Az ABC-t sem én találtam fel. De nagyon nem mindegy, hogy a betüket milyen sorrendben és csoportosításban írjuk le..

A tűzimádók földjén


Szófejtő: Pirosan perzselő parázs
PIR v. PÍR [pirosasságot kifejező önálló gyök; égés, tűz ropogó hangját idéző gyök] > pirany [strontium, a láng színét pirosra festő anyag], pirhanyagos v. pirholagos [rózsás, halványpiros, akár a rózsaszirom avgy a hajnalodó égbolt], pirít [a tűz v. tűz erejű napsugár vmely testet érintés által pír szinűre fest; feddés, dorgálás által elpirulásra késztet], pirkad [lassan-lassan, folytonos gyönge tűznél, felkelő nap sugaránál piros színt ölt; mondják érő gyümölcsre is], pirók [pirospozsgás arcú, vörösesszőke szőrű, hajú vagy tollú], pirong [szégyenében pír borítja arcát], piros [világosvörös szín], pirul [égés vagy vérbőség következtében pirossá válik]

ZoroAster előtt
Fire was a sacred symbol long before Zarathushtra's revelations. The sacredness of the hearth-fire was an Indo-Aryan custom before the division of that civilization into the Indian and the Iranian peoples. Fire is celebrated in the Vedas and a sacred fire is part of Hindu ceremony even to this day.

qadesh cult.
God's warning against worshiping Molech the Canaanite fire god, is given in a religious context. Moloch was the national deity of the Ammonites, a fire god commonly worshiped throughout the ancient near East and North Africa, by Canaanites and Philistines, Arameans and Semitic peoples and later, Phoenicians. In Islam, Molech is called Malec or Malik (meaning King), believed to be the principle angel in charge of Djahannam, the Islamic version of hell.

Mint látjuk, a Malac nem disznófejű, hanem bikafejű (borjúfejű) tűzisten volt, akinek feláldozták az asszony első (idegenektől származó) gyermekét. Ugyanis a nő a teherbeesésével bizonyította leendő férjének, hogy nem meddő. Ellenben mások fattyára a férjnek nem volt szüksége, tehát feláldozta Molochnak. Az ammoniták Lót leszármazottjai voltak. Lót legidősebb lányától származtak a moabiták.

Buzi volt a Malac! Lehet, hogy innét ered a "Meleg" szó? (Melek=király). Anal sex between male and male worshipers and male and female worshipers was viewed as an offering to the goddess.
The general name, used throughout Palestine and in the Bible, for this type of fire god, was Baal. /Nap Pali..:-)/

Pyrolatreia, or fire-worship, was once nearly universal. The Moloch of the Canaanites, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians, was the divinity of various nations under different names Moloch was not the only deity tormenting simple maids and tender babes with fire The blazing or fiery cross, in use among Khonds of India, was well known in both Ireland and Scotland The Egyptians, with more modern Africans, have reverenced flame.

A Balti tengertől Fájer megyéig.
The word for "fire" is just such an example. The Western Balts used the word "panu", whereas the Eastern Balts used the word (Lith.) "ugnis".  Another example is the word for "wheel". The Western Balts used the word "kelan", whereas the Eastern Balts used the word (Lith.) "ratas".  These words have cognates in other ancient Indo-European languages. ( For the GAS relationship between Old Irish "roth", Lithuanian "ratas" and Sanskrit "ratha"- see below ).

Centum words like "pẽku " - livestock (vs.Satem Lith. "pešti", OCS "pьsъ ").

vatra, oganj / ogénj = ugànj, ugnjì < ● | zôrje, -jeh: avest. zaranya, rus. zarja, ved. agni

embarazada = pregnant
Some say the Spanish word actually came from the Italian imbarazzare, from imbarazzo, "obstacle" or "obstruction". That word came from imbarrare, "to block" or "to bar", which is a combination of in-, "in", with barra, "bar" (from the Vulgar Latin barra, which is of unknown origin).
English embarass: French embarrasser, to encumber, hamper, from Spanish embarazar, from Italian imbarazzare, from imbarazzo, obstacle, obstruction, from imbarrare, to block, bar : in-, in (from Latin; see en–1) + barra, bar (from Vulgar Latin *barra).
Are you pregnant? - ¿estás embarazada? /English "ember=fire-brand/parázs. Hungarian "ember=man, human"./

Barra, ae, nn. ősrégi városa az Orobiusoknak Gallia Transpadanaban. (Finaly Henrik dict.) Szófejtő: szanszkrit bhR [világra hoz, előhoz, megteremt, kivitelez, elkészít, bemutat. ..barra [nappal], alsó-keleti kusita (szomáliai) bärii, (oromo, arbore) barii [hajnal, reggel]; baszk biar [holnap];

paras(t) -> parazs ? / sz > zs hangváltás?
In the later parts of the Bible, where this kingdom is frequently mentioned (Books of Esther, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah), it is called Paras (Hebrew פרס), or sometimes "Paras u Madai" (פרס ומדי) i.e. "Persia and Media".

A "paras" uniszex név ógörög eredettel. Kiejtése: "pehrahz" az angolok szerint. Szinonímájának a "paris" van említve. A tűz háza ?
Az arab nyelvben a "faras = horse/ló", a hollandok felé "pfard=ló". A héberből "päras=split, break", akkád "paräsu=divide". /Wolf Leslau: Etymological Dictionary of Gurage/ Noha a szemita nyelvekből a "prd, frd = separate" (elkülönült, idegen), azért a szefárd szerintem inkább a "vándor" szó variánsa, bár a héber nyelvben a "sefer =book/könyv".

Közép-Perzsa szószedet

abig(el) = vizi(isten)
bāy = kert (bágy)
bālag [balk]= szárny (Láthatóan a Balkán nem is olyan sáros. Lehet madár és ló is az asszociáció.)
darband = kapu (Kaspi és a Kaukázus között: Derbent, a hunok kapuja)
druz = demon (Magas X mtDNA arány a libanoni druzok között)
gar = hegy
goy = golyó
hur = szeszes ital (szőlőből? skl) s a "khurram-sahr" az Vidám város? ..vagy "Hold tüze" ?
mānd = ház (Si-mánd-y?)
mazg = agy (lásd szlovák nyelv, ahol szintén mozog)
niš = néz, megfigyel
parrag = szárny (magyar családnév); "Parinda=bird", urdu language
parš = pettyes (párduc?)
pās = őrzés (pász-torkodás) "pāsbān = őr"
sēb = alma (A zseb eredete?)

Happy nation - Khurramite (HurRá optimizmus a perzsáknál)
Hürrem. From Persian xorram, from Middle Persian.

Angels - vörös sipkások
A majority of the Dimila Kurds of Anatolia and some of their Kurmânji speaking neighbors are followers of another denomination of the Cult of Angels. These have been called collectively the Alawis ("the Followers of Ah"), the Alevis ("the People of Fire," implying fire-worship or Zoroastrianism, from alev, "fire"), the Qizilbâsh ("the red heads," from their red head gear, and the Nusayri (which can be interpreted as the "Nazarenes" implying Christianity, or as the "followers of Nârsch," the early medieval Kurdish revolutionary of the Khurrami movement who settled with his followers in Anatolia).

Afšīn is the Arabicized form of the Middle Persian Pišīn, which traces back to the Avestan Pisinah. In pre-Islamic Iranian tradition, it is the name of a grandson of Kayānid king Kavād (Yt. 13.132, 19.71). In the Islamic period, it is found as a proper name attested by Armenian historians in the form Ōšin (from Awšin).

A terület

Vándor - Közép-Irán
Another local term used to distinguish dialects is buro-beše, literally "come!—go!" According to Krahnke (pp. 55-56, 263), this term is used by speakers in the village of Abčuya to designate the dialects just north of them in the Na?anz area, where buro and beše are the typical imperatives of "come" and "go," respectively (see also Yarshater, 1985, p. 745). /S a vándor nő az bese nő? Si-ung-nü ?/

Cimmer - kiűzetve a paradicsomból?
Approximately from the end of the 7th until the 4th century BC, history is full of the creation of new powerful states in Asia Minor and the Middle East. Media to the east and Lydia to the west conquered new Assyrian territories. These new powers now considered themselves strong enough to uphold the new order and tried not to be bothered by the Cimmerian or Scythian clans that were at once their former allies and their new enemies. In this fashion the Medians formed an alliance with the Scythians and the Lydians against the Cimmerians. At the end of the 7th or the beginning of the 6th century BC, under the reign of king Alyattes of Lydia, the "Cimmerians were exiled from Asia" (Herodotus I.16). The word "exile" in this case doesn’t mean that the Cimmerians were destroyed but instead that they were driven ot of Asia Minor to some other territory. The Cimmerian tumuli such as at Gordion were similar to the Vysokaya Mogila Tomb at Dniepro in the Ukraine and the Tuekta-Bashadar kurgans in the Altai. The eastern orientation of the body, the appearance of wood constructions in the pit, the similar ornaments on clay vessels (see pottery), the burial with weapons such as daggers, quiver with arrows, the presence of a diadem (brow- or headpiece), the covering of the walls with clay. Similar arrowheads from Asia Minor were also found in Transcaucasia, in the northern Black Sea region and in the steppes of Eastern Europe.

Mint látjuk, a kimmerek sapkája hasonló volt a későbbi szakák hegyes sisakjához. Csak itt sok a madár a sisakokon.

Myths from the Ancient Near East - videos
Pahlavi szótárból: bärag [b'lk'] mount, horse. Máshol a "balk=madár/szárny", esetleg "sár".
-dar [-d'l / M -d'r] suffix, -holder, -keeper. (Mah-där?)

neolitikus körárok - avar ring?
The structures known as Circular Enclosures built in Central Europe during the 5th millennium BCE have been interpreted as serving a cultic function. In the case of the Goseck circle, remains of human sacrifice were found. Many of these structures had openings aligned with sunset and/or sunrise at the solstices, suggesting that they served as a means of maintaining a lunisolar calendar. The construction of Megalithic monuments in Europe also began to in the 5th millennium, and continued throughout the Neolithic and in some areas well into the early Bronze Age.

Catal Huyuk - Képek

Nabateans 2
The first definite appearance was in 312 BC, when Hieronymus of Cardia, a Seleucid officer, mentioned the Nabateans in a battle report. In 50 BC, the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus cited Hieronymus in his report, and added the following: "Just as the Seleucids had tried to subdue them, so the Romans made several attempts to get their hands on that lucrative trade." Petra or Sela was the ancient capital of Edom; the Nabataeans must have occupied the old Edomite country, and succeeded to its commerce, after the Edomites took advantage of the Babylonian captivity to press forward into southern Judaea. This migration, the date of which cannot be determined, also made them masters of the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba and the important harbor of Elath.

Lake Kar (Stone Lake in English and Kari Lich in Armenian) is a small lake on the slopes of Mount Aragats.
Armenian male names: Ghazar - Ghazaros - Gharib (Alien) - Ghevont - Ghougas - Ghoungyanos

Gabr és az árok
Csak az ark-angel arkolt ? Yarqa in the Quechua language means canal.
It is known that when referring to Zoroastrians, Muslims used the word Gabri. The word Gabr (گبر) is preserved in the name of the south-western part of the Mugan plains, located between the Aras and Bolgarchay — ("plain of Gabrs"). There are remains of ancient fortresses Gebrbar ("Wall of Fire Worshippers"), which are located along irrigation canals — so called Gabr-arkh ("canal of Gabrs").
To the west of Baku is located a desert area, which until the 1940’s was called Gabristan (گبرستان). In the 1940’s, after the discovery of rock paintings, this place has become famous, and the name Gabristan was deemed invalid because of its consonance with the word gabir (قبر) ("grave" in Azeri) and the district was renamed the "Gobustan".
Behisztun: It is known that in Zoroastrianism paradise is called Behesht or Gardman.

Bogomilok és tűzimádók
Armen: ear=aganč (fül=agancs)
Miként napjaink vallásaiban létezik Isten és Sátán, hasonlóképpen, vagy még jobban dualista volt a zoroasztriánus és a manicheanus vallás, ahol a jónak és a rossznak is megvolt a maga vezetője.

Nyelvek, szavak, szokások

Pentateuch - a Tóra
The Hebrew Torah (Pentateuch) was originally written with an alphabet similar to that of the Samaritans, but after the Exile in Babylon it was transcribed with the Chaldean square alphabet, which was still used 1,000 years ago for the Aleppo Codex and is still used today in modern Hebrew.
A világon Horthy volt az első, aki a tóra részét beemelte országa törvényei közé, megtiltva zsidók és gojok egymás közötti házasságát. Zsidó alatt az izraelitát kell itt érteni, hiszen -genetikai ismeretek hiányában- csak vallási alapon voltak az emberek megkülönböztethetők a korban. Érdekes a héber Ts-R betükapcsolat. Tsarar -> erő, elnyomás. NaTsaR -> őrzés, védelem. TsuR -> bekerít, bezár. A Pentateuch lefordítva "5 tekercs" jelentésű.

The Secret of Secrets (Sirr al-Asrar)
Sír szavunk. Eredete bizonytalan. A hely, ahová a holttestet elrejtik. Bár arab szó, ott nem használják így a fogalmat. sirr = forrás, kezdet, rejt
Traditional Arabic houses sometimes have a Bab Al-Sirr: a secret door used as an emergency exit built into the walls and hidden with a window sill or a bookcase. The name comes from one of the six gates cut through an ancient wall in Aden (in modern-day Yemen), which was opened only in the event of a state security emergency. In modern-day Spain, the Arab fortress of Benquerencia has a Bab al-Sirr known as the "Door of Treason." /Greek: sirós (Gr) 'pit for keeping grain, silo': ENSILAGE, ENSILE, SILO. /

kaufa (Old Persian) 'mountain': KOHINOOR.


tâj (Persian) 'crown' (*steg-2): TAJ (tach?) (valószínűleg a "kerék=tocsik" szóból. Pahlavi "abesar=crown".)
zamin (Persian) 'earth, land' (*dhghem-): ZAMINDAR. (Zemlja,slavic)
zan (Persian) 'woman' (*gwen-): ZENANA. (assan)
zar (Persian) 'gold': JARGON, ZIRCON. (arany)

Roshani words
Roza Zoulfikarbekova ( , and Guldastasho Muborakshoev (
yakh=sister, yellow=zeerd, year=sol (Africa: "évi=nap"), brother=verro, fork=veelka, sun=khor, sky=osmon, skin=pust, sister=takh, pen=kalam, Pamirs= Badakhshon, orange=apelsin, opium=afun, moon=mest, leg=poth (pot, mint lábas), knife=chad (sarló formájú volt), head=cal, girl=ghats, nail=nokhun, eye=tsaem, door=deve, day=mith, cow=zhou, city=khar, China=khitoi, chest=sena (zsena), boy=ghetha, blood=khun, apple=moon, Afghan=aughone.

Mint láttuk, a finnugor "pot" a magyar "lábas" tükörfordítása. Az IE nyelvekben is megtalálható. A roshani nyelvet a régi szogd vidéken, a Badakhshan hegység felé beszélik. Mazar-e Sharif mellett az ősi finn város, Kholm (Russian:Холм; lit. hill/halom) található. /Nem 3 (kolme) halom!/ Levédia!-) Russia
Ateş is a Turkish word meaning "fire". Perzsa nyelvekben szintén tűz jelentésű. Atesghats?

Proto-Semitic: *sin-
Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: thorn
Hebrew: sen

Hebrew: afar v’efer, "dirt and ashes,"
Arabic "filu" baby horse. (A magyar "csikó" az "szopós" jelentésű.)
Arabic gareeb(at) 'near, relative'
bara'a= create. bubr=lion. akh, ikhwaan = brother.
Khushsha(t) = room, house.

Etimológiai próbálkozások a családi fogalmak körében.
Nephew: Latin nepos (nővér gyermeke); sanskrit napat, arabic bin(t) gyermek. "Shaabba(t) = young girl".

Érdekességnek: hogyha kell, hilni nem mer.. hil: (intransitive) to die, /meg egyben hónap/month jelentésű is. basque etymology. Basque word for 'killer', the most common of which is hil-tzaile. Iroquois was derived from a Basque expression, hilokoa, meaning the "killer people". Because there is no "L" sound in the Algonquian languages of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence region, the tribes used the name Hirokoa for the Haudenosaunee.
George William Lemon Derivative Dictionary of the English Language: Ludgate
Go to the Hell: ahová halálod után kerülsz..:-)

A kurd egy hurro-urartian és iráni nyelvek keverékén alapuló nyelv. A hurrita rétegre került a kimmer invázió nyelvrétege, majd a Sassanida időkben további perzsa szavak kerültek a nyelvbe.

Semitic languages

Gäza = ház
kufu, köfu = wicked (kőfas?)
hykl=palace és "sabbat=telehold". Fantasztikus?: Újhold, félhold, telehold. 4x7=28.
Vagy az ugariti változatok: ntr > ngr "to guard", tr > gr "mountain", mty > mgy "to arrive".

Edd! - a világ nyelvei. Nem édomtalan okfejtés! (Az "édomtalan" szót gyermek koromban egy falusi parasztembertől hallottam. Sok kilométeres körzetben nem volt görög nyelvet ismerő arra.)
Hittite: edmi, latin: edö, szanszkrit: adánti, görög: édomai, OCS: jadett és a skót meg evett. Ami ehető, az az angolban edible és a német essen, a szláv eszty az "eszik". Vagy például a magyar fut (run) hasonlítható az angol "láb" (foot) szóhoz, vagy a német "láb" (fuss) szóhoz. Elvégre az ember a lábával fut... Hasonló még többek között a föld-field-feld, vagy a ház-house-haus szavak. Eszi, nem eszi.., aminél valamivel kisebb bűn a szlávból való eredeztetés. (mü edim, vü editye, onyi edut.)

A kör

Come to Margarah
Salmās, the name of a district, and of its mediaeval urban centre, in the western part of the Persian province of Ād̲h̲arbāyd̲j̲ān. The modern town of Salmās, S̲h̲ābūr or Dīlmān(lat. 38° 13′ N., long. 44° 50′ E.), lies 48 km/30 miles to the south-south-west of Ḵh̲ōy [see khoi ] on the Zala Čay river.

Marāg̲h̲a, the old capital of Ād̲h̲arbāyd̲j̲ān.Position. The town lies in lat. 37° 23′ N. and long 46° 15′ E. at a height of 5,500 feet above sea-level on the southern slope of Mount Sahand

A nemzetközi vallási konferencia megállapítja, hogy a Mithraizmus külső eredetű Iránban. Az Achaemenian kor előtt ismeretlen volt ez a hit a területen. Egyesek a szogd "baga=isten" változatát vélik felfedezni benmne, mások indiai, kushan származást látnak. Emigráns mágusok terjeszthették először ezt a világnézetet perzsa területen. (Részemről a nyugatot se felejteném ki.)

Mithra - kikötötték
Together with the Vedic common noun mitra, the Avestan common noun mithra derives from proto-Indo-Iranian *mitra, from the root mi- "to bind", with the "tool suffix" -tra- "causing to." Thus, etymologically mitra/mithra means "that which causes binding", preserved in the Avestan word for "covenant, contract, oath".

Shen - Pihen a komp..
The Faravahar, or Farohar is said to depict a spirit of human being that exists after death, and symbolises a soul's spiritual progress towards a far-off event to which the whole of creation moves - the state of Frasho-kereti, the ultimate union with Ormazd or final renovation of the universe. Some Zoroastrians make a distinction between Farohar and Fravashi in relation to prayers and rituals. Some rituals are for doing good to the living by appeals made to the Fravashis (Guardian Spirits of each creation).
The Achaemenids adopted the winged disc from Assyrians and Babylonians. The Faravahar of Persepolis has been adopted by modern Zoroastrians as their symbol. After the Achaemenids the image of the Faravahar disappears from Persian art. There is no evidence for it in the remaining art of the Parthian period, and it is absent in the art of the Sassanian period.

Paradise - Menyország (menyem, a kis angyal)
via French: "paradis" and Latin: "paradisus," from Greek paradeisos (παράδεισος) (=enclosed park), from the Avestan word pairidaeza (a walled enclosure), which is a compound of pairi- (around), a cognate of the Greek περί peri-, and -diz (to create, make), a cognate of the English dough. An associated word is the Sanskrit word paradesha which literally means supreme country. Attikai nyelven a "kert=képosz". Kept. "Kapu őr=thür-or-osz". Láttuk, hogy Elam felé az "őr/gard=kurtas", Egyiptomban pedig a "Kep=őr". Mert kertelnek a keepers.

Finnugorász: Meny: Ősi örökség az uráli korból: vogul min, osztják men, finn miniä, szamojéd mejje (‘meny’), zürjén mon (‘sógornő’). Menny: Ősi örökség a finnugor korból: mordvin menjel (‘ég’).
Felszarvazott - a zűrzavar atyja
Tes or Tech may derive from the Sanskrit Deza or Desha, meaning "region; location." (A "desh" jelentése még "ország, régió, falu".) A "men, maej = Moon", s a Hold a nőiség megtestesítője. In Sanskrit "Manas" and "Mens, Menos (Moon)" in Latin was "Menses=Month".
Erzya: "menel'=sky=ég"; tocharB "menye=Hold". manju=Manchu.
Manju: (Nem "Mán-Yue"!) By the early years of the Republic of China, very few areas of China still had traditional Manchu populations. Among the few regions where such comparatively traditional communities could be found, and the Manchu language was still widely spoken, were the Aigun (Möllendorff: aihün) District and the Qiqihar (Möllendorff: cicigar) District of Heilongjiang Province. "Mán=kapu" a han nyelvben és jü [csű] az csillag. /jú [tyű]=vihar; és 79 hasonló kiejtésű szó/ valamint a han szótárból: "zhou =universe"; "zhou=descendants"; "zhou=cycle, week"; "zhou=conceal; to cover".

Iran Calendar
In literary texts of Manichean origin, in both Parthian and Middle Persian, a more elaborate expression of dates is found; it is reminiscent of the Old Persian style, owing to the use of the word saxt "passed" (corresponding to Old Pers. θakata-).

Here, by the way, motive of opposition of the God and the Satan in Judaism, christianity and Moslem or of the Ormuzd (Ahura-mazdas) and Ariman (Ahri-Manju) in Zoroasterism (the truth, is considered what exactly Zoroasterism of the Iranians has affected these Finno-Ugric myths). There is a variant on which the duck dived three times - here motive of creation of the world for some stages (for six days in the Bible).
In the Eskimo myths the bird plays too great value, but it not the Duck, and a wise Raven - the envoy of the god. Motives of "the divine envoys" are available also in Judaic (an angel - the envoy of the god), ancient Greek (aggelos - "bulletin") and Aryan (angiras) mythologies. And hereby "gangway" between the Eskimo Raven-envoy and an Judaic angel is the sounding Armenian word agrav - "raven" is similar.

magas = fly = repül. (Ógörög "mégasz" /magas, nagy hun./ az uygur "zor".)
mgj = brain = agy
t'b'n = summer = nyár
vari = lake = tó

Enciklopedia - Er-An
5. NW hr (whence Arm. rh or h) in Arm. parh/pah "guard" (from Man. Parth. pāhr) beside SW s as in Mid. Pers., NPers. pās; 6. NW b- in bar- "door" (attested in barapan "door-keeper") from Man. Parth. bar beside SW d- as in Mid. Pers., NPers. dar.
6. SW s in Arm. sar-kʿ (plur.) "weapons" beside NW sp as in Arm. aspar "shield," Mid Pers. spar, both borrowings from a Northwest-Ir. dialect.
A particularly odd situation is to be observed in the case of the Armenian reflexes of Proto-Ir. *spāda- "army" Old Pers., Old Av. spāda-, Young Av. spāδa-), where we find side by side Arm. spah (as in Zor. Mid. Pers. spāh, NPers. sepāh), spay (with the genuine Mid. Pers. development), and *spar (from Parth. *spāδ, Man. Parth. ispāδ written ʿspʾd) implied by the compound sparapet "commander-in-chief," a title which is to be compared with Inscr. Parth. (a)spāδpat, Mid. Pers. spāhpat, NPers. sepahbad, and the borrowed proper name Arm. Aspahapet (all from Proto-Ir. *spāda-pati-).
Armenian "parawand = fetter/ bilincs". Parnawaz (name of an Iberian king).

A magyar "lámpás" szó a fenti linken megtalálható a görög és armenian nyelvekben. Sonka szavunk (angol "shank") itt "zang" és a pata az smb-ak "hoof". A démon szó itt megfelel a szogd "simnu" (szemnő?) és a pahlavi "ahraman" (ármány) szónak. A Van tóra asszociálva megemlítem a szír "van=takar" illetve a "van-k=monastery" szavakat.(Máshol a "VAN = VÍZ, TOJÁS, PÓK".) S ha a khotani nép megfőzött valamit, akkor az "paha" lett.

It is commonly understood that the term zodiac derives from Latin "zodiacus" which means a circuit. One theory is that zodiacus derives from the Greek term ζδιακς κύκλος (zōdiakos kuklos), meaning "circle of animals", in turn derived from ζώδιον (zōdion), a small animal [ζον (zōon)] and zoion, living being.
Another theory is that zodiacus derives from the Greek word "zoad" meaning the way or a step referring to the passage of the sun through these arc of the Zodiac. (Zoo=állat/animal, dia=keresztül/through)
Iraqi kalács
Iraq’s national dish is Masgouf (impaled fish) and its national cookie is Kleicha (meaning circle or wheel), both of which can be traced back to antiquity. One of the many mass graves at the edge of Ash Sham Desert in Iraq has been given the name Blue Man, named after a man in a blue shirt and trousers was found buried there. He had been blindfolded with his arms tied behind his back. His skull was also jerked upward at the neck, and his two rows of teeth were stretched apart, as if screaming.

Iran és a korona
The most common Ir. designations for the head belonging to the lexical set of Av. sarah -, MPrs. sar, Prs. sar etc. (the only ones having wide circulation in non-Iranological literature) are not included in the present work; Ipostpone a detailed treating of this to another occasion. Beside sar, a common Prs. designation for ‘head’ is kalle , which is the ‘head’ as a whole, but also the ‘skull’, in some local variants the ‘top of the head’ and the ‘brain’.
Here shouldalso belong Prs. kalān "crown of the head", kalāl and kalāk "upper part of the forehead". Prs. tār "topof the head" belongs, with Khot. ttāri- and Sgd. tār "top of the head"

Kerek város:

Zoroaster nyomában

Régen elfogadott tény volt, hogy Zarathustra magyarul Arany Teve. A "zaranya=arany" és az "ustra=teve" után. A majdnem kortárs görögök pedig ZoroAster néven ismerték a prófétát. Amit fordíthatnánk "Hajnalcsillag" vagy a "Nap Kapuja" névvel is. Ellenben, ha a "Zor=erő, hatalom" és az "ustr=fia" szavakat vesszük alapul, akkor akár az "uralkodó fia" is lehetne. De arra mérget vennék, hogy a vallásalapítót nem hívták "Öreg Teve"-nek. Finnugor: vogul: "aster =ostor". Ancient Greek aster, "star".
Jacob Bryant szerint a "Zon, Zoan, Zor" jelentése Nap/Sun. Menes isten bika szimbólummal bírt, ahonnét Mene-Taur, azaz a Minotaurus szó ered. A "Taur" krétai neve "Aster, Asterius", így a Mene-Aster a Holdbika lehet? Persze, más nyelvben meg a "bika=tűz", s így akár a "Hold Tüze" is lehetne a Minotauros.. "On, Eon or Aon", was another title of the "sun" among the Amonians. O.Arm.: zor du gter — what you have found. A teljesség kedvéért: The word for beauty [in Arabic] is "jamaal" which is taken from "jml" the root that means camel.

"The most valiant of the Mazdeaans (Mazdezants‘ k‘aj), the equal of the sun (bardzakits‘ aregakan), Shapuh, king of kings, in our bounty have remembered our dear brother Tiran, king of Armenia, and send many greetings… And we shall in no way harm your kingdom, we swear by the great god Mihr…

Kaukázus alatt- Tolish
The Talysh language is a member of the northwest group of Iranian languages. Historically, the language and its people can be traced through the middle Iranian period back to the ancient Medes. Talysh refer to themselves and their language as Tolish. The origin of the name Tolish is not clear but is likely quite old, predating the migration of the Iranian peoples to the southwestern shores of the Caspian. In western literature the people and the language are sometimes referred to as Talish or Talesh.

Érdekességnek: Az I.világháború előtt a kalmük településeken (Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Yessentuki and Zheleznovodsk) nagy madárszobrok épültek, szimbolizálva a sas és a kígyó harcát. Furcsasága, hogy a kalmük kígyó-nép.

Panturk - padkán ülve
Aturpat is Old Persian for "guardian/keeper" (pat/bad) of the "fire" (Atur). The region of Aturpat, was known in Old Persian as Aturpatkan ("The place of the Guardian/keeper of the fire").

Mithraic studies
Vallási kongresszus 1975. A zsidó hagyományoknak megfelelően, itt még mindig a "mithra=szövetség" azonosságnál tartanak.

Fáy Elek: Eufrat-Hahur-kdzi Elasszar

Swedish Etymology
From Old Swedish se, sea, sia (Old Norse sjá). Danish and Swedish se from Old Norse sea (stress on e); Norwegian Nynorsk sja and Icelandic sjá from Old Norse sjá (stress on á). Both variants, sea and sjá, are derived from Proto-Germanic *sehwan. Cognate with English see, German sehen and Dutch zien. Zarat-ustra (zsarátnok fia?)
Tocharian A Etymology: Son
From Proto-Indo-European *suHyús. Cognate with Tocharian B soy, Old Armenian որդի ordi, ուստր (ustr) and Ancient Greek υός huios.

New Ages
Persic and Chaldaic worship was the Sun, and most of their titles were derived from thence; we may be pretty certain, that by Zoro-Aster was meant Sol Asterius. Zor, Sor, Sur, Sehor, among the Amonians, always related to the Sun. Eusebius says, that Osiris was esteemed the same as Dionusus, and the Sun: and that he was called Surius. The region of Syria.. is at this day called Souria, from Sur, and Sehor, the Sun.
The war of Ninus with Zoroaster of Bactria relates probably to some hostilities carried on between the Ninevites of Assyria, and the Bactrians, who had embraced the Zoroastrian rites. Their priest, or prince, for they were of old the same, was named Oxuartes; but from his office had the title of Zoroaster; which was properly the name of the Sun, whom he adored.

Sarlós isten - Chor
Tibetan: zor sickle, sor, gsor gimlet; a sort of trephine.
O.Arm. zor -- direct object marker ... + relative pronoun; accusative singular of who, what, which.
Esta zor drenga bre (Kurd.)
Be.PRES.3SG very late.NOM PRT/brother NOM
"It's very late!"
O.Greek: Zorba's origin is Old Greek. The name is of the meaning live each day.
Zor-An: it's mean strong, donghty, dauntless, venturesome, fearless, brave, angry, wakeful, furious, savage, frantic, angry, sleepless, cheeky, saucy, unmannerly. Other root/source is from Serbian language and it's mean sunrise, sun up, aurora, daybreak, cock-crow.
Zora szláv név és "hajnal" jelentésű. Görög név és "napkelte" jelentésű.
Zorka pedig fehérorosz csillag.

Spekuláció - a revizor
According to the Oxford English Dictionary (1966), dragon is derived from the Old French, which in turn was derived from the Latin dracon, which in turn was derived from the Greek spakov, which means "serpent" and is from the Greek verb spakelv or "to see clearly." It is thus always related to sight. In the Sanskrit darc, which means "to see"; Avestic darstis means "sight," Old Irish derc is "eye," Old English torht, Old Saxon torht and Old High German zoraht, all meaning clear, bright, or shine.

The word cataphract comes from the Greek word Kataphraktoi meaning "armored" or "completely enclosed". Other forms of cataphracts include the Grivpanvar the name derives from the Pahlavi griwban "neck-guard", a helmet amour guard, from whence "Grivpan" warrior.

Balog isten
H/h (he) hár (flood), máh (moon), koh (mountain), mahár (rein), hon (blood)
M/m (me) mát/más (mother), bám (dawn), camm (eye), mastir (leader, bigger).
N/n (ne) nán/nagan/naghan (bread), nokk (new, new moon), dann (outside), kwahn (old), nákho (uncle)
O/o (o) oštagh (to stop), ožnág (swim), roc (sun), dor (pain), socagh (to burn)
S/s (se) sarag (head), khass (someone), kasán (little), bass (enough), ás (fire) /Basta! Rokon szó?/
U/u uštir (camel), šumá (you), ustád (teacher), gužn (hunger), buz (goat)
Z/z (ze) zarr (monay), (yesterday), muzz (wages), moz (banana), nazzíkk (nearby), bazgar (tenant), Zor (power).
Baanok , Baanuk , Banuk, Banok = Madam, Miss, Mrs. Lady, Woman.
Dera or Dehra is a Saraiki language word meaning camp or settlement.

20. perde "curtain"
22. por "feather"
28. zor "strength"
35. khangeri "church"
56. šol "whistle"
Kutya szavunk: Hindi (Hi) kutta; Sindhi (Si) kut; Kannauji (Ka) kuru; Marwari (Ma) kutta; Jataki (Ja) kutta.
A "luno" pedig nem Hold, csak "sarló". Feltűnően sok közös szó van a latinban és a Himalája környéki nyelvekben. Vajon a magyar eredet, vagy közös élőhely okozza? Az ősi magyar hosszmérték, a "sing" itt "szarv" jelentésű.

Pesti István 2014 március

Tűz Tűz 2 Tűzistenek Perzsia
Parszik West-Asia 1 West-Asia 2 Arman
