(Metrôon /metro-hon/ az idő háza)
The goddess was known among the Greeks as Meter or Meter oreie/a ("Mountain-Mother"), or, with a particular Anatolian sacred mountain in mind, Idaea Idaea can mean:* Idaea , a genus of geometer moths, including Idaea aversata, Idaea biselata and Idaea seriata.* In Greek mythology, Idaea was a nymph, wife of Scamander and mother of King Teucer....
, inasmuch as she was supposed to have been born on Mount Ida Mount Ida In Greek mythology, two sacred mountains are called Mount Ida, the "Mountain of the Goddess": Mount Ida, Crete, and Mount Ida, Turkey, known as Mount Ida, Turkey in Classical times....
in Anatolia , or equally Dindymene or Sipylene, with her sacred mountains Mount Dindymon In Greek mythology, Dindymon was a mountain in eastern Phrygia, later part of Galatia, that was later called Agdistis, sacred to the "mountain mother", Cybele, whom the Hellenes knew as Rhea.... (in Mysia and variously located) or Mount Sipylus in mind. In Roman mythology , her equivalent was Magna Mater or "Great Mother". /Boldog asszony anyánk, régi nagy pátrónánk../
- trák-frígiai elmélet
Greek and Phrygian are both Centum indoeuropean languages of the East group. Centum of the East group means that their precursor has abandoned the Steppe Homeland a little before the "Satem" innovation (a couple of centuries after 3000 BC). This means that the Graeco-Phrygian language was spoken somewhere in the Balkans after 3000 BC and before 2000 BC
The best candidate for the Graeco-Phrygian group is the Bubanj-Hum II culture in south Morava and Kosovo (ca. 2800-1900 BC). Around 2500 BC a part of this culture's population migrates southward and settles in Pelagonia (northwestern Macedonia , Supljevac-Bakarno Gumno culture) and north Epirus (Maliq culture , Albania , south of lake Ohrid).
The Pseudominyan Gray Ware . It's a kind of pottery that first appears in Bubanj-Hum II , migrates in Pelagonia & North Epirus where it "matures" in Minyan Ware , that is the Ware that has infiltrated Greece during the "coming of the Greeks" and Schlieman has traced in Orkhomenos of Boetia (and thre for named it after the legendary local king Minyas
The Macedonian high frequency is explained by the fact that the Macedonians in High Pieria were the only Greek tribe that has maintained a strong contact with the Phrygians , during the period of Phrygian advanced culture (1100-900 BC) in the Central Macedonian Plain.
The Phrygian group on the other hand is in contact with both the Paeonian group and the Italo-Celto-Illyrian group ( and we've seen above that Phrygian shares some isoglosses with Latin).
"The ancient Greeks used to change very often the sound b with ph, especially in words spoken by the Pelasgians from the northern parts of Hellada. They said therefore Phryges instead of Bryges (Herodotus, lib. VII. 73), Philippos instead of Bilippos, Phalacros instead of Balacros, and Pherenice instead of Berenice, as pronounced in fact by the Macedonians. They also called Physios instead of Bysios the month or the time when it was customary to consult the Hyperborean oracle from Delphi (Plutarc, Oeuvres, Ed. 1784, Tome XIII. p. 105)"