
nyugati fele


Tarsis in Cilicia (Southeast Turkey)
Tarshish (or Tartessus) in Spain
The Septuagent, the Greek version of the Old Testament, translated Tarshish as "Carthage"
Julius Africanus thought "Tarshish" was another name for the islands of Rhodes or for Cyprus
There is a city in Sicily named Tarsus
A Phoenician inscription in Sardinia mentions Tarshish
Képestárs  és embertárs .. a lap térképei miatt.

Héberek - Rosszul választottak.
Túr a disznó..
We note that the shish-part of the name Tarshish looks a lot like the word (shayish), alabaster

a mostly translucent or white crystal. And the tar-part looks a lot like (tor), dove. It comes from the verb (tur), seek, spy out. Derivative (tor) denotes a certain ornament, probably a plait or circlet (Song 1:10). To a Hebrew audience, the name Tarshish may have sounded like White Dove or Dove-White.

A nagy fejedelem

Arpitania (Arpitan and Italian: Arpitania, French: Arpitanie) refers to the lands where the Arpitan language is spoken or used to be the prevalent idiom, but Arpitania is not a country or a nation.

Arpitania and Arpitan Language are retronyms. They were neologisms from the 20th century. It was initially used for the Alpine regions where Arpitan was spoken. The name was popularised by Mouvement Harpitanya, a left-wing political grouping in Aosta Valley in 1970s.

Harp-, Arp-, vagy Kharp-? ?
Árpi ezen felül volt a Kárpátoktól délkeletre, volt a mai Szíria északi részén, s Itáliában 2 város.

Vallási oldal

The Assyrian's called Israel "Bit_Khumri". .. The Israelites were moved into Media and northern Mesopotamia between 732 and 700 BC by the Assyrians. Within fifty years a people whom the Assyrians called Gimira appear for the first time in history exactly where the Israelites had been exiled.

Figyeljük meg, hogy Dárius sírján mekkora kereszt van! Említés történik a MAKA és a CAR népről, valamint a perzsa SZAKA azonosítása a babyloni GIMIRI néppel. Persze, a szakákat mindjárt beazonosítja az izraeli néppel, csak a Madagasikara, Japán, Amerika területén levő sok kis szakáról feledkezik meg.


The nations listed by Darius the Great, King of Persia on an inscription at Naqsh-e-Rustam as part of his Persian empire are: Pârsa (Persia), Mâda (Media), Ûvja (Elam), Parthava (Parthia), Haraiva (Aria), Bâxtrish (Bactria), Suguda (Sogdiana), Uvârazmish (Chorasmia), Zraka (Drangiana), Harauvatish (Arachosia), Thatagush (Sattagydia), Gadâra (Gandara), Hidush (Sind), Sakâ haumavargâ (Amyrgian Scythians), Sakâ tigraxaudâ (Scythians with pointed caps), Bâbirush (Babylonia), Athurâ (Assyria), Arabâya (Arabia), Mudrâya (Egypt), Armina (Armenia), Katpatuka (Cappadocia), Sparda (Sardis), Yauna (Ionia / Greece), Sakâ tyaiy paradraya (Scythians who are across the sea), Skudra (Skudra), Yaunâ takabarâ (petasos-wearing Ionians), Putâyâ (Libyans), Kûshiyâ (Ethiopians), Maciyâ (people of Maka), Karkâ (Carians).

The Takla Makan (Taklamakan) desert, nearly 1,000 km in width, would have formed the eastern border of Aryana. The Aryan Trade Roads (Silk Roads) shirted the desert to its north and south. The residents of Kashgar were known to have practiced Zoroastrianism and the ruins of a Zoroastrian temple can be found beside the ruins of an ancient fortress.

Apadana romjai

Nem tünnek európainak...

Károk és rendek

Karia az Anatolia nyugati részén feküdt. Herodot szerint az itt élő - minotian származású - károkhoz csatlakoztak ion és dór népek, s alkottak együtt államot. Itt Hali-kar-nasszoszt dór városnak mondják.
The name of Caria appears in a number of early languages: Hittite Karkija (a member state of the Assuwa league, ca. 1250 BC), Babylonian Karsa, Elamite and Old Persian Kurka. Allegedly, the region received the name of Caria from Car, an ancestral hero of the Carians.

Arab öböl

Maka was a satrapy (province) of the Achaemenid Empire and later a satrapy of the Parthian and Sassanian empires (known as Mazun), corresponding to modern day Bahrain, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates, plus the northern half of Oman and also Balochistan and Sindh province of Pakistan.

Görög fénykor - térképen


The importance of the dynastic name of Omri (Ghomri) in connection with the later history of the people of Israel has been clearly demonstrated. We have seen Omri and the House of Omri (Bit-Humri) and the land of Omri (mat-Humri) as mentioned by the Assyrians. It has also been pointed out from a number of historical sources that the Assyrians continued to call Israel by the name of Omri for centuries after he had died. They were, in fact, still speaking of the people of Omri and the territory of Northern Israel as "mat Bit-Humri" and as "mat Omri" at the time of the captivity of Israel.
From the Behistun Rock Inscriptions, we have seen clearly pointed out that these inscriptions speak of the Gimiri (Ghomri) as being identical with the Cimmerians, who were also the same as the Scythians and the Sacae (Saka).
Since the Cimmerians are the same people as the Gimri, and these are the same as the people of Omri or Ghomri (according to Dr. Pinches), let us now trace these peoples from the land of their captivity in South-western Asia to their present lands.
Who were the Cimmerians, Gimiri and the Kymry?
The Encyclopedia Britannica gives the folowing account of the Cimmerians:
Cimmerii…Herodotus (iv. 11-13), in his account of Scythia, regards them as the early inhabitants of South Russia (after whom the Bosporus Cimmerius [q.v.] and other places were named), driven by the Scyths along by the Caucasus into Asia Minor, where they maintained themselves for a century….Certainly it is that in the middle of the 7th century B.C., Asia Minor was ravaged by northern nomads (Herod. iv. 12), one body of whom is called in Assyrian sources GIMIRRAI and is represented as coming through the Caucasus…[the very region of Israel's captivity]. To the north of the Euxine their main body was merged in the invading Scyths. Later writers identified them with the Cimbri of Jutland, who were probably Teutonized Celts (11th
ed., Vol. VI, Art. Cimmerii, p. 368).
According to the above account, the Cimmerii lived anciently in the vicinity of the Black Sea. They early had an encounter with the Scyths. It was about 650 B.C. - 100 years after Israel's captivity - that this occurred. Remember, some of the tribes of Israel went into captivity south of the Caucasus in 741 B.C.!

Iszlamofóbok ne olvassák!

(Az "iszlamofób" egy új divatszó az "antiszemita" helyett, mert az "antiszemita" az egyesek nyelvén "zsidóellenes" jelentésű lett. Ugyanis valaha a zsidókat Shem leszármazottjainak vélték. A Bibliából viszont tudjuk, hogy Ashkenáz /nem Németország!/ az Japhet gyermeke. Separd /lit.: gyalogos/ leszármazottja meg nem is volt Noé ősapátoknak.)

Lexikon - R Gergely Vladimirovics báró
1832. az összes kaukázusi oroszt ezredek parancsnokává neveztetett ki. Itt folytatta Daghesztánban a háborut Kazi Mullá ellen és elfoglalta 1832 okt. Gimri nevü várát. Később szenátor és a birodalmi tanács tagja lett.

Gimri települések.

Kőtáblák - Nem a river Tinto

dated 538-529 B.C., Cyrus declared: "I (am) Cyrus, thie king of the world, the king of Babylon, the king of Shumer and Akkad, the king of the four regions . . . When I entered Tintar (ancient name of Babylon) peacefully . . .
Sakka comes from Isaac and becomes Saxon. Gimri comes from Khumri(out of the Biblical name Omri) and goes through Gimmira and the Greek Kimmerioi to Cimmerian. (Itt a szerző a TIN.TIR transzl. jelet keverte bele városnévként.)

A Shum-idden folyó szele

As we've seen, the names Gimir, Gimira and Gamera are corruptions of Khumri
Vagyis valaki a Khmr szót összetéveszthette a Gmr szóval.

Gomer corresponds to the Assyrian Gimir in Asia Minor, probably in Cappadocia which is called Gamir in Armenian


gē, Doric "γά" - ga and probably "δ" da[4][5]) meaning Earth

E-mir, Vala-mir....
Local were believed the origin to the name Turch Mir is "King of Tirich" as Tirich also known as side valley of the Mulkhow valley which approach to Turch Mir

Babiloni fogság
Mint olvassuk, cca 100 évvel Herodot előtt elfoglalták Jeruzsálemet, s a hébereket deportálták 30-70 évre. Mikor visszamehettek, már senki sem beszélte nyelvüket. Az arámi terjedt el..
Azért érdekes, hogy csak az izraelieket vitték málenkij robotra, a zsidók (Juda) otthon maradhattak.


Ebben a korban Júda önálló államként mûködött, hisz az ország i.e. 922-ben kettészakadt. (Júda országa i.e. 922-587, Izráel országa (északi rész) pedig i.e. 922-771 között önálló országként élte viharos életét.) Júda királyát Jojákinnak hívták, aki az ellene támadó Nabukadneccar babiloni királynak ellenállás nélkül megadta magát. Ezért a fõváros Jeruzsálem egyelõre megmenekülhetett a pusztulástól. A babiloni király azonban Jojákin királyt és népének elõkelõségeit Babilonba deportáltatta.
Jeruzsálem eleste i.e. 587-ben bekövetkezett és ezután kezdõdött meg a második fogságra hurcolás. A fogságban élõk bizonyosan a zsidó állam szellemi életének voltak az irányítói és politikai, valamint vallási vezetõi. Ezért vitték Babilonba õket. Számuk nem volt jelentõs, 4600 fõ lehetett, amit a három (i.e. 597, 587 és 582) fogságra hurcolás alatt értek el összesen. Erre vonatkozóan Jeremiás könyvében találjuk meg az idevonatkozó idézetet (52.30), mely szerint „… négyezer és hatszáz lélek ” volt összesen fogságban, ahol túlságosan nem is voltak elnyomva.

ebben a korban zsidók nagy számban önként mentek Egyiptomba, hogy menedéket találjanak ott.


Kurus, vagy II. (Nagy) Kürosz (óperzsául Kūruš, ku-ru-ša, normalizált alakja Kuruš perzsául: کوروش بزرگ, Kurosh-e Bozorg, latinul Cyrus), (Kr. e. 593? - Kr. e. 530. decembere) perzsa király volt, az Akhaimenida-dinasztia korai tagja, az Óperzsa Birodalom alapítója.
Mások szerint nem az Akhaimenida din. tagja volt, hanem elami születésű.

Megláthatjuk a madarember szarva közt a tőgyét:
Those cleared by modern excavations include a tall, square tower almost identical in size and shape to the Kaʿbeh-ye Zardusht at the Naqsh-e Rostam tomb site at Persepolis; two spacious palaces, each adorned with fragments of sculpture and each bearing trilingual inscriptions in the name of Cyrus; and a fourth building, designed as the sole entrance to the park, which is notable for the unique four-winged figure with an Egyptian-style triple-atef crown that still stands on a surviving doorjamb.


'Lord of all winds' (bēl gimri šārī) /Szelek ura/.

Enlil, the national god of the Sumerians, has an etymology that has not been discussed by scholars forsome time. The traditional etymology of den-líl is based on the equation líl =sáru 'The Lord air/wind,storm', which is the interpretation that most scholars accept.

Ea A =nâqu IV8 (MSL 14 p. 355); CT 11 31III27 (Á =idu).
Ha az "A = víz", akkor idd! (idu)

Sumerian šár, a Sumerian equivalent of Akkadian gimru, setting aside the relation to 'wind'.

Régi csibészek
"Szelekkel kötekedett, bejárta a magas eget,
Viharral verekedett, élvezte, hogy az élet csak lebegés."

Szarka? The meaning of the name Sarika is Bird. The origin of the name Sarika is Indian (Sanskrit).
La ilaha ilAllahu wah-dahu la sharika lahu, lahul ... "By all means," said Hameed: "I love all birds very, very ...

Another version of the myth that involves the hill, says that two demons, Tsand and Mond occupied the fair valley. Tsand conceded himself in water near the present location of Hari Parbat and Mond somewhere above the present Dal Gate. They were a menace to the people of the valley, which could not be inhabited owing to their dreaded presence. Thus, the gods invoked Goddess Parvati who assumed the form of a Hor (myna) and flew to Sumer from where she got a pebble in her beak and threw it on the demon Tsand to crush him. The pebble grew into a mountain. She is worshipped as Sharika in Shri Tsakra (an emblem of cosmic energy pervading the universe) occupying the middle part of the western slope of the hill.

Slogan of Tehrik-e-Azadi is: 'LABbaika Allahumma LABbaik, LABbaika la sharika Laka LABbaik, Inna-l-hamda wan-ni'mata Laka walmuLk, La sharika Laka'
Hadith- Hajj Talbiyah ( LABbaika Allahumma LABbaik, LABbaika la sharika Laka LABbaik, Inna-l-hamda wan-ni'mata Laka walmuLk, La sharika Laka)
(I respond to Your Call, O ALLAH, I respond to Your Call and I am obedient to Your Orders, You have no partner, I respond to Your Call, All the praises, thanks and blessings are for You, All the sovereignty is for You, And You have no partners with you. I respond to Your Call.)

The Welsh people call their country Cymru ('kimru).

The Tomb of Kheruef
The internal reference in EA 27 to a festival of mourning, however, was already cast into doubt by Murnane, Coregencies, pp. 124-25; and see now W. Moran, "The Amarna Letters" (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992), pp. 89-90, with n. 19, who disavows any connection of the kimru-feast with the funeral of Amenhotep III.

Tekerjük, míg GYÖMRŐ nem lesz belőle!
Gyumri (Armenian: Գյումրի, also Romanized as Kumayri, Kümri, Gumry, Gümrü, Gumri, Gimri, Kyumayri, and Kyumri) is the capital and largest city of the Shirak Province in northwest Armenia.
The first recorded mention of Kumayri is from 773 and describes the revolt against Arab domination led by Artavazd Mamikonyan that resulted in a revival of Armenian statehood.

Széth fiai
Sanchuniathon. "And Usous .... was the first man who dared to venture on the sea. And he consecrated two stelae or pillars to Fire and Wind" (Ur and Al, hence pillars of Khur-Khal, or Hercules)... "These things the Cabiri, the seven sons of Sydyk and their eighth brother Esmun first of all set down in memoirs as the god Taautus commanded them." (From Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica, Book 1, Chapter 6.) I do not know if it has been pointed out that Taautus of Egyptian and Phoenician mythology is the same as Taaus of the Babylonian mythology. The name means "The One Who Does Things for the Spirits". He is also the Theos of the Thracians. He was the private secretary and executive of the Gods.

Egyiptomi szin

Az egyik izraeli napilap már évekkel korábban szóvá tette, hogy a régészeti ásatások nemhogy nem erősítik meg a Bibliában felsorolt eseményeket, de a zsidók történetével kapcsolatban gyakran éppenséggel mindennek az ellenkezője bizonyosodik be. A lap azt is fájlalta, hogy a zsidó nép erről egyszerűen nem vesz tudomást.
Már csak azért sem, mert a tudósok is elhallgatják a részleteket. Az Egyiptomban fellelt igen régi papírusztekercsek, történeti munkák egyetlen szóval sem említik, hogy zsidók éltek volna Egyiptomban mint rabszolgák vagy hadifoglyok, sőt, hogy egyáltalán ismerték volna őket az egyiptomiak. Csak néhány idegen pásztorról történik említés, akik nagy szárazság idején állataikat behajtották a Nílus deltájába. Brit, amerikai és német régészek a mai napig hiába keresik a zsidók állítólagos sivatagi vándorlásának nyomait.

Ilyen az, ha valaki a vallást keveri a tudománnyal.. Vagy hisz egy ember az egyiptomi rabságban, vagy nem. Vagy hisz valaki Jézus feltámadásában, vagy nem. Ellenben a történelemhamisításban én keményen hiszek..

Egy ezoteriakutató

Semmi írásos, vagy tárgyi nyoma nincsen tudtommal az "egyiptomi fogságnak", a kivonulásnak [2] (exodusnak - Jeciát Micrájim - יציאת מצרים), illetve az üldöző egyiptomi sereg pusztulásának. Az i.e. IV-III. század előtt Mózest nem említette meg egyetlen más forrás sem az Ószövetségen kívül

Egy Mikulástagadó - Bűn és bűnhődés.


Hiteles forrásunk a Biblián kívül nem nagyon van. A történelemben talán találhatunk olyan pontokat, melyek segíthetnek számunkra a semiták egyiptomi bevonulását datálni. Fennmaradt például egy falfestmény Kairótól 300 km-re délre, Beni Hasszan

akkori határállomásnál egy magasrangú tisztviselő síremlékében.
Feltehetően nem a szolgasorban élő héber volt magasrangú tisztségviselő.

Fura az a régész, aki az Illés szekerén keresi a halottak élén menekülő életet...

Perzsák felé

Mohamed követői

For centuries Marrakech has been known for its Seven Saints (Sab'atu Rijal).

Kantoni szótár:

."One can not measure the extent of this rule in the defunct dialect of Tabrīz by this instance alone, but note also the Iranian word därdäjär "sick, ailing" in Azeri Turkish, and the Azarbaijani placename Esparakhūn, colloquial for Safīidakhān, a village in Bostānābād, east of Tabrīz, probably "White spring," with espara < *spētak- (Pers. safīd "white"). The change of intervocalic t to r is seen also in the so-called Tati, but actually (archaic) New Persian dialect of the Iranian-speaking Jews in the Apsheron peninsula and the northeast of the Azarbaijan S.S.R. The change, on the other hand, is not effected in the dialects of Tārom, KHo'īn, Rāmand, and Alamūt areas to the south.

Ütős asszonyős. Mi lehet az etimológiája a "zsen-s-csin-a" szónak?

4. Old Iranian initial j -> ž. Examples: žir "lile," and žar "struck." The same sound change is seen in the modern dialects of Kalāsūr and KHoynarūd: žan "woman", žare "to hit," žāte "to arrive"; Tāleši žen "woman", žae "to hit"; Arazini žen and Kajali žan "woman" bežana "strike!" The form žāta in Ebn Bazzāz's sentence shows that this feature extended to the dialect of Tabrīz. In the dialects of Karīngān and Harzand, however, initial ž has become y: Karīngāni yan "woman" and "strike!," yaz/yat- "to arrive," and Harzandi yan "woman," yare "to strike."
Zendülő az éledő ? zindi = from New Persian: "zinde" (Middle Persian: "ziw "- "live" steme), pure kurdish word: jindi

Érdekességnek - farsi nevek jelentése
MorAd Desire, wish
Nouri Light
ZiA (A) Light
SiAmak Black-haired man
Ferdows Paradise (Királyok könyve!)
Atash Fire
asghar (A) Small
ArAd Name of an angel
amir King, Emir (Gót királyok?)
afsar Crown
Dorri A sparkling star glittering like a gem
Fereshteh Angel
HAleh (A) Halo
Hastee/Hasti Existance
Khorsheed Sun
MahlaghA/MahleghA (A) Face of the moon
RavAn Soul, spirit
Sahar (A) Dawn
TarsA A worshipper of fire; also a Christian
YaldA Name of the longest night of the year



The term Saracen comes from Greek Σαρακηνός, which has often been thought to be derived from the Arabic word شرقيين sharqiyyin ("easterners"), though the OED (s.v.) calls etymologies from this "not well founded".

In Christian writing, the name was made to mean "those empty of Sarah" or "not from Sarah," as Arabs were, in Biblical genealogies, descended from Hagar and also called the Hagarenes (γαρηνοί).

The earliest datable reference to Saracens is found in Ptolemy's Geography, which describes "Sarakene" as a region in the Northern Sinai named after the town Saraka located between Egypt and Palestine.

A "saraka" ha nem is "szarka", azért "madar".

The Middle Persian correspondent terms for Saracens are tazigan and tayyaye; who were located by Stephanus of Byzantium in the 6th century at the Lakhmid capital city of Al-Hirah.
The Lakhmid Kingdom was founded by the Lakhum tribe that immigrated out of Yemen in the second century and ruled by the Banu Lakhm, hence the name given it. Yemen ( Arabic: اليَمَن al-Yaman officially the Republic of Yemen ( Arabic: الجمهورية اليمنية al-Jumhuuriyya Banu Lakhm is a large Arab Tribe tracing their lineage back to Qahtan (Biblical Joktan? who among many achievements created an Arab kingdom in Al-Hira The founder of the dynasty was 'Amr, whose son Imru' al-Qais (not to be confused with the famous poet Imru' al-Qais who lived in the 6th century) converted to Christianity.

Szara cén - wiki

Saracen was a term used by the ancient Romans to refer to a people who lived in desert areas in and around the Roman province of Arabia, and who were distinguished from Arabs.
The Middle Persian correspondent terms for Saracens are tâzigân and tayyaye (Modern Pers.: tâziyân)


Eranšahr 25): šahrestan i hert šabuhr i ardaxširan kard u-š mihr-zad i hert marzban pad war i tazigan be gumard
The city of Hira was built by Šabuhr, the son of Ardaxšir, and he appointed Mihrzad the margrave of Hira over the wall of the Arabs.
(Šahrestaniha i Eranšahr 52): šahrestan i asur ud šahrestan i weh-ardaxšir ardaxšir i spandyada? kard u-š ošag i hagar marzban do-sar ud bor-gil pad war i tazigan be gumard
The city of Asur and the city of Weh-Ardaxšir, were built by Ardaxšir, the son of Spandyad, and he appointed Ošag, of Hagar as the margrave (over the) Do-sar and Bor-gil by the wall of the Arabs.

Régen aranyteve - Bass arab! (Basta arab!)

One thing; the Zoroastrians refered to the Arabs as tazig (pl. tazigan) which literally means "fresh ones" or upstarts (and is the origin of the word Tajik, as in Tajikistan). I see no reason why they wouldn't call these neo-Zoroastrians the same thing.
Található itt egy bizonytalan eredetű térkép is, ahol a Zoroaszter híveinek elterjedése látszik 1450!-ből. Egész Kelet-Európa, Közép- és Közel-Kelet valamint Kelet-Afrika.


old orthography apc'l: abzâr (M.P.)-> abi/upa-câra (Old Iranian), abI/upa + câra -> kâr- to do. Compare to câra- (Av.) means, tool. 'pz'l = "strong, powerful" (2) has nothing to do with 'pc'l = "material means".

A13) jân is a modern form of gyân, indicates shifting of gy- before a vowel as j-

tâ (dâ) = "until"

Ordasúr, a padisah: The word âtaš = fire in many Pahlavi texts is appeared with an additional x letter added before š (âtaxš). âtaš (M.P.)< âtarš (Av. nominative case sing. from âtar-) (6), (7). It seems x has been inserted incorrectly in simulation and analogy of other words that had contained š with a x before it -xš which evolved thereafter to š with omitting x: (artaxšêr ->ardašêr, pâdaxšêr ->pâdašêr pâdixšây ->pâdišây, paxšag ->pašag).

Pesti István 2012 március
