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Indiától a Peloponneszoszig

"Mleccha were those who could not pronounce Samskrta (vak) appropriately as prescribed in the Svarabidhana of the grammatical treatises. Mostly the mlecchas were the Kirata, the Savara, the Pulinda (Amarakosa, Sudravarga). "
"Among the scholars who hold that the Aryans had their early home in the region of Bulk/Bactria and Sogdiana in vicinity of Bokhara on the bank of Oxus (vaksu) river acknowledge that two courses of spoken language developed in India and Iran though closely to one another."
"The Shina speech though belonging to the Iranian Speech Family, preserves its affiliation to later Persian which requires a separate study.
Phonetically, in Balti speech, vowel a and (a) are open syllables, sometimes long in contrast to closed vowel like (short) mi, min. In some cases, a specific tendency of lengthening prevails with hard accentuation of words beginning with consonant initials. Where as in the spoken Ladakhi it appears to be soft in case of the consonantal initials.
It is evident from above that the spoken languages of Western Himalayas appear to be varied but a generic affinity prevails, i.e. toi ka (stod skad)."
"Shina: aje (woman); zald (moon,month); gianto (the left side); catr (four); aje (daughter, girl); ju (yes); Saje/Shajs (r)e (sister); nus (no) "

"Shina: as hun (I am); as hun (I was); Sbong bus ruken (I beat an ass); ju bakshis (Thank you Sir); the gore tires kacha han (Have you cattle at home?); aso gore dudone hain, tregabe hain, bi lasa, tri , gathe hain (I have a pair of oxen, three cows, twenty pigs, thirty goats). "

Kirat nép - Himalája
In fact, the term Kirat is a corrupt form of Kiriat, Kiryat or Kirjath which means a fort or town in Moabite language of the Mediterranean region.3 When their number increased, they built many forts and towns and called them Kiriat-hime, Kiryat-yarim, Kirjath-arba, Kiryat-baal, Kiryat-hujro, Kiryat-sanna and Kiryat-sapher which indicate the meaning of the town or fort of the forest, or the town of the god Baal, or the town of books, or the town of palm trees. The residents of the above noted towns started calling themselves, “Kereti” which later on became Keretite or the Kerite tribe. The ancestors of this tribe if identified, comes to Nahor; the younger brother of Abraham, a resident of Ur in Babylon....The Greeks had also known the Kirats by the name of Kirhadai...

Sikkim was land of kirat. Ancient Kirat kindom start from Indonesia, Tibet, Pakisthan, New Delhi, Bagaladesh, Burma, Thailand regions. ...

Pesh etimológia

Pesh generally supports the meaning “spear” or javelin.
The contemporary Macedonian verb "pesh" (walk) in ancient Macedonian would have been pronounced "pez". Érdekesség: Vedelők: "the Macedonian city of Voden, to which the Greeks gave the name "Edessa", was originally a Brygian city and its old name was Vedy which means abundance of water."
Duett részlet: "PESH VAD UR"
Pesh, LXX mss read ???? (perhaps cognate to Arab, ri'bal "lion, wolf"). ...(Aram ???? "to be large", ???? "to praise"..

Érdekesség: (Macedon forum) Caranus. This name might be connected to the present day Macedonian noun “kruna” (a crown). The name “Karanche” is present In todays’ Macedonian onomasticon.
Hármas számrendszer Early Numeral Bases. Our earliest attested numeral names are the early third millennium BC Sumerian forms from the Ancient Middle East. Atoms BE (variant GE) 'one', DAH (variant BE-BE) 'two', and PESH 'three' form a system in which 'three' was the numeral base. Higher numerals 'four, five, six' are formed on base numeral PESH by the function

Történelem keleten:
The natives of these places were Darad, Kashmir, kamboj, Gandhar, Cheen, Shaka, Yawan, Hoon, Nag, Khas, Kirat etc. Renowned Historian and an authority in the history of Kumaon / Garhwal Mr Atkinson writes that Kinner were the Kunaits living in Jaunsar Bhawar and Nahan. Yakhsa described in Puranas were the Khas people living in most parts of uttarakhand. People living in Sindh and Hidukush areas were ‘Vidyadhar’. Nag were living in ‘Nakuri’ area while Danav used to live in ‘Danpur’ area of Kumaon. Daitya were the decoits.
From the opinion of various historians, it commonly accepted that original natives of Uttarakhand were Khas (probably a branch of Aryans), Hoon or Huniye (Those came from Tibbet) they are also known as Khampa or lama.
Another tribe is Bhotia. Some historians considered them from the descend of Tibbetians while others call them from Mughal or Shaka descend. This apart, there are Rajya – Kirat or Raji people who are few of the original natives and live in Askot, Darma, Vyas and near Jageshwar. Tharu and Bokshas live in Terai bhawar and call themselves the descend of Rajputs of Chittor (Ranas) and pawar Rajputs of Dharanagari. However, the original natives of the whole India including hill area are known to be the shudra who were conquered by Aryans.
The part of Tibbet towards India was known as ‘bhot’. In kumaon, ‘Bhotias’ were called ‘Hooniye’ and their countryside was called ‘Hoondesh’.

Tibetről magyarul
The king of Kira is interpreted to mean the king of Kashmir, the lord of Bhota to refer to the Tibetan ruler. More probably, by Kira was meant Campa (Chamba),

Kirat might have been from Kiriat, Kiryat or Kirjath meaning fort or town in Moabite language of the mediterranean region. Perhaps Kiryat-baal was the town where bali raja ruled (called Baal there ofcourse) ;). Residents called themselves Kereti or later on Kerite tribe. They are traced back to Nahor, Younger brother of Abraham and after defeat by moses and the hebrews they started leading a nomadic life and spread to different locations. One tribe came to mesopotamia and mingled with Ashurs and thus Kirat-ashurs. Perhaps (even earlier than the forts) the greeks knew of a tribe called the Kirhadai were kirats.

"As a proof of the connection between the Birgoos (Briges) and the "Gana Lova" (Cana Lovii), "tribe of Lova" both political, dynastic, and geographical, I would quote the excellent authority of Colonel Tod, who, speaking of the Birgoo-jeer, (the Birgoo,) one of the royal Rajpoot tribes, observes, that the "Race was Sooryavansi, and the only one, with the exception of the Gehtote, which claims from Lova, the elder son of Rama; and, for the presence of fourteen tribes of Rama, the great sovereign of Oude, whose family clan is in full force in Greece, I refer the reader to a most singular speciment of Greek orthography, inscribed on Mount Oita, or "the mountains of Oude"; viz., 'CALL-ID-ROMOS', which being interpreted first into Sanscrit, and next into English, will stand thus, 'CUL-AIT-RAMAS', "TRIBE OF OUDE RAMAS".

I should here remark, that the Ramas were Sooryavansi, or of the Sun tribes; their mythology, history, language, and worship, with one arm reached to Rome, with the other to Peru.
Szó esik még arról, hogy Thesszália magyarul "Sal föld", melynek fővárosa Pur-Sal, görögösen írva Phar-Salos. (Pharos meg a város?) Számtalan ork-kert (gyümölcsös) található erre..
(Hasonlóság: "Zalewo" és "Saalfeld")
Az IONok neve a görögöknél Hiyanians és Yavanians, magyarán "Lovas törzsek". Az Észak-Indus vidékéről érkeztek, s nevük utánérzése HIPAIRUS (Epyros). Szanszkrit szerzők Baktria harcos népének tekintik őket. Ők nevezték el az Adriát a Himalája szanszkrit neve (Othrys) után (Adri-us Mons).
Az ionok társult vándor csoportja a kelta SKARDO nép Kis-Tibetből. (Szkordiszk)
Elnevezték Thesszália déli részét "Budha földjé"nek. Megismerhetjük Kasmir teremtőjének, Casyapanak feleségét, Danut, s a szerző szerint az ő lányai a danaidák, valamint, hogy a budhisták főpapját Tisso-nak hívták. Találkozhatunk a druidákkal, akiknek lánykori neve "DRUO-PES" vagy "CHIEFS OF THE DRAUS". Ezek déli telepei Dorisban, a Kira Dras (Kasmir Dras) folyó mellett voltak. Fővárosuk neve: E-Budes. A rómaiak elől mentek Albionba, s utánuk nevezték el a szigetet "szent"-nek. (Viszont már Homer kora óta jelen vannak a Kassiták Albionban..)

Megismerhetjük a görögök nagy folyóját: "Ac-Helous"-t (Hela's water), amely a Sind terület (India) Hela hegye után kapta nevét. Hasonlóképpen az "Arac-thus" folyó az "Arac föld" folyója.. Az Epiros-t és Thesszáliát elválasztó Pindosz hegység neve is "Só/Pind" hegy az Afganisztán környéki Pind Dadun után.
Láthatjuk, hogy a Nílus az NIL-AB (Kék víz), s van Afrikában Abu-sinia terület. Aba-sin eredetileg "Ba-sin" v. "Pi-son folyó" Havilah (az arany földje) környékén. /Cabool/

SALA, az ősi szláv név
Ptolemy "Namely, Sala city (now Sale, Morocco) is located near the mouth of the Sala river, and, similarly, Salathus town is placed at the mouth of the Salathus river. This city-river pair will repeat again in the other cluster. In this one, we also find (Cusa river, Chusar river), (Phuth river, Ophidis river), (Molochath, Malachath), (Benta, Byntha), and (Mysocaras harbor, Bagaza town)."
Pireneusok "2 gîtes in a large house on the banks of the high Salat river."
Kerala "Ponnani, the coastal town is famous for trade from ancient times. " Ha körbejárjuk, több régi furcsaságot is találhatunk..
Gallura "Sala-una, named after a nearby river, is located in a mountainous area, a few kilometres from the 2000 year ancient city Tempio Pausania in Galluria, Sardinia, Italy."
A SALA szó gyakori Hátsó-Indiában is. Csak ott "pavilon, nézőtér" jelentésű..


The place in Greece where people from Magadh (today’s Bihar) were settled was called Magadhan. After passage of time, Magadhan became Makedan or Macedan and finally Macedonia, the birthplace of the great warrior, Alexander. Wherefrom had the name Alexander been derived?
The immigrants from Ayodhya were called Ayodhan (people of Ayodhya) in Greece. Later on this Ayodhan became Ionan and the nearby sea was named the Ionian Sea. These descendants of Ram were also known as Cul-ait-ram (Ram’s family) which ultimately became Call-id-Romos. A group of these people migrated to Italy, founded the city of Roma and the great Roman Empire. Another branch of them migrated to Peru in South America.

Chobba királyfi
Before Mohammed's time, The Hinduism of the Arab peoples was called Tsaba. Tsaba or Saba is a Sanskrit word, meaning "Assembly of the Gods ". Tsaba was also called Isha-ayalam (Shiva's Temple). The term Moslem or Moshe-ayalam (Shiva's Temple) is just another name of Sabaism. The word has now shrunk to Islam. Mohammed himself, being a member of the Quaryaish family, was at first a Tsabaist.

Apollo with the Doric απελλα, which means "assembly", so that Apollo would be the god of political life, and he also gives the explanation σηκος "szíkosz" ("fold"),


Igazában azonban a Földközi-tenger medencéjében honos népek nyelveiben él tovább emléke, hiszen a "pharos" szót mindegyik átvette, s jelentése mindenütt: világítótorony.
Zeusz, a kézműves sző egy gondosan kidolgozott, tarka köpönyeget (pepoikilmenon Pharos), melyet Khthonie-nek ad ajándékba. A köpeny díszei között szerepel a szárazföld és a tenger, a folyók és a fák, a hegyek és a mezők, mindaz, ami a Föld és az Óceánok kincse. Mikor Khthonie, az Alvilág Királynője maga köré kanyarította a köpenyt, Gaiává vált, a Földanyává. Ezért mondják az orphikus költemények, hogy a Föld Perszephóné Köpenye. A köpenyt, miután leterítették vele a nászágyat, az Istennő Életfájára akasztották, és így azzá a burokká vált, mely körülveszi a világot.

Gypsy A cigány phar, pháripé. főnév ’teher’ és ’súly’ jelentésű is, a phari (= várandós) szóban. azonban a pharel, phardel (= tölt) pajzán jelentése... A faros meg a város náluk. A hasonló gót szó, "faran" viszont "vándor" jelentésű.

Pharosz A városhoz közel fekszik egy picinyke sziget: Pharos. A neve a legendák szerint a Pharaoh szigetének változata.

Tibet "Ez a finom-test kialakítja belső fénytermészetét, és "tiszta varázstestté" lesz, amely a tökéletesség (páramitá, tib. phar-phjin) legmagasabb szintjére emelkedik...

"Orestes (greek - mountain man) Orie Oriel (french - gold) Orien (latin - the orient, east)" Az "ora" és "hora" több nyelven is hegyet jelent. Ebből fakadóan a "Meteorák" jelenthet Hegyek felettit is.

From Old French farmacie (modern: pharmacie), from Mediaeval Latin pharmacia, from Greek φάρμακεία (pharmakeia), “‘the use of drugs’”), and φάρμακον (pharmakon), “‘a drug, charm, enchantment’”), via Mediaeval Latin pharmacia. Ultimately from Ancient Greek φαρμακίς (pharmakis), ‘witch’).

The English word myth (as well as the Spanish and Portuguese mito, French mythe, etc.) comes from the old Greek muthos (muqos), which has been associated with a variety of meanings and different concepts since the antiquity. According to one interpretation, this word originated from the Indo–European root *mau/mou and it is closely related to the Lithuanian mausti (“to long for something,” “to wish something”) and the Serbo-Croatian misao (“thought”). According to another theory, it is derived from the old Greek onomatopoeic mu, for example, in the verb mudzo — “to murmur”, “to complain.”


Mint láthatjuk, a vajda (Lebedi, laboda) Görögország területén élt, az orkok földjén. Ez azonban elég messze esik a Normandiában található Etel aestuary-tól. ..vagy a Loire völgyi Turántól... Salfeld-től délre. Levadiatól északra voltak a macedonok. Ismert, hogy NagySándor seregében a falanx magját a "briga" alkotta. Brygia másik neve Phrygia.

Levadia (a világban), város és a Parnasszus-hegy Thébától északnyugatra.
Szép képek
a görögöktől: (Levadia az egyik legszebb résznek tűnik.)

Érdekesség: A görögöknek van Herkyna, felénk meg volt Hercyna erdő.
""The grove of Trophonios [stands] by the river Herkyna. They say that here Herkyna, when playing with Kore (the Maid), the daughter of Demeter, held a goose which against her will she let loose. The bird flew into a hollow cave and hid under a stone; Kore entered and took the bird as it lay under the stone. The water flowed, they say, from the place where Kore took up the stone, and hence the river received the name of Herkyna (Lady of the Stone Enclosure). On the bank of the river there is a temple of Herkyna [of Kore Herkyna], in which is a maiden holding a goose in her arms." - Pausanias, Guide to Greece 9.39.2-3"
" Hyra
is a plural form: its name once had evoked the place of 'the sisters of the beehive'. According to Hesychius, the Cretan word hyron meant 'swarm of bees' or 'beehive' (Kerenyi 1976 pp 42-3). " Hyrai egyben terület Apuliában.

Hun áldozati üst Lebédiában:
"Iason (Jason) and his father Aison, although in these cases she uses a lebes (cauldron/üst) of gold. (Edinger 123; Gantz 365-8; Kerenyi, GG 254-7, 263-5)"
Lehet, hogy nem is lebes, hanem "lábas" volt?
A NUSA dag 40 napja:
"For example, after Semele was incinerated by the divine fire of Zeus, the unborn Dionysos was incubated in Zeus's thigh. After he was born, he was given to Ino (Semele's sister) and Athamas to be raised as a girl. After Hera drove them mad, Hermes took Dionysos away to Mount Nusa (from which some derive his name, Dio-Nusos) to be raised by the nymphs. (Thus we see Hermes and Dionysos in the famous statue by Praxiteles.) (Kerenyi, GG 257-8)" A NUSA leginkább "sziget" jelentésű szó. Mint Hyknusa.

Abai: small city in Phokis (modern --), an ancient district in central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. The district housed the oracle of Apollo at Delphi –oracle temple, and at Abae –oracular shrine).

Bőség és kár: There exists the "ka" prefix in the Greek language. A common word in Greek that refers to old, worn shoes must relate to the Chinese prefix, "char" which means "broken pieces". The prefix "bo", in Greek, means "rich".

Balkán térkép

Ancient and modern greek - Vélemények a hálón

1.Modern Greek needs more words to explain a meaning of the very dense Ancient Greek language. Is more 'loose".
2. There is no Dative in Modern Greek.
3. Some of the forms of the verbs and their declinations are being simplified in Modern Greek, but many of them are in use.
"Greek verbs have synthetic inflectional forms for:


..és az albanok

In pre-Islamic times, Arran formed the heart of the Iranian province of Caucasian Albania. Derbent régi neve ALBANOPOLIS volt.

A két Albánia. Helynevek

Just a few, of the many identical place-names between Albania and Caucasus:
Albo-Arnauti -Caucasus- Arnauti (Turks and Balkan peoples call Albanians by this name; likely from arch. Turk: Arran)
The Chechen language is similar to Albanian.
The most ancient loanwords from Latin in Albanian have the phonetic form of eastern Balkan Latin, i.e. of proto-Rumanian, and not of western Balkan Latin, i.e. of old Dalmatian Latin. Albanian, therefore, did not take its borrowings from Vulgar Latin as spoken in Illyria.
Then in 1042, the Byzantine Empire attacked the yong Serbian state after having defeated the Arabs in Sicily and having brought the Sicilian Albanians under their command and christianizing them. The leader of the Byzantines who led the Albanians was named Georgius Maniakos. Maniakos brought Albanian mercenaries from Sicily to fight the Serbs and they settled in two waves in modern day Albania, first the mercanaries came, and then came the women and children. After the defeat of Maniakos, the Byzantines would not let the Albanians return, thus the Albanians requested that the Serbs let them stay on the land. They settled under mount Raban and the city of Berat and from this, the Serbs called them "Rabanasi" or "Arbanasi". The city of Berat was known as Belgrad also, before the Albanians came to settle there.


A kérdés továbbra is az: Kik vitték az ARRAN nevet a Kaukázustól Skóciáig?
"Not disputing that present day Albanians are descendants both of the Illyrian tribe, the Albani, from the region Arbanon (the Byzantine name, Raban in Serbian and Arbanum in Latin) but also of the neighbouring and close-by Thracians, Dacomoesians, Moesians, Dardani and the Romanised Illyrians, the Vlachs and finally the Slavs"
"Let us recall that it was only in the fourteenth century that the name Shchipetar as the Albanians call themselves today first appeared among them and this was originally a family name in the city of Berat in the north of the country. The first mention of the Albanian nation was in 1595 when Marco Gini spoke about "la mia natione Albanese".

Csecsen - albán szavak:

Chechen=nana, Albanian = nene, English=mother, magyar=anya

Chechen=ghaala, Albanian=kala, English=castle, magyar=kastély

Chechen=duq, Albanian=aq, English=so many, magyar=dugig, sok

Chechen=buha, Albanian=buf, English=owl, magyar=bagoly

"Some search will show that the IE has a neat decimal counting system, while the Albanian and French languages show traces of a pre-IE, Old European counting system with base twenty, e.g. in French, 76 is soixante-seize, “60 + 16” (but in Belgian French, septante-six, “70 + 6”, the normal Romance form), or 80 is quatre-vingts, “4 X 20”."
"The old home of the Albanians must have been near to that of the proto-Rumanians. The oldest Latin elements in Albanian come from proto-Rumanian, i.e. eastern Balkan Latin, and not from Dalmatian, western Balkan Latin that was spoken in Illyria. Cf. the phonetic development of the following words:
Vulgar Latin caballum 'horse' Rum. cal, Alb. kal
Vulgar Latin cubitum 'elbow' Rum. cot. Alb. kut
Vulgar Latin lucta 'struggle, fight' Rum. lupt, Arum. luft, Alb. luft?"

"The Illyrian toponyms known from antiquity, e.g. Shk?der from the ancient Scodra (Livius), Tomor from Tomarus (Strabo, Pliny, etc.), have not been directly inherited in Albanian" ([Tomory büszke vezér, honnét érkeztél?)

Albania területén volt Apolonia, az ókor egyik legnagyobb városa, mely jól megkülönböztethető az ilyen néven volt 30 másik várostól. úgyszintén a régi korok egyik legnagyobb bazilikája is albán területen volt. Maradványait Arapaj falu közelében levő dombon találták meg. Feltételezések szerint a normannok pusztították el.
Névváltozások okoznak gondot az azonosításban. Pl. Arapaj nevéből Arapovics lett. Djokaj nevéből pedig Djokics.

"The city of Durrës dates to the 7th century B.C., according to traditional reports from ancient sources in the year 627. The modern city is built on top of the ruins of ancient Epidamnos or Dyrrachion, the latter transformed into Dyrrachium in the Roman period.
According to Thucydides, the city was colonized by Corcyreans and Corinthians, who named the city Epidamnos."


Bár semmi rokonságot nem látok - így, nyelvészeti tudás hiányában - azért akad egy-két érdekes szó: Pl
karëconj =>I caress
kaghonj=>I descend
kanaroc -i =>neck, throat
kashun -i => coffin
krionj =>I create

ARAPAJ - Lilith?
Africa is not well-known amongst Turks; for example there are those who believe that all Africans can speak Arabic, perhaps related to the word Arap (meaning Arab) being used by some to describe anyone of color. I mention this to the Ethiopian ambassador to Turkey, Malatu Teshome. No, we are not Arab, he says, looking very puzzled -- as indeed he might, coming from a country that although richly diverse, is also predominantly Christian. During our almost one-hour chat it is the only moment he loses his extremely serious true statesman attitude -- he listens very carefully, answers very soberly and smiles with sincerity throughout our chat. He pauses for thought for a second, "Maybe because of the western Africans?" he asks.
Mások szerint az "arap" szó négert, főképp etiópot jelöl.. Például az oroszoknál is "néger" az "arap"
Nagy Sándor katonáinak tánca is "arap" volt.

In antiquity Albanians were referred to as Arbër, which gave the country the name of Arbëri. Such a name dates back to the II Century, mentioned by the Greek geographer, Ptolemeu. In the Middle Ages, the country was known by another version Arban, which was the Albanians’ ethnic name in that period. This is shown by the fact that Albanians who migrated in Greece (XIV Century) called themselves Arvanit, those migrating in Italy (XV-XVI) and in Dalmatia (XVIII) called themselves Arbëresh."

Arvaniták - szkipetárok
Albániai görög kisebbség. "According to Kollias, some Arvanites of the northwestern Greek region of Epirus traditionally also use the word Shqiptár (Σ¨κ̇ιπτάρ) to identify themselves, without claiming an Albanian national consciousness. The word Shqiptár is used as well in a few vilages of Thrace, where Arvanites migrated from the mountains of Pindos during the 19th century. On the other hand, this word is totally unknown among the main body of the Arvanites in southern Greece." Vagyis a keresztény albánok (arvaniták) fokozatosan kitelepültek. Egyik részük a trákok irányába, egy másik részük Görögország területére Epyrosból. Fokozatosan asszimilálódnak, s a fiatalok már alig beszélik az ősök nyelvét, amely sem görög, sem albán nem volt. A z arvaniták - a románnal rokon arumunokhoz hasonlóan - mintegy 200 ezren élnek a görögök között.

Román rokonság a macedoniai arumun, az albániai farseriota és Vardar vidéki meglenita nép. Kétség kívül megállapítható a nyelvrokonság náluk, s egyben látható, hogy a mai románok nem Italos királyságából származnak. Feltételezhetően valahol Epyros környékén volt a román (vlach) nyelvrokonok közös "őshazája". Török Sándor megállapítja, hogy a rumán nyelvben még árnyéka sincs a dák nyelv befolyásának. Ugyanúgy nincs semmi nyoma azon népek nyelvének sem, melyek a római terület kiürítése után e területen éltek, úgy mint hun, gót, gepida, avar, besenyő és kun. Török Sándor elmélete: „A román nyelv, elemeit tekintve, újlatin nyelv, mely kezdeti stádiumában az olasszal történt együttfejlődésre enged következtetni. Az alapnyelv szavait a latin accusativusból képezi, mint az olasz, a latinnal szemben névelőt használ, s ezt a latin ille, illa mutató névmásból képezi, mint a többi újlatin nyelv (olasz il, la, francia le, la), de nem a főnév előtt, hanem mögötte alkalmazza. Ez a sajátság csak az albán és a bolgár nyelveknél található meg. Alakra az albán hasonlít a románra, a bolgár csak elvben.” (Török, 205) A rumán és olasz számnevek tízig hasonlítanak egymáshoz, de onnan felfelé a rumán számnevek már az albánhoz hasonlítanak. Török azt következteti ebből, hogy a rumánok ősei szoros közösségben éltek az olaszokkal egész addig, amíg a tízig való számolást elsajátították. Ezután pedig közelebb kerültek az albánokhoz a Balkánon, ahol megismerkedtek a tizen felüli számnevekkel. (Török, 206) /A rumánok egyházi nyelve 1715-ig a bolgár-szláv nyelv volt./

"Phara (φάρα) is a descent model, similar to Scottish clans. Arvanites were organised in phares mostly during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. The apex was a warlord and the phara was named after him (i.e. Botsaris' phara)."


"Triesh is one of the seven Albanian tribes of Malësi e Madhe. Trieshi, as well as Hoti, derive from a single ancestor named Keqi. The tribe consists of over 300 houses within a ten village radius. The ten villages of Trieshi are to include: Rudinë, Nikmarashi, Muzheçku, Budzë, Poprat, Stjepoja, Bekaj, Delaj, Cemi i Trieshit, and Koritë. "


Makedon helynevek: Arriana, Sapes, Egiros, Serres, Livadia, Aridea, Korestia, Kyrros, Assiros, AbarKoi

"A number of modern historians affirm that the Macedonian royal line originated not from Argos on Peloponnesus, but from Argos Orestikon in Macedonia."
"the name "Macedonian" was an ethnic name initially, only later becoming a geographical term."
"the first king of Ancient Macedonia was Charan [Caranus=koronás], reigning from 808 to 778 B.C.. His successor to the throne was his son Koinos (778-750 B.C.). The Macedonian crown was then taken by Chyrimasus (750-707 B.C.)."
"Max Fosmer, one of the best experts on ancient Balkan languages, categorically states that the ancient Macedonian language was different from ancient Greek."
"the Macedonian people had not disappeared is an epitaph from the 3rd century A.D.: 'the two-month old Nikai was of Macedonian race.' "
'In his preface to the Illiad, Milan Budimir says that not a single Hellene was called Homer and that the epic is written in a mixture of the Ionian, Aeolic and Attic dialects, a language not spoken by any Hellene. Budimir suggests that "we have a barbarian Iliad in the language of the Indo-European Phrygians or Brygians." '
Azért remélem, mára lefordították görögre is...:-) Szegény Make-don népet pedig a gaz Theodosius I. kiírtatta...:-)


Arvisura a Boi-gol partján
"Represents the collection of the most ancient Bulgarian annals bahshi Imana "Djagfar Tarihi" of 1680. From all annals including in the collection, most in detail describes Bulgarian holidays "the Hon of a Kitaby" ("the Book about gunnah") the Bulgarian poet Mohammed-Gali ibn Mirhu-dji (more known under the literary pseudonym Kul Gali), therefore the data of this work are put by us in a basis of our brief sketch of a history Bulgarian national holidays."
"The patron of Bulgarian people. Accepted shape of the wolf and a leopard. It was sometimes represented one-eyed. Other Bulgarian names of this Alp - the Chin{Grade} (Khin), the Hon, Sindiu, Sjanbi, the Barys, the Baryn (Military and Imperial Glory), the Magician (the Poppy, Mek), Mamil (Mamli), Ajchin (Afshin), Hens (Gur), Ajburi, Bulg (Black), Selytchy (Founder), etc."
"..The capital of the Turan referred to Ergi - in onour.."
"Other part of Bulgars has located in the Central Asia where it became known under a name of Hons (Huns, with is young well) and Syanbiyansev and also has erected earthen pyramids and cave temples in mountains (sjanbij-skaja culture of Northern China)."
"The Hon - Idjikom, the son of the Boyan - Imen."
"Other peoples, adopting this myth, transformed one of names of Audan, Gurogly, into " (Azerbaijanians), Gyor-ogly (Turkmens), Gur-ugli (Tadjiks), Herakles - Hercules (Greeks), etc."
"Kul Gali marks also, that the part of Bulgars, left of Idel on the east, carried out{spent} Maine Tejre already in district of the Western Khin which named also Idel. But there the name "Idel", it{he} wrote, has got value Jeti-Su - a place where seven rivers wash six mountains - that is Altai (from "alty" - "six"), Altai has been elected for prayers the Tangre because his{its} six mountains reminded of a six-final sign on humility to the God."

Korai görögök: "LANGUAGE OF [i][b]MINOAN INSCRIPTIONS[/b][/i] Since the [u]Eteocretans were Manding speakers[/u] we can read the Minoan inscriptions by comparing the Vai and Minoan scripts to discover analogy in the shape and form of the [b]Linear A[/b] characters and the Vai characters. Once this is done we give the Linear A sign its value in the Vai script, and then use [b]Malinke-Bambara[/b] to read the signs." nn Stemming from statements made by ethnologist Marcel Griaule concerning the language of Mali groups and their linguistic relation to the early Minoan scripts, this book proposes and studies the link between Linear A scripts and the possibility that Niger-Congo is the origin of these signs. By identifying and deciphering sings and comparing grammar and phonological characteristics, the book suggests that Niger-Congo is the birthplace of these linear signs. The Minoan script Linear A is deciphered, and Niger-Congo is examined for its significant structural makeup, its phonological character, and its representation of signs. nn



"Winters (1983b) makes it clear that the Garamantes founded the Greek cities of Thrace, Minoan Crete and Attica. The Garamantes were also called Carians by the Indo-European Greeks."

Tudom, hogy számos történész, nyelvész legyint Winters nevére, de ne feledjük: A régészet szerint a cariansok a szigetvilágból költöztek tovább Anatólia DK-i partjaira. Ismert, hogy a minotian kultúra nyelvét (LinearA írás) a bambara stb nyelv alapján fejtették meg. Ezek a mande nyelvek Amerikáig mutatnak...

"Establishing these cities was not so easy for the Dorians who were obliged to share the neighborhood with the inhabitants who had been living in these lands before the Dorians came. They had to defend themselves against the aggressive and intensive attacks of fierce natives known as Carians. Homer in his Iliad mentioned about the Carians and referred to them as speakers of a barbarous language, (Many linguists note that the dialect of the region which also covers Bodrum has the coarsest dialect in the west part of Turkey). Early historians wrote that the Carians taught the Greeks how to wear the crests on helmets and how to use hinged shields which had been previously carried by a strap slung over the shoulder reducing the shield to a passive piece of armor protecting only one side of the body."

"The name Caria comes from the community known as Carians. It is known that the local people of the region, the Luvis, settled in the area by 2,000 BC. In the Luvi language the word Car means peak, edge or end point, whereas Caria in the Hellenic language means "The Land of Peaks ".....According to Herodotus, the Carian people came from the Aegean islands and settled on this land and interfered with the local people, forming the Caria around 1,000 BC."

Egy opponens
"Now, according to Velikovsky's chronological revisions, the Hurrians flourished not in the 16th-14th centuries BC but in the 11th-9th, and, as we have seen, he postulates their identification with the Carians.11)"

" A familiar example is the catalogue of Trojan allies in the Iliad (in which, however, only one group, the Carians, is distinguished by language, as barbarophonos);"

"Plutarch says the Persians call the men of Caria cocks, because of the crests with which they adorn their helmets. "

"Ionians and Carians who had sailed forth for plunder were compelled to come to shore in Egypt, and they having landed and being clad in bronze armour, one of the Egyptians, not having before seen men clad in bronze armour, came to the fen-land and brought a report to Psammetichos that bronze men had come from the sea and were plundering the plain. So he, perceiving that the saying of the Oracle was coming to pass, dealt in a friendly manner with the Ionians and Carians"

"To the north of the Halicarnassus peninsula lies the Gulf of lasus."

Kocsi v. Kör király?
"The Carians ( Greek Καρες Kares, or Καρικοι Karikoi) were the eponymous inhabitants of Caria. According to tradition, the Carians were named after Car, one of their legendary early kings ( Herodotus, 1.171). Classical Greeks would often claim that Caria was originally colonized by Ionian Greeks, but it seems rather that the Carians were settled in the region before the Greeks. Homer records that Miletus (later an Ionian city) was a Carian city at the time of the Trojan War"
"The ancient wandering "Greeks", called GRAECI in Latin and GARACI in Turkish, established a sales-outlet for their wares in any convenient spot of ancient Anatolia, particularly along the Aegean Sea costs, the Aegean islands and the Black Sea costs. These outlets historically have been called as "Greek colonies". "
"Korinthian helmet
The Karians, an Anatolian people that adopted Hellenic ways, were the ones that introduced the Hellenes to more regularized crested
helmets. "

[i]A történészek körében elterjedt, hogy a tipikus 'kakastaréjos' római sisak a
'korintoszi sisak' koppintása. Nos, a görögök meg a kariaiaktól vették át...

Madarak és más állatok..
"BELLEROPHONTES was one of the greatest of the Greek heroes. His story runs as follows : He was born in Korinthos (Corinth), sired by the god Poseidon on the wife of the king. In his youth he captured the winged horse Pegasos as it came to drink from the town's fountain."
SOLYMOI, a barbarian tribe of Lykia

Érdekes, hogy ezek a taréjok mennyire formázzák a tengeri népek hajviseletét!

"As the earliest evidence must be recognized a bronze statuette of a warrior dated from the VI - V cc. B.C. in the typical Athens helmet, which was found in the south of Korea (4). "

Pesti István 2008. szeptember
