

"we will start our cruise along the northern boarder of Takalamagan Desert,
which is known as the largest sand-only desert in the world. En route we will
visit the unique Ugar Villages. In the afternoon we will arrive in the small oasis town of Kuche (Kuqa). Kuche was an independent state until the 8th century, when it fell under Chinese rule. The kingdom had strong links with India, and even had its own Indo-European language."


"Researchers who have investigated Buddhist temples in Tibet and investigated shaman ritual and epic songs in western China no believe that Ugars are close relatives of the Hungarians "



"A sámán név egyébként az ó-török nyelvcsoporthoz (keleti)tartozó és a hunokhoz legközelebb álló tunguzok és altáji törökök használatában is előfordul, Lewitzky A. szerint az általános használata a következő :
"Ils ont (a sámánok!)un rom spécial: Les Toungous -
mandschous les apellent chaman ou sama;les Turcs altaien kam ou gam;les kazak-kirghizes baksa;les Yakouts oyun (masculin!)et udagan (féminin!);le Bauriates (masculin!)et odegön (féminin!);les Samoyedes tadibeg;les Ostiak tytibe;les Esquimos angalthok etc.
Dans la littérature ethnographique on emploi habituellement le term de shaman,chamane ou chaman".Histoire Générale des Réligions. Paris,1948.I.159.
Ugyancsak ez a szerző kifejti egy tanulmányában a legnagyobb vallástörténész, P.Wilhelm Schmidt S.v.D. nyomán, hogy a szamojed nép ("emberevő "- önmagukfajta-evő ") papja a tadi-beg"

Eltekintve a címétől, van információ tartalma ennek a cikknek is.

Mint látjuk, az eszkimóknál az angyalok gyógyítanak...

BodRog és a látók.
"Rog" az 'szarv' a szlávban.
Bodrogfőtől a Tiszáig érő vízfolyás: Bodrog.

Baobh. A wicked woman, witch; from the Irish badbh, a hoodie crow, a fairy, a scold; from the Old Irish badb meaning a crow, demon, or the Irish war-goddess by the same name; Welsh bod, a kite; Gaulish Bodv-, Bodvo-gnatus; Welsh Bodnod; from the Norse bod, meaning war.

BOG means God in Tatar, Mongol and Slavic languages. It is not related to the Sanskrit root word "devi" where words like Deus, Theo, Zeus and similar words come from, including the word Deity.

BOGA means a shaman in Turko-Tatar

BOGDO means holy in Mongol (another Tatar language, not related to Chinese).

BOG WOMAN in Celtic is similar to witch or sorceress, a magic-woman.

BOKU (spelling?) in Voodoo is similar to a BOGA or UBER.

Also of interest to Sumerian fans: "The original sign was a five-pointed star, sign #306 in Labat.* ub means 'corner'."
OB means a necromancer or spirit medium in Hebrew (the Witch of Endor was Bahalath-Ob)
OBA is the name for Shaman idols, same as Uba, but in old Mongol.

Rajki A.
OT *bod] : height


Furthermore, the Khirbahs scattered all over Arabia and Syria are Mithraeums in which Mithraic figures and statuettes have been discovered. Khirbah has no connection with Arabic Kharaba, ruined. It is the Iranian Khorabe, a "sun-dome." Abe is found in compounds as in gur-abe, a "tomb-dome," a mausoleum, or in the name Saavee, "three domes," reminding one of Marco Polo's, mention of the tombs of the three Magi in that town. It is the name of a locality near Hamedan in its older form, Avaj, and the word lives on in English Abbey and ab-bot, old English ab-bod, the head of the abbey. In the Masnavi we have Khor-bod, head of the Khor-Khane, translated into Arabic shammas, a title still used in oriental churches for an office of the clergy. (Dozy also translated Arabic Khirba as "court.")


"place of"= vik Inupiaq word
because - vik and -fik means a place where something happens

EGAVIK (Alaska, Norton Bay A-4) \é gä'vik\
Iñupiaq (Eskimo) igaavik probably meaning "cooking place, kitchen", from iga- "to cook" and -vik "place"
"Vik" in Inupiaq (Inuit Eskimo) is a suffix meaning "place".

Selawik - Ilyen az élet...

Alaszka: Selawik is located at the mouth of the Selawik River where it empties into Selawik Lake
Inupiaq word "siilivik", which means "place of" (vik) "sheefish" (sii).

Noorvik means "a place that is moved to" in Inupiaq.


Kobuk (Laugviik in Iñupiaq) is a city in Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska, United States.

[in-oo-vik, ih-noo-]
a town in the Northwest Territories, canada, on the Mackenzie River at the Beaufort Sea.

Wiki szótár

Sun/Day aĝadĝix̂ *ciqi-nǝʁ
Human being (Shaman word's) = tau

Savik means "knife" in Inupiaq. The 'a' is pronounced like a short 'u', like suh-vik.


Feathers from the Eagle or other birds (as swan, owl, raven) symbolize the ability of the shaman to travel the spirits world with his soul. The shamanic journey often is a kind of flight-experience for the shaman and thus it is a obvious solution of symbolizing this by the useage of feathers, which also are the direct link to the shamans tiergeist - which is another function of the headdress. Long feathers (most of the time two of them) are symbolic horns or antennas.

A shamanic headdress can possess many more symbols and representations of any spirit the shaman is working with. An important part of the headdresses in Tuva are symbolized body parts, in particular: eyes, ears, mouth and so on, which are the shamans senses he uses to perceive the spirits world. On the frontside sometimes a metallic plate or something similar (Saryglaar uses a pair of symbolic horns) is placed in the middle of the headband, roughly at the position of the so-called third eye. It often is representing a special kind of protection (against evil magic) or a very important spirit (which it is in my own case, for example).

Several other Heavenly bodies are considered to have spiritual power. One is the planet Venus (Tsolmon) which can appear both in the morning or at night. It is often painted on shaman drums to invoke its power. Tsolmon is the sender of comets and meteors, which are called "war arrows".

The Big Dipper is called the Doloon Obgon (Doloon Uvged - the seven Ubgen - the Seven Old Men or seven stars). Their position points out the location of the Polar Star (Altan Hadaas), which holds up the sky. The head, throat, lungs, and heart, which is collectively called the zuld (tsuld), is the residence of an animal's ami (soul) and should be removed from the body as one integral piece. Climbing the toroo (crown) of the tree is another path to ecstasy. In Mongolian the words to go out and to go up are the same word, garah. By symbolically ascending the representation of the World Tree, the shaman is literally going out of this world into the world of spirit.
Usan Khan, the Lord of the water spirits, is invoked from the southern direction; Keiden Khan, also known as Tatai Tenger, is invoked from the north, he is the controller of violent weather, lightning, and tornados.

Translation of the Blackfoot word saamis, meaning "headdress of a medicine man".
In the Altai, shamans who wore bands decorated with feathers and shells were called 'birds' (Lvova et al.1988: 175).

Archive org - sapka

He was wearing a long head-dress of feathers tied to the top of his hair, .....
In the myths he, or rather the female bear, is called Luk, Lukamtch, Shashapamtch, Shashapsh, and her two young Shashapka, the latter name probably referring to the fact that this beast was at one time more than other quadrupeds made the subject of mythic and folklore tales (shapkea, shapke-ia, shashapkalea to narrate a story, shapkaleash, distr. shashapkek'ash legend, tale). The tale of the "Bear and the Antelope" is perhaps the most attractive of our collection of Texts. Az ainu nyelvben "head/fej=sapa".

Trying on a shapka or fur hat.

Nganaszánok (tavgi szamojéd)
A nganaszanok másik törzse a bediajok (vadajevek) a Heta folyó és a Hatanga-öböl között éltek.
Egy különálló nemzetséget is meg kell különböztetni, mégpedig az Okkot. Ennek tagjai valószínűleg dolgán eredetűek, akik a XVIII. század végén, XIX. század elején asszimilálódtak a nganaszanokhoz.

Szó esik a HAKAS turkokról is.

Tuvinians (Tuva Turks) pronounced God's name as "DAIR" ("DAER"), Kyrghyzs - TENGIR, Hakas (Abakan) Turks - TIGIR, Shor Tatars (in Siberia) - Tegri, (Saha) Yakuts - (TANGYR), TANGARA, Polinesian - TANGAROA, ancient Shumers - DINGIR, ancient (Donube) Bulgarians - TANGRA, Chuvashs - TURA (Chuvashs in Tatarstan - "DOORY"), Nogays - TANGRI, Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs - TANGRE, Altai Turks - TANARA, "Chelkan" Turks - TANGARA, Crimea Tatars and (Ankara and Stambul) Turks - TANRY, Azerbaijanians - TAN(G)RY, Turkmens - TANGRY, Uzbeks - TANGRI, Karaims - TARY etc ("Kachin", "Beltir" and "Sagay" Turks - TIGIR, TEGIR and TENGIR).
Shamans in Nepal was called as "DANGRE"; women-shamans in (ancient) Korea was called as TANGORI".

M.M.KOVALEVSKI mentioned there was the eldest oath of Balkars: "They drew round with edge of stick in the ground, then criss-cross inside in two lines, stood in the middle of it and made an oath. They called it K'ach (cross)".


Nevük amadzoi görög nyelven annyit tesz: emlőtlen/kebeltelen. Ez az elnevezés onnan ered, hogy a legenda szerint az amazonok eltávolították (levágták, kiégették vagy elszorították) jobb mellüket, hogy a tegez pántja ne zavarja őket. Lóháton harcoltak, legfőbb fegyverük a nyíl és az íj volt, de harcoltak karddal, kétélű bárdokkal és felszerelésükhöz tartozott egy félhold alakú pajzs is, amely csak az amazonokra volt jellemző.

Müriné királynő vezetésével a legendák szerint ők tudták először feldúlni Atlantiszt, elfoglalni Gorgont és Líbiát valamint Phrügiát.

Amazon képek

Nő középpontú társadalom, ahol a hatalom a nők kezében van.

A matriarchy is a society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles of political leadership and moral authority. It is also sometimes called a gynocratic or gynocentric society. .. government and power in the hands of women.

such as those of the Minangkabau, E De (Rhade), Mosuo, Berbers and Tuareg and, in Europe, Basques and Sardinian people.

The Nair community in Kerala and the Bunt community in Tulunadu in South India are prime examples of matrifocality.


Before the arrival of the Spanish, the Abipones survived through hunting, fishing and limited agricultural production. Male Abipones were engaged primarily in hunting and warfare against rival tribes. Abipon women dominated the tribal camp, gathering and preparing food and carrying out ritual ceremonies. The women were also known as aggressive fighters.

According to Trista Delaney of the Minnesota State University EMuseum, "The social organization of the Abipon was of a warrior society led by a shaman-approved War Chief." While the War Chief was the physical figurehead of the tribe, it was the shaman who wielded true power. The shaman was the spiritual leader of the tribe, blessed with the power to foresee the future, heal the sick, shape shift and call the rains to the arid plain. As stated by Delaney, "Shamans were the most wealthy tribe members and were often women."


Cherokee Hunter-farmer Sequoyah
Made up of seven different clans
Usual shelter was cane and mud plaster huts
Women were in charge of the home and land
Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp

Shoshone Nomadic Hunter-gatherer
Made up of seven different groups
Usual shelter was a tipi but some lived in brushwood shelters
Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi
Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp

Sioux Nomadic Hunter
Made up of seven different groups
Largest Indian tribe
Usual shelter was a tipi
Women were in charge of the home and owned the tipi
Men were in charge of hunting for food and protecting the camp


the Cherokee Indians had an even division of power between men and women. Cherokee men were in charge of hunting, war, and diplomacy. Cherokee women were in charge of farming, property, and family. Men made political decisions for the tribe, and women made social decisions for the clans. Chiefs were men, and landowners were women.

Törzs az Amazonnál - a yanomami
Nem tünnek amazonoknak... ..ugye, ilyen fejlett koponyával...

Amazonas gyermekei

Stevenson has researched the legends of Amazonia for 25 years. His investigations suggest that several waves of women travelers known as the "Virgins of the Sun" entered the Amazon in the years following 1533. He believes the women encountered by Orellana were Incas whom the
Conquistadors had driven from Peru at the height of the conquest. Stevenson has uncovered a lost west-east highway upon which these women refugees supposedly traveled. The highway ultimately led to the fabled Lake Parime, an inland sea northwest of the Brazilian city of Boa Vista on the Venezuelan border.

In Ecuador there exists an Indian tribe called the Yagua. To this day their peculiar wardress includes grass skirts and long blond grass wigs. Under the panic and tension of battle could naked Yagua men have been mistaken for breastless women warriors by Spanish soldiers?

Mongol szótár

ajtó=örh: door [OM örke smoke-hole, cp. Man uce door, Eve urke]
eszesség=sambaa: cleverness [OM sambagha, cp. Jap shibaraku for a short time, Tib]
hold=sar: moon [cp. Kit *sär(ə) (sai-i-erh) (Doerfer 1992, 48; Chinggeltei 2002, 107)]
tigris=bars: tiger zool [cp. Tur pars leopard, OT *bars, Gre pardos leopard; see irves]

nyugat=baruun: right-hand ["where the sun sets", OM baraghun < *bara-, cp. Tuv bariin west; see barah]
billog=beleg : sign [cp. Tur belge document, Kyr belgi sign]
eső=boroo: rain [OM borughan whirlwind, cp. Tur bora storm, Kyr boroon snowstorm, Kor pora, Jap furu fall, OJ puru, Gre boreas north]
?=budaa: porridge [OM budaghan, cp. Kyr botko, Man buda]
kő=chuluu: stone [OM tilaghu < *talighu < *tal-, cp. Tur tas, Kyr tash, OT *tal, Eve diolo, Kor tool, Pae *turak (Li 1977, 41)]
tenger=dalay: sea [OM dalay < *dal-, cp. Tuv dalay, OT *talay, or Tur dal- sink, OT *tal-, Per darya, Gre thalassa]
szárny=dali: wing [see dal]
kar=gar: arm, hand [cp. Tur kol arm, Kyr kol, Man gala hand, Eve ngale]
ház=ger: tent, house [OM ger, cp. Tib gur]
folyómeder=gol: riverbed; axis [cp. Man golo]
szikla=had: rock [OM qada, cp. Tur kaya, Tuv haya, OT *kaya < *kadha, Eve kadar]
sok=het: too much [OM ketü < *keti, cp. Tur gec- pass, cross, Kyr kech-, OT *kech, Eve kete many]
fajta=hongor: kind [OM qonggur]
város=hot: town [OM qota corral, cp. Man hoton, Kor kos place]
kút=hudag: well [OM qudugh, cp. Tur kuyu, Kyr kuduk, OT *kudugh] (Az ógörögben csak "víz".)
hattyú=hun: swan zool [OM qun]hün : man [OM küngün]
fa=mod: tree [OM modun, cp. Man moo, Eve moo, Chi mu]
kígyó=mogoy: snake zool [cp. Kit *mogho (Chinggeltei 2002, 107; Vovin 2004, 121)]
ló=mori: horse zool [OM morin < *mor-, Kal mörn, cp. Man morin, Eve murin, Kit *mori (Chinggeltei 2002, 107; Vovin 2004, 121), Kor mal, Chi ma, Jap u-ma, Kog *meru colt (Itabashi 2003, 146)]
arc=nüür: face [OM nighur]
orosz=oros: Russian [OM orus, cp. Kyr orus, OT *orus, Man oros, Rus Rus]
templom=süm: temple [OM süme, cp. Eve saman shaman, Jap sumeragi emperor]
pokol=tam: hell [OM tamu, cp. Skt tamas darkness]
ég=tenger: heaven [cp. Tabgach *tenggirin (ch'i-lien), Sien-Pi tenkirin, Hsiung-Nu chengli (Doerfer 1992, 46), Chi tien]
fej=tolgoy: head [OM tolugay]
bölcs=tsetsen: wise [OM titen and sisen, cp. Tur sec- choose]
mese=tuuli: tale [cp. Tuv tool, Chi]

Gushi sámánok már az ókorban marihónaljától szédültek...

This individual was buried with an unusual number of high value, rare items," Russo said, mentioning that the objects included a make-up bag, bridles, pots, archery equipment and a kongou harp. The researchers believe the individual was a shaman from the Gushi people, who spoke a now-extinct language called Tocharian that was similar to Celtic.

Consequently, it was called the Salawusu River in Mongolian, meaning "yellow water"
..és akkor a SALA az SÁRGA ?

Local archaeologists found a bronze mirror and a bronze plate at the two ancient tomb sites in Liangcheng county which can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) and theWarring States Period (475-221 B.C.), which they believed could not be the work of ancient northern peoples in China.

The semi-circle button of the mirror and the plate design of a weird beast with a bird's head and a tiger's body resembled very much the style of relics excavated in the hinterland of the Eurasian grass plain extending eastwards from the Black Sea to theouter Trans-Baikalia region in Russia, said Cao Jian'en, a noted researcher with the regional archaeology institute.

Later in 1924 the expedition of P.Kozlov discovered in Noin-Ula mountains (Northern Mongolia) very riches tombs aof the Hsiung-nu. The silver plates, the carpets, the nephrite articles were republished repeatedly. These sites and objects of art right away attracted attention by all researchers. Since 1928 special expeditions were organized for research of archaeological sites of the Hsiung-nu .

In north Mongolia were discovered some fortresses ( Huret-tov; Terelgiin; Gua-Dov; Bars-Hot; Haralty; Gargalanty and others) and cemeteries ( Hunuy; Tebsh-uul; Edergol; Darchan and others); the excavations in Noin-Ula too were continued .


Egy mongol egyetemi tanár még olyan írott forrásra is rábukkant, amely szerint a hunok táltoshitét - és nem sámánkultuszát - is átvették a kínaiak és azt wu-nak nevezték, ami közeli rokonságot mutat a mi bű szótagunkkal. Ez fordul elő a Somogy megyei Bodrog-Alsóbű helységnevünkben, ahol 1998-ban Stamler Imre történelemtanár több Árpád-kori vaskohászati telepet is feltárt, az egyik fúvókán rovásjelekkel. Minthogy a tibetieknél ugyanez a szó bön, pön, bonc alakban szintén előfordul, ez lehetett a hunok és szkíták ősvallása. Ennek nyomai a tartomány keleti felében még ma is fellelhetők, akárcsak a Bön-hegy, valamint a szent ligetek, ami szintén a mi ősvallásunkra emlékeztet, amikor őseink még kövekhez, forrásokhoz, fákhoz jártak imádkozni, áldozatot bemutatni. Napjainkban éppen ezen hasonlóságok alapján történnek kísérletek az ősmagyar egyház feltámasztására, azonban a történész asszony szerint az évezredek során mára még a távol-keleti népek eredetinek tartott szertartásai is olyannyira keveredtek más vallásokéval, hogy azt hiteles "ősként" átvenni már nem lehet.


In Theravada Buddhism, bhikkhu is the term for monk. Their disciplinary code is called the patimokkha, which is part of the larger Vinaya. They live lives of mendicancy, and go on a morning almsround (Pali: pindapata) every day. The local people give food for the monks to eat, though the monks are not permitted to positively ask for anything. The monks live in monasteries, and have an important function in traditional Asian society. Young boys can be ordained as samaneras. Both bhikkhus and samaneras eat only in the morning, and are not supposed to lead a luxurious life. Their rules forbid the use of money, although this rule is nowadays not kept by all monks.

The monastery was built by the Emperor Hsiao-Wen in AD 477, and the first abbot of Shaolin was Batuo, (also, Fotuo or Bhadra (the Chinese transposition of Buddha),

A BONC a lexikonok szerint buddhista szerzetes. Sajnos, a buddha hívők ezt nem tudják... Műveletlen népség arra a távoli keleten! Ellenben: a buddhizmus viszonylag "új keletű" vallás, "alig" ezerötszáz éve létezik Tibetben. Fokozatosan vette át a helyét egy sokkal régebbi és talán még nála is misztikusabb hagyománytól, amelyet úgy hívnak: bön.
Az ősi Bönre időszámításunk nyolcadik századában az Indiából származó buddhizmus telepedett. Az új tanítás a régin keveset módosított; nagyobbára csak neveket. De, ha lehet, még jobban aláhúzta azt, ami a tibeti misztikában fontos volt: az anyagvilág káprázatától valóelszakadás szenvedélyét. Régebben ezt a káprázatot maya-nak hívták; most a név: sangsara lett. Sangsara a látható világ, a benne való értelmetlen vándorlás, a tudatlanság, a kábaság, a születés, szenvedés, halál körforgása. A szabadulás neve régebben az atman volt; most a buddhizmus elterjesztette a nirvána kifejezést.

Tibet a bön vallás befolyása alatt állt, mely "szakrális" királyságot hozott létre - élén az isteneket a földön korlátozott ideig, 13 évig képviselő királyokkal. A király (Thrisong Deutsen) buddhizmusra térítése ennélfogva szintén egy politikai fogás volt, amellyel megtörhették az ahhoz az időhöz kötött, rendszerint gyenge királyokra nagy befolyást gyakorló bön arisztokrácia erősségét.
(A buddhizmus tortenete.)

Followers of Bon, Tibet's pre-Buddhist, shamanistic religion, call the mountain Tise and believe it to be the seat of the Sky Goddess Sipaimen. Additionally, Bon myths regard Tise as the sight of a legendary century battle of sorcery between the Buddhist sage Milarepa and the Bon shaman Naro Bon-chung. Milarepa's defeat of the shaman displaced Bon as the primary religion of Tibet.

Tibeti képek kapuval...

Kívánságra - magyarul:

Összerogyott a ló. Most a garaboncok
- Mint keselyü had gyűl taglani új koncot -
Bőrét lefeszíték, johait fölmetszék,
Nézi a nézőknek oltárra helyezték.

Buda halála

Nos, a garabonc ezek szerint boncolt...


Today Bair is a fully practising shaman and has up to 30 clients a day. Some with ailments or diseases, most with problems big or small. He gives advice, counselling, heals with the traditional healing disc, the toli (a metal disc made of copper and nickel which is charged with life force and the power of the spirits), and even performs ceremonies. His 'gear', shamanic wand, crown, dress etc. he inherited from his grandmother; they are about 200 years old.
We learnt that the only other ways to be called by the spirits to the profession of shaman are either to be struck be lightning ("the fire of the gods"), or to find a meteorite and touch it.

He put on his shapke, his shamanic cap which hides the face and physical eyes (so the shaman can focus better on his inner sight), and started his drumming and singing invocations.

A sólyom karmában

Nail and its cognates in Germanic languages (Old High German nagal, English nail, Icelandic nagli, Swedish nagel) basically means either "nail of finger or toe" or "slim pointed piece
of metal"; the second meaning is younger and does not appear outside the Germanic languages:
Old Irish ingen, Latin unguis "nail", Latvian nags "hoof", Greek onyx [νυξ] claw, Sanskrit anghri [अंघ्रि] "foot".

A modern olaszban a KAROM az unghia.

Érdekességnek: A SHAMAN szót egyesek MANCHU szónak mondják, s "tudós" jelentést adnak neki. Nos, nálam a SHAM az óperzsa KAROM, esetleg szem. Magyar korona - sámán korona - koreai (keresztes!) korona. 5c.A.D.

Pesti István 2012 szeptember
