
Egyiptomi mítosz


There is also a legend that an Egyptian princess, Scota, left Egypt with some followers and journeyed to Ireland. Legend has it that Egyptians left many ancient tin mines all over Britain but especially Ireland which was their major source of the valuable metal.
Another idea is that they were Taureg Berbers. The Berber language is Hamitic, and the Berber people live in an area from which travel to Ireland would be easily accessible. The Berbers perhaps set sail from western Morocco, and settled on Ireland before the Celts, making it their new home.

According to the ancient Scots Chronicles the origin of the Scottish people, at least in part, derives from the Pharaonic lineage of an Egyptian princess named Scota, who may have lived around 1500 B.C. The old Irish Annals support this same tradition saying that Scota came to Ireland, via Spain, from Egypt. Even today the placename Glen Scota traditionally records her presence in Ireland. Subsequently descendants of Scota migrated to Scotland around 300 B.C. from whence came the Scots royal lineage

sacred-texts a similar story is found in an ancient Egyptian papyrus. It may be that the Scottish and Egyptian versions of this legend came from the same source in remote times. A string of Egyptian beads has been found in a grave near Stonehenge. It came from Egypt about 3000 years ago, along the old trade routes. If far-travelled wanderers, or traders, brought beads, they may also have brought some stories. The ancient Egyptians had, like the ancient folk of Scotland, a wonder tale about a floating island which vanished beneath the waves.

Nílus parti skótok:

Quote from Lady Olivia: "We have our Priesthood derived hereditarily from ancient Egypt, which we have described in booklets and therefore. But a Priesthood really means that you have a Vocation from Deity in some form or other, to help the world in some particular way: maybe through scholarship, writing books, doing nature. You're asked to do something. You feel the Vocation, but it is always from the Goddess - but you can add the God if you like - because the person joining the Fellowship wants to emphasize that part of their lives."


a Skara Braeban talált edények mintázata egyrészt elüt a helyiektől, másrészt hasonló a távoli Ibériai félszigeten talált edényekéhez. Továbbá különös kő-szerszámok egész sora – egy díszített három-csúcsos tárgy, kőszekercék, gomba-alakú szerszám és karcolt kőgolyók – a környéken sehol sem található, de a korabeli „Portugáliá”-ban ugyanilyeneket találtak. Világossá vált Skara Brae távoli kapcsolatrendszere, és ez kulcsot adhat a rejtély megfejtéséhez. Skara Brae lakóinak életszínvonalát jelzi, hogy az egész korabeli világban a minószi Kréta kivételével nem volt még olyan hely rajtuk kívül, ahol csatornázott illemhely állt volna a lakók rendelkezésére. A szobák kényelmesek, magasak, tágasak, jól tervezettek, még mai mértékkel is. Skare Brae lerakódott rétegeiben a birka és marhacsontok meghökkentően gyakoriak. Ráadásul koponyák egyáltalán nem fordulnak elő. Ez pedig arra utal, hogy úgy hozták ide nekik a húsokat, nem helyben vágták le az állatokat. Összehasonlításképpen, a környék lakosságának tápláléka sokkal kevesebb birkát és sokkal több disznót fogyasztott. Mindez azt jelzi, hogy Skara Brae lakossága nem környékbeli volt, hanem egy olyan kiugróan művelt csoport, amelyet a környék lakossága válogatott élelmiszerekkel tartott el. Hasonlóan, Dun Mor Vaul település átlagos tápláléka felerészben háziállatból, felerészben vadhúsból állt. A bennszülött piktek őrtornyának kamrájának lakója azonban túlnyomórészt birkahúst, kisrészben marhahúst fogyasztott; ami éles különbséget jelent közvetlen környezetét és az országot akkoriban általában jellemző táplálkozási szokáshoz képest. Minden jel arra utal, hogy Skara Brae lakói nem földművelők voltak, hanem különleges feladatokat ellátó szakemberek. Kerámiáik lapos talpúak, sík fedelű asztalokra valók voltak; azaz fejlett színtű bútoraik lehettek.

Történészek írták


Stone age men built great circular Cairns to honour their dead. These circular stone monoliths are found in several places - in the Orkneys in the extreme north.....
The link these early inhabitants to their Iberian ancestors can be found in the many spiral pattern grooves cut into the rocks and boulders of this northern land and which can also be seen in Spain....
The Picts had a tradition that they were descended from Scythians who fled before the Sarmatian onslaught which brought about their destruction as an Empire. The Scythian Empire began about 700BC reached its zenith at 400BC and vanished around 300 BC. The Picts and Scythians had many similarities.....
Scotland in large numbers via Ireland about 500 AD. Dal Riata was the ancient Kingdom of the Scots and stretched from east Ireland through the Western Isles to Argyll, in western Scotland. Northern Ireland was in fact called "Scotia" by the Romans. (A "DAL" szót láttam már "völgy, út, palota" nevekkel kapcsolatban. De a finnugor "dal, tol=tűz" eddig kimaradt.)

Peoples: SKÓT honlap magyaroknak: SKÓT TÖRTÉNELEM (magyarul)
II. Donald skót király

Az árgyélus kismadár..

The 'Scoti' ventured across the north Irish sea to Argyll in the 400s and called it "Dalriada" after their Royal House of "Dal Riada" in Ulster. Fourth century movement of Celtic tribes from Ireland into England and Scotland, and from southern England into Brittany. They were afterwards referred to derisively as "Irish" for over one thousand years.) This marked the first time that Gaelic was spoken in what is now Scotland. The Picts were already established throughout northern Scotland and were not amused with these latecomers. For the next 400 years, Picts and Scots fought it out. Scottish kings arose in Dalriada where they existed with the tolerance of local Pictish Governors. When threatened by outside forces, the Scots and Picts had no qualms re co-operating to beat off a common foe. The Picts were better organized, more unified, and had a more powerful army. The Scots, on the other hand, were unruly, untrustworthy, cunning, and fierce fighters

Scottish Music
Pentatonic: The five note scale found in folk music. For example Auld Lang Syne or any melody that can be played on the black notes of a keyboard. Here is that song recorded at the end of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo being played by Massed Pipe s another example sung by a Mixed voice choir, Accompanied by Clarsachs and singing the 'Skye boat song which is also in the Pentatonic Scale. Anacrusis : This can often be describes as an upbeat and is a note which comes before the first accented beat in a bar. Listen to this example which is a Slow Waltz in 3/4 time with an Anacrusis at the start of every phrase.

A "BEN" a skót és ír nyelvben "hegycsúcs" (FENn, legfelül. A FEN csak élesít.). Welszi "pen=fej" (Finn, karél: "pää piä ", de az udmurtoknál csak JUR.) (Penguin=fehér hegy.) Ugaritic "PNM=into".


Britonok - Waddell

calls himself therein by all three titles of "Phoenic-ian," "Brit-on" and "Scot," by ancient forms of these titles; and whose personal appearance is presumably illustrated in the nearly contemporary sculpture from his homeland, Fig. 10 (p. 46). In thus preserving for us the name and titles of a "prehistoric" literate Phoenician king of North Britain upon his own original monument, it at the same time supplies a striking proof of the veracity of the ancient tradition cited in the heading, which the Eastern branch of Aryans has faithfully preserved in their famous epic, "The Great Barats" (Maha Barata), in regard to the prehistoric world- wide civilizing conquests of the Panch or "Phoenicians," the greatest ruling clan of the Aryan Barats, or Brihats, who, we shall find, were the ancestors of the "Brits" or Brit-ons, our own ancestors. And the amplifying second quotation in the heading, from the Early Aryan psalms, also preserved. (..meg a brigantesra gondoltam..)

Alternatív vélemény

"Real Scottish history escapes modern historians and archaeologists. Old names for places and peoples need to be re-discovered. The old capital of Ceti-land (Shetland) was Katti Ku, Sumerian for City of the Catti. Catti can be traced back 5000 years(our Neo-lithic) to Uruash-the-Khad, king of Akkad-Sumeria. The Khatti were the rulers of the early Akkad-Sumerians, later of the Eskitus-Hittites (the Heth of the Old Testament) and, later still, the Khatti-Sars of the Syrians. Babylonia was Karadunaish under the rule of the Katti, or Kassi dynasty. Kazi was the name for Benares, India's most holy city, ruled by the Khattio Brahman caste. The Khatti, or Hatti, were rulers of the Hittites - and the ruled the British Isles! Across Europe we find Cassi-Cossacks, the German Quadi-Chattan, the Eskot-arrak (Scottish Basques - Wow!) and the Cassi-Catti of Britain who threw Julius Caesar's veteran army back into the Channel. Pre-Roman British kings had Khatti-Hittite names as witnessed on old coins from the ruling Kassi, or Scottish, dynasty. Little wonder the ancient royal line springs from a Cassi-Catti source. Catti-Caithness was/is the seat of the Keiths (emblem with a Cat), former Earl Marshals of Scotland. The so-called 'lost' Pictish tribes of Scotland: the Sumertae, Venicones, Carenni, Katoni, Gotodini, Mayatae, and Chaldoni, are easily discovered as Sumerians, Phoenicians, Carians, Catti, Gotts (Catti), Magyars and Chaldeans (Keleti-Celts), Basque-Eskaldu-Eskotarrak, etc. 'Stonehenge' was surely built by early Kazi-Magyars working the Cassiterides and Cornish tin-mines for Sargon I, giving it the original Magyar name of 'Isten Henger', meaning 'Cylinder or Circle of God'. Of 29 consecutive 'Pictish' kings with the name 'Brude' 14 have the appendix 'Ur', meaning 'Lord' in Magyar, and Sumerian, and Egyptian. A connection with the Viking Urus who gave their name to (U)Russia seems probable.


Figyelemre méltó továbbá, hogy a rómaiak szuperbirodalma nem volt képes azt a sivár skót vidéket meghódítani. Mi több: Két falat is kellett húzniuk (Hadriáni, Antonini wall), mint Kínánál, hogy a pikteket távoltartsák. A falakat erős zsoldos-sereg védte: hunok, teutonok..

Skót tamana

Arran sziget Skócia délnyugati partjánál. Közelében van: Jura(fej?), Iona(kék?), Tiree (kapu?) sziget.
Aran sziget Írország nyugati partjánál. (Innis-Arran : Írország neve Ossian idején)
Arras város Calais-tól nem messze keletre (Scarpe river).
Arran vagy Arno folyó az etruszk területen.
Arran folyó a Kaukázus déli oldalán

Arran , also known as Aran, Ardhan (in Parthian), Al-Ran (in Arabic), Alvank (in Armenian), or (Caucasus) Albania (in Latin), was a geographical name used in ancient and medieval times to signify the territory which lies within the triangle of land, lowland in the east and mountainous in the west, formed by the junction of Kura and Aras rivers, including the highland and lowland Karabakh, Mil plain and parts of the Mughan plain, and in the pre-Islamic times, corresponded roughly to the territory of modern-day Republic of Azerbaijan. (Azerbajdzsán neve: A tűz őre.) The term is the Middle Persian equivalent to the Greco-Roman Caucasus Albania. It was known by its natives as Aghvania, Alvan-k in Armenian, and Al-ran (Arabized form of Arran) in Arabic.
Today, the term Arran is mainly used in the Republic of Azerbaijan to indicate territories consisting of Mil and Mughan plains (mostly, Beylaqan, Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad provinces of the Republic of Azerbaijan) citation needed. Aliyov, a historian in the former Soviet Azerbaijan, in his article "Sources Relating the Ancient History of Caucasus's Albania", wrote that in the Parthian era, the eastern part of the Caucasus was called "Ardan" (Égi tűz? Tűzisten?). Greek materials referred to this place as Albania. Barthold, the famous Soviet scholar, believed that in the Islamic era and, according to Arabic sources, this name has taken the forms of "Al-ran" or "Aran", which probably is a transformation of the ancient Parthian name "Ardan".

Árgyélus királyfi hazája:

"..they had centers, such as Tara in the center of Ireland, where barrows of knights and kings and queens were centered."
Skócia gael nyelven Alban.


The Greeks knew the people as Albanoi, and the Georgians knew them as Rani, a form taken over in an arabized form for the early Islamic geographical term al-Ran (pronounced ar-Ran). Early Arran seems to have displayed the famed linguistic complexity of the Caucasus as a whole. Strabo 9.4, cites Theophanes of Mytilene that Albania had at least 26 different languages or dialects, and the distinctive Albanian speech persisted into early Islamic times, since Armenian and Islamic sources alike stigmatize the tongue as cacophonous and barbarous, with Estakhri, p. 192, Ebn Hawqal, p. 349, tr. Kramers-Wiet, p. 342, and Moqaddasi, p. 378, recording that al-Raniya was still spoken in the capital Barda'a or Barda'a in their time (4th/10th century).
(A "bard" az kelta nyelven "fehér"-et jelent. Más nyelven Barda=Partaw. Már majdnem pártus.. Lehet, hogy a PARS-ból lett a BARS is, csak turkosították? Fasiszta: Avestan barsman a bundle of sacred twigs or metal rods used by priests in Zoroastrian ) Egyiptomi analogia


The Mihranids were extinguished through the assassination of Varaz-Trdat II by Nerseh P'ilippean in 822-23 CE, and the Armenian prince of Šakki to the north of Arran, Sahl i Smbatean (Arabic, Sahl b. Sonbat), extended his power over Arran. The province was in these years much disturbed due to effect from southern region, namely Athropatekan or Azarbaijan and the revolt of the Kkorramdinan lead by an Iranian freedom fighter Sardar (Warrior) Babak, whose centre was at Badd just to the south of the Araxes, and it was Sahl who delivered up Babak to the caliph al-Mo'tasem in 837-38 CE.
Irország nyugati részén volt VENnicnium prima és ARGITA folyó is!
A skót határ közelében volt VINDOGARA város

Skót nevek eredete


..és ne feledjük a magyar pentaton dallamot, amely a skótoknál is fellelhető!

skót - angol - magyar

Achaius = Friend of a horse = Lóbarát
Argyle = From the land of the Gaul... = Galliai (Argyelán, Argyll)
Balgair = Fox = Róka
Balgaire = Fox
Birk = From a birch tree = Nyírfából
Cameron = Clan name meaning Bent nose. = KAMpós orrú
Darach = Oak = Tölgy
Donel = All ruler = Mindenek ura
Earie = From the east = Keletről
Gara = Short = Alacsony
Garia = Short
Gordan = Hero = Hős
Gunn = White = Fehér
Home = From the cave = Barlangi
Iona = Violet.
Kam = Form of Cameron crooked nose. = Kampósorrú
Kay = Fire = Tűz
Kendric = Royal chieftain. Surname. = Királyi főnök
Kerk = From the church = Templomi
Kirkland = Church. = Templomföld
Machar = Plain = Világos, tiszta (in plain English=magyaráz)
Math = Bear = Medve
Muira = From the moor = Mocsári
Nathara = Snake = Kígyó
Ness = From the headland = Hegyfoki (loch= tó)
Scot = Wanderer = Vándor
Tara = crag or tower in Gaelic.= Torony
Tyra = Land = Föld
Tyree = Skandinávok Mars istene (Tyr) után


Skót víz:
Scottish folklore has stories of the kelpie or eich uisge (a water-horse) and tarve uisge (a water bull).

The word whiskey comes from the Irish "Ishk o tae" which means "Water of Life". Nem kulacs: Scottish words. Quaich ~ ancient drinking cup with two handles and used  well in Irish Gaeilic it is "abhainn." Pronounced ow-in. In a sentance- "ar bruacht na habhainn", by the banks of the river. Habur?
Read more: river_in_Scottish_Gaelic

Skót folyónevek:
Dunának Aultnak egy a hangja
A "burn", Scots Gaelic: "allt" (anglicised as "Ault/alt"), used for smaller rivers and larger streams

Reykjavik, a füstölgő öböl:

Literally "bay of smokes", from Old Norse Reykjavík, from reykir, plural of reykr ("smoke") (the plural form is widely used in Icelandic placenames) + vík ("bay").

Mint olvashatjuk, nem is a skót REIK=FÜST szó képezi, hanem az echte izlandi "reykr=füst" izlandi szó az alap. Csak az "r" hangváltás során "ja" lett. Szerencsére Izland nyelvében is "wic=öböl".

Bár a füst az ónorvég (viking) nyelvből jött:
capital of Iceland, lit. "bay of smoke," from O.N. reykja "to smoke" (see reek) + vik "bay" (see viking). So called from the natural hot springs there. Settlement said to date from 9c., but not established as a town until 1786.

Viking a wizard

But O.E. wicing and O.Fris. wizing are almost 300 years older, and probably derive from wic "village, camp" (temporary camps were a feature of the Viking raids), related to L. vicus "village, habitation" (see villa).

røykfritt = no smoking (norwegian); 'rökstenen': smoke stone

Ragozzuk.. - holland

Ik rook = I smoke
U rookt = you smoke
Hij/Ze rookt = he/she smokes

Sanskrit dhumas smoke - Lith. dumas
roykstova {roksto:va} "smoke-room" in the old Faroese
English word: Reek or smoke
Dan: rbg steam, vig a bay, ford, dwelling

In old Norse it is pronounced RICA as in America, it is spelled in a number of ways, but always pronounced the same: rige, rega, rike, rikja, reykja.

rick - reek smoke, to smoke - reykja
Levezetés sehol sem található

Translation of "Smoking jacket"
Macedonian: Пушачко палто, Norwegian (Bokmål): Røkejakke, Swedish: Rökrock.

A róka és a holló: (crow-kur?)

Far. rókur -s, -ar m 'jackdaw' (Corvus monedula); Norw.dial. rōk m 'rook', also ramrōk 'rook' TORP 2 541; Norw. (bokmål) råke m 'rook'
(influenced by Dan. råge); ODan. råg 'rook'; Dan. råge -en, -r 'id.' (borrowed from Middle Low German?); OE. hrōc m 'rook; jackdaw; raven'; OS. hrōk/rōk m 'rook'.


Skót szószedet
reik: smoke; vapour

Scandinavian origin; compare Danish, Norwegian narhval, from Old Norse nāhvalr, from nār corpse + hvalr whale, from its white colour, supposed to resemble a human corpse]

LUND: Észak-Angliában számos helynévben: Plumbelund, Christianslund. Dániában Lundigt. Istennek szentelt liget, fa.


For instance, over 90% of Native Americans belong to Y-DNA haplogroup Q1a3a.

For instance, haplogroup Q is found at high densities both in Central Asia and the Americas. So when one pops up in Western Europe, we could wonder how it got there. If it is a Q1a3a in Spain, chances are that it is a Native American lineage brought back during the colonial period (maybe after some intermarriage with Spaniards in the Americas, so the first person of that lineage to reach Spain might not even have looked Native American, but mestizo). If on the other hand, a Scot is found to be Q1a2, a subclade common among Siberians and Central Asians, it can easily be guessed that this lineage came to Europe with the Hunnic invasion, and eventually arrived in Scotland either through the Vikings (there is a theory that some Huns settled in Scandinavia) or through the French Normans (the Huns did invade Gaul/France).



Szarmata csoda

"How did R1b3 (aka subclade M269 and Ht 35), and/or R1b3 (aka subclade M65) or R1b4 (aka subclade M73) come to exist in what may be relatively high proportions along the Anglo-Scottish Border"? Possible vectors include:

1) the 5,500 Sarmatian troops stationed in Cumbria and Lancashire during the Roman period. These troops were armored cavalry, eventually settled in Northwest England, and were presumably assimilated by the native populace.
Some scholars have speculated that the King Arthur legend sprang from tales of the Sarmatian cavalrymen and one of their leaders, Lucius Artorius Castus.
The Sarmatians - like the Alani, who colonized parts of France and Spain - were an Indo-Iranic or Turkic tribe originally from the Caucasus, and some of their direct descendants still live in the Caucasus under the name Ossetians.
5 ezer szarmatából avanzsált alan megváltoztatja a génmintát a skót határnál. Vagy 72 mérföld hosszú fal mentén. Kelták stb számításon kívül.


Az eddig is köztudott volt, hogy a skótok (és a magyarok) számos hírességet adtak a világnak, köztük művészeket, politikusokat, színészeket, tudósokat. Elég csak a által összeállított listára klikkelni. A skót bulvársajtó nagy szeretettel turkál a világsztárok családfáinak ágas-bogas gyökerei között, hátha rábukkan némi skóciai nyomra. Tette ezt legutóbb Hugh Grant, vagy épp a szépséges Kiera Knightley esetében, utóbbinál a mama skót származása volt a perdöntő. Az egyik skót bulvárlap most újabb megdöbbentő névsorral állt elő, szerintük ugyanis sok híresség titkon felföldi felmenőkkel büszkélkedhet. Mint például a szőke szépség, Reese Witherspoon, akit elsősorban a Dr. Szöszi-sorozatban nyújtott alakítása miatt ismer a nagyérdemű.

Még részletek Tomory írásából - (görög Hold, mongol Hold?)

Tara vidékén máig is jól látható kerek földvárak vannak, s ezek Tara nevét is a magyar tár-tér szócsoporthoz, sőt Turán nevéhez is kapcsolják. Azóta e kövön koronázzák a királyokat. Fergus herceg, Dalriada alapítója hozta el a követ Írországból Iona szigetére; e név kapcsolatban van a jász néptörzs Ion nevével.


A skótok történelme a Brit Szigetek kelta népességének történelmével fonódik egybe. Ezek története nemzetalakitás előtti ősidőkig megy vissza, s alapja egy egységes ősműveltség. Ősregéik fénylényekkel, tündérekkel, óriásokkal népesítik be e vidéket. Ír legendák szerint első lakói a Fir-bolg-ok. A Fir szórész férfit jelent. Első ismert történelmi szerepük a saját írással rendelkező pikteknek van. Eredetük vitatott, állítólag szkitiából jöttek a Kr.u. 3. században.

Tara vidékén máig is jól látható kerek földvárak vannak, s ezek Tara nevét is a magyar tár-tér szócsoporthoz, sőt Turán nevéhez is kapcsolják. Azóta e kövön koronázzák a királyokat. Fergus herceg, Dalriada alapítója hozta el a követ Írországból Iona szigetére; e név kapcsolatban van a jász néptörzs Ion nevével....

Eredetregéjük szerint egyik nemesük feleségül vette az akkori egyiptomi fáraó Scota nevű leányát, s az ő neve után nevezik skótoknak magukat. Egyiptomból később kiűzték őket, s miután negyvenkét évig vándoroltak új hazát keresve, végül Spanyolországban telepedtek meg. E vándorlás messze megelőzte a mózesit. Spanyolországban maradtak ezer évig, majd továbbmentek Írország Argyll nevű tartományába, melyet ők maguk
Dalriada néven hívtak. Királyaik első lakhelye Dunadd volt.

Tory - gyermeknevek


A válaszokat báró Malcomes Béla Szent István unokája című könyvében találtam meg. 1938-ban Budapesten jelent meg, Szent Margit Skócia királynéja magyar származása és magyarországi szülőhelye alcímmel. E könyv alapján szeretném megismertetni a Dobogó olvasóival is a regényes történetet, mely II. Vasbordájú Edmund angol király két fiacskájának Magyarországba menekítésével indul. Sajnos a magyar krónikák nem számolnak be erről, de Malcomes báró felkutatta a legrégibb angolszász krónikákat és könyvében közli tartalmukat. Az Atheling hercegeket 1017-23 között - sajnos az időpontok nem biztosak, mert a forrásokban más-más évszám szerepel - Nagy Kanut dán király elől menekítették, aki apjukat párviadalban halálosan megsebesítette, majd megszerezte az angol trónt. 1035-ben, Rómában bekövetkezett halála után azonban birodalma széthullt. A két herceg, Edward és Edmund, 2 és 3 évesen először Svédországba került, majd a  –hunok királyához” - így szerepel a legrégebbi angol krónikában: az angolszász ill. worcesteri Florence krónikájában - Szent Istvánhoz –felneveltetés végett”.


Az Arbroath-i Nyilatkozat latinul íródott. 1320. április 6-án került kihirdetésre az Arbroath Apátságban (Skócia keleti partjainál, St. Andrewstól északra, a golf hazájában). XXII. János pápa - akinek a franciaországi Avignonban volt a székhelye - meggyőzése volt a Nyilatkozat célja, miszerint Skóciát független országgá kell nyilvánítani. Ez ellentmondott annak az angol követelésnek, mely Skóciát uralma alá vonja. A híres skót vezér, Robert the Bruce 1314-ben győzelmet aratott az angolok felett Bannockburn-nél, majd 1319-ben visszafoglalta Berwick-on-Tweed-et (Angliával határos várost)....

hogy sok híres nemzet közül a miénk, a skót, mindenhol ismert hírnévvel áldott. Nagy-Szkítiából indultak útnak a Tirrén-tenger és Herkules Oszlopainak útján, hosszabb ideig éltek Hispániában a legvadabb törzsek között, de sehol nem találtak legyőzőre, semmiféle versenyben, bár barbároknak mondják őket. 1200 évvel azután, hogy Izrael népe átkelt a Vörös-tengeren, érkeztek meg hazájukba nyugatra, ahol ma is élnek. Elűzték a britonokat, a pikteket elpusztították, és bár gyakran támadták őket norvégok, dánok és britek, mégis sok győzelem és kimondhatatlan erőfeszítések árán hazát szereztek,

Királyságukban száztizenhárom király uralkodott saját királyi családjukból, mely folytonosságot egyetlen idegen sem tört meg.


PICT  - a festett nép (mint a maori, szkíta..)

The earliest record we have of the word Pict describing a group of people in Britain comes from a poem by Eumenius dated A.D. 297, which mentions the "Picti" along with the "Hiberni" as enemies of the "Britanni". Although this sets up a contrast between Picts and Britons, it implies nothing more than a Romanized/non-Romanized distinction. The word "picti" is most often understood as a plural of the Latin participle "pictum" from the verb "pingo" to paint; to dye or color; to decorate. This is usually interpreted in the light of Julius Caesar's comment "All the 'Britanni' paint themselves with woad which produces a bluish coloring.' Other, later, classical writers repeat this claim, often narrowing the application to inhabitants of the northern part of Britain and making reference to "puncturing" rather than "painting".


Most of this is taken from books 9 and 14 of the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (560-636). It is rather   confused, and mostly quite irrelevant for Scottish history. In ancient times there were two peoples called the Albani and the Iberi who lived in the Caucasus. Later geographers confused the Albani with Albany (i.e. Scotland) and the Iberi with Hibernia. Lower Scythia is the first region of Europe, which stretches from the marshes of Meotidis beginning between the Danube and the Northern Ocean, as far as Germany: this land is generally said to be barbaric, on account of the savage tribes inhabiting it. The first part of it is Alania, which extends to the Meotidas marshes. After that comes Dacia, where there is also Gothia. Then Germany, where the Suevi inhabit a very large region.

The Annals of Ulster

Annals of Tigernach



The link of these early inhabitants to their Iberian ancestors can be found in the many spiral pattern grooves cut into the rocks and boulders of this northern land and which can also be found in Spain, France and Ireland. The design of burial chambers located in the Orkney islands also provide an important link to the Iberian origin of their builders.
Farming arrived in these islands around 4,000 BC (3-4,000 years after it started in Asia Minor) and as it replaced the nomadic way of life, the Orkneys became an island fortress with its many stone brochs. By the time Rome became a world empire, the Orcadians were recognized by Rome as a sea power. From recent excavations, it seems that these Orcadian people were a slim, dark Caucasian race, with long, narrow heads.


Most of this is taken from books 9 and 14   of the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (560-636). It is rather confused, and mostly quite irrelevant for Scottish history. In ancient times there were two peoples called the Albani and the Iberi who lived in the Caucasus. Later geographers confused the Albani with Albany (i.e. Scotland) and the Iberi with Hibernia.

Amiről szó volt, hogy a kla:Ñ (klán) az sólyom jelentésű. Szép útja lehetett Skóciáig DK-Ázsiából!
Bru cè:m; Kui cè:m; Katu ÷ëcim; gloss 'bird' ;
täj {tadzs} ='hand'/kéz
Thai nyelv: ÷/këniëÑ, = 'kite' = kánya (A kanya az "lány" DK-Ázsiában.)
In Khasi, the free form of the word for 'hand' is kti, but this appears as simply ti when used as a combining form;
Mint látjuk, a khas nyelvben a "kéz" lerövidül "ti"-re, ami ugye majdnem "tíz". Munda nyelvben a kéz "si". A korku nyelvben is "si=kéz" és a "sim=szárnyas". A sora nyelv tigris szava "kìna". Kharia nyelvben "modÚ= szem".

Bevándorlók A küllő és a yule
This Khilaani is obviously cognate with the Akkadian Khullanu or Xullanu "wooden";4 which thus discloses the Hitt-ite or Akkadian origin of the Greek word for "wood" Xulon or Xylon, and also of the English "Yule," which significantly is spelt in Gothic, Juile or Jol, and in Early English and Anglo-Saxon Guili or Geola, which also illustrate the dropping out of the initial G in the later word.
The Scots arrived in Ireland from Spain. The first that came was Parth-olomus [Part-olon]; NENNIUS History of the Britons. ..he juxtaposition of these two titles of the Phoenician Barat calling himself Ikr or (v)Icar, namely Prat or Prwt.. The terns Cuh for "town" or "city," for this old town of the Khatti or Xatti in Shetland.. the common modern name "Koi" for a "town".

Pesti István 2011.július
