

Mongol a tuvaiban

Tuva čon 'narod; naselenie' ← Mongolian: Literary Mongolian jon 'peo-ple', Buryat zo(n) 'narod, ljudi, naselenie';
In some cases an initial Tuva s- appears in the place of a Mongolian j. For example: Tuva súgu 'peč´, pečka' ← Mongolian: Literary Mongolian juuqa 'hearth [hász=tűzhely], furnace, stove', Khalkha jūx(an) 'peč´, pečka', Buryat 'jama dlja razvede-nija ognja; glinobitnyj očag', Oirat juuqa ~ zķxo ~ zúxa(i) 'firepit', Kalmuk zúxa 'eine kleine Grube in der Erde: ein kleiner Keller; ein (auf der Reise) in der Erde gemachter Ofen' ← Chinese zāo huo Old-Turkic yultuz 'star' (ED 922b) > Tuva sīldīs 'zvezda' (csillag)
Old-Turkic yīl 'year' (ED 917a) > Tuva čīl 'god, leta' (isten)

Mongol esküvő

The small traditional Mongolian fires (known as tulga) are in place. The fires represent the bonding of two flickering flames (the bride and groom), into one (conjoining) eternal fire. (Gondolj a mordvin tűzre!)

Érdekességnek: Naptár keleten.
A hét napjai
njama 'sun'; dabaa 'moon'; mjagmar 'Mars'; hagba 'Mercury'; pürbä 'Jupiter'; baasan 'Venus'; bjamba 'Saturn';
Thai: "čân = moon"; Korea: For example, dar [dal] "moon," and dar-e [dare] "at the moon."

A mongolok


The people known as Mongols were first mentioned in the writings of the Tang Dynasty in China between 618 and 907 AD. The period time in which a name can be called 'Mongol' is therefore between the 7th century and the end of our time period, with most names dating between the 12th and 14th centuries, this being the period of the extensive conquest.

Dologhon = seven (7); Gal = fire (tűz); Qacha = flank (lágyék, oldalszárny); Mongo = silver (ezüst); Temur = iron (vas); Tolui = mirror (tükör); Checheg = flower (virág); Mongke = eternal (örök); Chinua = wolf (farkas); Al = crimson (karmazsin);


A halha Mongólia hivatalos nyelve, az ország kb. 2,7 milliós lakosságából 90%-nak az anyanyelve (saját elnevezésük [halh]). Amikor mongol nyelvről beszélünk a hétköznapokban, többnyire a halháról van szó, bár láthattuk, hogy félrevezető egyenlőségjelet tenni a mongol és a halha közé. Mongóliában elsődlegesen a mongol szót használják önelnevezésként, a halha vagy más egyéb megnevezés csak akkor kerül elő, ha kifejezetten hangsúlyozni szeretnék, hogy a mongolságon belül melyik nyelvjárásról vagy népcsoportról van szó.
Bár időnként külön nyelvnek szokás tekinteni a Belső-Mongólia déli részén, a Sárga-folyó nagy kanyarulatában beszélt ordoszi mongolt (kb. 100 ezer beszélővel), inkább érdemes ezt is a "valódi" mongol egy nyelvjárásának számítani.
A szintén hivatalos kisebbségnek számító sárga ujgur (yugur, yugu) népcsoport török, mongol és részben más nyelvű beszélőkből tevődik össze Kanszu (Gansu) középső részén, s 13 ezres lélekszámuknak kb. harmada mongol nyelvű.

A Belső-Mongóliában élő DAUR nép neve egy ókori nép nyelvén KAPU jelentésű.


Mongols (Mongolian: Монголчууд (helpˇinfo)), Mongolchuud) are a Central-East Asian ethnic group that lives mainly in the countries of Mongolia, China, and Russia. The Khitan, however, had two scripts of their own and many Mongolic words are found in their half-deciphered writings that are usually found with a parallel Chinese text (for example, nair=sun, sair=moon, tau=five, jau=hundred, m.r=horse, im.a=goat, n.q=dog,, ju.un=summer,, u.ul=winter, heu.ur=spring, tau.l.a=rabbit, t.q.a=hen and m.g.o=snake). There is no doubt regarding the Khitan being proto-Mongol.

People with Down's Syndrome were first called "Mongolian" in 1866. The World Health Organization (WHO) officially dropped references to "Mongolism" in 1965 after a request by the Mongolian delegate. Mongols are predominantly Tungid with Nordsinid and Turanid features observable occasionally. Mongolian folds of the eyelids exist on almost all Mongols along with relatively high and pronounced cheekbones. The Mongolian spot which is common among Mongols, is looked upon proudly as a distinguishing feature of the ethnic group. The vast majority of Mongols have black hair and brown eyes, although a certain number of Mongols, particularly the Oirat tribe in western Mongolia tend to exhibit lighter features such as fair skin, blue or green eyes, varying shades of brown hair, and sometimes even red or blonde hair. Magyar változat.

History forum

...Keraits were Turkic and originated from Turkic Kangli and Ghuzz and their language was Turkic. It was also said that an important Kirghiz (Kazakh! - A.) tribe bears the name of Kirai, which is equivalent to Kerait. As to their Mongol characteristics, Paul Ratchnevscky assumed that some Khitans were left behind and got assimiliated into the Keraits. Paul Ratchnevsky emphasized the amicableness between the Keraits and West Khitans as exemplified by the fact that Kerait's khan, Toghrul, had once sought refuge in Western Liao. Paul Ratchnevsky mentioned that the Keraits accepted Nestorian faith and that the grandfather and father of Toghrul had Latin names like Marghus (Markus) and Qurjaquz (Kyriakus).

A mongolok egyik étele a "booz" és egyik itala az "airag" (kumisz).

Ri fiai

Qinghai is located on the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Yellow River originates in southern part of the province, while the Yangtze and Mekong have their sources in the southwestern part. Qinghai is separated by the Riyue Mountain (Chinese: 日月山; pinyin: Rìyuè Shān; literally "Sun and moon mountain") into pastoral and agricultural zones in the west and east. (Mielőtt valaki belelovalná magát: A "rí" kiejtése "ü".)

Links ..még mongol

Thus the Manchu syllable am is expressed by the Chinese characters a-muh (8084, 7800), and the word Manchu is, in the imperial Manchu dictionary, spelt in the following manner: Ma (7467) -a (8084) gan (2834)-Man; -choo (1303) a (11767) chu; -Manchu.

Vox populi - a felhőharcosok

Latin, for instance, has many similarities with Sanskrit. Indeed, how couldn't we link words such as vox (voc-is), "voice" in Latin and vac in Sanskrit (also "voice" ; found in many other Indo-european languages, e.g. Tocharian vak/vek or Hittite huek), candor ("bright whiteness" in Latin ) and candra, "moon" in Sanskrit, ignis ("fire" in Latin) and agnis ("fire" in Sanskrit, Agni also being the god of fire - also ugnis in Lithuanian and ogon' in Russian, all meaning "fire"), Latin jugum (meaning "yoke", also derived from the same proto-indo-european word) and Sanskrit yugam, giving the word "yoga" (also in the ancient greek zugon, Tocharian yuk or Hittite yukan, among many examples), Latin nebula and Sanskrit nabhas (but also Hittite nepiš, German nebel and Russian nebo, for instance, meaning all either "cloud", "mist" or
Interestingly, the oldest mummies from the Tarim basin of Xinjiang (north-western China), among the 2,000 BCE Xiaohe people, were also all R1a1a (and with a few mtDNA lineages having matches in modern Europe, as far as Iceland and Great Britain) (source).

Even in Ugric languages, some words are clearly closer to the Indo-aryan language family than to the Iranic one (e.g. Hungarian tehén (cow) is closer to Sanskrit dhenu- (see Punjabi dhen) than to Avestan dainu (Vedic Sanskrit (earliest known Indo-aryan language) and Avestan (earliest known Iranic language) were still quite close from each others (it is said that these two languages were definitely closer than Italian and Spanish are to each others)).

Interestingly, Hungarian szekér (chariot) would be derived from an Indo-aryan *œaka-ra.)
Hungarian tei (milk) - Hindi dhai (actually dahi), Kashmiri dai (soured milk)

Kossuth - Csillagtűz?

the khoshut (kalmyk : Хошу-уд, khoshuud) are one of the four major tribes of the oirat people. originally, khoshuuds were one of the
- queen anu or lady anu (Ану хатан) was grand-daughter of ochirtu secen khan of khoshuud and the spouse of first sengge and then galdan. Originally, Khoshuuds were one of the Khorchin tribes.
Torguud pedig tűzmadár ?

History forum

The Naiman were based around the Orhun river. The Kerait were from the west. They were both thought to be ruled by Turks. Chinngiz was from the Borjigid clan of Mongols. Merkits, remaining Tatars and the clans already mentioined created a nation and Chingiz was chosen Khan (Khakhan or Hakan) in the Kurultai of 1206.
The Khoshuud, who were mainly the Uziyed ruled by Khasar's descendants, immigrate to the west Mongolia steppe and join the Oirad tribal alliance.
Khasar's descendants belong to Borjigin family, they were ever considered as the ruling tribe by other Oirads.
The Zangarian, a branch of the Choros, got the ruling power again after the Khoshuud immigrate to Huhnoor (today's Qinghai), they were defeated and slaughtered by the Manchus later.

Daur nyelven a "Hold = Szar". Halha: "hold=szaran "; the word гариг garig (or гарaг garag) meaning 'planet'


Mongol nevek: Budagad, Chinos, Jungar, Tsagaan 2 (the White Mongols)... bodo/bogdo: holy one, bagatur: brave, sechen: wise, bor: grey, gergei: wife, shira/shar: yellow, bek: chieftain, priest (from Turkish), gur kha: "universal emperor", khos/qos: pair, couple...

Kínai nyelvek - Nézzük a szótárt!

Star - Tuvában

копьё [kop'jo] n. spear
хем [khem] n. river
теве [teve] n. camel
слива [sliva] n. plum
карак [karak] n. eye
хол [khol] n. arm
диш [diš] n. tooth
тускай [tuskaj] a. separate
пар [par] n. tiger
алдын [aldyn] n., a. gold, golden
шериг [šerig] n. soldier
хам [kham] n. shaman
чылан [čylan] n. snake
чалгын [čalgyn] n. wing
куш [kuš] n. bird
хар [khar] n. age (literally 'snow'), year(s) (metaphorically, to ask one's age)
хаай [khaaj] n. 1. nose 2. beak 3. bill

Nehogy valakit megtévesszek:
A Huhnoor az nem a mesebeli Hunor változata, hanem feltehetően "hu=tűz" és 'noor=tó'.

Mint látjuk, Tuva felé a khol = kar, a görögöknél pedig kéri = kéz. Valahogy nekem a markát nyújtó KOLDUS jut eszembe..

A kar mellesleg szanszkrit szó, és KAR jelentésű. Tuva felé a khar = kor.



Two ethnic groups of the Yukagirs have one etymologically identical self-ethnonym, the Forest Yukagirs or Upper Kolyma Yukagirs name themself Odul (одул), the Tundra Yukagirs or the Lower Kolyma Yukagirs name themselves Vadul (вадул). The etymology of the name was not defined exactly, it can connect demonstrative pronouns and mean in Yukagir "local". G. Steller and S.P.Krasheninnikov wrote that Koryak and Itelmen name of Yukagirs "Edel meant wolf", but first this name corresponds to the self-name of Upper Kolyma Yukagirs, second the Chukchi word yatyol (ятъёл) that sounds like mentioned above name, means not "wolf", but "fox".


Csukcs: Az utazók leírásaikban többször említették a hawaii nyelvi kapcsolatot. "Kaukau = táplálék", vagy "pau = semmi" (Drechsel és Makuakäne 1982).
Az Amur középső folyásától a Japán tengerig Udihe csoportok élnek. 6 csoportjuk a Nagy-Ussurka mentén: bikin, khor, anyuy, khungari (ma GUR) és samarga.
Más csoportjaik a Kur és az Urmi folyók mentén laknak.

Körtáncok: hedje (eveni), heyro (dolgany), londol (yukagir)


Full Name (see definition): Khungari
Non-Roman Name: Хунгари
Khabarovskiy Kray

Az Amur másik oldalán - khungari nép az Ussuri és a Sungari folyók táján.


According to the Oroch of the Khungari River (NN. D. kunka, 1989) and the Negidal of Kalmin (SS. A. Gokhta, 1996),, people are allowed to speak of the giant only in the daytime. Otherwise, some misfortune may occur; for example, the weather may abruptly change for the worse or hunting and fishing may be unsuccessful. All my informants insisted that Kadzama, Kalgama, or Pal Nivkh was a huge being, around three to five meters in height. It has a pointed, wedge-shaped head. The Nanai of the village of Naikhin said that the giant had a hole on the crown of its head, something like an ever-oopen wound (NN. P. Bel'dy, 1995; M. Ch. Geiker, 1995).. The face is black. The body is covered with red, brown, grey, or black hair, or the giant wears clothes made of the pelt of animals living in the taiga (mmainly elk's pelt) and sharp-topped headgear. The Oroch of the Khungari (Gur) River believes hat its body air is meared ith the pine-ttar.

Sok-sok név
Khungari Russia populated place
Khungari Russia stream
Khungari Russia stream
Khungcheh Iran locality

Ahol a tigris jár

In 1930-1932, the tiger was distributed throughout Ussuri province and the middle Amur River region either as small groups or as individual animals that were isolated from each other. They inhabited several districts in South-Ussuri province, along the Iman River, the Bikin River, the Khor River, the Podkhorenok River (a right tributary of the Ussuri River), and along the Anyui River, the Khungari River, the Kur River, the Urmi River, the Bira River, the Bidzhan River (which are right and left tributaries of the Amur River), and along the Tyrma River (in the basin of the Bureya River).


Ishkashmi-English Vocabulary

ilmek (Zb.), the moon, see ma.
arman (Zb.) longing, desire, Prs.
ushtur (Zb.), a camel, see shtur.
azar (Zb.), card., a thousand. Prs. hazar.
cici, W. bap, the bosom (W. bap; S. tej; Sh. bash; Sg. ciji).
cangal, W. cungál, a claw, a tolan (W. cang; S. cangâl). Prs.
copan (Zb.), a shepard. Prs. (csoban - shepherd - juhász )
fri, W. baf, good; fri-ba, to the good man, 30 (Zb. feri; W. baf; S. carj; Sh. bashand; Yd. ghashe).
guzar, W. türt, a ford (W. türt; S. paug). Prs.
ghu, W. ghiu, a cow (Zb. ghui; W. cat ghü; S. cat zau; Sh. jao, stor; Sg. yao; Mj. yaoda; Yd. yowoh).
ghol, W. gháragh, the collar of a garment (W. gharagh; S. zerej).
ghar, a cave; ghar-ba, to the cave, 34. See ambi.
kai (Zb.), inter. pron., who? Cf. kudum .
kud, W. shac, a dog,(Zb. ked; W. shac; S., Sh. küd; Sg. kod; Mj. ghalb; Yd. galv).
kur, blind, a blind man, (plur.), (W. kur; S. kaur; Yd. yadhe). According to Shaw this is Turki.
kurni, W. shönd, raven (W. shönd; S. khern).
kaz, W. kard, crooked (W. kard; S cerd; Yd. cop; Prs. kaj). /kampós orrú kazár? kard szavunk?/
khush, W. khash, a mother-in-law (W. khash; S. khekh).
ma, W. mui or zümak, Yz. mast, the moon (Zb. ilmek; W. jumak; S. mâs; Sh. mest; Sg. dulmik; Mj. yomgha; Yd. moghoh).
punz, W. panz, Yz. pindz; card, five (Zb. punz; W. pânz; S., Sh. pinz; Sg. panz; Mj. panc; Yd. pansh; Yn. panj).
salla, W. salla, a turban (W. salla; S. dastur; Sg. latai). /szallag?/
sard, W. sür, cold (adj.); (W. sür; S. ish; Sh. shitagh; Yd. yâkh). Prs.
shu, 1, W. shu, black (W. shu; S. tar; Sh. ter; Sg. shoi; Mj. taravi; Yd. noroh). Cf. shu-dit.

shu, 2, it become, 33; it will become, 17, 18; (if) it become, it may become, 24, 34; go thou (impve.), 33; go ye (inpve.), 28; shui, wilt thou become? 29; shud, he went, 20, 21, 34; he or it became, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 20, 27, 28 (ter), 34, 36; shud-im, I became, 35; shud-an, they went, 2, 3; shuduk, she has become, 16 (Zb. shom, I go, I become, shuai, he goes, he becomes; shu, go, be (impve.); shud, he went, he became; S. set-ao, so-m, süt-am, sedhj; Sh. sit-ao, sao-am, sut- or sat-am, sudhj, to go, to become; Sg. shoh, to go; Yd. shuah, to become; Prs. shudan to go, to become).

shaitan (Zb.), the devil, Satan. Ar.
takht, a throne, 31 (bis). Prs.
tila (Zb.), gold (W. tillâ; S. tilla; Yd. tilla). Prs. (Tillya Tepe, Tillia Tepe or Tillā Tapa and طلا تپه in Persian)
tuwur, W. tipar, an axe, a hatchet (Zb. tewar; W. tipar; S. baldah). Prs. tabar.

var, W. bar, a door, 37; var, W. vic, outside; tsa var, from the door, from inside, 36 (Zb. war; W. bar; S. divir; Sh. dive; Mj. labra; Yd. luvor; Yn divar, a door; W. vic; S. vac; Sh. vaj, outside).

wrok, W. yash, a horse (Zb. verak; W. yash; S. vurj; Sh. vorj; Sg. vorak; Mj yasap; Yd. yasap). ? Av. aurvat(-aka), see § 17.
zanj, W. könd, a wife (Zb. kuc; W. könd; S. ghin; Sh. ghin, zin; Mj. zinga; Yd. uloh).

Ar. = Arabic Sg. = Sanglici
Av. = Avesta. Skr. =Sanskrit.
Ish. = Ishkasmi S. = Sarikoli
Mj. = Mujani. W. = Wakhi.
O. Prs. = Old Persian Yd. = Yüdgha.
Phl. = Pahlavi Yn. = Yaghnobi
Prs. = Persian Yz. = Yazghulami
R. = Roshani Zb. = Zebaki.
Sh. = Shugni

Tajik, masztaba?
ma, W. mui or zümak, Yz. mast, the moon (Zb. ilmek; W. jumak; S. mâs; Sh. mest; Sg. dulmik; Mj. yomgha; Yd. moghoh).


A "szláv" gén - Saul, Saul, mért üldözesz engem?

Indo-European lexicons, with the new revolutionary technology of the wheeled wagon, dated 3,500-3,250 BCEat numerous excavated sites. It isn't until more than a millennia later that wagon-chariots show up in China. The Beijing Chinese word for wheel is KuLu, which bares an interesting resemblance to a nearby Repin Centum derived Tocharian kokale.
Berezanskaja 1971 ), which were ethnic contributors in the multi-ethnic "vortex" of the Middle Dnieper ( eg. R1a1a1- M458 GAS > Czech " pýř " fire embers )

If the Sun's wheel became the Sun's chariot - Saulės Ratas became Sauryās Rathas. "Saule" is also a common traditional Kazakh & Central Asian ( Afghan, Kyrgyz, etc. ) female name. The meaning of the name is translated as sunlight, or Sun, just like the feminine East Baltic Saulė, which is also used for a female name.

To the West of the Middle Dnieper,  C-14 dates reflect an amalgamation of ERC Globular Amphora w/ TRB, or Funnel Beaker culture for near a millennium in Poland & Germany ( R1a1a-, M458 ), then along with other Corded Ware variants assimilated Erteboelle natives while on towards Scandinavia, as some GAC did earlier while expanding the flint-amber trade with the Narva of the Baltic region, and their Uralic neighbors. Some outlier GAC Centum speakers were assimilated by the pioneering Satem Balts moving North.

Baltic žambas / Estonian hammas ), as well as the use of chamotte ceramic admixture.

English wheel - Magyar kerék
Wallon: rove
Venetian: rua (roda, ruda)
Ukrán: koleszo
Török: tekerlek
Swahili: gurudumu
Svéd: hjul
Szerb: tocsak (hasonlít a "tadzsik=tocsik" szóra.)
Albán: rrota
Szlovén: kolo
Runa Simi: qalla
Portugál: roda
Német: raad
Norvég: hjul
Holland: wiel
Nahuatl: malacatl
Malagasy: kodiarana
Lett: ritenis
Litván: ratas
Latin: rota
Kurd: cserkhe ?
Kazakh: dengeleg (Jókai: koldug dengelegi?)
Gall: roth
Francia: roue
Finn: pyörá
Vask: gurpil
Bosnyák: tocsak

A kör
The word "circle" derives from the Greek, kirkos "a circle," from the base ker- which means to turn or bend.

Török: csember (chamberlain)
Tagalog: bilog (billog?)
Finn: ympyrä
Szomáli: wareeg
Sziciliai: circunfirenza
Német: kreis

A természetnek már csak ez a rendje: A Nap (Saul) üldözi a Holdat (Paul).
Eddig mindenki úgy mondta, hogy Tocsik isten (tajikistan) a "korona népe". Itt meg a "kerék népe" ? Vagy kerék isten


Talas, tal, dol, tallér, dollár
"talas" is a plural form of "tala": the basic unit of money in Western Samoa.

talash, search, /.
talwar, a sword, /.

Tal - Völgy
German : Tal, Thal, valley (from Middle High German tal, from Old High German) + Weg, way (from Middle High German wec, weg, from Old High German weg; see wegh- in Indo-European roots)

Tal = Rain (hebrew, babynology)

Tal Forbidden telugu etymology
Additional forms : Also tallaḍincu, ... Proto-Telugu : *tal-up-

talon, claw; wolf ... origin is Native American and English ... form of Tala
Talasi corn tassel flower ... of Native American-Hopi origin

*tel, *tal; through grammaticalization of the adverb *tel-é 'down, downwards'.

tal (Crimean Tatar) Noun "tal = willow"

Taps: Sanskrit tāla, literally, hand-clapping

Bottomless." [# 1- y?t 5^ftsf5^ ] N- of a "rrara or lower region, one of the 7 Pa-talas; being the first among them- : N. of Sora-CoHP.
Rasatala (Sanskrit) {from rasa taste + tala sphere, place}
Karnatak -1) The culture of South India (the text book specifically refers to the South Indian classical music tradition).

2) A classical music genre found in Southern India made up of ragas and rhythmic patterns (talas), influenced tremendously by improvisation. 3) Southern Indian classical music. /the melody (raga) and keeps the rhythm (tala). / Tala: Literally meaning "time".

Kurd szótár
zâr 1 زار mouth: zârim bû ba tala i taqîw I was left speechless; dam-u-~ دهم و زار mouth (Svéd nyelvben "tala=beszéd" // tala
I. v. to talk; II. n. story - 'O le ā lau tala?: What are you saying?; Samoan language, Tautalatala means too much talk. // tale talu ON tala Loan words

...Graves with niches and examples of artificial skull deformation are attested in a number of necropolises in Central Asia - near Tien-Shan and Pamir-Altaj in the Talas valley and in Khoresm. ..
Finnugor: talas (tal-o) scaffold (house, shed) tala < tålå
Forbidden: For tarna- 'let, allow, permit, st loose', etc. and tala-, daliya- ... /Tarna feltehetően jász. Fiatal./

Gyök - TÁL (1)
fn. tt. tál-at, harm. szr. ~a, kicsiny. tálacska v. tálka v. tálcza. Terebélyes karimáju, illetőleg tertyedt nyilásu, öblü evőedény, melynek szélessége aránylag nagyobb, mint magassága, s ebben különbözik a bogrács, fazék, csupor, bögre-féle edényektől. Arany-, ezüst-, czín-, porczelán-, cserép-, fatál.
Leveses, húsos, becsináltas tál. Kerek, hosszukás tál. Tálba nyúlni. Tálból kimerni, kiszedni az ételt. A kalánt elébb viszik a tálba, azután a szájba.
(Km.). Más tálában kanalazni. Az ,étel' szóval öszvetéve am. fogás vagy féle. Két tálétel, két fogás, két féle.
Valószinűnek tartjuk, hogy e szó a távolságra, terjedésre, tágasra vonatkozó ta gyökből származott. Ugyanezen fogalmi rokonság létezik a latin patet, patulus és patera, patina között. Mandsu nyelven taili. A persában Vullers szerént szintén tál (ami discus seu paropsis ex aere, argento, auro, simili) s megfelel neki a szanszkrit tála (palma manus).

Talasary - Pálmasor?

The name Talasari is derived from the two words Tala (ତାଳ) (meaning Palm) and Sari/Sarani (ସାରି/ସାରଣୀ) (meaning row). Talasari is one of the less exploited Orissa beaches. Geographically Talsari is situated between 21°35'48" Northern Latitude and 87°27'17" Eastern Longitude.


'Moepo'can also be broken down further into its fwo constitutive parts: 'moe' meaning "to sleep", or 'sleeping' and 'po' meaning 'night'.
When combined the words 'moe' and 'po' take on the images of (mother pigeons) protecting or 'standing guard' through not 'sleeping' through the 'night'.

tala- "to speak, tell", Tonga, Samoa

Swedish lesson: talar - speak(s)
Talar du engelska?
Do you speak English?
3 svéd korona = 1 samoan tala

talas- "sharpness" Tagalog.

Tala tree - pictures
Now known as palmyra palm. A tree whose leaves were used as a writing surface in ancient India and surrounding regions.

Potala - Holdterület?

The name of the large sacred Buddhist building complex is a derivation from Samskrit Potalaka which is the mythical mountain abode of Avalokitesvara, one of the Bodhisattvas (Buddhist saints). In this connection Lhasa is popularly referred to as Second Mount Potalaka.

The main portion of the Potala contains the White Palace and the Red Palace.


A ló balra fordítása . A ló balra fordítása elsosorban szintén gyeplovel történik, mégis kinti (szántóföldi) munkák alkalmával a gyeplohasználat mellett Bezdánban, Doroszlón, Szentmihályon, Debellácson, Fejértelepen és Magyarittabén a hozzád, feléd, magadhon, ide, ne ide, nejde kifejezések valamelyikével is biztatják az állatot.
A ló jobbra fordítása . A befogott lovakat általában gyeplovel irányítják. Ha azt akarják, hogy jobbra forduljanak, akkor a jobboldali gyeploszárat húzzák meg, ha viszont balra kell fordulni, akkor azt a szár balra húzásával adják a lovak tudtára. Szántáskor, vetéskor azonban igen sok helyen, így például Bezdánban, Kupuszinán, Doroszlón, Feketicsen, Temerinben, Majdányon, Feketetón, Csókán, Csernyén, Debellácson, Fejértemplomon és Maradékon a gyeploszár meghúzása mellett a tüled, tület névmási eredetű indulatszót is használják.
"Tala ne, türbe no" magában vagy valamely köznyelvi felszólítással párosítva az indítószó a bácskai Pacséron, Csantavéren, Topolyán és Felsohegyen.

Néhol a kisborjú neve "tala".


Tájszótár: Katlan kerek mély völgy


A korondiak többségükben hűek maradtak szülőföldjükhöz és az agyaghoz, amely sanyarú években, ínséges időkben kenyeret adott nekik. A XIX. század közepétől a korondi fazekasok termékei egész Erdélyben ismerté váltak. Az 1820-as úrbéri összeírás Korondon 50 fazakast jegyez ,ami azt jelenti, hogy csak a fazekassággal foglalkozók száma a többi falvakhoz viszonyítva magas volt Az1893-as jelentés már 145 fazakast tart nyilván, Küsmöd és Szolkomán 8-8-at, Etéden pedig 7-et.

A konyhaedények közül kevés a szláv nevű. Legfontosabb edényeink nevei: fazék, üst, tál, honfoglalás előttiek. A szláv réteget itt a katlan (kotel), kondér (kondér) és csésze (casa) alkotják.

Varga Csaba:
Elfajzottak: 'kotlik'=katlan

Az angol rokon: kettle | katlan [kis üst]

..rabló mongol nyilát..

A kalán ~ kanál evenki párhuzama, kalan 'üst, katlan, fazék, edény, (nagyobb öntöttvas) csésze', a barguzini nyelvjárásban 'edény, csésze', a nyorcsaiban 'doboz', ha a magyarban a kalán a régebbi alak, akkor hangsorban szinte tökéletes, csak a magyar hosszúságot kell megmagyarázni.

Üres katlan

A szanszkrit "kha", és az ógörög "kha" egyaránt "kerek vagy görbe forma által lehatárolt [üres] tér képzetére utal", akárcsak szinte minden olyan szavunk, ami a ka- ke- ko, ha- he- ho-, csa- cse- cso- gyökkel kezdődik.



Zea Mays angol nyelven és a magyar nyelvű, rövidített változat.

A kukorica hímvirágának rojtja a tassel. (rojt)
American Heritage Dictionary: tasˇsel = from Vulgar Latin *tassellus, blend of Latin tessella, small die. See tessellate, taxillus, diminutive of tālus, knucklebone, ankle.
Latin tessellātus, of small square stones, from tessella, small cube, diminutive of tessera, a square. See tessera.
tesˇserˇae (tĕs'ə-rē'): One of the small squares of stone or glass used in making mosaic patterns.

Alkoholic drink

The grains are also utilized in soups, porridge, drinks and pastries. In India, the Nagas use the grain for brewing a beer called zhu or dzu. A
Japanese variety called "Ma-Yuen" is brewed into a tea and an alcoholic beverage, and roasted seeds are made into a coffee-like drink.
In the Mexican grass teosinte (Zea mexicana or Zea mays ssp. mexicana), considered by many botanists to be the ancestor of modern corn, each grain
is enclosed in a tough shell (cupule) similar to Job's tears. The tiny "ear" of teosinte consists of a single row of six or more grains. Through selective
breeding over many thousands of years by native people, the outer shell encasing individual grains was gradually eliminated and the naked, many-grained
modern corn plant was produced. In the region where teosinte grows wild, the native people call it "madre de maíz" or "mother of corn."
(Katuic etymology. Pakoh: ʔǝpɔ:ŋ. Pakoh meaning: ear of corn, tassel of banana ...)

Lánynév - Talasia, Jamaica területén

Tal-tsu'ska': "Two-heads," from ta'li, two, and tsu'ska', plural of uska', (his) head. A Cherokee chief about the year 1800, known to

the whites as Doublehead.
Érdekes, Óceániában "tol=3". Az "uska" rokona az "uskok" szónak? Martalócok

The name Talasia or slight variations of Talasia are seen in the origins Hopi Meanings and Origins of the Name Talasia. Hopi Meanings of Talasia (Female)-

Corn tassel. A Hopi name that means "pollen."

Tal: Dew/Harmat, Hebrew
Tala: Stalking Wolf/Lopakodó farkas, Native American
Tale: Green/Zöld, Japanese, African
Talen: Claw/Karom, French
Talleen: Absorbed/leköt,elnyel, Hindu
Talya: Christmas Day/Karácsony, Russian
Tallis: Truth, Noble/Igaz,Nemes, Greek

Fej, koponya szavunk

Malay: kepala, hulu (Hold?)
Malayalam: thala
Maltese: ras (-ena?)
Egyptian Arabic: ras (rácz?)
Mandinka: kuŋo (kun?)
Maori: māhunga, māhuna, pane, uru

Ainu: sapa (erre kerül a sapka)
Belarusian: halavá
Czech: hlava
West Frisian: holle
Korean: meori (Az is elképzelhető, hogy a MAORI valaha MAH-URU volt..)
Kalmyk: tolgha
Telugu: tala
Tok Pisin: het
Old Prussian: gallū

Nincs értelme folytatni, mert valamilyen szempontból szinte mindet kiemelhetném..

Cranium - Koponya
Finnish: kallo (turk : fej)
Lao: Ká lá
Persian: kalle
Swedish: s-kalle
Turkmen: kelleçanak

Mint látjuk, az angoloknak több szava is megegyezik a finnel. Lehet, hogy finnugor helyett finnangol nyelvcsaládról kellene beszélni?
Na, de a turk is...

Pesti István 2013 január
