Ott lenn délen, Baranyában
BARAN: a perzsáknál "to rain" ESIK
Proto-Slavic *baran? MOCSÁR, fantázianyelv
Baranyavár (Branjin Vrh) szerb
Hihetőbb: Imé az Isten baran-a. Pardon! Kos-a.
ram (male sheep)
(colloquial, pejorative)
Oromo (Galla): Borana okokan /Tojás /Egg
Kurdoknál: baran: zápor, eső, özön
baranî: esős
Aries = Kos csillagjegy
A constellation of stars supposedly shaped like a ram. The Zodiac sign for the ram, covering March 21 - April 19. Translations
Finnish: Oinas
Polish: Baran m
Slovak: súhvezdie barana n (1), znamenie barana n
Turkish: Koç (2)
The fuliâns or the second kind of cups are also five in number. One of these is for holding the Haoma juice after pounding the Haoma plant with the urvarâm. It is the Haomya of the Avesta (Visparad, XI, 2). The second is that for holding the zaothra or zor water. It is the Zashta zaothrô- barana (i.e., the chalice which carries or holds the zaothra) of the Avesta (Visparad, X, 2). The third is for holding the varas ring. The fourth is for holding some extra quantity of the Haoma juice. The fifth is an extra one placed near the Mahrui for extra purposes.
(d) Mârui.
The Mahrui (lit. moon-faced) are two metallic stands about nine inches in height. They are so called because they have a moon-faced or crescent-shaped top. They are always used in pair, one placed in front of the other. They are also called Barsom-dân, because the Barsom twigs are
placed upon them.
Celebesz - barana lan
Also found in this central section is the banyan tree motif (pa' barana'), which, one elder noted, is an emblem of the noble family's strength. He elaborated, The banyan tree is the sturdiest of trees, the king of trees. Even the Javanese know its importance--a banyan tree always stands in the heart of Javanese rajas' palace compounds--it is where Javanese leaders hold their meetings." Another member of the group then chimed in to remind me that in Toraja funeral
chants a celebrated noble is sometimes called "a banyan in the village" (barana' lan tondok), a further indicator of the banyan's close association with noble power and authority.
Cerulli used the term "Galla" to designate the people that now call themselves "Oromo." (A "kurulisok" meg a római patríciusok voltak.)
Borana or Eastern Galla dialects. (Bor-ana is derived form the root bor, "east/kelet.")
bar nn (Etym: hebrew loanword) Sense: son
..ahol a kis Tur siet..
In Valencian we write corona, "poder", "capelletes", "pare", "mare", berenar, etc. And we pronounce as it is written. The Catalan people, in other way, pronounce, approximately, curone, "pudé", "kepelletas", "para", "mara", baraná, etc. for the same words.
The banana word Phylum Group Language Attestation Etymology
Mande nyelvcsalád
Maninka: barandá
Jogo: balna
Vai: ?aana
Lele: baená
Koranko: barana
Bobo: banlánda
Hét nővér
Barada: a hazugság leleplezése; Barana: Felvilágosítás
betükkel! orosz etimológia
wayrani ????????, vaŕa, vodra ????, ? ????????? /?????????? ?? ???????/, ??????? ?? ?.???-?????, barana ? ????.
бурушаското *hargín змей, дракон, заето в шугнански hargín змей,
Ha innét nézzük, akkor a Hargita nem is géta határ, hanem Sárkányföld.
Oly távol, messze van hazám
the holotype: a female, the Suntar-Khayata mountain range, 356th km of road Khandyga-Magadan, a damp meadow on the Suntar river bank, 19th July 1985 (V.V.Dubatolov leg.); the allotype: a male, the Suntar-Khayata mountain range, 232-nd km of road Khandyga-Magadan, a mountain Baranya, 1600 m altitude, 7th July 1985 (V.V.Dubatolov leg.); paratypes: male and female - C. Yakutia, settlement Khaptagay, the Tamma river valley, 20th July 1973 (Yu.N.Ammosov leg.); 10 males 8 females - Suntar- Khayata mountain range, 232-nd km of road Khandyga-Magadan, 16th-27nd June and 1si-22th July 1985 (V.V.Dubatolov leg.); 2 females, Yakutsk, Botanical Garden, (V.V.Dubatolov leg.),
..még Baranya
Mint láttuk, a perzsáknál, kurdoknál a BARANA az "eső, esik". Szláv nyelvekben a BARANA az "kos csillagjegy", míg a 'magyar rokon' galla nyelvben BARANA az "tojás". A galla BOR-ANA pedig talán "keleti isten" néven fordítható. (Bor=kelet). A héberben BAR az "fiú,
fia". Akkor a BAR-ANA az "isten fia?".
A jávai királyok szent fája a banyan. Az erre vésett nemesi jel a "pa-barana". A torajai (Celebesz) temetésen a "kántor" neve "barana lan tondok". Az afrikai mande nyelvcsalád "Koranko" nyelvében "barana=banán".
Az oroszok szerint a BARANA az sárkány. Oroszország keleti csücskében,
szaka földön talájuk a Baranya hegyet. /Suntar-Khayan hegység/
Lidangien lamuri bian barana. Labugien larüna funati luma golu. Barumuga lau lirufungu ketsali ... Ubugua lun dari me lan lahamachun. Inu lan luei kondoru luma garun ...
(2)barana 'sea' ({ba?ana} ~ {ba:na})
El Waha el Bahariya, (meaning the sea-oasis)
Tana Toraja nyelvén Sia papa' sola sia Ibu' tu ma'dokko lan lu kantoro',buda bang tae' na ma'rundunan.
a^.mo^iiastra^ barana^ a$a^ca^ hiia2 ha}ra^ manâ^ bauua2
Seventy years ago an Englishman camped for a few nights on a lonely beach not far from the little fishing village of Al Ghariya on the north-east coast of Qatar.
Sumerológia: (Botos László) The ancient Magyar suffix "A" means river. Many of the rivers in Hungary end with this suffix: Duna, Tisza, Száva, Dráva, Morva, Mura, Rába, Rabca, Zagyva. The River Euphrates in Mesopotamia was called in Sumerian BARANYA.
Barana helynevek. Pakisztán arat.
Barany helynevek. Lengyel, orosz, de "a"-val a végén már magyar.
Ghari szinte csak Pakiszán.
Gari Orosz többség.
Madagasikara területén csak Toliara és Bara van délen. Nálunk Tolna és Baranya.