A zöld sziget

Az írek - Csillag születik.

Set in heart of County Wicklow, Ireland, is the picturesque estate village of Shillelagh, original home of the world famous Irish Blackthorn Fighting Stick. The unique qualities of these sticks were first developed by the Siol Ealaigh people of this region more than 1200 years ago.
Shilla: Fütykös (bot): shillelagh, shillalah a cudgel made of hardwood ( usually oak or blackthorn). /cugdel: vándorbot keményfából./

Etymology: from Shillelagh, town and barony in Co. Wicklow, Ireland, famous for its oaks.

Shill kezdetű helynevek a világban.
Tehát a "shillelagh" egy ír városka neve után kaphatta nevét. Tulajdonképpen egy vándorbot kemény fából, rendszerint tölgy v. feketetövis. Csoda, hogy nem a köristenes fából..



shil·le·lagh {shuh-ley-lee, -luh}
- noun 1. (esp. in Ireland) cudgel, traditionally of blackthorn or oak Also, shil·la·la, shil·la·lah,shil·le·lah
{Origin: 1670-80; < Ir Síol Éiligh town in Co. Wicklow; the adjoining forest provided wood for the clubs}


Irish words familiar in Newfoundland include streeley, sleeveen and hangashore. As in Scotland, Gaelic names are often presented in Ireland in an anglicized form - an example is Belfast's Shankill Road ( from sean-chill or old church) or Dublin (dubh linn - a dark pool).


Nádurra is a Gaelic word meaning "natural", probably in reference to the Nádurra's presentation as a cask strength, non-chill filtered whisky.

Ha férfi vagy..

na fir {nah fir} = the men / a férfiak
uisce {ish-ka} = water /víz

Gaelic word Pàras=Paradise, Heaven

Foremost among the distilleries along the banks of the chill, clear waters of the Spey stands Knockando.

Félember-e a férfi? ...észak-kaukázusi (kryz) firi, (budukh) furi {férfi}, (akusha) murul {férfi, férj}; szanszkrit bharu {úr, férj}, nR {férfi, hős (vagy isteni), ember, emberiség; nyelvtani vonatkozásban hímnemű szavakra utal}, nar {hím, férfiasan}, nara {férfi, hím, ember, férj, hős}...


örmény air {férfi, ember}, aru {hím}, arrn {ember}; burját murā {férfi, érett}; ótörök, közép-török, sór, ojrát, jakut, dolgan, tuva, balkár, karaim, karakalpak, szalár, kumyk er {férfi}, tatár, hakasz, baskír ir {férfi}; ujgur är, haladzs här, tatár ǟr, szari-jugur jer {férfi}; azerbajdzsáni är {férj}; török er {férfi, közkatona, férj}; írott mongol ere, klasszikus mongol ere v. ärä v. irä̆, halha er, burját, ordoszi, dongxian, baoi, szari-jugur ere, kalmük erǝ, dagur er v. ere v. ergun, mogol errä, monguor rē {férfi, hím}; ótörök (óujgur), közép-török, karakhanid, kazak, kirgiz, karaim, szari-jugur eren {ember, emberiség}, hakasz iren {ember, emberiség}; török, türkmén, ojrát, kirgiz, kazak, nogáj, balkár, gagauz, karaim, karakalpak, kumyk erkek, üzbég erkak, azerbajdzsáni erkäk, haladzs hịrkäk {férfi};


Ard - high
Bal - in Gaelic the word "baile" means a town or a village
Gart - there are a number of possible origins of this word - Old Norse ("gardr") Brittonic ("garth") and Gaelic ("garradh") - meaning some kind of enclosure. Many of the placenames incorporating "gart" are found around Glasgow such as Gartcosh (foot of the yard) and Gartnavel (apple yard).
Inch - is from "innis" meaning island.
Mor - again from the Gaelic, this time meaning "big" such as Ben More (the big hill /nagy domb) and Morven (the big glen / nagy szurdok, völgy).

as shilley (sighted), sleih shillagh (sighted people), lag-reaytagh (weak sighted), lag-hooillagh (weak eyed, weak sighted)
Shqip: "presbit= far sighted, longsighted". Távollátó, messzelátó.

Ag Críost an Síol - To Christ the Seed. (Krisztusé a vetés )
Síol Anmchadha was a sub-kingdom or lordship of Hy-Many, and ruled by an off-shoot of the Ui Maine called the Síol Anmchadha ("the seed of Anmchadh"), from whom the territory took its name.

The ruling dynasty later took the surname Ó Madadháin, anglicised as Maddan or Madden. In the later medieval era they were sometime vassals of the Earl of Ulster and their successors, The Clan-ri-cardes.

Síol Na Gréine. siol na gréine. (Shee-ul Na Grayn-ya)


Siol Anmchada was a sub-kingdom or lordship of Uí Maine, in an area of the west of Ireland which is now part of Connacht. It was ruled by an off-shoot of the Ui Maine called the Síol Anmchadha ("the seed of Anmchadh"), from whom the territory took its name.
Madudan mac Gadhra Mór, 1008
Gadhra Mór mac Dundach, 1008-1027
Dogra mac Dúnadach, killed 1027.
Dunadach mac Cú Connacht, 1027-1032
Diarmaid mac Madudan, 1032-1069
Madudan Reamhar Ua Madadhan, 1069-1096
Gillafin Mac Coulahan, 1096-1101
Diarmaid Ua Madadhan, 1101-1135
Cú Coirne Ua Madudhan, 1135-1158
Madudan Mór Ua Madadhan, 1158-?

Föld alatt - video flash10 telepítése után.

éalaigh : (verb) escape, abscond /szökik/

'Siol Ealaigh' meaning the seed (or descendants) of Ealach .
"an ealaigh", meaning "of the swan"


slip in = scaoil isteach, tar isteach i ngan fhios(vt)
slip away = éalaigh(vi)
nail clippers = siosúr ingne

Mindenki a magáét..

Can I get pronunciation for d'éalaigh isteach?? Thanks! ... isteach is iss(loose s) T- and ach :idea: :mrgreen: 8O

isteach i (+ eclipse) = into a isteach sa (+ lenition) = into the ... Isteach sa phlásóg choille

Isteach is "inside" involving a motion, istigh is stationary

Tar isteach (Come in) Tá mé ag dul isteach (I'm going in)
"stranger (having) come in" = stráinséar tagtha isteach.

go mbeannaí dia anseo isteach / god bless all entering here

WindowsXP: "Cuir Isteach/Bain Ríomhchlár" (Add or Remove Program).
Go ngiollaí aingil isteach thú

éan {ian} "bird". Éan is written eun in literary Scottish Gaelic.
day = lá; latha, là
inside = isteach; a-steach
star = réalt(a); reul
island = oileán; eilean (vagyis a sziget az "ei".)

Istiglici cigányok

ìsleàn = low ground (a "leán" pedig land/föld.)
ispìn {ish-peen} = sausage
Isteach {eesh-tawch} = In/Entrance, in(wards): istigh go dtì an = into
Istigh = inside, within
istoìche = at night

Cuileann, meaning "holly" (possibly beautiful like holly)
Cameron is a Scottish surname meaning "crooked nose." In Scottish Gaelic
escape = In Irish it's "éalaigh". (Éalach: 9.sz.-i hős)

eallach ="cattle"-> 'Siol Ealaigh' -> 'szökik a mag' ? Élach magzatja? Borjú?
capall = "mare" (southern and western láir; elsewhere, capall is used to mean "horse")


The man's name beginning with Ó (or Ua) or Mac (also Mag preceding a vowel).
Máire Ní Cheallaigh = "Maria, grandchild of Ceallach's" (angl. als Mary O'Kelly)

Hopi sólyom = sparrow hawk = kele
'ceall' which means church, monastery.(kelta)

Ceiling {'si:lin}: probably influenced by L. cælum "heaven, sky" (see celestial).

Bár a kelta vidéken is találunk magyar szavakat, azért nem mind magyar, ami hasonló alakú.


Macken, Macosquin, Madden, Maghaberry, Maghera, Magheraconluce, Magherafelt, Magheralin, Magheramason, Magheramorne, Magheraveely, Maghery, Maguiresbridge, Markethill, Martinstown, Maydown, Mayobridge, Mazetown, Meigh, Middletown, Milford, Millbank, Mill Bay, Millisle, Milltown
(Co. Antrim), Moira, Monea, Moneyglass, Moneymore,


The Irish word Gall means foreigner, hence the placename Dun na Gall meaning "Fort of the Foreigners".
Fingal (Fine Gall in Irish, meaning "foreign tribe", i.e. Norsemen) is a county in the Republic of Ireland.
Mayogall: Moynagall for the true native pronunciation is Magh-na-Gall, meaning "Plain of the Foreigners"
Wales - mint a heréltek Wallachiából.
Walsh and Wallace) and various other things that were once new and foreign to the Anglo-Saxons (e.g., the walnut). None of these historic usages is necessarily connected to Wales or the Welsh.
The Anglo-Saxon words are derived from the same Germanic root (singular Walh, plural Walha), applied to Italic and Celtic peoples and places, that has provided modern names for Continental lands (e.g., Wallonia and Wallachia) and peoples (e.g., the Vlachs via a borrowing into Old Church Slavonic), none of which has any connection to Wales or the Welsh.

Spanyol muszlim (mór) forrásokban al-Madjus (pogány varázslók) néven szerepelnek, a szláv iratokban rus a nevük (talán Svédország finn nevéből - "Rotsi"), a bizánciak rhosnak (a görög "vörös" szóból, utalva pirosas arcszínükre) vagy varangoinak (talán az ősnorvég "var" - fogadalom - szóból, egy olyan csapatot jellemezve ezzel, akik hűséget fogadtak egymásnak) hívták őket. Csak az írek, akik "lochlannach"-nak (északiak) vagy "gaill"-nek (idegenek vagy külhoniak) nevezték őket, próbálták megkülönböztetni a norvégokat ("finn-gaill", fehér idegenek) a dánoktól ("dubh-gaill", fekete idegenek).

Területei: Rhos ("alföld" jelentésű), Rhufoniog, Dyffryn Clwyd (a Völgy Kapuja) és Tegeingl. A történelem során több egyesítési kísérlet is történt


Merryweather-Clarke et al. (7) reported C282Y allele frequencies in a world-wide study of 2978 people (5956 chromosomes 6); they found a mean allele frequency of 1.9%, the highest frequency being 10% in Irish chromosomes. In that study C282Y was most frequent in Northern European populations, and absent in African, Asian and native Australian chromosomes. We report here a compilation of recently published studies concerning the HFE codon 282 (C/Y) in European populations in control individuals.

IREK - vörös forrásból

The Annals of the Four Masters begins with the year of the world 2242, when Caesair, a granddaughter of Noah, landed in Ireland forty days before the Flood; other annals have the ancestors of the Scots, the last immigrants to Ireland, descend in direct line from Japheth and bring them into connection with Moses, the Egyptians and the Phoenicians, as the German chroniclers of the Middle Ages connected the ancestors of the Germans with Troy, Aeneas or Alexander the Great. The Four Masters devote only a few pages to this legend (in which the only valuable element, the original folk-legend, is not distinguishable even now); the Annals of Ulster leave it out altogether; and Tigernach, with a critical boldness wonderful for his time, explains that all the written records of the Scots before King Cimbaoth (approximately 300 B.C.) are uncertain.
This is the first mention of Irish oatmeal gruel (Irish lite, Anglo-lrish stirabout), which even then, before the introduction of potatoes, was the staple food of the Irish people and after that continued to be so alongside with the latter. Pelagius's chief followers were Celest us and Albinus, also Scots, that is, Irishmen. According to ennadius, 201 Celestius wrote three detailed letters to his parents from the monastery, and from them it can be seen that alphabetical writing was known in Ireland in the fourth century.
The Irish people are called Scots and the land Scotia in all the writings of the early Middle Ages; we find this term used by Claudianus, Isidorus, Beda, the geographer of Ravenna, Eginhard and even by Alfred the Great: "Hibernia, which we call Scotland" ("lgbernia the ve Scotland hatadh"). 202 The present Scotland was called Caledonia by foreigners and Alba, Albania by the inhabitants; the transfer of the name Scotia, Scotland, to the northern area of the eastern isle did not occur until the eleventh century.

A sziget történelme
Cauca minor

"Chauci - a populous tribe occupying the northern coast between the Frisians and the river Elbe, like the Frisians living on artificial mounds above the oft-flooded coastal plains near the North Sea. Pliny the Elder has a first-hand account of their way of life, Tacitus mentions they were respected among the German tribes for their levelheadedness. The Chauci became closely allied to the Romans, to whose legions they often contributed auxiliaries. The first known map of Ireland (by Ptolemy) shows Chauci colonisation of eastern Ireland, by the 1st or 2nd century AD. By the end of the 3rd century, the main body of the Chauci had merged with the Saxons, although it's unclear how voluntarily this went about."
A CAUCA (fehér) nép Tacitus írásaiban az Elba torkolatvidékén élt, s igen nagy tekintélynek örvendett a szászok között. Ptolemy szerint az irek keleti részét is ez a nép gyarmatosította az 1-2. sz. során. Jó barátságban voltak a rómaiakkal.

Fehér király - nagy király

"The Gaelic word translated as "king" is righ or ri, and its meaning is not quite the same as the English word. There was a righ of each Mortuath, or Great Tribe, and in this context the word is sometimes translated as the Latin subregulus or English sub-king. Then there was the ard righ, the over-king or High King of the Scots."

A High King of Ireland is a historical or legendary figure who claimed lordship over the whole of Ireland. Medieval and early modern Irish literature portrays an almost unbroken sequence of High Kings, ruling from Tara over a hierarchy of lesser kings, stretching back thousands of years.


"In 1002 Brian Boru returned to Tara nd was crowned Ard Righ of Ireland. The nation enjoyed a brief period of peace during which Boru rebuilt many institutions that were destroyed during the wars. But huge tributes were demanded in return for the Ard Righ's protection against invaders. Rebellions provoked quick and bloody responses."

Scots, Picts and Angles
The Scotland of the sixth century was a land of four distinct peoples:- the Britons of Strathclyde; the Scots of Dalriada; the Picts of Caledonia; and the newcoming Angles of Northumbria who advanced into the Lothians.

A zöld sziget

The common Irish word for door was, and is, dorus a single leaf of a door was comla.

At the bottom of the door was a tairsech or threshold. The jamb was called ursa: the lintel was for-dorus (i e. 'on the door'). On the outside of the large door of the lis was a porch called aurduine (lit. 'front part of the dún'). Cormac's Glossary explains aurduine as a structure "at the doors of the dúns, which is made by the artisans"-implying ornamentation. The lis door was always closed at night.

We have the best evidence to show that locks were used in Ireland in very early times. Mention is made of the aradh {ara} or ladder, which must have been in constant use

A dzsungel hőse
This goddess of protection Sheela Na Gig is prepared to ward off evil spirits from entering your home. Sheela-Na-Gig figures appeared all over old Irish churches built before the 16th century, but Victorian prudery resulted in the defacement or destruction of large numbers of them.

Paripám csodaszép..

My way of following Magdalenian words into our languages: I pronounce them silently, without giving voice, over and over again, and consider what happens:

pac pac pac pac pac ...
... pac opap opec epec

Latin equus for horse, Old Irish ech for horse
... pac apac opac ipoc hipos

Ancient Greek hippos for horse, Gaulish Epo, Epona the horse goddess; Greek hippos a merger with IPR hyper Hyperion, the sun ascending and traversing the sky (IPR originally for ascending smoke)
... pac apac aspec aspa asva

Old Persian Aspacanah (Aspa-canah) for he who loves horses, Old Indian Asavasena for he who has an army of horses, Bhradasva for he who has mighty horses

Means "dweller by the gate", "gate keeper" from the Old English word geat meaning "gate". Or denotes a person hailing from Yate (Gloucestershire), England


And from the standpoint of etymology the ethnonym Tochar (tokh~tog~thag 'mountain, tree, forest', ar 'people, man', Tochar 'mountain and forest people'), Tochars should be classical Türks, which does not exclude other tribes among them, for example, ancient Iranian-lingual tribes.

Tochar (tokh~tog~thag 'mountain, tree, forest', ar 'people, man', Tochar 'mountain and forest people'), Tochars should be classical Türks, which does not exclude other tribes among them, for example, ancient Iranian-lingual tribes.

Vs. Miller counted that in Scythian words the Ossetian plural affix -ma


The Tóchar Valley
County Mayo in the West of Ireland

Tóchar Phádraig predates Patrick. It was probably built around 350 A.D., and was the main route from Rath Cruachan, the seat of the kings of Connacht, to Cruachán Aigle, the mountain sacred to our pagan ancestors. Since Patrick's time, 441 A.D., it became a Christian pilgrim route and was known as Tóchar Phádraig or Patrick's Causeway.



Ard - primitív faeke kerék nélkül
It derives from the old Norse word, "arder". The word is now used to describe a "primitive" form of plow that has no wheel or moldboard, and hence is not capable of turning a proper furrow.


ard, (angol betükkel); ard (ir) ; jelentés: high/height; Ardglass /magas

fin; fionn; clear/white/fair; Finglas /fehér
kin; ceann/cionn; head; Kinallen /fő
mag, magh; maigh/machaire; plain; Magherafelt /alföld
more; mór; big/great; Tullamore /nagy
rath, rah; ráth; earthen ring-fort; Rathfarnham, Raheny /földvár
ros, rosh, rus, rush; ros; woodland; Roscrea /erdőség
shan; sean; old; Shandon /öreg
tuam, toom; tuaim; burial mound; Tuam, Toomevara /TEMetési halom

Ard (Celt.), 'high;' as Ardoch, Airdrie, Ard-rossan, Ardglass, Arden, Ardennes

Föld - Arsz-ágomat egy lóért!

arsz : earth {EgAr ard, Akk erssetu, Heb eretz, Syr ar'a, JNA ara, Uga arss, Phoen 'rss} Ful lardi, Hau lardi, Ind arzi, Per arsz, Swa ardhi, Tur arz borrowed from ArArabic أرض ("land", or "earth" with definite article) pronounced as "arD"


The Lat. root arduus (high) is found in Ardea, in Italy

ard-, art-, and artha- are also Persian prefixes attached to the names of places and persons; e.g. Ardboodha (the high place of Buddha)
/Magyarán: Valakinek a lakóhelye az ARD. Pl Buddha, Eli./

Rokonai: Lat. aro, Goth arjan, Ófelnémet aran, Kelta ar (szántani)
Mint látjuk, az ARD lehet magas, fehér, föld, tűz..

Ardeal: "Ard" as an Indo-European root-word means "hill, forested heights, mountain"
Mint látjuk, az arab parasztoknak hála, Libanonban eléggé elterjedt az ARD településnév. Többi arab állam?
Ardelan település Iránban. Ennek utánzata a román Ardeluta vagy a francia Ardelu.
Erd is iráni település. Érd lemaradt.
Erdej iráni, Erdel török, Erdelj horvát település. Erdel' pedig türkmén helység.

Wizard: from M.E. wys "wise" (see wise (adj.)) + -ard
Read more: What is the etymology of the word "Wizard"? | Answerbag

*erbi 'hare'; *argi 'light, bright'; *eltze 'cooking pot'; *esku 'hand'; *unbe 'child', *ardi 'sheep', *urte 'year', *urde 'pig', *alte 'side'; *ate 'door';

ardor, oris, hn. {ardeo} = égés, tűz, forróság
Ardentia verba = Words that burn.
ardha = half (szanszkrit)

Oszét: Art=Tűz;
Koele: ókori város Észak-Afrikában
KOLE = FEHÉR; mande, Sierra Leone

Hammer Ferenc

Vajh a keltáknak hány szava volt a fehér színre? (ard, ban, wenia, vindo-, vindion, vinnion, vend, az alb- változatai, a szláv bel-)
Megjegyezném még, hogy a varég az a varang változata. Avesta "sólyom" jelentéssel. A szlávok RUSS-nak nevezték a vikingeket, nem varégnak. Viking az angol elnevezés a skandináviai Vik városka után. Csak ing-et adtak rá..:-) Gerund.
De ki adta Angliának az Albion nevet, s mikor? Nekem a skótok gyanúsak! Kövessük csak végig a térképen az Arran nevet! Sziget a skót határnál. Sziget Irország nyugati oldalán. Francia folyó, Olasz folyó. Folyó a Kaukázusnál.. Valami a Balkánon is volt, de most nem jut eszembe.. Ráadásul kelta nép, ahogy az albán is! Meg "sas".


Irországban az Inchiquin templom mellett vannak a Fursey's monostor romjai. Azt nevezték "Kill-arsagh"-nak.
Az írek apostola Szent Patrik (385-461) püspök. Írországban a kereszténységgel együtt a szerzeteséletet is meggyökereztette. Ô változtatta a "zöld szigetet" a "szentek szigetévé".


Felmerülhet a kérdés - miként Genghis Khan kapcsán - maradtak-e leszármazottai a vallásalapítónak?
Tudásunk szerint fiai közül Al-Qasim nem érte meg a gyermekkor végét, de volt egy Abdullah nevű, akitől származhattak utódok....és volt egy lánya is - Fatima - aki a mondák szerint magyar ősanya lett...
Ma a mohamedán világban SHARAF néven emlegatik a próféta leszármazottait. Más források szerint nem maradt élő fia Mohamednek, hanem unokaöccsétől, Ali-tól származnak a SHARAFok. (Közéjük tartozik Husszein király családja is.)
A próféta törzsét "al-Quraish"-nak hívták. A törzs "Banu Hashim" klánjának leszármazottait pedig "Hashmi" (aka Hahmite) néven emlegetik.
Ahogyan Dzsingisz kán esetében is történt (holttest híján) a mai utódokból következtetik vissza a nagy előd valószínűsíthető genetikáját. (G.kán esetében: C-3, M217). A próféta genetikai kutatását végzők egy "al-Quraish" MODAL HAPLOTÍPUST találtak. (Ez hasonlít a zsidó papok között gyakori génhez, csak kicsit más..J1, J2 helyett G2 group.) A gén nem ritka a Nyugat-Ázsiában (mármint a G2!), de manapság leginkább a Kaukázus környékén található meg. (A "G" hg eredetét momentán Kelet-Irán térségére tezik a kutatók.. A G2 gyakorisága Pakisztánban 4,5%, Indiában pedig 1,2 %.. Sengupta et al. 2006)
Az írek, skótok között igen gyakori vörös haj szép számmal megtalálhatő az ázsiai G2 területeken is. Ennek ellenére nincs tudomás Mohamed hajának színéről, csak a fennmaradt hagyományok szerint hennával festette haját. The red hair roots.

Armagnac Airmag
County Armagh (Irish: Contae Ard Mhacha) is one of the traditional counties of Ireland. It is located within the province of Ulster and is part of Northern Ireland. It was named after the town of Armagh.

County Armagh is known as the Orchard County because the land is so fertile for apple-growing. It is situated directly south of Lough Neagh.

The name "Armagh" derives from the Irish word Ard meaning "height" and Macha, together meaning "height (or high place) of Macha".

Brit helynevek
Ard (Celtic), high, a height. Ardmore, Armagh, Airdrie, Ardrossan.
the Mongols emerged in the steppe lands. Originally organized around clans (Monglian: obogh), they began at this time to develop into tribes (aimagh).
Aimak (or Aimaq) is a term designating Persian-speaking nomadic or semi-nomadic tribes of mixed Iranian and Mongolian stock inhabiting the north and north-west highlands of Afghanistan
Aishmag = férfi, Aguaruna nyelven

Ki a Nílus vizét ISSZA

names of later people such as "Har-si-Ese", literally, "Horus, son of Isis".

For convenience, Egyptologists arbitrarily choose to pronounce her name as "ee-set". Sometimes they may also say "ee-sa" because the final "t" in her name was a feminine suffix, which is known to have been dropped in speech during the last stages of the Egyptian language.

In Greece, traditional centres of worship in Delos, Delphi, and Eleusis were taken over by followers of Isis, and this occurred in northern Greece and Athens as well. Harbours of Isis were to be found on the Arabian Sea and the Black Sea. Inscriptions show followers in Gaul, Spain, Pannonia, Germany, Arabia, Asia Minor, Portugal, Ireland, and many shrines even in Britain.

Régi térkép

the Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH) consists of 6 genetic markers that have been found at high frequencies in people from the European Atlantic coast, such as Wales, Ireland, the Orkney Islands, the Dutch province of Friesland, and the Basque country in northern Spain

"A baszkok is kelták - állítják génkutatók. Az írek, a walesiek és a baszkok génvizsgálata közeli hasonlóságot mutat a három népcsoport között."

Mert hol is élnek a baszkok? "Ott, ahol az ATUR siet beléje/Mint gyermek az anyja kebelére.." a Magrada folyó mellett. Délre Biturigestől, Nyugatra Tolosatól.

Árgyélus királyfi hazája:
"..they had centers, such as Tara in the center of Ireland, where barrows of knights and kings and queens were centered."
Skócia gael nyelven Alban.

The Greeks knew the people as Albanoi, and the Georgians knew them as Rani, a form taken over in an arabized form for the early Islamic geographical term al-Ran (pronounced ar-Ran). Early Arran seems to have displayed the famed linguistic complexity of the Caucasus as a whole. Strabo 9.4, cites Theophanes of Mytilene that Albania had at least 26 different languages or dialects, and the distinctive Albanian speech persisted into early Islamic times, since Armenian and Islamic sources alike stigmatize the tongue as cacophonous and barbarous, with Estakhri, p. 192, Ebn Hawqal, p. 349, tr. Kramers-Wiet, p. 342, and Moqaddasi, p. 378, recording that al-Raniya was still spoken in the capital Barda'a or Barda'a in their time (4th/10th century).
{"bard" az kelta nyelven "fehér"-et jelent. Más nyelven Barda=Partaw. Már majdnem pártus..}

Pánörmény - elméletből

The monuments left by the Suzerains, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians and Indic Valley civilizations indicate that the roots of these states were culturally and ethnically Armenid. The so-called 'Jewish nose', prominent among modern Jews, Syrians, and Arabs is evidence of transfusion of Armenid (Hurrian) genes into the Semitic races. In Europe the Armenid type was omnipotent among the Celtic colonists of Britain and Ireland, and the Etruscans of Italy. The Anglo Saxons, the Swiss, the Scandinavians, the French and the Scythians in Asia practiced skull deformation; Turkic tribes of Avers and Hans considered it a badge of nobility. The ruling classes of the Ottoman Turks were basically Armenid.

Pesti István 2011 junius
