W. Asia

Ázsia nyugati fele


Isten szolgáinak hegye - Paphegy
The mountainous plateau of Tur Abdin, Syriac for "The Mountain of the Servants [of God]", is situated just west of the river Tigris, between the cities of Mardin (west), Nusaybin (south), Hasankeyf (north) and Cizre (east). Considered the heartland of the Suryoyo people, its name is tied to the many monasteries that sprang up in the region in early Christian history, one of them being the oldest functioning Christian monastery in the world, the Mor Gabriel Monastery. Tur Abdin központjában találjuk a Dayro d-Mor Gabriel kolostort. Mor (Szent) Samuel és fia Mor (Szent) Simon (Simeon) alapította 397-ben.

Tur Abdin
Midyat (en kurdo, Midyad, en siríaco, ܡܕܝܕya y en arameo, Tur-'Abdin) es una localidad de origen asirio/siríaco situada en la provincia de Mardin, en la Alta Mesopotamia, al sudeste de Turquía. The history of Midyat can be traced back to the Hurrians during the 3rd millennium. Ninth century BC. Assyrian tablets refer to Midyat as Matiate, or city of caves due to the caves at eleth 3 km away from the city where the earliest inhabitants lived.
Már épp arra gondoltam, hogy a Mid-yat talán a föld kapuja lehetett, de az asszír Mati-ate más irányba mutat. Akkád: "Mattati = lands". Keleti asszír: "Matvati = villages".

Hattik - Nem hat tyúk.
Hesse's earliest recorded ancestors were the Chatten or Chatti, a Germanic folk who were in existence by the first century BC. They, along with the Cherusci, were the masters of Germania following the expulsion or absorption of the Celtic tribes and before Roman domination. The Chattuarii may have been a branch of the Chatti (along with the Mattiaci). Their name breaks down into 'chatti' plus 'uari', which is the Gaulish word 'wiros' for 'man', the plural being 'wiri' which was adopted by German tribes. So Chattuari means 'Chatti men'. 'Chatti' gradually became 'Hessi', from which originates the modern state's name. The 't' to 'ss' shift occurs often enough in German, and can also be seen in the Boiocasses tribal name.
Hessketh: It is derived from the Old Norse words hestr “horse, stallion” and skeid “racecourse”.

Hittite - 1608, "of or pertaining to an Indo-European people whose empire (c.1900-700 B.C.E.) covered much of modern Turkey and Syria," from Heb. Hitti "Hittite" (pl. Hittim), from Hitt. Hatti. The biblical use (cf. Gen. xv.20, etc.) refers to Canaanite or Syrian tribes that were probably genuine offshoots of the Hittites. They were called khita or kheta in Egyptian.
hold (v.) - O.E. haldan (Anglian), healdan (W.Saxon), class VII strong verb (past tense heold, pp. healden), from P.Gmc. *khaldanan (cf. O.N. halda, Du. houden, Ger. halten "to hold," Goth. haldan "to tend"), originally "to keep, tend, watch over" (as cattle), later "to have." Ancestral sense is preserved in behold. Holdup, in sense of "a stoppage," is 1837 in Amer.Eng.; sense of "stopping by force and robbing" is 1851, also in Amer.Eng., probably strengthened by notion of "holding up hands." To hold (one's) own is from c.1330. No holds barred "with all restrictions removed" is first recorded 1942 in theater jargon but is ultimately from wrestling. Phrase hold your horses "be patient" is from 1844. Hold out (v.) is from 1907. The original pp. holden was replaced by held beginning 16c., but survives in some legal jargon and in beholden.


Arab - Arab az angolban
kígyó/ snake: af'aa  أفعى (Kígyóbirodalom: Afaa-rike. Kár, hogy a "birodalom= imbir a turia" az arab nyelvben.)
testvér/ brother: akh  أخ (Akh Horus)
ugorka/ cuc-umber: kheyaar  خيار (A "cuc" az kék vagy kukac? /Ainu: kikir=worm./)
arc/ face: wajiha El-Vadzs?

Vandál vándor: Old High German "wantalon = to walk, wander".
Cognates of WANDER at Indo-European "root" wendh include VANDAL, WAND, WANDER, WANDERLUST, WENTLETRAP, WIND, and WINDLASS. ANDANTE (moderately slow) is from Italian "andare" (to walk). "Enda" is to go in Swahili.

A kereszténység a 4-5. század körül érte el a Perzsa-öböl térségét, de az iszlám térhódításával a keresztények elmenekültek, feltehetően Szogdia felé.
(Mintha Syria halott városai is ekkor keletkeztek volna..)
Medinától 150 km-re északra húzódott egy völgyzáró gát, ami lehetővé tette a területen az öntözéses gazdálkodást. Állítólag sok zsidó élt arra, amíg Umar kalifa el nem kergette őket, bizonyára vallási intolerancia okán.
Egyik képen a nyugati és a keleti egyház papjai vitatkoznak. Tán épp azon, hogy theotokos volt-e Szűz Mária. Ilyen lényeges kérdések miatt rengeteg ember meghalt.

A hely szelleme - Place
Tatar: тур tur
Swahili: pahali
Catalan: lloc
Albanian: vend
Egyptian Arabic: مكان m (makaan), حتة f (eta)
Moroccan Arabic: بلاصة f (blaSa)
Ugye, mennyire hasonlítanak? Tur-an, Iloc-an, Maka-an-(an?), Heti-an, vend-ég..

A lapon az ember elképzelt fejlődését taglalják, de én az "ember két állat között" kép miatt tettem ide. Itt pedig a szabadkőműves nyilaskereszt egy sötétbőrűek által látogatott imaházban. GOSHEN CITY IS BUILT LIKE A MASONIC KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CROSS WITH A MASONIC MALTESE CROSS IN THE CENTRE. Egy vallási oldal, amit a szép Petra képek miatt tettem ide.

Esküvő (Kezünket feltartva?)
The Modern Persian word ešq (عشق) meaning "love", classical Persian išq, is of utmost importance in the Persian literature and gnosis (erfān عرفان). This paper puts forward the idea that ešq, used in Persian and Arabic ('išq), may have an Indo-European origin. (cottage-esque - kunyhószerű).

M. Heydari-Malayeri : The mentioned Sanskrit and Avestan words come from Indo-European "-ais", which means "to want, to desire; to seek" and its nominal form "-aisskä" means "desire, tendency; seeking, search". Old Church Slavic: isko, išto, iska. Russian: iskat. Lithuanian: ieškau. Armenian: aic. Latin: aeruscare. Old High German: eiscon. Old English: ascian. Today Egnlish: ask. ishq in P. also 'ashq, 'ashaq, Love; intensity of the passion and a blindness to the failings of the object loved;Armenian: ser, Hungarian: szerelem.

Saka - I zsák fiai?
It has been stated in the History of the Anglo-Saxons, that the most probable derivation of this people which had been suggested, was that which deduced them from the Sakai or Sacae, who, from, the Caspian, besides branching into Bactriana on the east, had also spread westward into the most fertile part of Armenia, which, from them, as we learn from Strabo, was called Sakasina. Pliny terms the Sakai, who settled there, the Sacassani; which is so similar in sound to Saca-sunu, or the sons of the Sakai, that we are tempted to identify the two appellations. (A "szakasszani" kapcsán megjegyezném, hogy a SAKA jelentése tájanként változott. Vándor, kéz, szem, zsák..).

Amurru head

amurru arc Arabic: iqäb = büntetés = punishment. Római iga, vagy "égi víz"?
A "punishment" variációi feltehetően nem kapcsolódnak a PUN v. PAN szóhoz. Italian: punizione; Greek: poiní. Catalan: puniment. French: punition.

Aramaic: - Hallel u Jah. Leferdítve: dicsérjétek az Urat.
1.halal: meat from animals that have been killed according to Muslim law. 2. Hallah: bread, usually in the form of a plaited loaf, traditionally eaten by Jews to celebrate the Sabbath. 3. Halle: From Middle High German halle, from Old High German halla, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *kel- ("to hide, cover, conceal").
Hallali - A ritually and racially pure Mandaean.
Haluna - Vagina.
Hazaya - Seer, onlooker.
Hikla - Temple, palace.
Kina - Storeroom, container, resevoir.
Margna - The Ritual Staff, made of olive-wood. Willow can be substituted. Compare the fire gazzel staff of male Egyptian Neters and the water lotus staff of female Neters.

The orthodox etymology of L. femina woman connects the word with L. fellare to suck, specifically to perform fellatio. Fegari? (Moon, yiddish). Spanyol "Fe=hit, hűség, bizonyíték".
*FELIA, *FELIOS n. In classic L. filia daughter and filius son (lit. "fruit, offspring").
FELIX. adj. Fruitful; auspicious, favorable; fortunate, lucky.
FENUM n. Hay (lit. "what is produced"?)
FEMINA n. Female; woman.
FETUS adj. Pregnant; newly delivered; productive.
FETUS n. Breeding, producing; brood, young.

Dom basically is a group from the Middle East. It is assumed that they may even be related to the Domba people from India.
qaina : female singer [Heb qina (song), Syr qeyntha] /Rajki arab dict./
"Kunta" is "woman" in several Near Eastern and African languages. Analog "kuen, kwen.."
Tharsus (Tarshish): "Thar-sians, for so was Cilicia of old called". (Az égi tenger mellékén, amerre a sok Ay-gaios található, meg "égi leszármazottak".)
M.E. helle; A.S. hel; "that which hides". Icel. Hel, G. hölle, Goth halja.
May be in part from Old Norse Hel, the daughter of Loki and ruler of the underworld in Norse mythology. HELL in Hebrew, the word helka or lot, comes from the root helek or share.

Balashon: The color white in Hebrew is lavan, levana a poetic form of "moon".

Archaeology - Naptemplom, Yemen.
Awam temple: According to legend, Marib was the capital of the Sabaean kingdom, ruled by the biblical Queen of Sheba. Sabaean inscriptions refer to it as the Temple of Al-maqah, the moon god who was the principal deity at Marib(or). Más települések és a holdisten.


the Assyrians have been referred to as Aramaean, Aramaye, Ashuraya, Ashureen, Ashuri, Ashuroyo, Assyrio-Chaldean, Aturaya, Chaldean, Chaldo, ChaldoAssyrian, ChaldoAssyrio, Jacobite, Kaldany, Kaldu, Kasdu, Malabar, Maronite, Maronaya, Nestorian, Nestornaye, Oromoye, Suraya, Syriac, Syrian, Syriani, Suryoye, Suryoyo and Telkeffee. (Náluk a Mor/Szent = Mar. Perzsa nyelvekben ez "kígyó".)
Assyria, Athura (Aramaic for Assyria), or Aur (Akkadian for Assyria) was a Semitic Akkadian kingdom, extant as a nation state from the late 25th or early24th century BC to 605 BC.
Assyria was centered on the Upper Tigris river, in northern Mesopotamia (present day northern Iraq). The Assyrians came to rule powerful empires a number of times through history. It was named for its original capital, the ancient city of Assur/Ashur (Akkadian: Aryu; Aramaic: Aur; Hebrew: Ar; Arabic: r). Assyria was also sometimes known as Subartu, and after its fall, from 605 BC through to the late 7th century AD variously as Athura, Syria (Greek), Assyria (Latin) and Assuristan. The term Assyria can also refer to the geographic region or heartland where Assyria, its empires and the Assyrian people were and still are centred. The modern Assyrian Christian minority in northern Iraq, north east Syria, south east Turkey and north west Iran are the descendants of the ancient Assyrians (see Assyrian continuity).

Athura (Neo-Aramaic for Assyria) was a geographical area within the Persian Achaemenid Empire held by the last nobility of Assur (Akkadian), known as Athura (Neo-Aramaic) or A-to-ur-ia (Greek), during the period of 539 BC to 330 BC as a military protectorate state of Persia under the rule of Cyrus the Great. Érdekességnek: Armenian: "het=with".

The Parthian name As-ör-istan also spelled Asoristan, Asuristan, Asurestan, Assuristan) is known from Shapur I's inscription on the Ka'ba-ye Zartosht, and from the inscription of Narseh at Paikuli.

assyr cross

Asszír keleti egyház (ahogy a nesztoriánusok magukat nevezik). Tibet: A keresztről lehet asszociálni István király koronájára! Hakenkreuz az asszír keleti egyház szimbólumai között.
Obrusánszky: Az avar sírokban talált kereszt formája teljesen megegyezik a XIII. századi útleíró, Wilhelmus Rubruk nesztoriánus leírásával, vagyis az egyenlő szárú kereszt négy szélén és közepén egy-egy féldrágakő díszítés található. Előkerült néhány Krisztust ábrázoló kereszt is, amelynek eredete is vitatott. A közép-avar korból, vagyis második avar kaganátus központjából, a káni udvar közeléből, Ozorából szintén előkerültek keresztény jelképek.
Vajon a nesztoriánus kereszt végein látható 3 karika a 3 beltengert jelképezte? Vagy az ungharia tomentosa termését? Esetleg csak a szentháromságot? Triász (theos, logos, sophia) ? Budhista triratna? trifoil pattern. Shiva triglav?

A total of 550,000 Assyrians live in Europe. Large Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac diaspora communities can be found in Germany, Sweden, the USA, and Australia. The largest Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac diaspora communities are those of Södertälje, Chicago, and Detroit.
As early as the 8th century BC Luwian and Cilician subject rulers referred to their Assyrian overlords as Syrian, a western Indo-European bastardisation of the true term Assyrian. This corruption of the name took hold in the Hellenic lands to the west of the old Assyrian Empire, thus during Greek Seleucid rule from 323 BC the name Assyria was altered to Syria, and this term was also applied to Aramea to the west which had been an Assyrian colony.
“Aryu” is a pure Syriac name and means “Lion” in English


Ibrahim gyermekei?
The Israelites of old were regarded by the Egyptians as people from the land of Amur-ru, meaning “the land of the Amorites” which the Israelites had conquered. Another term applied to the general Syrian area was Retenu. The name “Upper Retenu” corresponded to the geographical space encompassed by the Land of Israel, according to the Bible. People from the area known as Amurru or Retenu after 1400 BC were Israelites. They are depicted on Egyptian monuments as red, blond, or black-haired with frequent blue eyes and red beards.
Mint az egyházi iratokból ismert, a zsidók Ábrahám és Sára hercegnő leszármazottai. Az arabok pedig Ábrahám (Ibrahim) és Hágár szolgálólány utódai. A közös ősapára utal a "J y haplogroup", amely a szemita népek legjellemzőbb típusa. Az európai askenázik az "R1a1 y haplogroup" népe zömében, nekik máshol kell az apasági keresetet benyújtani. A rabbikról meg nem is beszélve, akiknek felmenői Zimbabwe romjainál, illetve a Perzsa öböl környékén vannak nagyobb számban.
Hitler és Einstein génje (E1b1) a magyarok között 10%-os arányban, az askenázik között 20%-os arányban fordul elő. Ezt a géntípust mondják "mediterrán gén"-nek is, de forrását NW-Africa területére teszik. Burkina Faso területén majdnem 100%-os gyakorisággal.
A "J" hg a Shen jelentés szerint 40%-os gyakoriságú a zsidóknál (Szefárd, askenázi) és 2% a magyarok között. (Beduinok között 68% ez a "szemita" gén)
Kazárok által "konvertált" anyai kapcsolat: According to Behar (2004a), only four mtDNA groups account for approximately 70% of Ashkenazi mtDNA results. These haplogroups are K (32%), H (21%), N1b (10%) and J1 (7%). However, Behar indicates the origins of three out the four groups (H, K and J) are unknown. More importantly, he acknowledges that certain other haplogroups among the Ashkenazi – V and U5 in particular – appear to be of European origin, thereby negating altogether the assumption of no admixture.
Lesina, now Hvar. Asszonykör?
ISSACHAR - Ισσάχαρ [b. ca.1846 BC, Son of Lea]. Körasszony. Issa=woman > basilissa
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is ισσα/issa, an exclamation of triumph over another’s distress.


Jordania, hogy elhelyezzük gondolatainkban a nabatean terepet.
Madain Saleh
Dating back to the second century BC, the Nabataean archaeological site, also known as Madain Saleh, has long been hidden from foreign visitors in this ultra-conservative kingdom that rarely opens up to tourists. It lies 320 kilometres (200 miles) north of Medina, the Islamic holy city of western Saudi Arabia, and extends for some 15 square kilometres (six sq miles).

The historian Strabo mentions that the Nabataeans worshiped the sun and set up altars to it in their homes. He added that they made daily libations on these altars and used incense. The archeologist, Philip Hammond, comments that: “the god of the people was Dushares, 'Lord (dhu) of the Shara (Mountains)'.
At the Temple of the Winged Lions in Petra, a considerable number of cultic materials have been recovered which demonstrate the importance of Al 'Uzza. Some of the materials include: a ring-seal showing a nude goddess, a crowned female goddess riding a dolphin, dolphin frieze decorations, drilled cowry shells of a variety sacred to Venus, feline capital decorations and feline statuette fragment, a bronze feline head, and “Eye-Idol“ blocks. Allat was known as the goddess of spring and fertility. Under Hellenization Allat was later identified with the Greek/Roman goddess Athena/Minerva, and sometimes with Aphrodite or Urania/Venus Caelestis.
Inscriptions mentioning Allat range from Hegra in Saudi Arabia to the Hauran in Syria.

Sometime during the 3rd century BC, the Nabataeans began to decorate their capital city with splendid rock-cut temples and buildings. [Right: The Khasneh or "Treasury"] Their economic prosperity and architectural achievements continued unabated even after they came under the control of the Roman Empire in 106 CE. The neglect and decline of Petra started soon after Emperor Constantine declared Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire in 324 CE. A series of earthquakes crippled the region in the 7th - 8th centuries and Petra disappeared from the map of the known world, only to be rediscovered centuries later in 1812, by a Swiss explorer named Johann Burckhardt.

Őskeresztény Yemen területéről, CE 530. Engem a pártusokra emlékeztet, s nem Jasszer Arafatra!
Lions are present at many sites in Petra. At the Lion Triclinium in Petra there are two massive lions protecting the doorway.

The 7,000 sq metre (75,300 sq ft) temple complex, guarded from the front by four 40-metre (130ft) -high columns (two of which remain intact in spite of the powerful earthquake that destroyed most of the temple), includes an upper and lower temenos (sanctuary) and a temple.

Cybele oroszlánokkal Museum
A térdeplő alak fején két toll? látszik.
The lands of Nubia remained for thousands of years as the Egyptian gate to Africa. Nubia is mainly divided into two parts: lower Nubia which is located in Egypt and higher Nubia which is located inside the Sudanese borders.

Kebele és az oroszlánok
There, she is shown Agate Minoan-Mycenaean gem ca. 1370 bare-breasted in the good old Minoan style (right), but was always covered up from the waist down. So, while the Canaanites may have borrowed the image and her pose, they didn't stint on full nudity. Rendszerint Cybele (Kebele) istennőt ábrázolják két oroszlánnal, de két ágaskodó oroszlán (egyéb állat) között jellemzően magyarok állnak. Cybele szekerét 2 oroszlán, ritkábban 2 HIUZ huzza.

Perzsa pénzérme BC500

Fejfedő, mint a greco-roman világban


Perzsa pénzek. Sokuknál írják, hogy az ábrázolt alak mit visel: kidaris és kandys.
Kidaris: - a Scythian hat from which flaps hang down onto the chest; Máshol: The Greeks likely borrowed from the Semitic keter for their words kitaris or kidaris, meaning a crown or tiara (used by Persian kings), and from the Greek it entered Latin as ci-daris. This Latin root was used to name a genus of sea urchins - and it does kind look like they are wearing crowns... cidaris
Ez a perzsa koronaféle felbukkan a görög és a római világban is.
Kandys: (tunika féle) The Persian kandys, though rarely attested in art for Athenian wear, figures prominently in the votive offerings by Athenian women of used clothing at the sanctuary of Artemis of Brauron (PLATE XIII, above; Linders; Knauer, pp. 607-13; Miller, 1997, pp. 153-87). The word originates from the Persian Kan, which means to wear or to put on. /dys viselet/ Az elamita nevet (kan suka) nem értelmezhetjük fordítás nélkül! Itt median díszköntös a kandys. Lásd hussars. Nem keverendő a "qandi=cukor" szóval!
Kanchuka: Wealthy women throughout ancient history used many bra-like devices, such as the dudou in the Ming Dynasty and the ancient Indian kanchuka.

They formed the elite core of the Persian army in times of war and the royal guard in times of peace in Achaemenid Persian Empire. The elite force were known as “The Immortals” because they were kept constantly at a strength of exactly 10,000 men, every killed or seriously wounded member was immediately replaced. To insure loyalty, the original members of this “immortal” fighting machine were Persians by bloodline and trained form early childhood (age 7+). Not everyone could become one of the 10,000 since the training was very rigorous and hard both physically and psychologically.

The name Zand means: Precious
Be-ya: pahlavi templom. Jan-nah > Gan-nah > Garden. (Természetesen a GARDEN a KERT szavunkból származik..)

Sargon, Naram-Sin, and the Egyptian Seventh Dynasty
The following is due to L. A. Waddell, not the most objective of commentators, in The Makers of Civilization. Waddell's books are suspect. He has an obvious, racial, axe to grind, trying to prove that the rulers of Akkad were not Semites but descendants of what he sees as the "Aryan" Sumerians.
Keserű, halhatatlan szentek: Jean-Jacques Glassner in Mesopotamian Chronicles tells us that the word amaru, normally translated "flood," can mean either "a meteorological phenomenon or a fearful weapon in the hands of the warrior goddess Inanna."

Dari vocabulary
air (n) hawaa [levegő] alien (n) begaana [idegen] axe (n) ta-bar [balta,topor] barley (v) jau [árpa]
blood (n) khun [vér] bold (adj) delaawar [vastag],bátor] boundary (n) sarhad, hodud [határ] bracelet (n) karra [karperec]
butcher (n) qasaab [mészáros] camel (n) shotor [teve] cart (n) karaachi [kocsi] circle (n} daa'era [kör]
circus (n) sarkas, madaari [körtér] clever (adj) hushyaar [okos] coffin (n) taabut [koporsó] coin (n) paisa [pénzérme]
crooked (adj) kaj [kampós] crop (n) (agriculture) ghalla [mag] cross (n) salil?, qabr [kereszt] crow (n) (bird) zaagh [varjú]
canning (adj) hilagar, makaar [konzerválás] cup (n) piyaala [csésze] cupboard (n) almaari [pohárszék] dark (adj) taarik [sötét]
dawn (n) tolo-e aaftaab [hajnal] fever (n) tab [láz] fire (n) atesh [tűz] fox (n) robaah [róka]
freeze (v) yakh; ice (n) yak [jég, fagy] grown (n) naala [nő, fejlődik] keeper (n) negaahbaan, haafez [őr] lilac (n) yaasaman [lila]
limb (n) (of tree) shaakh [lomb] moon (n) maah, mahtaab [Hold] nut (n) chaar-maghz, jauz [dió] oxcart (n) karaachi [szekér]
paradise (n) behesht, janat [paradicsom(kert)] quiet (n) aaraami [halk, békés] refuge (n) panaagaah [menedék] rooster (n) khoraas [kakas]
smith (n) (blacksmith) aahangar [kovács] snore (n) kher kher [horkol] spark (n) jaraqa [szikra] speech (n) bayaan, notq [beszéd]
spite (n) kina, adaawat [rosszakarat] steer (n) gawe nar [tinó] sword (n) shamsher, talwaar [kard] threshhold (n) aastaana [küszöb]
throne (n) takht [trón] veranda (n) baranda, takht-baam [veranda] wet (adj) tar, martub, namdaar [nedves] wing (n) baal [szárny]

Judah népe. Semiták?

arcok Judah-ból tomb (») mazaar, marqad, maqbara
wit (n) mazaaq, atifa, fahm witch (n) zane makaar, saahera
bird (n) morgh, parenda; death (n) marg; hawk (n) baaz, baasha; hen (n) maakyaan
church (n) (christian) kalisaa (Hindu) daramsaall (moslem) masjid (sikh) gordowaara
claw (n) panja, changaal; feather (n) par; talon (n) changaal, panjaal; thorn(n) khaar
breast (n) (of body) sinah; chest (n) (body) sina; female (adj} (animals) maada
brave (adj) delawaar, shaaja; courage (n) delaawari
bullfrog (n) baqa; grocer (w) baqaal
dwarf (n) jend (Jen) (person) belesti
grave (n) qaber, marqad (adj) ngatiii, baaweqaar
home (n) khaana, watan; house (n) khaana; hut (n) kota, kapa, chapari
observe (v) (see) mo'aena kardan; spectator (n) tamaashaahi
shelter (n) panaah, hefz (v) defaa kardan
space (n) (area) saaha, (time) modat, (cetestial) fazaa
tomato ( n ) baanjaan-e rumi (eggplant of Rome - so named because the first tomatoes came to Afghanistan from Rome)

A sia

Alternatively, the etymology of the term may be from the Akkadian word (w)a?u(m), which means 'to go outside' or 'to ascend', referring to the direction of the sun at sunrise in the Middle East and also likely connected with the Phoenician word asa meaning east. This may be contrasted to a similar etymology proposed for Europe, as being from Akkadian erebu(m) 'to enter' or 'set' (of the sun). /Szinte "kerekarcú"../
T.R. Reid supports this alternative etymology, noting that the ancient Greek name must have derived from asu, meaning 'east' in Assyrian (ereb for Europe meaning 'west'). The ideas of Occidental (form Latin Occidens 'setting') and Oriental (from Latin Oriens for 'rising') are also European invention, synonymous with Western and Eastern. Slovenian: from jereb 'partridge'.

Ázsia: gyógyítók, jutalom, kígyó (azsi)

Indo-Iranian word for dragon, Indian ahi, Avestan aži, originally meant only "snake", a meaning which Avestan aži still has beside "dragon". These two words are etymologically related to words in other Indo-European languages such as Latin anguis (hence anguilla, related to Germanic "eel"; see further Mayrhofer, Etymological Dictionary I, p. 68, and III, p. 638). In later Iranian the word a-ži has mostly been replaced, partly for reasons of linguistic taboo, partly probably for phonetic reasons. Thus only Yidgha and Munji still have (y)īž < aži; Middle and New Persian have mār, which may derive from *marθra “killer” (though there are phonetic difficulties in such a derivation) and kirm/kerm "worm", Av. kərəma, Sogd. kyrm-
The Greek
language term may be derived from Assuwa, a 14th century BC confederation of states in Western Anatolia. Hittite assu-—"good" is probably an element in that name.

Asian - Healers
Abkhaz: azia=tó

Dari nyelv: mill (n) aasiyaa, garraad, cirsfass
native (a) asii, bumi, watani
original (adj) asii. Mondták az Ázsia szó eredetét "gyógyítók"-nak is. Itt malom. De akár égiek is lehetnek.. A sia.

Kaspit means "silver."
Perzsa: Bonyad = alap, szerkezet, építmény
Pahlavi term of "avistâk u zand" mean the "Knowledge and Commentary".
Persian language Pir is a Persian word that means "[Priestly] Elder" and from what I know about Zoroastrianism all the Firetemples are called Pir as well as Atash-Gah "Fire Place or Temple." Pir-e-Moghan means "The elder of Magi". Moghan is mogh (Magus) + an (pluraliser= többes szám jele).

Parsi vándor nem fertőz.
*ferthuz, from PIE *prtus, from *per- "going, passage"
urdu dict. - Laager= Parao.

long = akkád arku, syrian arrik. cloud = arpellä (Syr.). hand = *yad (arab); kätu (Akkad). /Finnugorok a Yad Vashem intézetben/.
Az árok szavunk megtalálható szemantikailag egyezően a turk-mongol nyelvekben (ark), illetva YARKA névvel a szláv és perui nyelvekben. Áttételesen az afrikai "womb/méh" szavakkal: Ark, Argh, Uruk.

IE. *pr0dos ‘leopard, panther’ (cf. Gk. πάρδος, Aeolic πόρδαλις  m. ‘leopard’, Hittite paršanaš ‘id.’) > Indo-Iranian *pr0d- ‘leopard’ (cf. Sogd. pwrδ’nk  ‘leop-ard’; NPers. päläng, Pashto  pṛāng ‘id.’; Khowar purdùm, Phalura  purdum ‘leopard’) > Vedic pr0dāku-m. ‘snake’ (RV) next to Skt. pr0dāku-m. ‘tiger, pan-ther’ (lex.); Lahnda parṛām.,parṛī f. ‘leopard’ (< *praḍā- or *pr0ḍā-) (Monier-Williams 1899 [1999], p. 1007; Turner 1966, p. 474, No. 8362). 2. IE. *(s)kordulos m., *(s)kordulā-f. ‘lizard, newt’ (cf. Gk. κορδύλος m. ‘water-newt, Triton palustris ’, dial. σκορδύλη  f. ‘a kind of lizard’; Alb. hardhël f. ‘lizard’) > OInd. śārdūlá  m. ‘tiger’ (VS.), also ‘lion’ and ‘panther, leopard’ (lex.) (Monier-Williams 1899 [1999], p. 647; Turner 1966, p. 474, No. 8362).

Asszíria újjáéledése
Az asszír központi terület az arámi betörések ellenére sértetlen marad II. Adad-nirári(911-891) visszaállítja Asszíria hatalmát, legyozi Babilont, megszerzi a Habúr régiót, helyreállítja a gazdaságot az asszír anyaország mezogazdasága felvirágzik.
Fováros: Assur. Szövetség Babilóniával: Adad-nirári kicseréli lányát I Nabú-suma-ukín lányával. Megegyeznek a két ország határvonaláról

Méh tér - Anya
From Middle English moder, from Old English modor, from Proto-Germanic *moder (compare West Frisian moer, Saterland Frisian Muur, Dutch moeder, German Mutter, Danish moder), from Proto-Indo-European *méh2ter (compare Irish máthair, Latin mater, Albanian motër (“sister”), Tocharian A macar, Tocharian B macer, Lithuanian móte, Russian ???? (mat'), Greek µ????? (mitéra), Armenian ???? (mayr), Persian ???? (mâdar), Sanskrit ???? (mat?)).

Mellár Mihály CzF: Magyar Nagyasszony a magyarok istene
Különösen a Proto-Indo-European *méh 2ter az érdekfeszítő, hiszen ez azt jelenti, hogy az indo-európai nyelvészek a méh-ben vélik megtalálni mater szó gyökét, ahová mi is jutunk ha a MaG-ot vesszük a MaGYaR gyökének. A MaG ugyanis a MéHben, a MéH TeR-ében TeR-mékenyül meg (G<>H). A *méh 2ter második összetevője a TeR >TéR, aminek űR a rokon értelmű megfelelője. A Magyar istennév tehát annyit tenne mint a MaG-űR vagy a MaG-őR, ami ugye nem más mint a MéH TeRe, a MaTHeR, MuTTeR, stb. Természetesen az indo-európai nyelvészek nem így gondolták, annál inkább hálásak vagyunk nekik a nem várt útbaigazításért.

Vajon a MÉH azonos a MAH (Moon/Hold) szóval, vagy a TÉR a TARA (Moon) szóval? A méh (animal) az angolban BI. Ellenben több nyelven a "BI=vulva". Méz és méh írásom.
Hasonló forma: Kukac Old English "matha" (Scots mathe), German nyelvek: MADE. Más interpretációban: "Mah=Moon" és "Tara=kapu". Mahtara.

Méhtér - Chinese: "zi/ göng = uterus; womb".
Purim is about Deception. It is of no coincidence Hollywood released Mortdecai (Mort=Death) the day self proclaimed descendant of Mordechai (Book of Esther) King Abdullah died. Did you ever stop to wonder why America's first Flag (Evergreen Tree) is the same as Lebanon (Laban "To Make White") and Qatar (Ismaili dictatorship and arms bazaar) and looks exactly like your Christmas Tree?

11. *KUNA—'woman' —— queen; gyne(cology); zenana (< Persian zan); Proto-Afro-Asiatic *k(w)n 'wife, woman'; Kaffa gene 'lady'; Xamta eqwen 'wife'; Dembia kiuna 'wife'; Oromo qena 'lady'; Akkadian kini-tu 'wife'; Berber te-kne 'wife'; Proto-Indo-European *gwena 'wife, woman'; Sanskrit gnâ 'goddess'; Lydian kâna 'woman, wife'; Avestan gena 'wife'; Slavic zhena 'wife, woman'; Proto-Turkic *küni 'wife'; Kirgiz künü 'wife'; Eskimo aganak 'woman'; Proto-Caucasian *q(w)än- 'woman'; Andaman chana 'woman'; Tasmanian quani 'wife, woman'; Australian Aboriginal Warrgamay gajin 'female'; Shawnee kwan-iswa 'girl'; Dakota hun 'mother'; Cayuse kwun-asa 'girl'; Zuni k'anakwayina 'woman'; Tonkawa kwan 'woman'; Zapotec gunaa 'woman'; Tupi kuya, Guarani kuña 'female' Русское «жена», «женщина», «жонка» и т.п.

Magyarok Old Norse - NŐ
Hok-Këèn Dialect of the Chinese Language that âng mô ("red haired") /láng nő?/
The Origin and Development of the Burmese Composite Word Moʻ Kvanʻʺ (mô Kwan)
Malayalam word for wife = bharya.

Angol-héber egyezések The English expression "In the beginning" is the Hebrew word "breishit" understood as connoting "be-reishit" i.e. at (or in) the beginning. "Be" in Hebrew means "in" which gives us the English "be" as in "being". (Mint amikor "beget" az ember..)

In fact, the well-known town of Baghdad was only founded in 762 CE during the early Abbasid period, and it is hardly conceivable that the Kanuri and Hausa traditions refer to a migration from that city during the Islamic period.
According to the Kebbi chronicle, the dynastic founder of the state of Kebbi came from a Near Eastern city called Madayana/Mad1’in, Aram, “the towns.”

Iráni nyelvek
God: baga, baya, homa, heq. Name: a kurdban "nav, néw". A zazaki "berz" az "magas" A Kaukázusban, magyaroknál, a frízeknél pedig "hegy=bérc".

arab szavak
Guard/Őr: Hurras Heaven/Menny: Sema Kick/Rúg: Labta Labour/Munka: Kedd
Magic/Mágia: Sehr Secret/Titok: Sirr Sofa/Szófa: Diwén South Arabia Swine/Disznó: Khanzir
Temple/Templom: Heykel Throne/Trón: Arsh Viper/Vipera: Af'a Foreign/Idegen: Gharib
Emperor/Uralkodó: Imberatur   

Sofa: Derived from Arabic súffa, “sofa, long seat made of stone or brick”). Kurdish: qenepe. Persian: känäpe. Greek: kanapés. Arabic: kanaba. Ugarit: "knp=wing". Turk languages: "sofa=diwan".
British souvenir
A British Museum lapján láthatunk egy temetői sztélét, ahol nem kőből készült szófán heverészik a tulajdonos. Láthatunk továbbá athéni mintára veretett pénzeket a BC 4-3.c. időkből. Van itt még aranyborjú, aranykéz, tömjén égetők..

"Metatron" comes from the Aramaic MATARA (keeper)
IE cymr. dig `mad, wicked, evil'
the word “keep” (Hebrew: runa)
Gothic word runa, which means whispers, secret or mystery.


This auction is for an authentic ancient Roman bronze coin of Claudius II Gothicus, 268 AD-270 AD. On the obverse side: Head of Claudius II. On the reverse side: altar. A tűzoltár rendre feltűnik a Sassanida érméken.

7. század
Although the standing caliph was not the definite answer to the question of an appropriate representation of the new empire and its state religion, he represents for the first time the power of this empire like the Byzantine basileos or the Sasanian shahanshah on their coins before him. The accompanying inscriptions on this series proclaim the ‘Commander of the Believers’ (amir al-mu’minin) to be the rightful khalifat Allah or ‘Deputy of God’.

Robert Farris Thompson: Face of the Gods In the Afro-Atlantic world the concept "altar" is double: fixed (tree, fire, stone, dais) and moving (ring shouts, dancing, handclapping, circling, ecstasy), leading ultimately to visitation by healing spirits under God. The book opens with the fire altars of the foraging Mbuti, of the Ituri Forest in northeastern Zaire, and of the San, of Namibia.

Svéd lelet
Tűzoltár az arab pénzen Mohamed korából?
Swedish archaeologists have discovered a rare hoard of Viking-age silver Arab coins near Stockholm's Arlanda airport. About 470 coins were found on 1 April at an early Iron Age burial site. They date from the 7th to 9th Century, when Viking traders travelled widely.

Fire altar is a term adopted by modern researchers to designate the stand upon which sacred fire was placed. Strictly speaking, the designation “fire altar” is incorrect, since the structure was not used to receive a sacrifice, but simply to hold the fire for the purposes of veneration, probably contained within a metal or clay bowl.
Both Schippmann (pp. 499-510) and Yamamoto (1981, p. 79) identified the ubiquitous square structure having an arch in each wall (čahartaq “four arches,” q.v.) and piers in each corner supporting on squinches a dome (gonbad) as the place where the sacred fire was housed in the fire temple.

Emmet Scott: Were the Arab Conquests a Myth?
These coins usually have a portrait of a Sasanian emperor with an honorific inscription and various ornaments. To the right of the portrait is a ruler’s or governor’s name written in Pahlavi script. On the reverse there is a Zoroastrian fire altar with attendants on either side. At the far left is the year of issue expressed in words, and at the right is the place of minting. In all these features, the Arab-Sasanian coinages are similar to Sasanian silver drahms. The major difference between the two series is the presence of some additional Arabic inscription on most coins issued under Muslim authority, but some coins with no Arabic can still be attributed to the Islamic period.

adur-gah ['twrg)s] fire altar.
afrah [pls / M pr'h] teaching, doctrine.

The Evolution of Persian - Mashal Saif
Many pieces also bear figural depictions of dancing, nude girls and female musicians, 90 both of which suggest opulence and leisure and indicate patronage by the rulers. Also present in the art of that time are figural representations of a religious nature. 91 A number of artifacts also display illustrations of the fire altar (a Zoroastrian religious symbol), being guarded by priests. This image is especially common on coins of the Sassanian era.

Avestan Personal and Family names
[Franya] (m) Father of Vohu-raochah, Asho-raochah, and Varesmo-raochah. Cf. yt13.97.
isvant [Isvat] (m) An ashavan. Cf. yt13.96.
Haldita. An Armenian, father of Arkha

Ancient Georgia
"The unfortunate Varsken has become pitiable, because he denied the true God and converted to (lit. confessed) the fire cult .." .. There was a Persian woman, a Zoroastrian (mogw), who suffered from (lit. had) the disease of leprosy. And she came to Saint Shushanik who (lit. but she) advised her to give up Zoroastrianism, and she became a Christian.
In the tenth year of the king Khosrou, (and during the time of) Arvand Gušnasp being margrave of Kartli, a man came from Persia, from the region of Aršakia.
Georgian mog-oba-, from mogu- ? Arm. mog < Middle Iran. mogu "Zoroastrianist" (> "magician").

Tűzimádók után - a fény kultusza
The Roman deity Mithras appears in the historical record in the late 1st century A.D., and disappears from it in the late 4th century A.D. Unlike the major mythological figures of Graeco-Roman religion, such as Jupiter and Hercules, no ancient source preserves the mythology of the god. All of our information is therefore derived from depictions on monuments, and the limited mentions of the cult in literary sources. The temples of Mithras were always an underground cave, featuring a relief of Mithras killing the bull. This "tauroctony", as it is known today, appears in the same format everywhere, but with minor variations. Other standard themes appear in the iconography. The cult was all male. There were seven degrees of initiation. Different ritual meals were associated with each stage. The mysteries of Mithras were not practiced until the 1st century AD.8 The unique underground temples or Mithraea appear suddenly in the archaeology in the last quarter of the 1st century AD.9
During the 2nd and 3rd centuries, the archaeology includes a great many Mithraea, some of which are rebuilt and enlarged during this period. The term mithraeum is modern; in Italy inscriptions usually call it a spelaeum; outside Italy it is referred to as templum. Parthian coin

Parthian coin. Raven with ring/Holló gyűrű/karika a csőrében. Kurdish lang.: "qarik=a raven". Eredeti szöveg: "PARTHIAN KINGDOM: Phraates IV, c. 38-2 BC, AR drachm (4.01g), Ekbatana, Shore-276/78, eagle crowning the king, superb strike, especially on well-centered obverse, choice EF to About Unc."

A pártusok nyelve


mänbän [m'np'n] watch-dog. házőrző
män [m'n] house, dwelling. lakóhely
wis [wys I = M] village. falu
xar [h'l. M x'r] thorn. tövis
war [wl] shelter, enclosure. körbezárt védett hely
build desidan. épít
nis- [nys-. M nyys-ydn] see, observe. néz
daxmag [dhmk, Pers. dxmg] tomb, dakhma (a building where corpses are exposed for destruction). sírdomb
gabr [gpl, gwbl M gbr] hollow, cavity, womb. (női)méh
gaw [TWRA < A twr' . M g'w] ox, bull, cow; astr. Taurus. marha
Mehan [myhn] home. xan [h'n'. P x'n] house. ház
se-päy [3-p'd. N sipa] three-legged. 3 lábú
sheb- [shyp-. M shyb] move quickly; be confused. sebesen mozgó
wen- [HZ YTWN-tnl < A .y (lzy; dytn' , wyn- I M dydn, wyn-, N -, bin-] see. lát

A múltat végképp eltörölni.. és iráni képeslapok
Mint ismert, amikor az USA army elment tankolni Iraqba, a bagdadi múzeumból 70000 tárgy tűnt el, köztük a híres bagdadi elem is. Az még hihető, hogy a néger zsoldos kezéhez ragad egy aranytárgy. Na, de egy több ezer éves elem maradványa?..

Pesti István 2015 junius
