Ismét fejemre olvasta valaki, hogy ollózok. Sajnos, annyi időm nincs, hogy átformázzam mások gondolatait, írását. De talán így hitelesebb is, hogy egy az egyben mutatom. Felhívnám újra a figyelmet, hogy a betüket sem én találtam fel. Viszont nagyon nem mindegy, milyen sorrendben és csoportosításban írom le azokat. S az összhatáson felül is akad azért saját novum az írásaimban.

W. Asia



Ny-Ázsia 7 birodalma - San
San, or Sansi, the sun-god, was the second member of the second Triad. The main element of this name is probably connected with the root shani, ^Jt^, which is in Arabic, and perhaps in Hebrew, "bright." Hence we may perhaps compare our own word "sun" with the Chaldaean "San" for "sun" is most likely connected etymologically with "sheen" and "shine".
He is called indeed, in some places, "the lord of fire", the light of the gods, "the ruler of the day", and "he who illumines the expanse of heaven and earth". The great temple of the Sun, called Bit-Parra. Sippara is called Tsipar (Ci-par? Cipóra?) sha Shamas. Ai, Gula, or Anunit, was the female power of the sun, and was commonly associated with San in temples and invocations. ula was worshipped in close combination with her husband, both at Larsa and Sippara. Her name appears in the inscriptions connected with both places; and she is probably the "Anammelech", whom the Sepharvites honored in conjunction with Adrammelech, the "Fire-King".


The adoration of the sun preserved in the Helioarkite, or Druidic mythology, all its original eastern purity. There are thus several distinct origins to which the shadowy remains of this ancient worship can be traced in the British isles : the propagation of an early fire-worship by the Phoenicians and Carthaginians in Ireland, and the south-western coasts of England, and the introduction of a modification of the same worship by the Scandinavians on the northern coast, and by the Saxons into England generally.

A tűzimádók települései tökéletesen egybeesnek a bigottakéval. A bi-got-tak olyan nagy urak voltak, hogy két istent is imádtak: Ahura Mazdát és Ármányt.

Fire temple - Szépirodalom!
Ellen Evert Hopman: Priestess of the Fire Temple: A Druid's Tale
rath = a ring-fort
Tempul Daro = (TYEM-pul DAH-ruh): Temple of the oak
torque (tork) = the neck ring symbolic of noble status; [Torok körüli dísz]
Nemed (neh-med) sacred class, the highest caste of the Celtic society. [Néma német.]
mog, pl. mogae (mogh, mohg-ay) = slaves.

Ha már a torok szóba került: Feltehetően a "Hur" szóra vezethető vissza. Szűk nyílással, nyeléssel, örvénylő körforgással is rokonítják.
English: throat. Dán: Hals. Svéd: Hals. Norvég: Hals. Mongol: Hooloj. Arab: Húnjura, hal. Finn: Kurkku (h>k). Ukrán: hórlo. Cigány: kurlo, tar. Tatár: bugaz. Turkmen: Bogaz. Binukid: bakeleng. Persian: galu. Latin: gula. Viszont a tűz/fire: Fijian: buka. Armenian hur. De a tűzre vezetjük vissza a "Ház, Hearth" szavakat is. Vures: "ev=fire". Crimean Tatar, Azeri: "ev=house".

Érdekességként TURKU finn város nevét a wiki Tirgu Mures (szláv) nevével rokonítja: Vásárhely. Nem rokonítják az evenki "turku= sleigh" szóval sem pedig a "Kuu=Hold" szóval (Tuuri=szerencse.) A rinet oldalán feltűnik a toro, tora = post szó, ami a torony szavunkra emlékeztet. A finn fórumozók is a Vásárhely-re (Mark-et place) szavaznak: Swedish "torg", ami szinte Torg-ay. Ilyen vélemény is akadt: "Actually, I think that as we call the Swedish-speakers "hurri", this must be related to the ancient Hurrians, so they are their long-lost relatives." Swedish yelling "Hurraa!", while Finns yell "Eläköön!" (Éljen!).

Az örök tűz
The Everlasting Flame: Zoroastrianism in History and Imagination. Szerkesztette: Sarah Stewart,Firoza Punthakey
Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran. szerző: Lady Ethel Stefana Drower
Képek a Szasszanida birodalomból. A fantasztikus állat, amit általában senmurv-ként neveznek, megegyezően az Avesta Saena meregha állattal, ami később Simorgh lett. Mint látjuk a pénzérméken, a 3. században gyakori a tűzoltár ábrázolás a perzsa vidéken.

(Ardvi Süra) A félholdat idegen szóval "crescent"-nek is nevezik a latin "crescere=nőni,növekedni" után. Szintén gondolták, hogy a Hold hatással van a vegetációra, így az isteni élet szimbóluma, a Barsam egy félhold formájú tartóban volt tárolva. A kenyérsütés előtti bemetszés is a zoroasztrian vallás hozadéka, nem pedig a sütőasszonyok egyedi jele. Preparation of the Bread: Darun or Myazda. A tűzimádóknál a "wars=hair". A Pahlavi szótár szerint a "dél/noon = rabih". Varázs: warz [wlc / M wrc/z] miracle, miraculous power. ear=gös. ear-ring=göswär. Gyűrű: Persian: halqe. Kör: Sanskrit vartula.
The Pahlavi word for "confession" is patit which is similar to patita, fallen.

Twitter #kanay means fire in Quechua. #churikanay means son of fire.
Ishat is a Phoenician Goddess of Fire (Her name means "Fire"). Wolof: safara= fire; Phoenician: 's. Mint Es-tia. Ha a föníciai nyelvben "es=tűz", akkor a gótok nevezték a tüzet "fön"-nek ? Malayalam ti=tűz. Hindi: "bhadaas=fire" (Bhadaas-Chon?), 'pur-nima=full moon.
Hindi tűz Agni, Pira, Uttejita karanä.
Tanwen — (TAHN-wen) from Welsh tan "fire" + gwen "shining, holy". Welsh.
Azerbajdzsáni utazás
Napunk utolsó állomása az Astregati-tűztemplom volt. Ez a zoroaszrianusok egyik szent helye. Pár ezren gyakorolják még ezt a vallást ma. Az egyszerű, népi tűzimádatot és a korábbi indo-iráni mitológiát, a legenda szerint, egy bizonyos Zarathustra fogta össze rendszerbe, az i.e. II. évezred közepe felé. Tételes vallást azonban csak Perzsa Birodalom idején csináltak ebből. Mire eljön a Szászánidák kora - III. század a zoroasztrianizmus már államvallás, a főpapok a nagykirályok mellett állnak a ranglétrán. A Szászánida Birodalom egyébként az az államalakulat, ami keleten vagy fél évezreden keresztül egyenlőként harcolt Rómával (majd mondjuk úgy Bizánccal), de a magyar tankönyvekbe nem sikerült ezzel beküzdenie magát.

Félsziget - Pajtások?
Nos a név iráni-görög eredetű, az antik források nevezik e területet Média Atropaténé-nak. Az első tag arra utal, hogy ekkor médek - vagy legalább is valamiféle iráni nép - alkotta itt a lakosság többségét. A második szó pedig két iráni elemre megy vissza az *atr- tüzet, a *pati- urat jelent. Avestan paiti- "lord", Sanskrit pati-, PIE *poti- (i.e. "man-ruler")

Adoration temple of Pir-e-Naraki, near Yazd
Pir-e Narestuneh (Narestan); Kharuna mountains, six miles east of Yazd; pilgrimage period: later part of June, after Pir-e Sabz.
Pir-e Banoo is the furthest pilgrimage place to Yazd and is located in one the several valleys inhabited by local farmers, shepherds and hunters. It is near to Aghdâ, an area full of ancient Persian names, as well as, new Arabic names. Persian names such as Ormudeh, Ashtigah (peace place!), Desgin, Parpar, Haftador (Hapt Ador = Seven Fire) seems to be historical.

5000 éves - templom
The fireplace, dubbed the Temple of Fire, was discovered within the El Paraiso archeological complex in the Chillon valley, located just outside the bustling Peruvian capital.
The entrance, measuring some 48 centimeters (19-inches) wide, leads to a chamber measuring eight by six meters (26 by 20 feet) where shellfish, grains, flowers and fruit were burned as offerings.

Since Makha means fire, the seven circumambulations also prove that Mecca was the seat of Indian fire-worship in the West Asia. Sanskrit: makha. Definition: of fire sacrifices. Vajh a szanszkrit előtt lehetett "Mah-ka"?
Gruzia The Nekresi Fire Temple is a second to third century A.D. archaeological site in eastern Georgia that was excavated by archaeologists towards the end of the twentieth century.
Temple - A horgosi csárda..
Approximately in the middle of the excavation, we had to admit that it was not a burial mound but a sacrificial altar, in the Norse sources called a horg. Szinte khorgán.
In the sacrificial altar, we found a fire pit that actually lay directly on the prehistoric plow layer. The charcoal from this grave is now dated to 500-400 BC. Thus, the place could have been regarded as sacred or at least had a special status long before the stone altar was built. In the prehistoric plow layer under the fire pit, we could clearly see the traces of plowing with an ‘ard,’ a plow precursor.

Priestesses called "Mothers" kept a perpetual fire burning at the mineral springs at Bath. In Roman times the place was called Aquae Sulis, the "waters of Sul". The name Sul originally derives from the ancient Indo-European sun goddess — Sol in Latin and Germanic tongues, Saulé in Lithuanian, and more distantly, to Indic Surya. In Britain, the goddess Sul infused the hot springs with healing power. "In her temple perpetual fires burned and never grew old, for where the fire wasted away it turned into shining globes". [Maccullogh, M.A.R., 11]

The Hebrew writings show conclusively that not only the Jews but all the surrounding nations were fire-worshippers, and that their sacrifices were not infrequently to the God of Fire.
The ark, the religious emblem which Moses bore aloft, was simply a fire altar on which the fire must continually burn. At the same time that the Jews kept sacred or holy fires continually burning on their altars, they carried about a serpent on a pole representing it to be the "healer of nations". They also kept a phallic emblem in a box, chest, or ark which they worshipped as the "God of Hosts", the "Life Giver", etc.

Indián - Irek
The virgin Daughters of the Fire were Inghean au.
American Indians, in some cases, retain this custom of their ancestors. Squier notes the supreme, holy, Spirit of Fire, Loak Ishte-hoola-aba, and the ignition of new fires at the solar festival. The priests got fire by friction. The Pawnees had a sacrifice of human beings in the fire at the vernal equinox.
Hui-Lin Li szerint a tűzimádók templomaik mellé ciprusfát ültettek, melynek formája hasonlít a lángokhoz. (Koronánk - véletlenül leesett és 23,5 fokban elhajlott - keresztje alatt is ciprusfákat láthatunk.)

Zarathushtra tüze. Zsarátnok: Serbo-Croatian: ugarak.
Zarathushtra tells us that Athra (Fire) gives clear guidance and help to the faithful by illuminating the path of Asha, which is easily perceived by the truthful. The help that Athra gives is reserved for the person whose actions are in accordance with Asha for the help itself is in accordance with Asha and cannot violate the natural law, nor can it protect those who are lazy, irrational or evil.
A szanszkrit agni, a magyar égni, a latin ignis, a litván ugnis, a lett uguns, a samogitian ognis, a Bulgarian ógan, OCS ogon vagy a russian ogón szemantikailag azonosak és kiejtésre hasonlóak. Gods: Language and religion reflect how people understand the world around: for example, the ancient population of Greece worshipped chthonic deities, called the goddess of earth Gé which was always feminine. After Indo-European Achaeans came to Greece and acquired the religion of aborigines, the word for 'earth' in Greek was also feminine and, moreover, its primary meaning denoted 'mother' or 'grandmother' (e.g. Greek aia). [De ha a nő a Föld istene (Rhea), akkor miért lesz a nagymama "aia (Hold)" a görögöknél?]
Érdekességként a hunsrik (Hunsrücker= Dél-Brazilia german nyelve) "fayer" az ófelnémet *för (pyr > fir? fir-fi?) leszármazottja, miként az angol "fire" is. De ide sorolják az óörmény "hur" és az ógörög "pyr" szavakat is. Bizonyára más eredetű az Aukan: faya, a Mocheno: vaier, a Vilamovian: faojer, a Thai: fai és a Lao: fai. [It's a Fejér counter -:) ]. Szemben a finnugor "Tol" folyóval.

In many parts of the world, children dance and play around the Maypole on May Day. This lovely old custom which presents a joyous sight to all who see it unfortunately goes back to a less attractive origin. From ancient times this was part of Baal worship. The word Belus or Baal is the same in Babylonian, Phoenician, Celtic, and other languages. The Celts brought Baal worship into northern Europe, and our old May Day was called Beltina in the British Isles and Ireland (Victoria Institute, 14:131). Baal alternatív neve hd(d)
A tűz az ókorban az egyik alapelem volt. A BEKA pedig jelenthetett tüzet, Holdat, istent, szüzet, embert, vándort, kenyeret.. is. Lásd Baal-Bek. (Pale-Moon?) Vagy baku, ami törpe és kert..

Beka: Béka települések a világban.

Baal isten neve a Közel-Keleten "úr" jelentésű, s nem rokonítják a Pál-estin szóval. Sőt, az ugariti "es=tűz" sincs említve. In Hebrew, Moloch means 'king' and Ba'al means 'master' or 'owner'. Van, aki erről a vidékről eredezteti a "korona" szavunkat is a "keren=szarv" hasonlításával, bár én ritkán hallottam felszarvazott királyról. Baal isten ugyan szarvas volt, de az a testrésze lehetett, s nem státuszjelző. "Baal = dove" biliau lang. P-Kadai *baal < *banal “fruit”.

The female fighter was a Sarmatian - a group of people who worshipped fire and whose prominent role in warfare was seen as an inspiration for the Amazons of Greek mythology.

The Brotherhood which controls the world today is the modern expression of the Babylonian Brotherhood of reptile-Aryan priests and ‘royalty’ which came together there after the flood.

Animal sacrifices were made to the fire cult and prayers consecrated the act. They believed that there was strong kinship between humans and animals and the spirits of animals, which died a consecrated death, became absorbed in a divine being called Geush Urvan, the "Soul of the Bull". Urvan is Ravan in modern Persian meaning soul and Geush Urvan became another important cult and protector of all useful animals on earth. A zoroasztriánusok nem tűzimádók voltak, hanem bigottak. Két istenük a jó Ahura Mazda és a rossz Ármány.

(Én vagyok a te Urad, Istened : Incze Dénes) A gőg és a büszkeség. Ahogyan a pogány magyarok vezére, Géza fejedelmünk mondta: „Elég nagy úr vagyok ahhoz, hogy két istennek is szolgáljak”. De ha pogány volt ez a Gyeücsa, akkor miért szolgált 2 istennek is? ..ahelyett, hogy a Napot imádta volna a táltosok lóáldozata során.

Maliq - mellek
Ci: c^Ci, Full of milk.
‹ci› — “what”

The inscriptions of Darius the Great (Per. Darayavaush), the Persian emperor for thirty-five years, boast that the Zoroastrian God Assura Mazda (Per. Ahura Mazda) chose him to take the throne (in 522 BCE) from a usurper named “Gaumâta.”

Persian (Farsi) eztahn "god"

Glossary of Zoroastrian terms
afrin (Phl.): lit. 'blessing, benediction', specific prayers of blessing (in Pazand). (Contrast with nafrin, a curse.
afrinagan (Phl.): (1) A multi-part ceremony of blessing; (2) specific prayers in the Avesta which are recited during afrinagan ceremonies; (3) a ceremonial vessel in which the sacred fire is tended. (Var: 'afringan, afargan')
baga (Pers.): God.
Tishn (Phl.): demon of thirst.
Tishtar (Phl.): the star Sirius; name of the yazad presiding over Sirius; name of the thirteenth day of the month according to the Zoroastrian religious calendar; name of the fourth month. (Var: Phl. 'Tir')

The cock, Av. parō.dərəs- “he who foresees (dawn),” Pahl. parōdarš (from the Av. nominative parō.darš) and xrōs "caller", was revered by Zoroastrians as the helper (Pahl. hamkār, cf. Bundahišn, TD 2, pp. 156.15-157.3, tr. Anklesaria, pp. 202-03) of Sraoša (Pahl. Srōš), the yazata of prayer and of protection in the night, because with its cry it heralds the day and drives away demon­-infested night. It is therefore called also the bird of the righteous Srōš (Pahl. *murwag ī Srōšahlāy, in Yōišt i Fryān 2.25, Haug and West, p. 215).
Jewish writings praise the bird (geer) and link it with Gabriel (Garīēl), the archangelic herald of light (Schwartz, p. 158, on the anguiped symbol).

Ptolemy and Ammianus Marcellinus also mention two rivers called Cyrus (Kurush) and Cambyses (Kam-bujiya) flowing through Media Atropatenein in easterly direction and falling into the Caspian sea.
Nestorian settlement - Erküü (Rokon a mongol férfi? "er hün".
Finn Holdőr? (kuu) Vagy "hallja ke(nd)" ? Némi erőlködéssel még Kü-rosz is lehetne. Ku(h)á (Berger guá) 'new moon', cf. Ved kuhü 'deity of new moon'.
Comparators: küü cf. küü 'small rural settlement' (turkic of middle persian origin)
guk cf. guk 'frog' (northwestern turkic of early new persian origin, cf. middle persian wak 'frog'  [M.Pers. /w-/ ~ early N.Pers /b-/ shows up in early N.Pers. as and sometimes   (in northwestern persian dialects, such as Gabri) due to misreadings of in aramaic script as closely resembling aramaic .   Thus turk. dialect guk from early N. Pers. is misreading of M.Pers. wak 'frog' > early N Pers. bak > cf. turk. baka 'frog' ). Examples: middlePersian (MP) warz , early N.Pers. (eNP) gurz 'club, mace' [avestan wazra ~] (> turk. *gurz > turkish gürz 'iron club, mace used in battle'; MP wināh, eNP gunāh 'sin, crime' (Turkish günah 'sin, guilt, crime, fault' )
+ several more examples, eg. widār/ gudār 'passage, entrance'; winjišk/ gunjišk 'sparrow'; wiš/ guš 'poison, venom' etc.

Arab - Sawda rabi(a)
Hitherto, the first actual use of the word Arab in history is to be found in an Assyrian inscription of 853 B.C., commemorating the defeat of a mutinous chieftain, called Gindibu the Aribi during the reign of king Shalmaneser III (858-824 B.C.). Arabs are then mentioned quite often, until the 6th century B.C. as Aribi or Arabuthat indicates a vassalage to the Assyrians. The first Greek who is accredited to have acquired some geographical knowledge was Homer, who flourished in 1000 or 800 B.C. He has referred to the Syrians under the name Arimi (the Biblical, Aram) and the Arabs under the name of Erembi. The place-name Arabia occurs for the first time in Greek writings. Herodotus (484-425 B.C,), followed by most other Greek and Latin writers, extended the term Arabia and Arab to the whole peninsula and everything in it, even including the eastern desert of Egypt between the Red Sea and the Nile.

Zaza etymology
Arab ökör:
NPers. s l “year”, but Man. MPers. s r, and Pahl. and NPers. s l r “chieftain, general”, but Man. MPers. s r r (cf. also Man. MPers. arab = Aram. ā lep/p "Aleph"). Ha az "arab=ökör", akkor Aleppo az ökrös vagy holdas? Vagy Hal-ab netán Khalap?? Allah hala! A héber "aluph" pedig mester (raba), úr jelentésű.
R. E. Emmerick: ox=twwr; smbt=sabbat; zynd=mese. Hng=melody. Middle Persian. (A pahlavi szótárban nincsenek meg ezek a szavak, de másoknál is szombat a shambat.)
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: rb arab. Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet.
A rab: "Rab" or "rav" in pretty much every Aramaic language merely means "great" or "big" or "chief". Riba can be roughly translated as "Usury". Slavic "riba=fish".
Zaza č’əlā [f.] "lamp " (Vahman/Asatrian 1990: 270). [A "lamp" Hold egyik austronesian nyelven.] The l is also found in Gilaki, Mazandarani, and Semnani čalā "id. ". The base is PIran. *čũl-, preserved with -l - in Saka languages: in Khotanese Saka tcũlye "splendid", hamjsũl- "to kindle ", Digoran Ossetic idzulun "be bright ", with *-ũ -u- preserved in Psalter Pahlavi cwl’dy /curā /; cf. Man. MPers. cr’h, Judeo-Pers. cr’ for the / / (Schwartz 1975: 412, with fn. 27; and idem 1982: 344), to which I now add Afghan Persian čurāƳ (= Iranian Persian čerāƳ). In Schwartz 1975: 412, I further connected the Iranian root *čũl- with Lith. kũlé "blast on grain " (following Bailey, who, however, proposed separate lemma from čir for the "lamp" word).

Brsaya 'name of a sorcerer or demon' RV.

Zoroastrian term
afrin (Phl.): lit. 'blessing, benediction', specific prayers of blessing (in Pazand). (Contrast with nafrin, a curse.
agiary (Guj.): lit. 'place of fire', a fire temple. The more traditional term is 'Dar-e Mihr' (Var: 'agiari')
Ahriman (Phl.): the Devil, lit. 'Hostile/Destructive Spirit'. (Var: Phl. 'Ahreman', GAv. 'Angra Mainyu', StdAv. 'Anra Mainyu').
Anagran: lit. 'endless light', name of a yazad; name of the thirtieth day of the month according to the Zoroastrian religious calendar; (Var. Aneran)
Arda Viraf (Pers.): a priest of the early Sasanian period, author of a Pahlavi book which describes his visions of heaven and hell (Var: Phl.'Ardag Wiraz')
barsom (Phl.): a bundle of twigs, tied together with a date-palm cord, held by the priest during high liturgies. Current practice is to substitute metal
wires; grass laid out for the yazads to sit on. (Var. Av. 'baresman')
behesht (Pers.): paradise. Behistun felé..
Faranghis (Pers.): (Pr. n.) daughter of Afrasiyab
Tishn (Phl.): demon of thirst. Egyéb vallási fogalmak.

In the Avesta we also come across the term, magavan, which may be the Sanskrit equivalent of maghavan (one possessing bounty, riches, power). In this context it refers to one possessing spiritual gifts, wealth, power. From this Avesta word comes the later Pahlavi terms magav (a priest) and magavpat (a chief of the priests). The term appears in other forms in various languages: Armenian (mog, mogpet), Syriac (mopatha), Greek (magos, magi [plural]) and Arabic (majus).
Még magos
Magi [plural of Old Persian magus a wise man from the verbal root meh great; cf Sanskrit maha; cf Avestan mogaha, Latin plural magus, Greek magos, Persian mogh, Pahlavi maga] An hereditary priesthood or sacerdotal caste in Media and Persia. Zoroaster, himself a member of the Society of the Magi, divides the initiates into three degrees according to their level of enlightenment: the highest were referred to as Khvateush (those enlightened with their own inner light or self-enlightened); the second were called Varezenem (those who practice); and the third, Airyamna (friends or Aryans).

Parthian dict.
mayisn [m'dfn'] copulation. mAzandar [m)z-, m)cndl] arch-(demon), gigantic. [Maya néhol 1 jelentésű. Egyesülés?]
mazanig [m)znyk '] (demon) of Mazan.
mazdesn [m);d(y)~l I M m)zdys] Mazda-worshipping, Mazdean. ........ih: Mazda-worship, Mazdaism.
mazg [mzg I (M mgj, N mayz)] brain, marrow. [Lásd szláv nyelvek. Eppur si muove.]
mazgit [mzgt l IN ........] mosque.

Magi, priestly caste in ancient Persia. They are thought to have been followers of Zoroaster, the Persian teacher and prophet, and they professed the doctrines of Zoroastrianism. By the 1st century AD, the magi were identified with wise men and soothsayers. Alternatív Madai.
The sixth tribe were the Magi...They were a hereditary caste of priests of the Zurvanism religion that evolved out of Zoroastrianism. The name Magi implies a link with the Sumerians, who called their language Emegir, over time becoming simplified to Magi. Hungarian tradition also traces pre-European Magyar (Hungarian) ancestry back to the Magi.
Az ANYA perzsa vidéken MADar. MahDar? Skt. *mendha ‘ram’.

Although the Gathic magavan, member of the Zarathushtrian fellowship Maga, has never been used in the Later Avesta, Old Persian magu (Greek magoi, English magus, plural magi) and the subsequent Pahlavi magopat, mowbad; Persian mobad, mobed) mean a member of the priestly class.
Vâstar, derived from vas, "to settle" and its causative form of vâs, "to settle others," literally means "one who settles and rehabilitates people". Vâstrya means a settled person, one belonging to vâstra. But some translators, intentionally or unintentionally, have followed the Pahlavi rendering of vâstar and vâstrya as "shepherd," and vâstra as "pasture" to render Zarathushtra a shepherd who had risen to protect cattle from cruelty.
Sic itur ad astra: Ashtra =whip. Az oldal szerint a pap nem hivatás-szerűen volt pap, csak eseti kérésnél. Normál helyzetben egyéb civil foglalkozása volt. Ezzel kissé szembe megy: "It may be pointed out that just as magu - definitely related to magavan of the Gathic Maga Fellowship - is absent in the Younger Avesta, the term âthravan is not mentioned by any of the sources on the Medes and Achaemenians--unless, of course, we take maghu used once in a derogatory tone in Vendidad (4.47) - the man who has a wife is far above a maghu (meaning a celibate) - as the first instance, and moghu-tbish (Y 65.7), now translated to mean a "fellow-tormentor," as the second possible instance."
Nonetheless, the Pahlavi magog, Persian mogh, Arabic majûs meaning "Zarathushtrian" and magopat, "head of mago(g)" and therefore a priest show that it continued to be applied to a member of the Zarathushtrian fellowship and not necessarily to "priest." Furthermore, maga is rendered magîh, magianship with a gloss "pure goodness." It is a generic term. It is mobed (magopat) which means "priest."

Góg és Magóg fia
It is "Maga" in the Zoroastrian scripture. "Maga" in Avesta and "magha" in Sanskrit is derived from "maz/mah" meaning "to be great, magnanimous, liberal, generous." Maga/magha means "greatness, magnanimity, generosity." The adjective is magavan/maghavan, "great, liberal, generous, magnanimous."
In the west, the professional priests of Median "nation" were clever enough to retain their caste ("tribe" in the words of Herodotus), and at the same time call themselves Magu, the Median/Old Persian pronunciation of Magava(n). Magu (Magush as nominative singular masculine) was Grecized into Magos with Magi as its plural.
The Median "Magu" has survived in the Pahlavi writings of the Sassanian days: Magh/mogh and magog (priest), magaah (priesthood), magopat (mobed -- priest), Magopataan magopat (Mobedaan Mobed -- Chief Priest). The word "magopat," literally "magu-master," shows that the priest was the "Head of the Fellowship," a normal evolution of the Fellowship and those who directed it. Arabic "Maja»s" occurs in the Quran.
Baga- , Vedic Skt. Bhaga- , means 'god' (Boyce suggests it may have stood for Olr. *Vouruna). In the Sogdian documents from Mugh we find the priestly titles mwghpt and vghnpt , to be compared with Arm. mogpet and bagnapet , the latter from Arm. bagin 'altar', apparently a Pth. loan-word with the element bag- 'god'.

"Gaus has in Sanskrit the two meanings 'cow' and 'earth'."
"Geush urva means the universal soul of earth, the cause of all life and growth. The literal meaning of the word, 'soul of the cow' implies a simile; for the earth is compared to a cow." Ibid. p148.

Iron forum - Érdekességnek:
Nevertheless, here are the words you asked about (mostly using the more archaic Ossetian-Digoron dialect) :
father = Fida, Mother = Mada, sister = Khuara, brother = Afsimar, God = Khutsau, Cow = Stur, day = Bon, Young = avzong, dog = Kuj (or Kudz), Paradise = Zanat, horse = Afsurgh (or modern - Bakh), panther = Farank [Pöttyös bundájú macska vajh frank vagy farangi ?], door = Duar, wall = Sis (Shish), square = faz, fire = Art , woman or wife = Uosa (Ush, binojnag), shame = Khudinak (also Azym =guilt) , Goose = Khaz, Jackal = no translation in modern Ossetian, other than Khaddag kuj = wild dog, wolf = biragh.
And some more words with dipper roots:
yogurt = mishyn, chease = sykht, Mount = khokh, knee = zang, foot = fad, head = Sar, gap = gap, palm = arm, fat = soj, meat = fyd, milk = akhsir, lamb = fysh, fish = kasag, murder = marda, arrow = fat, Sun = khur, Moon = maj, star = staly.

Kereszténység eredete
Mint Zoroaster megjósolta, megszületett a kis Jézus, s 3 mágus ment köszönteni az újszülöttet... A 3-as szám mindig is különleges volt: Hármas halom, hármas kereszt, három forrás, triratna, triglav...
Tűztemplom: A gyufa feltalálása előtt az örök láng nagyon hasznos lehetett.
For a Zoroastrian, the presence of seven fires is auspicious and the presence of seven natural ever-burning fires would have been particularly auspicious. In the past, seven natural fires burned near the present temple site. The original presence of seven fires at the Surakhani atash-gah / fire temple site adds to the likelihood of there having been a Zoroastrian worship site or fire temple (in the environs) used by the local population prior to the use of the present structure by Indian traders.
Early zoroastrians.
Az örökmécses, mint az Eternal Flame folytatása, a kereszténységnél is megjelenik. The temporal fire represents the spiritual flame (mainyu athra) within us and the ethical values of Asha: order, beneficence, honesty, fairness and justice.

Ancient Dahi
After studying the locations in the pages mentioned above, the reader will see that if the Avestan land of Dahi was a neighbour of, or was located in the vicinity of, Airya and Turan, that would place it somewhere in the swath of lands from the Fergana valley and Tashkent in the east, to the grasslands and deserts in the mid to upper Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers in the north, to Mouru (Merv/tyúk, de a MARG az madár) in the west and Bakhdhi (Balkh) in the south.
A Nap-folyó és a Hold-folyó között volt Tur-An.

"The Marv river, a glorious river in the east, flows out from the Aparsen range (Gk. Paropamisus)." "GB 11.A.16: "The Marv-rud, the river 'Full of glory,' in Khvarasan (Khorasan?), flows from the Hapursen range." The source of the Murgab is in the vicinity of the sources of the Balkh and Harirud rivers - the eastern extremity of the Hindu Kush Mountains. The mention of the Marv-rud i.e. the Murgab being a river of Khvarasan (Khorasan?) is noteworthy.
Hara Berezaiti: The word "hara" is said to mean "watch, guard, defence" and is derived from from the Old Iranian prefix har- meaning "to pay attention, watch over, protect". The "berez" meaning "height" (bérc), "exalted" or even "towering".
Boldogasszony a hettiták földjén
Görög, római történészek említik az Ana-hita (An-Ahi-Ta?) kultusz szentélyeit, szobrait Ana-toliából (Tol=Fire). Az Anahita kultusz megjelenik a zoroasztrián vallásban is a vízzel és tűzzel kapcsolatban. II. Sapur építtette templom szkriptje az "ābān ķānā" (A víz háza) [> ķānā-An?] szöveget tartalmazza. Tüzet rak a héber: hit-sit. (Hőt szít?) Japanese: hökasuru.

Pyrolatreia, or fire-worship, was once nearly universal. The Moloch of the Canaanites, Phonicians, and Carthaginians, was the divinity of various nations under different names.
May-day in Ireland was very strictly observed, as it has been in Babylon ages before. "Even now," says Mrs. Bryant, "in remote places, if the fire goes out in a peasants house before the morning of the first of May, a lighted sod from the priest's house to kindle it is highly esteemed." On that day they once burnt hares, from a fancy that they stole the butter.
Irország, Délnyugat-Anglia (a szászoktól egész Anglia) és a norvég tengerpart közepe különösen sok hagyománnyal bír a tűzimádás kapcsán. Adoration < Middle Persian "Fire=adur".

Tukulti-Ninurta I (meaning: "my trust is in [the warrior god] Ninurta"; reigned 1243–1207 BCE) was a king of Assyria (Sumer-Akkad) during the Middle Assyrian Empire (1366 - 1050 BCE). Karandi 'fire-god' (Munda). Locsoló: lo ‘pot to overflow’ ṇḍ a ‘water’. Rebus: lokha ṇḍ (overflowing pot) metal tools.
A tűzoltár sarkain a héber szarvak helyett madárfej látható.

Kézfogó: "Hama" means 'all' or 'all together' and zor means 'strength'. (fasizmus?)

Zoroasztriánizmus - magyarul
Mikor élt Zoroaster? A probléma szemléltetésére felsorolok még néhány olyan időszakot, amelyet az iráni próféta korának tekintettek különböző korok tudósai:
Kr. e. 6400 körül
Kr. e. 1500-1200 között
Kr. e. 600 körül
A napjainkban zoroasztriánizmusként számon tartott vallás létezéséről a szászánida királyok korától (Kr. u. 224-től) kezdődően vannak biztos ismereteink.
A 11. században Gardézí - korábbi forrásra alapozva - a magyarokat is tűzimádóknak nevezte. A szöveg egyik arab nyelvű változatában ugyan a "bálványimádó" kifejezés szerepel, mégsem zárható ki, hogy a 9. századi magyarok egy része a tűzimádáshoz hasonló szertartást is folytatott.
Ez a megállapítás bizonyára csak a Megyer törzsre vonatkozott, vagy a bulgár-török népekre. Bár nekem nincs tudomásom tűzimádókról a Balkán vagy a Kárpát-medence területéről az első évezred második feléből. Mithras és Isis korábban előfordult. Persze, még kerülhetnek napvilágra "tűzimádó" (vesta?) nyomok, miként Krisztus korából a Her-cun, iasi, cuman és piceno nevek a környékről.

Ha már a vesta így előkerült, akkor egy kis avesta:
six eyes (xšuuaš.ašīm) = 6 szem. ašīm pl. šām(An).
Kutyavér: OE hund and Skt. śvan were the unmarked terms for ‘dog’, both deriving via mechanical sound change from PIE *Rwon-. However, in the modern descendants of these languages, we find lexical replacement on both sides: the unmarked words for ‘dog’ are English dog (< OE docga, of unknown origin) and Nepali kukur (< Skt. kurkuráS)
The Hindi form kuttā "dog" is not directly related to Skt. kurkuráS; while Hindi kūkar is cognate with Nepali kukur, but shows a specialised meaning of "puppy" (Hock and Joseph 1996: 234-5). [A tokár "ku=kutya", de nem látom rokonnak a finn "ku-u" szóval, noha ugatja.]
Dog: madra, madadh. Older Irish always used (tochar lang.) for "dog", a word related to Gaulish cuno, Greek cyon and German Hund. Coptic = uhor. Frisian = hun, dogge.

Más téma, más terület:
A hunok között gyakori volt a "hun koponyatorzítás", ami a világ számos helyén előfordult, azonban Eurázsiában a Fergana-medence és a Kárpát-medence ahol nagyobb számban ez megtalálható. Például 2 legnagyobb lelőhelyünk, a Kis-Zombornál feltárt gepida temető és a Mözsön feltárt gót temetkezés. Obrusánszky Borbála szerint azért, mert a (osztrák) gótok és a gepidák hunok voltak. Ezek a hunok nem tűntek el, mint az oborok, csak beolvadtak a KM népébe. A torz koponyák Kelet-Ázsiában eléggé ritkák.
Viszont a Shi-ung-nu (keleti hunnak mondott) népnél a torz koponyák helyett leveses üst (áldozati üst!) és részleges lovastemetkezés volt, ami szintén elért a medencénkbe.
Vajon kijelenthetjük-e, hogy eme két népcsoport érkezése volt a kettős HUN foglalás ?! (Hun, hund, kutyafejű népség.. Sej haj, denevér..)
S Szentkatolnai B. Gábor mongol-magyar szóegyezései keleti hun szavak lennének? B.Gábor mintegy 600 mongol-magyar egyezést talált. O.Borbála szerint ezt Ucsiraltu prof megduplázta. [Kíváncsi lettem a Katolna eredetére, de csak a Katalin névváltozatának írják, s nincs köze Tolna megyéhez, vagy Tolna etruszk istennőhöz. Greek mythology Taulas, one of the six sons of Illyrius.]
S az Amur vidéki magyaros földrajzi nevek a hunoktól, a besenyőktől, avagy a Sztálin által oda menekített zsidóktól származnak ?!

Előkerült Kovács Szilvia kunokról írt disszertációja. "Kunok nevei és eredete: (1) kipcsak; (2) Cumanus ~ Comanus; (3) kun; illetve (4) polovec, pallidi, Valwen, ?artešk’, amelyek az önelnevezésnek tekintett kuman és kun fordításai, tükörszavai; valamint (5) kangli." Innét a Cu-manus (és Kep-cha-k) tűnik érdekesnek, valamint a her-cun rokonság tagadása.

Appendix: Bóna: A hunok jellemző régészeti ismérvei: a csontlemezekkel merevített aszimmetrikus íj a háromélű vas nyílcsúcsokkal, a hosszú kard, a harcikés, a nomád öv, a magas kápákkal ellátott nyereg ugyanis az eurázsiai steppéken végbement általános fejlődés eredményei, a legsajátosabb hun emlékek, a réz áldozati üstök is csupán öntési technikájukkal gyökereznek a kínai bronzművességben.
Üst: A hun üstöket az ócsai lelethez hasonlóan általában nem kíséri hun kori leletanyag. Többségük szórványleletként került elő, esetleg római kori kontextusból, például római kori erődök területén.
Részleges lovas: Érdy Miklós pedig végképp bebizonyította, hogy az azonos sírformákkal s a szemfedőkre varrt fémlemezekkel együtt már a kínaiak által előhunnak nevezett shanrong nép távol-keleti temetőiben is megjelent a Kr. e. VIII. és V. század között.
A hungárusok még István király korában is húzták a lóbőrt.

Pesti István 2016 december
