A hegy

Az Altaj hegység

Alt-aj - Az "altin ordu"-tól keletre

Régi dolog

O.E. ald (Anglian), eald (W.Saxon), from W.Gmc. *althas "grown up, adult" (cf. O.Fris. ald, Goth. alþeis, Du. oud, Ger. alt), originally a pp. stem of a verb meaning "grow, nourish" (cf. Goth. alan "to grow up," O.N. ala "to nourish"), from PIE base *al- "to grow, nourish" (cf. Gk. aldaino "make grow, strengthen," althein, althainein "to get well;" L. alere "to feed, nourish, bring up, increase," altus "high," lit. "grown tall," almus "nurturing, nourishing," alumnus "fosterling, step-child;" O.Ir. alim "I nourish"). ..... while vetus (lit. "having many years") was used of inanimate things. Gk. geraios was used mostly of humans; Gk. palaios was used mostly of things, of persons only in a derogatory sense. Gk. also had arkhaios, lit. "belonging to the beginning,"......Expression old as the hills first recorded 1819. The good old days dates from 1828.


Catalan Etymology
Latin altus
alt m. (feminine alta, masculine plural alts, feminine plural altes) :high
magyar alt : magas

German etymology
Alt-, Alten- or Low German Olden- ("old"). Examples: Alt Eberstein, Altenberg, Oldenburg

-ing or -ingen, -ungen, -ung, -ens (meaning "descendants of", used with a personal name as the first part). Examples: Göttingen, Straubing, Esens.

Turk etymology - alá való

the roots *al- 'below' and *a:l 'front'. They are indeed mixed in Kirgh. and Oyr. lit., where we have ald 'front, below', but are distinguished in dialects (Tuba: ald 'front', with a voicing in the consonant cluster after an old long vowel, but alty 'below'). The Chuv. form probably goes back to the compound *koltuk alty 'axillary concavity, gusset' (attested in Tur., Gag., Az., see Дыбо 154). Most languages reflect *al-ty- (the simple form al is not attested, see the discussion in EDT 121), but the reality of the root *a>l is proved by a different derivative in Yakut. Cf. also Sib.-Tat. alas^a 'low, low place' (КСТТ 100). Another possible old derivative in -c^ak may be PT *al/(c^)ak (Karakh. as^aq, Turkm. as^a:q etc., see ЭСТЯ 1, 214-215) 'below, bottom part; low, humble': its traditional derivation from *a:l/- 'to cross (a mountain)' is unsatisfactory both phonetically and semantically. A certain problem is the attribution of the adjective *al-c^ak (see ЭСТЯ 1, 143-144, EDT 129). Older occurrences of alc^aq (MK, KB, Tefs., Rabg. etc.) present the meaning 'modest, humble'; cf. also Sib.-Tat. alcaq 'valetudinarian' (КСТТ 101), Turkm. alc^ak 'affable' and perhaps Tur. alc^ak 'mean, vile', alc^a- 'to offend, humiliate'. This group of forms may in fact reflect a different root, otherwise represented by PT *Alyg, see under *a:\le 'weak, tired'. Another group of forms - Chag. alc^aq 'bas' (Pav. C.), Tur., Az., Crim.-Tat. (and Oghuz texts like Korkut) alc^aq 'low, low place' probably represents an Oghuz innovative derivation in -c^ak from the root al- (which is why -lc^- did not yield -s^- here), perhaps influenced by Mong. alc^a-gar, alc^a-n 'stunted, undersized', derived from Mong. alc^aji- 'to spread legs apart'.

Emelkedett: exalted
Etymology: Latin ex- + altus 'high'.


The name, in Turkic Alytau or Altai, means Al (gold), tau (mount); in Mongolian language Altain nuruu, the "Mountains of Gold". The proposed Altaic language family takes its name from the mountain range.

Arany = Altin (török); Hegy = dağ (török),
turk nyelvekben : Arany = altin, altun, oltin, qizil; Hegy = dag, taw, haja;
Arany = Alt (mongol); Hegy = Uul (mongol)
Altay = kutya.


In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 300.

In ancient times, a symbol for life and/or resurrection, whereas the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet, theta, was considered the symbol of death.

Ingyen kőművesek - free masonry

The Double and Triple Tau represent the plural form of Tau. Visually, when the Taus are joined together horizontally, they represent a temple.
Csillagkapu: Tau is a "sacred gateway, opening or portal" The Triple Tau represents the Temple of Jerusalem. Another name for the Temple of Jerusalem is "Templum Hierosolma", which translates as "Temple on a Sacred Mound".

In Biblical times, the Tau cross was put on men to distinguish those who lamented sin

Ur városa
Táblás társasjáték BC 2600. Egyiptomban TAU ?

Hopi-Maya-Egyptian Connections
In Greek the letter T is called tau cross, which echoes the name of the Hopi sun god Tawa.

In numerous cultures tau was connected to abundant water or rain-deities. For instance, Augustus Le Plongeon, one of the first archaeologists of the Maya, writes that the T-shape corresponded to Crux, or the Southern Cross. This constellation appears shortly before the beginning of the rainy season in southern Mexico.

Hawaii - maori mítosz?


Dravidian etymology: Tamil : kun_r_am, kun_r_u. Tamil meaning : hill, mountain.

..még TAU
A tau az ókori közel-keleti ABC-k utolsó betűje. Talán ezért is hozzák kapcsolatba a halállal. Vagy fordítva.. ..de látni nap, ég, év jelentést is.

Kaukázus - megfigyelők

Harā may be interpreted as "watch" or "guard", from an Indo-European root *ser-"protect".

Tau -> Tay

Dykh-Tau or Dykhtau (Russian: Дыхтау, Karachay-Balkar: Дых тау), is a mountain located in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia; its peak stands about 5 km (3 mi.) north of the border with Georgia. The mountain is the second highest of the Caucasus Mountains, after Mount Elbrus.
Northern Massif in Bezengi.
According to legend, the Balkarian people descended to Earth from a constellation known as the She-Bear. They were sent to live in communion with the mountain "Mingi-Tau" and the gods who ruled from her and through her. "Mingi-Tau means 'a thousand mountains'
Mint látjuk, Bal-Karia területén a TAU ->TAY.
Vung Tau's peninsula is punctuated by Small Mountain (Nui Nho) to the south and Big Mountain (Nui Lon) in the north. Back Beach (Bai Sau)

Ba Ria - Vung Tau is 125km from Ho Chi Ming City, just below Dong Nai Province and next to the East Sea. Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Hoa, Cho Ro, Khmer. Why do Vietnamese call Chinese ' Ba tau` or Khu.a ?

Hong Kong
Lan tau mountain camp cabin (Lan Tau Ying)

Sárkánykő hegy
Lung Yeuk Tau, commonly known as Lung Ku Tau, is also called Lung Ling (Mountain of Dragon).

Mountain "Yamantau" .. the Bashkir language the name means " Bad Mountain" (yaman - "bad" and tau - "mountain").

Kara Tau, Nura Tau and the Fergana Valley.

Pyatigorsk - after the name of a nearby five-tiered mountain Beshtau (besh - five, tau - mountain).

Taz-Tau Mountain is situated in the inner part of the Crimea

Tau meaning "father's older brother" is derived from taata

Main Entry: tau
Pronunciation: \tau, to\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English taw, from Latin tau, from Greek, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew tāw taw

Syriac toma "twin," Arabic tau'am "twin"). Hopi sun god Tawa.

English name Georgia. One view holds that it is derived from the Greek: Γεωργία Geōrgía, meaning agriculture or farmland.

Another view contends that the English Georgia derives from the modern Persian word for the Georgians, گرجستان or gurj, which means wolf.

Georgians call themselves Kartvelebi (ქართველები), their land Sakartvelo (საქართველო), and their language Kartuli (ქართული).

..second highest is Mount Janga (Jangi-Tau,5051 meters) above sea level. Other prominent peaks include Kazbek..., Mount Ushba, and Ailama.

Mint látjuk, a TAU egyes nyelvekben TAY. A zömében kihalt nyugati turk és kelet iráni nyelvekben TAU = HEGY.
A szó megtalálható a Távolkeleten Vietnamban, Kínában is.
Alaj hegység

An ala or hala (plural: ale or hali) is a mythological creature recorded in the folklore of Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Serbs. Ale are considered demons of bad weather whose main purpose is to lead hail-producing thunderclouds in the direction of fields, vineyards, or orchards to destroy the crops, or loot and take them away.

the Turkish word 'ala' (snake) as that word lacks the h-sound. The name may instead stem from the Greek word for hail, χάλαζα (pronounced [ˈxalaza]; transliterated chalaza).

Az ala valótól az ana-i szeretetig.

Érdekességnek atti, avar

ala 'current, stream' [Latv. H Alaja, Lith. ale.ti 'flooded'].
rézas (resas) 'king' [Latin rex 'king', Old-Ind. raj- 'the same'].
siros 'a granary'
saldas, saltas (instead of *zaldas) 'golden' [Old-Bulg. zlato (from the Proto-Slavic *zalta) 'gold (noun)' , New-Bulg. zlato 'gold', zlaten 'golden'].
gesa 'stork kingfisher' {Old-Pruss. geeyse 'kingfisher', Latv. dzése 'heron, kingfisher'}.

Malay alam

The term "Malayalam" comes from the Tamil words malai (Mountain), ala (People) and the Sanskrit appendix -am. Hence malayali means Mountain people who lived beyond the Western Ghats, and Malayalam the language that was spoken there.
Another etymology is that it comes from malai (Mountain) and azham (Ocean) - referring to the Sahya mountains and Arabian Sea that bound Kerala. Malayazham later became Malayalam.

Andras Rajki - Alaj = Vörös hold?
al {T al, Tk al, from OT *al} : reddish
alan {T alan, Tk alang = knoll} : area
alay {T alay, from OT *alaj} : crowd
ay {T ay, Az ay, Tk ay, from OT *ay} : moon
ay {T aya, from G} : holy, saint

Ezek a "hold-démonok" (sin-hala) kapcsolatba hozhatók az "ala=kígyó" szóval? (kalmük). ..és a chalaza az káliz vagy kalóz ?

A trák saldas-ból származna a solidus? ..és a trákok a szláv "zalta" szót módosították?
soldier (n.)
c.1300, from O.Fr. soudier "one who serves in the army for pay," from M.L. soldarius "a soldier" (cf. It. soldato and Fr. soldat "soldier," which is borrowed from It.), lit. "one having pay," from L.L. soldum, from acc. of L. solidus, a Roman gold coin (see solidus). The verb meaning "to serve as a soldier" is first recorded 1647; to soldier on "persist doggedly" is attested from 1954

A tamil "malay" nem származhatott a "ma-lay = nagy vér" szóból ?


Hegy - szlovák nyelven

mountain -> hora
mountain -> hromada
mountain -> mnozstvo
mountain -> vrch
mountain dew -> skotska whisky
mountain sickne -> horska nemoc
mountainash -> jasen
mountaineer -> haral
mountaineer -> horolezec
mountaineering -> horolezectvo
mountainous -> hornaty
mountainous -> obrovsky
mountainous -> ohromny
mountainous -> vrchovity
mountainous cou -> hornata krajina
mountains -> hory

Hegy - szlovén

mountain gora
small mountain, wine growing area gorica
at the bottom of (eg. mountain) vznožje

Hegy - orosz

hegy гора (gora)
hegycsúcs вершина горы пик пик горы
hegycsúcsok горные вершины
hegye vminek a ~ кончик чего-то
hegyes гористый острый
hegyezni затачивать заострять
hegygerinc горный хребет
hegyi горный
hegylanc горная цепь

Sajnos, ma nem találom, milyen link-kapcsolódásnál jött elő a szó eredete, de arra határozottan emlékszem, hogy "Fehér hegy" volt a Kaukázus jelentése. Az óperzsát emlegették, meg pár kaukázusi nyelvet... A "kaw" lenne a hegy" és a "cas" pedig "fehér". 
Állítólag máshol is van hasonló ("-kas" végű) hegy elnevezés..
Kash: Benares neve. Az első föld, amit az istenek létrehoztak..
Szanszkrit KAS = shine
Egy sereg KAS szó Indiából, felületes magyarázattal:

semita-> üveg


Proto-Altaic: *sằkà
Meaning: heap, pile, hill (halom, domb)

Turkic: *saka
Tungus-Manchu: *saK-
Korean: *sàh-
Japanese: *sàkà

Saka = hegy (nagy is: sah - sahinsah, sogun, xagan - kagán)

Érdekes szavak
U-alani - Hawaiian, "heavenly rain"
U-ani - Garifuna, "soul; spirit"
Udiya - (oo-dee-YAH) Hebrew, "fire of God"; Udia, Udiah (Hebrew)

Eb ura fakó! Ugocsa nem koronáz!
Ugochi - Igbo of Nigeria, "eagle of God; most precious gift of God"

Uira - Tahitian, "flash"
Ula - Basque name for the Virgin Mary; Celtic, "jewel of the sea";

Az idegen csicsát ivott:
Ulani - (oo-LAH-nee) Hawaiian, "cheerful"

Ulla - (OOH-lah) German, "will"; Middle English, "to fill"; Australian Aborigine, "a well";

Ulrica - a feminine form of Ulric; Oldřiska (Czech); Ulrikka, Ulrikke (Danish); Ulrica, Ulrika, Ulrike, - ebből a RIKE=birodalom, de mi az UL ?

Uma - (OO-mah) Hindi, "mother"; (oo-MAH) Hebrew, "nation"

Utin - Ibibio of Nigeria, "sun" /Uta Napistim?/

Oba - Yoruba of Nigeria, "river goddess" /oya=folyó, szing./
Ola - Scandinavian, "descendent";
Olalani - Hawaiian, "heavenly life"
Orah - Hebrew, "light";
Ozora - Hebrew, "strength of the Lord"
Kaanan - Hindi, "forest"
Kairos - Greek, the goddess born last to Jupiter
Kalifa - Somali, "holy"

Fehér hegy
Tsagaan-Uul (Mongolian: Цагаан-Уул = white mountain) is a sum of Khövsgöl aimag
The center officially named Sharga (Mongolian: Шарга), is located 138 km west of Mörön and 840 kilometers from Ulaanbaatar (Urga).
/Tsaatan (meaning “reindeer herders” in Mongolian ) Csátan= rénszarvastartó/

Erdenet város közelében van URAN hegy (Uran uul), az oroszoknál URAL hegy.
A Khorgo hegy (Khorgo Uul) egy kialudt vulkán neve. ..de van Khond hegy (Khond Uul) is.

A Kilima swahili (parti nyelv, hajós keverék) nyelven kis dombot jelent. Afrika legmagasabb hegye...

The term kilema in Kichagga , means ' which defeats '; kilelema 'which has become difficult or impossible ', i.e. which has defeated. Njaro can then be derived from njaare , a bird , or, according to other informants, a leopard ...
A párducbőrös madarak legyőznek...

Kilima Szembeszökő hasonlatosság mutatkozik meg a Qi-li-an (Csilien) hegy nevével. Ki-li-ma. "A Hold isteni ereje?"


A koreai "hegy" igazolására sajnos csak az Alin szót találtam az alán helyett:

Onland, the Sikhote-Alin: is a mountain range in Primorsky and Khabarovsk Krais, Russia
Golmin Å anggiyan Alin
Golmin Šanggiyan Alin mean "perpetually white mountain".
Changbai Mountains (golmin šanggiyan Alin in Manchu)

Az ORAO a szerbeknél valóban SAS. A sas hegylakó. A délszlávok által a 6.sz.végétől megszállt Balkán görög nyelvében az ORA pedig HEGY. Nem kétséges, hogy a szó honnét kerülhetett a szláv nyelvbe.


Other Indo-European cognates include Ancient Greek ρνις (ornīs), "'bird'"), Old Armenian որոր (oror), "'gull'"), ուրուր (urur), "'kite'"), Hittite  (ḫāras), "'eagle'"), Gothic  (ara), "'eagle'"), Old English earn ("'eagle'"), Old Irish irar ("'eagle'")

A hegy istene - Megfigyelők.

..a proposition to be proved, from θεωρειν to be a spectator (θεωροσ), to look at, inspect. ..


The word 'theory' derives from the Greek 'theorein', which means 'to look at'. According to some sources, it was used frequently in terms of 'looking at' a theatre stage, which
may explain why sometimes the word 'theory' is used as something provisional or not completely resembling real. The term 'theoria' (a noun) was already used by the scholars of ancient Greece. Theorein is built upon 'to theion' (the divine) or 'to theia' (divine things) 'orao' (I see), ie 'contemplate the divine'. 'Divine' was understood as harmony and order (or logos) permeating the real world surrounding us.

"Maly= Mountain/hegy " a tamilban


"Ancient Greek and Roman historians recorded that the original inhabitants of this region were pushed inland by an influx of people called Carians."

"The terrain of Lycia was mountainous, and the hills and valleys were fertile. The country was originally called Milyas and inhabited by the Solymi "

The word Toltec also appears to derive from the Sanskrit word for "Descendant of the Upper World Nation": Tal-Toka."

a "tiszta hang" is jó megfejtésnek tűnik a NAHUA szóra, de nekem a "hajó" szimpatikusabb...
Az Atl tudomásom szerint nem "vizek", hanem szimplán "viz" jelentésű, ahogyan a Popoka-tepetl is csak egy popohalom...
A görögös "teo" helyett én "teotl"-ot láttam az Isten szóra...
A domb, hegy az pedig TEPEtl..

a KOPONYA, FEJ kapcsán felmerült a ROSH=fej szó. Kíváncsiságból megnéztem az izraeli Rosh-Pina név eredetét, amit nem nagyon találtam. Mindösze az derült ki, hogy a Magura hegy mellől érkeztek a telepesek Moldaviából:
"A group of 36 families from Moinesti leaves on foot and with the "Thetis" boat towards the Promised Land; Jews from Bacau and Galati followed them. The natives from Moinesti settled on the lands "named Geauni from the eastern Galilul" and established the Rosh Pina settlement (21 iulie 1882), named "the mother of all settlements in Galil" ("Ima mosavot haGalil"), meaning "cornered stone", after the verse of the Bible: "The cornered stone overlooked by the builders became the cornerstone". "

a bizánci hamisítóknál indián törzsek lepik el turk néven a Kárpát-medencét. Nyugaton visszafogottabban módosították a történelmet. A nyugati krónikák megemlékeznek az ung-ar népről. Mint tudjuk, az UNG már Paek-ung környékén is "fehér sólyom" volt. Itt annyiban módosul a kép, hogy az UNG, ING nyugaton általában ÖRÖKÖS jelentésű. (Heir) Szlávos területeken U-HOR(a), U-GOR(a) a magyarok neve. Tippem szerint ebben a sorrendben, s én a "hegy fiai"-ként fordítanám.

Mint látjuk, a nyugati források is általában másolatok. Aztán, hogy ki és milyen szándékkal másolt, nem tudjuk. Egy eredeti nyugati dokumentum van, ahol Regensburgnál "Uuangariorum marcha" maradt fenn. Vagyis Regensburg az magyar határőr vidék lenne...

Hegy a Közel-Keleten

Akkád, asszír: Tillu; Tella; Telo;//Angol: hill, mound;// Magyar: Domb, hegy
Héber: Har= Hegy
Therefore, Ugaritic "dd" does not mean "field." Like Akkadian sadu, it may mean mountain here. The context of dd in 1.19 IV 51-52, often taken to mean "camp" ...

The Hebrew word for "north" is sapon which in Ugaritic is the mountain spn of the abode of Baal. Psalm 68 . In Ugaritic Baal is called "Rider of the clouds."
Ez is felhőharcos ?!

Baal's mountain was biblical Zaphon, known in Ugaritic as Sapan, in Hittite and Hurrian as Mount Hazzi, in Akkadian as Ba'lisapuna, in Greek and Latin as Casius (< Kasios), and in modern Arabic as Jebel 'el-Aqra', which stands at a height of 5,660 ft. about 25 miles north of Ras Shamra and 2.5 miles from the coast.

Ugariti istenek - hegylakók
According to Canaanite beliefs, when the physical body dies, the npš (usually translated as "soul") departs from the body to the land of Mot.
El Shaddai is a derivation of a Semitic stem that appears in the Akkadian shadû ("mountain") and shaddā`û or shaddû`a ("mountain-dweller"), one of the names of Amurru.

Ugariti nyelv

ars = earth = föld
tgrt = gates = kapuk
hzr = court = (királyi) udvar pl Hacor
bt = house = ház
ngr = guard = őrség
gr = mountain = hegy

Tur Gobel (Mount Ebal) - (Jabal Islamiyah)
Gebal (Deut 11:29), a mountain in the Promised Land, where an altar was built at Moses' command. And there are two mountains near Jericho, standing close and facing one another, one of which is called Gerizim and the other Gebal.

Egy turk dialektus, a sumer
Turi Dani
These scholars knew about the name TROY, which is from Turkish "TUR ÖY" meaning "home of TUR / TURK / OGUZ" peoples, but it was wrongly associated with the

Indo-European people.
For example, in reading the Sumerian texts, the god name "TUR" was suppressed and replaced by "MAR".
Polat Kaya
T-U-R" (read "TUR" in Turkish) meaning"TUR the Sky-God, and/or, TUR the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples"
Otthon: Turkish OTURU means "place where people live, place people sit, the country"
hetek: Hetch-t" meaning "the white crown"
A méh földje: Âtur-meh, meaning "Lower Egypt"

The name TUR in Turkish also refers to "moon". This we see in the Turkish expression "TUR DAGI" which refers to the Biblical "Mount SINAI". In this Turkish expression, word DAG (TAG) means "mountain", and TUR must be tequivalent to name "SINAI". But the so-called SINAI is nothing but the Turkish expression "SIN AI" (SEN AY) meaning "you are moon". Thus, Turkish TUR is Turkish AY as well. But AY is also MA (MAH) which has been used by Wallis Budge in the transliterated name of Âtur-meh. Thus, this name is also "O TUR AY" name. In the sign language, it is also "O TUR ÖY" meaning "it is Tur house" (It is Tur country).

Turkish ATA means "father", YER means "place, land"

(p s sh t i Sun Horus Moon Horus), meaning "the two divisions of Egypt, one belonging to Horus and the other to Set.

Ahol a Tur divizio.
The Arba'ah Turim, as the name implies, consists of four divisions ("Turim"); these are further organised by topic and section (siman, pl. simanim).

Rajki András szótára:
ttur : mountain [Sem tt-w-r, Heb tzur (rock), Syr ttura (mountain), JNA ttura]
kun [kuun, B. 1605, cp. Tul. gunu, and kunni, kunnu, kunnam, B. 1548 and kuuna, kuunnu, B. 1573, cp. Tul. gunu. Interestingly, assuming a *kumbu ur-form cp. Slavic *guba 'mushroom' (whence Hun. gomba) and Azerbaicani gobelek 'mushroom'] : mound, hill, bunch, hump, heap, mushroom. Kunnan = Mountaineer.

Middle Korean

nyelv, ahol a Kő=tolh; a paykcey nyelv "piri=tűz" szava "pi"; a sinla, MK és japán nyelvben a "ki=kastély". Az ójapánban "kuti=sólyom" (guti!) és az "ör=leszármazni" valamint a "suguri=falufőnök". Az ókoreai nyelvben a "mori=hegy".

Hokkaido szigetén Pirika-nupuri.
Map hegy Sapporotól nyugatra. Iwao-napuri.
The name Nupuri means mountain in Ainu, the language of the native people living in the Japanese archipelago and the Kuril Islands. (Szaka-lin északnyugatra fekszik.)

there are many of them which have similar word stems such as nai (swamp), wakka (water) and toh (pond and lake).
A proto finnugor és a PIE nyelv után itt a "proto-ainu".
*kitay "roof", "peak" - nupuri kitay /..meg Kara-kitay...:-)/
..és ahol a *kiray csak comb.
a *kina pedig grass
..és ha kes valami, akkor vége
Modern ainu.
..ahol a Ni-hon az nem a "nap-hona", hanem a "Fa-hona". (Világfa?)Mondájuk a yu-kar
Kamui Nupuri means "mountain of the gods" in the Ainu tongue.
Ainu nyelvlecke
Város Hokkaidon
Mountains: Yōtei (Shiribeshi Mountain) (Makkari-Nupuri in Ainu) (active volcano, 1898 m), Niseko Iwaonupuri (active volcano, 1116 m), Niseko Annupuri (1308 m)
Ainu nyelvtan:

Uhuye, to burn (égni)\
Nupuri[/b, a mountain (hegy) / Uhuye-nupuri, a volcano
Kaya, a sail.{ejtsd:szeil} szélvitorlás
To, a lake.(tó)
A görög nyelvfejlődés tekintetében is eltérőek az álláspontjaink. Nézetem szerint az újgörög nyelv nem lineáris, spontán továbbfejlődése az ógörögnek, pláne, ha az ógörög alatt értjük a macedon, thessaliai, boiotiai stb nyelveket, melyek már az ókorban sem lehettek azonosak.
Szerintem a népességcserék, majd az egységesülés eredménye a mai görög, melybe még tán a szláv (avar) áradat nyelvezete is beleszólt. Nem vitatom, hogy azért kerültek át szavak az ókori görögből a maiba, de jelentésük (szemantika) módosulhatott is. Az ORIO és OROSZ nem keletkezhettek egymásból, csak az első a másodikból. Valóban az OROSZ eredeti jelentése (mint nyelvünkben az OROM szóban megmaradt) HEGY volt. (HORA) Viszont a magyarok hegylakók voltak általában, s a hegy lábánál volt a határ. Onnét már OROSZ volt, az ő birodalmuk. A hegyek más típusú elválasztó szerepét ignorálnám, mert akkor jöhetnek a folyók, tengerek is...

A RUSZ szó más kérdés. Nem az OROSZ szóból ered, hanem álláspontom szerint a hajuk színéből. Ezek a varégok (sólyom nép) VÖRÖS hajúak voltak, s ebből származik nevük: RUS= vörös, rozsdaszínű. Mivel megtermett emberek voltak, ezért később a RUSK nagy darab embert is jelentett.
Bizánccal csak futólag érintkezhettek kereskedelmi és katonai tevékenységek során, hiszen a TURK (nem török) népek /besenyő, úz, kun/ több száz km-es sávot vittek a rusz és a bizánci nép közé. Sajnos, nekem nincs meg az 1500 éves turk nyelvkönyv, így nem tudom ellenőrizni, hogy valóban utálták a besenyők, kunok a szó eleji "r" hangot. Tán valami későbbi magyar dokumentum utalhat erre, hiszen népünk főbb alkotóelemei között szerepel a besenyő és a kun nép. Ma már biztosan nem okoz gondot a kunoknak és a besenyőknek a szó eleji "r", vagyis nem genetikai okai lehettek az általad igazolandó kiejtési problémának, mint teszem azt a moldovaiak esetében, akik akár magyar, akár román nyelven beszélnek, némely hangot képtelenek kiejteni ma is.
Ugye, csak nyelvbotlás volt nálad a kijevi rusz svéd eredete?...
Azt meg soha sem állítottam, hogy a RUSZ az HATÁR jelentéssel bírt volna. Szerintem az OROSZ és a RUSZ nem egymásból származnak, hanem külön nyelvekből kialakult népelnevezés, ami feltehetően nem önelnnevezés volt. Ők varangiansok (sólyom nép) volt, csak később váltak Skandináviában vikingekké (öböl-örökös).
(Mellesleg, mongol elég ritka lehetett az orosz sztyeppe lakosai között!...) Viszont, ha "A Kárpát-aljai ruszinok pedig ezen északkeleti szlávok utódjai", mint írtad, akkor hová lettek galliából a rutenek? A "Ruthenorum Alpes " pedig nem nép ebben a formában, hanem feltehetőleg "ruten havasok"-at jelent, bár latinul nem tudok. Itt nem az Alpok nyúlványáról esik szó, hanem a "havas" jellegről...

Csak ismételni tudom, hogy a RUS nem önelnevezés. Nem fehér-orosz (Hol volt az még?!), hanem feltehetőleg ős-szláv nyelven VÖRÖS. A magyarok meg már ezer éve ismerték a "halicsi" rutenokat, de a turk népek is érintkeztek velük (bulgar határ) az első évezred során.

On the south, along the Propontis Sea was the Ganos mountain which was probably known to the ancients as Hieron Oros that means Sacred Mountain.
A szent hegy neve Hieron Oros, miből a HIERO a "szent" és ORO a "hegy". Más népeknél Hora.. .nálunk OROM.

A dél-kolumbiai Cauca-völgy indiánjai harcias emberek. Nyelvükben számos magánhangzóval. Közelben levő magas hegy a TOLima.

FEHÉR (ember)
"The name is from cau, local form of chaux, meaning "lime." At elevations of from 3,000 to 4,000 ft (900 to 1,200 m), the Grands-Causses form part of the Massif Central and occupy parts of Aveyron and Lozere départements."
Kaukázus neve
"A Kaukázus nevének megfejtése volna az első feladatunk, ám egyelőre csak annyi bizonyos, hogy nevezték Kaf-dag-nak, Jal-buz-nak és Kavkáznak. Plinius gyakran emlegeti, (8) sőt egy helyen (9) meg is magyarázza a szót: Kaukázus-hegy, azaz Kroukasis, amely azt jelenti "hófehér". Ammianus Marcellinus mindenesetre ugyancsak ismeri a Cauca-land szót, (10) igaz Erdélyre vonatkoztatva. (11) Pomponius Mela csak egyszer említi Caucasus alakban." (Bakay Kornél)


Pliny és Cauca
Mauna•kea= (white mountain)= Fehér/kea hegy

The first explorers of the Pamir and Yaghnob areas called these and their inhabitants Ghalchah (R. Shaw. Ghalchah Languages, 1876). This term has been connected with the Iranian word gar -- 'mountain'. V. Bartold explains it as a geographical name Garch ~ Garchistan.
Kicsit hasonlít a semita GUR=HEGY szóra..

"Zargar (professionymum: zar - Persian - "gold"; gar - Persian suffixal morfeme expressing a doer). Iran. Zargar Romani is one of the European Romani dialects, which bears witness to the fact that the Zargars re-emigrated from Europe to Iran."

" Even furthest-flung outsiders could make the connection between Byzantine prosperity, striking-power and religious devotions. From his Orkney vantage point, Arnor the Earl’s Poet viewed God as ‘ready patron of the Greeks and Gar -folk’.1 These ‘Gar -folk’ – Rus – had collectively come under the care of the patriarch of Constantinople, when in or around 988 their ruler, Vladimir, received a Byzantine religious mission and was himself baptised. A prime reason for Vladimir’s choice of the Orthodox form of Christianity was probably the divine ‘patronage’ – in terms of material wealth and social order – which their religion seemed to have secured. Vladimir flagged his personal associations with the senior emperor, by adopting his Christian name, Basil, and by marrying his sister, Anna. By around 1000 the ruling houses of several

Fordítottja majdnem igaz:
"Garach - a Bulgarian name for Merya people, a part of whom fled from their lands (after their annexation to Russia) to Bulgaria. The name "Garach" comes from the Old Bulgarian name for Finno-Ugrs Gar ("Kar") (like Karelia, i.e. Kar-El, the "Kar's Land", and the Carbones, Careots, Carsots of Ptolemy - Translator's Note)."

Az oroszok szerint a BARANA az sárkány. Oroszország keleti csücskében, szaka földön talájuk a Baranya hegyet. /Suntar-Khayan hegység/


Honnét van?
Az ókori Egyiptomban UR volt a nagy Isten neve, és ez egyben magasságot is jelentett. Ugyanígy a magyarban: Isten egyik neve: ÚR (ÚR-Isten összetételben is). Az ORr és az ORom a csúcsos kiemelkedést jelölik, ahogy a latinban is arx = ORom, héberül pedig HOR = hegy. A manysi UR = hegy, ebből ered az ural név is. Az ógörögben OÚRos = ORom. Ide kapcsolódik Orion görög mítoszbeli óriás neve is. Az ógörög OURanós (Uranus) = ég, égbolt, menny egyik magyar megfelelője lehet az ŰR is (ebből: üreg, ürge, üres stb.). A bibliai Áron főpap hegy Ormán halt meg. Az arany (vö.: latin aurum = arany) is kötődhet a magasságos úr hegyormokhoz is kapcsolódó tiszteletéhez. Rokonnépeink Arany Atyá-nak is nevezik az Égistent. A hegyormokkal az őrzés, az őrség is összefügg: ógörög oúros = őr, óegyiptomi ari = őr és a kutya sumér neve is UR (azaz őR) volt, a MagURa hegyneveink pedig magas őr-t jelentenek, sumérul viszont Oroszlánt. a németben az UR összetételekben ős-t jelent (pl. Urahn = ősapa, de UR az őstulok, a bölény német neve is).

Red was for the sun god. Yellow was for the earth god. Blue belonged to the sky goddess while white belonged to the moon goddess.
hēibái huā" is literally "black and white flowers"
Régi nevek
A legmagasabb hegy a Koreai-félszigeten a Mount Paektu, amit "White Head" (Fehér Fej) néven is ismernek, az ország legszentebb hegye.
Koreát a régi japánok KOMA néven emlegették feltehetően a koreai KOM=MEDVE szó alapján.
A Paek-ku fehér, v. fényes, világos domb volt.
Érdekességként itt olvashatunk sámánneveket: mudang, utagan, ubakhan, utygan, iduan. Némelyik helyen a férfi mudang neve PAKSU. (Paksi=madár, cigány ny.)

Hegy - több nyelven
East-Asian languages
Code language noun IPA
hua 普通话 山 ʂan
wu 吳語 山 se
yue 粤语 山 san
hak 客家 山 san
min 閩方言 山 san
kor 한국어 산 san
jpn 日本語 山 jama/san
vie Tiếng Việt núi, sơn nui, sən
tai ไทย ภู, เขา, ภูเขา pʰu:, kʰau, pʰu:kʰau

European languages
Code language noun IPA
ell ελληνικά βουνό, όρος vuno, oros
deu Deutsch berg berg
eng English mountain, mount mauntin, maunt
fra français montagne mõtaɲ, mõ
ita italiano montagna, monte montaɲa, monte
esl español montaña, monte montaɲa, monte
por português montanha, monte montaɲə, monti
pol polski góra gura
ukr українська гора ɦora
rus русский гора gora

Indo-Iranian languages
Code language noun IPA
ben বাংলা পাহাড় pahaɽ
guj ગુજરાતી પર્વત, પહાડ pərʋət, pəhəɖ
hin हिन्दी पहाड़ pəhaɽ
fas فارسی کوه ku:h, mal
mar मराठी पर्वत pərʋət
pan ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پہاڑ pəhar
urd اردو پہاڑ pəhar

Dravidian languages
Code language noun IPA
kan ಕನ್ನಡ
tel తెలుగు మల mala
tam தமிழ் மலை malai

Austronesian languages
Code language noun IPA
ind bahasa Indonesia gunung gunuŋ
jav basa Jawa gunung gunuŋ
tgl tagalog bundok bundok

Ural-Altaic languages
Code language noun IPA
fin suomi vuori vuori
hun magyar hegy heɟ
tur Türkçe dağ da:

Afro-Asian languages
Code language noun IPA
ara العربية ʤabal
amh አማርኛ ተራራ tərara
orm oromoo tulluu tul:u:
hau hausa tudu tudu

Niger-Congo languages
Code language noun IPA
man mandingo kulu, kuluba kulu, kuluba
ful fulfulde haaye ha:je
yor Yorùbá òkè, òkègíga oke, okegiga
ibo igbo ugwu ugwu
kon kikongo ngumba, mongo, nsasa ŋgumba, moŋgo, nsasa
rwa kinyarwanda umusozi umusozi
swa kiswahili kilima kilima
zul isizulu intaba intaɓa

Amerindian languages
Code language noun IPA
grn avañe'ẽ
que runasimi urqu urqu


A "hegy" szavunk nem lehet finnugor vagy turk, hiszen azokban a nyelvekben még csak nem is hasonlít a szavuk. Kivétel talán a sorabe naut, chèc, eslovac Hora szava, amely legalább "H" hanggal kezdődik vagy az iacot "хайа" (Haja). A mongol "aɣula" nálunk "terem"-mé szelidül.

Vajon a japán "yama" rokonságban van-e Yamaica nevével ? ..és a volapük "bel" a fehérrel? A "rokon" lapp nyelvben a "hegy=varri" valamint a carelian és vèpse nyelvekben "hegy=mägi".
A "mòrdve erzia mòrdve mòcs " nyelvekben a hegy az "пандо панда ". Amit talán "napterület"-nek fordíthatnánk. (pan-do).
A nenets "хой {hoj}=hegy", szintén "H" kezdőhanggal.

A "hegy" szavunkkal a TESz sem tud mit kezdeni, mert egy nyelvben sincs igazán párja. Így el kell fogadni, hogy ez egy speciálisan magyar szó. Belső fejlődés eredménye.

..esetleg a kar-el "mägi" szó mintájára, származhat a HEGY szavunk a HAG-ból ?



Variations of words jabal, jabel, jebal, jebel, jbel, djebel, jibal, etc. have been used for the Arabic word "jah-bahl", 'جبل', meaning "mountain, hill or slope" (as elevations).

Wordnik - River God
"The only notable natural feature was Gebel-el-Ghenneiem, which was just a portion of the original limestone plateau left standing."


Of the Tombs at Gebel al-Mawta in the Siwa Oasis of Egypt, the best known and most documented is that of Si-Amun. In fact, his name means "the man of Amun", a common Egyptian name.

Gebel "Hellal" meaning "lawful." The name Jebel al-Madbah means mountain of the altar.

Shu and Tefnu married and gave birth to Geb (the god of Earth) and Nut (god of the Skies). Geb and Nut then were responsible for giving birth to the most important gods in Nubia, Osiris (god of the pharaohs) and Seth (god of devastation), and Isis (god of motherhood)and Nephthys (protector of the dead).

I want that, or come here, or anything in that kind of nature.Lucy Pidgeon is amazing.Some examples : *Your lying in bed with your loved one and she turns to you and says* "Gebeh".

Gebel Barkal lies on the right bank of the Nile at the approximate mid-point of the river's great bend, about 325 km NNE of Khartoum (aerial photo, fig. 1). It is a small isolated sandstone butte on the western edge of Karima, and stands about 2 km from the river, which it confronts with a spectacular cliff 200 m long.

In his published reports, Reisner noted at Barkal a peculiar type of Egyptian masonry that he observed in the foundations of several of the Napatan temples, especially in B 500 and 300. He observed it also in the remains of several small structures erected both beside and in front of temples B 500, 800/900 and 700. Since the stones used in this masonry were associated with buildings that he could date confidently to late Dynasty 18 and early Dynasty 19, he dated the blocks to this period. They were small and rectangular, and were made of grayish or whitish sandstone; they were also laid in header and stretcher courses and were bonded together with cement. They regularly had the dimensions 1 cubit x 1/2 cubit x 3/7 cubit (52.3 x 26. 3 cm x 23 cm).

Today this type of masonry is well known. It is what we call talatat and recognize as an archaeoloical signature of the early reign of Akhenaten

mountain = tur
(Aramaic) corresponding to tsuwr; a rock or hill -- mountain.

The Kebra Negast (Kebra Nagast), meaning Glory of the Kings, is a medieval Ethiopic History book
Maskal Kebra meaning Exalted Cross)
The earliest known Arabian temple was at Marib, capital of Sheba, and was called Mahram Bilqus, "precincts of the Queen of Sheba." In Arab lore, this queen was named Bilqus or Balkis; in Ethiopia, Makeda (also Magda, Maqda and Makera), meaning "Greatness."
Nagy: kabir, kebir..

Vajon van-e kapcsolat a tepe, kepe, kebel szavak között ?

Tel Keppe (also spelled Tel Keipeh) (Classical Syriac: ܬܠ ܟܐܦܐ‎ Tal Kepe, Arabic: تل كيف‎ Tal Kaif), is one of the largest historically Assyrian towns in Iraq. It is located in the Ninawa Governorate, less than 8 miles North East of Mosul (Nineveh) in northern Iraq.

"Tel" which means "hill" and "Keppe" which means "stones" i.e. Hill of Stones. (Az ókori TV pedig a "halom", ahonnét távolra (tele) lehetett látni.)
Besh Kepe Surkh, a Kislak or village of Akcha, a small market town in northern Afghanistan.
Persian words Surakh meaning hole or Surkh / Sorkh meaning red

Kepe a fórumon

Érdekességnek: urdu szavak
paani = water
paneer= chees
anDa = egg
anDe = eggs
murGhii = chicken
blue - neela OR aasmaani < which one?
Gobi =Cauliflower

Pesti István 2010 szeptember
