
Star 2

Chil-lagos ég


the Greek word lagos, ????? derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *sleg- derived from the Medieval Greek word ophthalmos, ?????µ?? (eye; the eye; by implication, vision;
lagophthalmos {lag'?fthal'm?s} Etymology: Gk, lagos/hare, ophthalmos/eye
Etruscan: Ushil = Sun, Korean: il=sun, Zulu: ilonga, Yll-ír meg a csillagember


Portuguese. Those refugees were the key populations that founded the town of Abeokuta (which successfully turned back the Fulani/Hausa invasions) and swelled the small coastal town of Eko into the sprawling monster we now know as Lagos (which comes from the Yoruba "Ni Eko," where elided 'ni' becomes 'l') Christianity was adopted by many Yoruba at this time, and led to the rapid and widespread adoption of Yoruba as a written language, spreading the use of the term "Yoruba" to generically refer to the language of Oyo as the central "literary" dialect. And I just took for granted that Lagos was Portuguese for lakes, lagoons, as is usually said.

Lagos is the southern terminus for the Ogun River, a major link to the hinterland. In Cuba the term "Lucumi" derives from the Youruba for "my friend" "Oluko mi."
/Old Irish loch ("lake, pond"), Ancient Greek ?????? (lákkos, "waterhole, pond, pit")./

Afrika hangja
Africa has long developed oralture that are till today narrated and presented in pure oral form (such as Ofo, Ayajo, Epe, Gbetu Gbetu, etc). Africans went ahead to develop the pure oratures into written form thus making them oral literature as done by Wande Abimbola in Ijinle Ohun Enu Ifa, Apa Kinni and Apa Keji. ...
Africa could now boast of the Wole Shoyinkas, the Chinua Achebes, and the Leopard Seldar Senghors of this world.

Filippínó szemurak

Pyr-enéh-us gyermekei

Kleo-patra és társai... MeneLaosz, a Holdnépe és Ptolemy
Lagos. (Nyúlbéla? "Lagos=nyúl")

Érdekességnek: - Tüfón

Most of the remaining words in which ph = /f/ are of Greek origin. This even may include typhoon, which has a complicated etymology involving the coming together of an Urdu-Persian-Arabic word of possible Greek origin (?????) with a Chinese (Cantonese?) expression tai fung 'big wind' (Mandarin: da feng). /Nem fing!/

Nigel Greenwood says that we get the same kind of thing in Portuguese, so that the {u} in Lagos /'lagu?/ is often devoiced, too.

Several of these place-names could be of Minoan origin. Some others too could be of Prehellenic origin : for instance Karouzano, Tzingouna, Lagos, Armakha.

-Neurologist derives from Greek neuron = nerve, plus logos = science. Neuralgia is acute pain along the nerves and their braces; the word comes from neuron plus Lagos = pain.

"Grida" (also known as Lagos or Mediterrenean white grouper) is a fish common in local dishes.

adj. legged', having legs. (Dan. lag, Sw. lagg; Ice. leggr, a stalk."> legging, leglng, n., a covering for the leg. legless, legles, adj., without legs ...


Nahuatl: citlalli
Kyrgyz: ?????? ky(ky) (cildiz)
Maltese: nigma mt(mt) f., stilla
Catalan: estrella f., estel m.
Southern Altai: ?????? (cildis), ?????? (çolmon/csolmon)
Yakut: ????? (sulus), ?????? (csolbon)
Old Provençal: stella
Greenlandic: ulloriaq
Italian: stella

Nagy merőkanál Korean: ????, Bukdu chilseong; (chil=7)

Chillag - városok.

The word chilla is adopted from the Persian word 'chehel', meaning 'forty'. 40 napig étlen meditáció. A delikvens az önmaga által rajzolt kör közepébe ül, s azt enm lépi át ez idő folyamán.

Spanyol "chilla=deszkaburkolat".

Hindi: "Chilla = ordítás; íjhúr"
Chilla: cigány palacsinta.

A Titicaca tónál: Tiahuanacu (Cerro Chilla) /cerro=domb. Pl:Cerro Calvario/

Szaragur - Sapkát a koponyára! Two elements, -CAPA and SHAPA, although possibly of imperial (Inca) origin, are heavily skewed in their distribution to the region around (and somewhat beyond) the Saraguro region.

Chilla folyó - képekben

..és térképen Location of Rio Chilla, La Paz, Bolivia (Latitude: 16° 33' 0 S, Longitude: 68° 42' 0 W)
the Rio Mayari, rising among the cuchillas of Santiago and discharging into the Bay of Nipe, producing in its short course three fine cataracts; and the short stream called the Moa, an intricate system of verdure-clad elevations cut into sharp and well-defined ridges known as cuchillas, or "knife-edged" crests, as distinguished from the series of peaks generally styled sierras or "saws."

La Pasión (Chillá)

Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slightly larger than ground squirrels, native to the Andes mountains in South America. Along with their relatives, viscachas, they belong to the family Chinchillidae.


Amíg a "Chilla (Casearia tomentosa)" a Himalája lábánál él, addig a "macskakarom" (unkaria tomentosa) az Andokban.
... the Motichur, Ranipur and Chilla Gates are just about 9 km from Haridwar. ...
Chinchorro means 'small boat', ismeretlen nyelven, spanyolul függőágy.
Some of these items are elaborate fishing nets woven of reeds (chinchorro means gill netters)

A chach-nak körme között

Tashkent, the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan ... Turkic words 'tash' - stone, and 'kent' - town;

According to the legend, 600 years ago, following the orders of his father sheikh Shikhabaddin, Zainaddin moved from Baghdad to Tashkent where he lived in chilla-khona. (khona=ház, perzsa nyelv)

From the second half of the 8th century the name Chach was no longer used; instead, its equivalent 'Shash' was introduced, which Arabs used in reference to the whole area rather than a particular city. Shash had a governor - tudun.


the rain god, Chac
quia-chilla, as "the crocodile Tlaloc"
If we set aside these prefixes, changing with the numeral attached to them, we obtain the word chilla or chijlla for the first day sign. I find the three principal meanings for this in the dictionary to l>e: fii-st, " bean dice", pichijlla, frisolillos 6 havas con que echan las suertes los sortilegos ("beans with which sorcerers toll fortunes"); then, "a mountain ridge", pichijlla, lechijlla, chijllatani, loma 6 cordillera de sierra; also, "the crocodile", peho pichijlla, pichijlla-peoo, pey6o, cocodrillo, lagarto giande de agua, ("crocodile, great water lizard ") and "swordfish", pella-pichijUa-tao espadarte pescado; finally, chilla-t^ ("the great chilla"), is also given as one of the names of the highest being.

chinchorro m
1 (barca pequena de remos) rowing boat
2 LAm (hamaca de colgar) hammock
En Panamá no usamos "chinchorro", sólo hamaca.


5052 *chilla— 2 ‘skin, rind’. [Perh. of similar non—Aryan origin as challi— and *choll— and to be separated from verbs ‘to cut, peel’ s.v. *chilla—1"> S. chila, °lu f. ‘peel, bark, skin, shell’, chiluru m. ‘fish scale, crust of bread’; L. chill f. ‘skin, bark, rind’, awa?. chillu? ‘skin, peel’, P. chill, chillak f., chilka m.; WPah. bhal. chil f. ‘bark’; N. chilko ‘crust, rind,s kin of milk’, B. Or. H. chilka m.; H. chilla? m. ‘husk of gram &c.’; Marw. chilo m. ‘bark’; G. chile?u~ n. ‘bark, peel’. Addenda: *chilla— 2 {Same as *chilla—1?} WPah.k?g. chílk? m. ‘bark (of trees)’; J. chil?u ‘to bark, peel’.

10943 *lappha—2: lapo?—sakh (term of abuse). 3. *labba—: laba?—ca?o ‘untrue, unreliable’.

Albán fórum

Words: bardhë=white (Albanian) ; yll=the star (Albanian)
Illyria could derive from the Albanian "yll" : "star" !
Albanian "yll" and Greek "helios" derive from Sumerian " il " : " sun / star "
Albanian, ylli polar (loadstar, lodestar, Polaris, pole star)! PIE *sh2ul- 'sun'

A napokat is nagyon egyszerű koreaiul mondani. Csak kapcsold a nap jelentésű ? il szót a sino-koreai számokhoz.

2. Mu Kho Hong; 30 mins by long tail boat from Tha Lane Bay Villa There are both large and small islands. The main ones are: Laga or Saga Island, Lao Riem Island, and Lao Lading Island. These islands have great hollows inside them. Kho Hong is the largest. It is rocky with coral formations in both shallow and deep waters; they are great for diving, fishing and boating.

Ha valaki nem értené, itt és most a CSILLAG szavunk rokon alakjait nézem idegen nyelvekben, s csak a jelentéssel is rokont keresném. Ezért is nem kezdtem el taglalni a kubai "késélű" CUCHILLAS szót más vonatkozásban, vagy a MAYARI folyó eredetét. Nem asszociáltam az indiai Chilla Gates szóról a stargate-ra.... vagy a "tudun"-ról a hunokra.

hona = ház, de mi a Chilla-k?

However, there are reasons to believe that the first part of the name is more ancient and can be traced to the word 'Chach' that was subsequently transformed by Arabs into 'shash', as neither their language nor literature had letter 'ch', and by Turks into 'tash' (stone) due to the consonance of certain letters.

Sosonok és Sashalom

The name Chach, as a truncated form of Chachani or Chachan, is widely used on bronze coins minted in this area in the 6th and early 8th centuries. It is also mentioned in a famous letter of Devashtich Fatufarn, the ambassador of Sogdian ruler. From the second half of the 8th century the name Chach was no longer used; instead, its equivalent 'Shash' was introduced, which Arabs used in reference to the whole area rather than a particular city. .. the first millennium B.C called Shashtepa ... from written sources (Herodotus, 6th c. B.C.; Bekhistun inscription of Darius I, (6 c. B.C.), where its population were referred to as "Saks, who are beyond Sogd"

The most ancient structure dating 12th-13th centuries is the underground chilla- khona.


Sheykh Zayniddin Bobo died in 1259 at the age of 95. He was buried in the chillakhona (place of solitude) of the cemetery in the village.

The chillakhona inside of the temple, according to some historians was used as a small observatory in its time. The story goes that there was an underground passage under the chillakhona, through which Sheikh Zayniddin bobo used to walk to the temple of Imam Abubakr Muhammad Qaffol Shoshiy for his visits.


Marghilan five historical buildings such as Chilla-Khona, Ulug Mozor, Pir-Siddk mausoleum, Uvaysy museum, in poetess's burial place, Said Ahmad Khodji madrasah and mosque.

Maulan Mukhammad Sharif(Kazi Urda) {(17-18 c.) - sufistic center, consists of khonakho, mosque, chillakhona, necropolis of Allam-na-na-Rasan, djakhriya}


From Old Norse kona, from Proto-Germanic *kwenon.
Old Swedish kona, kuna ("woman", "wife", "concubine"), genitive plural: kvinna, kvanna, Old Norse kona, from Proto-Germanic *kwenon. Feminine in Late Modern Swedish. Akin to English quean.
kven: Confer kvenma?ur ("a woman") and kvenna ("of women"), the genitive plural of kona ("a woman").

The meaning of the name Kona is 'World rule'.
The Hawaiian Baby Boy Name Kona means - ' south.'
Achilles pedig Ach-yll-es ?

Chilla (extreme cold) Pashto word Tsilla (which means frost). (Chill= hideg, fagy, angolból)
chillAhaTa és társai: (Hindi) hangos, zaj, felkiáltás, bőgés, sírás...

Jila (Chilla Well) Warlpiri Land Claim - A forrás.

Tamil- kisebb lesz
Részekre osztva.

Chilli: Equivalent to Challi (Winslow's Tamil Dictionary); Chillam: Distribution of fragments, small pieces etc; Chillam-keduthal: Becoming fragments; Chilla'rai: Small coins

One shade of meaning for Challi in Tamil is small flat shells (Winslow). Note that in Maldives such shells, known as Cowrie shells, were the money for a long time, since ancient times. Noha a fekete magyarok honfoglalás kori temetőiből is számos kauri pénz került elő, azért ez nem a cigányok első betelepülése. Mint látjuk, már a szkíta korban is használták a kauri pénzt, vagy térben Óceániában is.

Magyar vándor - Csillak

Mischa Chillak on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News ... or ???????? Krung Thep (, meaning "city of angels"


Chillak is mainly played by children in mountain villages.

Phil a logos
Chillak and Billak? (two imaginary names, meaning no one).

JSTOR: Upon the Chil)lak range, in a line between Hissarjik and the flat mound called Kara-Yur-Tepe .....

chillak: (Persian) game played with a long and short stick;
chilla: kánikula

A játék
The game derives its name from the Turkish words: Chelik (rod); and Chomak (stick, or, bat).

A kutya csillag 40 napja

Tištryehe "Sirius" Tir ??? Tir - Nem kamion, nem triglav, nem Tisza.
Cani kula

Hajnali (heliákus) felkelése, tehát a láthatatlansági periódus utáni első hajnali megjelenése, 1000-2000 évvel ezelőtt egybeesett a legmelegebb napokkal. Innen a "kánikula" elnevezés. Az ókori Egyiptomban, ahol a csillag neve Szopdet, ez a Nílus áradásának kezdetével esett egybe, az ókori egyiptomi naptárban ettől kezdték az újévet. A földtengely precessziója miatt azonban a Szíriusz napjainkban csak szeptember elején jelenik meg a hajnali égbolton.

(Nem vagyok ugyan csillagész, de a számtani alapműveletekkel valamelyest tisztában vagyok. Ha most szeptember elején jelenik meg a Szíriusz a földtengely kúpforgása miatt /ami cca 26000 év alatt ír le egy kört/, akkor durván 2000 év alatt csúszik egy hónapot. Vagyis 4000 éve kelhetett a Szíriusz a Nappal egy időben fel július elején. Nem a római korban.)

Múlnak a gyermekévek.. - from the space?

Meine tochter
Also in O.E. meaning "a youth of gentle birth" (archaic, usually written childe). In 16c., especially "girl child."
tot (1) "little child," 1725, Scottish, of uncertain origin
star: tähti (finn), täht (esti)

Gyermekhad - youth

From Middle English childhod, from Old English cildhad ("childhood"), from cild ("child") + -had

("-hood"), equivalent to child +? -hood.

Hungarian: gyermekkor hu(hu)
Greek: ??????? ?????? el(el) paidikí ilikía f.
Hebrew: ???????? he(he) yaldút f.
Telugu: ?????? te(te) baalyam
Turkish: çocukluk tr(tr) (Ylion pedig Hissar lak
Finnish: lapseus
Korean: ?? ?? ko(ko) yunyeon sidae
Japanese: ???? ja(ja) kodomo jidai
Cappadocian fša? "child"

Vízben mos, nem mesüge:
the name Mosheh (Moses) ... relates it to the Egyptian word mes, mesu, meaning child, son.
MOSI: African Swahili name meaning "first born child."
Menésé: TSELOPHCHAD (?????????): Hebrew name meaning "first rupture; fracture," taken to mean

"first-born." In the bible, this is the name of a member of the tribe Manasseh.
TARO (??): Japanese name meaning "great son," or "eldest son." It is usually given to the

first-born son.
ILKER: Turkish name meaning "first man."
CHILONGOLA: African Kaguru name meaning "the first." Usually given to a first-born son.
KOICHI (??): Japanese name meaning "light/shining first (child))."

Baltic etymologhy: "pupil of the eye" = "child of the eye". Szemünk fénye... Pupilla?
West Lauwer Frisian: bern (child) English: to bear (to give birth)

Gábor Takács - Egypt
Kera may "girl" [Ebert 1976, 80] | Tumak mai "child"

Child - book.

Hebrew "kab = star".


Csillagkép - pferd

The Arabic name for Kitalpha is Qit'at al-Faras (1), or Al Kitah al Faras, "Part of the horse".

Kitel Phard, Kitalphar are other names. Equuleus is the head of a horse with a flowing mane which the Arabs called Al Faras al Awwal, "the First Horse".


Ursa maior. Big dipper. Hét rishi. the FOLD. (field?)

Hebrew "dob = a bear". Szintén medve jelentésű az arab "dub" és a perzsa "dib" is. A sarkcsillag = kunosura. (akkád)

Pharda = megszámláltatott

Kitalpha Kitel Phard, Kitalphar; < ???? ????? qiţcat[u] al-faras Parte del caballo

Csillagok, csillagok..
Még konstelláció


According to the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths And Secrets, the three-lobed trefoil that we now call a shamrock originated in the East. Pre-Islamic Arabs called it shamrakh, the three-lobed lily or lotus flower of the ancient Moon-goddess's trinity consisting of Al-Lat, Kore (or Q're) the Virgin, and Al-Uzza, the Powerful One. Together, this triple goddess was known as Manat, the Threefold Moon. To the ancient Arabs, the shamrakh represented a design of three yonis, and it appeared on artifacts of the ancient Indus Valley civilization, as well as on stone, pottery, and woodwork in Mesopotamia, Crete, and Egypt between 2300 and 1300 B.C.

Másik dékán

Az ókori népek az égboltot 36 részre, dekan-ra osztották. (Decan means pieces, divisions, or faces.)
A zodiac szó nem az angol "zoo=állatkert" változata, hanem arab eredetű és "path=ösvény, út" jelentésű. (Car-path?)

IE kölcsönszavak az altajiban


OE. geard 'yard, enclosure'
Dag. gad 'yard', WMo gadana 'outside'
(13) DE. haga 'enclosure, curtilage'
WMo. kaga- 'to close', kagalgan 'gate', Dagur hii- 'to block up, enclose'
DT. kapfg 'door, gate'

A tüzes bolygó: (71) OE. Tiw 'Tiu, Mars'

Nagygöncöl: OE nora developed from the early form *nohd or *noht 'the Big Dipper, the north' through rhotacism in the V_ C environment, and OT yultuz primarily meant 'the Big Dipper' and subsequently became a generic term for fixed stars and planets.

Golden Man's headdress is rich in symbolism. Decorations representing winged animals, mountains, birds in trees, and arrows pointing upward are obvious symbols of the heavens. Their concentration on the upper part of the garment is an ancient and widely practiced tradition (see Pavlinskaya 1989:28). Chinese archeologists excavated many mummies in Xinjiang, China in recent years. Among them there was a woman who died at least two thousand and two hundred years ago. The mummy wears a cone-shaped hat having two horn-like projections (something like the letter V).


Korean Shamanism held three spirits in especially high regard: Sanshin (the Mountain Spirit), Toksong (the Recluse), and Chilsong (the Spirit of the Seven Stars, the Big Dipper).

Uiyon especially focused his research on Prajna (Sanskrit) or panna (Pali), translated as "wisdom," "understanding," "discernment," "cognitive acuity," or "know-how."

Iranica - Göncölszekér

The first and only two constellations to be named in Old Iranian sources are Ursa Major and the Pleiades, in the Younger Avesta. Their names, haptoiringa (Pers. Haft-owrang), literally "having seven marks," and paoiryaeinyas (NPers. Parvin), derivative of paoirya- meaning "first," are clearly indigenous and not, as was the case with several later Iranian astronomical appellations, taken over from Babylonian (in which Ursa Major is called MAR.GÍD.DA = ereqqu "wagon" and the Pleiades MUL.MUL "stars" par excellence).

Az arab, perzsa, zsidó, itáliai nyelvekben a Göncölszekér egy medve.
Ursa major, kers-e bozorg, al-dobb al-akbar.. Máshol a nagygöncöl az a férfiszekér, a kisgöncöl meg az asszonyszekér.

Lion: sir, al-sabo'
Lady of the throne: kodävand-e korsi
Greek harp: cang-e rümi

Vajon ez a dagesztáni "gad=yard" (atashgad!) megfeleltethető ezek szerint az ud-var szavunknak ? Tűzterület ?

Láttuk, hogy az angoloknál a "pyr" szavunk "fire" lett. De miért tűnt el a "tiu" ?

Valamit félreértettem a perzsa Nagygöncöl kapcsán. Mint látjuk az "iranica" oldaláról, a helyes név haptoiringa. Ez lefordítva "7 nép öröksége" ?

Julii volt, ujjongtunk, nincs tovább..

From Ottoman Turkish ???? (yildiz), from Old Turkic yultuz, from Proto-Turkic *jul-duŕ (star). Compare Azeri ulduz; Bashkir ?????? (yondoź); Chagatai ?????? (yulduz); Dolgan h???? (hulus); Gagauz yildiz; Karachay-Balkar ?????? (culduz), ??????? (culduz); Karakalpak juldiz; Kazakh ?????? (juldiz); Khakas ?????? (çiltis); Kumyk ????? (yulduz); Kyrgyz ?????? (cildiz); Nogai ????? (yuldiz); Shor ?????? (çiltis); Southern Altai ?????? (cildis); Tatar yoldiz; Turkmen ýyldyz; Tuvan ?????? (sildis); Uyghur ?????? (yultuz); Uzbek yulduz; Yakut ????? (sulus)

Mint látjuk, a modern turk nyelvekben a "SUL-us=csillag" és a "Csiltisz=csillag" is előfordul a JUL mellett. A dolgan HULus kilóg a sorból, de náluk a 7 sem "yedi", hanem "hette". (Ennek a Yedi-nek az utánérzete bukkan fel a "Csillagok háborúja" sorozatban, miként az orkok Tolkiennél. Művelt írók?)

Hudini And once the "fa = dharma" equation had been established, it was, relatively speaking, a short journey of semantic extension from the fa = dharma of the Buddhists in China to the description of their frequently esoteric ritual practices and observances as fa = 'magic, esoteric arts'.

It is also interesting to note that another of Pelliot's Altaic etymologies which Poppe had always firmly rejected, i.e., the comparison of MMo. hodun 'star' with Trk. yultuz id. (Pelliot 1925: 219; 1944: 100 n. 1) has now been revived by S. A. Starostin, Altajskaya problema i proisxozdenie japonskogo jazyka (Moscow, 1991), 36, 90, and 277 n. 67.


In the Central Asian-Turkic myths, Jupiter called as a "Erendiz/Erentüz", which means "eren(?)+yultuz(star)". There are many theories about meaning of "eren". Also, these peoples calculated the orbit of Jupiter as 11 years and 300 days. They believed that some social and natural events connected to Erentüz's movements on the sky.

Turk nyelvek

*-g (mountain):
Old Turkic tag; Turkish dag*; Azeri dag; Uzbek tog; Uyghur tag; Tatar taw; Kazakh taw; Kyrgyz to; Altay tu; Western Yugur tag; Fu-yü Gyrgys da?; Khakas tag; Tuvan dag; Sakha/Yakut tia; Khalaj tag; Chuvash tu.

Old Turkic Ot; Turkish Od; Azeri Od; Turkmen Ot; Tatar Ut; Bashkir Ut; Kazakh Ot; Kyrgyz Ot; Üzbek O't; Uyghur Ot; Sakha/Yakut Uot; Chuvash Vut/Vot.

On-ok-ur népéhez: Mint látjuk, az "ON=10" (kivéve a csuvas Vonnä). A "nyíl" is "ok, Oq" mindegyik nyelvben (kivéve a csuvas Uhä). Ellenben az "Ura=láb" csak a csuvasban szerepel.
Érdekességként megjegyzem, hogy a turk sátor a magyar "odu" szóhoz hasonlít, a héber sátor pedig a magyar "ól" szóhoz. A modern turk "tiz" variációi "térd" jelentésűek, s közük sincs a "tűz" szavunkhoz.

Hilda Ecsedy - még nem fordították magyarra

A kínai Shen egy csillagkép név, a mi Orionunk része. A ch'en= mennyei test jelentésű. Azért nem kenéz. A Skorpio csillagkép közelében van az Antares, amely a kínaiaknál "Huo-hsing = Tűz-csillag" néven szerepelt, illetve a Shangoknál "Shang-hsing" néven. (Ant-ares? An-tare-s?) A japán csillag "hosi".

A Yili völgyében

Dayultuz = greater yultuz = Ursa major = Nagy göncölszekér = Karls wagen
Xiayultuz = lesser yultuz = Ursa minor = kis göncölszekér

Turk nyelvek

*e:B (er ?) = ház/house. Milyen lehetett a házas ember ?
"chiltis=csillag" szó van a khakas, a shor és a chulym nyelvekben.
Kyrgyz "korkush" (fear, terror);

Fuyü Girgis: ház = ib (er?)
quruq: ház = em (ber?)
Orkhon Old Turkic: ház = eb
Karakhanid: ház = ev, äv
Azerbaijani: ház = ev
Turkish: ház = ev
Khalaj: ház = häv

Note the presence of the archaic *S-, which is preserved before- i- (hence "Jir" earth, "Jil" wind), but changed to y- before other vowels ("yafraq" leaf, " yul" road, "yilan" snake, "yörek" heart);

Tóth Alfréd

Mongol: szarv = eber; férfi =er; hold = sara(n); orr = qabar; csillag = (h)odun; nyelv = kelen;
nap = naran; fog(ak) = sidü(n);
Manchu: tűz (lát) = tuwa; láb = bethe; fehér = sanyan;

Polat Kaya

Valami Mah-ar embereket is emleget...


Albanian: yll (sq)
Aymara: warawara
Mongolian: ?? (mn) od
Buryat: ???? odon
Ngarrindjeri: tuldi
Belarusian: ????? (be) zórka f.,
Central Atlas Tamazight: ???? itri m.
Coptic: ???? siou
Mandarin: ?? (zh) (héngxing), ?? (zh) (míngxing), ? (zh) xing
Rapanui: hetu`u
Tupinambá: îasytatá
Telugu: ???????? (nakshatraM), ??? tAra
Tagalog: bituin, tala
Nahuatl: citlalli (nah), sitlali (nah)
Shor: ?????? çiltis
Khakas: ?????? çiltis
Hungarian: csillag (hu)
Sardinian: isteddu m

A Közel- és Közép-Kelet nyelveiben a TARA, ASTARA, STAR, STELLA variálódik. A turk nyelvekben a YUL- változatokat látjuk. Említendő még az észt, finn "Tähti=csillag".

Karachay-Balkar: ?????? (zsulduz) majdnem Zsülien. Más nyelven Julian. De miért Gyula ? Ha egyszer a YUL csillag a WULA, HULA, GULA meg Hold ?

Na-Dene - a KÁN, kwen

the Algonquin word for "fire" is "ishkode."

85 FIRE Haida ˇc'—anu ~ ts'anu, Tlingit k'—an ~ q'—an, Athabaskan: Beaver kon÷, Sarsi k`un`?÷, Han kwon, Chipewyan k´un, Tlatskanai kwen, Coquille xwan, Galice kwan, Mattole koN ', Navajo k` o, Lipan k~o~o÷. [Cf. BURN2 above.]

A "Na-Dene" Tlatskanai nyelv kwen=tűz szaváról jut eszembe: Skandináviában a kwen nép élt. A "fjord" pedig "tűz/fire" volt.

Egy Dél-Ausztrál nép, ahol a TULDI a csillag.

The Ngarrindjeri (literal meaning The people who belong to this land) are a nation of eighteen "tribes" (lakinyeri) consisting of numerous family clans who speak similar dialects of the Ngarrindjeri language and are the traditional Aboriginal people of the lower Murray River, western Fleurieu Peninsula, and the Coorong of southern, central Australia.

A Bega folyó is Ausztráliához köt:

Az égni szavunk megtalálható a szanszkritban és India környékén agni alakban. Itáliában ignis formában. Ellenben az ÉG (sky) szavunkat egy másik nyelvben sem találtam

A sumer E = ház szó Közép-Ázsiában Eb, ev szóvá bővül. Akkor, amikor a magyarok HÁZ szava már ez volt Egyiptomban. (HET). Ezért csak módjával kellene erőltetni a sumer-magyar rokonságot, már amennyiben igazak a nyelvi fordítások.

Azért az ÉG is esetleg visszavezethető az E-GUR (égur) szóra, miként a HIMMEL herrgott a Himalájára, vagy a CEILING a cielo-ra (ég; spanyol, amerind).

Mint láttuk, a finneknél az "ég=palaa". Vajon a finnek ismerhették Palaa Athina istenasszonyt? ..akiről eddig azt gondoltam, hogy egyszerűen "fehér asszony" ..

A szanszkrit, mellyel sok közös szavunk van, az ÉG szóra az AMBARAM szót használja. Ugye, mennyire hasonlít az angol "ember=parázs" szóra ?

A punjabi "asman" pedig a németek "norman=ashman" szavára emlékeztet.

A Himalájához hasonlóan a cheroqui: "newadi=ég" is a havas csúcsokra enged asszociálni (spanyol: nevado), alan pedig Óceániában ég. A skót "lift" és a Dutch: "lucht" a luftwaffe szót idézi. A kecsua nyelvben pedig KOK az ég.

A finnek indián származására utaló nyom: Coconuco Word Set: Star/Etoile/Estrella/Csillag : Sil ; Sky/Ciel/Cielo/Ég: Palash ..palashatra ..a csillagos ÉG, amely PALÁST-ként borul a földre...


Palestina (derived from Palashat/sky/, "the territory of the ancient Philistines")

Védikus szanszkrit - shata-palashat -- like lotus flowers with hundreds of petals (S6/9/43)

Usambara mountain: shambara -- O Sambara (S6/10/31)

Dogon star = csillag = tolo

Andamanese: "Sky = madaino"

Pesti István

2011 július (mod. 2012 márc.)