

Zsidók és keresztények

Israel Shamir
"614-ben a helyi, palesztinai zsidók szövetkeztek babilóniai hittársaikkal és segítettek a perzsáknak elfoglalni a Szentföldet. A támadásban 26000 zsidó vett részt. A perzsa győzelem után a zsidók nekiláttak a palesztinai keresztények tömeges legyilkolásához. Felgyújtották a templomokat és a kolostorokat, megölték a papokat és a szerzeteseket, tűzre vetették a könyveket. A tagbai csodálatos Halak és Kenyerek-bazilika, a Mennybemenetel Templom az Olajfák hegyén, a Damaszkuszi-kapuval szembeni Szent István templom és a Hagia Sion a Sion hegyen – csak a legfontosabb néhány tétel a lerombolt épületek hosszú listájáról. (...) A Születés temploma csodálatos módon kerülte el a pusztulást: amikor a zsidók parancsot adtak a lerombolására, a perzsák megmakacsolták magukat. Ugyanis perzsa királyok portréinak hitték a Napkeleti Bölcsek mozaikképét a párkányzat fölött.
Amikor Jeruzsálem megadta magát a perzsáknak, sok ezer keresztényt vetettek fogságba és elhajtották őket a Mamillai-víztároló környékére. Ronny Reich izraeli régész azt írja, hogy ezeket a keresztény foglyokat zsidók vásárolták meg és még a helyszínen le is mészárolták őket."

614-ben a perzsák dúlták végig az országot és pusztították el a keresztény szent helyeket. Néhány évre rá Herakliusz császár szétverte a perzsákat, majd Ómár kalifa (Mohamed 2. utóda) foglalta el az országot, és 638-ban megengedte a keresztény szentélyek helyreállítását.

Zsidókról - tárgyszerűen

Zsidó állam és jog - jegyzet
- frigyláda: Istennel való szöv szimbóluma, benne a 10 parancsolat 2 kőtáblája (törzsszöv gyülekezési helyén van)
- kohaniták = papság
- leviták = a papság áldozatbemutató szolgálatát segítő törzs (x földbirtok)
- sékel: lakosság fejenkénti pénzadománya (népszámlálás alapja)
- Tóra = Mózes 5 könyve; az 1. és legfőbb isteni legitimitású jogforrás (613 parancsolat/tialalom, liturgikus és civil törvények is!)
- gerúzia: vének tanácsa, a főpapot segítette (gör/makedón/ uralom alatt)
- nászi = népvezér (Na-Si: törzsfőnök a zsidóknál.)
- baszileusz: uralkodói cím ie. 103-tól
- procurator = helytartó (Júdea/Palesztina provincia élén)
- zelóták = búzgók, szabharc vezetői, cél: felszab+szuverenitás
- misna: Tóra utáni legfontosabb jogforrás, isz.2.sz. Júda Hanaszban szerk+kodifikál
- halácha: „kötelező út” = vallástörvény
- din = törvény
- gemárá („befejezés”): misnából szárm további jogforrás, misnában szereplő jogtételeket megvitató, azt lezáró diszkusszió
- Talmud = misna + gemárá
- sors / sortes: sorshúzás útján felosztott törzsi vagyon. (Hun, french, latin SORS, a lot. Sor-tio > porció. Szer-encs-e.)

Heracleios az orvosnál
Hérakliosz vezette be az uralkodók Baszileiosz (='felség\ ,császár') címét. Depressziós periódusaiban ifjú korában katonai kudarcok érték (Egyiptom ellen 614, balkáni szlávok ellen 614), öregen pedig teljes apátiába esett, és enerváltan fogadta Szíria és Jeruzsálem arab megszállásának (638) hírét.

A bas-il lehet akár istenfő is. A szemita "ili, eli" mint isten és "bas, bos" pedig mint fő. Más felosztásban a szláv "sil= hatalmas, erős". Akik tudták, hogy Ulan az Bator, mindjárt a görög vezetőt is "Batész"-nak nevezték, s lett a basileus "baté-lew" (népvezér). Arabic basula “to be brave”. Sursurunga: "bát =heaven". A basiliskus (kis sárkány) Pliny szerint onnét kapta nevét, hogy egy korona szerű kinövés van a fején. A Szt. Péter Bazilikában is van két sárkány szobor. A bazilika jelentett bírósági épületet vagy királyi udvart is. (Sólyomlak?)
Az örmény, héber, perzsa "sólyom/falcon = baze", a bashkir "falcon= ilasin", de nem lilaszin, mert a szin csak a Távol-Keleten szin, Közel-Keleten Holdisten, szláv nyelveknél kék=siny. (Falcon < palchun < pal) Görög sólyom: hiérax (Hieros=holy), kirkos (Kirk means Church). Arámi "Lik =light" > Hur. A hurd Izlandon "door". Egyiptomi "sala:mlik = fogadószoba". Több basil.. A basileus cím NagySándor területein is felbukkan Kr előtt.. Vazar is the same as bazaar, spelled here the Bengali. Szomorú bazárnap. Cebuano "sólyom = banog". Filippino "sólyom=palkon". A perzsa nyelvekben a BAZAR, VAZAR jelentése wing /szárny.

A héber szemita nép. Itt ne a "semi=fél" szóra gondoljunk. Nevüket Shem (Noé fia) után kapták. Noé a bibliamagyarázók szerint hermafrodita volt. Bár nem ismerem a hermafroditák genetikáját, mivel Shem fiú lett, feltételezhetően Noé egy HSS férfival nemzette. Vagyis félig ember lett Shém. Soq. "šem=name".

Hermafrodita: The tissues sampled for chromosome studies (two skin biopsies, right gonad and blood) contained cells having 46, 47 and 49 chromosomes and XX, XXY and XXYYY sex chromosomes respectively. This finding strongly supports the concept that testicular tissue develops only in the presence of the Y chromosome. A normál női kromoszóma a 46XX, a férfi pedig a 46XY. Ettől eltérő genetikával élők is vannak köztünk. A normál ember a 23 kromoszóma párjának felét anyjától (X), felét apjától (X vagy Y) örökli. A valódi hermafroditák női és férfi nemiszervekkel is rendelkeznek.

Hangváltás csadorban.
As the Assyrians pronounced "s" as "sh", it is likely that the Urusalimites did the same, hence, the Hebrew yerushalaim, with "sh".
Hebrew term is nephesh, which literally means a breathing creature.
Hëlek: is a rare noun derived from the verb hälak (to walk), meaning "traveller" in 2 Sam.12:4. Haladók Csádból.
chdr, to surround, enclose.
chdr, a chamber, woman’s innermost apartment, house of the mother, inward parts of the belly

Héber szavak
'eb (abe): --fruit.
'oben (o'ben): --wheel, stool. (Lásd szláv abroncs.)
'agar (aw-gar'): --gather. (Gyűjtögető.)
'iggra' (ig-er-aw'): --letter (Ja igráju)
'eden (eh'-den): --foundation, socket. (Alapítvány. Paradicsom?)
'ohel (o'-hel): --covering, dwelling place, home, tabernacle, tent. (Magyar ól? Hely?)
'Uwr (oor): --Ur.
'uwr (ore): --fire, light.
'azen (aw-zane'): --weapon (Arzenal?)
'ach (awkh): --another, brother(-ly); kindred, like, other.
'ach (awkh): -- hearth. (Tűzhely)
'iy (ee): --country, isle, island (Sziget)
'ikkar (ik-kawr'): --husbandman, ploughman. (Gazda)
'alam (aw-lam'): --bind, be dumb, put to silence. (Leköt,csendesít)
'elem (ay'-lem): --congregation. (gyülekezet)
'alph (aw-lof'): --learn, teach, utter. (tanít)
'eleph (eh'-lef): --thousand. (1000=ezer)
'Amown (aw-mone'): --Amon.
'atsar (aw-tsar'): --(lay up in) store, + (make) treasure(-r). (felhalmoz)
'arba` (ar-bah'): --four. (4)
'argaman (ar-gaw-mawn'): --purple. (lila)
'arok (aw-roke'): --long. (hosszú)
'araq (ar-ak'): --earth (föld)
'eshshah (esh-shaw'): --fire. (tűz)
b'ah (be-aw'): --entry. (bejárat)
bo'r (bore): --cistern. (ciszterna)
bachown' (baw-khone'): --tower. (torony)
biyrah (bee-raw'): --palace. (palota. bíró?)
gzar (ghez-ar'): --cut out, soothsayer. (augur)
gulgoleth (gul-go'-): --head, every man, poll, skull. (koponya)
galiyl (gaw-leel'): --folding, ring. (gyűrű)
ger (gare): --alien, sojourner, stranger. (idegen)
dad (dad): --breast, teat. (mell)
heykal (hay-kawl'): --palace, temple. (templom. Hawaii?)
har (har): --hill (country), mount(-ain), X (halom, domb).
valad (vaw-lawd'): --child. (gyermek. Valag? Kurd "väle=sack".)
zeh (zeh): --lamb. (bárány)
Cheber (kheh'-ber): --Heber
chabar (khab-ar'): --companion, fellow. (társaság)
chartom (khar-tome'): --magician.
tuwr (toor): --mountain. (hegy)
yuwbal (yoo-bal'): --river. (folyó. finnugor ju.)
Még később érdekessé válhat a "ma-tar = eső" szavuk is.
Da-Lath = Tent Door. [A sátorajtó-t kinyítva LÁT. Da, mondja az orosz is..:-)]
Yad = Hand (kéz)
Kap = Palm of Hand. (Ha a görög KÉR, a héber KAP, de TE-NYER-sz.)
Ugaritic text - állatnevek
ibr, "horse". illm, "camel". (Elképzelhető, hogy a "h" lemaradt az elejéről? Tevey állítólagos forrása: Divan-i Lugat-it Türk 1070. Tepe=hill. Gaugamela =teveistálló. Teve/tibe perzsa nevei: ostor, üth. Gamel is "galled" which can mean annoyed or provoked.)
Ugaritic hkl from Akk. ekallu, Sum. é.gal, "palace, temple". Ugaritic mssr (messer?) means "knife".
Akkád "turänu = bearded".
Akkad "parùm" Hebrew "pere" Arabic "fara" all "wild ass". Punic "ybl = ram". Akkad "urinnu = eagle".
Ugaritic uru "stallion". Akkad urum "stallion". Ibr-a-him pedig arabokat nemzett Ha-Gar-ral.:-)
Holdmód: Ugaritic tlmd = Akkad talmidu = plough.

A Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language. szerző: Gregorio del Olmo Lete,Joaquín Sanmartín
Ugaritic "bt" = house, building, residence, home, palace, temple, room. Palmyra: byt=house. Akkád bitu=house. Arabic bayt=tent, house.
Ugarit egy soknemzetiségű város volt Föníciában, ahol több nyelvet is beszéltek.

CION bölcsei

c. 1300, "a shoot or twig," especially one for grafting, from Old French sion, cion descendant; shoot, twig; offspring (12c., Modern French scion, Picard chion), of uncertain origin. OED rejects derivation from Old French scier "to saw." Perhaps a diminutive from Frankish *kid-, from Proto-Germanic *kidon-, from PIE *geie- "to sprout, split, open" (see chink (n.1)). Figurative use is attested from 1580s in English; meaning "an heir, a descendant" is from 1814, from the "family tree" image.

Cyon a leszármazott
From Middle English sion, sioun, syon, scion, cion, from Old French cion, ciun, cyon, sion; (Mod.Fr. scion, Picard chion).
Etymology: - Hajtás, sarj. Kinövés? Kith-ay?
Frankish *ki- (compare Old English cinan, Old Saxon kinan, Old High German chinan to sprout, Old English cith, Old Saxon kith sprout) + Old French -on noun, nominal suffix Old French cion Middle English shoot, twig 1275–1325
abolishing c in scion, scene, scepter ~ scepter, and, less obviously, scent; substituting sk for sc in scathe, scavenger, and the like (by the way, in the United States, skeptic is the norm); accepting (akcepting? - Conscious Unconscionabl
Un-con-scion-a-ble -- not guided by conscience; unscrupulous, not in accordance with what is just or reasonable: unconscionable behavior. Excessive; extortionate: an unconscionable profit, from the verb conscire, from con- ‘with’ + scire ‘know’. Latin: Scio=tud. (Science)
To some scholars this has suggested "dedication" as the Hebrew derivation of Henoch; but others see in it the name of the famous Sumerian city, Unug (later Uruk, Erech, Warka). For Irad no satisfactory etymology has been found; it means, perhaps, "scion" from arada, "to sprout" / kihajt, kicsirázik. Őrök (arch) és urak városa.
Szekerce :
The root sek, "to cut", with its derivatives ; sec-ant, seg-ment, bisect, insect, scion, sickle, &c. § 273. The root skad, "to cut"; sched-ule, shing-le, scatt-er, shatt-er. § 274. The root skid, "to cut"; schism, schist, zest, squill, abscind; shed, shide, sheath, skid; cws-ura, circum-cise, &c. ; chis-el, sciss-ors.

Muwallad literally means born, begotten, produced, generated; brought up, with the implication of being born and raised among Arabs, but not of pure Arab blood. Muwallad is derived from the root word WaLaD (direct Arabic transliteration: waw, lam, dal), and colloquial Arabic pronunciation can vary greatly. Walad means, "descendant, offspring, scion; child; son; boy; young animal, young one."
Middle English impe, from Old English impa, from impian to imp Date: before 12th century 1. obsolete shoot, bud; also graft 2. a. a small demon ; fiend b. a mischievous child ; urchin II. transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English impian to graft, from Vulgar Latin *imputare, from Late Latin impotus grafted shoot, from Greek emphytos implanted, from emphyein to implant, from em- 2en- + phyein to bring forth ? more at be Date: 15th century 1. to graft or repair (a wing, tail, or feather) with a feather to improve a falcon's flying capacity 2. to equip with wings III. abbreviation 1. imperative 2. imperfect 3. imperial 4. import; imported

While I was looking for inspiration from various kinds of image and script, I came across a Nigerian language called Nsibidi, an ancient system of symbols that pre-dates Egyptian hieroglyphics. Two of the glyphs had a distinctly anchor-like shape. (One also meant strength while the other meant fear, both appropriate for Scion.)
thallus (n.) like a tell
Latin, from Gk. thallos green shoot, twig, related to thalia abundance, thalos scion, child, ultimately from PIE root *dhal- "to bloom" (cf. O.Ir. duilesc, a type of algae). Nem phallus..

Baal-Shamem along with the moon god Agiibol and the sun god Malakbel
Returning to the work of Philo of Byblos, it is interesting to note that the royal symbol created for Kronos is fashioned by Taautos (~6th) to whom all ~ gypt is given (PE 1.10.36-8). Parallels to Ezekiel and to similar imagery in both Egypt and the kingdom of Judah then, suggest that Philo's reference to a four-winged royal symbol of Egyptian inspiration may well have some grounding in an older tradition.

In the inscription the name of the Israelites has no determinative of 'country' or 'district' attached to it, as is the case with all the other names (Canaan, Ashkelon, Gezer, Khar or Southern Palestine, etc.) mentioned along with it, and it would therefore appear that at the time the hymn was composed, the Israelites had already been lost to the sight of the Egyptians in the desert, At all events they must have had as yet no fixed home or district of their own. We may therefore see in the reference to them the Pharaoh's version of the Exodus, the disasters which befell the Egyptians being naturally passed over in silence, and only the destruction of the 'men children' of the Israelites being recorded.
Pharisees Separatists (Heb. persahin , from parash, "to separate"). Phalec (Luk 3:35) = Peleg (q.v.), Gen 11:16.

In addition to being due to extremely high Jewish verbal IQ (Possibly as high as 125!) and the extra-IQ factors that result directly and indirectly from that, Jewish power in the media and Hollywood is largely a legacy of hypertribal US Jews from the dog eat dog world of Eastern Europe in the early part of the 1900’s.
A welszi CI a tokár CU-hoz hasonlóan KUTYA/dog jelentésű. De a CI jelenthet lányt, hüvelyt, földet, holdat..

The Lord prohibited any animal that was blind, broken, or maimed to be offered as a sacrifice, as well as any animal which had a wen (Heb. yab- bel, ya-BAL), or a running sore, wart, or ulcer, as well as a scurvy (Heb. garab, ga-RAHV), which is an itch or scab. Animals that were scabbed (Heb. yallepheth, ya-LEF-eth) or had a skin sore or eruptive disease were also excluded. Animals that were bruised (Heb. ma’ak, ma-AK), crushed (Heb. kathath, kah-THATH), broken (nah- THAK), or cut (Heb. karath, kah-RATH) were also excluded from sacrifice, as these were all methods of castration.
B'nai Brit: a héber BRIT a yiddish nyelvben BRIS és a jelentése rituális körülmetélés, ami az izraelita vallásúaknál 8 naposan, a többi szemita népnél később, akár 13 évesen történik. (Szimbólum Ábrahám és az istenük közötti szövetség megköttetésére. A "Szövetség Fiai" az egyetlen titkos szervezet, amely az ENSZ tagja lehetett.

Haketia vocabulary (Marokkói zsidó)
Arabic hakka, which means to chat or "to tell". Manuel Ortega mentioned the name Jaquetía, in his Los hebreos en Marruecos (The Hebrews in Morocco)
A magyar vetkőzik /vesd le: (undress). Spanyol "ruha/clothe = vestido". Haketia "ruha: bestido".
A "saya=szoknya" az arab és iber dialektusokban. A szappan (soap) a haketia nyelvben "shabón", ami a spanyolban "jabón", mert habzik.
Filo and solombra mean thread and shadow respectively, and their contemporary counterparts are hilo and sombra. (Fold > Hold?) [Fold az angolból jelent még karámot, gyülekezetet. Vagy "Hold your yaw."]

Babel in the Bible
If all this is so, Babel occurred sometime during the lifetime of Peleg, whose name means “division.” Based on the ages of people listed in Genesis 11 in our English Bible, Peleg was born 101 years after the Flood, and he lived for 239 years. Abraham was born 292 years after the Flood.

Az asszír király – a babilóni uralkodói hagyománytól eltérően – egyben a főisten főpapja is, kapcsolata a templomok, a városok és tartományok intézményrendszerével patrimoniális jellegű volt, személyesen nevezte ki valamennyi tartományi kormányzóját, akik kizárólag neki tartoztak felelősséggel.

Szent helyek
Hagar becomes pregnant with Abraham’s son, Ishmael. Under Jewish law, Ishmael is considered Abraham and Sarah’s child. Thus he is Abraham’s heir.
A pogány istenek és bálványok imádói azért csókolták meg a követ, hogy magukba szívják az erejét. A szokást, mely ettől kezdve Allah tiszteletét szolgálta, Mohamed is szentesítette, az úgynevezett umra ceremónia keretei között. Ima előtt a muszlimoknak meg kell mosniuk arcukat, fejüket, kezüket és lábukat. Ezt a kőtől 55 méternyire lévő Zemzem vízével teszik.

Meg-halok (I'm dying). where hälak means "to die" in the Hebrew Bible
Pueblo indiánok: -). The Sephardic rabbis translated the phrase "a people of foreign language" into the archaic variety of Jewish Castilian in which they traditionally translated the Bible literally as puevlo ladinán — "a people using Ladino"

halakh haladjunk!
When they want to hint to a colleague that he better get rid of a customer, the merchants tell him halakh, or ahalakh, which sounds like halah, the word for go in modern Hebrew.

The Caesar = ha-key-sar (Qi-sar, Cha-sar)
the sea = hayam. (Min Nan: "hái=sea".)
place = makom (Makom Jerusalemtől?)
my husband = ba'ali (férjem)
inside = tokh (belül)
my palm = kapi (te-nyerem)
spring = aviv (forrás)
hill = tel (halom)
the barber = ha-sapar (borbély)
fought = rava(tal) (harcolt)
arrived = hegi'a (Jövevény az égből? Hagia?)
mouth = pe (akkad pu /száj > fú?)
border = sfar (határ)
counted = safar (számolt, olvasott)
passed = avar (elhaladt, átkelt)
country/ earth = erets (> Ha'aretz) (Az ország, föld)
pact / alliance / covenant / circumcision = brit (szövetség)

ARC/ Face: Lebanese Arabic: wež. Maltese: wiċċ. Mongolian: царай (mn) tsaraj. Greenlandic: kiinaq. Hawaiian: maka. Kuna: wagar. Hebrew: paním.



Mithras nálunk.
Material evidence from the second century A.D. shows that wherever the Romans planted the standards, Mithras and his cult followed. M. Valerius Maximianus is a case in point. He was born at Poetovio (the modern Pettau or Ptuj) in the province of Dalmatia, now north-western Yugoslavia, where there were three large Mithraic temples, and as commander of the Thirteenth Legion (Legio XIII Gemina) he consecrated an altar in a Mithraeum at Apulum (Alba Julia in Dacia, modern Rumania). Subsequently as commander of the Third Legion (Legio III Augusta) between the years A.D. 183 and 185 he consecrated altars at Lambaesis in Numidia. There is throughout a strong connection between the Danubian provinces, where the Mithras cult is widespread in the outposts, and Africa. Evidence of Mithraism can be found at Troesmis in Moesia and also in Sitifs (Setif) in Africa, both places where the Second Legion (Legio II Herculia) was stationed at different times. M. Aurelius Sabinus, who came from Carnuntum (Deutsch-Altenburg) east of Vindobona (Vienna), where Mithras enjoyed profound reverence, consecrated as commander an altar at Lambaesis, and L. Sextius Castus, a centurion of the sixth Legion, who was in all probability of African origin, erected a Mithraic altar at Rudchester.

OPers. ar￿ka-, Sanskrit al￿-ka, Sogd. r￿k “false”. (cf. also Man. MPers. arab = Aram. ￿lep/p “Aleph”).
Kínai lopos (róka) eredete: A Proto-Iranian etymon *lupi- “fox” would also give Avestan urupi-, a member of the “dog family”.
SE-Asia "Lamp=Moon". Zaza ￿’￿l￿ [csölá?] “lamp”.
Róka /fox: Latgalian: lopsa. Lithuanian: lapé. Sudovian: laps. Latvian: lapsa. Több nyelven a "lupus=farkas". A magyar nyelvben a lopos az tolvaj, bár a róka kifejezetten lopós állat. Thief: Bashkir karak, ugri; Azeri ogru; Uyghur: oghri; Basque lapur; Serbo-Croatian: lopov.

Dagestan urada map
NAKEJO-DAGHESTANI: KRZ "firi" ( = man).
Iron urs, Digor "uors" = white.
Iron sil, Digor sila = female.
Hisn al Akrad, meaning the "Castle of the Kurds".

Old Armenian: road = hun
Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 1-2. kötet. szerző: Jaan Puhvel
— iskalla(i)- ‘split, slash, tear’, etc. belongs with Gk. ?????? ‘hoe’, Lith. skélti, Arm. celum ‘split’ (with doublet MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL ACTS; OTHER MISCELLANEOUS NOTIONS
skalim ‘splinter’ < Hitt.; cf. Schultheiss, KZ 77 [1961]: 222), ON skilja ‘separate’, MIr. scoiltid ‘splits’ (Hrozný, SH 71) < IE *sk(e)l-H2- (IEW 923-27, P 413-14). Also related is H. GIŠ kalmi- ‘fire-log’ (Frisk, Kl.Schr. 57).

A Vocabulary Persian, Arabic and English. Szerkesztette: Charles Wilkins
áfriná = creator
áfriz = szemöldök
afgan = throwing, casting away
afgänah = A foetus
ukrah = Mankind, animals; bald.

Terry Lynn Todd: A grammar of Dimili
'si (a) = stone, rock. (Szikla, kő.)
roj (o) = day, sun. (Nap, nap. Royal?)
penc = claw, talon. (Karom.)
ban (o) = house, building. (Ház, épület.)
kendir (O) = rope. (Kender kötél?)
qor (o) = time. (Idő. Kor.)

Many Kurds have the "Jewish" Cohen Modal Haplotype In the 1990s, a team of scientists (including the geneticist Michael Hammer, the nephrologist Karl Skorecki, and their colleagues in England) discovered the existence of a haplotype which they termed the "Cohen modal haplotype" (abbreviated as CMH). Cohen is the Hebrew word for "priest", and designates descendants of Judean priests from two thousand years ago. Initial research indicated that while only about 3 percent of general Jews have this haplotype, 45 percent of Ashkenazic Cohens have it, while 56 percent of Sephardic Cohens have it. David Goldstein, an evolutionary geneticist at Oxford University, said: "It looks like this chromosomal type was a constituent of the ancestral Hebrew population."

Hebrew: Jue Harpes, Jue Trumpes (zsidó hárfa). Trompen [= to play on the Jew’s harp] < Trem =remegés.
Jaw’s trump
England: standard: Jew’s harp; Iues trounk [16th century based a clerical er­­ror!]: Jue Harpes, Jue Trumpes [both from 1481]; Iewes trump[e], iawes trump[e]; [preceding centuries]: Jewes harp, jawes harp, Jew’s harp [since 1595], Jaw’s harp [writ­ten since 1711 in the way as Jew’s harp is written], jaw harp, mouth-harp, horn, Jew’s horn, Jaw’s trump [written in the way as Jew’s trump is written], Jew’s trump; crembala [Comenius, 1671]; worry killer [a local advertised translation from Italy, translated into English -- translation of scacciapensieri], thought dispeller [translated from scacciapen­sieri, via the Dutch “Gedachtenverdrijver”, Jaap Ypey/Phons Bakx]; phonoharp [Jew’s harp with a trumpet-like soundhorn, in Museum ‘The Shambles’, Newent];
To tremble > PIE *tres > (t)resz-ket, (t)rem-eg, rezeg. Már az ókori görög is remegett (t-rém-ö), amikor meg-rém-ült egy rém-től.. A remeg finnugorász hangfestő szó. (Ráz, rezeg, reszket, remeg..) A "rém"-re egyetlen ismerősen csengő szót találtam, az arab-perzsa "šabah". Rém szavunkat valaki már 1816-ban elavultnak aposztrofálta. Rémusz bácsi Szumér meséi: Felettébb érdekesek a Szumer, Szemúr és a változatok tükrözött alakjai. Így Szumer tükrözött formája Remusz (Raemus). Remusz ellensége Szumernek, azért tükrözött, vagyis fordított a neve. Szum-Er, a Napúr ellensége Remusz, a Rémös, Rémes, maga a Rém király. A római mítosz szerint Romulus megöli Raemust. Romulus a magyar (etruszk), Raemus az akkád. Rimus akkád király valóban Rém volt, neve a Sumir fordítottja. Rém, kísértet, striga.

As regards the Assyrians, the matter is easy enough. Together with their syllabary they received from their [p.299] Turanian predecessors their pantheon, their science, and numberless words, such as cuduru "warrior," nagu "district," enu "lord," khairu "man," with its derivative khir(a)tu "woman." The Assyrians, however, entered into the labours of others. Assur is itself a Turanian compound from a "water," and sur "bank" or "field," and has therefore attached to it the Accadian suffix ci "land."
..old name of Babylon was E-ci or "mound-city." The name itself, Ca-dimirra, or "Gate of God," reminds us of the statement that it was here that God came down to see the children of men.
Thus neru "the yoke" for ploughing is the Accadian tie or ner [cuneiform]; ??? "to dig" is equated with the Turanian ingar; and [cuneiform] cleft, "valley," represents the Accadian ge [cuneiform], ? expressing the guttural sound heard after the final vowel. Babylonia was the native home of the cereals: hence we readily recognise in ??? (sibirru) the Accadian se-bar "white corn"; from se [cuneiform], "corn," came the Assyrian seum (compare ????). Bar "white" gave [p.308] its name to ??, so that as in English the Semitic grain took its appellation from its white colour.

Bar Beel-zebub
In the mysteries Bar(ley) signified corn to the common man; but to the initiated it was recognized to mean "the son". Ceres: Greek and Roman goddess. The same as Isis. Worshipped as "the Mother of Corn". She was the mother of He-Siri, "the seed", more frequently known in Assyria as Bar, "the Seed," or "the corn." Worshipped by most for giving them corn for nourishment of their bodies, but those initiated into the mysteries adored her for the gift of heavenly food that nourished their souls. Rune
Now, the next Rune, Bar, will helps us to understand what is stated in the book of Genesis, "In the Beginning (Bar-ashith)." If you see, the Aramaic word "Bar" from "Barashith" hides the Rune Ar and the Rune Bar together. Bar is a word that means "Son," in Aramaic. Hindi
Without clothes or covering; stripped of the usual covering; naked; as, his body is bare; the trees are bare. [Angol "bare=csupasz", bark=fakéreg.]

Saud the son of Palli had seven sons: first, Kakah, whose descendants are the ... the rulers of Sindh residents of Sanuir, who will be mentioned * Laka Philani.

Indo-Aryan Languages: Palli= small village. Si. päla = hut. Pallava= strip of cloth. Ko. pällo "sprout, bud". Pahlavi "palä =leaf". H. "pälau= twig" pálca? (auth. R.L.Turner).
Tölgy Tabaristan dar maza Quercus atropatana Schwarz. General habitat: Caspian forests from Arasbaran and ?avaleš to Gorgan and Katul. Local names: palit/palet (in Arasbaran), kar-mazu (in Ramsar, Kalardašt, Kojur, Katul).

The fasting for Ashura (10th of Muharram) originated from a Quraish Pagan practice. Ramadan fasting came later from Sabian tradition. Sabians are mentioned in several verses of the Quran [al-Baqarah 2:62], [al-Hajj 22:17] , [al-Maa’idah 5:69] along with Christians and Jewish. Sabians, a non-Muslim Iraqi tribe, believed in monotheism, observed fasting 30 days a year, and prayed 5 times a day.

Az élet fája - Hódolatom!
A stylized tree with obvious religious significance already occurs as an art motif in fourth-millennium Mesopotamia, and, by the second millennium B.C., it is found everywhere within the orbit of the ancient Near Eastern oikumene, including Egypt, Greece, and the Indus civilization.
The name Hod means Glory in Hebrew (chodes!). Instead of Houd (hud)~ "hod" which means glory, beauty, or "the spring of glory or the spring of beauty." (A település előző neve Forrásvölgy, ami kis módosítással A "Dicsőség forrása" lett.) Glória: German: Ruhm. Finnish: kunnia.

Arámi helynevek "Hendü = India". Persian hind, India, Avestan heñdu. Sanskrit sindhu river= the Indus river.
Palmyra was an ancient Aramaic city. Palmyra was in the ancient times an important city of central Syria, located in an oasis 215 km northeast of Damascus. The name Myrrh is rooted in The Aramaic word for bitter. Mar, Mor. Régi neve Tadmor. (2. mill. BC) Palmira Piersimoni javasolja a Bal < Pa'al < pa'il fejleményt. Ha nem tudná valaki kimondani a "B" hangot, mondjon helyette "P" hangot. Armoric Tad, or Tat, a father. A "mar, mor" jelenthet SZENT embert is. Akkor Tadmor az "szentatya".

Amerika-Ázsia Margiana,” derived from Margu- “Marv, Margiana”;
"Amen" is said to be of Hebrew origin, but it is likely to be also influenced by Aramaic and .... One month later, the Texian army got its revenge by attacking and ... A male friend in France is “un ami”, and a female friend is “une amie”. [Ámen: Úgy legyen!/ Mind!/ Holdak.]

The Rabbis consider "Sinai" and "Horeb" to be two names of the same mountain, which had besides three other names: (1) "Har ha-Elohim" (= "the mountain of God"), the Israelites having received there the knowledge of the divinity of God; (2) "Har Bashan," the latter word being interpreted as though it were "beshen" (= "with the teeth"), that is to say, mankind through the virtue of this mountain obtains its sustenance; and (3) "Har Gabnunim" (= "a mountain pure as cheese"). The names "Horeb" and "Sinai" are interpreted to mean, respectively, "the mountain of the sword," because through this mountain the Sanhedrin acquired the right to sentence a man to capital punishmen. The two names of Sin-ai and Hor-eb, meaning respectively "moon" and "sun," (Hold háza és a Nap háza). Érdekességként: amíg Mózes az Urat hallgatta a hegyen, azalatt az asszony félrelépett, így Mózes már felszarvazva jött le a hegyről. Ez vicc akart lenni. Mózes állítólag tényleg szarvakat növesztett, mint az ördög.


Területe a Van-tó és a lago Urmia (Kaputan) között található.
YAA-LOO-PAA = student, learner, pupil
PRAAS-TAA = spreading
SLEE-WAA = cross
GLOOLAA = circle
BESAA = enough
KHOORAAY = free (baalaash is arabic)
SOOSAANEE = purple (szín) /A SUSA pedig ló. Zsuzsanna./
SEEMAA = silver (szín) /Sin isten színe?/
DAAWAA = gold (szín)

2 = TRR'E
3 = 'TD'LAA
10 = USRRA

Karahunge is the Armenian twin of the Stonehenge and is considered even older), the ancient Armenian calendar, astronomical terms and names used in Armenian language since II-I millennia B.C.
arahunge name derives from kar “stone” and may mean “singing stones”; and the other famous name is Zorats Kar).
Harmóniában élve: The Armenians call their land Harmania – the land of eternal squiggle (har in Armenian is eternal, man is squiggle), and their symbol is the sign of eternity, the well of cosmic waters which gives eternal life to our Earth and our duty is to live in accordance with what has been revealed and support Earth’s (thus, Mothers’) waters to truly fulfill their given mission and destiny of nurturing, cleansing, healing, rejuvenating, mothering, and enlivening the planetary community.
Ercis az örmények területe. Az OWelszi "ercis=to seek", Latvian "ercis=juniper". Egy halfajta: Barbus ercisianus (Ercis barbell). Az ercis Indonéziában borsó. Proto-Slavonic *orkyta is linked with Latvian ercis 'juniper'.
After the construction of the tower of Babel he refuses to obey the Babylonian tyrant Bel (identified with the Biblical Nimrod) and with his large patriarchal family, consisting of three hundred men, comes and settles in Armenia, in the district Hark' to the northwest of Lake Van.
The language of the Urartian inscriptions is not Armenian. Ardini and Qumenu, the worship centers of the two first gods of the supreme triad of the Urartian pantheon, Haldi and Teišeba, were also located there. The center of the third great god Šiwini was the city of Van (Urart. Tušpa) (see e.g. Diakonoff 1981a: 82).
Egy feltételezés szerint a Hayk azonos a Vayk névvel. Háztűznézőben: Hayk‘s name, cf. IE *Hā(s)- burn. Ossetian "haik, ajk" means egg. Wal = worm.

Sai-Gon és a báró
("Sai Gon" neve ma "Ho-Si-Minh" város Viet Nam területén. Khmer: Prey Nokor.)
bg < *baga-  Old Persian baga-, Avestan  bara- ‘lord, god’.
Hadiút a Kárpátokban: krpty *k¯ara-pa¯ı ‘army road’  Old Persian k¯ara- ‘armed people, army’, Old Persian pa¯ı- ‘road’. Harmatta írása szerint a "kara=hadi" nem szerepel az Avestában. Viszont nála a prakrit "päpa = evil".
Vándormadarak: The Sakas who invaded Bactria appear in the sources under different names, namely, Indian Saka-murun. d.a-, Chinese Sai-wang Greek *Sakarau-kai Latin *Sa raucae. Of these both Indian ´Saka-murun. d.a- and Chinese Sai-wang mean Saka king and ‘Saka kings’, respectively, in so far as murun. d.a- can be regarded as the Saka title for ‘lord, king’ and Chinese wang as the translation of it.

Dora Sakayan
kawiy kavic¿h chalk [kréta. Kavics?]
kis;l kisel to cut in half [félbevág]
am;n amen every, each [mind nem pedig "úgy legyen".]
as;l asel to say [szól]
dou® du¤ door [ajtó, kapu]
toun tun house, home [ház, nem town]
pa\ousak payusak bag [batyu, zsák]
ast[ ast§g¿h star [csillag]
lialousin lialusin full moon [telihold]
gal gal to come [Mah-gal? Gyal-og dzsal?]
lawa, lavas¿h Armenian flatbread [lángos?]
mis mis meat [misar? mészáros? massacre?
panir panir cheese [sajt]
kaj katOE milk [tej]
bal bal cherry (sour) [meggy]
k;®as ke¤as cherry (sweet) [cseresznye]
gaxar% st;p[in gazar, stepg¿hin carrot [répa]
waroung varung cucumber [uborka]

Aaron Butts: Semitic Languages in Contact
A héber "ohl=sátor" hasonlít az arab "ahl=famili" szóra. Syriac "hmyn=belt, girdle" . "klilá=crown, jewel". Vedic "netär=leader, guide". (Neter, Ne-Tar, Nador?)
Akkád kölcsönszó az arámiban a pkl feltehetően sumer eredettel. Hëklä pedig templom, ami a holdház ekallu-ból származna. Az arámi templom a "haykal", ami hasonlít a "hajlék" szavunkra. Az O.Arabic hl a szerző szerint az O.Ar. ahl (clan, tribe) átvétele, bár lehet, hogy fordított az irány.

Many of the ideograms known from Middle Iranian texts clearly date back to Achaemenid times, and the majority of them are likely to do so. If, for instance, the preposition byn “between” is used in both the Aršama documents and Book Pahlavi in the meaning of “in,” this certainly indicates a survival of Achaemenid usage. And if the Mid. Pers. ideograms BYR? “in the month of” and ŠNT “the year of” are used for plain “month” and “year,” they are most likely to reflect the uninterrupted tradition of dating documents practiced in Achaemenid chancelleries. On the other hand, the Parthian ideogram YR?? “month” can serve as an example of the fact that the history of the Aramaic ideograms was not uniform in the Iranian languages, but a long and complicated process.

Kelet arámi English-Armenian Glossary: DORA SAKAYAN
ays shap h at h / amis/ tari => this week/ month/ year
verch h er 9 s => lately, recently {verch h in= last}
nav ship, vessel. [navak] boat. (Neva=víz szóból? Na.)
tachar temple. (Templom. Mit takar?)
tanik 11 roof. (Tető, nem tanok.)
tapak frying pan . (tepsi)
tasa ten. (Tiz = Moon)
tari year. [tarik 11 ] age.
rabuni teacher, wiseman, priest.
ts h av pain . (Benne van a csávában?)
p^etur feather. (Nem kő, toll.)
p^okhel to change, to exchange. Pokol variáns. okhel=food
k h ahana priest. (Cohen modal.)
k h ar stone. (Kő.)
k^erel to scratch. (Karcol, karmol.)
k^un sleep. (Kum, huny egyet. Alszik.)
beam = geran (Gerenda)
blood = aryun (Vér.)
bride = hars (Menyasszony.)
call (to) = kanchel (Hív.)
cupboard = paharan (Pohárszék.)
eat (to) = utel (Eszik, étel.)
eye = ach h k (Szem. Ank. Ach Horus.)
fall = ashun (season) (Ősz, oszeny.)
goat = ayts < ayk (Kecske. Holdak?)
nail = mekh > Mikligardur. (Köröm, karom.)

A kréta szavunk: Armenian: kacich. Skandináv: krita. Katalán: creta. Indonesian: kapur.
Hittite nép
Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. Szerkesztette: J. P. Mallory,Douglas Q. Adams
PIE *nébhes "sky, cloud" -- Hittite népis "sky". (OCS "nebo=sky". Papiamentu: "nubia=cloud". AGr. "nephos=cloud".)
PIE *k(u)yon "dog" -- Hittite kuwan "dog-man"

LORD "Ba'al" was the pig of Ishtar (Easter) in Babylon. *su-Żino- (L suŻinus 'relating to swine') > Gmc. *swŻinan (HGE 397) > OE swŻin SWINE,.

Ahol Jézus földi disznóvá süllyed. Je=Ge(o); Sus - sous.

Mire megkékülünk..
In the Akkadian language, the word Canaan can be translated as purple. Scholars debate whether the specific word for purple, kinahhu (red-purple). A hébereknél a blue-purple (kékes-lila) színű ember "tekelet"-es volt, az akkádban "takiltu", mert mindenhol nem lehet tökéletes. [Life in Biblical Israel szerző: Philip J. King, Lawrence E. Stager]

szerző: Moše Gîl
Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages

Hordó?: The masculine noun hor, also meaning hole or rather cavern (Isaiah 42:22).

A PIE származása és a Hittite
English - Hittite - Armenian - Greek
bird - suwais (peri-) - t’ŕčun - όρνις
burn - uräni - ayri - καίω
claw - kaddu (sankuwai) - magil, elungn - όνϋξ
cloud - alpa - amp - νέψος
dog - kuwas, ur - ŝun - κυών
eat - ed- - utel - εσθιω, έδω
English - Albanian - Tocharian - Vedic Sanskrit
big - madh - orotstse - mah£n
bird - zog - ghans - vés
burn - (intr.) digjet - tsakßtär, pälketär - dahyátē
child - kalama, √ilimi - payasya - kumärás, śíśus
claw - thua — maka - nakhá
cloud - re - tarkär - nábhas, maghás
dog - qen - ku - çván
eat - ha - täp - átti
English - Gothic - Old Norse - Old High German
bird - fugls - fugl - fugal
burn - (intr.) brinni† - brennr - brinnit
child - barn - barn - kind
claw- — - kló - cl3wa
cloud - milhma - sk§ - wolcan
dog - hunds - hundr - huntű
eat - matji†, iti† - etr - izzit
English - Avestan -  Old Ch . Slavonic - Lithuanian
bird - v1ß - p∞ta, p∞tica - pa•kßtis
burn - (intr.) daΩiiete - gorit∞ - d¶ga
child - ap∑r∑n3iiuk4 - d™t¡ - va§kas
claw (nail) - srauu4 (pl.) - nog∞t¡ - nãgas
cloud - ma2©∑m, a∫r∑m, snao∂4 - oblak∞ - debesìs
dog - sp3 - p¡s∞ - ßuõ
eat - xvaraiti - jast∞ - válgo

Tochar words
orkamo = darkness. (Orcus?)
A "Te" (sing. 2nd person) rengeteg nyelven hasonló. A "Ti" (plural 2nd pers.) az anatolian TI-UK. Vidéken még ma is előfordul, hogy valaki "TIK"-et mond TI helyett. (Tik az ólba, te meg az akólba! Mondják neki..) English "you" = Welsh "ti". Serbian "ti=you/te". A ti az arab nyelvben is megtalálható.

The kohen gadol (high priest) wears a tzitz placed on a cord of t’chelet upon his forehead; upon this tzitz are engraved the words, “Holy unto the Lord.” In a parallel fashion, a Jewish man wears tzitzit (diminutive of “tzitz”) – fringes with a thread of t’chelet. This, too, is to remind him that he must be holy to God. Huna: The Ancient Religion of Positive Thinking. Az arámi nyelvben a pkl az főpap, ami nem éppen a mi pokol szavunk ikre. Persze, Nepálban a "pap=bűn".. Ószír KPR = tomb, sír. Általában az arámi pap az kmr, mint a Hold. A nabataean PKL pedig egy magas vallási hivatal.

Midianite High Priest gold plate on forehead
Ishmaelites, who were then termed Saracens, The same father, in his commentary on Isaiah, again speaks of Kedai as the country of the Saracens, who in Scripture are called Ishmaelites; and observes of Nebajoth, that he was one of the sons of Ishmael, after whose names the Arabian desert is called.
Bar Mitzvah: The natives of .Tudea, says, he, generally circumcise their children on the eighth day ; but the Ishmaelites who inhabit Arabia universally practise circumcision in the thirteenth year.

Mamma mia! - zsidó finnugorász.
The Xiongnu have the same DNA as the Scottish & Finnish...U5a1a. Megkerültek a kazárok: Astrakhan = Osztrák hon. ..:-) Kissé alattuk Hunnia: Mondr, Chungars, Varachan településekkel. Mert ha egyszer ott volt a Hun-kapu, akkor ugye, Hunnia is arra lehetett...
Nagy erő
Whenever you see the words prana (Hinduism), chi (Chinese, Tai Chi), ki (Japanese, martial arts), or mana (Hawaiian Huna religion), they are all referring to the same thing.
Zsidó hunok Fogadd ezt oly barátságosan, mint a mongol lány, akitől megkérdezték, hogy "huna shah" ?
Kemak People and Marae People; There are 2 groups have some similarities in their language and physical characteristics. Their physical characteristics are dark brown to black skin color, dolichepal head and curling hairs, body size is higher than average Timorese. Marae people speak their own language called Huna.

Huna: The Workable Psycho-Religious System of the Polynesians
Strange stories of the Kahunas (Keepers of the Secret). History of Polynesian magic. Arrival of the white man. Failure of white man's magic, and outlawing of Kahuna magic. Christianity versus Huna. In religion, God a triplicity, in Huna, man a triplicity.

Huna 2
Critics of Long's system who say it is "not Hawaiian" miss the fact that what he calls "huna" is a prehistoric, pre-Egyptian system, which he traces in this Bulletin through ancient cultures worldwide.

Persian english
A liS'jto zarghad, Name of a mountain ; also of a burial-place.
Kaukázusi mondások:
One loses his homeland – loses all.
The best country is your motherland, the best friend is your mother.
Each has only one native land and only one mother.

Proto-Semitic: *parpar-
Afroasiatic etymology: Meaning: feather (toll)
Syrian Aramaic: cf. gespar- 'pinna piscis' Br 127
Modern Aramaic: (Urm parr- < Pers br)
Mandaic Aramaic: cf. guspar-t- id.
Harsusi: ferfayr.

Barlanglakók. Maori "moke=remete", arab "pince=sirdäb". Av. garada-, "hole".
Vidari: māğār
Arabic: maāra
Azeri: mağara
Tajik: ġor, maġora
Tatar: mägarä
Turkish: mağara
Uzbek: ungur, mog'ora
Quechua: macai
Comorian: panga
Danish: hule
Faroese: hola, helli
Bokmål: hule, hole

Iranian languages - szoktam
Upper Şirvan MT (b) Central MT (c) Northern Bš (d) Southern Bš
b ə-soxt-an=um mə-saxt-än=üm a-kerd-en=om be-kerd-en=īn
‘I am doing.’

Akkad a modern asszírban
agappu = wing; arkhu = month; assuritu= assyrian female; banu = to build; birku = knee; eglu = field; Kisebb eltéréssel. Pukhu = the breath. Pokha = wind. Qvara = Qbar = to bury. (vermel?). Raya = shepherd. Tillu = hill. Az arkhalu a legtöbb mai nyelvben architect így haladó szellemben.

Vermelve (to bury)
Ha már a temetni (qvara) így előkerült: Sír(gödör) > Albanian: varr. Latgalian: kops. Lithuanian: kapas. Turkmen: gör, mazar. Japanese: haka. Russian: mogíla. Estonian: haud. Ossetian: ingaen.
Ossetian "aembaerzyn =to cover".

Nyugat-Ázsia 2.

Pesti István 2017 szeptember
