Amerika 14

A kontinens és Óceánia.
Lipan (also Ypandis, Ypandes, Ipandes, Ipandi, Lipanes, Lipanos, Lipaines, Lapane, Lipanis, etc.). One of the 7 major Apachean peoples. They once travelled from the Pecos River in eastern New Mexico to the upper Colorado River, San Saba River and Llano River of central Texas across the Edwards Plateau southeast to the Gulf of Mexico, were close allies of the Natagés, therefore it seems certain that they were the Plains Lipan division ("Prairie Men"), not to be confused with Lipiyánes or Le Panis (French for the Pawnee). Fej: Jirajara "pok =hill". Mashakali "pokox = heaven".


Az unka beka volt.. A beka pedig ember, hold, tűz.. Heka · Heket (vagy Hek), békaistennő. BEKA: This word also means "half" (Genesis). Mistress Huku (or Heka), the frog-headed goddess. (*Bakka = old name of the holy city of Makkah. Prof. M. S. Tajar). Bakka települések a világban. Tagadva. Lao: "ung=frog". S egy vad gondolat: BAQA vad gita baksist ad. (Crimean Tatar "baqa=frog".

Ounceland - a festett nép
An ounceland (Scottish Gaelic: "unga) is a traditional Scottish land measurement. It was found in the West Highlands, and Hebrides. In Eastern Scotland, other measuring systems were used instead. It was equivalent to 20 pennylands or one eighth of a markland. Like those measurements, it is based on the rent paid, rather than the actual land area. It was also known as a "tirung" (from Scottish Gaelic: tir-unga), or a dabhach (same as daugh), which is a term of Pictish origin, also used in the east of Scotland too, but for a different measurement. (Tirunga 156 km-re van Alwar-tól Indiában.) Területmérték.


ha? nf ha?ir height(s)/hill(s) /Hegy, hag, heigh.. hag-ar? ..és haupt?/
sandur nm sandar (aurar) sand, area(s) of sand, glacial outwash plain(s). Van köze a napkapuhoz vagy a finn aurinkohoz?
tangi nm tangar narrow peninsula(s), promontory(ies), point(s) of land
tunga nf tungur tongue(s) of land usually between several rivers

A piece of native art or ethinic art that hangs on the wall of your parents' cottage or grandparents' house. Example: My mom went to Mexico for a holiday and now the house has a million unga bungas everywhere.
A kiungo pedig egy szuaheli fűszer. Swahili nyelvből: kapcsolat, csatlakozás, csípős.
Joke - Bunga-bunga.

Pindurka snake (Latvian: punduris=dwarf)
Ungaliophis panamensis. A Tropidophiidae vagy törpe boa, egy család a kígyók A Karib-térség és Dél-Amerika. Pan paniscus (törpe csimpánz), póni (törpe ló). pun-sai using special techniques to grow dwarf trees in containers. (törpe fa=bonszáj).
Több irányból is a "pan" az törpe jelentést ad, miként a "beka" szó is néhol. Pygmy: from Ancient Greek Pugmaios, “a member of a race of dwarves”. Mandarin "airen". Pügmalion. Rokonítják a "pyx=ökölbe szorított" szóval, illetve a görög "pygmaios=könyök" (hosszmérték) szóval is. Pandaka: Sanskrit, pandaka = without testicles, hermaphrodite, homosexual; it is a Philippines fish, the smallest of the world. Ezzel szemben a "pun-ish-ment" nem volt kicsi..

Unga lies on the southeast coast of Unga Island, in the Shumagin Islands of the Aleutian Chain.

Unga-Chuck of the Nsswe Neppe, is a mythological character from the Meskwaki-Sauk tribal folklore. The tale comes from the Fox and Sac tribes in what is now present day central Iowa.
The Sauk (or Sac) tribe and the Meskwaki (or Fox) tribe.
Unga village - Ale-ut. ..és szerte a világban.

Nsswe Neppe
Unga-Chuck of the Nsswe Neppe, is a mythological character from the Meskwaki-Sauk tribal folklore. The tale comes from the Fox and Sac tribes in what is now present day central Iowa. The Sauk tribe and the Meskwaki tribe. The Meskwaki and Sauk Indians were related to each other and spoke the same language, but they were politically independent.

he Yunga region also has a Quechua name – Warm valley. The vegetation includes molle, a typical tree, also avocado, lucuma (a typical fruit from the region), the custard apple, the guava, the plum trees, citrus fruits and sugar cane. The most common birds are the chaucato and the taurigaray. Quechua connection comes in- china means "female animal, servant", used in reference to the low status of mixed race offspring. Titi Aymara for cat and "Caca" Quechua for The Sacred Rock on the Island of the Sun. /A kaka máshol napkereszt. Hakenkreutz./


Csángók Amerikában
The Changos, also known as Camanchacos or Camanchangos, were an indigenous people who inhabited a long stretch of the Pacific coast from the Atacama desert to the Coquimbo Region in what is now southern Peru and northern Chile. The culture originated in the 8,000-year-old Chinchorro tradition.
Több csángó - "Changuito" its a form of the same word that applies to small boys/kids. (Indiai testvértelepülés: At a distance of 122-kms from Kalpa, Chango is a collection of 4 hamlets in Pargna Shuwa, sub-tehsil, Hangrang on the left bank of river Spiti.)
Még csángó chango = little boy, adolescent, puber. Changuito=diminutive of chango, little chango. Term used with this meaning mainly in Bolivia and Argentina. Not to be confused with the Mexican chango where it means a monkey. Changos (of the north) or Urus (Uros), presumably related to the ..... community, or speak an Indian language as the mother tongue.

On the sea-coast, the Chimú, Chango, Chincha, Quichua, and Atacaman races have a different crainal form. Their skulls approach more in their conformation to those of the old moundbuildersof the Mississippi valley.

Az ojibwe "zid=láb", mint a balti népeknél. A "doodoosh=mell". A "nibi=water" és a "ziibi=river". A lakota "blood=wé", az "eye=ishtá" és a "kaluza=folyik". Chamicuro: "kujtu=foot", mint amikor a mordvin pilgrim kujtorog. A szemita népek "regel" (láb) vándorolnak.



A hallgatás tornyai?
Two Chullpas haven`t been finished. On one you can even recognize a ramp on which the heavy blocks of stones were pushed upwards. Additionally you should spot the Chullpa de Lagarto which is with its 12 m height the highest of whole South America.

Onffroy de Thoron. In the 19th century de Thoron discovers surprising similarities between the language Quechua or Runa Simi (=language of man) and the Ancient Egyptian language, positing Quechua to be the prototype of the Ancient Egyptian tongue.

Ayta: Philippine ngritos Zambales province
The Cherokee tell of a story of a race of people that were blue skinned that they came upon when they entered the lands of Kentucky. They bragged over wiping them out, but we have recently found out that this may not be the case and they still may exist in the tunnel and cave systems of Kentucky and surrounding areas.

Pan - proto austronesian vocabulary
*baki PAN grandfather
*baqi PAN grandmother
*bali PAN wind
*baRat PAN cucumber: Cucumis sativus
*bituqen PAN star
*Caki PAN feces, excreta
*CawiN PAN year
*Curis PAN scratch a line
*deRdeR PAN thunder
*kali PAN canal, ditch
*kuti PAN vulva, vagina
*laniC PAN sky
*nunuh PAN female breast
*pacek PAN wooden nail, dowel; drive in, as a wooden nail or dowel
*paCak PAN spotted, speckled, as the skin of an animal
*saksak PAN hack, chop into pieces
*supsup PAN sip, suck
*Sikan PAN fish
*Sina PAN a plant: Erechtites spp.
*tabaN PAN head trophy
*taNaS PAN village; place of residence

Cahal Pech This is the oldest-known Maya site in the Belize River valley.
The name Cahal Pech, meaning "Place of the Ticks", was given when this site was fallow during the first archaeological studies in the 1950s, led by Linton Satterthwaite from the University of Pennsylvania Museum. (Pechem van! Vajon kullancsom van, vagy pixisből kiesett német? Pyxis Nautica > Tájoló csillag. Lásd még: Pandora szelencéje puszpángból.) Ógörög box: Pyx, pygme az "ököl" szavukból.
Data recovered at the center indicates that the first settlers began to occupy the site sometime between 1200 to 1000 B.C. It is believed that these settlers either entered the Belize River Valley from the west in Highland Guatemala, or they may represent incipient cultivators whose ancestors lived in the area during the Archaic period. Between 1000 to 600 B.C., the Cahal Pech community acquired many exotics like jade and obsidian from sources to the east and north of Guatemala City, marine shell from the Caribbean Sea, and appropriated many of the early symbols of the Gulf coast Olmec Culture. Many figurines and carved designs on pottery suggest that these people shared similar ideologies with their counterparts in other areas of Mesoamerica. Indeed, Cahal Pech also contains one of the earliest carved stela (monuments) yet discovered in this region of the Maya lowlands.

Several examples of graffiti have been uncovered at Cahal Pech. On structure F-2 archaeologists found two examples of graffiti carved onto ceramic sherds. One of these depicts a ruler sitting in his temple, arm outstretched and finger pointing. The second displays the image of the rain god, Chac. These images were produced by someone skilled in drawing and suggest that those living at Structure F2 may have been artisans.

Among the Hasinai groups, the xinesi (pronounced chenesi, meaning Mr. Moon) inherited the position of spiritual leadership (head priest) and served all of the allied communities. Each community had a caddi or principal headman (civil chief), a rank that was also inherited from father to son, as well as a group of village elders known as canahas. The Hasinai Indians belong to the Caddoan linguistic stock, a large family that includes the Arikara, Pawnee, Wichita, Kitsai, and Caddo ..

Comparative Studies in Amerindian Languages
534. Maro =medicine man, witch doctor
542. Moon = saaka

Colusa dialect
Ke’ti’, on the site of the present Princeton. Koru’, in Colusa city, named from it. Chetro Keti?

Many coins found in North America and South America show pre-Columbian visitations by many peoples. "But vastly more impressive than even the numismatic evidence is that which has begun to accumulate in the epigraphic field. For whereas our sporadic coin finds inferred the pre-Columbian presence of Phoenicians and Hebrews, inscriptions have already added Berbers, Arabs, Basques, Celts, Scandinavians, Hindus, and, most recently, Sumerians.

It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.


Alaszka házai - ill-írek ig-luban.


Language word meaning
Yupik Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik, Koniag variety ungluq house
Central Alaskan Yupik @nglu, ng@llu beaver lodge
Naukan Yupik @nlu small semi-subterranean house
Central Siberian Yupik n@nglu sod house
Sirenik Sirenik lu, luv@x sod house
Inuit Seward Peninsula Inuit iGlu house
North Alaskan Inuit IGlu house
IGlupiaq sod house
Western Canadian Inuit iGlu snow house, igloo
Eastern Canadian Inuit illu house
North Baffin Iglulik iGlu house
South Baffin iGlu house
Aivilik iGlu house
Labrador illuk house
illuviGaq snow house
Greenlandic Inuit iLLu house
North Greenlandic iGlu house
East Greenlandic ittiq house
iLLuiGaq snow house, hunting hut, beaver’s den
Aleut Aleut ula house

White Lies about the Inuit. szerző: John Steckley
silalutol bad weather rossz időjárás
silami =outdors
silata outside
silapak outer garment
silalereit neighbors
But SILA also refers to the state of the inner mind
A sila időjárás szellem nevét Raymond de Coccola hilla szóként hallotta. Illetve sila a gonosz szelleme a hóviharoknak és a szeleknek.

Nyilaskeresztes indián
Maga a nyilaskereszt bizonyos amerikai őslakos (indián) közösségek szimbólumaként is megjelenik. Ők - földrajzi elhelyezkedésüket figyelembe véve - valószínűleg sosem voltak Szálasi Ferenc hívei, de ettől függetlenül fel kell hívnunk rá a figyelmet, hogy a jelkép az indián fejdísz közepén foglal helyet. (Az általam ismert legkorábbi megjelenése a szimbólumnak a Harappa kulturához kapcsolható. Árják. Hitler feltehetően nem árja volt, hanem zsidó származású.)

Nyilasok - Íj
Si. hiya, hi, iya, iya "arrow", i-- ta?a ‘ the grass Heteropogon hirtus ' (Geiger ES 12 wrongly < śitá-- ).
i?uka´ 1596 i?uka´ f. "arrow" AV. [í?u-- f. RV., n. BHSk., Pk. isu-- m.] *upe?uka--.
25. garu : (page 216) Gy. gr. ger, gel m. "itch", boh. ger f.; S. garu (g!) f. "mange", garo "mangy", m. "iron-- grey horse"; H. gar f. "itch in throat and breast of a horse, farcy"; M. gar f. "id., scurf on hair of horse or man".

A nyíl
Each of the Seven Mystical Arrows of the Omaha represented one of seven clans and they were used to foretell their separate futures. This septenary symbol of a people was similar in intent to the Four Sacred Arrows of the Tsistsistas or Cheyenne. At the time of the ancestral grandfathers, their great cultural hero Mutsoyef travelled to the sacred Black Hills where, in a great cave, he sat with a circle of wise men from all of the people of the earth at the feet of Maiyun, the personified Great Spirit. The Four Sacred Arrows were given to him by Maiyun with instructions as to their care and use. He was told that as long as they were kept safe and free of any impurity, the welfare of the Cheyenne would be ensured. So it was that when any evil thing occurred within the tribe they observed the Arrow Renewal Ceremony, which lasted for four days and ended with an exposure of the arrows to the sun. This was done at the time of the summer solstice, when the sun was at its fullest strength.

Ugye, mennyire hasonlít a magyar IJ (bow) és a turk AJ (Moon) szó egymáshoz? Tulajdonképpen a félhold is "íj" formájú.

South America
- Chamacoco (Yshyr) is one of two extant languages of the Zamucoan language family.
Tsesungun language: "alej=moon" {álé}. Hullichesungun Language: "kidzen=moon" {kigyen}. Mak'a Language: "ne itsi ti? = my big house" {né ti pi}. "iweli =water" {i-veli}.
The critically endangered Tsesungun variety of the Huilliche [huh] language. Huilliche is closely related to Mapudungun, the language of the Mapuche. Huilliche, call their language "tsesungun =language of the people". Moluche (ngull- 'to set (of the sun)'
Valamiért a "kigyen=hold" engem a mordvin "kegy=kéz" szóra emlékeztet. Vajon az Aleut lehetett Holdút?

feather/wing [ij?k] noun iyak (Spanish pluma)
hawk [d?] noun toh (Spanish halcón)
long [be?a] adjective berrak (Spanish largo) /Szemitáknál ÁROK/
flat [de?e??] adjective deresho (Spanish liso)

Silvid Rassz
Silvid race: Tall and broad grown, robust build; mesocephal; longish-rectangular face with clear, even if moderate facial flatness, but with a very striking, narrow till medium broad nose with a convex, now and then even hooked bridge profile ("aquiline nose"); sometimes narrow, slanting eyelid slit and Mongolian fold (especially among children, among women more often than among men); broad mouth line, thin lips, often strong nasolabial folds, strong chin, smooth or tight hair, light-brown to medium brown skin with a tinge of yellow, red or copper. Spreading: Wood region from middle to eastern Canada, Appalaches (Mohicans, Delawares, Iroquois), prairie region of the "Middle West" (Sioux = Dakota).
Mintha a sziuk,irokézek kapcsán is 7 törzset emlegetnének..

About all that can be said is that both individuals were dolichocephalic and can be included in the rather broad classification of Sylvids (Von Eichstedt classification, 1934).

Zeta - fotok indiánokról. Ritka a pisze orrú.

Thomas Allen
The American Indian is a subspecies of the great Turanian species of man although an argument can be made that he is a species in his own right. An exception is the Paleo-American (Haddon) or Fuegian (Imbelloni), whom others call Laguian and Magallanic, should be considered part of the Australian or Indo-Australian species.
In the times when some Anthropologists were into extensive classifications of humans into different subtypes, the Woodlands Native Americans were classified as Sylvids and stated to have the closest appearance to Western Europeans. A szibériai selkup nép nevének etimológiája állítólag: söl which mean country, land and "kup = man". S akkor a "Sylvan" lehet "Land-forest" nyelvükön? Lithuanian: "šalis=land".

3) PE477 *pap
, *pap
r- ‛tail’ > PYup. *pap
, *pap
r- ‛tail (of mammal); fish tail; to wag tail’, PInup. *pap
, *papaa- ‛bird tail, fish tail; animal
placenta; to wag tail, to wriggle, to jump around’ (CED 250).

dongi - While being here, make sure to check out Uru, Mambotu, Majaleje, Burau, Pepuro Barat and Bukitsawit Dua as well.
Településnevek a környékről: Usipa, Usim, Userat, Usemuare, Usauer, Urung, Uriya, Urimakurunga, Urfu..

Ojibwe - Helyette
The Ojibwe would bury their dead in a burial mound. Many erect a jiibegamig or a "spirit-house" over each mound. A traditional burial mound would typically have a wooden marker, inscribed with the deceased's doodem (clan sign). Because of the distinct features of these burials, Ojibwe graves have been often looted by grave robbers. In the United States, many Ojibwe communities safe-guard their burial mounds through the enforcement of the 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was extracted and analyzed from the skeletal remains of 44 individuals, representing four prehistoric populations, and compared to that from two other prehistoric and several contemporary Native American populations to investigate biological relationships and demographic history in northeastern North America.
Chippewa: The name Ojibwe (plural: Ojibweg) is commonly anglicized as "Ojibwa." The name "Chippewa" is an anglicized corruption of "Ojibwa." Although many variations exist in literature, "Chippewa" is more common in the United States and "Ojibwa" predominates in Canada, but both terms do exist in both countries. The exact meaning of the name "Ojibwe" is not known. They were instructed by seven prophets to follow a sacred miigis shell. The Ojibwa would bury their dead in a burial mound; many erect a jiibegamig or a "spirit-house" over each mound. Instead of a headstone with the deceased's name inscribed upon it, a traditional burial mound would typically have a wooden marker, inscribed with the deceased's doodem.
Váratlan gén: In 1997, a fifth mtDNA haplogroup was identified in Native Americans. This group, called ‘"X," is present in three percent of living Native Americans. Haplogroup X was not then found in Asia, but was found only in Europe and the Middle East where two to four percent of the population carry it. In those areas, the X haplogroup has primarily been found in parts of Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, and Israel (druz). In addition, the 'X’ type has now been found in the ancient remains of the Basque. Among Native American tribes, the X haplogroup has been found in small numbers in the Yakima, Sioux, and Navaho tribes. It has been found to a larger degree in the Ojibway, Oneota, and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes. The X haplogroup has also been discovered in ancient remains in Illinois near Ohio and a 'few’ other areas near the Great Lakes. It has not (so far) been found in South or Central American tribes including the Maya.

One ota - Minnes ota
A Mississippi felső folyása mentén kialakult kultúra, amely a 17. századig prosperált a 10. századtól kezdve..
Az "oneota haka" állítólag a siouan nyelveken "álló kő népe". Mások a "Dombok népe" néven fordítják.
The Ojibway have a 3 Fire confederacy composed of the Potawatomi (the fire people; keepers of the Sacred Fire), the Ottawa (the trader people), and the Ojibway (the faith keepers; keepers of the sacred scrolls and the Waterdrum of the Midewiwin (the organized shamanic society for healers). All of the Anishinabe people are the nation of the Three Fires.

Furcsa nép
Melungeons, the mysterious dark-skinned mountaineers of eastern Tennessee and southwest Virginia and into Kentucky, have sparked myths and theories over the past century. They were whispered to be descendants of shipwrecked Portuguese sailors, or gypsies now known as Roma. Sötét hajú, kék szemű emberek, akik körében gyakori a fejlett "inion", amit egyesek árja bélyegnek mondanak.
Like the Kennewick skull (Chatters 2000) temporal lines occur high on the parietals and extend posteriorly to the lambdoidal suture. Superior and inferior nuchal lines are well developed and there is an inion hook. A fél golflabda nagyságú anatolian bump nem tévesztendő össze a Central Asian Cranial Ridge néven ismerttel. Az anatolian bump a fej hátsó részén, annak középvonalánál található. Az inion a koponya nyakszirthez csatlakozó peremén van, szintén hátul. Kisebb, hegyesebb.
Amerika beszél
If Melungeons, like the Cajuns and Creoles of Louisiana, and the Germans and Czechoslovakians of central Texas, and the Norwegians of Minnesota, came to Eastern Tennessee as an isolated group of Romani, Welsh, Portuguese, Spaniards, French, or even Chinese, as some have theorized, there should be strong evidence of that past in their language, loan words and idioms. Many rural Texas Czechs for example, still speak in strong Czech accents and use many Czech phrases and words although they have lived in America for four generations. Melungeons speak with Elizabethan English (Ball1975:70), and while this is an obvious exaggeration, there are numerous archaisms to be found in Melungeon speech. (fire = far)
Yuchi indiánok (napfiak), a kerek falvak népe kulturális rokonságot mutat a melungeon néppel. Néhány elérhető szavukból csak a "Moon (Lune) Shafah" szót tudnám kiemelni. Lyle Campbell a siouan néppel rokonítaná a yuchi népet. /yuchi: "pate=horse"./ Yuchi is an isolated language, a language which has not been shown to be related to any other.
Genetikailag elég vegyes képet mutatnak. Egy felmérés szerint R1b 47,5%; E1b1a 33,75%; R1a 7,5%; I1 3,75%; E1b1b1 2,5%; Q1a3a1 1,25% és I2 1,25%. Elképzelhető, hogy spanyol szefárd cigányok leszármazottjai. Az mtDNA többnyire X, ami a magyar vlax népnél is gyakori. Amerikában még a sziú és az Ojibwe törzseknél gyakori ez az anyai leszármazás. Abraham Lincoln's mother was a Melungeon. A törökök szerint természetesen anatoliai eredetűek. Mondták portugál leszármazottaknak is a népet. Author Roberta Estes states the first mention of Melungeons was in 1810, listing them as neither Negro nor Indian, but as "foreigners."

Among Native Americans, haplogroup X appears to be essentially restricted to northern Amerindian groups, including the Ojibwa, the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, the Sioux, and the Yakima, although we also observed this haplogroup in the Na-Dene–speaking Navajo.

Bird, Leet'-kah lah. A madárlak pedig a KALITKA. Kal=Ház.
Bite, Yah-tah'-kah. Blue, Toh. Jatagán -:)
Számomra gyanúsan furcsa ez a rengeteg hosszú szó. Nehézkes lenne kommunikálni ilyen szavakkal.

Mohawk szavakból: aka:ratsi - elm tree; o:wise - ice; kara:ken - white;

Arapaho - English - Más forrásból
beh - all. hono'útoyóó - to be complete, all there. néic - arrow. hééyei hóókecii - chicken hawk. tecénoo - door, gate. neb - fish.
Navajo: The North Star is Nahookos Bikq (Na hoe kos Bih kwo), which means "Central Fire". A bika, beka több nyelven is tűz jelentésű.

The Meherrin Indians, in the mid-seventeenth century, were living in two settlements on the north side of the Meherrin River in the eastern part of present-day North Carolina. The Meherrin spoke an Iroquoian language and were related to the Nottoway north of them and the Tuscarora to the south.

Nottoway, also called Cheroenhaka, is an extinct Iroquoian language of Virginia. Words: The Sun=A-hee-ta; Ice=O-wees; Land=O-ter; A Bull Frog=Dra-kon; An Eel=Kun-te;

Vizi világ

River: - Jóka ördöge a Yukon folyónál
Nottoway-Meherrin: joke /"Urali" irokéz.
Water (Eau)= Yaku (quechua)
Water (Eau)= Jo' (tzotzil)
Finnish: joki
Nenets: jakha
*yoka=river. proto-Samoyed
Northern Sami johka
Veps, Karel: jogi/Ugric/
(proto-Uralic *yuka) /Daniel Abondolo: The Uralic Languages/ Uralic: Proto-Uralic (Rédei) *yoka 'river.' [R 99–100].

Huron folyó - Ohio
In 1760, explorer George Croghan refers to the name of this river, also phonetically from its Native-American/Chippewa tribe name, as "Notowacy Thepy"; John Heckewelder recorded it as "Naudowessie Sipi", meaning "the River ("sipi") of the Huron ("Naudowessie") tribe".
A sipi az "folyó" (river) jelentésű. Szerintem a "Nadorvíz" is önmagában "folyóvíz" lehetett. (Máshol "Nandewine sippy".) A szudáni kenzi nyelven "missi=eye/ szem"

The name Innoko, first used by the Russian explorer Lavrenty Zagoskin during his 1842–44 expedition, is probably a Deg Xinag Indian word, but its meaning is unknown.
I: Illini (Illiniwek, Illinois), Inca, Ineseno (Inezeno), Ingalik (Ingalit), Innoko, Innu, Inuktitut (Inupiat, Inupiaq, Inupiatun), Inuna-Ina, Iowa-Oto (Ioway), Iroquois Confederacy, Ishak, Isleno, Isleta, Itza Maya (Itzaj, Itzah), Iviatim, Iynu
Vocabulary: Yaku Vera..:-)
Water =Yaku. Tree =Sach'a. Lake =Qhocha. Sun =Inti. Cloud =Phuyu. Aymara: yaku meaning: water, aqua. uma ... In the names of' water', which are two in Quichua, yaku and unu. More.. Kichwa language: (sara = corn, yaku = water). Turinform: "Hanan Pacha" (The Heaven), the "Kay Pacha" (The Earth Surface) and the "Ukhu Pacha" (The Underground). Unue pedig vízisten.

Mississippi - Ott, ahol zúg az a "Nagy folyó"..
Latin missionem (nominative missio) "act of sending, a despatching; a release, a setting at liberty; discharge from service, dismissal," noun of action from past participle stem of mittere "to send," oldest form probably *smittere, of unknown origin.
Hirnök - Vénuszi csoda?
Greek: angelosz. Skandinav: Bud. Quechua: chaski. Faroese: örindasveinur. Latin: cursor m, nuntius (la) m, nuntia.
A Missouri pedig a "Sáros víz" lenne. (Eric Partridge: A short etymological dictionary)


"Lani" means heavenly in Hawaiian. A lánok angyalok.
Machaj Mara
Évkezdet a téli napforduló idején. Aymara, inka, maya..
Az aymara újév a téli napforduló (jun.21.) idején köszönt be. Az "amautas" (aymara papok) szertartást mutatnak be Pachamama (Földanya) és a Nap köszöntésével. Minden évben sokan keresik fel Ingavi tartományban Kalasasaya templomát, ahol a wajt'a (hun. település név) ünnepségen először pillanthatják meg az új nap hajnalsugarát.

MAPUCHE, an isolate of Chile --- an isolate ?!
ant; antü = sol, día | soleil, jour | sun, day. < ??? HaNeTS (resplandor) siempre es el carmesí "resplandeciente del sol" o la madrugada | (brillant) c’est toujours le cramoisi "éclat du soleil" ou l’aube

Wariapano (Huariapano), also known as Pano, Panavarro, and Pánobo, is an obsolescent Panoan language of Peru.
Names: Panobo; Manoa; Pano; Pana; Pelado; Wariapano; Huariapano; Pano language area.

To one side was Hell, and all the sinners were going in there. It was full of fire, and the people entering there were like the throngs that flood to town on market day. To the other side of the fork was a city. At its entrance there was a wirajjocha who acted as gate-keeper. Sun Gate (Inti Punku in Quechua) or Intipunku (Quechua inti sun, punku door, "sun door". Quechua word pongo (door or gate) comes out pungu in Quichua. (A pongo délen emberszabású majom.)

MISKI - Means both "honey" and "sweet" in Quechua.
TANITANI Quechua feminine name derived from tani-tani, the name of the plant species Gentianella primuloides.

Déli kecsua
puri (y) (to walk) > puri' q (traveller)
kuti (y) (to return) > kuti mu' and (to return towards here, to return)

Apu (Ah-pooh) Lord. Mountain spirit. The tutelary nature deity of a village or region, inhabiting the peaks of the highest Mountain. Classically there are twelve tutelary mountain spirits of Cuzco city: APU AUSANGATE, APU SALKANTAY, MAMA SIMONA, APU PIKOL, APU MANUEL PINTA, APU WANAKAURI, APU PACHATUSAN, APU PIJCHU, APU SAQSAYWAMAN, APU WIRAQOCHAN, APU PUKIN, APU SENQ'A.

Media Lengua 'half(way) language', or Utilla Ingiru 'little Inca-ese (Quechua)'... Etnológicamente, la ML parece ser una forma de quichua, según su denominación "utilla inguru" o "quichua chico"... In Andean markets it is still customary to ask for a yapa (translates as "a little extra") when making a purchase... Huchuy Qosqo is Quechua for "Little Cusco"... (Spanyol-Kecsua keverék nyelv: utilla inguru =>little Inca-ese. Északra az Andoktól: Utila sziget.). Kecsua "ármány": Arí is "yes". Manan, "no"... Ch'iqlla-cha=frog.. Isla Incahuasi (meaning Inca House Island in Quechua)...

Elfelejtett könyvek
As in my last article in this Journal I furnished proofs of the derivation of the Peruvians in general from the Japanese-Koriak family to which the Ainos belong, it is natural that among the members of this family one or more should be found exhibiting the Sumerian character. It is also to be remembered that the Ainos, like the Berbers and Aymaras, were sun-worshippers, and that, in common with the latter people and the Guanches, they embalmed the bodies of their dead. Robert Ellis, aki perui -szkíta rokonságot érzékel. na, és az evolució csúcsán: yaku and hoq'o (water and to get wet in Quechua /hasonlítják más nyelvek azonos jelentésű szavaival többek közt/.

Castellano: andar - Pano: Cai = Hun: gyaloglás, járás, menés, andalgás.
Castellano: Barro - Quechua: Turu - Pano: Neo. = Hun: láp, iszap.
Castellano: diez - Quechua: Chunga = Hun: Tiz.
garra (Cast.) - shillu = Hun: karom.
Castellano: hombre - Quechua: Runa - Pano: Juni = Hun: ember.
madera (Cast.) - caspi - puhui = Hun: fa(anyag)
nube (Cast.) - puyu - huishne = Hun: felhő
pueblo (Cast.) - llacta - géma = Hun: lakott hely, lakosság

Chimu sllyang: syyang, the sun, and si, the moon; cf., Malay siyang, sunlight; Micronesian sirang, the sun; S. Philippine sirang, the sun; Malay sinar, a beam of light; Polynesian sina: hina, white, Sina: Hina, the moon-goddess; Babylonian Sin, the moon.
With this ancient name so closely resembling the Chimu equivalent, we may compare the Malay siyang, sunlight, Fijian singa, the sun, and Magindano (S. Philippines) sinang, the sun. The word is evidently of immense antiquity, probably brought into the Malaysian area long prior even to its settlement by Hindus, by old Phonician or South Arabian sun-worshippers trading to Java and the Golden Chersonese, from which it filtered across the Pacific (compare the ancient Semitic doublet-words, san, the sun, and sin, the moon).

Kuelap romvárosa Peruban, az Andokban őrzi a felhők harcosainak nevezett chachapoya indiánok emlékét, akik félelmetes harcosok hírében álltak. Sokáig ellenálltak az inka hódításnak, de emellett tapasztalt kereskedők és hatalmas sámánok is volta. Továbbá szőkék és kékszeműek. ..még képek.
Az első évezred második felére teszik virágkorát. Közel 500 épület romja maradt fenn a felhőharcosoktól. Érdekesek a körházaik és a moaikra emlékeztető szarkofágjaik. Csőbe húzva. Valamint út a felhők fölé. Genetikai vizsgálatokat is végeztek a múmiákon. Az indián anyai gének mellett a cigányok "M" mtDNA-ját is megtalálták közöttük. Ezek ritkán voltak szőkék, de ma is találni szőke hajú gyermekeket Peruban. A múmiákat többnyire vörös hajúnak írják, így a Machu Picchu és a Nazca múmiák esetében is.

Mapuche dict - Che: people. "Mapu: country, place, land"
Uñum: birds. Cuyen: moon. Quechu: five. Pichi: small. Maya: river. Chaan: legs. Incahuasi: inca?s house. Cuzco: navel, center. Curi: dark or black. (Kuro-shio?). A Mapuche nép Chile területén él. Náluk - de az egész Andok területén is - előfordul a kőbe vésett két fejű kondor. Alaszka bennszülöttjeinél a 2 fejű sas fordul elő.

Spanyol nyelven
O povo indígena inga [inka] ou ingano é um grupo quéchua, situado em áreas mais ao norte da regiao quéchua.

Inga stone
The Ingá Stone (Pedra do Ingá in Portuguese) is located in the middle of the Ingá River near the small city of Ingá, 96 km from Joao Pessoa, in Paraíba State in the northeast of Brazil.
Many symbols of the Inga’s monolith are similar to those found in Turkey, in ancient Anatolia of the Hittites.
Quechua Language (Quichua, Inga, Inca, Runasimi)
IngaPirca romjainál. Video. Pirca= kerítés, fal. (quechua)
Yuman nyelvek 3-as száma: hamok, hamokas, hamúka, homook, (ha)moga, moke... 9: hoomhoomook.
Serian 7: pakha, pakai, parkai, bee-eeka, vika, viiga..
Serian "wing/szárny=isselka". Yuman: Mata=feather/toll. (egyiptomi isten?). Bird/madár=tishá. Red/vörös=mocao. (Chinese Hong.)
Yuman "sky, heavens": amimme, amaya, may, meya, maish...
Yuman Moon/Hold: häláa, halyá, halla, hala, halá..

Többnyelvű szószedet
Apukuna: - Spirits of the Mountains (Runasimi). Aymara "stone=qala".

Moray was an Incan experimental farm. This ingenious technology allowed the Incas to study the effect of altitude on different plants and to experiment with different varieties of plants to improve their crops. The temperature difference between the ground at the bottom of the circles and the highest terrace is 15oC (59oF). Neve: Cusco was the centre of the Incan empire and the centre of the Americas, it’s name derived from the Quechua ‘Q’osqo’ meaning the umbilical, or the navel, the centre of their civilisation.

Ulva vocabulary - Language family: Macro-Chibchan. Language group: Misumalpman. Geographical use: Honduras and Nicaragua.
aranka: raun. round. arannaka: encircle; draw circle around; ring. (finn aurinko?)
mak: fruit; semilla; grano; berry; nuez; hueso.

chelti [english: ripe, spanish: maduro, hungarian: érett]; chaskolo [english: stick, spanish: palo, hungarian: pálca]; ajtokali [english: feather headdress, spanish: corona, gorra con plumas, hungarian: tollas fejdísz]; ajtini [english: path, trail, spanish: camino, trocha, hungarian: út, ösvény]; ajkochi [english: house, spanish: casa, hungarian: ház];
ipokokna sekoli [english: full moon, spanish: luna llena, hungarian: telehold]; (pestepolo sekoli=újhold); kayo [english: rooster, spanish: gallo, hungarian: kakas]; puuya [english: fog, mist, spanish: neblina, hungarian: köd]; /Chamicuro is a critically endangered indigenous American language spoken by only 2 aboriginal people in South America. The Chamicuros live on a tributary of the Huallaga river, in Peru./


William Bright - cii, xsi, si "day/nap". Ar. "d-uku = moon". Miduu=night. Hokan "ima=sky". Salix "kakcu=two/kettő" (kaksi!).

American Indian Languages 1 Szerkesztette: William Bright
Moh. "anya=sun"; Chum. (S.Cruz dialect) "t-anum=sun"; Chim: "ala=sun".

Tibetan-Amerind - Az amerikai bennszülöttek nyelvének eredete.

Baku - Dwarf, a törpe.
in many West African languages means 'little brother' or 'short man'. It also is related to the word the word bacucu meaning banana. In West Africa, the short races (such as the pygmies) were believed to have magical powers. This seemed to have been brought to Guyana, where the short races, or bakus, were still regarded as having magical powers.

Fiji - English vocabulary

andaa n. egg [from Hindi] (tojás)
asmaan n. sky [from Urdu] (ég fn)
aagii n. fire [from Awadhi/Bhojpuri] (tűz)
baaj n. hawk [from Hindi] (karvaly, sólyom)
bajaar n. market [from Urdu baazaar], synonym: markit [from English market]; (pazar vasar)
bukete n. pregnant [from Fijian] (terhes)
bukhaar n. fever [from Urdu] (láz)
etnaa adj. this much (ez nagy)
gaiyaa n. cow [from Awadhi] (tehén)
gobhii n. cabbage (Brassica oleracea) [from Hindi] (káposzta)
gyaarah n. eleven [from Hindi] (11)
hissa n. share, portion, lot [from Urdu hissah] (rész)
jannat n. Heaven (menny)
kabar n. grave [from Urdu qabr], kabrastaan - cemetery, graveyard (sír)
kanoon n. law [from Urdu] (törvény)
kuuna n. (water) well [from Hindi] (kút)
kutta n. dog (masculine) [from Hindi], kutia (feminine) [from Hindi] (kutya)
khaana n. food [from Hindi] (étel)
narongii n. mandarin [from Hindi naarangii meaning orange] (narancs)
pallaa n. door [from Awadhi/Bhojpuri] (ajtó)
panjaa n. claw [from Hindi] (karom)
tiis n. thirty (Thirty=Tolu saga vulu)
yaasii n. sandalwood tree [from Fijian yasi] (szantálfa)

haraami n. wicked, atrocious, doer of what is forbidden or unlawful, a wicked person, robber, an assassin; a rascal, a cheat, bastard [from Urdu haraam meaning unlawful, forbidden]
The Hawaiian cowboy, the paniolo, is also a direct descendant of the vaquero of California and Mexico.
Hawai - Hawaii is a compound of hä (breath) wai (fresh water)

Amerind celtic: de la werre, meaning "of the war" in Old French.
Egyiptom, India és az égi őrök.
… in Hindu Esotericism, Narada—who is called in Cis-Himalayan Occultism Pesh-Hun, the Messenger.
Ceren was a name of Ceylon, some Mayan ruins in El Salvador are called Ceren. Mayon was one of the names of Ceylon's cult religions, still existing among a few aboriginals living on the island.
The four principal groups in ancient India were the Asuras (Assyrians or Indus Valley people), Panis (Phoenicians), Yakhus or Yakshas (subjects of Kubera, god of gold and treasure a.k.a. Nagas) and Mayas. We know them today as the Dravidians (Tamils, Malayalam, etc.)
Arya, is Eran (Persia ); Barria, is Arabia, and Masra, was the name of Cairo, which to this day is called, Masr, Musr, and Misro. Phoenician history names Maser as one of the ancestors of Hermes (Messenger).

Lapp többes szám: A suffix used to form the plurals of animate words. (Abenaki "-k")
sips ‎(bird) → sipsak ‎ (birds)
wôbigo ‎(he is white) → wôbigoak ‎ (they are white)


austro = déli + neso = sziget = austronese
the nearest relative of Malagasy is Ma"anyan, a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in South East Kalimantan. Malay: arya = Banjarese: aria = Ma'anyan: uria.
Érdekességként: A magori nyelvet Papua Új-Guinea délkeleti részén beszélik még páran a Tavanei folyó környékén. Magarida veszélyes kígyója a tajpan.
Capertee is pronounced "kay-per-tee".

Orosz folyó - Ausztrália
Other bands adjacent to the Wywandy band included the Capiti (in the Capertee Valley, north of Newnes), the Therabulat (of the Hartley area and Lower Cox's River), possibly the Bunally (south of Mt. Lambie), the "Patrick Plains" band (probably a band from south-east of Bathurst, since "Patri" [or "Badri", a cold or frosty place] was the Wiradjuri name for the Bathurst area) and the quite separate "Bathurst" band (north-east from Bathurst, about Peel and northwards towards the Turon River).
The name "Wolgan" supposedly comes from wolga, the local aboriginal word for the plant, Clematis aristata, a vine that is fairly common in the valley. There are several growing in the immediate Newnes area.

The root word here 0lg ("reveal", "wave") is stated in the plural form Ylg ? Az orosz folyók közül pl az "Oka" és a "Neva" is vizet jelent amerind nyelvekből. Bizonyára nem minden törzsnek mondták őseink hiába, hogy "mentekutana"...

This term for bird excrement entered the English lexicon via Spanish, which had corrupted the Quechua term "wanu," meaning "dung" or "fertilizer," according to Merriam-Webster. Guano.
Vanua Levu formerly known as Sandalwood Island, is the second largest island of Fiji. vanua – meaning "land," "home," or "village" – levu, meaning 'longhouse' and the word tu ("stand"). Austronesian ethnic groups: Kayan, Kenyah..
Vanuatun is került elő a "hun koponyatorzítás" szép darabjaiból.

Szunda szk: drink= inum ; forget= poho; tiis =cool; A turk nyelvekben (angol, yakut) a "tiis=fog" jelentésű. Semita nyelvekben a "tis'a= 9". Hmong nyelv: "tis=szárny".
Austronesian korona Írta: WW Schuhmacher
Ethnically Papuan MOTU (= southeastern Papua-Niugini) "kwara" ( = head); ethnically Papuan FIJIAN koro ( = upper part of the head/ fejtető) = NBO- "kala" ( = skull).
Ethnically Papuan KEAPARA ( = southeastern Papua-Niugini) kori ( = tree top/ fa korona) = N-O-DAGHESTANI: RUTUL "qul" ( = top).
Ethnically Papuan FIJIAN "koro" ( = village) = N-O-DAGHESTA-NI: AGUL "h- ar" ( = village); "&or" ( = village); LEZGI "khur" - ( = village).

When a hero or distinguised "brave" is buried, the body is interred with the right arm lifted up above the mould of the grave mound. (Ancient Egypt Light Of The World. szerző: Massey)

Pesti István 2016 február

Amerika 13. rész
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