

UÜ [ Basque: "víz=ur".]
Fu (Vu. Pu - latei diminutive valiants)
Ri [ri-ver > folyó víz. Nivkh: "eri=folyó". Avestan ere > uru. s(u)ru - s(i)ri.]
Ko [Repül a nehéz KŐ..]
El. Ell [Eli, lamma Sabactani]
= Water [Maku'a: "were=water". ]
= Fire (great fire)
= Water, river [Persian: rud. Ladin: ruf. Occitan: riu. Az "ér"-ben meg a "vér" folyik.
= Rock, stone
= Sun (later God. Helios.)

Keleti oldal

Egyptian language connections to other African tribes - szerző: Akan Takruri
Pharaonic Egyptian - Wolof; (Wolof meaning)
aam - aam : seize (take this)
aar - aar : paradise (divine protection)
Aku - Aku : foreigners (Creole descendants of European traders and African wives)
anu - K.enou : pillar
atef - ate : a crown of Osiris, judge of the soul (to judge)
ba - bei : the ram-god (goat)
bai - bai : a priestly title (father)
ben ben - ben ben : overflow, flood
bon - bon : evil
bu - bu : place
bu bon - bu bon : evil place
bu nafret - bu rafet : good place
da - da : child
deg - deega : to see, to look at carefully (to understand)
deresht - deret : blood
diou - diou rom : five
djit - djit : magistrate (guide, leader)
Djoob - Djob : a surname
dtti - datti : the savage desert (the savage brush)
Etbo - temb : the 'floater' (to float)
fei - fab : to carry
fero - fari : king
iaay - yaay : old woman (mother)
ire - yer : to make
itef - itef : father
kat - kata : vagina (to have sexual intercourse)
kau - kaou : elevated, above (heaven)
kau - kau : high, above, heaven
kaw - kaw : height
kef - kef : to seize, grasp
kem -khem : black (burnt, burnt black)
kemat - kematef : end of a period, completion, limit
khekh - khekh : to fight, to wage war, war
kher - ker : country (house)
kwk - kwk : darkness
lebou - Lebou : those at the stream, Lebou/fishermen Senegal
maat - mat : justice
maga - mag: veteran, old person
mer - maar : love (passionate love)
mun - won : buttocks
nag - nag : bull (cattle)
nak - nak : ox, bull (cow)
NDam - NDam : throne
neb - ndab : float
nen - nen : place where nothing is done (nothingness)
nit - nit : citizen
Ntr - Twr : protecting god, totem
nwt - nit : fire of heaven (evening light)
o.k. - wah keh : correct, right
onef - onef : he (past tense)
ones - ones : she (past tense)
onsen - onsen : they (past tense)
pe - pey : capital, heaven (King's capital)
per - per : house (the wall surrounding the house)
pur - bur : king
ram - yaram : body, shoulder (body)
rem - erem : to weap, tears (compassion)
ro - ro : mouth (to swallow)
sa - sa : wise, educated, to teach
seh - seh : noble (dignitary)
seked - seggay: a slope
sen - sen : brother
sent - san : sister
set - set : woman (wife)
shopi - sopi : to transform
sity - seety : to prove
sok - sookha : to pound grain (sokh - to strike, beat)
ta - ta : earth, land (inundated earth)
ta tenen - ten : first lands (clay of first humans)
tefnit - tefnit : to spit
tem - tem : to completely stop doing something
tn.r - dener: to remember (to imagine) [dereng?]
top - bop : top of head
twr - twr : libation
uuh - uuf : carry
wer - wer : great, trustworthy

Complete Sentence Comparisons:
"a good place has become an evil place"
Egyptian - Bu nafret su em bu bon
Wolof - Bu rafet mel ni bu bon
Egyptian - mer on ef, "he loved"
Wolof - maar on ef, "he loved passionately"
Egyptian - mer on es, "she loved"
Wolof - maar on es, "she loved passionately"
Egyptian - mer on sen, "they loved"
Wolof - maar on sen, "they loved passionately"

Egyptian and Wolof Demonstratives
(ie > this, that, these, those)

Egyptian (p>b) Wolof. Érdekes, de a wolof nyelvben van "p" hang. Feltehetően egy más nyelv népe vitte a wolof nyelvbe a váltott szavakat. Arab közvetítésre gyanakszom. Wolof "pil=tyúk/hen".
pw - bw
pwy - bwy
pane - bane [pañe= kosár, bañe= of course, banális?]
pafe - bafe

pafa - bafa
pa - ba
ipatw - batw
ipatne - batne
ipatafe - batafe

...and a couple more Wolof/Ancient Egyptian comparisons for one to contemplate:
Egyptian................. Wolof
kat - vagina............Cott li - vagina (Katt bi is a vulgar term for having sex)
top - top of head....bop - top of head
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Mert a vízben heka van..
The word /HkA/ (as defined in the Egyptian dictionaries) means "magic, charm, magic spell, magicalinfluence, bewitch, be bewitched" or often "words of power." Bilolo in the excerpt above correspondsthe Egyptian word /HkA/ with the Tshiluba-Bantu word /cianda/and argues for a reinterpretation of "science, knowledge, power and authority." Only in certain contexts are we to translate the term /cianda/ as "sorcery." A BÉKA/heka jelenthet HOLDat, KAPUt, VÁNDORt, ÉGIt..
When the m - prefix is added we get the word /mdw/ (r > d) “speak, address (someone), speech, word, plea, to consult, to converse, to argue, tocontest, a MAGIC WORD ” (Yoruba odu “oracular utterance”). [see also /mdt/ "matter, speech, words, plea, talk, (written) words, discourse, dispute, message, affair"].

Jóka ördöge: nnyòka “snake” PB *jókà “snake”. A folyó (joka) is kígyózik.
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *raHaw/y- “bird”; Semitic: *rahw- or *raʔ - 'crane' or 'red kite'; Western Chadic: *ray(aw)- 'bird'; East Chadic: *"rā"- < *raHay- 'vulture'; Low East Cushitic: *raHaw- 'large bird' ; Hebrew "rāʔā" 'red kite'; Arabic rahw-; Proto-Semitic: *rahw- or *raʔ - Proto-WChadic: *ray(aw)- 'bird'; Bolewa: rayo, yaro [Bn:22], met. yàró [CLR]; Karekare: rāi [ShV]; Ngamo: rāyi [ShV]; Bele: ràawi [ShB]; Proto-EChadic: *ray- ‘vulture’; Migama: ráàyà [JMig] {Notes: cf. Dangaleat úriyà 'heron' [Fd]}; Proto-Low East Cushitic: *raHaw- 'large bird'; Arbore: raw.

Bor, a dinka főváros.
Halászbokor camp, fishing = buor SWr n. 1) fire-side. NWr: bor. 2) fishing camp. SC: bur. bör n.= being light in color. bor NWr n. fireside. SWr: buor. bor SWr v. be flooded. vn: abor.
Catch = kap. [Megkap, elkap] A "nyau" meg a "macska".
ajok SWm n. child born from adultery.
bäny n. = leader, king, chief. [vezető, bán]
köl SWr n. circle; wheel. [kör, kerék]
ba SWr v.= come. [jön, -ba]
wilthok = a new moon. [újhold]
kerac SWr Pl: kaarac. n. snake. [kígyó]
A dinka és a kalenjin emberek magasabbak az átlagembernél. Jó futók és kosarasok.

Van, aki a Pibor folyót a "favor" szó változatának érzi. PIBOR (Paris Inter-Bank Offered Rate)- Pibor good turn, turn a favor for someone.; "he did me a good turn". Bár a filippinók messze élnek..
Amur nép földje Dél-Szudánban van. Néhány szó nyelvükön: Kaaka 'bitterness "; Agoor 'green snake'; uduvaan 'vulture'; Tawan 'flood'; Tolwa 'beehive'; Tutu 'hyacinth'; Anyan 'God has given me'; (auth. JON ARENSEN). Életképek. Murle: the Dinka and Nuer call them Ber.

Nuer word: pi, poss. pin I water, always used in plural form only. bony* to go under water; to dive. bor lap of person; white; to hover over. kal, kaal fence; wall around yard. nyal, nyier girl. pwok* to bathe.

Western Shona "-baya", Vende "-baya", English "injure". Bantu nyelvek: Arrow/Nyíl = a-'yila.
Oromo vocabulary
funeral = sirna awwaalaa
hill = tulluu, gaara, daabbaa
horse = farda
intelligent = beekaa, beektuu, qaroo
justice, judgment = haqa [Hágai Nemzetközi Bíróság]
Saturday = sanbata

Nyugati oldal

Szem / Eye: Falasha: ili. Agaumidr (Agau-land): el. Kanuri: sim. Munio: sim. Kanem: asim.
Ember /Man: Waag: egir. Falasha: ira. Agau: aghi.
Asszony / Woman: Waag: yehona. Falasha: yewina. Agau: hona. (Egypt: zt-hmt, ami tán a tűz őre.) Faroese: kona. Polish: żona. - Human a-bódé: Persian: khone. Estonian: hoone. Tajik: hona. [Uram, nem vagyok méltó, hogy (h)ay-lik-omba jöjj...]
A falasha "af=száj" (mouth), "chingaroa=star", "wolta=six", "chafa=tree".
Woratta nyelven a föld (Earth) "saha" Saha-ra?
Sudan: Fertit nyelven "szem=allah". Takeli nyelven "fa = fa". Furian "uri=csillag/star". Dor "ungor=wood". Mobba "ayk = Hold". Mobba "kara=kéz, kar".
Mobba "ary=vér". Dizzela "bega=Hold /Moon". Okuloma "fene=tűz" [fény? fenyő?]. Anfue "anku=szem". Avekvom "eshi=esős évszak". Begharmi "chilly=7".
Batta nyelv "keze=szolga". Wolof "sefara=tűz/fire".

Tree= sindu, sing, sinia, sima, kung, rawa(tal?), pan peh, phun, din-koung, mu, moto, atsh, agatsh, yas, terek, chettu.
Ewe: afé =fésű
Pl:mfé n comb ayi?a Man?´ afé akp?
I bought one comb

Hildi district is located in Adamawa state in northern Nigeria. Mararaba Mubi is located within the Hildi region. Traditionally, Hildi is also known as a mountainous area. Hildi tribes speaks the Margi language. A terület: Margi, also known as Marghi and Marghi Central, is a Chadic language spoken in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Chad. It is perhaps the best described of the Biu–Mandara branch of that family. Marghi South and Putai are closely related and sometimes considered dialects of Margi.

Bata-Margi group: Bata, Bachama, Malabu, Njei, Zani, Holma, Kobochi, Vadi, Higi, Baza, Falli, Kiria, Kapsiki, Gudu, Vizik, Sukur, Mubi, Cheke, Margi, Chibbak, Bura, Pabir, Kilba, Paduko. (Carl Hoffmann írásából) Szavai nem tünnek érdekesnek, azért megjegyzem: "Júlia= to sorround". wúlá=leopard.
Englis luwo dict. Moon = dwe. Star = sulwe. Mountain = got.
The origin and the meaning of the name Tuareg have long been debated, with various etymologies hypothesized. It would appear that Twārög is derived from the broken plural of Tārgi, a name whose former meaning was "inhabitant of Targa", the Tuareg name of the Libyan region commonly known as Fezzan. Targa in Berber means "(drainage) channel". Another theory is that Tuareg is derived from Tuwariq, the plural of the Arabic exonym Tariqi (Üngürüsz). [Üzbek: "taroq=comb". A fésü felfogható sok kapuként is.]
Common dairy foods are goat's and camel's milk called akh, as well as cheese ta komart and Tona a thick yogurt made from them. Eghajira is a beer-like beverage drunk with a ladle. Awara (Ursa Minor), the baby camel goes to sleep.

Dagbani (a Niger-Congo language of Ghana)
a?garma - a?garma nima - n. a big horse. < Hausa [dialectic, ali?garma.] Sztálin/csődör: ngerma, kanuri nyelv. Tánc: the wasan noma, farmers' dance; the wasan garma 'hoe play', and the wasan makera 'blacksmith play' of the Hausa in Kaduna state.

Dagbani - English
Dagbani (or Dagbane), also known as Dagbanli and Dagbanle, is a Gur language spoken in Ghana. The Dagombas are an ethnic group of northern Ghana, numbering about 931,000 (2012). They inhabit the Northern Region of Ghana in the sparse savanna region below the sahelian belt, known as the Sudan.
galli Pl. gala n. an egg. gala nyebu laying eggs KO
nyina Pl. pihita n. horse’s own mouth ?? ‘thirty teeth’
nyirga Pl. nyirsi n. the vagina.
pani Pl. pana n. vagina, vulva.
nyofu Pl. nyori n. the chest (part of the body).
palgi -ra v. 1. to whiten
pielga Pl. pielsi a white;
palólí Pl. palóyá n. toad.

pini Pl. pina n. mount, riding horses (?)
puni Pl. puna n. door. Pun lehet "szem, hold..".
saafa n. south [Lásd: Jugasvili]
saka Pl. sakanim a n. edible frog with long legs.
sana Pl. samba n. a ‘stranger’: 1. a visitor, guest 2. a newcomer, foreigner.
sonya sonima n. a witch. (vide sonya).
sulgu sula n. a hawk.
tani tana n. 1. a strip of woven cloth 2. a bandage.
Tuure n. Europe (< Hausa);

Abandon; — Kapu, gbanari; — Abandonner,
Admire; — Kili; — Admirer; v. a.
Adore; — Sekpulu; — Adorer; v. a.
Allot; — kenye; — Partager; v. a.
Citadel; — Iga; — Citadelle; s.
Claw; — Mbo; ga-mbo; — Pince; s. pincer; v. a.
Combat; — Ogu, agha; (xba, im-ogu; — Combat; s. combattre; v. a.
Eagle; — Ugo; — Aigle; s. Aliga
Give; — Nye; — Donner; v. a.
Horse; — Anyinya; — Cheval; s.
Hungry (to be); — Gu; — Etre affame; v. n.
Man; — Madu, nvroke; — Homme; s.

Utazók Afrikában.
1887-89 Gróf Teleki Samu és Höhnel osztrák-magyar sorhajóhadnagy Mombaszából a Beringo tóig nyomulnak, felfedezik továbbá útjukban a Njiro hegyet, 1888. pedig két ismeretlen tavat, melyeket Rudolf és Stefánia-tónak keresztelnek.

Yoruba istenek Aradi Éva
Osun tehát az az istennő, akinek Susan Wenger a fogadott papnője, és akinek tiszteletére benépesítette impozáns betonszobraival, több, mint 30 évi munkával az Oshogbó környéki ligeteket.

Mosolygós történelem
Tua-reg: Tó-Ur-ak névvel illetik. A KAPU népe (tur) az ójapánban "to" népe. Lásd Shin-to vallás. "Szent koronán" To-ur-kias pisztosz králesz lesz Geobitzasz. Geovics?

Tuareg symbol: - shál
Tagelmust (called éghéwed in Malian Tamasheq) or Cheche (pronounced "Shesh" from Berber),indigo blue-colored veil called Alasho.
The tagelmust (also known as cheich, cheche and litham) is an indigo-dyed cotton garment, with the appearance of both a veil and a turban. The cloth may exceed ten meters in length. It is mostly worn by Tuareg Berber men, and is sometimes also used by men in other neighbouring ethnic groups, such as the Hausa or Songhai. In recent times, other colors have come into use, with the indigo veils saved for use on special occasions.

Tizza Town in Morocco.
Next, with an s prefixed as in It. tizza, stizza, Manx xtyr, hiss, used to set a dog on Cregeen; Bohem. stirati, to vex; Icel. styrr, war; E. stir, to provoke to anger, to incite to flames .
If we had only the Romance forms, we should not hesitate to consider titio, a firebrand, as the origin of It. tizzare, Fr. attiser, and E. tease, entice; but then we must give a Romance derivation to Sw. tutssa, and ignore the connection with tissen, to hiss, as well as with the It. synonyme izzare.
familiar E. tussle, a struggle. It. tizzare, attizzare, to egg on, irritate, provoke, to stir up the fire; tizzo, tlzzom\ u firebrand; stizzare, stizzire, to stir the fire, to make or become angry ; stizza, rage, anger ; stizzo , a firebrand ; stizzoso, testy, subject to sudden wrath;
Next, with an s prefixed as in It. tizza, stizza, Manx xtyr, hiss, used to set a dog on Cregeen; Bohem. stirati, to vex; Icel. styrr, war; E. stir, to provoke to anger, to incite to flames .

Black Athena
Négerek pénzérmén és kerámián a mai görög területről. Mivel nem szolga a néger ábrázolás, feltehetően egy korai fegyveres migrációról volt szó, esetleg kereskedelmi kapcsolatok álltak a háttérben.

Egypt - Kemet

Ré fiai
A kék mint az ég szine kozmikus-metafizikus tartalmat kapott. A lazúrkő és az azt utánzó üvegpaszta igen kedvelt az ötvösművészetben (Tutanhamon aranymaszkja, kék skarabeusok stb.), Istenek - elsősorban Amon - teste gyakran kék. Az embernek és az isteneknek kijáró színek elosztására érdekes példa Tutanhamon egyik mellvértjének maradványa. A király arca, teste barna, a vele szemben álló Amon arca és teste sötétkék, a király mögött ábrázolt, tehát Amonnál alacsonyabb rangú isten arca világoskék, teste barna, s végül a leghátul látható istennő arca, karjai világoskékek. Igen gyakran kék zománccal vonják be - különösen a XXI. dinasztia korában - az usébtiket. Az isten színe tökéletes, vagyis kék.

km "farm" - Egyptic
kaam "farm" - Basa
kaam "farm" - Doai
eKaam "farm" - Esitako
kam "farm" - Ngodzin
kumadin "farm" - Runda

Ogden Goelet in his article Kemet and Other Names for Their Land noted that before Egypt was known as Ta-Mry or Kmt, that it was simply known as HNW "the interior."
Charcoal in Yoruba is ogunna. Black in Yoruba is agin, ogan, and egan.

"Finnugor" h > k
Egyptian /h/
Hrw “mountain”
Hrw “top, upper”
Hrw “heavens, sky”
Hrw “hawk, bird”
ciLuba /k/
mu-kuna “mountain” (ciLuba)
kale, kule, kulu “top, upper, highest”
kulu “heavens, sky”
Nkulu, Nkole, Ngal, nGole, Cyal, Kal; ciKololo “hawk, bird, raven”

Egyptian Symbols
The Eye of Horus or Eye of Ra was called the Udjat. It represents the right eye of the Sun God Horus and was also associated with the Sun God Ra. According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his brother Seth. It was magically restored by Thoth, the God of Magick. After the restoration, some stories state, Horus made a gift of the eye to Osiris, which allowed this solar deity to rule the underworld.

Méz - mit - bit
Middle English hony, from Old English hunig "honey," from Proto-Germanic *hunagam (source also of Old Norse hunang, Swedish honung, Old Saxon honeg, Old Frisian hunig, Middle Dutch honich, Dutch honig, Old High German honang, German Honig "honey"), of uncertain origin.

A méh földje
The main centre of bee-keeping was Lower Egypt with its extensive irrigated lands full of flowering plants, where the bee was chosen as a symbol for the country. Since earliest times one of the pharaohs' titles was Bee King, and the gods also were associated with the bee. The sanctuary in which Osiris was worshipped, was the Hwt bjt, the Mansion of the Bee.

Szent méh
It was widely believed in Ancient Egypt that if a witch or a wizard made a beeswax figure of a man and injured or destroyed it, the man himself would suffer or die.

Afrikai birodalmak
Különösen a 19. és a 20. században volt divatos az egész afrikai történelmet a kontinensen kívülről érkező hatásokkal magyarázni. Núbiában viszont, ahol már az egyiptomi óbirodalommal egyidőben létrejött egy önálló állam, az ún. Kerma királyság, s amelyet az i.e. 15. századtól az egyiptomi újbirodalom kebelezett be, a Kusita királyságban tovább élt az egyiptomi kultúra.

Pesti István 2018 július
