Szudán history
Erenga word for " rain " (or " sky ") is " arr," while at Dilling (northern Dar Nuba) "rain" is " ara," and at Mfdob it is "arri."
There is a section of "Fur" in Gebel Si called Karanga, i.e. "Kara folk," who admit their Kara (Fertft) origin.
The Musaba'at, a branch of the Kungara, had already found their way into Kordofan^, and the royal capital of the other Fur was now set up near Tina in
the fertile country at the eastern foot of the Turra range.
The people of Turra say the To Ra were called after the giant lizard or "monitor" {Ar. "wiril," or "warana"), called "to" in Fur dialect. Its scientific
name is Varanus Niloticus. The same name "to" or "tow" occurs also as the nickname of the present " Shartai" of the Birked.
Jur folyó, Koch, Kangi, Naandi, Rokon, Bor, Kongor települések.
Southern Darfur
Modara, Jogar, Rumalia, Buddu, Tabur, Kasita, Turri, Bori, Mora, Dugo, Umm Shalkha..
Más oldalról Silo, Um
Arada, Barka, Haddad..
De hova soroljam Sambat települést ? Félrehallották a shambath-ot? Black Sabbath?
Northern Darfur map
Települések: Bulgar, Birka, Garas, Monguri, Gaal..
Szudán history
Erenga word for " rain " (or " sky ") is "arr," while at Dilling (northern Dar Nuba) "rain" is "ara," and at Mfdob it is "arri."
There is a section of "Fur" in Gebel Si called Karanga, i.e. "Kara folk," who admit their Kara (Fertft) origin.
The Musaba'at, a branch of the
Kungara, had already found their way into Kordofan^, and the royal capital of the other Fur was now set up near Tina in
the fertile country at the eastern foot of the Turra range.
The people of Turra say the To Ra were called after the giant lizard or "monitor" {Ar. "wiril," or "warana"), called "to" in Fur dialect. Its scientific name
is Varanus Niloticus. The same name "to" or "tow" occurs also as the nickname of the present " Shartai" of the Birked.
Törzsi világ
Nagy Gyula
ECSIN EMEL török régész nyomán ("Oldrug Turug", Ankara 1958) ismertetem kiegészítésként a sokkal késõbb felfedezett BILGE kagán koporsót. Egyszerû, de szinte fenséges a maga titokzatosságával és szimbólumaival. BILGE kagán alakja és a két oldalán tisztelettel feléje hajló személy komor
méltósággal tartja a törökös eredetû népek hite szerint "a lélek helye", a májuk felett az õsi áldozati csészét. Jobb felsõ sarokban pedig az elszállt és "sólyommá változott" lélek szimbóluma ül a magas eget jelölõ boltozaton.
Ahol asszony lesz a lányból
For example liun "lijun" or liun 'woman' became unanimously yun-li, even though the glide only belongs to the phonetic form...
On-okur: Turug - Old Türkic for arrow, or tribal unit i.e., Ten Arrows Türkmen tribe
(ten sub tribes) eventually migrated to China.
Turug világ
Torak Han (Turug)
Torak [Turug] Han, King 641-644 dep (d656)
the word "tarot" originated from Arab word "turug" meaning four ways."
A tarokk kártyát sokszor kötik a cigány jövendőmondókhoz, de a "tarokk, turuk, tarot" afrikai eredetű, a cigány meg a szélrózsa minden irányából jött.
History of the Arabs in the Sudan
A könyv sokat foglalkozik a KUNGARA néppel és a FÜR nyelvvel.
To the first of the two groups specified belong such people as the TURÜG, who are by origin NÜBA from Gebel Tekali in Kordofán, imported by the Sultan
Tíráb, the 'ABÍDÍA round Kebkebia and Kuttum, who were slaves of Kordofán tribes imported by the same monarch, and the DÁDINGA, who are said to have been in Bornu..
Among these, in Dárfür, to the east are the MANDALA (or BANDALA) and the SHATT, living in the RIZAYKÁT country and the northern Bahr el Ghazál, and to the west a certain number of KÁRA, BINGA, BANDA, DAYGA (DIGGA), FORÓKÉ, FUNKUR, etc.
waran/wiril : monitor lizard /Turra -> Tó Rá/
Az "anda=megfigyelő/scout" a FÜR nyelvben.
MÓR OROSZLÁN: (Ar. usudda, Für murunga, sing. müru)
Az isten régi törzsi neve MOLU, aki az égben (Jouel) lakik. Az "uddu" megfelel a pokolnak. A "király=sagal" (arab Melik), plural "sagla".
A könyv végén ZAGHÁWA szószedet:
meat = enni
star = bar
road = garrdi
four = ishté
A "csillag=vissi" BARÁBRA nyelven. Ugyanott "fej=ur". Feltűnik a tehén/cow "tei" neve is több nyelvben.
Egypt forum - buziknak tetszeni fog
Holland turul - Terelj Nemzeti Park
Several Old Turkic
formations that resemble passives in form but not in meaning, underwent the same alteration in Turkmen, such as di:rel-'to come
alive' (OT tiril-), dural-'to become clean/transparent'(OT turul-), goyal- 'to become viscid' (OT koyul-).
*ti:rig 'alive': OT tiril-i Tvr diril-, Gag diril-, Az diril-, Tkm di:rel-; cf.Chuvash
idrdl-; Uzb
tiril-, NUyg tiril-, Tat terel-, Kzk tiril-, Kirg tiril-, KBlk tiril-.
slagnant, still': OT turul-: Tur durul-, Gag durul-, Az durul-, Tkm dural-; cf. also Chuvash tárál-; cf .Uzb turil-'to be stuck (in the throat)
PURPLE (MOR) color - sárga szeműek ?
Even the country name MOROCCO is related to the Turkish expression "MOR GÖK O" meaning "It is Purple Sky".
The coined name MOOR although is associated with the name MOROCCO but is also a form of Turkish MOR meaning "purple" or "MOR O" meaning "he/she/it is purple" referring to the worshippers of the purple sun. The Hungarians call them by the name KUN which again has the Turkish name "KÜN/GÜN" (SARI GÜN anlaminda) meaning "sun". SARACENS (SARI CANLAR) wore yellow and mor decorated dress to indicate their belief in the Sun. All of these "whitish/yellow" and "red/purple" clothing are the symbols of ancient Turkish people "SARI CANS" anagrammatized as "SARACENS".
Egy mellőzött zsidó
Finally we note corresponding conditions of liability to attack across the Tien Shan in the case of Kashgar, both the Terek and Turug Art passes offering access to that great oasis almost right through the year. Here we have completed the circuit of the mountain barriers which enclose the Tarim basin. We may now turn to a summarysurvey of the basin itself.
Tamana állam
R U N G U S -dialect. The Rungus people live on the Kudat and Bengkoka-Peninsulas which are farthest north of Sabah, one of the states of the
Federation of Malaysia. They call themselves MOMOGUN, i.e. people who make 'pogun ' a deserted dwelling place. POMOGUNAN is the place, where all this takes place = village, country, land, earth.
va'ig = water; ovegan = watered (ova'igan)
ilo = to know, o+i o + an = eaa/elaan = known
palad = palm (hand)
panau = to go
ta'ud = to watch
tanom = to plant
As for the word class of certain entries: although it was argued in chapter 4 that Begak distinguishes between adjectives and stative verbs, this
distinction has not been made for the items in this word list. All adjectives and stative verbs are listed as Vs 'stative verb'..
turu' Num. seven.
turug Vs. sleep.
biag kkan N.frog that enters houses to eat rice (lit.full of rice).
*tussug Vt. invite.
Még Begak grammar
döllay= 'maize'
panow= 'go'
ambur= 'scatter'
llung= 'river'
inum= 'drink'
tulis/ tilis/ tmulis= 'write'
ri ='tear'
Szárnyaljuk együtt bé a mindenséget!
Greek pteron, wing; see -pter; co- "with, together"
Fülledt a csönd, mint mikor üres a
Egyiptom a méh földje volt.
Ókori méhészek
Jehovah doth hiss for a fly that is in the extremity of the brooks of Egypt, And for a bee that is in the land of Asshur.
Bee hive pictures, ancient Egypt
A mükénéi tholos is lényegében méhkas sír.
Méhkas házak Szíriában
Ha vízzel locsolják ezeket a házakat, akkor akár 20 fokos hőmérséklet csökkenés is elérhető a belsejükben.
Kaptárkövek - képek
A Holdvilágárok részei: a Kisszikla, a Nagyszikla, az Y alakú barlang, az ún. kaptárfülkék talányos kérdéseit sem Sashegyi Sándor 1941. évi, sem
Erdélyi István 1962/63., 1966. évi, sem Mihnai Attila 1980. évi kisléptékű régészeti ásatásai nem oldották meg. Biztosan emberkéz alkotásai a rovásjelek, a barlangok, a kaptárkövek, de aligha kereshető itt Árpád nagyfejedelem sírja, amint nem igen vonható kétségbe a római és későbbi kőfejtés és ércbányászat (az andezittufában kerestek mangán vasércet) kézzel fogható
számos nyoma, például egy kőfejtő vas ék a kokváderek közé szorulva.
Dravida mes = kaptár (ott van a méz!)
Varga Csaba: a sas nem kapkod..
Latin (latin c=magyar k)
'capto'=kapkod, 'capio'=kapás, fogás. Angol 'capture'=elkap (lásd alább: kaptár).
Amivel a méhrajt elkapják, az a: kaptár, spanyolban ugyanez: 'captar'.
A finnugorász - Kardhágó tudósa.
A középkori magyar nyelv
még kétféle megnevezést ismert az "éjszaka fénylő égitest"-re: a 'csillag' és a 'húgy' szót. Úgy tűnik, mintha a régi nyelvben az utóbbi lenne az
"Húgy" szavunk a görög "hud=víz" származéka, s nem a mongol hudag. (Mongol "csillag=od,odon, hodon")
Kutak családnevünk a
kút=hudag: well [OM qudugh, cp. Tur kuyu, Kyr kuduk, OT *kudugh] (Az ógörögben csak "víz".)
Dolgan: xулус (hulus) = star
Dongxiang: xodun = star
East Yugur: hodën = star
Buryat: одон (odon) = star
Okinawan: ふし (husi) = csillag
Pete Ferenc tett először említést a kaptár őséről, amelyet az
különböztetett meg a kastól, hogy deszkából készült. A XIX. sz. fordulóján jelentek meg az első kaptárak a világon.
Magyar település: Kaptár, 1313
Beehive - sok képen
Located some 550 light years away in the northern constellation Cancer, the Beehive cluster is home to 1000 young stars born about 600 million years ago.
Arracan nyelven a "csillag = kaszi".
Swedish: "bikupa = a beehive"
Catalan: arna, casera
Kas - lengyel-magyar
Kas - Kosz (kos) vagyis kosár vagy lomtár
A kas a méhek háza, ha nem is a kastélya. Mint casablanca, circassians, kashgari..
Ház szavunk
Syriac: baytā' / pajta?
Bulgarian: kəšta
Catalan: casa
Papiamentu: kas
Portuguese: casa
Házas spanyol: casar. Máshol egy nép: Hazar.
Koponya tár: 50 koponyából álló lelet került elő Mexikóból. (Templo mayor)
Méhábrázolás - Felső-Egyiptom, Karnak
The garden (hsp = hesper ?) before Min's beehive house at Coptos hummed with the sound of busy bees, for Min of Coptos, the first ruler of Egypt, was "fond of honey" and was "a god of bees," whose priests were called aftiu, "Bees," and whose number two priest was the 'aft n byt, "Keeper of the Bees." The mountain behind Coptos was the Egyptian Hymettus, an important source of that wild honey which the Egyptians always favored.
Sais in the Delta, but from Naqada, being "characteristic of the first prehistoric
civilization" in the domain of "Min, who was the chief god of Panopolis (Ekhmim), also of Koptos nearly opposite Nakadeh, and was the original form of Amun of Thebes..
Min or his priest as bi.ti was a cultivator of bees, or perhaps it was his duty to gather wild honey in the desert.
There are other derivations, but since the root meaning of Essen is unknown (Syriac asan, to gather food supplies, Aramaic asya,
etc., all meaning to cure, heal, revive, associated by Brockelman with "Essene, Therapeut?"),226 it is not too much to suggest a connection between Essen, Asse, and Asen-ath, the final -ath being the universal Semitic (and Egyptian) feminine singular ending;
Asenath herself was
undeniably the queen bee when she married Joseph.
Afrika I.rész.
Afrika III.rész.
Pesti István 2013 február 15.