Afrika 18

Népek, nyelvek, nemzetek

A hongu nyelvről

Strand - Kiholo bay.
In Kiholo (Holu: - the holo language of angola and congo-kinshasa , the holo language of taiwan , min nan language name holu , native name kiholo), by Mvwala Katshinga: Ngoonde= Moon
This language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Angola. Alternate Names: Holo, Hongu, Kiholo, Kiholu. Holo language of Angola and Congo-Kinshasa. For the Holo language of Taiwan, see Min Nan language.
Angola nyelvi térképe. A holu nyelvet Zambia, Zaire, Angola találkozásánál, a Kasai folyó felső folyásánál beszélik. (Kwango river area. Kwaangu és a Tuungila folyók között.)

A megye nyelvet nem a hongu, hungu nép körében használják, hanem Kongó, Uganda területén a mangbetu (Amakere, Emeeje, Medje, Medye, Megye, Namakere, Namakereti, Namejeti, Nemeeje) népnél. A mangbetu nép a 18. században költözött Szudán területéről délre. Mások szerint már 1000 éve itt élnek, s a vasolvasztásra is van régészeti bizonyíték 4000 évvel ezelőttről. Hun koponyatorzítás a mangbetu népnél. A női bajusz rajzolása az ainu népnél is előfordul. Androgün? Általánosságok: It is a member of the Central Sudanic language family.
Lipombo: (Head Elongation, paon). A képen látható, hogy a gyermek még szopik, de már átesett a sikeres hun koponyatorzításon. However in present populations recent studies suggest that the heritability of craniofacial traits is actually quite high. 28L. Betti et al, The relative role of drift and selection in shaping the human skull, The American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2009). Fárao rokonság: Ever heard of the Mangbetu tribe? Well they have elongated heads just like the elongated skulls of the Amarna time period such as King Tut and Akhenaten who happen to have S. African and Nubian roots. The Mangbetu are of the same bloodline. Az ősök útja: Head-binding has appeared in a number of cultures. The Mangbetu people of the Congo were still elongating the skulls of their infants to the 1950s, so the technique could be observed. The same type of head-shaping was common in the Near East in the 6th and 5th millennia BC. It produced skulls so long that they appear alien
The Mangbetu language is phonetically distinct from other languages in that it possesses both a voiced and a voiceless bilabial trill. The Labo language of Vanuatu, also known as Mewun, is the only other language known to possess this phonetic feature. Érdekességként a magyar LÁB > laq >leg.

Language family: Niger–Congo - Atlantic–Congo - Benue–Congo - Bantoid - Bantu (Zone L) - Holu–Pende (L.10) - Holu
Holo is a Bantu language of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Yeci and Samba may be separate languages.

HOL volt...
HOL'LAND, a district of England, in the county of Lincoln, situated in the south- east part, with the German Sea on the east, and the counties of Cambridge, Northampton, and Norfolk, on the south, divided into Upper and Lower, both of which ... Hol-land: Kalmyk: hol=river. Hus language: "hol=canoe". Rohingya: "hal=folyó".

The largest linguistic group in Taiwan, in which Hokkien is considered a native language, is known as Hoklo or Holo. The correlation between language and ethnicity is generally true, though not absolute, as some Hoklo speak Hokkien poorly while some non-Hoklo speak Hokkien fluently.

Afrika állataiból
Bantu expanzió és állatnevek bantu nyelveken.
A village, a little place called Kiholo (chee-holo) in the Bududa district in Southeastern Uganda. (U-ganda? Ug-anda?) ..és holu más földrészen. Holu language Holu, Iran , a village in Hormozgan Province.

Angol rokon: Oluganda 'Ganda language', Oluzungu 'English language'. Az onogundor törzs egy ága ?..:-)

HOLOHOLO (HOROHORO, KALANGA, KIKALANGA) [HOO] 12,500 in all countries (1987). East central shore of Lake Tanganyika. Also in Zaire. Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, D, Lega-Kalanga (D.20). KiKaranga may be separate. Different from Kiholo of Zaire and Angola.

Népcsoportok Vocabulary - Iraqw.
Iraqw, Alagwa ho-t- "to live, dwell"
doori = the sky = az ég (Andandoori?)
tsaangw = the flame = a láng
siiyó = the fish = a hal
bee/i = the sheep = a juh
saga = the head = a fej
hoot = to be alive = élve
hoot = to live = élni
huuriim = to cook = főzni
puurú = the flour = a liszt
huland = the men's house = férfiak háza
deelo = the day = a nap
naa/ = wet = nedves
fuqrangw = clever = okos
a'a = no = nem
fuutl = to whistle = fütyülni
aya = the country, the village = ország, falu
digma = the boundary = a határ

Egy fikció: Hungus may refer to: A variant form of the name Ungus. Festett nép: Óengus II (before 780–834), king of Picts, a/k/a Onuist, Hungus or Angus, from 820 until 834.
Africa - Igbo and hebrew
..that there were discovered in the deserts or the azara (Igbo for Wilderness and Hebrew for open court): therefore Nazareth, lived in Caves.. In Persian the meaning of the name Azara is: Scarlet. The Hebrew word for "gird" is azar.

Említik a danaidákat. Megjegyezném, hogy az egész világon elterjedt a "dan=víz" szó (basque, tagalog), ellenben a Dél-fi csak ebben az írásban lesz cow/tehén. Delphi (Greek, Igbo, Hebrew word for a Cow is Eefi 'ehfi', efi, heifer, respectively) . Közép-Ny-Afrikát már mások is meggyanúsították görög eredettel. /Dél: fej/head, szív/heart, nap/day..

First born: Wolof "tanga=hot"
Gurage: Cf. Gur. *anṭä 'to cut, reap cereals, harvest' (LGur., 76; derived by Leslau from Gur. arräṭä)

Etymological Dictionary of Gurage - gwär = harvest. (Etiópiában több, mint 80 nyelven beszélnek. )

Harari vocabulary
in = eye (inti a szem máshol, illetve nap.); anqurärahti = frog (délamerikai curare!); bärbäri = pepper; läm = cow; mälta = twin; missir = lentil; mäsqäl = cross;

Idegenbe - OKÉ

American English - Okay
Scottish - Och Aye = "Oh, yes"
Choctaw - oke = "it is so"
Finnish - oikea = "correct", "exact"
French Occitan dialect - òc = "yes"
Mandingo (West African) - o ke = "that's it", "all right"
Tewa - oh-ka = "all right"
Wolof (West African) - waw kay = "yes indeed".

Afrikából jöttem
okay: Mandingo o-ke; Dogon o-kay; Djabo o-ke; Western Fula eeyi kay; Wolof waw kayk, waw ke, all meaning "yes, indeed!" "That’s it, all right."  Note widespread use in languages of West Africa of kay and similar forms as confirmatory markers, esp. after words meaning "yes."  Recorded use of oh ki, indicating surprised affirmation, in black Jamaican English 1816; predates by over twenty years the popularization of OK in white speech of New England.  Affirmative use of kay-ki in black speech in U.S. is recorded from as early as 1776.  Early attempts were made to explain OK as initial letters of misspelling of English words "all correct" or as French words au quai, on the quayside.  Subsequent attempts have been made to derive term from German, Greek, Scots, English, Finnish, and Choctaw, but little consideration has been given to possibility of origin in black speech.
okay (2)[108] Mandingo o-ke-len, after that (lit. "that being done").  Use of this syntactic construction is widespread in West African languages.  "After that’ serves as link between sentences in running narrative or discourse, serving to confirm the preceding and anticipate the following sentence.

A honlapról megismerünk a yam gyökéren nyamnyogó bantu népek szavaiból is néhányat.

big eye . Igbo anya uku, covetous, greedy (lit. "big eye"). Cf. West African and Caribbean English big yay, big eye. Same in Gullah and Black English.
Barát: bo. Temne and Vai (Sierra Leone), friend; informal term of address for an equal. West African and Caribbean English bo, ba.
mat[99] Hausa mata or mace, woman, wife.
Term for white, beginning with "f", also occurs widely: Bama fe, Gola fua, Ndoh fowe, etc. It has been suggested that ofay represents a rearrangement of the letters of the English word foe into pig Latin, but from its form, the word is more likely to have an African origin.

Idegenből - Pahlavi

Pahlavi dict.:
abesar ['thysl / M 'bysr, N afsar] crown.
adur ['twr' / M 'dwr, N adar] fire; the god' Fire'; cal. 9th month; 9th day.
afridan, afrin- I afur- ['jjlytn l , 'plyn-, )pwl- I M )p(w)ryd, 'pwr-, P )fryn-, N iifaridan, afarin-] praise, 'bless; create.
afrah ['p1's I M "pr)h] teaching, doctrine.

tribe/törzs = zand
tower/torony = burg. --> Proto-Germanic *burg-z, *burgia-n -> Meaning: watch-tower, borough. A pahlavi a proto-germanból vette? A görög meg nem tudta kimondani a szemita "b" kezdőhangot, s náluk "purg" lett ? Armani, garmani...
nigeridan, niger- = look/néz, observe/megfigyel. // nis- = see, observe.
nil = indigo/lila szín.
boasting/dicsekvés = nazisn.
movement/mozgalom: čandišn, ēwarz, ĵumbišn, wāzišn, wihēz(ag).

Tower - tísztító szent tűz, hogyha átaléget.. A purga-tórium egy pörzsölő hely? -torium, ii, kn. hálószoba, és egyh. halottak nyughelye.
Torony: Persian: borj; Arabic "tower= burj", Hindi: "durg", Greek "pyrgos", Kajkavian: "purg". Latin: burgarii, orum, hn. [burgus] várban lakók, határőrök. (<- German eredetű!) Indo-European Etymology: PIE bergh "fort, protect"; brgh "high". Greek /p/ corresponds to Germanic */f/. Pyr -> Fir. Pergamos, name of the citadel of Troy. German területen a purg "burg" lett később. Lásd: Hollóvár/Ravenspurg. In Kupffer gestochen und verlegt von Johan Ulrich Kraussen in Augspurg" circa 1680. A "purg, perg" egyesek szerint a sumer "wark" származéka. Katolikus lexikon: A nem ker. vallások (indoeurópaiak) is ismerik a tisztítótűz fogalmát; a párszik szerint a halottakat 10 szakaszban tűzfolyam tisztítja meg. Briton fire.
Vulcan: Vulcan (sounding like Votan and Wotan), the Roman god of fire, comes from the Babylonian Can for serpent and Vul for fire. St Patrick and his followers almost invariably selected those sacred sites of paganism, and built their wooden churches under the shadow of the Round Towers, then as mysterious and inscrutable as they are to-day. Some claim these structures were fire temples.
Dakhma - nem csillagvizsgáló! (a hallgatás tornya). Mivel a halált a gonosz átmeneti győzelmének tekintik, a párszik hite szerint sok démon van jelen a halálkor. Ezért a temetési szert-oknak kell megakadályozniok a gonosz hatalmának hatékonyságát. Ha egy párszi meghal, halála után lehetőleg mielőbb megmossák, régi ruhákba öltöztetik, és még a halál napján a hallgatás tornyába viszik. A felül nyitott torony kerek, ablaktalan, magas falai vannak, hogy ne lehessen belátni.
Old English, bouge, a cask; Anglo-Saxon, baelff, byliff, belgan, to swell. Welsh, bwlg, a round body. CHAMBERS. (GadlC. Bolff, builg, balg, a bag, a belly, the womb ; balgan, a little bag or sack.
[Really a plural form of the word bellii, A. Sax. bwlg, helg, boelig, a bag, a belly, bellows. Belly.] Máshol a "helgaland=szentföld". Szászéknál csak "helg=zsák".

Bércre hág.. - West Frisian: "berch=hegy"
Classical Syriac: ܒܘܪܓܐ (burgāʾ) Armenian: պուրճ (purč)
Azeri: бүрҹ / bürc / بۆرج Georgian: ბურჯი (burǰi)
Gujarati: બુરજ (burj) Hindi: बुर्ज (burj)
Kurdish: birc, برج (birc) Maltese: borġ
Ottoman Turkish: برج (burc) Urdu: برج (burj)
Persian: برج (borj) Punjabi: ਬੁਰਜ / برج (burj)
Rajasthani: बुरज (burj) Tajik: бурҷ (burj)

Siegfied - madárnak nézték
Old High German burg, burgh, burc(h), burk, bureg, buruc, purg and purch all meant "city" or "town", particularly such as were located atop hills, natural or artificial, or other high places of various sorts, and surrounded by palisades and ditches for protection. Hegyvidék: Mint írják, az ófelnémet hangeltolódás során a "burg > purg" lett. Bizonyára a szemita népekre görög népek ültek rá. Ellenben Augsburg később mégis "b"-vel írja nevét. A "pergamon" is "bergamon" lett. Vajon a kékslíva esetében mi volt előbb? Swedish: plommon vagy Danish: blomme? A szilvát a rómaiak hozták be Közel-Keletről és terjesztették el. Legkorábbi magyar leletünk a bronz-vaskorból (Kiszely) származik. Late medieval Bavarian texts, e.g. Perg, mountain (cf. Modern German Berg).
A longobárok is "p"-vel beszéltek. Perg > berg. ..és a longobard miért nem longopard? Cebuano: "langgam=bird".


Barbárok ?!
Berbers call themselves some variant of the word i-Mazigh-en (singular: a-Mazigh), possibly meaning "free people" or "free and noble men". /A MAZ mennyire hasonlít a MÖZS, MUZSIK szóra! Szinte LÁTOK tőle.
Scholars believe it would be the same tribe called a few centuries after in Greek Mazyes by Hektaios and Maxyes by Herodotus, while it was called after that the "Mazaces" and "Mazax" in Latin sources, and related to the later Massylii and Masaesyli.

Leo Africanus után emlegetik a "szabad ember" fordítást. A mai tuareg "amajegh=noble" jelentésű.

A hódító Tariq szárnyas sapkában ábrázolva.

Szefard nevek
Sacksik = Berber tribe Sekssaoua /Sicsic/
Sabath = Early riser or Spanish for Sabbath
Sacouto = See Zacuto, famous navigator and map maker, small hand bag in Basque
Safar = Second month in the Islamic calendar, whistle or chirp, yellow,worker in copper or brass
Sasso = Rock
Sellouk = Wool or silk manufacturer
Sid = Master

Afergan : from Aďt Fergan, of Oulad Outad, from the tribe of Aďt Izdeg, Morocco. Gan etymology. Bár, ha "ferg-an"..
Sabbah : early bird, in arabic
Afrika törzsei:
This tribe can be found on the horn of Africa in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia. They traditionally have been organized into separate kingdoms, each ruled by its own Sultan. They are pastoralists.

Holdak ? Ég színűek?
Afergan: of Aït Fergan, Oulad Outad, tribe of Aït Izdeg, Morocco
Afergan: of Ifergan, in Aït Ighmor's territory, in Oued Sous, Morocco
Forum - The moroccan ethnic groups
The Zenata were known for their horseriding skill. The Spanish word for "horserider", jinete, is derived from their name.
Casablanca régi neve "Anfa=Hill".
Mor history
Sanhaja, Masmoda, and Zenata are the three tribes constituting the Berbers .
The Vandals and Goths who were sweeping through Spain may have touched the northern tip of Morocco on their way eastwards to Carthage but there are no traces that they have stayed. The Berbers in the mountains and the desert continued life much as before. The Romnanised, part-Christian, Berber Mauritanians of the cities of Volubilis, Sala Colonia,(Chella) Tingis and others held on to their mixed cultural heritage and maintained a degree of civilization, as evidenced by one or two Latin inscriptions, found in several places, which date from as late as the mid 7C.

Megtollasodott libiaiak.
The Egyptians divided the human race into four classes, namely the Egyptians, the A’mu (Semites), the Neh’esu (Nubians) and the Temeh’u (Temehu) in the country Tmh’ (Libyans). The Ancient Egyptians called the land and the people west of the Nile Valley the Tehenu, whom appear to have been a numerous group, as attested by Egyptian references, such as "the countries of the Tehenu" and "the chiefs of the Tehenu". But since the Temehu were also referred to as "the Westerners", those who inhabited the area immediately west of the Nile, it becomes difficult to separate between the two Berber groups. History: There is no doubt that the Athena of Herodotus, whom the Amazon worshipped around Lake Tritonis, was none other than the Libyan Goddess Tannit. Poets and scholars of all ages knew Her as the Goddess Neith, whom the ancient Egyptians adopted as Nit, long before the Phoenicians returned to venerate as Tanit.

Érdekes, de a líbiaiak két tolla feltűnik Afrika délebbi részén, Koreában, az orosz sztyeppén s mintha Dél-Amerikában is láttam volna. A népnevek között olyanokat láthatunk, mint: Austuriani, Macae, vagy a mai törzsekből: Kawar, Magarha, Sia'an.

Libyan People
Ibn Khaldun divides the Berber tribes into two major groups, each of which subdivided into further "branches": the 'Beranes' and 'Madghis' (or Botr), both of whom were descended from 'Berr' or 'Berber' (vol. 7, p.3), who descended from the ancestor 'Mazigh' (vol. 6, p. 97) and/or ancestress Tamazigh(t).

Híres berber
But the particular form of the DNA - Haplopgroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) - is rare in Germany and indeed western Europe.
`It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,` he said. Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 to 30 per cent  of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

Berber mound
Nagyobb, mint az etruszkoknál vagy Koreában.

Kissé délebbre

Dong nyelv - Hurrican. (Hurrican a Karib térségben és a Himalája vidékén használt szó.)
Blow hur cf. Pugong hu but also Hausa hura

Fulani nyelven - ha valami kész van - (it is finished), mondják: qasi. (Fuuta Jalon Fulbe). Ilyesféle az ainu nép szava is.
aduna = world = világ
altine = monday = hétfő (Hold napja? Al-Tina?)
ngaika ka = hole = lyuk
asamaan = sky = ég (noun). A germánoknál is ashman volt az égi. Máshol csak saman.
baasal (root: waas) = need, want, poverty = hiányol, szükségel, akar
ceeli (root: seel) = strip(s) of dried meat = szelet szárított hús
7 (kanuri group) * tiiliir * tiilur * tooloor * tooloor * lulu * toulur * tullori * tullu * tiilur.
7 (TU group) * tudusuu * tidesuu * tuduzu * tiirusu * tidesuu * turressioo * tudussu * tudusu * tudusu.
Saharan word for "fingernail": Tubu turkano, turkome.

The KAN form of the numeral "7" was borrowed into all Kotoko languages: Affade dullo, Ngala tyllur, Makeri tulu{r), Gulfei tul(l)ur, Shoe tulur, Kuseri, Logone ka-toli, Buduma tutor, tuloor (Solken 1967: 167-168, 176).

Dogonok - tingli-tangli
The cult of Lebe, the Earth God, is primarily concerned with the agricultural cycle and its chief priest is called a Hogon.
Youdiou Dances - During the Dama celebration, Youdiou villagers circle around two stilt dancers. The dance and costumes imitate the tingetange, a long-legged water bird. The dancers execute difficult steps while teetering high above the crowd.

Lepcses szájúak

Bitte maiz
Omo Valley is home to many different tribes and the Mursi and Surma tribe are perhaps the best known because they are the only non-warring tribes in the area. Öltözetüket az "isten és tsa kft" biztosította.

Mursi tribes - Leányvásár
The current bride price (according to our Mursi guide) is 38 cattle + a Kalasnikov AK-47 machine gun (usually bought from neighbouring South Sudan). Why guns? Well, before it was more traditional, but in recent decades guns obviously have an advantage in tribal conflicts.

Videokedvelőknek.. - Himbáld a fejed!
The Himba (singular: Omuhimba, plural: Ovahimba) are indigenous peoples of about 20,000 to 50,000 people[1] living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene region (formerly Kaokoland) and on the other side of the Kunene River in Angola. There are also few groups left of the Ovatwa, which also belong to the Himba people, but are hunters and gatherers. A filmben feltűnik a kozákok 2 tolla is. Boszorkánydoktorok.

Bushman - vissza a gyökerekhez
Kalahari. There we find groups Bushmen and Himba, atavistic residents of these arid regions. Among its strongest features see the symbolism of their hair and body ornaments, his main artistic expression, know the rules that govern the formation of polygamous marriages, and will attend the rituals "esuko" where women gain maturity within the tribe .


R y hg Afrika
I imagine that the Fulani R1* is not the direct ancestor of R1b (or R1a) but either an ill studied sister sublcade most likely (“R1c” possibly) or just more R1b that has not been properly tested. Similarly it’d be nice to clarify what does Sahelian R1b* actually is within the context of R1b and R1. It’s of interest, I understand, not just to Africans but to West Eurasians as well.

Ha netán valaki csodálkozna, miért amatőr genetikusoktól idézek: Mert ők, ha keveset is tudnak, azt őszintén mondják. A szakemberek pedig hivatás szerűen ködösítenek, nem ritkán dezinformálnak.

The Hema are an African population exhibiting West Eurasian affinities (11.0%, range: 4.2-15.2%).
Some of the Hema do have E1b1b1 Y-DNA, and some of them do speak a Nilo-Saharan language (Lendu), but the original Hema seem to be a Bantu-speaking tribe, closely related to the majority populations of Burundi, Rwanda, and (at least the southern half of) Uganda. The ”L1” and "L2" mtDNA marker is present in the two populations – Ashkenazim and African Ethiopian Jews - also the derived and sibling mtDNA Hg "M" and "N1", as well as the Y markers Hg E3b and 4s too, all of this from East Africa and so. See: when in other papers like this too, for example, Polish Jews mtDNA L1,L2 close to 4% Polish non Jews are 0%

Az mtDNA "M" és az y hg "H" az európai cigányságban a leggyakoribb elem. Meg a dravidáknál..

A mai génmintában a szigeteken Ursula leszármazottai élnek zömében, ellenben a kontinensen a számuk nem éri el a 10 %-ot sem. A hímneműek között az "E" y hg mindkét helyszínen domináns. Az ősi nép múmiái szőkék és vörösek. A publikált minták kora 1000 évnél nem régebbi. Szerológiai vizsgálattal megállapított vércsoport besorolása a múmiáknak "0", 90% feletti mértékben. Mára a "0" vércsoportúak aránya 60-80 %-ra csökkent.


Érdekességként: A "finnugor" FULANI nyelvben: "hoot-de=to go home" és "hooddi= hoot+d ->to go home with".

Afrikai eredet
Hebrew word hyssop (‘to cleanse’) derived from Sumerian word zupu (‘to clean’). Both go back to the Igbo word hisapu and sapu – ‘to clean off’ or ‘wash clean’ (Orlu Dialect).

Helynevek - Dél-Afrika
the closest meaning for the word Tshwane is the word Tshwaana or Tshwaane which is a word to refer to colour for the colour white. When a bull is pure white it is called Tshweu and when it is a cow it becomes Tshwana or Tshwaana"
Gauteng: Part of the old Transvaal. This means "at the gold". This is a Sotho word, and is the locative form (suffix "-eng") of the word "gauta" ("gold"). /Gauta=aranyszínű./
Langa = "The sun". "Langa Township was named after chief of the Hlubi tribe, Langalibale who was imprisoned on Robin Island in 1875 for resisting the local government in Natal."
Khayalethu: Guest house (Pretoria). Means "our home" in the Nguni languages.

Siwi, a Berber language of Egypt.
The oasis of Siwa in Egypt, already famous in Classical times for its Oracle of Ammon, is by far the easternmost place where Berber is spoken.
Talking of which, I registered for the first time the handy "conjunction" məqqaṛ مقّار "at least", a concept I had previously had to express using French (au moins) or Standard Arabic (ʕala l'aqall) when speaking Darja. This conjunction is shared with Kabyle, but also with Andalusi Arabic (makkār مكّار) – Corriente derives it from Greek ō makarie "lucky you", but I'm not sure whether to accept that etymology.

Varázslók földje
The supreme being is also referred to as Zamba, who, in Cameroonian mythology, was the one who created all things and engendered man. Zamba egy androgün istenség, mint annyi más délen. Létezhet megtestesülve, vagy anyagtalanul is ugyanaz időben.
Iszlám Afrikában: Turug - Tariqa (singular) - jelentése "Út, ösvény". A baraka egy áldott állapot, amiben részesültek belső szellemi erőt kapnak.
Nevek: Rongo (Gabon); Sakata (Zaire); Sala (Zambia); Sa mo (Burkina Faso); Sara (Chad); Sele (Angola); Sena (Mozambique); Sherbro (SierraLeone); Shila (Zaire); Shilluk (Sudan).
A Csád tó keleti partján él a sungor nép. Nyelvük: Assangori. A "Tama" népek egyike. A tó túlsó oldalán a kanuri nép lakik. (A "sunqu=szív/heart" a kecsua nyelvben. Okinawan: kukuru. Coptic: hét. Latvian: sirds, de köze sincs a Nagy Szirtiszhez.

A Kilimanjaro-tól Nagymarosig
If the village, which is close to a prominent hill, it seems, was named Manjaro before the mountain was called "Kilimanjaro" it might prove interesting, once we find out what "Manjaro" means or how it was derived. Its western summit is called the Masai 'Ngaje Ngai', the House of God. (Feltehetően indiai eredetű szó a Manjaro. Ergo, nem MAGYAR jelentésű.)


The designation of the creator in several Bantu languages is Koro.
Oya - warrior goddess of wind, hurricanes, and underworld gates.
Oshun - goddess of rivers, love, fertility, and art.
Nana - female deity of creation, sky mother, associated with the moon.
Pangool - the protectors and ancient Serer saints and ancestral spirits represented by snakes, interceders.

Istenek Afrikában
Chango - The Yoruban orisha of thunder, rain, lightning, fire, and masculine fertility. He is a smooth-talking con-artist and symbolises the element fire, truth, intelligence, and courage. Animals sacred to this orisha are the quail, tortoise, and black cat.
Ge - The Moon god of Benin
Libanza - The Supreme god of the Upotos of the Congo.
Tano - The Ashanti river god of Ghana and Togo.

Népek és istenek
The word God was transliterated into the Yagaria language of Papua New Guinea as Got. The word Paul chose for God was Theos. This was not just a generic word for God, it also referred to a specific god that the Athenians worshipped.

Több nép, több isten
ILA (Zambia): Chilenga, Lubumba, Namakungwe, Chaba, Namesi..
INGASSANA (Ethiopia): Tel
KEMANT (Ethiopia): Sanbat
KISSI (Guinea, Liberia): Hala
MORU (Sudan): Lu. (Mongolia felé meg "Mor=ló".)
NANDI (Kenya): Asis, Chepkelienpokol
NUPE (Nigeria): Soko
PITI (Nigeria): Ure
SHERBRO-BULLOM-KRIM (Sierra Leone): Hobatoke
TENDA (Guinea): Hounounga
TESO (Uganda): Akuj, Apap, Edeke, Lokasuban
ZINZA (Tanzania): Isewahanga, Kazoba, Rugaba

Emma csak 1 van
Amma is the supreme god in the mythology of the Dogon people of Mali in West Africa. Amma created a "cosmic egg," which was the source of the universe.

Korea iránt érdeklődők láthatták, hogy ott is felbukkannak a kozmikus tojások.

Istenek, félistenek
Abassi: African - Creator-god and sky-god of the Efik. Husband of Atai.
Afrikete: A sea goddess of the Fon. Daughter of Agbe and Naete.
Andandara: A mythical animal of the Zande. It is said that these animals mate with women to produce kittens.
African - An earth-goddess in Guinea. Mother of Pan. On occassion, identified as Asia.
- African - A goddess of the river Niger. Called Isa.
- Baltic - A Lappish goddess. At times, referred to as Isa.

Akik megfogták az isten lábát..
A giant footprint named Footprint of God was recently found in South Africa in rough granite, about 4 feet long. With this foot size, the person who would left it behind must have been about 24 feet OR 7.5 m tall. Kimosták a Földet, minden összement? (Az igazságtartalmat ne kérje senki számon rajtam! Sosem láttam óriás csontvázat, mamutot, kardfogú tigrist.)

Érdekességnek fura leletek: Mikor még az ember a fán lakott a Darwinizmus szerint, már érdekes és bonyolult tárgymegmunkálást végzett. Tiltott régészet.

Afrika 1.rész.
Afrika 17.rész.

Pesti István 2014 junius
