
(Sárga és a többiek)

Blak is black

Albanian - Greek (ógörög, hellén) - Armenian wordlist
i zi - μέλας mélas - μαύρος maýros - սև sev

Latin szinek:
†Melas, anis, hn. (sc. fluvius ) {= melas, fekete }
több, folyó neve Thessaliában, Siciliában, Pamphyliában stb. sötétszinü vizökért.

pratinus, -a, - um. green
purpureus, -a, -um. purple (purple)
caeruleus, -a, -um. blue (caerulean)
lividus, -a, -um. black and blue (livid)
niger. black (denigrate)
atrus, -a, -um. black (dark) (atrabilious)
fuscus, -a, -um. dark (obfuscate)
ravus, -a, -um. gray
canus, -a, -um. gray or white (hair)
albus, -a, -um. white (alb)
flavus, -a, -um. yellow (pale) (riboflavin)
fulvus, -a, -um. golden yellow
croceus, -a, -um. saffron (crocus)
ruber. red (rubella)
roseus, -a, -um. rose-red (rose)

Makedon fórumról:

Szanszkrit szótárból: "vidaH = who understand"; 'gaura, dhavala,dhauta, shveta = white'; "piita = yellow"; 'pitaambara = yellow sacred clean cloth worn by gods and priest'.

Nyugati jugur

"The Western Yugur name of this city is Sukji, representing the older Chinese pronunciation of Suzhou. An alternative name is Pazar, which is ultimately an Iranian loanword meaning market, occurring in many Turkic languages."

"The Western Yugur name for the city of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is Çô."
...arra Csór királyság felé..

"Huángníbao (lit. Yellow Mud Fort) is a Township situated just on the western border of Mínghua District; this Township resorts under Jiuquán City, and is inhabited by Chinese speaking Yugur. The Western Yugur name of this Township is Sarigh Torwaq (lit. Yellow Earth)."

Uygur history

The name "Uygur" is mentioned in the chronicles of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 220 A.D.), Wei Dynasty (265-289 A.D.), Tang Dynasty (618-906 A.D.), and Sung Dynasty (906-960) . Ancient Greek, Iranian, and Chinese sources placed Uygurs with their tribes, and sub-tribes in the vast area between the west banks of the Yellow River in the east, Eastern Turkestan in the west, and in the Mongolian steppe in the northeast as early as 300 B.C..

Ha az on-ó-gur az tiz nyilat jelent törökül, akkor az új-gur az hány nyíl ?!
A hunok régi nyelvén GUR az KÖR jelentésű... (Vajh melyik hunok?)

Mint látjuk, az ujgurok az Ili folyó völgyében (is) éltek, amikor a hiungnu-k arra zavarták a juezhi népet (akik a Lop-Nor és Kuku-Nór környékén éltek addig), majd a hunok/hanok által üldözve maguk a hiungnu-k is arra a tájra szorultak..
Szerencsére az ujgurokat nem tolta sehova ez a keleti áradat...


The name of the founding Prophet of Zoroastrianism is not Zoroaster, which is a Greek transliteration of the name, but Zarathushtra, which means, in ancient Iranian, "yellow camel."(zara = yellow, ushtra = camel). An alternate reading is "old camel." Animals such as camels and horses were essential and even sacred to the people of Zarathushtra's age, and thus a name containing one of these animals marks a person as important. A similar naming practice occurred among the ancient Greeks where names containing "-ippos" or horse denoted high birth - such as Philippos (lover of horses), Aristippos (best horse), or Xanthippos (yellow horse). The later Zoroastrians said that the name meant "Golden Light," deriving their meaning from the word zara and the word ushas, light or dawn. There is no doubt about Zarathushtra's clan name, which is Spitama - perhaps meaning "white."Zarathushtra's father was named Pouruchaspa (many horses) and his mother was named Dughdova (milkmaid).

Nemzetek kapuja - és a Slachta nagyLajos után.

One of the most interesting features of Persepolis is a gate called the Gate of All Nations, also known as the Gate of Xerxes. The gate contains the figure of a creature with the head of a human, "body of a lion", wings of the eagle and the "legs of a bull" which represent the 'four signs of the Zodiac' and was used as a welcome gesture to all the nations from the four corners of the world, for these constellations covered the four corners of the night sky.

There is an ancient Greek thesis from somebody named Paapoos. He cited Estaans the Moughan as a naturalist philosopher believing in "self management and self-recycling power of nature provided that humans do not destroy it". This philosophy is still valid and we have to take care of our environment.



Xanthosz (hettita nyelven Avarna vagy Arinna, lükiai nyelven Arñna, görögül: Ξάνθος) a Lükiai Szövetség székhelye volt, ma a törökországi Antalya tartomány Kınık települése melett található, nem messze az Eşen folyótól.

3000 éve: Homérosz Iliászának huszadik éneke Devecseri Gábor fordításában ...
.. Létó és Xanthosz s a mosolyszerető Aphrodíté. Míg nem avatkoztak be a harcba az ... égi nevén Xanthosz, de Szkamandrosz az emberi nyelven. ...

Sárga a csikó:
XANTHIPPOS (Ξάνθιππος): Greek name composed of the elements xanthos "yellow" and hippos "horse,"

1829, from Gk. xanthos "yellow," of unknown origin. Prefix form xantho- is used in many scientific words; cf. xanthein (1857) "soluble yellow coloring matter in flowers," Huxley's Xanthochroi (1867) "blond, light-skinned races of Europe" (with okhros "pale"), xanthophyll (1838) "yellow coloring matter in autumn leaves."

A turk nyelvben a "sargay = kereszt" (cross).

SZENT szavunk (TESz)

1156-ból: scentusa; 1176-ból: Zent; 1195-ből: Szen; 1863-ból: Szémmártonnak, Szöm-Márton.
Minden földi dolgon felül emelkedő, istennek tetsző, magasztos, tiszteletre méltó, érinthetetlen, sérthetetlen.

Szláv eredetű. V.ö.: óegyházi szláv "szvety", szerb-horvát svét, szlovák "szvátu". (Gondolom, ezen logikával a SAINT, SANTA is szláv eredetű, mint a SVETA huna.)
Ezek szerint a "sens=érzék, érzet" más tőről fakad, mint a "fehér, fényes, tiszta, világos, ragyogó". /shveta = (adj) white =fehér, szanszkrit nyelv/

A Bhāgavata-purāņa

Minden purāņa legalább öt témát tárgyal. Ezek az alábbiak:
1. sarga - elsődleges teremtés
2. pratisarga - másodlagos teremtés
3. vamœa - dinasztiák leírása
4. vamœānucarita - a dinasztiák tagjainak tettei
5. manvantara - a Manuk váltakozása.

FYI a few colour terms in Ancient Greek (Homeric to 5th C Attic)
Melanos = black, mauros = dark,
leukos = white, pelios = grey
chloros = yellow/green
prasinos = green
chyrsos = golden
xanthos = blonde/yellow
phoinos = red (compare phoenix, crimson red dye of the Phoenicians)
erythros = red
kokkinos = scarlet
glaukos = blue, light blue
kyanos = dark blue
porphyros = purple
rhodos = pink/reddish pink, as in Rhododactylus Eos (from Homer = Rosy-fingered dawn)
khalkos = bronze coloured

Iráni nyelvekben a "sárga=zard" (zark); indiában: hāld; Távolkeleten: vàng, kuning,huang; Mongol nyelvekben: SAR; Finnugor nyelvekben: keltainen, žoltoi; Turk nyelvekben: сары, sariq

Színes világ

ETYMOLOGY: ghr- : To grow, become green. Contracted from *ghre1-.
1. O-grade form *ghr-. grow, from Old English grwan, to grow, from Germanic *gr(w)an.
2. Suffixed o-grade form *ghr-n-yo-. green, from Old English grne, green, from Germanic *grnjaz, green.
3. Suffixed zero-grade form *ghr-so-. grass, graze1, from Old English græs, grass, from Germanic *grasam, grass. (Pokorny (ghr-)

Szinek és évek..

We find the basic root KR / CL in Latvian ZIL- "blue" - also the word for "pupil" of the eye and the blue-grey "forest"
Latvian ZAL- "green" - also the word for grass Latvian ZEL- "gold, yellow-colored" and DZEL- "yellow" (Latvian)
ZILumas - "grey" (in Lithuanian)
Latvian SARkans - "red" (macEdonoknál csak kígyó)
AZUL- AZUR- "blue" in many languages
ZELenyj "green" (Russian)
ZELtyj "yellow" (Russian)
ZAIRita "yellow" (Avestan)
CAERULeus "blue" (Latin) /Kurulis kékvérűek?/
SAR- "red" (Latvian)
SORt "black" (Danish)
SVARt "black (Swedish)
KR- "color" (Latvian)
GRey KELainos - "black, dark color" to which Old Hindic KALA "black"
GALanos - "blue" but Lithuanian GELtonas "yellow"
XILos - "grass", XL- "green"
CHR- as in CHRoma "color"

PELEKS "grey" (Latvian) duBLI "mud" Sumerian DUB "dried mud writing tablet"
whence Old Irish DUB "black"
i.e. our modern "blue" derives from steel blue-grey
BLONDE "white" (English) - note BALTS "white" (Latvian)
from Latvian BALINATS (bleached) = BLONDE
BRown "brown"

I think Latvian gives us a clue as to why cognates of the term "grove" with the alleged P.Gmc. root *graibo- are not found in other Germanic languages, and also not anything close beginning in "g" in Latvian. In Latvian the cognate term is going to be the root krum- viz *krumiba meaning "bushes, shrubs, brushwood, shrubbery, underwood, thicket", so that *krumiba > grumba >gruba > grove.


black: siyah /fekete
white:sefeed/sepid /fehér
green: sabz /zöld
red: ghermez /vörös
blue: aabi (aw-bee) / kék
pink:soorati (soor-atee) / rózsaszín
yellow: zard / sárga {za.rk}
brown: ghahve-ee / barna

Sólyom még..

Mongol forrásból is kerültek szavak a kínai nyelvbe. Ilyen pl. a polamay (vadászsólyom), vadászatra fiatal korában betanított sólyom neve. A "közép-mongol" nyelvből került át a boro (sólyomfióka) név. Eddig azt gondoltam, hogy a Borohoro hegy tán a boroshordó" torzulása. De így inkább valószínű a "Sólyomhegy" elnevezés. A may szó pedig "hawk" jelentésű. (Karvaly, ritkábban sólyom értelemben fordítva.) /Érdekes: a "mama" itt "emma"./


kese, kyesye= king/király; turak=stone/kő (MK tolh); pÍri=fire/tűz;
kuti= falcon/sólyom (Tungusic gusi, gosi); ala=lower/alacsonyabb;
sugul, suguri= "village chief, falufőnök"; Old Korean mori=hegy, nari=folyó;
Mongol kölcsönszó: kalcike yellow hawk/aranysólyom?;
nol-kaj, nalke = wing/szárny;

Ŭng Kol Pang = Book on Hawks and Falcons
hwang ŭng (yellow hawk) and paek ŭng (white hawk) /Peking ?!?!/
ch'ŏng chŏn (blue falcon/kék sólyom) and hwang chŏn (yellow falcon/sárga sólyom)
shong kol and a kol were used in ancient times to designate the peregrine Falco peregrinus. /vándorsólyom/
To-kol = Falco cherrug = Serek

Végül "polg-ar" leszek?

c. 1250, from Old French falcun, falcon, from Late Latin falco, -onis, from West Germanic *falkōn (cf. Middle Dutch valke, Old High German falco), from Indo-European *pol-ĝ, variant of *pol-k^; cf. Lithuanian pálšas 'pale', Latv pàlss 'id'.
Pedig az ó-norvégban még falk(a) voltam...

Mindenki lépik egyet

Marvazi tells that Kais (snakes) and Kuns pressed the tribe Shars (Türkic 'sary = pale, yellow'), and those, in turn, occupied the lands of the Turkmen, Oguzes and Badjanaks. Matvey Edessian tells that the people of snakes pressed the "red-haired" (i.e.yellow), and the "red-haired" moved on the Oguzes, who together with Badjanaks attacked Byzantium.

A keletebbre lakó mindig erősebb a nyugatabbra élőnél. Ezért is volt a népvándorlás. Egyesek szerint...

Indiai nevek
"GAURI गौरी f Indian, Hindu Mythology
Means "white" in Sanskrit..."

"GOPALA गोपाल m Indian, Hindu Mythology
Means "cow protector" from Sanskrit गो (go) "cow" and पाल (pala) "protector"..."

Miből ered a magyar "gu-lyás" szó?

"HARI हरि m Indian, Hindu Mythology
Means "brown, yellow, tawny" in Sanskrit, and by extension "monkey, horse, lion"..."

"KALI काली f Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "the black one" in Sanskrit..."

"KAMA काम m Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "love, desire" in Sanskrit..."

"MADHAVA माधव m Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "vernal, of the springtime" in Sanskrit..."

"MAYA (1) माया f Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "illusion" in Sanskrit..."

"MOHANA मोहन, मोहना m & f Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "bewitching, infatuating, charming" in Sanskrit... "

"NARAYANA नारायण m Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "path of man" in Sanskrit..."

"PADMA पद्म, पद्मा m & f Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "lotus" in Sanskrit... "

"PARTHA पार्थ m Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "son of PRITHA" in Sanskrit..."

"PITAMBARA पीताम्बर m Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "yellow garments", derived from Sanskrit पीत (pita) "yellow" and अम्बर (ambara) "garment"... "

"RAGHU रघु m Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "swift" in Sanskrit... "

"SHRI श्री f Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "diffusing light, radiance, beauty" in Sanskrit... "

"SURYA सूर्य m Indian, Indonesian, Hindu Mythology Means "sun" in Sanskrit. This is the name of the Hindu god of the sun"

"TARA (2) तारा f Indian, Hindu Mythology Means "star" in Sanskrit..."


"Shandong's name literally means "mountains' east", which refers to the province's location east of the Taihang Mountains.[1] The province is located in the lower reaches of the Huang He (Yellow River) and extends out to sea in the form of the Shandong Peninsula. Shandong borders the Bohai Bay to the north, Hebei to the northwest, Henan to the west, Jiangsu to the south, and the Yellow Sea to the southeast; it also shares a very short border with Anhui, between Henan and Jiangsu."


"But according to the Chinese ancient historical annual, the Xiongnu are such Nordic tribe with red hair and blue eyes like "Wushun". And, Jie, which was a branch of Xiongnu, also described as with high Nose Bridge, and "deep" eyes. After the collapse of their ruling to Han, the Jie people was distinguished easily because of their Caucasian feature and slaughtered (more than 200,000 victims). The historical work of the later dynasties also described the remained Xiongnu people as "Long nose" and "yellow hair". Until Tang dynasty, the "Qi Hu" which is the offspring of the royal Xiongnu people, still called "Hu tou Han se" which mean's they adopt the Chinese tongue, but still "foreign" feature."


"7) Hebei Province
He means river. Bei means north. (és "FEHÉR")
This province is situated north of Huang He (Yellow River).
Hebei means north of the river (Yellow River)."

Vagyis a "Fehér folyó" tartomány az a Sárga folyótól északra fekszik.
Az AMUR a "Fekete Sárkány Folyó", HU-NAN meg TÓ-DÉL jelentésű lenne, bár én a TIGRIS nevet láttam máshol HU-nak.

JIANG-XI pedig "nagy folyó"+"nyugat".

"Manchu words Jilin Wula means along the river of Song Hua Jiang (Sungari). " JI=szerencsés, LIN=erdő, /Tippem szerint: Sungari: "A hun nép nagy folyója" esetleg "Napfolyó" vagy csak egyszerűen "folyó"./

Provinciák neve

...és ha HAI=tenger, akkor Hainan szigete az a "Déli-tenger"?

"(22) Sichuan Province ="Négy folyó" tartomány (Nahua-atl)
Si means four. Chuan means river."

Égtájak: Észak= bei; kelet= dong; nyugat= xi; dél= nan;


Modern japán:
"For instance, shiroi means "is white," shirokatta means "was white" (a completed state), and shirokute means "is white and.""

SHIO-GHI, the Japanese game of chess. .. Sho, King-General, with whose checkmate the game ends, his two chief aids, the Kin and Ghin, Gold and Silver Generals (two of each), Ka-Ma, horse or knight (two), Vari, spearman (two), one Hisha, or flying chariot (rook), one Kaku (bishop), and nine Hio or Fu, soldiers or pawns.


Az emberi nyelv

Kínai írás és szótár

Benalcazar also named the tributaries San Francisco and San Jose while the
other 2 tributaries still conserve their canari name: Guaymincay and Shio.
Its history goes back to the etymology of its name "GUALACEO", a canari word modified from the Chibcha word Gualaca meaning macaws settlement, it was a Canari settlement for long time, belonging to the Kingdom of Quito until it was conquered by the Incas.


HON-SEKI= home, domecile
The name of these Scythians may be preserved in Japan in the following names:

In Russia, the following names may also preserve a memory of some of the Scythian tribes:

And in North Korea we have Sakchu.

si\po\ salt /Old Japanese [ss]
shio/ salt /Tokyo[ss]


Proto - Japanese : sirua, Old: sirwo, Modern : shiro
Proto - Turkic: siarig
allempires forum

Japanese color

*si(a:\yri (white, yellow)
-> *siarIg ---> OT sarIG ----> TR sarI (yellow)
-> *sira -----> WM sira -----> MN s^ar (yellow)
->*si\rua\ --> OJ si\rwo\ --> JA shiro-i (white)


The 16 Great Turkish Empires are listed on several Turkish sources, such as the websites of the Research Centre for Turkestan and Azerbaijan and the Australian-Turkish Media Group. All sources give an identical presentation of the Empires, which probably comes from some official document. In the following paragraphs, this description is given as the "official description". Founded by Mete (Bagatir), bordering Siberia in the North, Tibet-Kashmir in the South, the Pacific Ocean in the East and the Caspian Sea in the West (total area 18,000,000 sq. km).
The Chinese called them the Hsiung-Nu.
The flag attributed to the Great Hun Empire is an orange-yellow flag with a yellow dragon.


Mongol nyelvek:

star/csillag: fodoa odun од одон одн осикта (ogyin/odin, dva, tri..) stone/kő: Cilego čilaɣun чулуу шулуун чолун хисэ; дёло Proto-Mongolian: *‰ila'u yellow/sárga: Si*T sir-a шар шара шар сиӈама; сиӈарин; олача; тысэмэ

Szinek khmer nyelven

Blue = kiev
Green = baithong
Yellow = luerng
Orange = luerng'thom
Pink = pka chook
Black = kmao
Purple = svay
Blackish Purple = pring'thom
Lime green = sileab
Red = kraham
White = saw

A kék színt kapcsolják a kékvérű magyar nemességhez, a berberekhez, az ainukhoz és a Titicaca tó nemrég kihalt népéhez.

Thai nyelven: Szinek
Color/szin = See {szi}

Blue = See Fah (lit. color of sky) /szivafa (szilva) eredete?/
Green = Khieao
Yellow = Leuuang
Orange = See Sohm
Pink = Chomphu
Black = Dam
Purple = Muong
Red = Daeng
White = Khaao

..és "kedd": Tue = Van Angkharn (Anggaravar)
Sandal/slipper - Rong Thaao Tae
Village - Ban - falu

The late Cyrus Gordon suggested that the origin of Chinese script had something to do with Ugaritic script (three letters have the same phonetics), so that would categorize him as a clumper....In China, the invention of writing was attributed to an ancient sage named Ts'ang Chieh, a minister in the court of the legendary Huang Ti (The Yellow Emperor, ca 2500 BCE), not a god as in the Indus Valley, we have no record concerning the origins of writing and we can not read the signs. The script primarily is found on carved seals, dating to a civilization that flourished from ca 2500 BCE ..


Shanrong - Hainan

(Tenger-Dél) szigeten:


"Rong people, being mainly Sino-Tibetan speaking Qiangic people, shared the same blood-line as Xia Chinese but differred in 'Culture' such as cuisine, clothing, money and language. At times of Zhou Dynasty, pockets of nomadic tribes and statelets still existed in the hearts of the Yellow River area and on Shandong Peninsula"

"Quanrong was know as Kunrong or Hunrong or Hunyi. The character 'hun4' for Hunyi or Hun-yi is the same as Hunnic King Hunye or Kunye and could mean the word of mixing-up."

zhou dynasty

Arab színek - tájékoztatásnak

red - amar
orange - burtuqaalii
yellow - afar
green - akhdar
blue - azraq
indigo (really dark blue) - niilii (or kulii)
violet - banafsijii
Aswad/Sawdaa' - black m/f
Abyad/Baydaa' - white m/f
Kulii/iyyah - Navy blue (from "kul" meaning Kohl, the dark-blue powder
Thahabii/iyyah - Gold (from "thahab" meaning gold)
Fiddii/iyyah - Silver (from "fiddah" meaning silver)
Rumaadii/iyyah - Gray (from "rumaad" meaning ashes)
Wardii/iyyah or Zahrii/iyyah - Pink (from "wardah" or "zahrah" meaning rose or flower) {Egyptians use the Turkish word "bembe" for pink
Bunnii/iyyah - Brown (from "bunn" meaning coffee beans)

The rainbow: In Arabic a rainbow is called "Qaws Quzaa" meaning "the bow of the rain god Quza. Quza was the ancient Arabian god of rain, in the time before Islam.


The late Cyrus Gordon suggested that the origin of Chinese script had something to do with Ugaritic script (three letters have the same phonetics), so that would categorize him as a clumper....In China, the invention of writing was attributed to an ancient sage named Ts'ang Chieh, a minister in the court of the legendary Huang Ti (The Yellow Emperor, ca 2500 BCE), not a god as in the Indus Valley, we have no record concerning the origins of writing and we can not read the signs. The script primarily is found on carved
seals, dating to a civilization that flourished from ca 2500 BCE.



The "bolia" or "obolia" is an integral piece of material of varying lengths and
widths, examples of which are the "messali" of the Peloponnese, the "panomoustouchia" of Astypalaia, the "fakioli" or "obolia" of Pagoni. The headdress of the second-best costume of Astypalaia, the "skleta", consists of a hard, wreath-like crown, the gold-embroidered cap, mentioned above, the "first" yellow silk bolia wound around the head, and the "second" bolia, the ends of which are ornamented with a fringe and embroidery, and which like the first, is twisted turban-like around the head.


{Ördög vigye! Nem egy sárga sál!..}
Proto-Kartvelian: *bab-
Russian meaning : паук
English meaning : spider
Georgian: bab-a-č̣ua, borbal-a, obob-a
Megrel: bo(r) bolia


A BOLIA ezen kívül egy terület neve a KONGO és a KASAI folyók között.

Mindezeket az oldalakat azért idéztem, mert a napokban belenéztem a natív amerikaiak nyelvébe futólag. Az a benyomásom támadt, hogy a penutian nyelvcsalád egy tévút... A sioux/lakota még csak rendben lenne, de legtöbb hasonlóságot a hokan nyelvekben láttam. Ezeket a nyelveket Kaliforniában beszélik, pl. a Mojave sivatag és Los Angeles között.

Természetesen az Uto-Aztec nyelvekben is látok némi hasonlóságot...


HUNIN (meant Thought) written out of history and forgotten, evolved and lived in the GOBI-ORDOS before -40,000. In the fair times that was flourished at the Gobi and the plains on the Ordos and the rich lands along the 'Sun River' (Yellow River or Huang Ho) down to Wei River (Wei Ho) and Hua mountains (Hua Shan or Ching Ling Shan). All the main features ofcivilised societies by -10,000 originated there. The development of writing, the discovery and development of the compass, paper and silk production, agriculture irrigation, pyramid building and metal-working.

Hun korona

...ahogyan az ózdi kohász álmodta..

PISTAMBAR: Yellow garment. Hindi name composed of the Sanskrit elements pita yellow and ambara garment. (Égi sárga?)

Shang 1600 to 1050 BCE

"According to legend, the Shang Dynasty was founded sometime around 1600
BCE by a virtuous man named Cheng Tang, who overthrew the evil king of the legendary Xia. "

"The core of the dynasty was located in the northern part of modern-day Henan province, in a triangular area between the cities of Anyang, Luoyang, and Zhengzhou, the latter two of which are on the Yellow River. In addition to uncovering the remains of several Shang cities, archaeologists have found huge tombs of many Shang kings and their families."

"The Shang worshipped the "Shang Di," who was the supreme god that ruled
over the lesser gods of the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain, and other natural forces and places."

"The oracle bone inscriptions are the oldest known form of Chinese writing. By comparing and equating the inscriptions to modern Chinese characters, scholars have shown that the Shang had already developed all the principles of the modern writing system used today. In fact, Chinese writing has undergone relatively few changes since it was first developed 3,500 years ago."

Megszüntetett link.

"the late third millenium BC to as late as Shang and Chou dynasties, bird and sun motifs appear together, often joined, and possibly can be read as yang niao, or "sun birds", the name of a local eastern Yi group which had settled in the Lower Yangtze valley."

Altaic etymology: falcon, hawk

Turkish: kartal
Middle Turkic: qartal (Houts., AH, Sangl.)
Turkmen: dial. Gartal
Khakassian: xart-'a
Shor: qarta'a
Yakut: k-Żrt, k-Żrdaj
Dolgan: k-Żrt
Tuva: xart-'a
Kirghiz: qart-'a
Kumyk: qartaq
Turk. *kart-gaj > MMong. qar‰igaj (SH
qar‰iqai), WMong. qar‰i'ai (see TMN 1, 404), whence again late MTurk. qar‰-'aj (see TMN 1, 404-405, Ůĺđáŕę 1997, 208). Loans from Mong. are Man. qar‰in 'kite' and MKor. kar‰iki 'yellow falcon

Ili koni: Coryphaena hippurus (Common dolphinfish). Etymology: Koni = yellow.

Kai vala daro: Scomberoides commersonianus (Talang queenfish). Etymology: Vala = shoulder, collarbone. Daro = long. (Azért "Mohenjo Daro" feltehetően nem "Hosszú kígyó"..)

Kelta szavak amelyek ismerősnek tünnek...

Aran (Celtic), an alp.
Ard (Celtic), high, a height. Ardmore, Armagh, Airdrie, Ardrossan.
Bala ( Welsh), effluence of a river from a lake.
Ban Gaelic), white. Loughbawn, Carrickbaun.
Ban, Bar ( Welsh), Barr (Gaelic), a hill-top. Also her; e.g. Berwyn, Tal-y-fanBard (Norse), extremity, point.
Buidhe (Gaelic), yellow. Athboy, Bellanaby, Dunmanway, Benwee
Cala (Gaelic), a ferry, a landing-place.
Cop (Saxon), a head; (Celtic), a hollow, cup.
Crom (Celtic), bent, sloping. Bencrom, Macromha, Croome, Ancrum.
Dol (Celtic), a field, dale. As a prefix often corrupted into dal. Dalkeith,
Dur (Celtic), from dwr, water. Other forms: dore, thur, durra dairan, clover
Ey (Scandinavian), an island. Lambay, Dalkey
Flonn, Finn (Celtic), white. Tullaghfin, Finaway, Fancroft ; sometimes clear
Fir, Feara (Gaelic), men. Fermanagh, Fermoy, Ferintosh
Garth (Norse), enclosed place, farm.
Har, Her (O.E.), a boundary mark
Ing (Scandinavian), a patronymic ending, equivalent to mac in Scotland.
Pap, (Norse), priest.
Rhos (Celtic), a moor; eg,. Rossall, Rusholme.
Ros (Celtic), a promontory, a wood. Muckross, Roscam
Thor (Scandinavian), Thunor(A.S.), name of a god; eg. Thurscross, Thurlow
Torc (Celtic), a wild boar. Torc Mountain, Kanturk
Wick (A.S.), a village, and also a marsh; (Norse), a bay.
Wy (Welsh), water.


The boy's name Pawnee (pa - nee) is of Native American Indian origin. Name of a Plains tribe who were excellent horsemen. Their main enemies were the Sioux and Wichita tribes. Baby names that sound like Pawnee are Paine and Payne.

A PA és a NI is fiúnevekben fordul elő.

"Pawnee" comes from the native word 'pariki; meaning 'a horn'; referring to their scalp-lock.

"In both cultures the northwest was represented by yellow and the mountain lion; the southeast by red and the wolf. "
"Warriors of both tribes sometimes were painted with a bird's-foot mark"
"The Hopi term Tawa means sun spirit"
One of the interpretations of the Pawnee term pa: hu: ka: tawa is moon reflecting on the water
The Pawnee word saku:ru' refers to sun or day.

A nyomok Dunhuangba vezetnek...

"A particularly well-preserved work in this style, located at Dukhtar i-Nushirwan in modern Afghanistan, depicts a governor seated on an official throne and under a white winged crown with a pearl border and surmounted by a lion's head. Scholar Basil Gray notes that the coloring rich lapis lazuli, yellow ocher and white against a dull brown background, appears to relate to late sixth century Buddhist wall-paintings of the Sui dynasty at Tan Huang."

"Among the most obvious manifestations of the conscious appropriation of Solar symbolism is the the Persian crown, which is the prototype from which all present day crowns are derived, and which is believed to have been designed to represent the golden sun-disc sacred to Mithras."

Tibeti nyelvjárás
Csoma Sándor nyomában

star = karma

time = dü-tsö
year = lo

back = gyap
eye = mi
blood = trak
foot,leg = khang-ba
arm, hand = lak-ba

black = nak-po
white = ka-po
yellow = se-po

backpack = gyap-pa
tent = gur
bridge = sam-pa
river = tsang-po
water fall = papchu
grassland = tsatang
valley = rong
earth = sa
mother = a-ma
mountain = ri
monastery = gom-pa
temple = lha-khang
altar = chö-shun
lha = god
monk = ku-sho
people = mi
water = chu
horseman = ta-pa
roof = tho-kha
place = sa-cha
mandala = kil-khor
gold = ser
tibetan coat = chuba
beer = chang

father= pha-pa
grandfather = po-po
grandmother = mo-mo

China = Gya-nak; chinese = ge-ri
India = Gya-gar
Nepal = Pe-yul


Sumzanling is the largest Tibetan Buddhism monastery in Yunnan Province. It is located on a mountain slope five kilometers from the county town of Shangri-la. Napa lake is located 7 km from the town. Worth a visit in May and June when the plain is covered by wild flowers.

Consequently, it was called the Salawusu River in Mongolian, meaning "yellow water" ..és akkor a SALA az SÁRGA ? ..vagy folyó?

Alán - Zakiev
"Balkars and Karachais call themselves Alans from the most ancient times until present, and this epos first of all tells about Alans-Türks (i.e. Karachais-Balkars), and in the long years of joint life the Ossetians acquired the Nartovian epos. "
"Roxolans (in Türkish - Uraksy Alans, 'Alans-farmers'), Siraks (i.e. Sary-ak people 'white-yellow', ancestors of Cumans), Aorses (Aor-Awar-Avars, -os is a Greek ending), Yazygs (Türks - Uzes)."
"Ammianus Marcellinus, who was well acquainted with Alans, and who left the most complete description of them, wrote, that Alans 'in everything are similar to Huns, but are a little bit softer in customs and way of life' [Ammianus Marcellinus, 1908, Issue 3, 242]. The translator of the 'History of Judean war by Josephus Flavius' (written in 70 AD) to Old Russian language the ethnonim Alans translates by a word Yass and, without a shadow of doubt, asserts that the 'language of Yasses is known as born from the Pecheneg kin' [Meschersky N.A., 1958, 454]. Vs. Miller also gives this citation, where Alans-Yasses are identified with Pechenegs-Türks, and he points out that the interpreter has replaced Scythians with Pechenegs, and Alans with Yasses [Miller Vs., 1887, 40]. "

Basque szószedet

Spanish = Erdera = spanyol
Russian = Errusiera = orosz
Greek = Greziera = görög

blue = urdina = kék
orange = laranja = narancs
purple = morea = bíbor
red = gorria = vörös
white = zuri = fehér
yellow = horia = sárga

tall = altu, garaia = magas
new = berri = új
fish = arrainak = hal
oven = Labea = sütő
beans = babarrunak = bab

bird = hegazti = madár
birds = hegaztiak
eagle = arrano = sas
eagles = arranoak

horse = zaldi = ló
lion = lehoi = oroszlán
ceiling = sabaia = mennyezet
island = uhartea = sziget
moon = ilargia = hold
mountain = mendia = hegy
river = ibaia = folyó
sky = Zerua = ég
winter = negua = tél

..még Vask
three = hiru = három
grandfather = aitona = nagyapa
water = ur = víz
wheel = gurpil = kerék
castle = gaztelu = kastély
church = eliza = templom
cherry = gerezi = cseresznye
pear = madari = körte
peace = bake = béke
punishment = zigor = büntetés

Segédanyagnak, mert a SAR változatai gyakran jelennek meg történelmi munkákban.

SAR minden

Sari - etimológia

Proto-Warazi: *sari-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'leopard'
SARI: Finnish form of Hebrew Sarah, meaning "noble lady, princess."
Sarı is a Turkic adjective meaning "yellow." However, it can also mean "fair-skinned" or "blonde.

"long, wrapping garment worn by Hindu women," 1785, from Hindi sari, from Prakrit sadi, from Skt.

sati "garment, petticoat."
Madisaara style - This drape is typical of Brahmin ladies from Tamil Nadu and Kerala
T.képpen egy ruhacsík, néhol "shalu" a neve.
Sari etimológia


1670s, "watery animal fluid," from L. serum "watery fluid, whey," from PIE base *ser-/*sor- "to run, flow" (cf. Gk. oros "whey;" Skt. sarah "flowing," sarit "brook, river"). First applied 1893 to blood serum used in medical treatments.

sár (feminine sár, neuter sárt, comparative sárari, superlative sárastur)
painful, sore
Á! Þetta er sárt!
Ouch! This hurts!
bitter, distressing
hurt, offended, embittered

The name Taman Sari comes from the Javanese words taman, meaning a "garden" or "park" and sari, which means "beautiful" or "flowers".

Kaukázus - ugyanitt a "szalma".
Meaning: fox
Akhvakh: šari
Tindi: sari
Karata: sare
Botlikh: sari

Meaning: 1 whey 2 buttermilk 3 sour milk
Avar: š:ar 1
Chamalal: s:ara 3
Tindi: š:ari 1 (Leks.)
Karata: š:are 1

Sarika (น้ำตกสาริกา) is the most famous waterfall of Nakhon Nayok.
Sarika, m. ( = sarika) the bird Turdus Salica, MBh.; N. ofa Muni, ib.; (a), ... Sari, f. a kind

of bird ( = sarika; cf. Vit-s"), /sanskrit/
..village Saritaka at which the goddess Sarika and the demon (Yaksa)Atta resided.

myna is borrowed from Hindi मैना mainā, derived from Sanskrit madana-œārikā a kind of bird, "with reference to the affectionate behaviour of kinds of birds" (OED). मदन madana is "love", from mad "to be drunk" from Proto-Indo-European *mad- "wet", also referring to various qualities of food.


sarasa : hindu "hattyú"
sarika: hindu "papagáj"
sher: japán, kurd "oroszlán"
sarigue: A small South American opossum

Saria Island is an island in Greece. It is a rocky, volcanic island along the northern edge of Karpathos, separated from the mainland by a strait 100m (330 ft) wide.

Kanjut Sar is a Himalayan mountain located in the Hispar Muztagh region of the Karakoram range.
The festival of the lunar New Year, Tsagaan Sar. Mongolia.

shàn = Chinese yellow eel = anguille Mandarin guì yú = Mandarin fish = Perche chinoise


Angol nyelven valami brit szerző a chuvash szavakról.

The Oguzic languages are sometimes also called Common Turkic languages.
Idegen nyelven:
Az "oguz" nyelveket néha "köztörök" nyelvekként említjük.

All Turkic languages but Chuvash have the plural marker "+lAr."
A többes számot a "lar" végződés jelzi a törökben. Kivétel a csuvas.
Lásd: är 'man'/férfi/ > ärän 'men'/férfiak/

The Chuvash plural suffix is +sem. This marker does not obey the vocalic harmony, it is also co-occurring with back vowels as e.g. in vărman 'forest'/erdő/ (< orman) > vărmansem 'the forests' /erdők/.

laša (laža) 'horse' /plosagy, "ló"/
OT köz 'eye' ~ Chuvash kuœ) "szem"
Theswe words go back to a Tocharian form *yäs, see TocharianB yasa, A wäs,a cognate of Latin aurum < *ausum etc.

But Chuvash is the only language where šură < sārї(γ) has the meaning 'white' and not 'yellow'.

A mordvin népről az egyházi történész, Jordanes is megemlékezik. Csak a legdélebbre élő magyart nem látta a finnugor népek közül...

Kula Altaic etymology light yellow, brown желтый, саврасый qula (OUygh.) Kula etimológia

"Houri also spelled Huri, Arabic Hawra, plural Hur, was in Islam, a beautiful maiden who awaits the devout Muslim in paradise. The Arabic word hawra signifies the contrast of the clear white of the eye to the blackness of the iris. From "hawra" stands the word "aura", designating the bright light surrounding the heads of the saints."

"very old loans from an unknown Central Asian substrate:
(1) simha 'lion'
: Khvar. sar?, Parth. šarg, Khot. sarau; O.Chin. *suan-nei > Jpn. shi-(shi), Tib. sen-ge; cf. also Armen. inc, inj 'leopard', Toch. œiœäk, œecake 'lion' which all(?) stem from **sengha? (Henning: *s1egha); "
[..hogy erre milyen sárga az oroszlán..]

Amerind nyelv:
Water (Eau)= Nepi (meskwaki); /Yellow (Jaune) - sárga=elsődleges teremtés/


Ayrums (Azeri: ayrım; Armenian: այրում) were a Turkic-speaking tribe in the Caucasus.
"Ayrum", in fact descend from Hayhurums and Greek Orthodox Caucasian Albanians

The Latin (Etruscan) name aurum (ancient ausom) means "yellow". The word is also derived from a Sanskrit word "hari", meaning "yellow". (cf. O.C.S. zlato, Rus. zoloto, Skt. hiranyam, O.Pers. daraniya-, Avestan zaranya-). Rudolf Steiner gave 'AU' as the Sun-sound, so try intoning it.


in Ossetic the word ruxs means "radiance" or "light", but in reality this designation has nothing to do with hair color. According to G. Vernadski, Ruxs-Alan means "Radiant Alans". Therefore, it is not surprising that an Alan tribe would refer to itself as "radiant" since the sun emits radiance, and it was this very celestial body that featured very prominently in the religion of the ancient Iranians, hence the origin of the name "Radiant Alans". Furthermore, in the above-mentioned Tale of Iry Dada and Mstislav, which describes a Russian-Alan
conflict in the early 1000's, the Alans often describe their Russian opponents as having blond or red hair, whereas, they never describe themselves in a likewise manner.

Aesar, az etruszk isten

By having descended from the legendary Ossetian King Odin and his followers who were known among the ancient Teutons as the Aesir (singular: Aas), what is an obvious corruption of the word As, or the ancient Ossetian self-designation. The
description of the location of Asaland or Asaheim found in the Norse sagas corresponds with the actual location of Ossetia (Alania);

Proto-Nakh: *ʔas-ar
Meaning: inspiration
Chechen: asar

Кар [kar] = kor/age
урс [ursz] = fehér/white
бур [bur] = sárga/yellow
рухс [ruhsz] = világos/light
тар [tar] = sötét/ dark
Сабат [szabat] = szombat/ Saturday

In the old Norse language, the word As means a ridge; in Swedish Osar means a ridge, i.e. of a roof or a hill. The online dictionary dict. defines Os and Osar as follows: Os - Os-, noun.; pl. Osar. [Swedish] ridge, chain of hills

zöld (Beekes)

As expressions of vegetation the Greek words belong to a esp. in Baltic, Slavic and Latin represented group with the same meaning: Lith. ¼eliu°, ¼e´lti `grow greening, grow on, rise (of plants)' with ¼el-muo~ `plant, shoot, growth', ¼a~lias `green, raw, uncooked', with lengthened grade ¼ole†~ `grass, herb, flower' etc.; Slav., e.g. OCS zelenú 'clwrÒj, pr£sinoj', Russ. zelenyj `green'
(primary formation?), OCS zelije 'l£canon', Russ. ze´lje `plant, herb' (collective formation to *zelo); Lat. helus, (h)olus, -eris n. `green plants, vegetables, coal' (primary as genus a.o.; helus : zelije wie tei~coj : teic…on).
To this from other languages: zšlkia l£cana. FrÚgej H. and Osset. z"ld" `low(er) grass'.


Főkolompos belveder
Alb. ugic, ogic, Serbian ugi~, Bulgarian jugi~, jogi~ 'bellwether'. *hark, *hork imitating pig's grunting. {hork(a,ol)=röfög}
Albán szó: ugic, ogic 'ovan predvodnik', srp. dijal. (Kosovo, Crna Gora) ugi~, bug. ägi~, èogi~ ne}e biti od slov.

Indo-Iranian: Avesta zereda, Sanskrit hrd/hrday, Baluchi zirdê, Gilaki and a number of other Iranian languages del, Kurdish zar, Munji zÎl, Osset zârdâ, Pahlavi dil, Pashto zra, Persian dil/del, Sangalechi urzrây, Sangsari, Sarkhei
and Valashgardi dael, Sarikali zârd, Semnani and Shahmirzadi dâl, Shughni, zrâd. (b) Armenian sirt. (c) European: English heart, German herz, Greek kardia, Latin cord.

Kecsua szavak
Sun (Soleil) Intiq Inti Inti
Moon (Lune) Killa Quilla Killa
Water (Eau) Yaku Yacu Yaku
White (Blanc) Yuraq Yurag Yulaq
Yellow (Jaune) Q'ellu Quillu Tunqush

Red was for the sun god. Yellow was for the earth god. Blue belonged to the sky goddess while white belonged to the moon goddess.
hēibái huā" is literally "black and white flowers"

Nape is what the water lily, Nymphaea alba, is called by local people in Peten"
"Cama Zotz, the one that kill the Hero twin Hunahpú in the Bat House, being Ah Puch, the God of the Death in the lower level. East (lak'in) is the direction of sunrise, associated with red (chak), the color of dawn. West (chik'in) is the direction of sunset; its color is black (ek'). North (xaman) is white (sak). The color of the south (nohol) is yellow (k'an). Green (yax) is the color of the center, of the green ceiba tree (yax´che´), representing the great World Tree"

Pesti István 2011 május
