W. Asia

Ázsia nyugati fele


hassa- (c.) : house-hold (id. GUNNI). /Ház-tartás/ > Hassa-An ?
ed- (I 1 b) : to eat. - arha ed- : to eat everything up. /Te is edd!/
awari- (c.) : border guard (Akk. madgaltu). /Határőr/
er- : cf. ar- "to arrive" /ér, érkezni/
istanza(na)- (c.) : soul, will, mind (= ZI; §88a). /Kap iten?/
kessera- (c.), kessar- (n.) : hand (id. ŠU, Akk. qatu). /Kéz./
makkes- (I 1 f) : to become many, grow (from mekki- : much; §11). /Tochar az asszírban?/
pir : house (§89a; id. É-ir). /Pir amis?/
siu-, siuna- (c., §73) : god (Akk. ilu; id. DINGIR, DINGIRLUM, DINGIRLIM). /Holdisten?/
walla- (II 2 d ?) : to glorify, praise; to pride oneself on sth. (vallás?)
was-: to buy. /Veszek a vásárban vasárnap./
É halentu- (n.) : (a building). Rokona a halánték/temple szavunknak?
A fentieken kívül még számos érdekes szót találunk a szótárban. Érdemes áttanulmányozni!

Szak-ma(h): Nyelvújítás kori szó. ELVONÁSsal keletkezett, mint számos finnugorász szavunk. Szakosítok: sak- (II 1 a) : to know; to recognize. /hittite/. Persze, a szaka vándorok is sokat láttak (szek: sek- : cf. sak- "to know") a világból. Ainu: (sik=szem). Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics, szerző: Winfred Philipp Lehmann: Sanskrit veda, hittite sak-hi. Ancient sekisho, or barrier, set up in Mino.

Nemzetek táblája - Ale-maánia (Eel [hal] szagú? Ugor?)
The known Assyrian tribes were the Khatti (also Hatti, Hessians)—Chatti is still the Hebrew term for German, and Khatti was often used by the Romans to represent Germanic tribes; the Akkadians (Latins called them Quadians); the Kassites (or Cossaei); and the Almani (or Halmani, Allemani was the Latin name). Today, Germans refer to themselves as the Deutschen, which is derived from the Saxon word for an Assyrian. Their country name is Deutschland. The Romans referred to the Deutschen as Teutons. Ancient Hindu literature uses both the word "Asgras" and "Daityas" to refer to the Assyrians. Daityas is a Sanskrit word for Deutsch—a name applied to the Assyrians over 1500 years before the birth of Christ.

Paleolexicon - Phrygian
akristin = plough = eke, szánt. A parast akristin? Ugye, a paraszt szavunkat "imádó, imádat" értelemben is fordították, de "madárszárny" jelentéssel is láttam. Mindez a két istent (bi-Gott) imádók területéről. [A-hur-a Mazda, Ármány (Ar-mene)] Ez itt az első eset, hogy a földművelés (karistolás) és a kereszténység összetalálkozik.
arab "harem=damen" nők. Ugye, mennyivel másabb, mint a HARM vagy a HÁROM? arguitas, argyitas = lamia, daemon. Ez sem ARG-utas. bekos = bread. Egy vekni kenyér? edaes = set (up), he has made, has placed. Egy kicsi ház.. kunes = dogs. Sej, haj denevér.. modrowanak = the smith / king of modros.
bogaz = throat (Miller. Kara Bogaz?) Old Norse "kor= sickbed".

Turinform - Szíria történelmi tájairól. CELO-SYRIA.
E tekintetben az Anszáríjja-hegységben élő muszlim közösségek különös aktivitást mutattak és számos várat emeltek a hegyvonulat stratégiailag fontos magaslatain. Az írott források tanúsága szerint e sorban al-Marqab az egyik utolsó erősség, amelyet a helyi törzsek felépítenek 1062-ben. II. András király már 1217 végén, az ötödik keresztes hadjárat idején eljött ide kíséretével, sőt adományt is tett a vár fenntartására.
Az őrhely: Margat – arabul Qalaat al-Marqab („az Őrhely") – a Szentföld legnagyobb keresztes lovagvára, a Szent János Ispotályos Rend egykori erődje Bánjász közelében, Szíriában. Archaeology: A Bizánci Birodalom számára Egyiptom elvesztése (639) után Szíria volt az egyik legfontosabb élelem-termelő tartomány, így a késő antikvitás alatt föllendülő Észak-Szíriában több ezer település élte virágkorát (MAJOR, SZÉCSI 2004). A területet számos pusztító földrengés sújtotta, melyek közt az egyik leghírhedtebb Kr. u. 551-ben egy 7-es erősségű volt, a krónikák szerint harmincezer ember halálát okozva Bejrúttól Tripoliig pusztított (ELIAS et al. 2007). 1202. május 20-án, az egész Közel-Keletet sújtó és több százezer áldozatot követelő 7,6 -os rengés során, 1200 km sugarú körben Egyiptomtól Ciprusig a cunami partra dobta a hajókat, a tragédiáról az arab krónikák (in: SCHOENLEBER 2010) részletesen beszámolnak.

Medieval Armenian
One is easir [yasir] "captive" originating from the arabic asír.
Patri [badr-i] t'amam "full Moon". (Arabic "BADR = Full Moon".)
Armenian hak'r = vile, dishonorable, despised. Arabic haqr = contemptibleness, despicableness, meanness.
Armenian "loys, arew, lusin = light, sun, moon". Arabic poetry: nur, shams, łamar (Qamar).

Őrangyalok vagy útonállók? Attack of light cavalry. Khussar Iryston in Ossetian. The region of South Ossetia, indigenously known as Khussar Iryston (in Georgian Samkhreti Oseti), existed as an autonomous oblast.
Iryston, much like Iran, is derived from Aryan (the Aryans settled to the south of the Caucasus on the Iranian Plateau around 1500 BC).
The Ossetes which are really designated "Ossen", name itself "Iron" or "Digoron".
Winged: The Polish King Jan Sobieski, Roman Catholic, as were his house and Sarmatian Khazarian kindred, led the Khussar or Chussar or Hussar Polish cavalry to Vienna.
Hoosier: This derives from the Anglo-Saxon word hoo meaning high or hill. In the Cumberland dialect, the world hoozer meant anything unusually large, presumably like a hill. It is not hard to see how this word was attached to a hill dweller or highlander, and huzur, a Hindustani form of address to "persons of rank or superiority".
Magyarán a huszár több irányból eredeztetett. Van aki a szerb gusar (marauder / mar-tal-oc) szóval azonosítja. (Lásd szláv H > G). A lengyeleknél szárnyas huszár-ok voltak, ami logikailag passzol a kaukázusi árja vidék, Khussar Yr-iston nevéhez. Az angolszász "hu=magas, halom" is felvetődött a huszár etimológiájaként. De a "hu=tűz" néhol. Vajon ott mit jelent a "sar" ? (Ház, hus szintén kapcsolódik a tűzhöz.)
Hazar: We should not exclude etymology of the term kusar from kus+ar that means "noble bird", i.e. Kazak, made up by analogy with the term Hazar.
Altera pars: Hazard megyer lordjai: Old French hasard, from Spanish azar, from Arabic az-zahr ‘chance, luck’, from Persian zär or Turkish zar ‘dice’. The ard/art was a frequent ending (initially for words of Germanic origin) and so it is easily understandable that a final d/t was added to hasar. Other examples include boulevard, first attested as bolewers (with unpronounced "s"), boyard (cf. English boyar), hussard (cf. English hussar). This process was facilitated by the fact that by the 12th century word-final d/t had ceased to be pronounced.
Nagy vér: Meaning: blood; Hittite: eshar, ishar gen. e/ishanas (Tischler 112ff); Tokharian: A ysär, B yasar `Blut' (PT *yäsär).
Samur (inga unguis). Unguis: Zoology A nail, claw, or hoof.

The most convenient example if offered by a genre called the phiale, a type of ritual bowl first developed in Assyria (not in Greece, as you sometimes see). They were usually of brass, bronze, silver or gold, though Ivory may have been more common than our few remaining examples suggest.
Assyria vagy Szíria? - Névkereső.
"Syria" and "Assyria". These terms were used in subsequent centuries as interchangeable toponyms, although both terms also began to carry special connotations as was demonstrated by Nöldeke, Schwartz, and others. (A névnek feltehetően köze sincs a Naphoz (Surya), a zsidó Asher-hez (egyik törzs) vagy az oroszlánokhoz (A-sir). Akik meg ott voltak a keresztelőn, ma már hallgatnak, mint a SIRR.)

Kapuk népe vagy csak az őrző oroszlánok?
Since the nineteenth century, a number of scholars have put forward various theories about the etymology of the basically Greek term Syrian and its Aramaic counterpart Suryoyo.
In Phoenician, the toponym "Assyria" and the gentilic "Assyrians" are spelled as ’šr and ’šrym (probably transcribed as Ašur - Ašurim), while its Luwian counterpart has Sura/i to cover both forms (it was not uncommon in antiquity to employ a geographical name in the singular as a collective, denoting a group of people).
Aramaic-speaking Christians who were well-versed in Greek. In their native tongue, there was always a clear distinction between Otur / Oturoye..
("Assyria/Assyrians" ) and Suriya / Suryoye ("Syria/Syrians")
A  „Suryoyo" szó az időszámításunk előtti szövegekben nem található. Talán Saul fiai még nem ismerték a Napfolyó fogalmát. Csak később, a damaszkuszi úton változtak át Paulus fiaivá, akik tán a VizTara folyót is elnevezhették. (DanAb nem Na‘mon Armaya)
Aramaic language for centuries by the Greek name of Súrioi/Súroi ("Syrians"); just like today’s English-speaking world uses German and Armenian  to refer to the nations who call themselves Deutscher and Hay.
Aramaic autonym Armaya, which at a later date developed into Oromoyo (Aramaya) in West-Syriac.
A törökországi suryoyo nyelv: Alternate Names: Turoyo, surayt, süryani. Ezt a nyugati-szír nyelvet az ország délkeleti részén beszélik, Sirnak és Mardin provinciákban.

Szíria neve: The name Syria was derived from the famous Phoenician city of Sur (Tyre/Tyrus) -- hence Surya, or Tsurya from the Greek Tsyrus. The most southern region was known as Kena'nu or "Kanaan." Kina'nu = merchants (The Cambridge Ancient History). Great Syria.

The Ain Dara temple is an Iron Age Syro-Hittite temple, located northwest of Aleppo, Syria, and dating to between the 10th and 8th century BC. A hatalmas bazaltoroszlánon felül érdekes a big foot is.
Temple: West Syrian megaron or Neo-Assyrian Langraum? [A megaron a mükénéi palotakomplexumok fő csarnoka. Langraum= Lang + Raum.]

'Asir or 'Aseer is a region of Saudi Arabia located in the southwest of the country, named after the tribe of Asir which has the same name.


However, the Persians in changing to Zoroastrianism, did the same as the Christians in denigrating the old gods by demonizing them, so the original Iranian name for a god, daeva, deva or diva came to denote a devil in Iran, but remained a god in India. So, the Iranian name for the tree of God, the divdar, was a holy tree for non-Zoroastrians, the worshippers of the divas, devils or jinns. The gods of other peoples were the devils or jinns to the Persians, their own good gods having been newly named ahura, really meaning "Lord". The aim of the Persians in promoting Judaism as a religion fior the diva worshipers was to wean them off the pagan practices that Persians abhored and into obedient, truthful living, meaning righteousness, truth or honesty being absolutely essential to Zoroastrian Persians.

Hallgatóság - Vagy a Holdgyűrű alapján?
Sufism in the Secret History of Persia. szerző: Milad Milani There is a pun on the word halqa, meaning both "circle" of people and "ring" to put in the ear as a sign of slavery in the past or devotion n the context of Sufism.

Bolygóállás: Kayvon: (Persian) Saturn. ..és a Kaimanu szigetek.
Kaukázus AtonAy segítsd az AchAy népet!!

The cradle of all Guräni dialects (as of the closely related Zaza, or Dimli [q.v.], dialects), was probably in the Caspian provinces. From there their speakers migrated en bloc to the southern Zagros at an unknown early date, and the Iraqi group after them to their present positions.
gełay, geł- "wander", Hawr. har, pl. h’are "ass(es)"; h’arew "an ass," harak’a, pl. harak’e "the ass(es)," harak’a-m "my ass,"
Gorani (also Gurani) is a group of Northwestern Iranian dialects spoken by Kurdish people in the southernmost parts of Iranian Kurdistan and the Iraqi Kurdistan. (The Guaraní language is still widely spoken in Paraguay. The Guaranís have a "secular," a "secret," and a "sacred" language.)
Három/3: Basque hiru. Zaza: hire. Harzani: here. Mohave: hamok. Havasupai: humug. Gürani: hirye.

Güran poetry: garr=flame.
Kurd nyelv - West Iranian languages: Gurani, Awroman, Mukri.
Isfahan proper. Two distinct Median-speaking areas are noticeable within the Isfahan district: the eastern area, with dozens of Median settlements, in the boluks of Jarquya, Rudašt, and Kuhpāya; and the western area, with only five Median communities in and around the city. Jarquya (q.v.; locally Garkuya) is a barren boluk (gazdasági egység) stretching from the Šāhkuh range, southeast of Isfahan, to the desert separating it from Abarqu. It is naturally and administratively divided into upper (ʿolyā) and lower (soflā) halves, each having both Median and Persian-speaking oasis villages. The contiguous Median-speaking villages that continue on from there are orjān/aračön, Helārta, Sonuči, Pājikābād, Kamandān, Siryān/Seryon, Qalʿa-sārebān, Sidān/Sudon; Šātur …

Historical lexicon of Persian clothing és egy mai divat magyarul.
Abāʾ. An outer garment, open in front, sleeveless but with large armholes, worn by men of all classes. (Malaclopó?)
Ārāloq, arāloq, araleq (Turk.; Doerfer, II, pp. 29-30). A quilted waistcoat worn by men under a qabā (see below) and by women over a shift (for ārāloq-e sanbūsa, see Šāmlū, ā, nos. 1776-78).
Burka: Reinhard Dozy (pp. 62-65), quoting, John Fraser, noted that in Transoxania the borqaʿ was a sort of čādor, covering a woman from head to foot. A burka egy zsákszerű ruha, amely tetőtől talpig befedi a nőt. A szem előtt hálóval. A nikab-nál a szem környéke kilátszik.
Csizma: Čakma (Turk; Doerfer, II, pp. 84-85). High leather boots worn in Persia since the Safavid period and probably earlier (Eskandar Beg, I, p. 382; Marvī, II, pp. 568, 772).
Kendő: Čārqad. A square of cotton, silk, or other fabric folded diagonally and worn by women as a head covering;
Cipő: Časbak. Goatskin shoes formerly made in Khorasan, mainly by Turkic-speaking immigrants from Ashkhabad; the design may have been of Turkmen origin. The uppers were of dyed goatskin (tīmāj)
Farajī. A woolen qabā (see below), loose and unbelted, with long full sleeves extending beyond the fingertips and fastened at the ends.
a (Ar. and Pers.). A length of cloth wrapped around the hips. Moqaddasī (p. 416) mentioned fine silk fūas for women made at Ahvāz.
Labbāda, Ar. lobbāda. A felt raincoat or long men’s overcoat resembling the coats of shepherds and camel drivers, sometimes also called namadī
Panām. A rectangle of white cotton cloth with straps sewn to two corners, worn as a face covering by Zoroastrian priests (mōbads) to prevent their breath from polluting the sacred fire.
Qabā. A long outer cloak buttoned down the front.
Šāl. A sash or shawl (šāl-e gardan) wrapped around the waist (šāl-e kamar) or the head.
Tāj. Crown and also the special cap of the Qezelbāš followers of the Safavid shah Esmāʿīl I (907-30/1501-24; see tark). Tark: Helmet (see ūd) or the gore of a cap.


For when they conquered Persia, Armenia turned to Byzantium, and was ruled for sixty years by officials who received the rank of Curopalates and were appointed by the Emperor (633-693). The Curopalates (palotagondnok, palotagróf?), it appears, was entrusted with the civil administration of the country, while the military command was held by an Armenian General of the Forces. Monastery of the Great Head.

They are most closely related to 1. the band of āleši and Tati dialects that stretches from the areas of Vafs and Āštīān (Tafreš) in the northwestern center of Persia to northern Azerbaijan (area of ancient Media Minor) and awāleš, and 2. the now largely extinct dialects of the Tehran-Ray area (ancient Raga), and the dialects of Semnān and surrounding villages to the east of Tehran (area of ancient Qūmes). They are more dis­tantly related to the Gōrānī dialects, spoken in the area north and northeast of Kermānšāh in the Māhīdašt area (Māhīdašt, lit. "the Median plain," with Māh < Māδa-) and east of Mosul in Iraq. More distantly, yet, they are related to Kurdish and Baluchi (see baluchistan iii). Closely related to the Central dialects are the dialects spoken in ūr and some other villages on the southern border of the central desert (Dašt-e Kavīr) and in Sīvand north of Persepolis in Fārs, both of which, however, also contain features that group them with Kurdish to the west and Baluchi to the east.

Armenian - kihalt nyelvek listája
New Approaches to Medieval Armenian Language and Literature Szerkesztette: Joseph Johannes Sicco Weitenberg
Örmény felföld
The Shengavit culture was spread throughout the Ararat valley and was influential as far as western Armenia, Cilicia, northern Mesopotamia, and Palestine. Obsidian tools from Armenia were found in the Middle East. Anthropologists, analyzing human remains from Shengavit tombs, believe the "Armenoid" skull type typical of current day Armenians evolved in this region. While there is no record of the language used at the time, scientists believe that a non-Semitic, non-Indo-European language or family of languages was prevalent, traces of which remain today within the Armenian language. (The Armenian scientists of old, during the time of Carahunge, could accurately measure latitude; knew that the Earth was ball-shaped; that its radius was equal to 6300km; had an accurate calendar, etc) Many of these Monuments retain until now, a link with the original Armenian name, e.g. Stonehenge, which has the same connotation as Carahunge, because stone in Armenian is kar and henge (a word which is absent in English) is the same hunge (voice, sound, echo in Armenian). Another example is Callanish in Scotland (Luis island in North Gebrids), because kal = car, nish in Armenian is sign and "Luis" is "light".

Más korok

Magyar az akkádban
arable land = ugaru (szántott, művelt terület).
flame = nablu (láng)

The Alanic word *ban (Iron bon < * PIr *banú– "light, beam")
*Tab-bat = from the Pahlavi/Median word Tabit meaning "Fire Temple / Fire Place". It is also related to the Persian Medicine (of the Medes) as Tab meaning "Hot fever/fever" in general. The word Fafa in Persian means Beautiful/Lush(Gardens)/Abundant/pleasant to look at ,etc. (see "Ameed Persian Dictionary Tehran, Iran 2001). Prof. M. S. Tajar. (Szomáliában a "tűz/fire=dab".)

Medicine: from Latin medicina "the healing art, medicine; a remedy,"
Meddix: appears in Latin dictionaries as coming from medeor and means "he who gives thought to," comparable to the Homeric "médón" or "médousa", given above as one who rules. Among the Oscans, a people of ancient Italy, it was a magistrate, a MED-dic-s, one who points out the law. The meddix tuticus of early inscriptions was the highest Oscan magistrate, as reported by classical and post-classical writers. Rokonítva a gót "mitan", az OHG "mäz" és az ír "med" szavakkal. Állítólag a Medici család is gyógyítóktól származik, s nem tudni, eredetileg is 3 golyójuk volt-e? [3 pellets, tri ratna..]
Medieval thinker: an early specialization of the PIE root *med- "to measure, limit, consider, advise, take appropriate measures" . Sanskrit "midiur=I judge".
Coniugazione del verbo: medeor, mederis, -, - , mederi. (eng) = cure, heal, convalesce, recover, recruit, get out , Inglese Spagnolo
ego medeor
tu mederis
ille medetur
nos medemur
vos medemini
illi medentur
Io guarisco
Tu guarisci
Egli/Ella/Esso guarisce
Noi guariamo
Voi guarite
Essi/Esse guariscono

L. mederi, to heal. (Base MADH; Ma) Zend madh to treat medically (Walter William Skeat). Re-medy. Szent Pál!

Mada'in Salih
A Mada'in Salih sírok 5 csoportra vannak osztva:
1. Pylon width one or two rows of crenellations
2. Stepped tombs
3. Porto Heger Tombs
4. Heger Tombs
5. Arched tombs
Istenek a hely scriptjeiről: Dushara, Manotu, Allat, Al-Kutbay és Shai' al-Qaum.

Pashto: 5= pindza (peen-ZE)

A pincére asszociálva
Bor: szavunk története maga egy csoda. Az első leírt magyar szó a bor! Meglepő módon a kínaiak írták le először. A kétezer évvel ezelőtti kínai krónikák megemlítik, hogy a hunok és lovas kultúrájú utódaik nagy tiszteletben tartották Bor Tengri hegyét, ahol áldozatokat mutattak be Bor Tengrinek, az Újjászületés Istenének. Arabic "Bor/Wine= Khamra". A kamra pedig cella, szoba.
A pince szavunk egy hangban tér el a vince szótól. Vino-cellar. Cellar. Keller. An enclosed underground space: Danish: kaelder ; Dutch: kelder; Finnish: kellari; French: cellier; Greek: kelári; Latin: Cella;. Pino sulla Sponda del Lago Maggiore is a village and comune (municipality) in the Province of Varese in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 110 km northwest of Milan and about 70 km northwest of Varese, on the border with Switzerland. A pino a fenyő olasz neve. A szólófürt állítólag tobozt formáz a pino noir tőkén. A József olasz változata a Giuseppe. Női párja a Giusep-pina. PINCE: Thuanus: The Making of Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553-1617) szerző: Ingrid de Smet A gyász-költészet mestereiből megemlíti a latin Renatus Pincius nevét. PINCE (JACQUES DE) [PINCAEUS]. Old French pincer, pincier (“to pinch, find fault”). Scottish: PENNY, n. Also pennie, †peny; panny. Pl. pennies; pence, pince (Abd. 1914 J. Leatham Daavit 39).
Latin penna and pinna "a feather, plume;" in plural "a wing;" also "a pinnacle; battlement".
Caucasus. Kvevri (buried wine amphorae).
Lat. cucullus, fr Gaul., reduplication of cullo 'covering, shelter'. OIr cuilche ‘mantel’, cuile ‘cellar’.

The name Sarbani is similar (or identical) with the name of an historical tribe on Caucasus that was also named Sarbani (the Caucasian tribe was recorded under this name in the 10th century). Pashtuns are believed to be of Scythian descent and their language is classified as East Scythian (Sarmatian language is also grouped within Scythian branch).
Törzsi szerkezet
Avestan datar- ‘creator’
The original meaning of be az might have been ‘outside from’
Majidi dialect: "Hell=bright"; makka=maize.
Új-arámi dialektus - Irene Garbell
maJidi T f. "old Turkish coin (about 1/5 of a Turkish pound.
Isra = ten. Isra-el akkor tíz isten? ..:-)
hudaa = Jew.
fitu (pl. fitwe) K f. "whistle".
čangal T/K < P f. "hook, fork"
bira f. Arab "well" (arch.)

parr = wing. parig =winged. paridan = to fly. ..és a magyar Parrag családnév?

Midian (/ˈmɪdiən/; Hebrew: מִדְיָן‎), Madyan (Arabic: مدين‎), or Madiam (Greek: Μαδιάμ)[1] is a geographical place and the Midianites a people mentioned in the Torah and in the Qur'an. Scholars generally consider it to have been located in the "northwest Arabian Peninsula, on the east shore of the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea",[2] and have long associated it with the region of Modiana reported in that same area by Ptolemy. Ptolemy also devised and provided instructions on how to create maps both of the whole inhabited world (oikoumenè = oikos + menes) and of the Roman provinces. Jethro próféta ment a midianitákhoz, hogy Allah hitére térítse őket, de azok a megátalkodottak (Madyan, Al-Ayka) kigúnyolták és meg akarták kövezni érte. A Madyan egy törzse volt az arab népnek Al-Hijaz és Ash-Sham (Nagy Szíria) közötti területen, közvetlen a Ma'an föld mellett, Bida provinciában. [Azerbaijani word "madyan= mare/kanca". [Ukránoknál "maidan=tér".] Madyan település Pakisztánban is van.] The Kurdish language was derived from the ancient "Median" language or "Proto-Kurdish". Perzsa nyelvjárás még a judeo-median: Hen = kerk (kashani); morq (isfahani); kark (hamadani); morq (borujerdi); morv (yazdi); morv (kermani);

shirazi - morq=csirke.
For instance, although the word for ‘son’ in New Persian is پسر pesar, which reflects its normal development from the Old Persian puça and Middle Persian pus, in New Persian (especially in Classical Persian) another word, پور pūr, is also used, which shows a northern influence (> Parthian puhr, Avestan puθra-, etc.).

The continuum of Central Plateau Dialects appears along a northwest-souteast axis traversing the modern provinces of Hamadān, Markazi, Isfahan, and Yazd, that is, the area of Ancient Media Major.
A 1977 survey, however, marks seven settlements as having Median as the idiom of the smaller part of their residents: Bāča/Bāja, Ozvār, Borkān, Espinā, Andelān, Raimābād, and Lajanāba. [upper ('olyā) and lower (soflā)]
 The contiguous Median-speaking villages that continue on from there are orjān/aračön, Helārta, Sonuči, Pājikābād, Kamandān, Siryān/Seryon, Qal'a-sārebān, Sidān/Sudon; Šātur. [kat-= fall; taina= thirsty; jan-e =a woman]

A perzsa és magyar jelentéstől eltérően az araboknál az "Ayka=bozót". ('thicket, grove') From Armenian aygi.
Nahuatl terms - robosztus szárnyas
ppappa (Zap) "to fly." Cf. Heb. 'p, nopep "to fly"; 'op "bird, fowl"; Eg. 'py "winged-disk"; p3, 'pi "to fly"; 'ff "a fly" rabe (Zap) "chief"; ro’ba, ro’o-ba (Zap) "much, great, big"; r’o (Zap) "stout" (see Zap m-be’, na-be, above). Cf. Heb. rab(ba), rabab "great, vast, much; elder, leader, master, commander"; Eg. rp?(t), rp?y "prince, hereditary chief, noble" (Gk. Horpais); wr(w) "great one; god; prince, noble, elder, chief"; wr ?? "king"
ri- (Zap), habitual formative prefix. Cf. Heb. l-, n-, participle formatives; Eg. r, ir, a participle formative
r-iga (Zap) "empty." Cf. Arab. farij, rayqa, Heb. reyq(a) "empty"; Eg. g?(w), ng?w. Copt. go’ou "empty, lack; without"
A hasonló szavakból arra következtethetünk, hogy a zapotek és a mixtec indiánok egyszer meglátogatták a héber-akkád népeket, s számos szavukat hagyták nyelvükben. Tán ezek voltak a "tengeri népek", akikről a történelem megemlékezik. Esetleg fordítva, bár ázsiai nyomokat csak az Andokból láthattunk, Crespi atya gyűjteményében.

Argyria R Halkavala Bryer 1985, 3, 139

Halva - dead
"claw, nail": nE pu-ur (found in the expression pu-ur hw.hu-ban.a-h-pi-na ha-rak-qa 'the fingernail of Humban-ahpi is pressed (i.e. to seal the letter)'). 7. "die": Elamite *halb-, cf. nE hal-pi-ik 'he died', etc. The root is the same as for 'kill'; since all the possible external parallels are primarily connected with that meaning, we will discuss them under the entry for 'kill'.
27. "kill": achE hal-ba-, cf. forms like hal-ba-qa 'is killed', hal-ba 'dead, killed', hal-pi-is 'he struck down' (the meanings 'to strike' and 'to kill' go hand in hand for the root). Cf. also the forms for 'die'.

"The word "shams" (sun) is feminine, and "qamar" (moon) is masculine. (Az európai kulturkörben ez fordítva van.)

Pallas - lásd még Pal-ladin
Arabic: bäläs
Cherokee: Qualasi
Chinese, Mandarin: epithet for Athena: Pàläsi
Italian: Pallade
Japanese: Parasu

Hul(a) hittite forgószél. Wind, twist. (Hurrikán? Lásd Karibi térség és Nepál.). IG = door (Ig-Ay tenger?). Fireplace (hearth -> house) = HASSA. Grain = HALKI.

A kör hullámosítása. A kört átszelő egyenes a HUR. A hur két hullámformára osztja a kört. Kör - khor - Hor - hur - hul. Linguistic meaning of Halqa is a round circle. A szláv "kör=krug", ami a HOLLÓ neve is. A "kör,kerék" a szanszkritban "chakra" a Hold neve után. Az oszétok köre az zyld, ami a baszk nyelvben ló. (Napszimbólum!) A vízbe dobott kő az kör alakban tovaterjedő hullámot okoz. A HUL az a biblia szerint KÖR. Hul (a son of Aram, grandson of Shem, great-grandson of Noah) means circle.
Kashmir: Flank, n. hul, kamar. Flexible, adf. hul. Girdle, n. kamarband, 'hul, denton, lungi. Oblique, adj. hul. Opened, v. khulun. Hur, adj. abundant.
Hull: The term "height above the hull" means height above the uppermost continuous deck.

"Coffee Bliss!" There’s a word for this exalted state. It’s in Arabic, the language of the first coffee drinkers. The word is "Marqaha."
SIL = to cut (vágni, szel)
MADA = land, country (föld, ország. Megye?)
Shabo: wa:d'i "dew, wet"; szinte voda, water és víz.

Sex és társaság: Arabic Sohbat is an Urdu word, it means companionship, society, conversation in English Urdu
Sohbat: companionship, company, fellowship, social, society.
These meanings (i.e. meeting; sleeping with some one) are the classical meanings of sohbat. SOHBAT is the Islamic name for baby Girl. Sohbat Gola is a village in the balochistan province of Pakistan.
Sohbat/Humbistari/Sex kare jiska uske sath shadi nahi hue ho. Islam mein Zina (Adultery/Avedh sex sambandh) bahut bada gunah hai.

The ancient name of the people of Yemen was Saba (Saba' with final hemza); and the oldest notices of them are in the Hebrew Scriptures. Many of these names are found on the inscriptions or in the Arabic geographers - Sheba (Saba'), Hazarmaveth (Hadramut), Abimael (Abime`athtar), Jobab (Yuhaibib, according to Halevy), Jerah (Warah of the geographers), Joktan (Arab Qahtan; wagata=gahata). It may be noticed that a Thamudaean legend has been found on a Babylonian cylinder of about woo B.C., and it is remarkable that the Sabaean satara, " write," seems to be borrowed from Assyrian shataru.

These thiasi were the predecessors of the Judæopagan sect of the Hypsistarians, who were spread over Cappadocia in the fourth century (Greg. Naz. "Or." xviii. 5). But in many localities, even outside of Syria, θες χιστος did not mean Yhwh; the name designated rather Helios or the Phrygian Sabazios, whom the Romans for a long time confounded with the God of the Jews (Valerius Maximus, i. 3, 2; Lydus, "De Mens." iv. 38). The status of the recognized Jewish colonies in Greek countries was comparable rather to that of groups of Roman citizens in Greek cities, in that they formed a small state within the state, and had their own constitution, laws, assemblies, and special magistrates, while enjoying the protection of the general laws. In this way the community in Alexandria is designated πολιτεία ατοτελς, while the Jews of Berenice (Cyrenaica) called themselves a πολίτενμα. Only one text, of Roman origin, seems to refer to the Jewish communities as "thiasi"; but here the word stands for the Latin "collegia" ("Ant." xiv. 10, § 8). Even so, they were but imperfect collegia, enjoying neither a corporate personality nor, in consequence, the privilege of possessing capital or real estate. A rescript of Caracalla declared void a legacy bequeathed to the "universitas" of the Jews of Antioch ("Cod. Just." i. 9, 1; compare i. 20, "Dig." xxxiv. 5). Symbol

Pesti István 2016 november
