India 13

A szubkontinens környéke 6

Nyelvei (Languages)

A nyelvek anyja
Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and has played a vital role in the development of all Indian languages and in the preservation of our cultural heritage. No Indian language can flourish without the help of Sanskrit,"
Linguistic Survey of India in 2010, also, shockingly, found that 600 of these languages were dying. He added close to 250 languages in India had already died over the past 60 years.

Gujarati- English Learner’s Dictionary
Asur /\.sur/ <\.suu.r\> masc. . demon.
Akasa= /a.kaß/ neut. . sky.
Aag /ag/ fem. . fire.
Aa`lo /akhlo/ masc. . a bull.
Aaid /a.di/ adj. first.
Aa=ro /aß.ro/ masc. .shelter.
ut /u~?/ neut. . a camel.

India föbb nyelvei. India nyelveiböl legalább 200 kihalt napjainkra. According to the census 1961, India has around 1652 languages. A kihaló nyelvek 10 %-a Indiában található.
Az India északi részén beszélt balti nyelvböl már kevés -ismeretlen számú - egyed maradt meg. Native speakers: (379,000 in Pakistan (2016) Total users in all countries: 491,000. (including Purgi speakers) cited 1992–2001). Balti nyelvként a Khapalu körüli dialektust emlegetik. Baltistan a hunzák földje és Ladakh között fekszik. Másk irányokból Kina és Kashmir a határ. /Allam = flag. Aalam= world. Aalim = mester(vallási). Alta = now, just now. Apo = old man, grandfather. Aakaas = sky, space, heavens. Ahl = people. Ablaq = picbald./
lu=sheep (Afrikában marha a lu). Kalham = shoe. Kátse = sock. Kha = mouth (A vár szája pedig a kapu).

Chu =water. Old Saxon: watar. OHG : wazzar. Old Norse: vatn. Gothic: wato. Germanic *wat- (cognate wet).
Turkic: su. Azerbajani: suvarmaq. Catalan: regar. Malay: siram. Abház: äzö. Afar: lee. Bihari: pani. Baszk: ur. Dan: vand. Friuli: aghe. Tok Pisin: wara.

A "hidden" language has been documented in an isolated hill tribe in a northeastern Indian region considered a "black hole" in the study of languages, linguists announced today.

Maguri Motapung Beel (also known as Maguri Motapung Bill, Maguri Bill and Maguri Beel) is a wetland and lake located near to Dibru-Saikhowa National Park. Floating in the Maguri-Motapung beel (or wetland) in Assam’s Tinsukia district for over a week is the spectacular and rare Mandarin duck. First spotted on February 8 by Madhab Gogoi, a Tinsukia-based birder and tour guide, the duck has since become the star of the wetland

Ärják: Nem az én álláspontom, de elég kimerítöen ír a témáról.
A Rgveda foglalkozik legkorábban az árjákkal (arya - holdör). Szerinte van IE nyelv. Megemlíti itt a "Yava=árpa" szót, de nem látom a többit: ecsemicsen, jau, gari stb.. "Ideally, an “Aryan” archaeological site would include the remnants of horses and chariots, horse furnishings, a Ved. ritual site with (three) fire places nearby, (preferably west of a river).
Az árja expanzió (out of India) épp olyan helytelen, mint az "out of Africa". Az árják be- majd kivándoroltak India területé-re(röl).


It can be divided primarily into 5 regions:
1). North Gujarat 2). Kutch 3). Saurashtra 4). Central Gujarat 5). South Gujarat.

Gujarat is derived from Gurjar/Gujar, the name of the people who are believed to have settled there in the middle of the 5th century C.E. According to Vincent Arthur Smith (p. 303), Gurjars were “foreign immigrants,” closely associated with, and possibly allied in blood to, the White Huns.

Fehér hun video magyarul.1
Fehér hun video magyarul.2
A hunzák tündérkertje video magyarul
Fehér hun video magyarul.3
Fehér hunok vagy heftaliták
Fisher úr megfejtette, mitöl voltak a hunok fehérek és feketék. Megjegyzem: nép nem vész el, csak nevet cserél. Itt Etele népe a sötét hun s a honfoglaló törökök a fehér hunok.

Selti Falia is a Village in Kaprada Taluka in Valsad District of Gujarat State . nn

Annadurai Variankavalramasamy: Egyptian words and Tamil cartouche has the composition- !a -'a- the- sa- and the meaning of the word is pathu !aappu !ayiru - the rope that protects? paathu !aapu- protection? !ayiru- rope.

Gujarati is a very old language that is based on the Indo-Aryan languages. (De örökölt az arab és a perzsa nyelvekböl is.) It is one of the official languages of India, spoken by over 55 million people.

Régi gujarati nyelv
judü = different, separated (juda?). Medan= plain (rokon a maidan és a megye). Makan= house, building.

Gujarat nyelvei
The volume will be released by Gujarat governor O P Kohli on Wednesday. The 902 page volume identified 50 languages including 24 spoken in tribal regions, 11 of nomadic communities and five from the coastal region. Gujarat is among six states in the country that have over 40 languages.
Egyik ilyen nyelv a "kathali". A szó a marathi nyelvben bádogedényt jelent. Két föbb nyelve van Gujaratnak: A kutchi (spoken primarily in Kutch, closely related to Sindhi) és a Kathiyawari-Gujarati-Bhili (spoken in the rest of the Gujarat state). Beszélt nyelvek még: Zalawadi (near surendrangar) Mehani (In North Gujarat) Surati ( in Surat and south Gujarat mostly), Urdu, Sindhi, Marathi, Marwari, de India összes nyelve elöfordul a vidéken. Kb 50 nyelven beszélnek Gujar területén, bár 30 nyelv eltünt az utóbbi félszáz év alatt. Kihalás szélén álló nyelvek: These include languages of the coastal belt like Mangeli and Karwa, tribal languages like Dungri Bhili, Nayki, Kathodi, Kathali and Talaviya Rathod as well as the Sidi language. A bhil és rathwa közösségek vallásos képeiken, ceremóniájuk során imádkoznak (pooja). Mangali / Mankali A corruption of “Bengali”. A crude way to refer to ethnic Indians. Mangali / Mankali A corruption of “Bengali”. A crude way to refer to ethnic Indians. Mangeli, a dialect of Marathi with a Gujarati influence.
Kotla? Katha lán?


Huri Rokona az aramaic "hawar" vagy a greek "phalos"?
Middle English "hore" (prostitute, harlot). Old Norse "hora" (adulterness) /Hegyi lány?/, Danish "hore", Dutch "hoer" OHG "huora" (whore).
Harag Verb "harar I" means to be hot, burned or charred. Verb "hara" means to burn or ignite (in the Bible solely in an emotional way: to get angry). Verb "hawar" means to be or grow white (like ash or baked bricks). Nouns "hur" and "huray" refer to any white stuff. Ben Hur pedig a Hur gyermeke. A legnagyobb hur az átló. Félidöben.

Kathali szószedet
Per Idugadu = pyramid (per=big, Idugadu=cemetery). Pasali = passion (pasam=love). Baaram = bear. Allam = all. Thiri = three. Kirya = Create. Orai = hour (óra). Pulam = plot (land). Peru = birth. Vaai = vagina (vágott rész). Nakham = nail. Thuvaram = door. Sharam = shelter (sátor). Payyan = boy (poya, poika). En = ego. Chakkaram = circle. Sindhu = sea. Heck = kokku (crane, great, tall). Thar = tartar. Nila = luna (Indiában "kék"). Ay-a-laan = alien.

The range of musical instruments utilized in Gujarati folk music includes turi, manjira, ektaro, jantar, zanz pot drum, prabhati, dhol and ravan hattho.
Tánc: Garba is usually performed by the females in a circular formation. It is performed with reverence of the feminine form of the divinity.

Southern Gujarat gene
The phylogenetic analysis revealed 13 paternal lineages, of which six haplogroups: C5, H1a*, H2, J2, R1a1* and R2 accounted for a major portion of the Y chromosome diversity. Sok a H apa és az M anya. Mint a cigányainknál. Az R1a "szláv" génböl (Kasler királyai) az R1a1 y Hg a zsidó és cigány honfitársaink 30 %-ában megtalálható.


Sri Lanka. Egy másik utazóval.
Korean also has a suspiciously large vocabulary in common with Tamil. Tamil szó a koreaiban: "uraam = trágya". Amma és appa mindkét nyelvben anya és apa. 10 (ten) Korean: to, Tamil: pa-to. A "saram" mindkét nyelven "feleség". Haj az koreai: "moudi", tamil: "mudi". Korean: "pal=teeth", tamil: ippal. Come: Korean "va", tamil "va". Edge, border: Korean "ka", tamil "karai". Joint, lap: mindkét nyelven "madi". Mouth: mindkét nyelvben "akari". Cow-dung: Korean "ssa", tamil "sa:ni". Full: mindkét nyelen "hana". Red: Korean "say/si", tamil "sey/si" (Távol-Keleten a si általában szin jelentésü). Big, great: Korean "khuna", tamil "khana". Rod, pole: Korean "kari", tamil "khari". Town, village: Korean "wur", tamil "wur".

moon = hañd. mountain = kanda. river = gañga. stars = tarü. rain = vaessa. snow = hima. hundred = siyaya. million = miliyanaya. tiger = kotiyä.

Pesti István 2021 október

India és környéke 3