

Tibeti szó

Chocho = princess = hercegnő
Khang = mountain = hegy
Namo = black = fekete
Nilda = sun facing = Napfelé

Komic (‘Ko’ – Snow Cock=hófajd, ‘Mic’ – Eye=szem).
‘Gum Maro’ (Red Box = Vörös doboz)
Lha-lung = ‘Land of the Gods’ (lha = god = isten, lung = area = terület)
Lang Karpo = ‘White Temple’= Fehér templom
Dhakkhar (Dhak- Cliff = sziklafal, Khar- Palace = Palota),

the Chinese "Wu Lung" meaning "Dark Dragon".
Mint látni, a tibetiben a LUNG = TERÜLET, a kínai nyelvben meg SÁRKÁNY.

Tibet kultúrájából
Nyikolaj Rerih: Ragyogó Shambhala
Géza itt, Géza ott...
The Epic of King Gesar is the central epic poem of Tibet and much of Central Asia. With about 140 Gesar ballad singers surviving today (including singers of Tibetan, Mongolian, Buryat and Tu ethnicities)
The epic, believed to be approximately 1000 years old, concerns the fearless king Gesar (Geser), who ruled the legendary Kingdom of Ling.
Gog - ‘Gog - the country of Kyalo Tönpa Gyaltsen, neighboring Ling. Since Gesar’s mother lived in Gog, the possession of Tönpa Gyaltsen, she is known as Gogmo, the woman from Gog.

lu - glu - n¡ga - a dragon or water spirit. see näga. Magyal Pomra - rMa rgyal sPom ra - a nyen, a mountain god of very high standing in the Tibetan native pantheon. Magyal Pomra is the deity of the Machen Pomra mountain range, also called Amnye Machen. It is a series of peaks in the heart of the Golok district in Qinghai province. Magyal Pomra is a highly enlightened nyen and servant of the cause of Buddhism, a co-worker in the plots of Padmasambhava, the deathless founder of Tibetan Tantra.

the ’u rang - the’u rang - One of the eight classes of gods
Yul és "Yul lha": Bhutan egy területe és annak istene.
yul Dzongkha, g.yul/g.yus
A YUL nyugaton általában "terület" jelentésű, viszont Bhutan-ban "falu". "otthon" a jelentés.
A "lung pa" szó, amelynek dzongkha (butáni) formája "lunm" széles körben használt Közép-Tibetben. Viszont Bhutan területén helyette a YUL használatos, illetve ritkábban a g.yul kha.
..the Eastern Bhutanese clans (rus) had a deity...
..A jég, hó elolvadása azt jelenti, hogy Yul lha visszament a hazájába.

A yul lha imádat évente egyszer, - még a messze levőket is visszahozva - a szentélybe vezeti minden család legalább egy férfitagját. Maga a nap területenként változik, miként a neve is. A legközönségesebb a gsol kha és a mchod pa elnevezés. Az ünnepség több részből áll, némelyiken a nők is részt vesznek. (skyab név: khra/cha.)


..there were Chinese and many famous tribes (rus) of Hor, such as Sa-ri, Gru-gu, Di-mir, Shi-ri and others; therefore it is not certain that there was (only) one racial origin (rus dang chad khungs)

According to one explanation referring to the peculiarities of a speci³c local area, the increase in the number of lha-mos and lha-pas in Khardong village (Nubra Valley) occurred because the yul-rtsa (yultsa, hereditary village oracle) had left the village to attend a government job. As a result, the protective deity of the village (yul-lha) had become dissatis³ed and started to possess the people of Khardong.


The Bon 13 religion, which preceded Buddhism in Tibet, is said to have originated from Tajik (Persia). According to Dub-thah-sel-kyi-me-long, twenty generations of Tibetan Kings from Nya-thi-tsan-po down to Thi-je-tsan-po followed no other religion than the Bon, which prevailed in Tibet up to 780 AD, when it was persecuted by King Thi-srong-de-tsan. The various black arts- such as witchcraft, exorcism, magic, performance of miracles, sacrifice of animals, etc. in which the Bon-po priests were skilled - must have been imported from Nisibis (Persia) by the Magi priests, who accompanied the Licchavis into Tibet. Sen-rab, who was one of the most prominent Bon-teachers, had among his spiritual descendants a Persian sage, named Mu-tso-tra-he-si.

That there was intercourse between Persia and Tibet in the ancient days, is evident from Kālidāsa's (Sanskrit) Raghuvaṁsa, Canto IV (verses 60-81) in which the foreign conquests of Raghu are described. Raghu after subduing the Pārasīka (Persians), Huna (Huns) and Kamboja (the inhabitants of the Hindukush mountains, which separate the Gilgit Valley from Balkh), ascended the Himalayas, where he fought hard against the mountain tribes called U-tsa-va-saṁ-ketān,14 and afterwards crossing the Lauhitya (Brahmaputra river), came down to Prāgjyotiṣa (Assam). This conquest of Raghu is, perhaps, a mere fiction, but it shows that in the days of Kalidasa, about 500 AD, the people of India were aware of a route existing between Persia and India on the one hand and Persia and Tibet on the other.

...és a szerbek:

"Our investigations have led us to believe that of the Serbs presently in Bosnia and Herzegovina 32 to 35% are descended from Orthodox Croats, 50 to 52% are from non-Slavic Wallachs, 6 to 7% are from Serbianized Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians and Albanians and 8 to 10% from genuine ethnic Serbs who came there mainly during Austro-Hungarian rule and during the time of the two Yugoslavias. (Mandic 1970, ch.7)

Lumé seems to be one of the "Six Men from ü and tsang." Eighteen of his disciples, including Gru mér (gru mer), took up ordination and were involved in the construction of temples. These disciples, and disciples of disciples, were called by building-related metaphorical names, such as "Four Pillars," "Two Beams," "southern door-bolt," "northern door-bolt," "Rafts," {CH 103} and "Planks." {R 75} The text describes the construction of many temples, some with the help of lay supporters. Also important to notice is the takeover of many temples and estates by these temple-builders. {CH 104-5; R 76} Here the author details the temple-building activities of Lu (klu) and Süm (sum) and their disciples. They are named as the "Two Beams." They founded four great monasteries in the lower part of Urü (dbu ru) Lhasa (lha sa): the temple of Gyel lug lhé (rgyal lug lhas), distinguished by wealth and riches; Kunga rawa (kun dga' ra ba) or Zhu (gzhu), distinguished by its house holders (bza' mi);

A guardian

In the habit of getting on the Yalong river valley is the Tubo Dynasty royal Fat Tseung, Lhasa is the capital of the Tubo Dynasty, which it said Lhasa River and Yalong River Wuru dbu ru and "about RU gyo ru" for the Guardian (Dbus), intended as the center of the basin and its Nianchu He will be north of the west "Yeru gyas ru", "RU pull ru lag" collectively, the "possession" (gtsang), intended for the upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River north-south cross-strait region.

Ne maradj Bhutan
Druk Yul = Land of Thunder Dragon. This is how ‘Bhutan’ is called by the Bhutanese
....ahol a KARPO az FEHÉR.

"Fehér lett a világ"...
HUNG -- invokes the mind of Guru Rinpoche.

Padma Karpo (The White Lotus)
Fehér Lótusz
The school, also known locally as "Druk Pema Karpo Institute", is named after the Fourth Gyalwang Drukpa, Kunkhyen Pema (Padma) Karpo (the Omniscient White Lotus)
Szent Kalács
The 9th king, Pundarika or "White Lotus" was an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara, and he wrote a commentary called "Vimalaprabha" (Skt.) or "Stainless Light".

Padma Karpo

Perfection, in Kuri (Tibet), at the request of the noble princely priest of Ngari Zangkar, {named} Zhanphan Zangpo, this {Book} hath been compiled by the learned Bhikshu Padma-Karpo.

Mint a Kárpát medence térképét ismerő bátran kijelentem, hogy Bihar és Bánát közel van egymáshoz, bár Bana még közelebb..

U province A Brahmaputra folyó (Tsang Po illetve Yarlung Zangbo Tibetben) völgyében éltek az első nagy királyok. A 7-9. sz. során kiterjesztették uralmukat északra a Tarimig, délen Nepálig. A birodalmukhoz csatolt terület neve Mnga'-ris volt. Attól keletre és nyugatra eső terület volt a Mdo-khams (Mdo töredék?).

Tibet élővilága Ücáng /t: dBus- gtsang/ tartományban kb. 5000 növény faj él, ebből 300 erdei. Tibet erdőségei jórészt a tibeti fennsíkon, valamint a keleti és a délkeleti vidékeken találhatók

Tibet nyelve Part of the Tibetan nationality called Zang. Xifan (Hsifan) and Bhotia are general terms for Tibetan. Probably officially includes many separate languages: Atuence, Choni, Groma, Niarong, Lhomi, Panang, Sherpa, Tseku, Tinan Lahul, Khams Tibetan. Nomads in central and northern Tibet in Phala on the 15,000 foot Chang Tang plateau are known as 'Drokba'. They number around 500,000. Written Tibetan is reported to be based on a southern dialect. 2 scripts are known: U-chan is a common script used by all, the other is a less-widely known and more priestly script.

Ru - A gárda
Tubo Dynasty will be the first of its headquarters is divided into four Ru (ru), including the Tibet Autonomous Region today in the Yarlung Zangbo River, Lhasa River, Nianchu He, Yalong River, has been a history of the Tibet Autonomous Region in the most developed economic areas . In the habit of getting on the Yalong river valley is the Tubo Dynasty royal Fat Tseung, Lhasa is the capital of the Tubo Dynasty, which it said Lhasa River and Yalong River "Wuru dbu ru" and "about RU gyo ru" for the Guardian (Dbus), intended as the center of the basin and its Nianchu He will be north of the west "Yeru gyas ru", "RU pull ru lag" collectively, the "possession" (gtsang), intended for the upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River north-south cross-strait region. "Guardian" and "possession" collectively, the "Guardian of dbus gtsang", namely that the Tubo Dynasty regional headquarters....Tibet mentioned here twice used by the Manchu phrases are wargi dzang


Ugyancsak ô számol be Tibet annektálás elôtti társadalmáról. Az éhezés fogalma ismeretlen volt. Khams-yul népe elégedetten élt. A tibetiek országukat "Khams-yulnak", vagyis "a hó birodalmának" nevezik. Ez meglehetôsen furcsa, hiszen az ötezer méteres tibeti fennsíkon a magas csúcsok kivételével sehol sem havazik... (Egyébként a "Tibet" elnevezés az arab "Tah-bat"-ból származik, innen került be az európai nyelvekbe.)

Nyelvészeinknél az U=Ü

Közép-tibeti nyelvjárások: Közép-Tibet három kerülete egyúttal egy-egy nyelvjárási csoport: Ngari (a Brahmaputra forrásvidékén), Cang (a pancsen láma, Tibet második hierarchájának székhelye, Sigace és Tasilhunpo vidéke) és Ü (a Brahmaputra mellékfolyója, a Kji-csu partján fekvő Lhásza, a dalai lámák egykori székhelye, Tibet fővárosa és környéke). Az ü nyelvjáráson belül a lhászai az államigazgatás és a kereskedelem nyelve.

Még tibet

A khinai rezidens Lhasszában székel; khinai helyőrségek minden nagyobb helyen vannak. T. Ny-i vidéke Khor vagy Ngari, a K-i Minjak, a D-i Bodjul nevet visel; ez utóbbit felosztják Cang, Vei vagy Ü és Khan nevü vidékre; az ÉNy-i részt Kacsinak, az É-it Zajdamnak és Kuk-nornak hivják.

Tibet történelme
Tibet térképe
Tibet map


The Tibetan kingdom of Tsongka had been conquered and incorporated into the Jurchen Empire in 1182, although the Jurchen never conquered the Tanguts. Several decades later, the Mongol forces took both the Tsongka and Tangut lands. A significant portion of the inhabitants in Tsongka, around the Kokonor, Xining, and southwestern Gansu regions of Amdo, became known as the Monguors. Many scholars assert that the Monguors were descendents of the Tuyuhun, as evidenced by their Tibetan name Tu and their Chinese name Turen. Andras Rona-Tas (Tibeto-Mongolica: The Tibetan Loanwords of Monguor and the Development of the Archaic Tibetan Dialects)

The Pagmodru hegemony of Central Tibet (U and Tsang) dates from this coup in 1358

In an attempt to reestablish the Tibetan Empire of Songtsen-gampo and Tri Songdetsen, Jangchub-gyeltsen then reorganized the thirteen myriarchies into districts (rdzong), each with a District Magistrate (rdzong-spon). He himself, as ruler, took the purely Tibetan title Desi (sde-srid), roughly equivalent to Prime Minister.

Tibet tüntet

The nuns from Shungseb, Chupsang, Mijungri, Gari and Tsamhung nunneries in and around Lhasa are among the most prominent Tibetan women who have taken out independence demonstrations in Lhasa.
...Si Chu prison section of the Sangyip prison in a windowless.. She was arrested from her private house on he Karma Kunsang road in south eastern Lhasa (near Kuri bridge).

Tibet neve

Önelnevezésük: BOD, (tudás) de ejtik Bhod, Bhot néven, sőt Lasha környékén kurtítva Bho-nak is. Az indiánok a Bhot nevet vették át, s a tibetieket Bhot-ias-nak nevezik. Maga a TIBET név a világ tetején levő plató nevéből származik: Az őslakosok To-Bhotnak, azaz "Magas Bod"-nak nevezik. (Ház földje?) Ezt a ToBhot-ot hallották aztán a külföldi utazók több variációban. A kínaiak T'u-batot értettek, a mongolok Tibet, Tobot szót hallottak, az arabok Tubbet-et, Marco Polo Tebetet, míg Ibn Haukal (976) Tibet szót hallott. A nép önelnevezése: BodPa ill. BhoPa, azaz "Bod népe". A mongolok nevezik még Tibetet "Barontala" vagy "Jobb szárny" néven, míg önmagukat "Dzontala" azaz "Bal szárny" néven. (Bul-gar?)
Néhány név: t'so=lake=tó; Yangtsze (Drechu)=Kék folyó; Yellow River=Ma chu= Sárga folyó A Hold az Zlava leírva és Dawa a beszélt nyelvben.. A szótő Zla-, amely rokona a mongol Ssara és a sokpa Sara szó.


Tibet egyik területe U-Tsang. Shangshung, before its decline, was the name of an empire which comprised the whole of Tibet. The empire known as Shangshung Go-Phug-Bar-sum consisted of Kham and Amdo forming the Go or Goor, U and Tsang forming the Bar or Middle, and Guge Stod-Ngari Korsum forming the Phug or Interior.
The influence of the Sakya priest-rulers gradually declined after the death of Kublai Khan in 1295. In 1358 the province of U (Central Tibet) fell into the hands of the Governor of Nedong, Changchub Gyaltsen, a monk of the Phamo Drugpa branch of Kagyud school, and for the next 86 years, eleven Lamas of the Phamo Drugpa lineage ruled Tibet.


"gyal" meaning "king, victorious," kar "white", and tse "peak," pronounced Gyantse. It is also known as Shelkar Gyantse, shel-kar meaning "white crystal," The stone towers – choeten in Tibetan, stupa in Sanskrit - are symbols of Buddhism and were originally built to house relics of Buddha Shakyamuni. Many stupas contain holy texts. Dalai (taa-la’i) means "ocean" in Mongolian and Lama (bla-ma) is the Tibetan term for "teacher." /Vienna is óceánt jelent../

Mongolok Nepálban

Bhotias: Bhotias are a unique mongoloid race, inhabiting in the high Himalayan valleys of Nepal, Garhwal and Kumaon The Bhotias call themselves ‘ran.’ ...The Bhotias of Mana and Niti are called Marchas... The principal clan of Bhotia Brahmans in Juhar are Dobedhiyas, Pathaks etc, while in the Rjputs they are Toliyas.. there appears to be only two castes — the Haves and the Have-nots.

Hun volt..

Utsavasangketân, according to the Mahâbhârata (Sabhâparva, Chapter 26 and Bhiṣmaparva, Chapter 9) was the collective name of seven tribes that inhabited the Himalayas. It is a compound word, which may be analysed as follows:
- u + t + sa + ba + sang + ketân = u + da-yul + sa-yul + ba-thang + tsang + khotan.
In this compound we discern several well known Tibetan names, such as U - Central Tibet, Tsang - Western Tibet, Ba - Bathang, etc. Sa-yul, Da-yul and Khotan were also provinces of Tibet.

Tibet hegyei

Pinyin: Gangdisi Shan
Wade-Giles: Kang-ti-ssu
Tibeti nyelven: Gang Tise

Tibeti Autonom Körzet, nyugatra a Langqén folyótól (Xiangquan River), indiai neve Sutlej River. Keletre a Damqog River (Maquan folyó), amely a Csángó (Brahmaputra) folyó egyik fő ága. A fennsik közepén találjuk a Mapam tavat, a tengerszint felett 4557 m magasan. A tótól északra fekszik a Kailas hegység (6714m) más néven Gang Tise. A hinduk Shiva paradicsomát látják benne, a buddhisták pedig a Sumeru hegyet (a világegyetem tengelyét, kozmikus centrumát).
A terület délről a Lipulieke (Lipu Lekh) hágón keresztül érhető el. (A "lech, lich" szó több nyelven "tó/lake" jelentésű.)

Itt található a Manosarovar (Mano víztározó), szomszédságában pedig Rakas Tal (Rhaksak "démonok" tava) /A "rhaksasza" (démonok) Sri Lanka területén voltak honosak. Egy alternatív bizonyára "Rákász tó"-nak fordítaná../


The Tibetan shamanists call the mountain ‘Tise’ and believe it is the seat of the sky-goddess Sipaimen. The Jains call the mountain ‘Astapada’ and believe it to be the place where their founder, Rishabhadeva, attained liberation.

A tise szó Thailand legdélibb részén is előfordul.

Kislexikon A bon vallás.
Tisé Afrika Togo területén.
A világ tengelye

Piramisok a hegy körül..
"Nor should one ignore recent Russian studies of Tibet and the Kailas range in particular, the results of which, if true, could radically alter our thinking on the growth of civilizations. One of the ideas the Russians have put forward is that Mt. Kailas could be a vast, human-built pyramid, the centre of an entire complex of smaller pyramids, a hundred in total.

Mi van a kezében?

A későbbiekben olvashatjuk, hogy a modern radzsput nép kiktől származik. Pl. a modern MADRA az ókori MÉDEKTŐL,a modern MAGADHI az ókori MAGII néptől, a modern GUJARATI psdig a KAZÁROKTÓL.

Cseh Tisé

The Biela is a river in eastern Germany and northern Czech Republic, a left tributary of the Elbe. The source near Ostrov u Tisé, in the Bohemian Switzerland, northwest of Děčín.

Történelem keleten:

The natives of these places were Darad, Kashmir, kamboj, Gandhar, Cheen, Shaka, Yawan, Hoon, Nag, Khas, Kirat etc.
Renowned Historian and an authority in the history of Kumaon / Garhwal Mr Atkinson writes that Kinner were the Kunaits living in Jaunsar Bhawar and Nahan. Yakhsa described in  Puranas were the Khas people living in most parts of uttarakhand. People living in Sindh and Hidukush areas were ‘Vidyadhar’. Nag were living in ‘Nakuri’ area while Danav used to live in ‘Danpur’ area of Kumaon. Daitya were the decoits.
From the opinion of various historians, it commonly accepted that original natives of Uttarakhand were Khas (probably a branch of Aryans), Hoon or Huniye (Those came from Tibbet) they are also known as Khampa or lama.
Another tribe is Bhotia. Some historians considered them from the descend of Tibbetians while others call them from Mughal or Shaka descend. This apart, there are Rajya – Kirat or Raji people who are few of the original natives and live in Askot, Darma, Vyas and near Jageshwar. Tharu and Bokshas live in Terai bhawar and call themselves the descend of Rajputs of Chittor (Ranas) and pawar Rajputs of Dharanagari. However, the original natives of the whole India including hill area are known to be the shudra who were conquered by Aryans.
The part of Tibbet towards India was known as ‘bhot’. In kumaon, ‘Bhotias’ were called ‘Hooniye’ and their countryside was called ‘Hoondesh’.

Tibetről magyarul
wiki Tibet
The king of Kira is interpreted to mean the king of Kashmir, the lord of Bhota to refer to the Tibetan ruler. More probably, by Kira was meant Campa (Chamba) /Csámpa magyar puszta Paks (madár) mellett./

Kirat might have been from Kiriat, Kiryat or Kirjath meaning fort or town in Moabite language of the mediterranean region. Perhaps Kiryat-baal was the town where bali raja ruled (called Baal there ofcourse) ;). Residents called themselves Kereti or later on Kerite tribe. They are traced back to Nahor, Younger brother of Abraham and after defeat by moses and the hebrews they started leading a nomadic life and spread to different locations. One tribe came to mesopotamia and mingled with Ashurs and thus Kirat-ashurs. Perhaps (even earlier than the forts) the greeks knew of a tribe called the Kirhadai were kirats.

Kirat nép - Himalája
In fact, the term Kirat is a corrupt form of Kiriat, Kiryat or Kirjath which means a fort or town in Moabite language of the Mediterranean region.3 When their number increased, they built many forts and towns and called them Kiriat-hime, Kiryat-yarim, Kirjath-arba, Kiryat-baal, Kiryat-hujro, Kiryat-sanna and Kiryat-sapher which indicate the meaning of the town or fort of the forest, or the town of the god Baal, or the town of books, or the town of palm trees. The residents of the above noted towns started calling themselves, "Kereti" which later on became Keretite or the Kerite tribe. The ancestors of this tribe if identified, comes to Nahor; the younger brother of Abraham, a resident of Ur in Babylon....The Greeks had also known the Kirats by the name of Kirhadai...

Kirat history
Sikkim was land of kirat. Ancient Kirat kindom start from Indonesia, Tibet, Pakisthan, New Delhi, Bagaladesh, Burma, Thailand regions. ...
..még kirat

Pesh etimológia

Pesh generally supports the meaning "spear" or "javelin".
Pesh - vándorok
The contemporary Macedonian verb "pesh" (walk) in ancient Macedonian would have been pronounced pez".
Érdekesség: Vedelők: "the Macedonian city of Voden, to which the Greeks gave the name "Edessa", was originally a Brygian city and its old name was Vedy which means abundance of water."

Duett részlet: "PESH VAD UR"
Pesh, LXX mss read ???? (perhaps cognate to Arab, ri'bal "lion, wolf"). ...(Aram ???? "to be large", ???? "to praise"..
Pesh etimológia
Érdekesség: (Macedon forum)
Caranus. This name might be connected to the present day Macedonian noun kruna (a crown). The name "Karanche" is present In todays’ Macedonian onomasticon.

Hármas számrendszer
Early Numeral Bases. Our earliest attested numeral names are the early third millennium BC Sumerian forms from the Ancient Middle East. Atoms BE (variant GE) 'one', DAH (variant BE-BE) 'two', and PESH 'three' form a system in which 'three' was the numeral base. Higher numerals 'four, five, six' are formed on base numeral PESH by the function



"Mleccha were those who could not pronounce Samskrta (vak) appropriately as prescribed in the Svarabidhana of the grammatical treatises. Mostly the mlecchas were the Kirata, the Savara, the Pulinda (Amarakosa, Sudravarga). "
"Among the scholars who hold that the Aryans had their early home in the region of Bulk/Bactria and Sogdiana in vicinity of Bokhara on the bank of Oxus (vaksu) river acknowledge that two courses of spoken language developed in India and Iran though closely to one another. "
"The Shina speech though belonging to the Iranian Speech Family, preserves its affiliation to later Persian which requires a separate study.
Phonetically, in Balti speech, vowel a and (a) are open syllables, sometimes long in contrast to closed vowel like (short) mi, min. In some cases, a specific tendency of lengthening prevails with hard accentuation of words beginning with consonant initials. Where as in the spoken Ladakhi it appears to be soft in case of the consonantal initials.
It is evident from above that the spoken languages of Western Himalayas appear to be varied but a generic affinity prevails, i.e. toi ka (stod skad)."
"Shina: aje (woman); zald (moon,month); gianto (the left side); catr (four); aje (daughter, girl); ju (yes); Saje/Shajs (r)e (sister); nus (no) "
"Shina: as hun (I am); as hun (I was); Sbong bus ruken (I beat an ass); ju bakshis (Thank you Sir); the gore tires kacha han (Have you cattle at home?); aso gore dudone hain, tregabe hain, bi lasa, tri , gathe hain (I have a pair of oxen, three cows, twenty pigs, thirty goats)."
Kasmir királyai

Volt már?: Kangba nép

A kangba egy tibeti etnikai kisebbség. Jellegzetes a színes öltözékük. Mind a hét szinnek jelentése van. A sárga jelenti a földet, a vörös a budhizmus színe, a kék az eget szimbolizálja, a fehér a felhőket és a zöld a folyók rohanó vizét jelképezik.


The Chief of Tang-Shang group married the daughter of Lei-Hou Chief, Sinbee Leima and established his kingdom around 1445 BC. He became to be known as Tang-Ja Leela Pakhangba (1445 BC-1405BC) (Tang-Ja=short name for Tang-Shang; Leela=who followed the Ireel trail; Pa=forefathers, Khangba=knew his forefathers, the Tang-Shang people). His wife gave birth to a son, named Kangba. Thus, the first Mi-Tei kingdom was established. Mi-Tei later came to be pronounced as Mee-tei, Mai-tei or Mei-tei at various period; but carries the same meaning.

Kangba terület

A lovaspóló bevezetése a Kangjeirol c. könyv szerint Kangba király nevéhez köthető, akinél a játék neve Sagol Kangjei volt. Játszották az Ukrong Hongba fesztivál során...

Vendéglő Pekingben
"Magyi means holy and pure, while Ngami means mother in Tibetan language.
The owner of the restaurant, Zenam Wangqen, comes from the Hongyuan Grassland in Aba of Sichuna Province.

"Pashay", meaning chief or king as in China too, is derived from "Badshah". Dr. Y. Bhagya (1956: 113ft) noted that "Pasha" means "Turushka/Turk" as found in Vaishnavite literatures in Assam.

(kangi): kan means to rejoice in body; gi means to rejoice in mind.

The Siachen Glacier (Siachen meaning "Black Rose" in Balti) /A világ legnagyobb gleccsere -kivéve pólusok/

The District Bagh, as is reflected from its name (meaning garden) /Baghi magyar családnév/

A Tsango Po környéke
Raidak folyó:
A Csángó folyó jobboldali mellékfolyója. Bhutani neve Wong. A Raidak mellékvize a Torso folyó, mely a tibetieknél Machu Po (Machu folyó).

Sankosh River A Szánkós folyó Bhutan északi részén ered, s az indiai Asszam államban torkollik a Brahmaputrába (Csango Po). Bhutani neve: "Puna Tsang Chhu". Két legnagyobb mellékvize a "Mo Chhu" és a"Pho Chhu".

Lohit River
Kelet-Tibet területén ered és Asszam területén ömlik a Csángó folyóba. Vad folyó örvényekkel és zúgókkal. Vér folyónak is nevezik. Szép zöld völgye van a Lohit folyónak, ami a Himalája térségében nagy kincs. Asszam állam alatt található Meghálaja állam, nagy városa Tura.

A Brahmaputra további mellékfolyói: Dibang, Amochu, Bhareli, Burhidihing Rivers.
Más forrásból...
...ahol feltűnik a Tisztafolyó.

Két francia lazarista atya, E. Huc és J. Gabet Mongólián és Amdón keresztül 1846-ban érkezett Lhászába. Felépítettek egy kis keresztény kápolnát, de még ugyanabban az évben kiûzték õket, nem a tibeti kormány, hanem a gyanakvó mandzsu ambanok (helytartók).

A szkíták sikeres hadjáratokat folytattak, i.e. 510-ben Dareiosz (Dárius) perzsa király sem tudta nagy létszámú, de nehézkes seregével legyôzni a villámgyorsan mozgó, nyilazó szkíta könnyûlovasságot. Hogy milyen távolságokra jutottak el, arról halomsírjaik, kurgánjaik tanúskodnak, pl. az Altáj hegységi Pazirik-be, vagy a kínai Ordosz-ba. Írásuk a sírleletek egyes darabjain megtalálhatók, rokonítható a székely-magyar rovásírással.
Bobula Ida A magyar nép eredete címû könyvében (Anahita Ninti Kiadó, évszám nélkül) bemutat életfára kapaszkodó kecskéket Ur városból származó kagylóplaketten, sõt lábuknál még a hármashalom is látható. Ugyancsak õ veszi észre a párhuzamot a tatárlakai táblácska rajza és a kelermeszi, szkíta halomsírból elõkerült, i.e. VII. századból származó, arany borítású fokos nyelén életfára kapaszkodó két kecske ábrázolása között.

Százhalombatta területén pedig a 19. században Varsányi János mérnök 122 halomsírt mért fel, tehát hatalmas szkíta központ volt itt.


The aboriginal magicians of Tibet, prior to Buddhism, at first much opposed to the Lamas, but eventually joining them in their adoption of Tantric Buddhism. Like all major movements, Buddhism did not become popular until it learned how to take in and alter local beliefs. Dhyana (meditation) was used in Tibet before passing to Japan as Zen, though one cant be sure if its a non-stop link from Tibet to Japan. If it is, then why not Obon/Bon equivalence, as well?

Bumi Haptaiti (Avestan), Haft Keshvar (Persian) (from bumi earth (cf Sanskrit bhumi) + haptaiti septempartite (cf Sanskrit sapta))

The septempartite or sevenfold earth, which indicates that the ancient Zoroastrians, like the ancient Hindus, taught of the seven manifest globes (keshvare) of the earth planetary chain.

In Persian literature both ancient and Islamic, apart from the seven keshvars, there are often references to seven seas and seven heavens. This term has been used in the Gathas in the sense of septenary spheres of life. In Pahlavi literature and in the introduction to the Abu Mansuri Shahnameh (the oldest version of Shahnameh and one of the main sources of Ferdauci), we find Bumi Haptaiti in this setting.

Bundahish or Bundahis (Pahlavi) (from bun root, origin + dah to create)

Brihad-aranyaka or -aranya Upanishad (Sanskrit) (from brihad great + aranyaka produced in a forest)

Távol Luwian-tól.

Coming to Mustang, the tiny Tibetan kingdom inside Nepal, is like going to the dark side of the moon.

Closed on and off to foreigners since the times of Marco Polo, Mustang is the result of a serendipitous alliance between ancient Tibetan and Nepalese principalities which saved the kingdom from the Chinese invasion of Tibet.

Its local name, Land of Lo, means "land of the south {of Tibet}" although it lies in northern Nepal.

Tibet, Ladakh, Mustang - három misztikus földrajzi név a Himalájában. Három név, három ország. Tibet Kínához tartozik, Ladakh Indiához, Mustang Nepálhoz.

Mustang sokáig zárt terület volt Nepálban. A szinte csak repülővel megközelíthető, egykor önálló királyság vezetőjét a nepáli király hivatalosan nem ismeri el, ám ő továbbra is gyakorolja hatalmát felső Mustangban és a fővárosban Lo Mantangban él. A területre csak külön engedéllyel és korlátozott számban engedik be a külföldieket.

A későbbiekben nagy politikai befolyásra szert tett Rend volt a sza-szkja-pa. Tanaikat `Brog-mi lo-cá-ba tanításaira alapozzák, anyakolostorukat a Khon családból származó Dkon-mcshog rgjal-po alapította 1073-ban. Ez a család bru-zsa (Gilgit) bon-po ősöket tudhat magáénak, és arról is tudomásunk van, hogy Sza-szkja pandita Kun-dga` rgjal-mchannak (1182-1251) még volt némi fogalma a bru-zsa nyelvről és írásról. A bka`-brgjud-pa rendhez hasonlóan, a sza-szkja-pának is volt néhány mellékága: a ngor-pa, sztag-chang-pa, zsva-lu-pa, mely utóbbihoz a híres tanítómester, Bu-szton Rin-cshen-grub (1290-1364) is tartozott.
Khon az egyiptomi kulturkörből is ismert név.

A világ teteje
Felső-Musztáng, régi nevén ősi Lo Királyság, 1952-ig önálló királyság volt, és a mai napig nagyfokú önrendelkezéssel bír Nepálon belül. A mindössze 10-15 településből, 5-10 ezer lakosból álló tartomány jelenlegi királya: Jigme Parbal Bista - meséli Péter. -A turisták beutazását is saját hatáskörükben engedélyezik, s mivel nem nagyon örülnek a látogatóknak, rendkívül szigorú feltételeket szabnak. Azt mondják, az idegenektől megváltozhatnak a szent helyek és tárgyak rezgései. Szerintük az ember átitatja környezetét a saját rezgésével, és amikor megérint egy tárgyat, hozzáadja ahhoz saját természetét. A 70 dolláros napi belépési engedély tíz nap minimális tartózkodás mellett még a fizetőképes turisták számára is drága, nem beszélve arról, hogy nincsenek turistaszállások, fogadók, ezért minden szükséges felszerelést magunkkal kell vinni, s a hely fekvésénél fogva elég nehezen megközelíthető.

Érzõdik hasonlóság a magyarokkal?
Nepal - Égi nap?
(Nepaul, Ni-Pal, Nepala), független királyság a Himálajában Tibet, Szikkim és Brit-India közt
- Nem szívesen beszélek errõl, mert nem vagyok történész, és ma oly sokan foglalkoznak a témával, hogy már alig lehet kiigazodni, mi hogyan történt a múltban. A magar nép valószínûleg 2000 évvel ezelõtt Kelet-Turkesztánból érkezett ide a Transzhimalája hágón keresztül. Ez bizonyosnak tûnik, s az is, hogy valamikor 2000 évvel ezelõtt az ujgurok, vagy a magyarok mellett éltek, a déli Ural és Tibet közötti medencében, valahol a Takla-Makán sivatag – a mai Kína északnyugati Hszincsiang-Ujgur tartománya – és a Góbi sivatag között. A lényeg az, hogy a soknemzetûség mindig problémát jelent, ezért ma Nepálban nem érdemes arról beszélni ki melyik nemzethez tartozik.

Nepál nyelvei - NUBRI
Nyelvi térkép
Láthatjuk: Bhutan-tól ÉK (NE) irányban található Tsang-la. A Tsango Po (Brahmaputra) táján.

from O.E. la, exclamation of surprise, grief, or joy, influenced in M.E. by lo!, short for lok "look!" imperative of loken "to look."

Illa berek, náda kerek...
(Nádas, kerek formájú, úszó sziget)

Alexandrosz - al-ish-andros.
Shan-dor, a hegylakó
Bébi nevek
SHAN (山): Chinese unisex name meaning "mountain." Compare with strictly feminine Shan.
SHANDAR: Hindi name meaning "amazing, enhanced, brilliant, shining." 
SHANDOR: Probably a Romani form of Hindi Shandar, meaning "proud."

Higgyünk neki!
A nepáli Fehér Királyi Kolostor vezetője magyarországi tartózkodása idején így szólt a magyarokhoz:
"Önök, magyarok elképzelni sem tudják, milyen büszkék lehetnek nemzetükre, magyarságukra. Mi biztosan tudjuk, hogy a világ szellemi, lelki és spirituális megújhodása az Önök országából fog elindulni. A világ szívcsakrája az Önök országában, a Pilisben található. Ez a spirituális megújhodás már megindult Önöknél!"

The Tamang tribe of Nepal was brought to Kathmandu Valley by King Srong-sen Gampo of Tibet in the 7th century AD as a cavalry division. Their own tradition also says that their original habitat was in Southern Tibet in a place called Uichang. All the Tamangs belong to the Kirat tribe and were recruited along with the other Kirat tribes of Limbu, Rai and Sunwar, Surung and Magars in the 10th and 7th Gurkha
The origin of Mangar tribe as mentioned in Kirat chronology is a place in the north called Shin. The names of the leaders were Shing Mangar and Chitu Mangar.
the 12th century AD there were no tribes in Central Asia called the Mongolians. There were many nomadic tribes called Kin, Kir, Kirait, Karatai,, Karakhitai, Khitai, Uigur or Hor, Monchu, Mongku, Tungut, Seljuk, Karluk, Turk, Burun, Sak, Kushan, Hun, Abar, Uichi, Kajak, Chin, Khas, Thak, Gyarung and Mangyak.137 They were all nomads except China.

The Tamang tribe of Nepal was brought to Kathmandu Valley by King Srong-sen Gampo of Tibet in the 7th century AD as a cavalry division. Their own tradition also says that their original habitat was in Southern Tibet in a place called Uichang.

All the Tamangs belong to the Kirat tribe and were recruited along with the other Kirat tribes of Limbu, Rai and Sunwar, Surung and Magars in the 10th and 7th Gurkha

The origin of Mangar tribe as mentioned in Kirat chronology is a place in the north called Shin.

The names of the leaders were Shing Mangar and Chitu Mangar.

the 12th century AD there were no tribes in Central Asia called the Mongolians. There were many nomadic tribes called Kin, Kir, Kirait, Karatai,, Karakhitai, Khitai, Uigur or Hor, Monchu, Mongku, Tungut, Seljuk, Karluk, Turk, Burun, Sak, Kushan, Hun, Abar, Uichi, Kajak, Chin, Khas, Thak, Gyarung and Mangyak.137 They were all nomads except

Magyar - tibeti - szanszkrit

Kikötőhegy - ri gru ’dzin - Potala
Meru Hegy, a világhegy - ri rab - Meru
kör - dkyil 'khor - maṇḍala {mandala}
Magadha, a középső ország - ma ga ta - Magadha (Csong-kuo?)
(Madár folyó?) Brahmaputra (Tsango po) - pakSHu - Pakṣu
Brahma - tshangs pa - Brahma
Szimhala vagyis a mai Sri Lanka - sing ga la - Siṃhala (sing=oroszlán, sin=hold)

Learn Hungarian


Money: Paisaa
Room: Kamra
Dog: Kutta
Kuttay ka bacha:  Son of a dog

7 a Himalájában
Utsavasangketān, according to the Mahābhārata (Sabhāparva, Chapter 26 and Bhiṣmaparva, Chapter 9) was the collective name of seven tribes that inhabited the Himalayas. It is a compound word, which may be analysed as follows:
- u + t + sa + ba + sang + ketān = u + da-yul + sa-yul + ba-thang + tsang + khotan.
In this compound we discern several well known Tibetan names, such as "U - Central Tibet", Tsang - Western Tibet, "Ba - Bathang", etc. Sa-yul, Da-yul and Khotan were also provinces of Tibet.

Tibetan minister born of the family of Thon-mi Sambhota
The 'misbegotten skull' (Tib. nal thod)
Thod-pa = koponya, halott koponyája. /German?/

dkar = fehér /kar, karpo/
In iconography, White Tara often has seven eyes
Tara. In her ferocious, blue form, invoked to destroy enemies, she is known as Ugra-Tara. Ulan-Bator régi neve Ugra.

In Tibetan folklore the milk of the Snow Lioness (Tibetan: Gangs Sengemo)
In Tibetan, Chaktsal Gang means " peak to do prostration".
Gangs Rin-po-che, meaning "precious jewel of snows". Another local name for the mountain is Tisé. Sanskrit गङ्गा (gáṅgā), literally meaning "swift-goer", from verbal root √gam ("to go").

kisebb szószedet:

Tokar (Gangs ri Thod dkar): "White Skull Mountain"

Pesti István 2011 március
