Indiában járva

Maha Bharata

Messze jutottak..

Indiai területek: Pelasa, Cikada, Maghada, Bihar..
A szerző szerint arra Kastoria felé fennmaradt nevek mutatják az indián-kelta eredetet.

"In Pelasa (Bihar) was another region called Magadha. The people from there were called Maghedan. These people settled in Greece and that area became known as Mahedonia. The Megada settled in the region called Kikada (before they changed the name to Megadha). In time, the kings of Bihar conquered other territories and extended along the Ganges "Anugangam" and across India (Colonel Wilford "ancient geography of India" Asiatic Researchers volume IX). Their land was called first Pelasa, then Cicada, Megadha, and lastly Bihar. People went from Ghurkha, Delhi, Oude (Ayodha), Agra, Lahore, Multan, Kashmir, Indus, Rajputana to Greece. "

Janya pusztától Janina-ig
Lavana az Rama fia. Értelmezésemben: India gyermeke....meg a sóé.. A lavana félnomád nép. Termelnek kukoricát (makki) és búzát (gehu) és hüvelyeseket (tur, urad, mung, chana) stb. Beszédjük bagri dialektus és a dévanagari scriptet használják írásra. 11 klánjuk ismert: Dharawat, Dhogon, Basi, Gundalia, Datnawat, Anderia, Tageria, Kalchana, Baluda, Lakhrond és Bakrea.
Itt olvashatunk a LOHAR közösségekről, pl. AURIYA, MAHESWARI és KARELIA. (A magyar meg a finnek nyelvén unKARELIAinen.) A MADARI nép önmagát jungle ka vogi néven nevezi, s a dzsungelben vándorolva medvét, mérges kígyót fognak, melyeket aztán mutogatnak, mint pl. kígyóbűvölők. (szerző: Mandira Nanda)


Ionians=(Hi-yanians or yavanians = horse tribes)
(Hi-yanians = Ionian sea)
Hi = horse, singular.

As a preliminary operation, general Mardonius was sent out to conquer Macedonia (492). His navy may have counted 300 ships, the army 20,000 men. Their first victim was Thasos, a Yaunâ island that possessed important mines. It became tributary to the Achaemenid empire. The navy and the army continued to Macedonia, which was added to Darius' kingdom as well. (Herodotus presents this expedition as directed against Greece, but he is mistaken.)

Egy másik irány

Burushaski - Briga(antes?)

Nyelv Pakisztán északi részén.
Nyelv, melynek nincsenek rokonai a környéken. A macedon nyelvben találtak szóegyezéseket.

Language Itt szó esik a zuni népről (hun?), megemlítik a "captain" hetmant, ami azért mégsem biztosan a hauptman szóból ered, mert volt "targumannu" akkád szó is..
Szigetnyelv, de nem rokona turk nyelvünknek:
te bults nukúcsa = that day having-gone-to-sleep
Gasáp et! = Sweep the floor!
un guwála = you fell
j^ paisá aph = I have no money
huk ka bu´s tul = a dog, a cat and a snake
1000 = hazár
(itt hunza) úngar = to you (ung- = you)

The etymologies show consistent and regular phonetic correspondences and highly specific semantic concordance with the ancient Balkan languages (most notably Phrygian and Thracian) and with Balto-Slavic. The basic and compact semantic fields to which the analysed vocabulary belongs (body parts, age and family relations, agriculture, plant names, sheep-farming, geographical features, names of vessels and tools, core adjectives and verbs) together with the derivational, grammatical and structural correspondences point to a rather close relationship and affinity of Burushaski with these linguistic groupations.



blood2 hwiʔnV(ː) Huni1 hweʔnV(ː)² huní³ ʔʷiːj4  umun5

Ragozó nyelvek

Mese, vagy valóság?
"He told to me that his father had graduated at the Cairo University and as a student he went for a walk together with an Albanian student. A student of another nationality joined them too, their friend. While, they were walking they spoke in Arabic language. When they had to talk about something that was secret they spoke in Albanian in order not to be understood by their friend. Their friend kept quiet and when they finished the conversation he told them that he understood everything, and that he speaks that language too. Two Albanian students remained amazed and asked him why he didn't tell what he had studied Albanian language. He swore that he had never studied Albanian, but that language was spoken in his birthplace. They told him how could be spoken the Albanian language there; that he came from the cursed Mauntains in Pakistan near India. He explained them that his country was called Burria (men) (Burushu) and surely all of them were burria (men-soldiers) of Alexander the Great. The two Albanian stubborn students didn't believe to him. The boy became nervous because they called him a liar. He wrote to his father that when he will buy him the ticket for summer holidays he wanted to take two of his friends from the university who were speaking Albanian language. So, two Albanians went on summer holydays together with their friend in the place called Burria and when they arrived there they remained senseless when they realized that they were speaking Albanian Language(surely in dialect). The boy's father since he was the Governor of Burria accepted them with a lot of pleasure and explained to them many interesting things and told to them that beyong the monuntains on the Indian part live our people in a place called Kaushet(Qaushet)."

"They speak a language called 'burushaski', which according to linguist Ilija Casule, who spent the past 12 years on this research, is a direct descendant of the languages of the Briga. These people are the only ones who speak this language on the planet. Briga are the core of the ancient Macedonian people and the core of the phalanx. These people are descendants of the Briga, just as myself and all of you", said Dojcinovska.

faran = "wander" Gothic


Érdekes ez a jeti nyelv!

"sarian savarian delhi diyan hi hun tusi chale chalo."

Garam is a fantastic place to visit, and a must see and is located near Chitral. It has a rapid moving white water river.
Shoghore, a small rocky village that has become a well known and popular spot for its easy rock climbing.

Garam Masala - Koriander
The name coriander derives from French coriandre through Latin "coriandrum" in turn from Greek "κορίαννον".[1"> John Chadwick notes the Mycenaean Greek form of the word, koriadnon "has a pattern curiously similar to the name of Minos' daughter Ariadne

A GARAM folyó szlovák neve Hron. (Ugyanitt a hegy hol'a)

Egy biztos kapcsolat

Nagy Sándor történészei a Hindu Kush hegységet Caucasus néven emlegették. Volt, aki a Himaláját is.
Kasmirba a Pir Panjal Pas (Vörös Karom Hágó?) (Az 5 szent hágója?) az út.
A "Kantel" hágó a "Zoji La" hágóval lett azonosítva. A Kantel egy régi térképen tűnik elő. G.T. Vigne (vol.II,p.395) ezt "Paien-i-Kotal néven, illetve Bal-tal néven említi.

Nyugat-Tibet másik neve Ngari.(Az "N" feltehetően nem a "Nyugat" rövidítése!) Nyugati része "NgariSankar", a középső része "Ngari Purang" és a keleti rész "Ngari Tamo", amelyet "Tsang" (Csang?) határol. Henry Strachey (p.3) a régiót Narinak nevezi és 3 területre osztja:

1.Mangyul, amely Nepállal határos
2. Nari Khorsum (benne Kangri, Manasarowar, Gar)
3. Maryul (benne Ladak és Baltistan)

Chinese Language: Victor H. Mair provides archaeological and linguistic evidence suggesting that Chinese wū (巫 "shaman; witch, wizard; magician", Old Chinese *myag) was a loanword from Old Persian *maguš "magician; magi".

Tibet nagy folyója, a Brahmaputra (Tsango-Po) nem messze folyik el Lhasa-tól. Lásza mellett a Kyi-chu mellékfolyó található, amely a Tsango-Poba ömlik. Állítólag a CHU az egyszerűen "folyás" jelentésű, a PO pedig "nagy folyó".

Kelet felé

Meitai lexikon
A mekhali (felhőlakó) nyelvet - amely a tibeto-burman nyelvcsaládba tartozik - a Manipur völgyben beszélik. Önelnevezésük szerint Mai-tai ill. "mi-tai", de él közöttük kisebb számban "sibsagar" nyelvű nép is.

voice=khone - 'maagi khone si yamma nungsil'='her voice is very sweet'
father=paba - 'eibi paba na eibu nungsi'='my father loves me'
clock=ghari - 'ghari si bhasei'='this clock is beautiful'
cup=cap - 'cap cham thou chi'='wash the cup'
face=mai - 'magi mai thungsi thaza mali'='her face is like a moon'
pen=kolom - 'chanbi duna nangbi kolom pi yu'='please give me a pen'
fence=sambal - 'mana sambal ama sari'='he is a building a fence'
river=turel - 'turel asi bhasei'='the river is beautiful'
village=khun - 'khung asida turel yama lei'='the village has many rivers'
leg=khong - 'aigi khong si i'='i hurt my leg'
light=mai - 'ai mai mathat lo'='i swithched off the light'
war=lan - 'lan matangkhudingmakta amangba pure i'='war always brings destruction'
water=ising - 'ising khar pur'='give me some water'
sister=nupi - 'ma si i giicha nupi ni'='she is my sister'
show=ta ung - 'ai gi leyrik ta ung'='show me my book'
spread=tho khare -'pausei lapna amangsung pak na chai thokhare'='the news spread far and wide'
board=takaro - 'bes thakaro'='board the bus'

Hajam (Barber)
Gor Banjara men have a penchant for hairstyles. Their unique hair cutting style is known as ‘Zalpa.’ The barber’s family resided with the Tanda. He was paid according to his job. Naik & Karbhari solved any of his financial needs. His family helped others on special occasions. He was an integral part of the Tanda.


Los Angeles
"Bangkok, known in Thai as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon or Krung Thep for short, is the capital of and largest city in Thailand"

Krung-dēvamahānagara amararatanakosindra mahindrayudhyā mahātilakabhava navaratanarājadhānī purīrāmasya utamarājanivēsana mahāsthāna amaravimāna avatārasthitya shakrasdattiya vishnukarmaprasiddhi. It translates to "The city of angels, the great city, the eternal jewel city, the impregnable city of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukam".

the world's longest place name. - Valaha FEHÉR terület volt.

Legend has it that more than six hundred years ago Hazrat Badar Aawlia arrived in this city from the seas and chose Cheragi Pahar as his vantage point to spread the message of Islam among the locals. It was at the apex of this hill that the pious messenger lit a "chati" (lamp) and called out (ajaan) for people to join him in saying prayer to God. Chittagong's etymology can then be traced unmistakably back to "chati." And the hills are at the core of Chittagong's mythology.

Délre utazva

Főváros Sri Lanka, Ke-galle tartomány, From the 4th century BC, it was the capital of Sri Lanka until the beginning of the 11th century AD. Anuradhapura.

A lakosság 91%-a mára sinhalese és 7% moors. A mórok muszlim vallásúak és a 8-15 sz.-ban telepedtek meg (mint kereskedők) a szigeten.

Kétfejű sas Tun Korale - a double-headed mythical eagle called 'Bherunda Pakshiya'

Kal also Kallu: Stone, rock (Tamil, Changkam Diction and modern. It is the same in all other Dravidian languages..... 
Gal (plural), Gala (singular): Stone, rock (Sinhala); Gala is found as a suffix in the place names of rocky places, hills, hillocks etc similar to the usage of Kal / Kallu in Dravidian languages


Overlooking the town is Elephant Hill, a stronghold in the 14th cent., when Kurunegala was the capital of a Sinhalese kingdom.

Srí Lanka

Weragantota means the Place of Aircraft landing in Sinhala. This is the first place Sita Devi was brought to Lankapura (capital city of king Rāvana). Sita Devi was kept at queen Mandothari’s palace at Lankapura.

Szinek khmer nyelven

The Bahlika or Bacteria is evidently beyond HinduKush (Himalaya range). That the Madras were originally a people of Balkh is suggested by the the Vamsa Brahamana (1/18) of the samveda, which refers to a Madragara Shaungayani as a teacher of Aupmanyava Kamboja. [Vedic Index II, p 61]. "Dr Zimmer has rightly thought that these two names point to a CONNECTION OF THE KAMBOJAS and the MADRAS [Vedic Index, II, p 123, Dr Keith - Mcdonnell; Some Kshatrya Tribes, 1924, p 231, Dr Law]. "In aitreya Brahmana, the Uttarakurus and Uttaramadras are described as living beyond Himalaya (VIII.14); and the Vamsa Brahamana Kamboja Aupamanya is spoken of as a pupil of of Madaragara; from which the Vedic Index postulates a possible connection of the Uttaramadras with the Kambojas, who probably had Iranain as well as Indian affinities...

Blue = kiev

Green = baithong
Yellow = luerng
Orange = luerng'thom
Pink = pka chook
Black = kmao
Purple = svay
Blackish Purple = pring'thom
Lime green = sileab
Red = kraham
White = saw

A kék színt kapcsolják a kékvérű magyar nemességhez, a berberekhez, az ainukhoz és a Titicaca tó nemrég kihalt népéhez.

Thai nyelven: Szinek
Colors = See {szi}

Blue = See Fah (lit. color of sky) /szivafa (szilva) eredete?/
Green = Khieao
Yellow = Leuuang
Orange = See Sohm
Pink = Chomphu
Black = Dam
Purple = Muong
Red = Daeng
White = Khaao

..és "kedd": Tue = Van Angkharn (Anggaravar)
Sandal/slipper - Rong Thaao Tae

Village - Ban - falu
Amarőr stílusban Tovább Indiába... Tura

Cigányok Indiában
Itt a Gypsy a Nomadic Castes című fejezetben fordul elő (Baines 1912, 100). Munkájában nem minden esetben említi, hogy mely kasztokat tekinti Gypsynek, de e nélkül is beszédes, hogy milyen foglalkozásokat űző csoportokat tárgyal itt: hordárok, egyéb szállítással foglalkozó csoportok, tolvajok, mutatványosok, akrobaták, vadászok, madarászok, köszörűsök, seprű- és kosárkészítők, kútásók és sáncépítők, pantomimesek, dobosok, pásztorok. Leírásában nem definiálja a Gypsy szót, így nem derül ki, hogy pontosan mit ért alatta

Madarat tolláról

The Sinhalese, who call it "madooroo tallu,*' also use it medicinally. The woolly basil (0. villosum) is the " toolsee," on which Hindus are sworn.

F. Otto Schbadeb

It will be remembered that sixty years ago Bishop Caldwell expressed the opinion "that the Dravidian languages occupy a position of their own between the languages of the Indo-European family and those of the Turanian or Scythian group", and that, whereas the particulars of agreement with the Indo-European family pointed only to a "very indefinite as well as very remote", if at all any "real relationship", those with the "Scythian" family, and especially the Finnish-Ugrian languages, were so close and so numerous that they naturally suggested "the idea of a common descent".

Ta. kongu name of a hilly country.

valaki ismeri a "tető" szó etimológiáját? Latin eredete van? Portugálul te(c)to, spanyolul techo, olaszul tetto, franciául toit stb. van. Vagy véletlenről szó van?
Eredet {tető < ómagyar: tető, teteje < ősmagyar : tető, tetej (tető) < dravida: tittu, tittei (felső rész, hegy, kiemelkedés)}

Milyen fura nyelvek vannak az Egyenlítő felé! Madagasikara területén APPAD-URAI nevet találtam, tán a francia gyarmatosítás korából. Indiában pedig ( ANNADURAI. Tán angol nyelvből.


Dél-India (Madras tartomány) egyik legrégibb katekizmusában (Lásd Edward Moor: Hindu panteon) a hermafrodita Ard-han-ari Istennő középső testrészén gömbfejű kereszttel, a szvasztikával, a "hím és női jellel" van ábrázolva, jelezvén ezzel a Harmadik Faj pre-szexuális állapotát. Vishnu, akit most a köldökéből kinövő lótusszal ábrázolnak – vagyis jelezvén Brahma univerzumát, amint az a központból, Nara-ból kifejlődik – az egyik legrégibb faragványon kétneműnek (Vishnu és Lakshmi) van ábrázolva, amint egy vízen úszó lótuszlevélen áll, a víz félkörben felemelkedve körülötte, s a szvasztikán, "a nemzés (vagyis az ember származásának) eredetén" át árad beléje.

India kapuja


Greater Sindh In contrast to the clear picture of the Panjab in Rgvedic times, the situation in Greater Sindh is much more vague and the following results must remain tentative. The RV does not mention this area as such, yet there are some indications that Sindh and neighboring Baluchistan were known. First of all, the bhalAnas tribe took part in the Ten Kings' Battle (RV7.18) that settled the suzerainty of the Bharata chieftain over the Panjab tribes. The bhalAnas are identified with the bolAn pass and river near Quetta in Baluchistan. Unfortunately, southern local rivers are not mentioned anywhere in the RV south of the gomatI (Gomal River).

Book 8 also knows of "camels" ("uSTra" 8.4.21-24, 31, 46-48, O. Iran. uStra, as in zarath-uStra), that are first attested archaeologically in S. Asia in the bolAn area, at Pirak, c.1700 BCE.

It is indeed possible that the Dravida constituted a first wave of central Asian tribes that came to Iran before the IA, just as the Kassites came to Mesopotamia before the Mitanni-IA. In that case they knew the horse already in Central Asia, but would not have taken it over directly from the Indo-Iranians (as may be indicated by Brahui (h)ullI, O.Tam. ivuLi 'horse' ( horse = ló )

khaga-pati = 'chief of birds', Garuda (Vishnu's vehicle) /khagan?/
khacārin = ○cārin mfn. moving in the air, flying (said of Skanda) MBh. iii, 14635 • (ī), m. a planet Sūryas.
cara = mf(ī)n. moving in the air, flying MBh. R. &c
khīra = N. of a place Rājat. i, 337
khard = cl. 1. P. ○dati, to bite, sting, sting venomously Dhātup. iii, 23
nakhara = m. 'having sharp claws', N. of a lion Pañcat. iii - khaṇḍarasa
○rasa = m. (in rhet.) a partial Rasa (= saṃcāri-r○) Sāh. - khaḍgasakha
○sakha = mfn. 'having a sword for one's friend', armed with a sword Mudr.


Bactria or Bactriana (from Greek Βακτριανή; Persian: باختر Bākhtar; Chinese "Da Xia" Dàxià "Dacia"), later variously Tukharistan, Tokharistan, and Tocharistan, was the ancient name of a historical region in Central Asia, located between the range of the Hindu Kush and the Amu Darya (Oxus).

Zarathustra - etymology

Dúl a Németh..-)

I do not know how old those pinds are but there are tons of pind in punjab without clan names like rabbon, siahar, klaharh, rurki etc and part of my family that moved to indian side after partition claims that their original pinds were from this side and they moved to that side under some guy named dillah or dulah's influence.

Punjab pic

A szubkontinens

Bizony, itt GOND van!

Gond wan a land

The Gondi (Gōndi) are a people in central India. The Gondi, or Gond people are spread over the states of Madhya Pradesh, eastern Maharashtra (Vidarbha), Chhattisgarh, northern Andhra Pradesh, and western Orissa.

Fekete víz

This root should not be confounded with *gond- 'to cut

Trák bogrács Dániából

Mi van a felszarvazott ember kezében? Torque vagy shen ?


Word Gond(Telugu:- గోండ్ ) (Devnagari:-गोंड or गोण्ड) might have a close relation with Telugu or Old Telugu also known as proto-Telugu or Desi language word Konda కొండ, meaning Hill or small Hillocks.

A GONDA nem keverendő a KONDA szóval, amelyet az akkád Kanashu terel vagy a szír kanash (gather).
from Skt. gondavana, from vana "forest" + Gonda, name of a Dravidian people

Raksa gon.d.a a forest, jungle (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4276). cf. gond.a man of Gond tribe (Kol.)(DEDR 2077). vr.ks.a a tree; sarala, s'a_la (Ka.lex.)
kor-oy a burning torch (Kond.a)
sita white (Skt.Pali)(CDIAL 12771). s'vitra white (AV.); s'vitraka (MBh.); he_turu white leprosy (K.); sita white (Si.); cit.t.a silver (Wg.); chit.t.a truth (Dm.); chat.o white (Par.); chitte_, chitti white (K.); cit.o clear (S.); cit.t.a_ white (L.P.);

Vajh van-e kapcsolat a Sicamber, a Kay, a Chu és Gond között ?

Amun kosai
A griff harcol a kétfejű sassal:
English Hindi/English/ Hindi/Devanagari Marathi/English Marathi/Devanagari

Air: Hava हवा Hava हवा (Aturk nyelvben is HAVA=air) levegő
Black: Kala काला Ka-l काळा fekete
Blue: Neela नीला Ne-la नीळा kék (sanskrit NIL, mint Nílus)
Cat: Billi बिल्ली Manjar मांजर Macska (albánoknál macsok)
Dog: Kutta कुत्ता Kutra कुतरा Kutya (bolgár kucsa)
Eye: Aa-kh   Doley Szem (hasonlít az Ach-aj szóra)
Garlic: Leh-sun   Lla-sun Fokhagyma (lándzsa lik = gar lik)
Hot: Garam   Garam Forró (Germ = meleg, thrák)
Lake: Talab   Talav Tó (tavak)
Lion: Sivh-a   Sivh-a Oroszlán
North: Uttar   Uttar Észak (Pradesh=állam)
River: Nadiya   Nadi Folyó (Wati=folyó, héber)
Tiger: Sher Whag Tigris (Európában ált. tigris, arámi, keletiny. wag)
Water: Pani   Pan-ni Víz
White: Saphed   Pan-dhara Fehér (sápadt?)


Sveta huna
A fehér hunok, hasonlóan a szkítákhoz, az évszázadok során hatalmas, gazdag műveltségű birodalmat hoztak létre észak-nyugat Indiában.
Mai leszármazottaik a rádzsputok (Királyi Pásztorok) büszke harcos pásztornépe, akik a mai Radzsasztánban és Pandzsábban élnek. Más leszármazottaik a mai Afganisztán és Pakisztán északi elzárt völgyeiben élő népek, akik egészen a 20. század elejéig megőrizték függetlenségüket.
A "Királyi Pásztorok" nem keverendők össze a "Pásztorkirályok" népével! (Hyksos) A honlapon szép hun üst is látható.

Csodálatos, hogy a magyar nyelv a szanszkrit nyelvvel is őseredeti kapcsolatot árul el. Ez a kapcsolat igen ősi, talán a Rg Védában megörökített történelmi események idejéből származik, mert azok a fogalmak, amelyeket mi szanszkrit szavakkal egyező magyar szavakkal fejezünk ki, igen ősi időkre mutatnak. A szanszkrit és a magyar nyelv közötti ősi kapcsolat nem csalóka látszat, hanem valóság, mert azt nemcsak a néhány azonos hangzó ("cs", "gy", "ty", "ly"), vagy azonos hangzású és kiejtésű szó, hanem főleg a szerkezeti egyezés bizonyítja." A tibeti szótár előszavában eképpen ír híres tudósunk, Körösi Csoma Sándor, akiről sokáig azt hitték, téves nyomon járt, amikor őseinket az ujguroknál akarta keresni, s csak most kezdi igazolni őt a tudósvilág: "Saját nemzetének pedig a szerző büszkeséggel jelentheti, hogy a szanszkrit tanulmányozása sokkal hasznosabb a magyarokra, mint bármely más európai nemzetre nézve.

"Chamunda Devi Temple - Madar király domb?
The temple, dedicated to the wrathful form of Goddess Durga, is situated atop the Shah Madar hill."
Olvashatunk itt a Champavati Temple-ről is. Nálunk meg van Paks mellett csámpa puszta..
"Bhat fall under the Denotified tribes while Nat, Dombari, Sapera, Madari and Kalandar fall under Nomadic Tribes. Van Gujar, Rebari, Maldhari and Dhangar are some of the tribes falling under the semi-nomadic tribes."

Ajmer város látványossága: a Madar Gate.
"A well with a depth of 300 feet, capable to accumulate 2 mts of water overnight situated uphill to the area to be irrigated is the right kind of mother-well. Before taking up the actual construction of the Qanat, the Muqanni decides the site of the mother-well ammakkinar known as maatarisa (madari chah). Matiram is sky. Sunan is wind."

Az avesta MADAR=magyar ANYA.

Egy fafajta
"The tree named as the `Coral Tree` is very familiar to the Indian people from the month of January to March. The scientific name of the tree is `Erythrina Indica`. The tree came from the family of `Leguminosae` and sub family of `Papilionacece`.
In Hindi, this is known in as many names as the `Mandara`, `Panjira`, `Dholdhak`, `Pangri`, `Pharad` or `Dadap`. The Tamil people call it as `Kalyana Murungai`, `Maruka` or `Mulu Murungu`.
In "Bengali Language", this tree is well known as `Palita Mundar` and Rakta Madar."
coral tree.
"In Bengal there also developed Satya-Pir and Panch-Pir movements and a good number of books were written on the Satya-Pir cult.... They are given different names like Manik Pir, Ghora Pir, Kumbhira Pir and Madari Pir."
Egy hegyláb
"I saw two burkha-clad people walking near the stream towards Madar Chuck (on the outskirts of Gundbal)."
Egy víztározó:
"The main feeder canal of the lake comes from Madar tank situated at a higher altitude about 15 km from Udaipur City."
Sagar lake
Madar tank. Modern víztározók, csak az érdekes névadás miatt említve.

Síva hivők
"In Gujarat, there are approximately 3 lakh members of the Madari community. They live a nomadic life and so are scattered throughout the state while retaining strong ties of tradition and culture. The Madaris believe in Lord Shiva and follow their own Panchayat system."

"In the Sanskrit Language the Soul is called Panchayana or the ' five-fold composite,' which is certainly the origin of ithe five Skandhas."

Tanítás - yana (magyarul)
Keletron (Jana/Janina/Ioannina) is a "Kelet tanítómestere" v. "Kelet királya" volt.

Vallás, kultúra

A HÉT Indiában

"The seven Pâtâlas are, Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Mahâtala, Rasâtala, Talâtala, and Pâtâla; the seven worlds are, Bhûr-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Svar-loka, Mahar-loka, Ganar-loka, Tapar-loka, and Satya-loka; the seven Dvîpas or divisions of the terrestrial world, are, Gambu, Plaksha, Sâlmalî, Kusa, Krauñka, Sâka, and Pushkara; each Dvipa is encircled by one of the seven oceans, viz. the seas of Lavana (salt-water), Ikshu (syrup), Sarpih (butter), Dadhi (sour milk), Dugdha (milk), Svâdhu (treacle), and Udaka (water), (Nand.) The enumerations contained in the Vishnu-purâna and other works differ on two or three points only from that given by Nand"

Madhura érzékből csak 6 van:
"The Six Tastes or "Shadrasa"s are represented by Madhura, Aamla, Lavana, Digdha, Katu and Kashaaya (Sweetness, Sourness, Saltiness, Hotness ("Kaaram"), Bitterness, etc."


A négy meg csiturje
tur-ya /ka-tur-ya/ fourth
TUR siettet, sürget
TUR-Á gyors, akaratos
TU-RÁ erős, hatalmas

A szanszkrit szótárból:



..A Kába-kő az Ábrahám (zsidók ősatyja) által épített templomban található Mekkában. Minden igazhívő muszlim életében legalább egyszer odazarándokol és naponta egyszer elvégzi a salaht.

Az Életfa szimbólum közönséges a mohamedán szufiknál. (..meg a magyaroknál..). A fa gyökerei a mennyben vannak, de a termést hozó ágai a földig érnek.

Sok szent ember érkezett Bengáliába, akik különböző csodákat műveltek. Choudhury /1979;61-69/ némelyiküket PIR-nek látja, másokat egyenest "istenség"-nek írja le. A Panch-pir az 5 ilyen alak, melyek neve területenként változik.

The black marble image of Lord Krishna was established by Adi Shankaracharya in eighth century and the same was hidden underground for a century when Muslims invaded Dwarka and destroyed the pseudo image of Lord Krishna for which 5 Brahmins gave their lives. Their martyrdom is being worshipped by Hindus as Panch-vir and by Muslims as Panch-pir.

Lepenski Vir!
Lepenski Vir is the name of the great whirlpool in the middle of Djerdap


A Mahayana iskola aránylag kései ága a buddhista filozófiának. Jelentése: "Legnagyobb Kerék" Song info
A Mahayana, vagy a Nagy Út , mely az odaadást és a másokkal való törődést hangsúlyozza, és végül a Vajrajana, vagy Titkos Mantrayana tantrikus tanítása, amely ügyes technikák hatalmas választékát használja, hogy viszonylag rövid idő alatt elmélyült megvalósítást lehessen elérni.
E háromféle tanítást nevezik "Három Jármû"-nek vagy "San Sheng"-nek. Közülük az elsõ a Mahayana, vagy "Da Sheng", a Nagy Jármû, amely magában foglalja a tibeti buddhizmust valamint csan vagy zen buddhizmust is, amit sokan ismernek Nyugaton. A második a Praktika, vagy "Chung Sheng", a Középsõ Út, amely a cselekvésrõl szóló tanítás, és amelyet többnyire vándor szerzetesek gyakorolnak. A harmadik a Hinayana, vagy "Shao Sheng", a Kis Jármû

Panchayana - 5 isten:

Surya - a Nap; Ganesha- víz; Maheswari - tűz; Shiva - föld; Vishnu - az ég.

Sankrit term, commonly translated as vehicle; means spiritual vehicle, path or career.

Tűzimádók felé
Fire. Kusunda ja´ (H), dza, dza? (R)
 Indo-Pacific: Pawaian sia, Tebera si, Bisorio tseya "tree, fire," Gahuku dza "tree," Kamano zafa "tree," Gadsup yaa(-ni) "tree," Kate dza- "(it) burns," Mape dza- "(it) burns," Burum dze- "(it) burns," Nabak dzi- "(it) burns," Selepet si- "(it) burns," Aeka (d)zi, Orokaiva dzii.

Pesti István 2009 december
