Az iberek földjén. 4.

A baszkok

ar, "male"; AROI to C. -ari, suffix indicating agent; (IE aryo-, "lord, commander, *honorable man" {Old Indian a:ryaka, "honorable man"}); (cf. Egyptian ir(i)i, "keeper"); cf. Sumerian ari, "man". Online dict. english-basque.

Crucially, it is not clear that Martín has been able to establish any regular sound correspondences between Basque and Dogon. The two pairs of “similar” words presented in the media reports—bede / bide ‘way’ and beri / bero ‘hot’— do not allow to infer any such sound correspondences.
Berber: Tovar only found up to 7% of similitude with Berber, very little, but pointed out how similar Basque sentence structure was to other languages.
From the Iron Age (900-200 BC) there are fortified settlements reminiscent of Celtic Iron Age culture, indicating a movement of Indo-Europeans into the Basque country during this age. The 2nd century B.C. saw the Roman invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, and the roman general Pompey founded Pompeiopolis (Pamplona), the first city in the Basque Country, in Navarre about 75 B.C. There are no records of fighting between Romans and Basques. The relationship appears to have been good, as witnessed by the presence of several early Latin derived words in Euskara. Otherwise there are few signs of Romanization. The Romans seem to have had little interest in colonizing the area, which is probably why Basque language is so well conserved. Basques fought alongside General Pompey in the Sertorian war, 87-72 B.C., which is when the Vascones (Basques) are first mentioned in Roman records. Érdekességnek szimbólumok.
Víznevek - szabályos viz-ár. Szinte ár-víz.
Another example is the old river name Isar
Isar > Isar (Bavaria)
Isar > Isere (river) (France)
Isar > Oise (river) (France)
Isar > Yzeron (river) (Rhone)
Isar > Jizera (Czech Republic)
Isar > Aire (Yorkshire)
Isar > Yser (Belgium)
Isar > Ézaro (Spain)
Isar > Ésera (Spain)
Isar > Iseran (Savoy)
Isar > Esaro (Italy)
Isar-ko > Eisack (Italy)
Isar-na > Isieres (Belgium)
Isar-ellum > Izarillo (Spain)

Ősi eredetű lehet még a "haran" (valley) szó is, ami megmaradt a Val d'Aran névben, ami talán Aranyos erdei völgy jelentésű lehet magyar vagy indiai interpretációban. Baszk: "arrano=sas". eye = begi. mirror = ispilu. month = hil. peace = bake. Der Spiegel: Ich spiel ein, Ich spiel ein, Ich spiel einen Rosenkranz... Tükör= Papiamentu: spil. Dutch: spiegel. Waray-Waray: espiho. Xhosa: isipili. Ladin: spidl.
Seljuq terület A lélek, szellem szó számos nyelvben SZÉL. German: Seele. Finnish: sielu. Georgian: suli. Skandinav: sjel. Gót: saiwala. Vajon az "espiritu" kapcsolódik a "pír=szent" szóhoz? Levantou-se de lá e veio dizendo: Ushpiri, ishpiri, ishpiri. Hunza Ishpiri Haarep.
Iber= in transfer, across, over:
Basque Country, which is called País Vasco in Spanish. Vasco A "baszk" lehet "együtt, szárny, pásztor.." jelentésű nyelvektől függően.

French pays and the Spanish País, both meaning nation. ? The French term pays is not used in the modern sense of "country" but preserves the original meaning of the Latin word from which it was derived, pagus, which designated the territory controlled by a medieval count.
Finnugor pajzs: A régi olasz pavese (‘páviai pajzs’) északolasz paves formájából lett a v kiesésével, paes > pais > paizs > pajzs fejlődéssel. Ország/Country: Romansch: pajais; Sicilian: paisi; Friulian: pais. Italian: paese. Iberia minden nyelvén: pais; Norman: pays; Maltese: pajjiż; Uab Meto: pah. (pa-pa? Pat-ria?); Hebrew: m'diná. [Gk. pais, paidos: child (see paje)]. A pais nem rokona a skót Paisley városnévnek, ami a közép-ír "baslec" (bazilika) szóból származtatott. A pajzs szót általában a "pagan=vidék" szóból származtatják levezetés nélkül. The English surname Paine, Payne, etc., appears by old records to be from Latin paganus, but whether in the sense "villager," "rustic," or "heathen" is disputed. Ófrancia "pais=béke".

Ha Baszkföldön bemész egy vendéglőbe ugyanazt eszed, mintha Szegeden vagy Kolozsvárott lennél. Bármilyen irányba nézel csodálatos, meglepő hasonlatosságot veszel észre. (…) Legendájuk kígyóját megtalálod a mátészalkai szekerek díszítésénél, háromszínű zászlójuk piros-fehér-zöld. A baszk zene pentatonikus, mint a magyar, egyik népi táncukat Székelyföldön, mint csűrdöngölő ropják.
Noha idézem Tóth Gyulát, azért nem vagyunk azonos platformon. Ő feltehetően rokonokat keres, én pedig a tanítók lábnyomát.

Kami - Ainu
None of the Ainu words were exactly the same as in Basque, but many were extremely close such as ikoro and koro (money), kokor and gogor (to scold), tasum and eritasun (illness), iska and xiska (to steal). A surprise was the Ainu word "nok" (testicle) which is much like the Basque word "noka" (familiarity with women). In English slang the same word is used in "to knock up" meaning "to cause a woman to become pregnant." In Indonesian nok means "unmarried young woman," while dénok means "slender, elegant woman." In Dutch slang the word is slightly altered to neuk (sexual intercourse). There is little doubt that the word goes way back to the Neolithic or even Paleolithic. From the following comparisons it seems clear to me that Ainu and Basque are genetically related. In comparing Ainu with Dravidian, I did not find such a relationship, although Dravidian itself is obviously also related to Basque. Two separate branches of the same tree? (Vajon az AINU megfelel a Kataluña vagy a Tarracune szónak?)

Basque: zaparrada
Sevillai Isidor értesít bennünket, hogy Pannonia neve az Apennin hegységből jön. Umbria neve pedig a latin "imbros" vagy a görög "ombros". Nehogy elfogultak legyenek, hát lett belőle "umbros", amelyek zápor jelentésűek. Latin "ebrius = drunk/részeg,italos". Az ókori Imbros sziget ma Embros, Leszbosz környékén. Old French viz, from Latin vitis (“vine”).
Már Varro is említ spanyolokat, ugyanis ez a szó volt használva a keltiber népre is.

Konda nyelven is a víz az úr. Pontosabban "árvíz=ur-da. (Basque: "ur=water".)
rod - Virgács vagy fasces?
Aromanian: veargä; Basque: haga;
Faágak - vesszőnyaláb pár nyelven. Faggot in Spanish: haz de leña. Vesszőnyaláb.

Hull a szilva..
Oppidi nomen arabice significat munitum, alii auctores tamen dicunt nomen ortum esse e linguis Iberica vel Vasconica, quod significet "in silva".
Greek: Doric (Sicilian) σιδέα f. ‘a pomegranate tree’. Though the term σίλβ (or σίλβη) f. ‘pomegranate’ is not quoted in preserved texts of the Ancient Greek literature, strong reflexes of it are attested in some dialects of Modern Greek (see below, 2.5.3.). Also the derivative form σίλβια · σίδια (Hsch., σ-635) ‘pomegranate peels’ should be taken into account.

26 mtDNA samples were taken from people who lived in farming communities at the western edge of Anatolia in circa 6300 BC. The results don't differ at all from mtDNA results of Europe's first farmers in Central Europe and Spain from 5500-5000 BC.
U3, U8b, H5, W1c'i, and X2a-o are minor lineages shared between Neolithic Anatolians and Central Europeans.

Vaclav Blazek Lexica Dene-Caucasica
Basq bekho "face, forehead". Bekhoz bekho = face to face.
Baszk férfi nevek: Aitor= father/ apa. ESTEBE, crown. IZAR, star. ZIGOR, punisher. Szigorú magyarul. Érdekességnek - Deutsch: Siegbert: zig-bert, zigor (whip) bertan (right there): "Whip right there!" IE nyelvek: zigor (staff, rod, stick). Sehol sem osztják Zi-Gor formában: Gorbacsov, gorbacsov édes egykomám, dolgozz csak fürgén mint a múlt év tavaszán.

Basque is not more related to Sino-Tibetan (either Mandarin or Burmese) than English is.
bask "seed=hazi" - Chinese "haizi=child" {háj-cü}.

- l’absence de /f/ à date ancienne (d’où l’évolution f > h du castillan et du gascon par effet de substrat: latin filiu "fils" > espagnol hijo, gascon hilh "id." (analog: "poya > boy"; "chalad > család"..). izar "étoile" d’un absurde Siriu-za (de l’étoile Sirius (sic)). Jó lesz az Tiz-ar-nak is! Ci-tiz-en? Csak magyarul értők kedvéért: A "Hold" és a "gyermek" szavak között számos nyelvben korreláció tapasztalható.


“there are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantes and Indians” (See IX ii The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199)
hun 17.p.
Az angol ill, magyar hal-ni ? Basque "h" may correspond to an older velar plosive, such as in (h) arri «stone», (h)il «to die»

Venom. From roman *beden < beren < venen (cp. aragonese bereno "id.".).
Veneno. Del romance *beden < beren < venen (cp. aragonés bereno "id.".).
Venin. Du roman *beden < beren < venen (cp. aragonais bereno "id."). Méreg?

Churra, Murcia (Spain)
BERENMGENA: (Planta) Albarchina, merengena
BERRO: (Planta) Berraza
Churra (girl) is a mostly isolating language with some fusional elements, and a heavy dependence on word order to illustrate many grammatical concepts, including tense. It has an exceptionally large consonant inventory, with many fricatives, but very few vowels. It is spoken in a small coastal region of the planet Ysla, by the Chasrae, an alien species of "crab-taurs" (crustaceans with an upper torso similar to a human) with a tri-sexual reproductive system.

Churra Murra is a village panchayat located in the Gonda district of Uttar-Pradesh state,India.
Chura is the Ryukyuan word for “beautiful”
Chulym, spoken in Russia, is one of the smallest and most endangered languages native to Siberia. It has fewer than 25 speakers, all elderly. Chulym is a Turkic language, but not closely related to Turkish. The Chulym people, who call themselves and their language Ös, are traditional hunter-gatherers and fishermen. They live in small rural villages deep in central Siberia.
Swahili, frog/toad: chura. Kurare?

The Greeks referred to the eastern half of the Peninsula as Iberia, a term related to the Ebro (< IBERUS) River. Centuries later the Romans gave the name Hispania, thought to be Phoenician in origin and presumed to mean 'land of rabbits', to the entire Peninsula. The everyday Latin spoken by the Roman legionnaires, merchants, and colonizers, known to us as 'popular' or 'spoken' or 'vulgar' Latin, was especially graphic: and so, for example, casa originally meant 'hut' or 'cabin', caballus was an 'old nag'; and the diminutive vetulu meant 'little old man', cultellu, 'small knife', auricula, 'tiny ear'. On a more abstract level, and as a consequence of Roman Catholic preaching, Hispanic Latin received such terms as ángel, diablo, iglesia, cementerio, palabra, talento, pagano, most of these terms ultimately of Greek origin.

Estremaura [eht?ema'u?a]; Portuguese: Estremadura) is an autonomous community of western Spain whose capital city is Mérida. The government of Extremadura is called Gobierno de Extremadura. The only language that is officially recognized is Spanish (whose local dialects are collectively called Castúo), but other languages are also spoken.
A Fala, a Galician-Portuguese language, is a specially protected language and is spoken in the valley of Jálama.
The Extremaduran language. It is related to Leonese and is severely endangered. It is taught neither publicly nor privately.

Hi-span "he dog" Avesta. (Pedig azt hittem, a kutyafejű vezetők a gótokkal érkeztek először a félszigetre.)

Szefárd szafari

Fáradt vándor: Arabic "safara = travel". Ha a "far=messze", akkor az "afar=nem messze" ?
From Middle English fare, from the merger of Old English fær ‎ (journey, road), a neuter, + faru> ‎(journey, companions, baggage), feminine, from Proto-Germanic *farą, *farō ‎ (journey, fare), from Proto-Indo-European *por- ‎(going, passage; poros).
Old English feor, from Proto-Germanic *ferro. Cognate with Middle Low German vere, Dutch ver, and German fern. (transz-fer = kapun átvivő?)

Not all Jews who left Spain in 1492 went to the Ottoman Empire. Some went to Morocco, where a Judeo-Spanish variety called Hakitia still survives, although barely.

The name "Haketia" derived from the Arabic ħaka حكى, "tell",[2] and is therefore pronounced with aspirated [h],[clarification needed] reflecting the Arabic āʾ ح. (h -  como "ח" hebrea o “ح” árabe (חכם). El sonido es parecido a la "jota" castellana, pero el aire pasa a través de la parte profunda de la laringe. )
Maori nyelven: "Hajfonat = e hikitia o te makawe". 'shock of hair' .

Spanish has many words that start with the silient "H" that historically have begun with "F": compare hongo to its root fungus, hacer to its root facere, or Spanish hablar to Portuguese falar. Gomba= Hongo < Fungu. Hablatyol, beszél = hablar < falar.
Dzhidi is the literary form of the various Judao-Persian languages, most of which, like the surrounding Persian dialects, are of limited mutual intelligibility. Tomertalk 15:33, 27 January 2006 (UTC)
Cigánykártya - Szefárdok. Látók?
El nombre "Ladino" es una variante de "Latin". La alingua es tambien yamada "Djudeo Espanyol", "Sefaradi", "Djidio" o "Djudio", "Djudezmo", i ansina simplemente "Espanyol", "Espaniolit", "Espanyolit", "Spaniolit" (komo en lashon) o "Espanyoliko muestro". Ansina, en el Nord de Afrika, Hakitía (ke puedeser ke seya del biervo Arabo haka ???, "kontar/dizir") kere dizir el dialekto de los sefardim ke moraban en el Magreb, espesyalmente en Marroko. Year/év/anno: 'Anyada Buena' (A good year) anyo +? -ada (compare Italian annata). Kínai név: Lfee Anyada.
Malay Language : anyam-anyaman. (hasár > kosár.; wiklina > vekni. Vajon itt is "fa-sar" volt a hasar?)
... cid anyad abhi-dadh asi, tatra prabhavis. n. ... Ériu - Journal of the School of Irish Language
Anya (sanskrit): other, another, strange, extraordinary
Látókhoz: Ladi-no, ladin, latin, lato-wic, Lato-polis... Pal-ladino viszont nem látó, hanem ajtóhoz, templomhoz (palla > falla?) kapcsolódhat, vagy kék látó.

New genetic evidence supports isolation and drift in the Ladin communities of the South Tyrolean Alps but not an ancient origin in the Middle East
Afro-Latino connection
FASC < VASK < VISK ? Bundle of twigs. Kínai: fá-xi-si {fásiszü}= fascist. Vessző, FA-gally: fagot, fasci. Latin "fasci" a bundle, bandlikázott (kötegelt, pántlikázott) vékony fanyaláb, vesszőnyaláb. A nyaláb közepében a rómaiaknál egy bárd volt. A TÖRvény szolgája, a lic-TOR hordozta. Lice=megenged? Twig: Belarusian: haliná. Ukrainian: hílka. Spanish: vara. Mintha a medjaj népnél is meglenne már ez a szimbólum..
Virgács, bot, pálca= Slovene: palica. Romanian: nuia. Latin: virga. Greek: vérga. Russian: prut. French: bäton. Irish: bata. Hebrew: makél. Basque: makila.
Pálca= Tuvaluan: "pulú=blue". Mandarin: "lán=blue". Serbo-Croatian: "plav, modar=blue". A kék a gálic színe

Pashto: šín, asmâní = blue
Gálic: fémtartalmú szulfát, rezet, vasat vagy cinket tartalmazó. a rézszulfát (bordói lé) kék, a vasszulfát zöld színű. Rézgálic: Hétköznapi elnevezései: réz-szulfát, kékkő, rézgálic, kékgálic. Kék színű kristályokat alkot, innét ered a kékkő elnevezés.

A' magyaroknak uradalmaik: mind a' régi, mind a' mostani üdőkben. szerző: András Dugonics
Galicia (Halicia) fővárosában, Galic-ban 3 hercegünket is megkoronázták.
Gács - a-gács ? for-gács ?
Kékvirágú hortenzia
Galic v. Halic neve orosz/ukrán nyelvből "csóka", ami magyarul (szlovákul?) egyesek szerint "gács", mint gácsér..
Az Aranyszarv-öböl török neve is Halics. Aranyszarv
Az öböl felett található a Gal-ata híd. Nem a galaxis után.. (gála, “milk”).
Kősó: 19.Century: from New Latin halites; see halo-, -ite2
Vietnam: gác =to guard; to watch (gömb, kerék?) (pronounced [??´k] = zsök)

Lengyel gatya: gac
Szerb-horvát eredetű szavunk: gaće (‘parasztgatya, alsónadrág’). Tótfalusi etim. szótára.
GENERAL: ж., гати́ть (gatyity) "прокладывать вязанками хвороста (дорогу)", укр. гат (gat) -- то же, гати́ти, др.-русск. гать (gaty) "agger", сербохорв. га̑т (gát) "дамба, запруда", словен. gȃt м. (gát) -- то же, чеш. hat ж. "гать", (gaty) польск. gać ж. "кустарник, хворост", в.-луж. hat м., н.-луж. gat "пруд".

Achaglachgach (pronounced Awkh-a-glawkh-gawkh) is simply Gaelic for the agricultural field (achadh) of the small valley (glach - genitive of glac) of the sheep (gach - genitive of gac "herd of sheep").

Surp Khach Monastery (Armenian: ????? ??? ????, meaning Monastery of the Holy Cross) is a medieval Armenian monastery located on the Crimean The word “khachkar” is formed by two Armenian words: “khach” (cross) and "kar" (stone).
Kaukázus nyelvei:
Cross = kach (Karachay-Balkar), gach, hach (Crimean Tatar)

Gulf Arabic (????? Khaliji local pronunciation: [??'li?d?i] or ?????? ???????? el-lahja el-Khalijiyya local pronunciation: [el'l?hd?? l??'li?d??j.j?]) is a variety of the Arabic language spoken in Eastern Arabia around the coasts of the Persian Gulf in Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, eastern Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran and northern Oman. These dialects are mutually intelligible. Arabic "gati=nyáj=herd"
Dravida-Baszk hasonlók
Dravida - English - Hungarian Basque - English - Hungarian
khala = thief= tolvaj kaldar = thief = tolvaj
adu (S.Dr) = age = kor adin = age = kor
tura-i = stream, ond = patak iturri = source of water =forrása a víznek
kai (Tulu) = hand = kéz uka = hand = kéz
begu (Ka) = to spy = kémkedni behatu = to observe = megfigyelni
ura = wife = feleség urruxa = female = nő

On the other hand Basque *naguśi ‘boss, chief’, etc. looks very Semitic: cf. Ge’ez niguś, Amharic nigus ‘king, emperor’; Hebrew nogeś ‘taskmaster, oppressor’, etc.
Hispán? hittite: "Night" -S-P-N-Z- ispanz, , nekuz -S-K- "Éjszaka" (consonant similar.)

Arab voda
There's no doubt about the Arabic root of guad+al (wad+al = valley of) as is also found in Guadalajara and Guadalquivir. However, in Maghrebian usage, "wadi" does mean river /Ház > Het. illetve Bűz > Büd. Viz > Wad./. The Arabic word for "river" is "naher".

The LAB word is more precisely defined as "haz o´ pila de len~a para hacer carbo´n / meule de bois qu'on transforme en charbon." The connection with funeral practices (cf. Dargi *celt:a 'tombstone') is given by Tovar (1961): "[Iberian] <> on several tombstones corresponds very well to the Basque seldor ... as the Iberians burned their dead." Cf. Bsq *sendo-rŻ: These words have apparently contaminated or merged. Relationship to Oss. cyrt / cirt 'tombstone'. Akusha: celda=sírkő.

Gruz rokon (Basque and Georgian)
Esteban de Garibay (born 1525) found evidence for this claim in similarities between place names in northern Spain and in Armenia, e.g. Mount Ararat (in modern Turkey) = Aralar, the mountain range in Gipuzkoa and Navarra. He also links the Basque Mount Gorbeia to an Armenian peak ‘Gordeya’.

Vándorokból etnikum - ladin
A svájci Fekkerchilbi egy vallási hagyományokban gyökerező, az itthoni búcsúkhoz hasonló ünnepség, vásári forgatag (Fekker [Fecker]: a vándorlókra használt kifejezés; Chilbi: a „búcsú” Svájcban használt megnevezése).
A „jenisch” a német szakirodalomban a szlengre (zsargonra, tolvajnyelvre) használt rotwelsch egyik rokon értelmű kifejezése (eredeti jelentése: „himpellérek zagyva beszéde”, „ravaszok nyelve”). A „rotwelsch” leginkább a perifériára szorult, kirekesztett, vándorló életmódú csoportok beszédét jelölte; e tényre pedig már a 13. században is találunk írott forrásokat.

Spanyol zsidók - ladino (szefárd)
A ladino nyelv (ladino, sefardí, djudeo-espanyol vagy djudezmo, zsidóspanyol) egy középkorban elszakadt, régies kasztíliai spanyol nyelvváltozat, amely a Spanyolországból kiűzött zsidó családok ajkán máig fennmaradt.
A ladino szó eredete a latin latinus, „latin” (nem tévesztendő össze a ladinnal, amely a rétoromán nyelv egyik változata). A ladino gyakorlatilag a kasztíliai spanyol középkori kiejtését őrző változata, így például megmaradtak azok a prepalatális réshangok és zár-réshangok (magyar s, zs, dzs), amelyek a mai spanyolban már nincsenek meg, ennek megfelelően a mujer szó ejtése „muzser” és nem „mucher”, a spanyol ejemplo helyett enshemplo használatos, stb. /Boka=száj/

Spanyol vagy kasztíliai?
A Kasztília (óspanyolul Castiella, spanyolul Castilla) név már 800-tól dokumentált, és a latin CASTELLA "Várak földje", s nem "Kaszt(h)ellas" névre vezethető vissza, amelyet a terület a keresztény visszahódító hadjáratok, a Reconquista során az arabok ellen emelt számos erődítményéről kapott. Bár régebben sem szűkölködtek várakban. A "Ka-Stella, Kas-Tell-a" pedig említve sincs sehol.
A magyar spanyol alak valószínűleg egy olyan északolasz dialektusból származik, amelyben az s-t magyarosan, vagyis [s]-nek ejtették.

Some of the place-names in southern Spain appear to have a Semitic origin. Indeed, some linguists have suggested that the name “Iberia” itself may be related to the Hebrew word “iber,” “to cross over,” the root of the word “ivri”—Hebrew. A költők gyakran emlegették Hispániát
Iberiának illetve Hesperia néven. Iráni nyelvekből a "Hesp=Horse/Ló". Tűz őrei (ish-pan, hes-tia) vagy égi lovasok (hesp-an)? Lásd még Ishpalis > Hispális (Sevilla).

The existence in Hispania of a very large number of place-names with the -briga ending has been used for several decades in reconstructing the languages spoken in pre-Roman times in the Iberian Peninsula. Nemeto-briga, Lako-briga, Lango-briga, Tala-briga.. Kelta helynevek.

Spading up ancient words
Basques, Cari, and Scyths. The Basques, those people of unknown origin, now are concentrated in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain. At one time they left a much wider impact on Europe. Basque is a form of the Latin Vasco, and we can see at once that the famous explorer, Vasco da Gama, was a Basque. The French province north of the Pyrenees on the Atlantic shore is called Gascogne or Guascogne, and is of course named after the Basques. We can also see the name in the Biscayan or Viscayan Gulf on the Atlantic side of France and Spain. We can trace the Basques to the east. The mountain chain which separates France and Germany is called the Vosges, the Mountains of the Basques. In the oldest German records, Walther's Song, this barrier is called the Wasgen Wald, or the Forest of the Basques (Wadler, 1948, p.48-42).

Karkar (the name of terrain in Armenia) - Karkar (famous place – name in Baskonia).
River Araks in Armenia and River Araks in the Basque Country
Aran (the name of terrain in Armenia) - Aran (popular place-name in Baskonia)

Kelta kapcsolat
A "bask, vask" szó jelentése nyelvenként változik. Láttam már "együtt, víz, szárny.." jelentéstartalommal is.
A striking example of the connexion of the Celtic languages with those of Africa occurs in the region where the respective Physiological peculiarities of North Africa and Negro-land meet. In the vicinity of the river Senegal the line of separation may be said to divide the Iolofs, a Negro nation, from the Fulahs and Phellatahs, whose physical characteristics are of an intermediate nature. Now it is remarkable, that by comparing and as it were uniting the dialects of the Iolofs, the Fulahs, and the Phellatahs, some of the most common Welsh words are obtained essentially unchanged, as in Le oure, “The Moon,” (Fulahs,) Gour, and Gourgne, “A Man,” (Iolofs,) Gourko, “A Man,” (Phellatahs,) Loho, “The Hand,” (Iolofs,) Bourou, “Bread,” (Iolofs,) Bouron, “Bread,” (Fulahs.)
“An Arrow.” Istoa (Basque), Ios Oistos (Greek.)
“Morning.” Bora (Welsh), Biar (Basque.)
Ora (Basque), Ouhor (Egyptian.)
“Earth.” Erria (Basque), Erde (German), A.r.ts (Hebrew.)
A rokontalan baszk nép szavaiból is találunk minden földrészen. Ergo vagy nagyon ősi maradvány, vagy vándornép volt a baszk is.

Excavation was begun in locations such as Numantia, particularly the Iron Age burial grounds located in the Upper Tagus, Upper Jalón and Upper Douro Rivers that, according to written sources, were the nucleus of Celtiberia (Lorrio 1997a: 16-18).
His evidence to support this theory was the geographic distribution of the toponyms ending in -briga, which were later absorbed into Iberian cultures.
The Belgae were the last Celtic group to arrive in the Peninsula around 570 BC, pre-dating the first La Tene culture objects, which were the result of trade relations. The Belgae settled in the northern Meseta and in the Ebro River Valley, bringing with them elements that would give rise to the so-called "Post-Hallstatt Culture".

Numantia Iron Age burial

lepontic inscriptions: PALA means 'stone tumulus'
A great applause, LeBrok, for his great knowledge of lepontic, in which he does not know the meaning of the word, PALA, a funerary monument, (a grave stone), that you can see recorded over 15 times and a special applause when he considers VXAMA, USSAMA and U.S.A.M.A as different realisations, when they are the same: today Osma, not Oxma; and in which he is incapable to distinguish the phonetic evolution, admitted by all the authors: ps > ks > ss > s, and whose last evolutionary step is observed in Cantabrian and callaecian VSEIS (< *upseis).
Toledo: Tumulus a TOMB, TOLA is. Tol > Dol > Moon. Dol means Holi in Bengali. Poornima means Full Moon. Holi was celebrated by all Aryans but more so in the Eastern part of India. DAL means "Moon" in Korean. Welsh: bach a dolen - (n.) hook and eye. angladdol - (adj.) funeral, funereal. Dal (dala) is always used for holding with the hand. Érdekességként a skandináv és az iber megalit sírok irányultsága nagy hasonlóságot mutat. (WEST IBERIAN megalitikus sírok És a "Hold SEASON mutató" C. Clausen ). Az ibériai kelta kocsis temetkezésnél is feltűnik a hakenkreutz (Numantia - Soria).

Romani: A few words, like pal (originally brother), chav (originally 'Romanichal boy', cognate with Chavo in Romani proper), lollipop (originally 'candy apple') have entered common English usage.
Baal: In Arabic, "Paul" is phonetically translated to Bulus, in the Bible or Boulos, from the English name Paul.
Roger D. Woodard: Palaic was once spoken language of the land of Palä, generally afgreed to have been located to the northwest of Hittite territory across the Halys River.
Hebrew The parent root pal has the meaning “fall”.
Kota: Old Kannada *päl changed to häl(u) in Middle and Modern Kannada.
Pale is an enclosed area. Például polis, pal-ank (to enclose with pales;fence.). Palli: indiai templom. A "kapu" is társítva van a "palla" szóval.
Paleo - old, ancient. Régi, mint a regolith.

Arthur James Johnes
Eriggy (tájszavunk: menj). Thus we have Juan, “To go,” Er-uan, “To cause to go,” (Basque.)
“A Father.” Aita (Basque,) Atta (Gothic), p. 52, Eiöth (Egyptian)
“To Go.” Gan (Basque), Gang (Lowland Scotch), Gehen (German.)
A Nap néhány nevéből: Or, “Day,” Ar-pi, “The Sun,” (Armenian.) /A Nap "Árpi" keletről jön./

"Kémény, Chimney" - Borrowing from Old French cheminee, from Latin caminus, from Ancient Greek káminos, "kemence"). Lásd még: Bengali: cimni. Mongolian: kamin züüh. Japan: kemuridashi.
Khem, A God of “The Sun,” (Egypt.)
K au m-et, “The Sun,” K au m-ei, “The Moon,” (Greenland.)
C'h.m.n.-ee.n, “Sun Images,” (Hebrew.)
C'h.m, “Hot, Heat,” (Hebrew.)

Fir-fi/ Fei-er: Aifi, “Fire,” (Sumbava,) Fi (Japan), and Fei (Siam), “Fire,” Epee, “Fire,” (Katabans, North America,) Peez Pioe, “Fire,” (Moxians, South America,) /Itt a "peez" is "tűz", mint a tollar./

KIKUW "ura" (= to rain) => BASQUE "uri" (= rain) ;
18. KIKUW "igulra" (= to fear) => BASQUE "ikara" (= fear) ;
BASQUE "egin" (= to do) => KABYLE "eg" (=to do);
BASQUE "sakan" (= gorge, canyon: = szakadékban folyó víz) => KABYLE "(a-)saka" (= ford, gully)

Following his countryman van Eys, C. C. Uhlenbeck (1903: 57) explains the Basque word for "moon", ilargi, etc. as composed of (h)il and argi - an explanation which he later (in his "Corrections", Uhlenbeck 1923:7) questions again when turning to the old etymology "light of the dead". Bengtson (1991: 99) lists "Basque: hil-hila 'moon, month', hil-(argi) 'moon, moonlight' ...", and compares it to Burushaski hal- "moon" and Sino-Tibetan forms (and even gives other, extra-Dene-Caucasian matchings by others). Argi (Basque) Noun =light.

Krisztus előtt: It should be mentioned that the Cantabrian Wars were partly fought in the Western Basque Country, in areas of the Autrigones and Caristii tribes.

A similar example is Basque *guti ‘few, a little’ ~ Berber: Ghadames iktu ‘few’, Zayan kettin ‘to be small, short’, etc.17 Again the Basque word has good Dene-Caucasian cognates (e.g. Lezgi güt’ü ‘narrow’, Dargi Kaitag kut’i-l ‘short’),18 and similar words are widespread in “Borean” (e.g. Dravidian *gud- ‘small’: TOB).
eye: Basque: begi; Akushi: huli. (Mégsem sajtból van a Hold.. Heka > Beka)

La Tene
One can safely say that the La Tene Celts were located in central Europe in a band stretching from eastern France across to approximately present-day south-west Poland. Onomastic evidence helps in determining this, for instance the names of the river Rhine ( < Celtic *re:nos < IE *reinos, Schmidt 1986: 206) and Isar and names of regions like Bohemia (Böhmen, the area of the Boii, the wood-dwellers, Chadwick 1971: 52; Krahe 1954: 123) are Celtic in origin. Not all the hitherto accepted Celtic origins for place names can be upheld, however. Vennemann (1994: 275) sees Isar, for instance, as Old European (his own, not Krahe’s, which he takes to be pre-Indo-European, agglutinative in structure and hence identifiable vis a vis the later subgroups of Indo-European) with Is-. This he sees as cognate with Basque stem iz- ‘water’.

Cigányok - a szerző sokat fejlődött írásából
The Basque Gypsies, a particular community that keeps a Romany dialect that is more complete than common Caló, although mixed with some Euskara terminology; it is called Errumantxela or Arromnichela - a curious parallelism with British Gypsies: Caló/Arromnichela and Kale/Romanichal. The Calon are the Portuguese Gypsies, a community socially more emarginated than their Spanish counterpart.
The Calé Roma have been almost surely the first Gypsies that arrived in the Americas; the Spanish rulers used to send to the colonies the people they did not want in Spain, and it is documented that several Roma were part of the crew that sailed with Columbus and the other conquest and colonization trips that followed.
Mint ismert, a vlax cigányok között szép számmal akad X mtDNA-s származású, ami kissé eltérően az amerikai őslakosságétól, több Amerikába bevándorló csoportnál is fellelhető. (Lincoln anyja..)

Bask-Niger etimológusok - árok.
The Basque word arroil "ditch, narrow mountain passage", arrugia, "drainage ditch, water conduit, canal" (compare arrugia "canal, passage in a gold-mine" quoted by Pliny Ibid) is related to Niger-Congo gia, gwia "water", Yoruba ogi "water", Igbo igi "water, spring", Akwa aya "river", Bowili koya "river", Adjuku midji "water", Malinke dji "water", Mende yia "water", etc. /Az Áruc 7 (7-es csatorna) pedig egy héber hírportál. Arutz./
Basque hilargi "moon", Niger-Congo kia "to become bright", Ewe ke "to become day", Tschi k'e "to become visible", Animere etje "day" + la, da "day", [+ argi "light" (Trask 1997 : 312)]. The word is used of the moon and stars.
Basque biotz "heart", Niger-Congo bi "female breast", Nupe ebe "breast", Eafeng ebi "breast", Akurura ebi "breast", Mossi bihli "female breast", bisum "milk", Barba bei "female breast", Kissi bir "female breast", Kussassi bisim "milk". For the suffix see Westermann (1927 : 109, 184, 6 and 7 -t, -s)

Halál: hilerri or ilherri ‘cemetery’ (from hil ‘dead,(holt)’ + herri ‘inhabited place’). For example, hil ‘dead’ plus herri ‘inhabited place’ can yield either hilerri or ilherri ‘cemetery’, but never *hilherri.
*bide ‘road’; *gali ‘wheat’; *begi ‘eye’;
Examples: common ile ‘hair’, igel ‘frog’, (h)iri ‘town’, regional B ule, ugel, uri. The reason is unknown.
A handful of items, including hiri ‘town’ and hegi ‘hill’, are consistent exceptions to this rule.
hegaz egin ‘fly’, from hegaz ‘on wing’ (from hega ‘wing’). Lat. regem ‘king’ > errege; *iz ‘water’ > ur; izerdi ‘sweat’; ****{izotz ‘frost, ice’.
The Romance diphthongs /ie/ and /ue/ are usually borrowed as /e/, as in leku ‘place’, from some Romance development of Lat. locum of the approximate form *lueco.
But not all verbs exhibit it: for example, etorri ‘come’ forms nator ‘I’m coming’ and dator ‘s/he’s coming’.
Halánték: adegi (B) n. ‘temple’ (of the head) (anat.). 1653. Probably from *ada-egi, + -egi NFS ‘place’ (see {h}egi) (M. 1961a: 338 fn. 18).
Hab habuin (**), haboin (L){n. ‘foam, froth’ Aul.} (Görög=afrósz; Gruz: kapi;)
Oldal: alde (** Z), halde (old LN), alte (R), álthe (Z) n. ‘side’. /Alterego. A hald megáld?/

river names Sil river - Testvére Pakisztánban látható.
Prehistoric burial caves are relatively common in northern and western Iberia. However, very few physical anthropology studies–like that described here–have been conducted. In terms of the number of burials, this would seem to be the largest prehistoric site in the northwest of thePeninsula. The remains found here have been dated at between 1800 and 1600 BC. Iber folyók még Uruomea, Urola, Egi.. (Ur=víz?)
Karthago előtt. Térképteleturva. Megjegyzem továbbá, hogy a lóábrázolás nagyon elterjedt volt a Kr előtti időkben is. Dísztárgyak, dombormű, érem..

At the beginning of the fourth century BC, a series of changes came about that have been attributed to a process of Celticization whose origins should be sought in the Celtiberian zone. These changes were as follows: an increase in fortified settlements, many of them built following new designs and on a much bigger scale than before; an expansion of the ritual of cremation and cemeteries with weapons; and lastly, innovations in material culture such as the widespread use of iron metallurgy and the first ceramics made on a potter's wheel. This archaeological group has been named Cogotas II and also "Culture of the Verracos (boars)" owing to the discovery of characteristic crude zoomorphic sculptures made out of granite, an abundant material throughout the mountainous areas of this region (Álvarez-Sanchís 1994, 1999: 215-294; López Monteagudo 1989).

A wealth of sculptural evidence is also available, such as in the monument from Osuna (Sevilla tartomány keleti részén) or the stelae from the lower Ebro, not to mention many bronze warrior figurines found in sanctuaries in Andalusia and Murcia.
In the course of time, the thureos did not completely replace the aspis in the Greek world, but it became the standard weapon of the peltasts, a dualpurpose infantry capable of fighting both in close or skirmish order, that slowly changed their crescent-shaped or round peltai for oval shields (Snodgrass, 1967: 123). In fact, the term thureophoroi became a common name for the Hellenistic mercenaries usually armed with that shield, as shown by sources (cf. Polybius 10.29.6) the 3rd to 2nd c. BC.
Therefore, we should probably agree that the Iberian thureos can be put in relationship with the Carthaginian presence in Iberia and particularly with the massive recruitment for the Hannibalic Italian project.

Idegenek - vizigótok
He assumed the existence of a “gothic” or “visigothic” culture of which archaeologists Changes in funerary rituals can be detected in the Vth and VIth centuries with the apparition of furnished burials in a "germanic style". These burials are also associated with a very pronounced sexual differentiation, with women buried under the so-called “danubian mode”, characterized by the presence of two pair of fibulae on the shoulders to hold the peplum5.
As a conclusion, we stress that, far from some approaches (BARROSO CABRERA et alii, 2008; BROGIOLO and CHAVARRÍA ARNAU, 2008; VALENTI, 2009), we don´t have a doubt about the arrival of a “foreign” population to the Iberian Peninsula; that is to say, Visigoths DID came into the Peninsula. However, this does not imply the necessity of a different “material culture” that we, archaeologists, can differentiate.

Napjainkban a Kata lányok területe a legfejlettebb. Szívesen elszakadnának Madridtól... KALTRINA: Albanian name meaning "blue girl".

Ana Ruiz: Medina Mayrit: The Origins of Madrid. Zamora (Tha-Mora) a portugál határ közelében fekszik. A rómaiak feltételezhetően Ocelum Duri néven ismerték. A 6. sz.-ban a vizigótok a Semure nevet használták.
Görög Mantua, római Miacum, vizigót Matrice az araboknál Mayrit,a spanyoloknál Madrid.

Pesti István 2016 május

Ibérek 1.rész