Afrika 29.


Ismétlés: Nem rokonokat, hanem magyar nyomokat keresek. Merre jártak öseink.

Nyelvi tanulmány
Mangbei: "su-go =ear". Chamba: "kili-ma =oil". Temne "ba =be in a place". Fulani: "nai =4". Bambara: "nani =4".
Moon: Badyara: fa. Kulango: fenyö. Siti: palo. Lobi: puri. Munga: fi.
Head: Hausa: kay. Njei: kirre. Margi: kir.
Lion: Somali: a:r. Berber: awar. Egyptian: rw.

Khoisan languages

Khoe–Kwadi. Kx'a. Tuu. Sandawe. Hadza.

No etymologies are apparent for the triumphal names and they do not seem to be borrowed from any neighbouring language or resemble Khoisan or Sandawe. A hadza egy Tanzánia északi részén beszélt nyelv, az Eyasi tótól keletre. Hadza is a language isolate. Greenberg classified it as Khoisan due to its use of click consonants. If it were not for the clicks, it's likely that Hadza would have been classified as Cushitic.

Khoekhoe words
!uri = white. !huni = yellow. (Ister)gam-i = water. tuus = rain. !hom = mountain. !huu-b= earth. tara-s = woman. tana-s =head. sam-s = breast.

A zuhany délszláv nyelvekben "tus" keleti szláv és román nyelveken "dus". From German Dusche “shower”, from French douche “shower”. First attested in 1900. Chipewyan "tu=water" Navajo "tó=víz", Han "chuu". Tausug "tu=n. a drop, v. to drip".

A Lost Khoisan Language of the early Cape and the Gariep by Menán du Plessis . This chapter, which does not assume any prior linguistic knowledge, should help readers to become familiar with the main conventions used in writing Kora, particularly where these differ from those used in the Namibian orthography for the Nama, Dama, and Hai?Om dialects.
Carl Meinhof, for example, has ‘kx’ummi’ as a variant of kx’ommi ‘house’, while Lucy Lloyd has ‘|hummi’ for |hommi ‘cloud, sky’ and ‘surep’ (with masculine ending) for sores ‘sun’. disi = ‘ten’. haka = ‘four’. khoeb = ‘man’. "khoes = woman". tani = ‘carry’. kunis = ‘wagon’. !hanab = garden. huni = ‘mix, stir’. motsab = ‘water pool, lake’. How many Capetonians and South Africans know that Cape town is called Hui!Gaeb, which in the Khoekhoe language means “where the cloud gathers”, or that Table mountain is called “Huri Oaxa”, or where the sea rises?
A "haka=4" emlékeztet a hakenkreuz-ra, kapukeresztre illetve a hakkákra. A "hak, haka = 4" a cushitic Asa, Kwadza nyelveken. Továbbá a khoisan Sandawe "haka-x=4", a Khwadi-khoe Nama, Xiri "háká =4". A Tuu Nharo nyelvben is "háká = 4". Az északi Mande nyelvekben a "nani=4", szinte nelja, mint az indiánoknál és a Fula nyelvekben "nay=4". A Mmani nyelvben a "4=ñol", ami szinte fél nyolc.
A "disi" emlékeztet a germánok "ti = tiz" szavára, az pedig a holdcsillagra (tiziri).

Khoekhoe Nama, Hottentotta
The word “Namib” has its origins in the Khoekhoe language and essentially translates as “vast place”.

West Africa

Adamawa languages
the language spoken in Lau is called Laka [ISO 639-3: lak] and belongs to the Mbumic family of the Adamawa pool1 within the Niger-Congo macro-family, as illustrated on Figure 2. This classification is not based on linguistic data, as none was available before the AdaGram survey. It is based purely on the name of the language, as the term Laka has sometimes been used in the literature to refer to the Mbumic languages (see references in Elders 2006: 45–46), and the fact that many languages in that part of the Benue River Valley are traditionally referred to as Adamawa language.

Lau languages Családalapítás
Laka = foundation. Lake, laki = to marry (of a woman). Lau = to plant. Kuri= dog. Koro = a fence, a wall. Kiliti = a sow, a mother pig.
A "kutya" az kecsua és maori nyelven is "kuri". Talán a tokár "ku" módosulatai. A "koro" akár a magyar "kerítés" a kör szavunkból ered. A lakodalom szavunk más afrikai nyelvben is kiérzödik.

Valentin Vydrin: Numbers
In contrast, the root "pok = 10", reconstructed for the North Atlantic languages, can be related to the roots reconstructed for the vast majority of Niger-Congo families (it seems to be missing only in Ijo, Dogon and Kordofanian). Based on the NC comparison, the root for 10 is reconstructed as *pu/ *fu.
(Ez mintha a pun, fula "hold" rövidülése lenne. Lásd még "tiziri".)
Sila nyelv: 1=ungun. 10=asiñ. Nama nyelv: 7=huu. 10=tisi. Nharo nyelv: 10=disi. Bambara nyelv: 4=naani. 10=tan. Loko nyelv: 2=fele. 4=naai. 10= kapuu. Bandi nyelv: 2=fele. 4= nani. 10= pu. Fula nyelv: 4= nay. Falor nyelv: 4=enil. 7= pana. Banyun nyelv: 9=kilagaranek (5+4). 10=halak. Seme nyelv: 9=kal. 10= fu. Adele nyelv: 1= eke. 4= ena. 5= tö. Walamo nyelv: 1=ista. 3= hezza. 7=laappuna.

Central Africa

Több, mint 100 nyelv és nyelvjárás tartozik ide. Hausa, a West Chadic language, is one of the major lingua francas of Africa on the national and international level; approximately 40–50 million people speak it as either a first or a second language. Cushitic
North Cushitic, or Beja; Central Cushitic (also known as Agau [Agaw, Agew]), with languages such as Bilin, Kemant, Kwara, Xamtage, and Awngi; South Cushitic (spoken mainly in Tanzania), including Iraqw, Burunge, and Gorowa; Highland East Cushitic, including Burji, Sidamo, Kambata, and Hadiyya; Lowland East Cushitic, including Dasenech, Arbore, Saho-Afar, and Oromo.
A déli agau nyelv 2 dialektusra válik szét: Awngi és Kunfäl (west of Lake Tana).
Bilin (Northern Agaw): libdi = remember. dédna= to disappear. mandaq = wall. mashir= sickle. shipka = hair. lak=flour.

Piramis Egyiptom mánia
A hédervári szfinxek a reneszánsz óta jellemzo egyiptomán lények, 27 melyek a hátsó lábaikon ülve a görög szfinx típusát idézik, míg a nemes-kendő alól kilógó hajfürtök az újkori egyiptománia kedvelt motívumát jelenítik meg.
Piramis Magyarországon az Esterházyak által Csákváron kialakított angolparkjában volt megtalálható.

South Africa

Wanyika or the 'Nyika tribes'
Lake Tanganyika, from Swahili tanga (“sail”) and nyika (“uninhabited plain, wilderness”), bár Nyika törzsek élnek a környéken, s így a "vitorlás nyikák" után is kaphatta a tó a nevét.
A vidék nagy folyója a Kongó, amely a Lomami és a Lualaba összefolyásával jön létre. A Lualaba mellékfolyói: Luama River, Lukuga River — drains Lake Tanganyika, Lufira River, Lubudi River, Luvua River... Lu, river kukorica = íěndě. river= lú-ů??ě. (lu a folyónevek pefixe.) Basic vocabulary. refuse,say no = sómbŕ.

Thomas Q. Reefe: A History of the Luba Empire.
The Sungu villages in the upper Lovoi River valley were tied to the Luba royal court in similar way. Spirits named Monga and Umba were venerated by mediums and diviners at a sacred pool at Sungu... The state of Madya controlled the territory lying along the northeastern fringe of the Luba heartland, between the Luguvu and Luvidjo river valleys. (Bantu: "buta = Bow".)
A Lovoi folyó neve állítólag a lovoa (aranydió) fa után nyerte nevét, s köze sincs a "low=tehén" szóhoz.

Luba, Also called Chiluba, Ciluba, Tshiluba. West Kasai Region
Cilubŕ is mainly spoken in Western and Eastern Kasai, in present-day Congo (DRC, formerly Zaďre), but also extends far beyond those provinces. It is one of the national languages of the DRC, the other three being Lingála, Kiswahili and Kikongo.
Szép Ilonka
Mwäna mwimpé wa Ilunga wälu.
Child nice of Ilunga has home.
-a cijila =sacred. juba = mane (sörény). uga = king.
Jstore, bantu: Lu-ala= claw, ng-ala=claw (galagonya?). A "lu-" a bantu 6. osztályban az egyes szám jele. bull, cow=boi, vacca (vakcina!). to cut= ku-koza. fish = ci-kele (usszikele vesszien alla). sky, heaven = di-lú.

Ilunga a wiki tudósai szerint a "Kulunga" (to unite, unify, gather or put together) félrehallása. Mert a zajban már a saját szavát sem érti az ember. Ilunga, a euphemism or code word for boobs. Mások véleménye szerint Bantu word meaning "a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time. Szerintem meg a Heléna (Lena, Ilonka) rokona lehet.
lu-láki ‘tongue’. lu-lálá ‘twig’. sak-a ‘fish (with net)’. Proto-Bantu noun *–bčgá “pot”. Comparison Nevertheless, like the Forest Bantu languages, they have preserved the Proto-Bantu 7 vowels system. As a result, following reflexes of °–bómba “pottery clay” can be noted in these languages: Amba iwómba “argile”, Lega i.bómba “clay”, and Nyanga (D43) ibúmba “argile de poterie. A bomba szó a görög „bombosz” szóból ered; ez egy hangutánzó szó, jelentése nagyjából a magyar „bumm” szóval megegyezo. Nagy bumm lehetett az ókorban. Gyanum szerint a bomba egy agyagkorsó lehetett, amelybe darazsakat, kígyókat helyezhettek el, s hajítógépekkel az ellenségre dobtak.

Bantu Növények
mangu = köles. mundale= kukorica. müdheka =cassava.

blood: madi. chair: setulo. father: ntate. feather: pene. food: dijo. not: nnyaa. village: toropo. yes: ee.

Kelet Afrika

Madi (Africa): The Madi peoples of Central Sudan are composed of groups of diverse ethnic origins including Lugbara, Bongo (Dor), Lendu, Logo, Mittu and Moru.
Madi, also spelled Ma?di or Ma?adi, group of more than 150000 people who inhabit both banks of the Nile River in northwestern Uganda and in South Sudan.
Rain= wai. Sun= ata. Smoke= aita. Tree= da.
Madi-Didier: "fā=tree". Moru: "kala=mouth".

Szomali terület Tana River
Tana represente more or less the extreme north-east border of the Bantu-speaking area, and it the meeting point for northern pastoralist and southern farmers.

fish = malaay. skin = maqaar – maqaaro. head = kechwa. eye = ill, indo. egg = ukun. Person = modo. Wife = mati. Orma word for “root” is “hidh”. Luala refers, in fact, to a lion’s claws.

Iraqw language Iraqw: Erokh, Iraku, Iraki, Irak, Mbulu, Wambulu, Wairaqw, Mburu, Wamburu, Wamburru, Mburru. Cushitic language spoken in Tanzania in the Arusha and Manyara Regions.
tlooma = the mountain or hill. tlawi = the lake. gara = the woods or forest. xa'noo = the wood. doori = the sky, the air. loo'aa = the sun. slahhaangw = the moon. hara' = the dew. asla = the fire. tsaangw = the flame. karaama = the ox. bee/i = the sheep. tsir'i = the bird. kitsinqaay = the snail. saga = the head. ila = the eye. afa = the mouth. isaangw = the breast. pilipili = the pepper. inqwár = the cloth. kwahhuut = to forge. deelo = the day. naa/ = wet. aya = the village. digma = the boundary . The language has many Datooga loanwords.

Doori, doori, andand doori az ördög fog búsúlni. Wander. S jöttek volna andalogni százan.. An-Dal-e? Olasz: andare, svéd: andra. Latin: va-gari=wander. Andok: navahó: Éen-diiz. Vandál = van (tó) + Dal > Tol. Va-lag, valley, vá-gat. A "va-" lehet esetleg egy afrikai kapu szó is (voa).

Kihaló nyelvek yaaku
Már nem éri el a 200 embert a beszélök száma Kenyában. Nevezték öket, mint Mogogodo, Mokogodo vagy Mukogodo néven is, de önelnevezésük yakunte. Nyelvük a sieku. n-d`eeta = I eat. a-d´eeli =you eat. eq= inni. mogro= sas.
A cushitic nyelvekben feltünik a "szerda= arbacada" mivel a negyedik napja a hétnek a zsidó héthez hasonlóan.

Pesti István 2022 május
