India 11

A szubkontinens környéke 4

A világ tetején

Érdekességnek: Tibet madárvilága.
Never more (James E. Bosson: A Treasury of Aphoristic Jewels):
khva da/ turagun: It is difficult to give a specific trnslation for this bird, for all the native dictionaries are imprecise about bird names. The word turugan occurs eight times in the text, four times as a trnslation of khva dag/ kha dvag "cow, raven"; the Tibetan magpie and four timesfor bya rog "crow, raven". In the great five language Manchu dictionary the word is attested turuu and translated by Tibetan bya mo "raven", but even then there is no support for translating lao niao as "crane".

Bhutan beszélt nyelve, a dzhongpa: (The word “dzongkha” means the language (kha) spoken in the dzong “fortresses”) occasionally Ngalopkha “language of the Ngalop people” is the national language of Bhutan.
Karp = white.
Marp = red
Changkha = green
Naap = black
Serp = yellow
Cow = no
Baep = frog
Changg = alkoholic beverage

Gyalogos lányok: *la gyal-re" to cross a mountain pass. Tibetan gyal-sa = capital (e.g. of a country). gya-ga = India (also gya-rar).. gya-na = China. gyal-tso = United Nations. si-zeen = president. /gyal wa/ conqueror. "Losar" is also referred to as "Bal Gyal Lo", where bal means Tibet; gyal means king and "lo" means "year".
Ha a "gyal=király", akkor mi lehet a mah-gyal jelentése? čin-a = wolf.

Tibetan thog, “sky, roof, high, thunderbolt, lightning”, is equivalent to Apache nbi, and lcags “metal, flint”, is equivalent to Apache bibish; in compounds lcags can also mean lightning or thunderbolt (Jäschke 1881:148, 237, 286).

Nepáli-angol etimológiai szótár
ill (beteg)= birámi, rogi
illness (betegség) = bethá, rog
kite (kánya) = chil
light (könnyű) = halungo
light (világos) = madhuro
maize (kukorica)= makai
moon (Hold)= jun
nut (beteldió) = pán
pen (birka karám) = khor
plan (method, rítus) = rit
plate (tál, tányér) = thál
hero (hős) = bir

Archaeological Research in Asia
Samdzong, 4000 m magasan a Himalájában fekvő település. Régészeti feltárás során aknasírok, bennük arany és ezüst maszkok, rézedények, vastőrök, sárgaréz karperecek, bronzmedálok kerültek elő. 450-650-re keltezik a régészeti lelet korát.

baara = hedge, fence, boundary of a field
bhüt = spirit, evil (gonosz szellem)
chada = umbrella (esernyő, csador)
chauri = adolescent bitch (Bakfis szuka)
chele = cymbals (cintányér)
ci'la = eagle (sas)
dil 2 n. < dyl> = cliff edge; raised · portion ' ( of verandah , bank of gully , etc . ) ; ridge . (sziklaperem)
e'k, e'ga num. = one (egy).
garib a . / = poor (szegény).
gilaasa n . = glass (üveg) .
gyaan n . < gyaan> = self-control, wisdom. (önuralom, bölcsesség)
khaal = empty. (üres)
kolo' n . = child. (gyermek). Tibetan word for the Himalayan pepper is gYer-ma.
krebaa' = groy' scream, screech, howl' 'krap 'weep' (sikít, sír)
kuldu , koldu , koldo n . = hood of sackcloth; sack for holding grains or flour. (zsák magvaknak, lisztnek)
-ma'e, -mae, = plural marker (többes szám jele, mint a taino nyelvben)
maga'r = Magar (large ethnic group of west Nepal) .
urgyaa = yellow . (sárga)


Vanga ókori királyság Banglades területén.
Sometimes referred to as Banga, Vanga was an early Iron Age kingdom in East Banga (covering parts of West Bengal, modern Bangladesh, and neighbouring Samatata) in north-eastern India. It apparently also had an extension to the coast, perhaps at the mouth of the Ganges. Along with Anga, Kalinga, Pundra, and Suhma, it was ruled by one of five originally non-Vedic royal houses. They were all descended from King Vali, according to the Mahabharata, who himself may have been the king of Magadha.

Madagszkár madarai:
As a study published now in The Proceedings of the National Association of Sciences shows, Vangidae are the only known birds which experienced two peaks of rapid diversification. For birds, only one such peak is common.

Gange was the Capital of Vanga Kingdom. Barabazar in Magura (Jessore) might have been the location of Gange. Another great city of Vangas was located at Warri-Bateshwar in Narsingdi. The Vanga Kingdom (c. 4th century BCE–1st century CE) The ancient Vanga (Bongo) Kingdom was a powerful seafaring nation. Bangala = Vangala (tamil).

The exact origin of the word “Bangla” remains elusive, however it is speculated that it is derived from the dravidian speaking tribe that settled in the region in prehistoric 1000 BCE.Other accounts speculate that the name is derived from Venga (Böngo) which came from the Austric word Bongo meaning Sun-God. The founders of Angas, Vangas, Kalingas, Pundras and Suhmas shared a common ancestry. They were all adopted sons of a king named Vali (Bali), born by a sage named Gautama Dirghatamas, who lived in Magadha close to the city of Girivraja. Gébics: A vangagébicsfélék (Vangidae) a madarak osztályának verébalakúak (Passeriformes) rendjébe tartozó család. A Sibley–Ahlquist-féle madárrendszertan nem tekinti önálló családnak, hanem a varjúfélék (Corvidae) családjába sorolja őket. Vanga (tin) két típusa: Khura-vanga és Misra-vanga. Vanga synonym for Vārttāki Sanskrit word for Solanum melongena (eggplant).

Harcművészet DK-Ázsia
Silat a közös neve az indonéz-szigetvilág őshonos harcművészetének. Gyakorlóit pesilat-nak hívják.
(C) = Mother. Naga (Skr) = dragon. Naf (D) = kerékagy. Mogor (S) = to go whoring. Mitra (Jv) = barát, társ. Misri (A) = Egyptian. Gari (Hind) = bilincs. Gang (D) = sikátor, átjáró. Gamal (A) = camel. Istal (D) = lóistálló. Istana (Skr) = palota. Istri (Skr) = feleség, jegyes. Huni = lakik. Berhuni = elfoglalt, belakott. Hilal (A) = Hold, első negyed.

HOLD: = Mahina (Hawaiian). Indu (Hindi). Holdleány: Cynarra (Greek). Holdgyerek: Am (Vietnamese). Holdszerető = Philomena (Greek). Holdforduló = Migina (Natív American). Szent Hold = Mitexi (Nat. American). Új Hold = Magena, Magen, Mitena (Nat. American).
ANYA: = Matrika (Hindi). = Madra (Latin). Istenek anyja = Aditi (Hindi). Anya v. nővér = Maia (Greek, Mezoamerica: Moon, 1).

Bird = Panchi = Madár. Horse= Kohda = ló. Chicken= Moorgi = csirke.

Also known as Meenakshi Amman Temple, this temple is one of the highlights of the city of Madurai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Madurai has been inhabited for over two thousand years, and is not only one of the oldest cities of India, it is also one of the oldest, continuously inhabited cities of the world. The temple is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Parvati who is the consort of the deity Lord Shiva. The temple complex is well known for its striking gopurams, there are 14 of them in all. These are multi-storeyed gayeway towers that are covered with many thousand carvings of animals, gods and demons all painted in bright colours. The exact date when the temple was built is uncertain, but it is said to have been founded by Lord Indra about 2,500 years ago. The architecture is typical Dravidian style and the Gopurams are elaborately ornate with carvings, motifs and stucco figurines that depict the various beings from Hindu mythology.

MEDINI, Malaysia
Srivijayan royal house, is also known as Iskandar Shah or Sri Majara.
Alexandros - Sándor
Albanian – Aleksandër, Aleksandra (feminine), Alesandër, Aesandra (feminine), Aleks, Aleksa (feminine), Aleko, Leks, Lekë, Leka, Sandër, Sandra (feminine), Leandër, Leandra (feminine), Leksandër, Lisandër, Lisandra (feminine), Skender, Skënder, Iskender
Hungarian – Sándor
Indonesian – Iskandar
Latvian – Aleksandrs, Sandis, Sandris
Uzbek – Iskandar
Urdu, Pakistani: Sikandar > Skanda. (Skandinávia meg Sándorföld?)

Árja nő


Aryan nő Árja invázió Ary-An, Ar-ian.
the word "Arya" to mean race, nationality or even linguistic group. Critics suggest that the word Arya as used in the Rig Veda and other texts is better translated as one who was noble in character (or noble in deed) or perhaps hailing from a noble background. Hence, to use the term "Aryan" to describe the racial or national characteristics of an invading clan or clans would naturally be erroneous.
It is also quite remarkable how the ornamentation of some temples in Rajasthan and Western Madhya Pradesh appears to derive from some of the excavated jewelry from Harappan sites in Northern India.
Max Müller volt a fehér árja emigráció apostola, de a mai indiai tudósok is sok nyelvi nyomot találtak, ami felénk mutat. Azonban az MTA lebeszélte őket erről az elméletről. Miképpen az egyiptomi arabokat! is meggyőzték, hogy az ő őseik kreálták Óegyiptomot. S ugyan, mitől lett Észak-Indiában a sok R1a hg leszármazott?

Egy oldal, amely összekapcsolja az árjákat Hitlerékkel. However, by the late 19th century, the idea that a prototypical Aryan person should be Nordic-looking (tall, blond-haired, and blue-eyed) had taken hold in northern Europe.

Ary-An - az égi őrök vagy a kapu őrei?
Bár, ha az ÁRYA szót visszafelé olvassuk, akkor AyRá. Hold-Nap. A honlap szerint az árják leigázták India kapujának környékét, s megsemmisítették a máig világhírű Indus völgyi civilizációt. (Ahol összkomfortos lakásokban éltek és úszómedencét építettek - téglából.) Van, aki egyenest atomháborút vizionál az Indus völgyiek ellen. a fennmaradt ábrák alapján valami perzsás népre gyanakodhatnánk, bár a 3-as halom szerű ábrázolások megjelennek. A lapról elérhető link: Rabszolgák az EU területén.

Utódok?: Take an easy trek on the hill of Dha and visit a local Dard (Aryan) house, then back to Beema and O/N camp at Beema. Helyük: Middle Persian texts and the Shahnameh tell us that the Amu Darya or Oxus river (see map below) formed a border of ancient Bakhdi, and that the border between Airan (the later name form of Airyana Vaeja) and Turan was also the Amu Darya. The Amu Darya river runs from the Pamirs (where it is called the Panj) to the Aral Sea and today, to some extent, forms the border between four nations, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. A portion of the Amu Darya river runs north of present day Balkh in Afghanistan.
Ladakh The Dard Aryans inhabit Dha, Hanu, Beema, Darchik and Garkone villages in Leh and Kargil districts. The villages are together called the Aryan valley.
Szláv gén: Geneticists believe this genetic signature emerged on the Pontic-Caspian steppe and spread across Central Asia, Europe, and South Asia between 5,000 and 3,500 years ago. Researchers believe that Central Asians arrived in India bringing R1a and the Indo-European language. Természetesen az R1a árja gén nem az én véleményem, hanem a kutatók publikus álláspontja.
Kultúrák vándorlása: That said, there is some evidence of movement of the Indus Valley people out towards the Turan area, based on data from the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex.

Newari dict.

macha = child. Bhärat = India. masi = vagina. pacha = hill. sa = hair. swarga = heaven.

Tamil: Machaan: a férj vagy a feleség testvére: sógor. Ayye Macha, Vaada Inge means Hi, macha/machi. Please come here.
Kannada: Maga - Literally means son. Kannada also known as Kanarese, is a Dravidian language spoken predominantly by people of Karnataka in southwestern India. Some naturalised (tadbhava) words of Prakrit origin in Kannada are: baņņa (colour) derived from vaņņa, (varna) hunnime (full moon) from puņņivā.


Moon: The Vedas describe the moon as a vessel, which contains the mysterious Soma drink. A nagy barát: Vishnu is usually depicted with four arms, a crown and a halo. In his upper right hand he holds a wheel of law (cakra), in his upper left hand a lotus (padma), in his lower right hand a club (gada) and in his lower left hand a conch (shanka). In Chinese military hierarchy the lion is the symbol of a military officer of the second rank, and one grade lower than the qilin or unicorn.
Gyan Swarup Gupta: Probably the two circles, one overlapping the other, are meant to give the impression of a solar disk which is an important universal symbol of the Sun. It is found everywhere in the Indian Sub-continent including Maldive islands. It is found either singly or eith three horizontal lines on either side denoting the Sun with wings.
The makara, the mythical composite creature and prominent symbol of the Karavas, was also a royal symbol of Sri Lanka's past. The Makara is displayed prominently in ancient royal architecture, on the entrance balustrades of ancient capitals of Sri Lanka. The Makara was also used in ancient Sri Lankan honour arches and door handles in royal palaces and temples and also on sword handles .
Kelet-Ázsia: Visnu járműve (vahana) a garuda madár volt. Visnu kék emberként volt ábrázolva. Tökéletes? Indiaiak hmlokán feltűnik a piros pötty. PONT [P> B és T > D] > Bindi. Más néven Bottu, Pottu, Chandlo..

Bengkulu: named after the Bengkulu river, which passes through the area of the province. The name of Bengkulu itself comes from the Malay word bangkai meaning "corpse", and hulu meaning "river-source" — it refers to the story that in the past the area near the source of the river Bengkulu had often served as a battlefield—tribes and clans battled each other on the river banks leaving them "full of corpses and blood"
Traditional sources suggest that the name Bengkulu or Bangkahulu derived from the word bangkai and hulu which means 'carcasses located in an stream'.
The British, meanwhile, arrived in Bengkulu, which they called Bencoolen, to set up a stronghold in 1685, as their base of operations to extract spice from the archipelago.
Two years later, work was finished on their 30-cannon Fort York, built near the Serut River.
Bengkulu Sumatra délnyugati részén tallható. Su-Matra az ókorban a szankszrit Swarnadwipa (Az arany földje) nevet viselte. Kis-Magyarország legmagasabb hegye a Matra. Eredhetne akár a Mata-Rá összevonásából is. A SU lehet víz is, a "matra" pedig "anya".

Kecskemét. Meeting? József Keresztesi matat: MAT, MOT melly hogy mozgást vagy mozgatást tett, abból tetszik meg, hogy sidóul: mot, mut, kimozdulást, és olly eszközt tészen, mellyel elmozdítanak valamit, mint a' szekér-rúd, emelő fa 'sa't. Németül Maut, az hol mozgatnak, visgálnak, mérnek, vámolnak valamit. Debrecen mellett a Mats, Matsi föld.
Gyar-Mat > Gyarapított föld? MAORI: koroni. KURD: métingeh. Gyar > GYŰR-ű.
Mátyás > ógörög Mat-thaiosz. Nagyszemű ? Látó? Mét-ay-us Holdtelepes ? Latin word matron (mother). Mat(ka)Rá A Nap szerelmese? Vagy "napos föld"? Jurmat meaning in English is CRIME (Urdu, persian). Jármát megúnva síkra lép (Petőfi).

Finnugor Kurt-Gyarmat
A H haplocsoport, amely Európában a nem roma népességből gyakorlatilag hiányzik, Indiában kifejezetten gyakori. Mindez természetesen csak azt bizonyítja a populációgenetika belső logikája alapján, hogy az európai romák egy része Indiából származik. Miképpen az R2 is Indiában és a cigányok között gyakori. R1a pedig a romungro.
a Jurmat/Gyarmat és Jenej/Jenő baskír nemzetségek és a mai magyarok között speciális genetikai kapcsolatok mutathatók ki. Türk Attila régész az Urál-vidéki ún. „magyargyanús” temetők 14C-izotópos vizsgálata alapján szintén arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy a magyar nép egy részének nyugatra indulása viszonylag későn, a 9. század első harmadában következett be (Türk és mtsai 2015). [Nem osztom nézetét.]
From Latin colõnia (“colony”), from colõnus (“farmer; colonist”), from colõ (“till, cultivate, worship”). Kör > kolo > jur > gyűrű. Kelet-iráni GAR = HEGY. Innét Mah-gar. (GAR jelenthet még: nép, ház, lándzsa..)

Tibetan ‘khor-lo (wheel/circle, from ‘khor-ba/skor-ba “to turn/spin/circle round” in, very roughly speaking, ‘intransitive’ and ‘transitive’ forms) is cognate with the Indo-European words wheel/cakra/kuklos etc. It does not seem to derive from Skt cakra [Cha-kr-a?] or Prakrit cakka, nor from any of the neighboring IE languages of Tibet’s early history (Khotanese, Tocharian).
Igézetten: Old Indic yoga, Greek zdügo, Latin iugum, Welsh iau, English yoke, Russian ??? (igo), all meaning “a yoke” or “yoking”. Other words thought to be related are Tocharian A & B yuk, meaning conquer and Hittite juga-, of unknown meaning, but possibly “yoke”.

Swadesh lista
Indián nyelveken a Hold (Moon)= Chand, kissé hasonló a kínai Chango és a magyar csendőr. Urdu "páni=víz". "tara=csillag". Szanszkrit "pandu=fehér". Bengali "pakhi=madár", "kukur=kutya". "krimi=kukac". "bacca=child". "pana=inni"."lóra=harc". "kata=vág". "rasta=út". "holud=sárga".
"Aai" (Aayi) means Mother in local Marathi language
A "Sai baba" nevű prófétájuk SAI neve két részből áll: SA + AAI. A SA- prefix jelöli a val-, vel- magyar toldalékot, az AAI pedig ANYA jelentésű. SA < Sahit (marathi nyelv).

San-dal < M.Engl. sandal < o.French sandale < med.latin sandalum < Greek szantalon < persian ĉandal sanskrit candanam. A tamil rizs > arici, greek óruza. Seric = steel. SUGAR < M.Eng. SUGRE < French SUCRE < Med.Latin ZUCCARUM < Arabic SUKKAR < Persian SHAKAR < Skrt SHARKARA < Tamil cakkarai. Tana, thana: < Hindi tänä, Tamil tänai: corps of cavalry, archers, a garrison, polioce station. TOMB/sírDOMB: M.Eng. tombe < French tumbe < latin tumba (burial mound, sírhalom, sírdomb) < Greek tumbosz < tamil tompai. Dwar: Tamil turai, port, entrance.

Moon dot
Chandrabindu (meaning “moon-dot” in Sanskrit) it is a diacritic sign having the form of a dot inside the lower half of a circle. It usually means that previous vowel is nasalized.

Az 5. kontinens

Taiora , adv. sometimes. Talpa e talpe , f. a mole ; e ándalo nei ????? delle talpe , he is dead and buried. Taluno , pron. some, or some people. A maori szótár szerint a "taiora= táplálék". A taiora nyelvcsalád Pápua New Guinea felföldjén beszélt nyelvek.
albino =eqara.
all = ekaa, hekaa, -tara.
arm = kauqu.
banana (generic) = eta.
belt of men = moqora.
bird (generic) = uviri.
bow = huru.
burn = tatoqe.
coast = nampisi.
dry = aahara.

Jon Faine - 1993 - Aboriginal Australians
We established Nguratjuta Aboriginal Association under the federal ... "ngura" meaning places and "tjuta" meaning many,
A Budj Bim
Nemzeti Park területén további vízrendszert találtak a bozóttűz után. Az ősi halgazdálkodás maradvány mintegy 6000 éves.
The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, consisting of channels, weirs and dams built from volcanic rocks, is one of the world’s most extensive and oldest aquaculture systems, according to UNESCO. Constructed by the Gunditjmara people more than 6,600 years ago, it is older than Egypt’s pyramids.
Angolna csapda az ókorból.
Még csapda a füstölt halnak.
english: child > yidiny: jar-jar. eel > jar-bun. eye > jill-ee.
Gunditjmara lang.: father > peepay. yes > korr.

Sumerian and Indo-European: a surprising connection Hullámzó Balaton tetején..
And holākā for the spring festival (the famous Holi), a name that according to Monier-Williams may come from a shout or sound made in singing. Sum. hul 'ring, neck ring', Akk. hullu 'neck ring, torc', PIE *Hwal/Hul- "to turn, wind, twist" (see bal above), Hittite hul- 'to encircle, surround', hulhuliya- 'entwine, embrace', hulali 'spindle', hulukanni 'chariot', hurki 'wheel', Arm. hol 'spinning top'.

Pesti István 2020 április

India és környéke 3