Afrika 22


Az ember származása és az istenek eredete.
Ancient Egyptian mnw => Min, a phallic deity. Ci-ambo -> mna. Hadiyya manna => people. Iraqw ameni => woman. Avestan *manus => man. Apiaca moni => boy. A szerző szerint nem a Moon (Mah, Min, Mene, Mino..) a szó gyökere, hanem a *ni (nő?) [spirit, soul, person] az origo. Oscan niir => man. Ekoi ni => man. Sussu ni => soul.
Wolof "Twr =protecting god, totem". Egyptian "ntr = God" (unseen fructifying agent) (Coptic noute). GOD: In Bantu this term is rendered G-udu, G-ulu, K-ulu, (n)K-ale, K-ule, P-ala/H-ala, Z-ulu, Z-eru, Bw-ena, Mw-ene.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *?a?-
Meaning: rain
Semitic: *za?(?)-
Mogogodo (Yaaku): s??? 'rain' <*?V?-

Etym. - Kút, falcon, gubernador (West-Rif etymology, Gábor Takács)

Gollango hōr- “wärmen” (Dullay: AMS 1980, 162, 202)
PRift *hō-t “to dwell, live at, in” [KM 143]. Bed. hāy “sein, existieren”, hāy “lebendig” [Rn. 1895, 132].
● WRift *had “1. to pass, proceed, 2. accompany”, hence: *had-a “accompanying”,
Angas kalüŋ “hawk (Hs. širna)” [Flk. 1915, 207], Mushere k^leŋ “hawk” [Dkl. 1997 MS] = keleŋ “hawk” [Jng. 1999 MS, 7], WCh.: Angas-Sura *k
l ŋ < *kalaŋ ~ *keleŋ ~ *kiliŋ (?) [reg. > *k-l--n] “falcon, hawk” [GT 2004, 171].
● WRift *af-a “sticks of the roof construction of a house”.
● WRift *gawa “peak” [KM 37] = PRift *gawa “above” [GT]: the same is the case with this stem, erroneously equated by KM with ECu. *gub- “mountain” [Sasse 1979, 15].

Koptok Kaphtor szomszédságából
A török-szláv tompa ȉ-t kiejteni nem biró európaiak kopt-nak ejtik a régi k'ípt, vagy a-kípt (görögösített aigyptios)-ok maradványa nevét. A kip a hollandoknál csirke, szárnyas, tyúk jelentésű. KEEP: From Middle English kepen (“to keep, guard, look after, watch”). A keep is a type of fortified tower built within castles during the Middle Ages by European nobility. Sent-inel/Őr: Proto-Gondi : *iR- Meaning : to put, place; to keep. Adilabad Gondi : ir- "to keep".( [Proto-Indo-European *sent- =to walk, travel. A szent ment..:-)] Sententia: Etymology = L. “judgment, maxim” (bírói ítélet. Sent-io?)
Kép, ami őriz
Telugu: "käpari=guard". Heket, a béka istennő őrizte az életet a haláltól elválasztó kaput.
Masseiana: The sun under a light cloud was called "the great god within the tamarisk, asru." The olive-tree [glyphs] beq, represents the brightness of the Dawn. The word beq signifies bright, clear, shining; beqa or beka is the Dawn. The god called Kher beqa-f, "who is under his olive," already in the earliest monuments, was supposed by M. de Rouge to be Osiris, and by M. Lefebure to be Thoth. One of these speaks of the Dawn as knowing one's interior, [glyphs]. (Cf. the name of the door-keeper of the Hall of Maat, Todt., 125, 61, and Max Muller, Science of Language, II, p. 564, 7th Ed.)

Boka szavunhoz a turk, tagalog a hasonló. (Min Nan: kha-bak)
Izület feljebb a lábon: Afro-Asiatic: Omotic: Dime boq =knee, Bako bo?a, Basketo buka, Oyde bunke. Chadic: Fyer fuN ‘knee,’ Bura unji knee. [A térd néhány nyelven: Azeri: diz. Southern Altai: tize. Tatar: tez. Uyghur: tiz.]


In fact, the word t'ej is essentially the Amharic word for wine. If you want grape wine in Ethiopia, you ask for wayn t'ej, where wayn is the word for grape. But if you just want a glass of "wine," you ask for t'ej. Using the Cushitic "daad'ii" as the root word for "t'ej," this could be another possible evolutionary path: [ daad'ii <> *d'agay? > t'ajji > t'ej.] The name "tej" refers to an Ethiopian wine made with honey, water and gesho. Sometimes you'll see it referred to as "ye'mar tej," where "mar" is the Ethiopian word for "honey" and "ye" is a preposition that means "with" or "of." Thus "ye'mar tej" is "Ethiopian honey wine made with honey." Tej {tey} = Milk in hungarian lang. Honey=méz.
Dairy (tejgazdaság, tejcsarnok) Origin 1250–1300, (Middle English daierie and other forms), from dey (“dairymaid”) + -ery.
Toda : pow "one variety of dairy (viz. all those belonging to the ti grade, the conical dairies, and a few others of high sanctity)"
Additional forms : Also Kota vayv Toda ti dairy; karpoy pen and cowshed attached (i. e. milking place; see 1385; is the second member poy or oy?);
Etymology: from ????? or turos, an irregular form of Ancient Greek tyros , "cheese".
According to the etymological dictionary the word ‘milk’ in the Hungarian language is an Iranian loan-word, and comes from the ancient Iranic verb ‘dhayati’, which means ‘sucking’. Hmong: "dej=water". ("hli=moon, hnub=sun"). (Tipra: tai, tui 'water'). A "dairy-maid" Shakespeare korában "day-woman" volt. Anglia délnyugati megyéiben ma is használt a "dey-house" szó a "dairy" helyett. A "dey" szóval hozzák kapcsolatba a "la-dy" szót is. A "dey-house" Skóciában is ismert a "milk-house" helyett. (John Jamieson). (dey, an old word for milk, Chaucer kora. Edward Smedley etym.) A dayka pedig a medence szlávjainak "dojka=mell" szavából származhat. Ancient Greek teikhos, “mound, fortification”, Old Armenian dez, “pile, heap”).

Shabo: wa:d'i “dew, wet”; szinte voda, water Soc.
viz > vaz > vat > vad > vadi


A bangime nyelvet Mali déli részén beszélik 7 dogon faluban Bandiagara közelében. Titkos nyelv megrongálva. Ellenben Blench szójegyzékét láthatjuk: [angol/francia/bagime=magyar] fire/feu/pyre/byre=tűz. Water/eau/vye=víz. Roof/toit/tana=tető. Granary/grenier/pangara=magtár. Horn/corne/sira=szarv. Snake/serpent/kerneke=kígyó. Vulture/vautour/kondo kun=keselyű (kondor?). Sickle/faucille/komo=sarló (qamar?). Hat/chapeau/bambara=kalap, sapka. Stool/tabouret/kun= szék,sámli. Three/trois/taro= három. Ten/dix/kure= tíz. Left/á gauche/bara= bal. North/nord/sajo= észak.

The Bangime /ˌbæŋɡiˈmeɪ/ (bàŋɡí–m ɛ̀) language, or in full Bàŋgɛ́rí-mɛ̀,[3] is spoken by some 1,500 ethnic Dogon in seven villages in southern Mali, who call themselves the bàŋɡá–ndɛ̀ ('hidden people').

jamboree > jam = gyerek (dogon nyelv). Máshol lármás ünnepség a jamboree.
táráá = hide; (Máshol "kapu, hold, csillag"). sííbíe = szem; kóó = house; (cigány kóta).

Tel-e-mark hősei
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *yVrah- ~ *har- (?)
Meaning: be wet
Semitic: *yVrVh-
Central Chadic: *(H)yar- 'urine'
Low East Cushitic: *har-
The West of England Journal of Science and Literature, 1. kötet (Berber):
Maksaw = shepherd; Milot = birth; Basar = tribe; Mandjar = seat,throne; Irag,Iraj = come out;
Proto-Semitic: *tall-/*till-
Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'hill'
Akkadian: tilu
Ugaritic: tl
Hebrew: tel
Syrian Aramaic: tell-
Arabic: tall-

For example, the word dömin 'because' has a shortened variant don, typically pronounced with a round mid vowel even though shortened mid vowels usually neutralize to [a]; the plural of tuda 'hill' is tiiddai, a frame that should normally admit variation with * tíddai.
taru 'fishing net'
(sun) taru '(they) gathered'
taro 'gathering'

My God
A napot mint égitestet, az Egyiptomiak - Ra-nak (ejtsd rá, vagy ré), és - itn-nek (ejtsd: iten) nevezték. Thoth majom alakban a következő neveken szerepel az egyiptomi Halottaskönyvben: Asten, Isten, Astes, és Isdes. A Halottaskönyv 17-ik részében Astennu a Hold.

Recently on a visit to his native land, Prof. Athanasius Ayuk was received at the entrance of the village by the highest secret society of the Manyu people, the Ekpe (a secret society for men and a traditional governing body in any village in Manyu).

Qwadza čibi-liko "bird's nest =madár fészek"

Somali Etymology
The all-important ritual word for slaughter, GOWRAC, clearly indicates the sun god was as old as the language itself. GOWRAC literally meant ‘cut for RAC’. The Oromo word for the same ritual was GORA’ with a Hamzah substituted for the more difficult to pronounce C (’). RA was the only god Somali shared with other Eastern Cushitic branch with the exception of Waq which it also shares with the Oromo.

Austronesian - Kemetic simil.
FEJ, CSÚCS "head,top": tep (kmt), atop (cebuano), tibbo (batak)
MADÁR, SÓLYOM "bird,falcon": beneg (kmt), banog (cebuano)
JÓ, JÓL "good,right": maa (kmt), maayo (cebuano). "day": heru (kmt), hari (indonesian)
NAP "sun": ra (kmt), araw (tagalog), ra (maori)
HÁZ Kégli dal: Western Chadic *kag- 'house (with clay walls)' [Cage=kalitka].
Berber: thimes "fire", thizi "collar". Tamil: fire=ti. Manding: fire=ta. Woman: tamil asa, mandinka musa. [A berber etimológia feltehetően visszamegy a "Hold=Tiz" szóra.] Afyah (Moroccan for ‘fire’ but MSA/Levantine for ‘health’).

The (t) of feminine phenomenon This phenomenon is very ancient, for example in old Egyptian: ‘imment’ = right and west; in Accadian: ‘belt-um’ = woman, in Phoenician: baalat = woman, in old Arabic: allat = goddess. Sometimes in Tamazight slangs there are 2 (t)s, the first one is to identify the feminine, and the second one is the mark of the feminine: One (t) as a precedent: tmatuth = woman, tziri = moon. One (t) as a suffix: ‘addunit’ = the present life, ‘ajjanat’ = the sky. [Az ég ug-anda nyelvén eggulu.]
Libyan: ‘ighellid’ = king › ‘ighellidn’ = kings.
‘arrabbi’= O my God! This is an appeal and vocative formula. In Arabic: ‘Ya Rabi’.
Tamazight verb past: isswä = he drank; present continuous: ‘ar-yessä’ = he is drinking now; confirmed future = ‘ad-yessü’ = he will drink; imperative verb = ‘ssü’ or ‘ssä’ = drink.

A kőkor nyelve
Tuareg (sg Targui)
Babel und Bibel 3. Szerkesztette: Leonid Kogan
tirig, pl. tirga, m. "month", f. "moon" (Hudson 1964) = teríg & terík c., pl. tírga, m. "Monat", f.Mond... Chadic: (W) Sura tár; Bokkos túré; Karakáre taré; Guruntum tarri; Tera tera; Wandala tirre;

In Hot Pursuit of Language in Prehistory - John D. Bengtson
C’úhuuna. A worm.
Dakka: "ashes=buda"; Male: "k'u:ri=bark"; Male: "gobi=belly"; Wolaita: "gita=big"; Basketo: "kafa=bird"; Dorze: "k'ep'e=bird"; Yemsa: "kap=bird"; Basketo: "hayk'=die"; "usk=drink"; Kafa: "kendo=ear"; "mogo=earth"; Ubamer: "silla=feather"; Ometo *kep- “wing” (but Ometo *k'ep- “feather”).


Swahili-English Dictionary Vannak ismerősek?
afya = health. bega = shoulder. chupa = bottle(s). chura = frog. giza = darkness. goti = knee. hali = state. hekalu = temple. ibada = worship. joka = serpent (Máshol folyó. A "n-yoka" szóból?). kichwa = head.
madini = metal. mosi = first (első gyermek?). mundu = sickle. nabii = prophet. siri = secret. unga = flour.

Sol-o-Mon utódai:
The founder of Ethiopia (or Abyssinia) and the founder of the Imperial dynasty are held to be Menelik I, son of Solomon, King of Israel, and of Makeda, the Queen of Sheba.
Although what is known as Agew Midir (land of the Agews) is located in modern day Gojjam, the Agew are known to have occupied a much wider area in earlier times, and been a major ethnic group in the Empire.
Ethiopia - The cross.
Symbol of Aksum on coins of the beginning of the fourth century A.D. The symbol consists of a disc, symbolizing the empire (of Aksum) and a crescent symbolizing the state. Together the symbol would mean: The State of Aksum. Red for the sun and white for the moon seems likely. 100 évvel később odaért a keresztény hit. As the Aksumite dynasty continued, the depiction of the crown grew simpler; the oval elements were reduced to three, and an arcade-less version appears, sometimes with a cross in the centre. Presumably the crown was at least partially made of metal, perhaps gold, or silver like the `X-Group' crowns noted above.

tollak helyett bábfigurák a fejdíszen > Bes God Fiesta
He is also strange because–as in the image above–he can appear multiply in a single image; he is often portrayed nude (as Ihy does) and even ithyphallic (as Min), which few other male Egyptian deities do; he is always portrayed as a dwarf; Swastika buziknak

Swahili dict
chupa n. jar; bottle. Csupor, korsó, palack.
chunga v. keep; watch (animals). Máshol 10.
gari Pl: magari. n. car; vehicle. Kocsi, jármű
kilima Pl: vilima. n. hill. Halom
kisu Pl: visu. n. knife (knives). Kés
madini n. metal. fém
mbegu n. seed. mag
mkunga n. eel. angolna
nyanya n. grandmother. nagymama
nyoka n. snake. kígyó
siri n. secret. titok
ugali n. maize meal. kukorica étel

Similarly, European travelers and missionaries had a similar experience with the term Abyssinia. When Portuguese missionaries arrived in the interior of what is present-day Ethiopia in the early 16th century CE, they took the altered word Abesha (without the letter "H" beginning) which is used by Amharic speakers and subsequently Latinized it to 'Abassia', 'Abassinos', 'Abessina' and finally into 'Abyssina'. This Abyssinia term was widely used as a geographic expression for centuries, even though it was a term not used by the local inhabitants. Amharic "tärräqq" nailed, fastened with nails. Mäddänä: to civilize.

Comparative Dictionary of Ge'ez. szerző: Wolf Leslau
Bahra malh = Dead Sea. Indián mala=halott?
Mareb = tűz. Mardud = Bőrtáska. Maraga = ragaszt. Qabar = temetés, sír. Qabaro = sakál. Qazafa = evező.

Tiya - etióp világörökség
Tiya is among the most important of the roughly 160 archaeological sites discovered so far in the Soddo region, south of Addis Ababa. The site contains 36 monuments, including 32 carved stelae covered with symbols, most of which are difficult to decipher. Nehéz megfejteni, mit jelenthet a köveken a 2 toll vagy a repülő madár sziluettje. Video.


The Nguni peoples (the Zulus, Xhosa, Matabele, Swazis) had been gradually moving southwards with their herds for over one thousand years, eventually reaching the region of the White Umfolozi River. Zulu (heaven).

four -ne = négy
bird intaka =madár
snake inyoka =kígyó
blood igazi =vér
eye iliso =szem
sun ilanga = Nap
moon inyanga = Hold
sky izulu = ég
100 likhulu = száz

Hungana, Hungo nép Közép-Afrikában. Bizonyára az Onogundor törzs nevét értették félre. Megtollasodtak: The Hungana are a small, matrilineal tribe in western Congo. They have a deep-rooted ancestor cult and manufacture ancestor figures that are placed in special shrines. Besides these, only small relief works made of ivory or bone are known from the Hungana people, who use these objects in healing ceremonies.

Kopjások földje: Afrikaans koppie, from Dutch kopje, literally: a little head, from kop head; see kop. Dutch word kopje, plural kopjes. Hasonló formáció a Mogotes. Mogotes are generally isolated steep-sided residual hills, which are composed of either limestone, marble, or dolomite and surrounded by nearly flat alluvial plains. These hills typically have a rounded, tower-like form.


Minoan Signs: An African Decipherment. szerző: GJK Campbell-Dunn
A "si-" prefix plural jel. "Na=cow" és Si-Na=cows.
Az itáliai "sella kurulis" királyi szék lenne a *"kuru" után. Ngombe "Kumu".

Dzimba in older versions of Hita can be a word for building, specifically one used for trade or communal meetings. And maoe is a corruption of imbaoi meaning 'of stone'. Some eytmologists have suggested that Simbaoe is infact a portmanteau of these two words, and in fact means 'Gathering Hall of Stone'. However despite there being little evidence to support this theory it has gained acceptance and is now taught as fact in the national curriculum. [Hetaira pedig ógörög női társaság hasonló a japán gésához.]

The crosses are believed to have originated as a more convinient form of payment of the yearly tribute from the Uhali tribe to the Hita tribe, instead of the usual tools and livestock. It is believed the earliest examples were cast of copper due to the relative value of the metal for use in early tools, but soon were cast in iron when they became used as actual currency instead of a symbolic offering which was then used for tools.

Lost Israeli Tribes
1) Beta Israel/Falasha- Ethiopia
3)Tutsi- Rwanda
4) Rusape- Zimbabwe
5)Lemba- South Africa
6) Sefwi Wiawso- Ghana
7) Ashanti- Ghana Ga- Ghana
9) Ewe- Ghana
10) B’nai Ephraim(sons of Ephraim)- Yoruba, Nigeria
11) Lam-Lam- Timbuktu
12) Katsena- Nigeria
13)Zafin Ibrahim- Malagasy Republic
14)Ibo- Nigeria

The Kurya people known as the Abakurya live astride the Kenyan-Tanzanian border and in South Nyanza on the Kenyan side. They are divided into clans (ibiaro) which some researchers refer to as sub-tribes, but they are not real sub-tribes as the differences among the clans are minor. Each clan is divided into sub-clans called ibisaku; into generation-sets known as amakora of which there are only eight (8) and the same in all clans; and into age-sets referred to as ichisaro. The major Abakurya sub-tribes such as Abanyabasi, Abatimbaru, Abanyamongo, Abakira, Abairegi, Abakenye, Abanchaari, and Abagumbe have traditions to the effect that their ancestor was Mokurya (or Mukurya) who lived in "Misiri".

Africa - Az oroszlánok földje.
All the symbolical ancient-egyptian names : "Horakhty, Aton, Horus, Isis, Nebhet ,Hâpy etc... " were preserved in Somali language and still now , the somali people use these names with their original egyptian-puntite pronounciation . For example : "Oraxthy" means" the sun" in Somali as the ancient-egyptians. "AAR" means "lion" in ancient-egyptian and also in somali . There is a huge somali-egyptian linguistic and historical and cultural proofs .

The Kujour is a spiritual term and deed. It is known in other Nuba Mountains ethnics or languages as "ta musla" in Kadugli Kanguage, "bel" and "kuni" in Kwalib and "Abade" in Nyamang. The first is "Kuj" which means to "hung" then the other part "oor" means "spirit".


Somali - Az istenek földje
NEPHDEYS and BES, two less prominent ancient Egyptian gods, also appear to have some affinity with the Somali language. While NAF in Somali meant ‘soul’, NEF meant ‘breath’. Hence NEPHDEYS literally would mean ‘The one who releases breath – a function more or less attributed to the ancient god. BES in Somali meant ‘One who was in his or her deathbed’ – also a function the latter god was associated with. So=hús és maal=élni v.miből vagyis "so-maal=húsevők".

Practices similar to the spirit child are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, each taking a unique form depending on the culture and circumstances of the community. Comparable practices include witch babies in Benin, snake children in Mali and the Ivory Coast, spirit children in Guinea-Bissau, and mingi children in Tanzania. Alternative variants of the name Mali included Mallel, Mel, and Melit.

Vízbázis - Nyugat-Afrika
Mouhoun (Black Volta) egy folyó Burkina Faso (régi Felső-Volta) területén, mintegy 1352 km után ömlik a a Fehér Volta (Nakambé) folyóba, majd az Oti folyóval egyesülve Volta néven éri el az óceánt. A lakosság fele Mossi és a főváros körül tömörül. Vezetőjük neve Mogho Naba. Zászlajuk a 3 Volta folyó után Fekete-fehér-vörös.
West Chadic. *hunz-. “wild boar”
Számi rokon?
Fulani: All Senegalese who speak the language natively are known as the Halpulaar or Haalpulaar’en, which stands for speakers of Pulaar (“hal” is the root of the Pulaar verb haalugol, meaning to speak). Lásd saami beszél=hállat.

Kés szavunk néhány nyelvben fordítva is létezik: Dobase: siko; Janjero: sikó; Mocha: Shikko.
The sign on King Scorpion's statue (c. 3500), found in Abydos, bears the oldest Libyan name known to the Egyptians; it is 'Tehenu'. It is deduced that Scorpion had to fight the Tehenu while unifying Egypt.

Marokko fala gyenge fal, de a tevés harcosokat lelassíthatta.
Moroccan Wall - approximately 2,700 km long fortification wall, partly in the territory of Morocco. Divides Moroccan controlled areas and Polisario controlled territories.

Durorp-English Dictionary
chuuk (v) shut, close )e.g. many doors); place, pack a colection of items )e.g. fuelwood) orderly. Parthenia was a Roman-Berber town in the former Roman province of Mauretania Sitifensis, the easternmost part of ancient Mauretania. Tarsoly berberéknél. Every Tuareg, man or woman, old or young child , has an amulet or a talisman: leather ( the gri-gri ) or silver (the khomissar , the tcherot , the herz), often contain magic formulas, powders of animal and / or vegetable or verses from the Koran.

Berber - albán
rotate (eng.), kәrukәr (berb.), qarkulloj (alb.)
thread (eng.), ifili, ifilu (berb.), fill (alb.) (ll pronounced as english l)
elephant (eng.), ifil (berb.), fil (alb.) (l no pronounciation in English, as ly) (A perzsák felé is FÜL az egész)
Moroccan Arabs have significant E1b1b1a, more than Berbers and it makes them closer to Albanians, but they are also very distant.
Míg máshol a "tiz=Hold", addig a wiki szerint a kabiloknál egy souk, egy hágó/kapu. Tizi signifiant « col (de montagne) » et du second composant Ouzou (du berére Azzu) signifiant « genets ». The African meaning of the name Tiziri is Moonlight (Amazigh).
Taziri, tiziri, dziri usually has the meaning "moonlight" (A.Warayn, A.Seghruashshen) but occasionally given with the meaning "moon" (Warsenis, Siwa).

The indigo and deep blue tones of their clothing compliments the blueish black powdered stone the women use to darken their lips and line their eyes, creating that unique air of mystique. For special occassions like weddings they use a base of yellow ochre and draw small red and white Tuareg patterns on their nose forehead and cheeks. Geometric symbols that form their own writing (tifinagh) and language. Tattoos are also still common.
Beja women adorned in yellow ochre that I've seen in books, but here are some of Tuareg girls: tuareg girl
Fulani läbi = road. Hausa "madara = milk" (greek amélgein, Latin mulgeo. Mell - nő - madara.)
Fula Minyi-(i) idi = first moon of harvest season
Fula miinaaye = tricoloured cow
Fula meelde =crescent moon
Fulani: "suddoru = sátor".

cuddiido, cuddiadó (root: sudd) married woman/woman
cukayel: cukalony (root: suka) little child(ren)
cukalony ndewony little girls
ferlo hill

Hausa: gürü = n.m. talisman belt
Fulani: amen = our
Fulani, Wolof: asamaan = sky
Fulani, Wolof: buur = king, governor

The Black Jews of Africa: szerző: Edith Bruder The inhabitants of Karafun (in the region of Timbuktu) follow the Jewish religion. They read the Tawrat (Thora). Clove (szegfűszeg < claw=karom) Dhivehi karanfoo, Swahili karafuu. A név a globus számos pontján feltűnik. (Karafu Cave, Divandarreh, Iran.) Karafu (Sakhalin). A Holdkapu vándorai: “Rained from heaven” is “Ten kara fu~tsu”.
Ellenben a japánoknál: DEN; TEN; tsuta(eru/waru/u)-----transmit; go along; walk along; NI, futa(tsu), futa-, hata, hatsu [TWO].
Indeed, the Caliph 'Umar is said to have called Ifriqiya the "gateway to hell" demonstrating a particular historical association of Tamazgha with unbelief (Savage, 1997, p. 1). 7. “Ait” can be roughly translated as “tribe.” Irat= oroszlán; Tizemt= nőstény oroszlán, berber nyelv. A tiz-iri szinonímája a haz-iri.


Piye- the first two kings of 25 th Dynasty-didn't wear the two Uraeus. (29) The double Uraeus is definitely associated with the Kushite skullcap in the representations of Kushite kings. There is one exception on Piye'stela from Gebel Barkal where Amun was represented presenting the red crown and the skullcap with one Uraeu to the king Piye. The sedge plant (swt) is the symbol of Upper Egypt and the bee (bit) is the symbol of Lower Egypt. The word Stn (or. Sdn) which ordinarily referred to the white crown could also apply to the skullcap. Bee: (méh) Old High German bia. Kunama: bia = water. Ancient Greek (Bía, literally “Force”).

Kushite royal woman are seldom depicted wearing the vulture headdress. Often a fillet that served to secure a lotus blossom at the forehead and/or a uraeus was tied around the head. The most frequently documented headgear consists of double plumes with sun disc and cow horns. The headdress is short and squat by comparison to its Egyptian prototype.

Kurru: A temető BC 1100-700 közötti sírokat tartalmaz.

Afrikai görög
Kushite kings used Greek architects and masons to build temples, as they did at the pilgrimage center of Musawwarrat es-Sufra, south of Meroë, the temples they built were adaptations of Egyptian, not Greek temples. A good example is the so-called Lion temple, excavated and partially restored by the East Germans in the 1960's. Here in an impressive series of reliefs accompanied by texts-- based on Egyptian originals that from Philae and inscribed in hieroglyphs typical of the early Ptolemaic period--the Kushite king Arnekhamani, is depicted wearing a Ptolemaic style crown and receiving pledges of victory from the Kushite pantheon. Only now, however, the pantheon is headed now not by Amon but by the native war god Apedemak, who also wears a similar crown.

Hillat al-Arab (also Hillat el-Arab) is a former village and now an archaeological site in Sudan. Hillat Umm'Ali; Hillat Jaden; Hillat Kiday; Hillat Kuku; Hillat Tolag; Hillat Masak
Merowa régészek a gátépítésnél.
Nubian capital of Dongola for Muslim travelers. By the middle of the 14th century, Nubia had been converted to Islam. The royal Church of Dongola was converted into a mosque. Numerous other churches were converted to mosque. Graves were simple pits, with bodies pointing to Mecca. Some of the unique structures were the gubbas, graves reserved for Muslim saints. They were whitewashed domes made of adobe bricks.

Nubia sírjaiból.
On their way to the temple they stop first at either the cemetery in Karima or the cemetery beside the mountain to pray at one of the saints’ tombs (gubbas). The gubba next to the mountain belongs to Ahmed el-Karsani, and that in the village belongs to Abdullah al-Yemeni, both venerated local holy men, who died within the last 120 years. Once there, the older woman makes a cut in the right calf of the childless woman so that it bleeds slightly. They then proceed to the temple and visit one of the three complete ram statues.
People also tell of a huge cobra living at Jebel Barkal, inside a locked cave known by the inhabitants as Beit Abu Kalaan (“House of the Father of Guardians” = B 300). This cobra was said to guard a fabulous treasure of gold.
Képeskönyv Vésett falikép: Silko király vágtat fakó lován, kacagányát lebegteti a szél. Felette egy őrangyal.
Meroe után: In the mid-fourth centurey, Kush has endured small-scale invasions from the kingdom of Axum (in what is today Ethiopia) to the southeast of Sudan.6 An Axumite inscription, in the same century, narrates a campaign carried by the Axumite king Ezana in eastern Sudan against desert tribes called the Blemmyes, also known as the Medjay. The inscription claims that the Blemmyes have rebelled against Axumite rule. More important are the list of enemies Ezana claims to have confronted which included the "Kasu [Kushites]" and the "Noba [Nubians]". Statue of prisoner. Tabo, Sudan. Courtesy of the excavations of the foundation Blackmer-University of Geneva and the Khartoum National Museum. Source: Wildung, Dietrich. Sudan: Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile. Nobatian prisoner The fifth century CE inscription of Silko, "King of the Noubades [Nubians] and all the Aithiopians [Kushites]", written in Greek, together with other deciphered inscriptions, indicate some sort of continuity with regards to the native society of the people of Kush.

pan-grave culture
DEFINITION: Material culture of a group of semi-nomadic Nubian cattle herders who entered Egypt in the late Middle Kingdom (2055-1650 BC) and during the Second Intermediate Period (c 1633-1550 BC). They are well attested in Eastern Desert, the characteristic being shallow circular pit-graves with black-topped pottery, the 'pan graves' of Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia. Their material culture was similar to the C-Group. The people were mercenaries during this period of Egyptian history and during the New Kingdom, when they were called the Medjay.

A Nilus mentén

Cushitic and Agaw Background
8. t'iyā 'smoke' (Chamir). According to Appleyard (2006:126) this form is from PA * təz- (Bl. təda, Xam. təya, Kem. təxza, Awngi tií) . Ap. believes the word is borrowed into EthSem., Gz. Tna t'is, Amh.   əs etc. Khamta t's is said to be a reborrowing from Tna. t'is. Leslau (1988:88) classifies Gz. ys, esa ‘smoke' as coming from Cushitic, specifically citing Aw. tis, Bl. tida, Qem. tos, forms which curiously lack the ejective. Ehret (1987: 157 number 348) gives PA *t'iz- ‘smoke', PC *tlaz- /tliz- ‘cloud'. Perhaps compare Ehret (1995 #242) Dahalo t'òggwa ‘smoke'.
7. k'ät'­- ‘punish' (Bl.), Xam. k'äs'a-, Kem. k'ät'-, Aw. kicy- (cf. Amh qätt'a, Tigrinya qäsē Kane 2000:1064).
7. č'əffər ‘claw, fingernail' (Bl.) is from Ti. s'əfər; Khamta fr (Cf. Tna. s'əfri), Re. Qu. effer (> Amh. t'əfər).

Oromo lang.: simbirroo==bird; baalle=baal=feather [Jé, a Palinak tollas a háta! ..:-)]; mataa=mada=head (máshol "föld, nép"); maqaa=name; mas=snake;

Ogyrven has an earlier form in gogyrven, and khekr (Eg.) means to adorn, a collar, or necklace, which in the lunar reckoning had ten points or branches as is implied in the name of menat. Afterwards the collar worn by the mother Isis had nine points or beads according to the solar reckoning. Ogyrven is one of two characters of Këd and Keridwen the other.
In Egyptian kabti is two arms. Khep is the hand and ti is two, thus khepti or khep, which becomes kat and Kêd, is equivalent to both hands or ten digits.
They represented the 'cyfriu' name of the trinity, or the thrice-functioned Hu, says Myfyr Morganwg. Khpr-iu as Egyptian would denote the transformation of the one into the duad, and this meaning has been preserved in the 'Cyfriu' sign of the Druids. Also gafi in Welsh is the fork; gevel (Breton) is dual. The two hands, the ten branches of the one tree of knowledge then, were a dual symbol of Kat, Ked, or Kheft. It is noticeable that the Damara tribes of Africa are subdivided into a number of Eundas (clans or ings) as the Sun-children, Moon-children, Rain-children, and other totemic types, and each Eunda has a sprig of some tree for its emblem.
Noha az etimológiák zömével nem értek egyet, azért nagyon érdekesnek tűnő, eredeti gondolatokkal találkozhat az olvasó. S itt van pl a "nar=keselyű fej" fordítás. Ugye, a NAR a nyarat, narancsot, Napot idéző szó felénk. Az Andokban viszont a "keselyű=kun-tur" (kondor).

Khemnu is the Medu Ntr for the City of Eight where the Ogdoad or Eight primordial Deities along with Tehuti and Maat Lived. – In the Name is of the City is the sounds of Khem and Nu and He – these represent the three of the four pairs. The four pairs are Amen/Amenet, Nu, Nunet, Kh/Kheket, He, Hehet. If you look at the sounds you come up with ANKH.

El-Tod - a tudós település.
A granite pillar of the Fifth dynasty pharaoh, Userkaf, is the oldest object found at El-Tod. Aside from Monthu, to whom a temple was dedicated, the Egyptian goddess Junit was of local importance. According to Flinders Petrie, the god of Tuphium was Hemen. Know: Udmurt: "Tod=tud". Estonian: "tunde". Finnish: "tunte". Welsh: "medru". Nahuatl: "mati". Mongolian: "medeh".

The God of Egypt are all 100% Albanian. Thoth "The One Speaks" was the one who spread the knowledge to Ancient Egypt and throughout the World. Lord Byron said that in 1835 there were around 300,000 Greeks in the whole Balkans and Todays Greece had a large number of them, He said that they were originally called "Gypsies" because they were originally from Egypt.
Illés szekerén: Hellas was also invented by the Germans. It comes from the Ancient Pelasgian-Illyrian word Hyllas-Hillas meaning "The Stars". Alban: Egjiptjan, Egypsy inne nazwy: alb. Evgjit, Magjup.

Turista centrumok: Nile river (eg Luxor, Qina, Aswan, Abu Simbel and the Valley of the Kings).

Hand - Kazi
Ancient Egyptian: ka-t work, labour or toil
Kiswahili-Bantu: kazi = work, labour

zizi - Mások véleménye: Misr is an Arabic name simply meaning "country".
Gedeo - Dictionary. Gedeo 1,3% Etiópia
beeka = f m. prophet, wise man or woman.
beekkoole = f coll. wise ones, prophets.
tolca = v. sacrifice, offer.
arja = m Or. generosity.
holla 1 = v. boast, be proud.
biiro = f Amh. office, bureau.
bira = v. finish, end.
farado = m. horse, horses.
baale = f Amh. festival, holiday.
tola 1 = m. free gift, grace.
tola 2 = m. friend, girl friend.
urra = v. stand.
hunfa = v. speed up sth.
hunna = f. power, might.
sho'a = v. hide, keep hidden.
husa = m. wood, grass for fire.
laango = f. fire place.
samaaye = f Amh. heaven, sky.
hojja [hodzsa] = f. height, length, tallness.
mooga = v. bury.
suuk'a 2 = v. insert seed, one by one.

Almost all of the texts printed in this article are composed in the dialects of the Macca Galla; and particularly in those of the northeastern Macca groups: Lieqa, Limmu, Guma. The Galla apply the name Macca to their tribes living in the districts beyond the Gibie River; that is, the five independent Galla kingdoms of Guma, Gomma, Gimma, Giera, and Limmu; the Ilu, the Nonno, and the five Lieqa tribes. In the present Galla language, the word macca means both “company of soldiers” and “people.” Thus, with a change in sense analogous to the Amharic saw, “man,” in the phrase ya-saw agar, “land of men,” i.e. “foreign country,” and to the Arabic biladu ‘nnasi, which has the same meaning, macca, “people” also signifies” stranger,” “enemy.” Therefore the Galla living beyond the Gibie are called Macca Gamati, “the people of the other bank,” by the Tulama of Shoa. The rako is the sacrifice which legalizes a wedding (see Nuptial Songs). A woman "receives the rako" when she is anointed with the blood of the victim sacrificed for the rako. When the date of the wedding ceremony has been fixed (if the wedding is to be celebrated according to the rite of the rako), the bridegroom, accompanied by an elder of his tribe called garsa dura, by four godfathers called mingie by the Shoan Galla and marri by the Macca, by his father, and the train of his fellows armed with wooden spears, goes to the girl's house, driving before him the sheep and the oxen to pay the price of the girl's father. Reaching the bridge's enclosure, if an ox is to be sacrificed for the rako, the bridegroom slaughters it.

Andrzej Zaborski, Jagiellonian University Cracow. What is New in Ethiopian and other African Language Areas ? Most probably there have been at least two waves – one older and one recent – of Cushitic influence in South West Ethiopia. Actually after a better reconstruction even my alleged West Cushitic (that is ‘Omotic’ minus ‘South Omotic’ and ‘Maoid’) can appear to have been originally a branch (or branches?) of the enigmatic Nilo-Saharan branch which (this branch but not all the Nilo-Saharan languages whose genetic relationship is still largely hypothetical!) underwent a strong influence of a Cushitic adstratum. known 'Maoid' group as well as of 'South Omotic'

Both external and internal classification of Omotic are controversial. Emancipation of ‘West Cushitic’ as Omotic, an independent branch of Afroasiatic, was based on lexicostatistical estimations of Fleming and Bender (1975). The careful grammatical analyses by Bender (2000) and Zaborski (2004) demonstrate that most of the Omotic grammemes inherited from Afroasiatic are common with Cushitic. Numerous lexical isoglosses connecting Omotic with other Afroasiatic branches to the exclusion of Cushitic (Blažek 2008, 94-139) attest that Omotic and Cushitic are sister-branches, i.e. they do not support the West Cushitic conception. On the other hand, Nilo-Saharan parallels to the unique pronominal systems of Aroid and Maoid indicate they could be ‘Omoticized’ (Zaborski 2004, 180-83 proposes their Nilo-Saharan origin).


A dél-amerikai inkák földjén is épültek piramisok, miként Egyiptomban, Kötőanyag nélküli hatalmas kőtömbökkel építkeztek, de Egyiptom kövei szabályosnak tünnek, az inka fal szerkezete bonyolultabb. Mindkét helyen megtalálható a félhold formájú nyakék. A két toll is számos kultúrából visszaköszön, ami Amon koronáján látható. A halottak mellén a kezük keresztbe téve, s az elit koponyája nyújtott. Keresztbe tett karok állítólag csak az újbirodalomban jelentek meg a múmiákon. Gates: Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were buried with their arms crossed holding. A keresztbe tett kar a halottaknál sok helyen előfordul, többek között hazánk egyes részein, pl Szentes környékén [Keresztbe tett karok: Szekszárd, Piliny települések]. A fáraok kezében levő bot és korbács keresztezve a feltámadás szimbóluma volt. Az "x" is kapcsolatba van hozva a halállal és a feltámadással. Még X The arms are then crossed over the breast, the left above the right, the fingers touching the shoulders..

African connections
Egyptian language connections to other African tribes. szerző: Akan Takruri
In Rwanda the name for cow is iNKha/iNKa.

The Inkajijik (maasai word for a house) are loaf-shaped and made of mud, sticks, grass, cow dung and cow's urine. Women are responsible for making the houses as well as supplying water, collecting firewood, milking cattle and cooking for the family. A mand-inka névben is szerepel az inka dinka gondolatmenettel.

The word Gir-inka can be translated as ‘may you have a cow’ and describes a centuries old cultural practice in Rwanda whereby a cow was given by one person to another, either as a sign of respect and gratitude or as a marriage dowry.


Il Libeccio--southwest, from Libya. afrikai szél. cyrenica

Héber név: aphra, meaning "ashes, dust". Talán innét vélték egyesek, hogy Africa az a "Por vidék kapuja"n noha az ókori Africa volt Libya legkellemesebb része.

Massitholus (Massitholos), a river of Libya, the source of which Ptolemy (iv. 6. § 8), places in the mountain called Theon Ochema, and its embouchure (§ 9) in the Hesperian bay, between Hesperium Ceras and the Hypodromus of Aethiopia, in E. long. 14° 30‘, N. lat. 6° 20‘. It has been identified with the Gambia

Thabraca or Tabrdca, at the mouth of the River Tusca, and the frontier town on the side of Zeugitana. According to Ptolemy, it was a Roman colony, and here the tyrant Gildo put an end to his life in A.d. 398.

Tünes ország - Hol sírjaik TOMBorulnak.
Serrat (Melagge) river, Algiers. Serrat cape, the northernmost part of Africa. A "serrat" nem a Szeret folyó variánsa, hanem a fűrészhal után kaphatta nevét. Medjerda folyó Algéria keleti részétől Tunézián át egy 450 km hosszú folyó. The principal road from the west to Tunis crosses the Medjerda river at Medjez el Bab to enter this second subdivision of the bridgehead, continues generally east through a gap in the northern series of hills, and swings northeastward through Massicault to Tunis. Another road passes through Pont-du-Fahs, on the southern edge of the area, and along the Miliane river to Tunis. From the Bou Arada valley west of Pont-du-Fahs, an easy approach to Tunis requires a route either. Casta, Eglatta, Taje-elt, and Cassir-Jebbir, are mean places, contaming ruins of ancient buildings, in a fertile district, bounded by the rivers Sujeras and Serrat, both of which unite to form the Mejerdah. Wadi Majardah and Wadi Mejerha and it was known as Bagrada in ancient times. Bag > Maj > Med. Réten: The Arabic name for Madrid is Majrit. The most ancient recorded name of the city Magerit (for *Materit or *Mageterit ?) comes from the name of a fortress built on the Manzanares River in the 9th century AD, and means "Place of abundant water". If the form is correct, it could be a Celtic place-name from ritu- 'ford' (Old Welsh rit, Welsh rhyd, Old Breton rit, Old Northern French roy) and a first element, that is not clearly identified *mageto derivation of magos 'field' 'plain' (Old Irish mag 'field', Breton ma 'place')
Pun vidék: The Mogods are Mountain ranges of Northern Tunisia. Henchir-Madjouba is a locality and archaeological site, near the headwaters of the Medjerda River in Tunisia, North Africa. Római kori neve Tituli. A numidiai elit sirja hasonlít az etruszk és a távol-keleti elit sírjaihoz: Fallal körülvett kunhalom.




Madauros (Madaurus, Madaura) was a Roman-Berber city and a former diocese of the Catholic Church in the old Roman province of Numidia. Madaura, by some called Madurus, the birth-place of Apuleius. A city of Zeugitana in northern Africa, a day's journey south of Utica.
The Medjerda river valley (Wadi Majardah, northeast of Tunis) is currently valuable farmland.

Rokon-e Numantia?
(Numantia a vaskorban a Duero folyó egyik gázlójánál épült oppidium.) Van, aki a Nu-Mantia jelentését a New Law szóban látja.
Nu-Midia a Tusca/Zain folyó és az Ampsagas között volt ókori ország. Bizonyára nomádok (No-Mades) lakták föníciai eredetű szóval.. Két törzsük a Massaesyli és a Mas-syli. Jug-ur-tha, king of Numidia in North Africa (died 104 B.C.E.). The war against him (c. 110-106 B.C.E.) Numidia nevét a többség a görög [nomas=vándor/gerach/planétes] (nomos=jog) névből, esetleg az egyiptomi nomos-ból eredezteti. [A nomosokat (közigazgatási egység) a "nemes"-t viselő nemzettársak irányították. Nem voltak "nomádok". Vajh görögül beszéltek az egyiptomiak?] A görög "Nomas=törvény" bukkan fel tán az economy (házi jog? háztartás?), polynom (többnév) szavakban. Nu-Midia: A midia kapcsán megjegyzendő, hogy a berber nyelvekben a midden "nép/people" jelentésű. Tuareg "midden= men, husbands", addig az asszony (woman) tamet. NW means "to be ripe". [James Bynon] Keleten pedig a "NU=nép", illetve Nu (Water). Egyptian "nu" ("nw"), "to see, look, perceive, observe"; hieroglyph “nu”, meaning 'the wave'..

Afrika 1.rész.
Afrika 21.rész.

Pesti István 2017 április
