঘর bāṛi; gʰôr ঘৰ gʰar ਘਰ; ਕੋਠੀ gʰar; koṭʰī ઘર gʰar ގެ ge 



They have four calendars, for the Sun, Moon, Sirius, and Venus, and have long known that planets orbit the sun. The Dogon say their astronomical knowledge was given to them by the Nommos, amphibious beings sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of mankind. The word Nommos comes from a Dogon word meaning, "to make one drink," and the Nommos are also called Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and the Teachers.

The people call themselves Dogon or Dogom, but in the older literature they are most often called Habe, a Fulbe word meaning "stranger" or "pagan." Certain theories suggest the tribe to be of ancient Egyptian descent.

The cult of Lebe{di}, the Earth God, is primarily concerned with the agricultural cycle and its chief priest is called a Hogon.

The Dogon name for Sirius B (Po Tolo) consists of the word for star (tolo) and "po," the name of the smallest seed known to them. {A TOLA szó elterjedt az egész világon.}

Dagon, a philistines (jász?) isten

Dagon was the god of the Philistines. This image shows that the idol was represented in the combination of both man and fish. The name "Dagon" is derived from "dag" which means "fish."


The Dogon say there is also a 3rd star in the system called "Emme Ya" - and this was recently discovered (in 1995) and is now called Sirius C.
They were called "Nommo" meaning "the monitors" and their home planet was in the Sirius system orbiting Emme Ya. The Nommo stayed on Earth for some time teaching.

Érdekességnek: Olo-kun. Vienne?

Berberek angolul és a lerövidített, magyar változat.

From Old Turkic togan, from Proto-Turkic *dogan (“falcon”).

Polat Kaya

"O-GESTEN-TOHEN", is from the Turkish source expression "O GÖZDEN DOGAN" meaning "born from that eye" referring to the Sun as the creator fire eye of the ancient Turanian Sky-God.

T dogan, from OT *toghan : falcon. duar; T duvar, Az divar, Tk divar, .(Rajki A.)

Dagon: god of the Philistines, from Heb. Dagon, from dag "fish."

Pál isten

The worship of Ba`al Hammon flourished in the Phoenician colony of Carthage. Ba`al Hammon was the supreme god of the Carthaginians and is generally identified by modern scholars either with the northwest Semitic god El or with Dagon, and generally identified by the Greeks with Cronus and by the Romans with Saturn.


Dagon termékenységi isten volt Ebla és Ugarit (modern Syria) környékén. Nem azonos Min istennel.

Katolikus enciklopedia

the Semitic root dag, and means, accordingly, "little fish".

Dagon -> Égi hal?

Don szavak - nem hasonlítanak..

Vajon meglevő angol-francia szótárhoz kerestek dogon szavakat, vagy a hiányzó dogon szavak törölve lettek? Másféle szótár ti$-te@-m = ‘hawk’

Syrius c Saját felelősségére nyissa meg!

Sisrus, Sirius B and Sirius C represented Isis, Osiris and Horus. So they did know about the companion stars.

There is also the notion of Sopdet as the consort of Sah, personification of the Orion constellation, thus heightening a faint link with Isis and Osiris. The son of Sopdet and Sah was Soped, a hawk-god personifying Egypt’s eastern border. Thus, a loose association with Horus, another hawk god and son of Isis and Osiris. Orion was also occasionally associated with Horus.


The Dogon name for Sirius B is Po Tolo. It means star - tolo and smallest seed - po. Sirius C translated from the Dogon language into English is called the "Sun of Women".

A punok

Punok és Róma

A hispaniai karthágói sereg kilencvenezer gyalogosból, tizenkétezer lovasból és nem ismert számú harci elefántból állt. Hannibal hetvenötezer gyalogossal, kilencezer lovassal és 36 elefánttal indult el Itália ellen. Új-Karthágóból indult északi irányban a hispán partok mentén Kr. e. 218 tavaszán.

Mint látjuk, ezekben a korai időkben, cca 200 évvel Róma gall elfoglalása után, még nem beszélhetünk "Római Birodalom"-ról. Tulajdonképpen kisebb volt Róma birodalma, mint Kartagoé. Azért pár nagyváros már képes volt néhányszor tízezer fős sereget kiállítani. Amely akkor, amikor csak egy front van, elégséges is. Nagyobb létszámú seregre csak a körkörös védelemnél van szükség. Meg amikor már nem akarnak a rómaiak harcolni, csak jól élni.

Pun nevek

Hannibal (Hannibal Barkasz, Karthágó, Kr. e. 247. – Libüssza, Bithünia, Kr. e. 183) karthágói politikus, hadvezér. A pun hadvezér Hamilkar Barkasz (Hamilcar Barcas) fia (neve jelentése:"akit Ba'ál megsegít") .

Mint látjuk, a Yohannes (YAHVE megsegít) mintájára Hannibál neve "Pál megsegít" jelentésű. Innét meg a vak is látja (sőt!..), hogy a HANNA az "segít" jelentésű a héberben.

Naja hannah

A kígyó, amely kígyókkal táplálkozik: Hannah, a király
hamadryad ; king cobra ; Ophiophagus (kígyóevő) hannah ; Naja hannah
Hannibal akkor "Szárnyaskirály" ? Venger ?
Hannibal apja, Hamil, a KAR
Al Hamil Luzz, the Spear-bearer (lándzsa hordozó).


The Great Kahn is very hamalnamal.
Mongolian: Muuuggg Genghis Kahn Gruuuu Meeeshhh Kanlg hamuuggnamuuug (followed by a series of meaningless grunts and dancing around ment to confuse anyone trying to eaves drop)

Urnamező Kartagoban
A kutatók 348 urnát találtak, amelyek állítólag gyermek-holttesteket tartalmaztak. A halál oka nehezen behatárolható a hamvakból. Mivel pár ókori író gyermekáldozást emleget, így a kutatók közül többen a helyi nemesség feláldozott gyermekeinek véli a maradványokat.

Kartago- meghalt gyermekek

"In ancient times, for every ten children that were born, seven died within the first year and out of the remained three, only one became an adult. Now I ask: is it reasonable that, with such a high level of infant mortality, these people killed their own children?” Ten necropolises are the resting places of children. Actually it has been discovered -- Bartoloni reveals -- that the greater part of approximately 6,000 children urns found in Carthage, contain bones of fetuses, therefore of still born babies. The little older children remain a problem. They most probably passed away before their initiation, a ceremony that corresponds to Catholic baptism. Flames in some way were involved, because the same initiation included the "passage of fire" of the child, accompanied by its godfather. They jumped on burning coals, as written in the Bible, the Book of the Kings.

Mau Rita, az amerikai boszorkány partraszállt Tenger-nél, a HétTestvér várostól nyugatra. Mivel vércsoportbeli összeférhetetlenség volt az új férjével, számos gyermekük meghalt....:-)


In the closely related Semitic dialects Phoenician and Punic, the goddess’s name was written tnt /ami nem a trinitrotoluol rövidítése, de robbant!/ (Lipiński 1995: 199). Scholars have rendered it diversely as Tanit, Tannit, Tanit(h), Tennit, or Tinnit.

Elegabalus, which means “God of the Mountain” -> El=isten éga=? Bal=szárny

Shambalától a szárnyas napig:

One of Astarte’s titles at ancient Ugarit in Syria and in Phoenicia was Shem Baal (shm b’l) “Name of Baal,” and it is interesting that Pane Baal (pn b’l) "Face {or Presence} of Baal" was a Tanit epithet in Punic inscriptions.

The cemetery at Carthage was in use from around 700 BCE to 146 BCE. It contained over 20,000 urns holding the cremated bones of young humans and animals


A kutatók a csontok mérései alapján azt igazolták, hogy a babák többsége életük első évében halt meg. Többen 2 vagy 5 hónapos korban hunytak el, és ötödük még a méhen belül halt el.



Assuming this is indeed a eulogy it would appear to date Selene's death with an eclipse at sunset. Possible matches occur in 9, 8, and 5 BCE, 7, 10, 11, and 14 CE. Juba and Selene were buried in a magnificent mausoleum, later known to the Arabs as Kubr-er-Rumia (Tombeau de le Chretienne).

(A "kubr=sir" és a "rumia=keresztény" a legtöbb fordításban.)

Mint a sir..

Near Jelfa, in the Great Atlas, and at Mechera-Sfa (" ford of the flat stones"), a peninsula in the valley of the river Mina not far from Tiaret in the department of Oran, are vast numbers of megalithic monuments. In the Kubr-er-Rumia - " grave of the Roman lady " (Roman being used by the Arabs to designate strangers of Christian origin) - the Medrassen and the Jedars, Algeria possesses a remarkable series of sepulchral monuments. The Kubr-er-Rumia - best known by its French name, Tombeau de la Chretienne, tradition making it the burial-place of the beautiful and unfortunate daughter of Count Julian - is near Kolea, and is known to be the tomb of the Mauretanian king Juba II. and of his wife Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, and Mark Antony.

And why do so many people still believe that Juba II and Cleopatra Selene are buried in Kubr-er-Rumia (Tombeau de la Chretiennel in Algeria? Sourse: The Lost Treasure of King Juba: The Evidence of Africans in America Before Columbus. Frank Joseph, Bear & Company. 2003.
Itt van Amerika

Kibr or Kubr (f*f) means "Nobility, " eminence, magnitude, magnificence; pomp, pride, haughtiness.

Hindu net
kuba crooked, bent; kuba an ox having horns bent forwards; kubja crooked, bent, curved; kubra, kubr.a, crooked, bent Santali.lex.)

Munda words
Arab szótár: kub = cup {Syr kuba}
Kubr ibn Surur, the King of Dongola /Szurur fia Sir király/

Madarat tolláról

The Sinhalese, who call it madooroo tallu, also use it medicinally.
The woolly basil (0. villosum) is the toolsee, on which Hindus are sworn.


.. mégsem Baal szeme Obama:
Idegen fórum

My swahili dictionary lists "barak(a)" as a noun meaning " blesssing, prosperity, abundance". It can also be confused for the Hebrew word, baruch, which means blessed or the Arabic word, mubaarak, which means blessed as well. Swahili, Hebrew and Arabic are extremely similar languages because of millenia of trade between East Africa and the Middle East.

Obama is mentioned in Rev 6:5-6 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I heheld, and lo a black horse;

Fura etimológia
Obama/Obamah: meaning the eye of Baal
O - representing Ayin - meaning:(The eye)
Bamah representing the Phoenician diety Baal
OBAMAH - meaning: The eye of Baal


Current leaders of the kingdom of Benin trace their origins to a ruling dynasty that began in the fourteenth century.
Brass commemorative heads are commissioned by each oba (king) in the first years of his reign to honor his immediate predecessor. A "ma" pl perzsa nyelven "hold".
Képaláírás: Head of an Oba, 16th century (ca. 1550)
Nigeria; Edo peoples, court of Benin
"Do not touch the leopard." (The strong and swift leopard is another symbol of the oba.) Three lines over each eye are the traditional markings of an Edo man.

Egyiptomi fórum

In African, the name Oba means- an ancient river goddess. The name Oba orginated as an African name.
Amerind nyelvek: Margua, Pedraza, Sinsiga uba ‘eye.’; Kutenai ma ‘trail.’; Proto-Aruak *uba ∼ *uma ‘eye.’ ; Proto-Jicaque-Tequistlatec *÷ u ‘eye.’
Ma=világ The first letter of the word Mahidhara, is ma, meaning, the world. Ebből már Obama a "Világ királya".

the suffix -ma means land . Így csak "Királyterület" Oba-ma.

Az ég szeme
Tian Mu meaning eyes of the sky.

Bamah is a biblical word, meaning a "high place". It is found often in the books describing the First Temple period, where it refers to altars in the open  - not in the Temple. Because the Temple at that time was the only legitimate place for sacrifices, it gained the sense of "pagan altar". The word apparently comes from an earlier word meaning back - as in the Ugaritic bmt- "back of a person or animal", and it maintains that meaning in a few places in the Tanach as well (Tehilim 18:34, Yeshayahu 14:14).

Bamah: Hebrew: High Place.

Albánia közelében - olasz-albán szótár Kasgartól Casablancáig

Accostare in Albanian
v. 1) afroj, qas. 2) i afrohem, i qasem ( dikujt).
Nem magyar út
English: bring close, bring closer
Shqip:   afroj, qas (kr. thj., pj. qasa, qasur)

Ez a méreg, nem a cián:
The word μνιν(anger, madness) is  (mēnin), fury, rage, or wrath, madness.

Always in my mind:
Eng.: think (p.t., p.p. thought)
Shqip:   mendoj, mendohem

Pelazgok - tengeri népek:
Many people have tried to explain the meaning of the word Pelasgoi or Pelasgian. We already know the inhabitant of Pelasgia ( Argos capital) were called Danaioi(Argives)  were named after their king Danaus.

In  the Gheg dialect which is the mother-language of the An.Greek(Pelasgians) language..
qeleshe: férfisapka. Etruszkoknál is. Hasonlít a zsidó fejfedőhöz.
Szent Skolasztika! Dog/kutya: Kuon. Kiskutya: szkulasz. (Ar. kuneiosz)
The tribe of HERACLIDES was called so because of Heracles(Hercules) their FATHER.
Család: Génosz. Törzs: ethnosz.

Sic ditur ad astra..:-)
Eng.: know (p.t., p.p. knew, known)
Shqip:   di (kr. thj., pj. dita, ditur), e di

Malta: In Ancient ""Greece""  AMALTHEIA (Αμαλθεια) or AMALTHIA (Αμαλθια) was the she-goat or the Mountain Godness

Eng: olive oil
Shqip: vaj ulliri

Afrika I.rész.
Afrika VII.rész.

Pesti István 2011 februar
