Itália ókora 3.


Etrusk eredet

Three main theories have emerged: that the Etruscans came from Anatolia, Southern Turkey, as propounded by the Greek historian Herotodus; that they were indigenous to the region and developed from the Iron Age Villanovan society, as suggested by another Greek historian, Dionysius of Halicarnassus; or that they originated from Northern Europe.

Now modern genetic techniques have given scientists the tools to answer this puzzle. Professor Piazza and his colleagues set out to study genetic samples from three present-day Italian populations living in Murlo, Volterra, and Casentino in Tuscany, central Italy.

Professor Piazza szerint a munkájukat nagyban segítette a genetikai betegségek régészeti vizsgálata.

A kereskedelem rovására irandó, vagy saját nyomok, de kapcsolódás mutatkozik: Kaukázusi Ibéria, Kisázsia, Balkan (alban), Pannonia, Etruszk világ és Pireneusi Ibéria között.
Ellenben a malária Kartago felől érte el a szárd-etruszk vidéket.


Mal-aria or a disease resembling malaria has been noted for more than 4,000 years. From the Italian for "bad air", mal'aria has probably influenced to a great extent human populations and human history.

In 2700 BC, several characteristic symptoms of what would later be named malaria were described in the Nei Ching, The Canon of Medicine). Nei Ching was edited by Emperor Huang Ti.


Sardinia was almost certainly a stepping stone for the malaria parasite, before it reached mainland Italy. Coluzzi's research indicates that the most serious type of malaria (known as plasmodium falciparum) reached Rome at about the time of Christ.


The spread of malaria in western central Italy (the second stage of its spread in that country) seems to have been mainly a phenomenon of the period c. 400-100 BC. In the archaic and early classical periods, up to c. 400 BC, Etruscan cities such as Vulci and Vetulonia flourished in the Maremma, the coastal region of Tuscany, which was described as pestilential by Pliny the Younger in the first century AD.29 Vulci occupies a lowland site in the Maremma in an area where there was intense malaria in the early modern period. The archaeological remains, particularly the large numbers of imported Greek vases, testify to prosperity in the archaic period, while the famous wall paintings of the François tomb record contacts with Rome. It has even been suggested that the place name "Vulci" signified "prosperous place" in the ancient Etruscan language.30 It is difficult to believe that there was endemic malaria there during the city's period of prosperity, but it is barely mentioned in literary sources dating to the first and second centuries BC, when a significant quantity of written evidence first becomes available from Rome. Consequently it is likely that malaria, and by implication its mosquito vectors, spread widely along the coast of Tuscany in the third and second centuries BC.


The first recorded treatment dates back to 1600, when the bitter bark of the Cinchona tree in Peru was used by the native Peruvian Indians. By 1649, the bark was available in England, as "Jesuits powder," so that those suffering from "agues" might benefit from the chemical substance quinine, which it contained.


In one burial at Poggio Gramignano, the child's feet had been secured by stones and a brick, possibly in an effort to keep it's soul from rising and preying on the living. Another child was found buried with a raven's talon, a traditional witch's symbol associated with the underworld and the dead which could act as a talisman to ward off evil. Another baby was found with the partial skeleton of a toad considered by ancient sorcerers to be a powerful remedy against disease and fever.

Gallic ambassador Sidonius Apollinaris who passed through this area in the summer of A.D. 467, describe difficulties with bad air, fevers, chills, sweats and thirst, all of which suggest malaria was present.


Roma szenvedély
Az egységesítés következő fázisa Septimontium ('Hét domb vallási szövetsége') kialakulása lenne. A 'Hét domb szövetsége' későbbi népetimológia, amit a közszáj egyáltalán nem a hét dombból, hanem a saepire montes ('hegyeket bekeríteni') el­ferdítéséből hozott létre. Ennek a szövetségnek a szakrális központja a Velia domb volt. A 'Hét domb szövetsége' városának neve: Róma. Maga a név valószínűleg etruszk eredetű.

A régészeti anyag szabinokkal való azonosítása azonban vitatott, de alátámaszthatja egy nem biztos, hogy tudományos magyarázat, miszerint a Pireneusokban lakók (hegyekben lakók) jelölhették csak a római dombokat úgy mint ők, azaz collisnak, míg a többi, főként síkvidéki nép a saját hegyét-dombját monsnak nevezte.


TOR has the mea run, flow). Initially, the ancient people - connected any kind of motion to the flow (CURRENT) of river water (Serbian reka river, Spanish rio). Etruscan F- and V- are not interchangeable. Apart from the suffix - na, Felsina has nothing to do with the family name Velzna, the basis of Velznal 'Volsinii' (now Orvieto; the inhabitants were forcibly removed and resettled at Volsinii Novi, now Bolsena). Velz-na cannot be divided as VEL-ZNA. There is a lake Vlasina (Vlasinsko Jezero) in the eastern part of Serbia and it could be compared to the lake of Bolsena (Lago di Bolsena). I am surprised that Abdullah and his "ProtoIllyrian" mentors (G. Starostin and Lubotsky) have not yet taken that "fact" to coroborate their "Shqip-Illirian proto-PIE language" and "the mother of all European mothers" (not sister!). The Flaming Lamp (Plamena Lampa ) Saturday, 29. December 2007, 17:15:34 LAPp --- shining stone, also stone lamp (in use from around 18 000 BP onward, usually a concave piece of limestone, but also the wonderful lamp in the shape of a spoon from Lascaux, finely carved from sandstone, marked
with open chevrons); Latin lapis for stone, marble, gem, pearl, tessera, PIE *lap for shine, ancient Greek lampos for torch, lamp, light, sun (emphatic p replaced by additional m), English lamp German Lampe Franz Gnaedinger Greek λυχνος (lamp) is an equivalent to the Serbian word luča (luminance, light) and that word did not start from your "Magdalenian" LAP but from the Bel-Gon basis (Serb. paljenje blaze, ignition) <= pal/e/gne; Lat. flamma; Greek φλεγω burn up);

/IE eredetű: Hungarian: lámpa, Turkish: lamba, Wels: lamp, Japanese: ranpu. Héberben a "nyár szavunk "ner=fény", a malájban csak "vilak", mint a villany,/

Magyarázom a bizonyítványt: Számos nyelvész az etruszk Felsina (Bologna) nevét a Velzna névre vezeti vissza. Viszont ehhez minimum mellékelni kellene egy "finnugor p->f" szerű V->F hangváltást. Valahogy nem akaródzik nekik a "fel=up" szótagot értelmezni... Felső=Upper... Mondjuk, a "felszín" számomra is képtelenségnek tűnik.. Volsini szóból "vol=fly" és mi a sini?


..ez a szláv Vlasina engem inkább az "olasz nő"-re emlékeztet. Ha lett volna egy V->F hangváltás, akkor is inkább Welsina (idegen nő?) passzolna a Felsina névhez.


Volsinii - Nem Bolzano
Volsinii or Vulsinii (Etruscan: Velzna or Velusna; Greek: Οολσίνιοι[1]; Οολσίνιον[2]), is the name of two ancient cities of Etruria, one situated on the shore of Lacus Volsiniensis (modern Lago di Bolsena), and the other on the Via Clodia, between Clusium (Chiusi) and Forum Cassii (Vetralla).

Hihetünk neki?
The Etruscan City of Velzna was probably located near Orvieto (Viterbo province, Italy). Many Etruscan coins have been found bearing the Word "Velzna".

Még hihetetlenebb
Volsinii were a race of technologically advanced humans who carelessly destroyed their world's environment and fled into the protection of Virtual reality pods to sustain themselves while their world repaired itself.

Komolyan - Volsinii, Vulsinii
Ouolsinioi, jelentékeny etruscus szövetséges város a Lacus Volsiniensis déli partján (ma Lago di Bolsena 2 szigettel).

Velsu and Velznani seem to show, were struck at Volsinii.
Female head (Artemis ?). (Sambon, op. cit., Pl. I. 10.) Mark of value Λ; = 5. VSLEF in Etruscan characters. Dog running. Mark of value Λ; = 5 AV 18 grs. Young male head bound with wreath. Mark of value XX. ΙΠΑΠCLEF in Etruscan characters. Bull crowned by bird with wreath in beak; in front, star. (Fig. 4.)

Etrusk words
vers-, verse "fire"

Mindig ott van a fal
FAL -> dán VAL.
It. muro/parete, Ir. mur/fraig, Lith. muras/siena

Mint a finnugor "pot" (potter) esetén láttuk az F -> P hangváltást, itt hasonlóképpen mutatható az F -> V hangváltás: Fal->Val, Fir->Verse.

ROMA. 249 ~ 128. ROMIA. (^'P7:,u.) Rome, said Pliny, is the mistress of the world and the metropolis of the habitable earth, cdestined by the gods to unite, civilize, andc govern the scattered l aces of men. It was said to have been founded by Ro'inulus on the Palatine Mt. on the left bank of the Tiber (753 B. c.). The walls erected by Servius Tullius included already seven hills (urbs septicollis), viz.: the Quirina'lis, Vimina'lis, Esquili'nus, Caelia'nus, Aventi'nus, Capitoli'nus, and Palati'nus. He divided the city into four parts: Esquili'na, Colli'na, Palati'na, and Saburba'nca. The city was twice almost entirely burnt down, first by the Gauls (339 B.c.), and the second time, under Nero (A.D. 64), who afterward caused the town to be rebuilt on a regular plan, with broad streets, open spaces, and less lofty houses.

HIBERNIA. 323 ~ 162. II. HIBERNIA. This island is called IERNE (C'ItpY) by Aristotle; by Mela, IVERNA, and by Caesar and Pliny, IIIBERNIA, which are probably mere variations of lerne, which seems closely akin to the present Gaelic name Firi or Erin, supposed to be of Phoenician origin, and for which, on account of its resemblance, the Greeks employed their word'lpa to designate the island, and hence the Roman Sctcra (Insula). In Keltic lar or E'ir means western, and may have been applied to the island to designate its position relative to Europe. From Erni we have Irish and Ire-land.

**tibicina -ae**, f. . (tibia = sípcsont)
**tinea -ae**, f.

Az ősi kapocs


(Hetruria, Tuscia, a görögöknél Tyrrhenia), az etruszkok földje középső Itália északnyugati részén a tenger és az Apenninek, márészt a Macra és a Tiberis folyó közt. Jelentése eredetileg sokkal tágabb; mert volt idő, a mikor az etruszkok uralma az Alpoktól a Vesuv aljáig terjedt

Felsinától Alsináig

A mai észak-olaszországi részt Felsina névvel, a délit Alsina néven tartották számon. (Akár felvethetné valaki a felvég-alvég párhuzamot is.) Mario Alinei szerint: "…meghatározó elit, magyar komponens, mely a kárpát-dunai térségből származik s volt Európa ipari szíve abban az időszakban, mely a kalkolitikumtól a bronzkor végéig tart. Ennek az elit hódító csoportnak köszönheti Itália a hamvasztás elterjedését, az új építési technikákat, a hidraulikus mérnökséget, a fejlett fémkohászatot, a fazekasságot, díszítéseket, s nem utolsó sorban a kard- és lóhasználatot."

Szegedi boszorkányok

Kultúrájuk virágzása az i. e. V. századra tehető. Ez időben az Appennini-félsziget nagyobb részét uralmuk alatt tartották. A Padus völgyében Mantua, Melpum, Ravenna, Felsina stb. etruszk városok voltak. Négy század alatt a rasenna nép uralma Itália nagy részére kiterjedt, és három városcsoportot, 12-12 városból álló szövetséget alkotott. Az északi Pó-melléki szövetség fővárosa Felsina volt (a későbbi Bononia, most Bologna), a campaniai déli városok központja Vulturnum (a későbbi Capua); a tulajdonképpeni Etruriában pedig Tarquinii, Clusium és Volsinii küzködött egymással az elsőségért.

Tabuk nélkül
Mario Alinei: Az etruszk nyelv mint a magyar nyelv archaikus változata (Etrusco: una forma arcaica di Ungherese. Bologna, 2003) c. műve, mely azt a következő hasonlóságokkal mutatja be: apa = apa; Eis, Ais = IS/ŐS, ISTEN; cel= kel, kelet; Felsina = felső stb.). Az etruszk is ragozó nyelv, abban is az első szótag a hangsúlyos, jellemzője a magánhangzó-illeszkedés. Alinei bizonyítéka az is, hogy a m. nyelv segítségével sok "megfejthetetlen" etruszk föliratot fejtett meg.


Azt is megállapították, hogy az etruszk nyelvben erõs hangharmónia érvényesül, a hangsúly a szavak elsõ szótagjára esik, a kemény hangok gyakran átalakulnak lágy hangokká, hogy továbbá a szavak elején a késõbb ott szereplõ H-hang a régibb korban még hiányzik és így tovább, ami mind azonos a magyar nyelv sajátságaival. Amennyire erre mód és lehetõség nyílt, megvizsgálták az etruszk szókincset is és több szó pontos értelmét sikerült megállapítaniok. Tudják, hogy istent AISER, EISER-nek nevezték, ami szerintünk azonos az egyiptomi Osir és a krétai Zeus istennévvel és mindnyájan a magyar Õsúr származékai.


Etruria egyik legrégibb kikötője Caere közelében, m. romok Palo mellett; az első pún háború idején (Kr. e. 247) római gyarmattá lett. Liv. 27, 38. Cic. ad. Att. 13s, 56.


Alsium (Greek: λσιον; modern: Palo) was an ancient city on the coast of Etruria, between Pyrgi and Fregenae, at the distance of 18 miles from the Portus Augusti (mod. Porto) at the mouth of the Tiber (Itin. Ant. p. 301.), on the Via Aurelia, by which it is about 35 km from Rome.


A boiok az i. e. 4. század eleje körül a Szent Bernát-hágón átkelve bukkantak fel Itáliában, s a Pó és az Appenninek közt megtelepedve kiszorították az etruszkokat és az umbereket. Legfontosabb városuk Bononia (a mai Bologna) volt. I. e. 282-ben Róma legyőzte őket, és 45 éves fegyverszünetet írt alá velük. I. e. 225-ben Telamonnál ismét vereséget szenvedtek a rómaiaktól. A II. pun háborúban Hannibál mellett harcoltak, amit Cornelius Scipio vezetésével Róma megtorolt: i. e. 191-ben elvette területük felét, egy részüket pedig lemészárolták.

Alfred Toth

96 Felzna (Lat. Felsina) "Bologna"
Alinei 2003, p. 131; Gost. 35, 151
Hung. "felső = upper"
Sum. An


Cardinal Wiseman told me that once, after learnedly canvassing the various etymologies suggested for Felsina, the ancient name of his native city, Bologna, he laughingly brought the discussion to a close by suggesting that probably it was Fé l'asina, (the ass made it.)

..aki szamárfülnek nézte a 2 tollat.


Insubriából vezetett Pannoniába a "strata hungarórum", vagyis a "magyarok útja". Ez a nép alapította Milano városát, amelyet a rómaiak Med-io-lan-um (égi hold népe?) néven ismertek. A milano egy nyelven <>madár jelentésű, más népeknél May(a)land. Polybius írásában Milano alapítása időszámításunk előtt 600 körülre tehető és az insubres nép alapította. Mondjuk a következő mondat szerint csak a BC 4-5. században telepedett itt meg ez a kelta nép. Ez időben szinte mindenki kelta, hiszen egy népvándorlás után vagyunk, s a népek keletről érkeztek.


Umberségből példát..

Middle English umbre, umber shade, shadow < Old French umbre < Latin umbra; in sense "earth" < French terre d'ombre

Háztűznézőben - hombre
brown earthy pigment, 1560s, from M.Fr. ombre (in terre d'ombre), or It. ombra (in terra di ombra), both from either L. umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage) or from Umbra, fem. of Umber "belonging to Umbria," region in central Italy from which the coloring matter first came. Burnt umber, specially prepared and redder in color, is attested from c.1650.

A hinduknál ég/sky a jelentés.

A parasztoknál egy festékanyagnak is használt vörösesbarna szín, barna föld.

Vörös karom

The word crimson has been recorded in English since 1400, and its earlier forms include cremesin, crymysyn and cramoysin (cf. cramoisy, a crimson cloth). These were adapted via Old Spanish from the Medieval Latin cremesinus (also kermesinus or carmesinus), the dye produced from Kermes scale insects, and can be traced back to Arabic qermez ("red"), also borrowed in Turkish kırmızı and many other languages, e.g. German Karmesin, Italian Cremisi, French cramoisi, etc. (via Latin). The ultimate source may be Sanskrit कृमिज kṛmi-jā meaning "worm-made".
A shortened form of carmesinus also gave the Latin carminus, from which comes carmine.
Other cognates include the Old Church Slavic čruminu and the Russian čermnyj "red". Cf. also vermilion.
Alizarin crimson is a dye bonded onto alum which is then used as a pigment and mixed with ochre, sienna and umber.

Árnyék - "umbra = shadow"

Ambar tanár úr
The name Ambara means heaven.
The origin of Amparo is the Latin language. The name is of the meaning to prepare oneself.
Umed=hope ... origin is Sanskrit, and its use, Indian
Umea=servant ... has its origins in the African language
Umberto=famous Hun, famous warrior ... primarily used in the Italian language

Arab világ

Um-mah (Arabic: أمة‎) is an Arabic word meaning "community" or "nation." It is commonly used to mean either the collective nation of states, or (in the context of pan-Arabism) the whole Arab world. In the context of Islam, the word ummah is used to mean the diaspora


Umma (modern Tell Jokha, Dhi Qar Governorate in Iraq) was an ancient city in Sumer.
The Arabic word umma, derived from umm ("mother") /Emma=anya!/

Appenin hegység


In Pliny's time, 49 independent communities still existed in Umbria, and the abundance of inscriptions and the high proportion of recruits in the imperial army attest to its population.

The modern region of Umbria, however, is essentially different from the Umbria of Roman times (see Roman Umbria), which extended through most of what is now the northern Marche, to Ravenna, but excluded the west bank of the Tiber. Thus Perugia was in Etruria, and the area around Norcia was in the Sabine territory.

After the collapse of the Roman empire, Ostrogoths and Byzantines struggled for the supremacy in the region; the Lombards founded the duchy of Spoleto, covering much of today's Umbria.

Fő folyója, a Tiberis - A tűz parazsa? kapuja?
A latin neve a folyónak (fiume) Tiberis. Olaszul Tevere, amely már elég héberesen hangzik.

Hodie mihi, cras tibi. Ma nekem, holnap neked.


Latin Tiberius, literally 'Of the Tiber', from Tiberis, the river Tiber. Also note Faliscan equivalent *Tiferios. The name is mistaken by some to be of Etruscan origin but note the borrowed variants, Thefarie (from Faliscan) and Teperi (from Latin).
A toszkán nyelven alapuló olaszban a "ti=tűz". Vajon a Faliscan nyelvben mit jelenthetett?

Tiberias: - - city dedicated to the Emperor Tiberius, Tveria - name of the city in Hebrew

Tiberias is one of the four Jewish Holy cities, and the capital of the Galilee.
Tiberias was founded in 18 AD by Herod Antipas, son of Herod the great and Jewish ruler of the Galilee (4 BC-39 AD). He was appointed by Augustus Caesar as the ruler of Galilee and Peraea, the east bank of Jordan.

Mint ismert a Bibliából, az asszírok már ekkorra réges-rég száműzték innét a hébereket, s izraelita vallású arámiak lakták Pál isten földjét.

The Peutinger map, based on a 4th C map of Imperial Roman roads, shows the major roads from Tiberias (shown as "Tyberias"): The north road from Tiberias to Banias and the east road through Capernaum to the east are not shown on the map.


The classical name Tiberis has counterparts in Tifernus fl. and Tifernum (Umbria), having been explained from the IE root *tibh- 'to melt', which is very productive for hydronyms. Related to the name, outside of Italy, are also Tibesis fl. (Dacia), Tibina fl. (Sarmatia).
The variant Thybris, found also in Greek sources, could have been the original "Pelasgian" spelling, since in this language there is evidence of a shift from the voiceless stops to voiceless aspirated stops, with the aspiration usually not marked in Latin. The feature *bh->b is also compatible with the "Pelasgian" language. The "Pelasgian" can be responsible of various place-names of the neighboring Southern Etruria.

A lapon láthatjátok a mordvin TOL elterjedését is.


This can be the case of the language of the Siculi, who are reported to have lived in Latium before to move to Sicily.
A siculi nem keverendő a székelyekkel, akiknek hun eredettudatuk van.

Olasz parázs ..és TŰZ Tikal-ban:

ti [tii, B. 2672, cp. Tam. ti. Interesting to cp. Ugric *tävte (e.g. Hun. tuz {tűz}) and Bam. ta] : fire. Tiikkacchu, tiikkatti, tiikkacchi, tiikatti, tiikkarri, tiikkaalli = Matches. Tiikkallu = Flint. Tiikkappal = Steamship. Tiippatan, tiippitan, tiippoori = Spark. Tiippoolikkuka = Extingush v. Tiittinna = Fireplace. Tiivandi = Train.

Modern olasz:
Tűz/Fire = incendio, fuoco, rogo, sparo, tiro
Parázs/Ember = tizzone (ember, brand, cinder, coal, cinders), tizzo (ember, brand)

TIBOR. Czech and Hungarian form of Roman Tiberius, meaning "of the Tiber (river)."
From a Turkic language, compare Uyghur, Cuman, Kipchak bor ("wine"), ultimately from Middle Persian. Slavic "BOR = fir tree" (pine/fenyő).
Utna Pisti rokonsága..:-)
NABU-ZIR-NAPIS-TI-ESIR. A son of Merodach-Baladan, king of Babylon.
Ma nekem, holnap тебе . Magyar: Te, szláv: ti, francia: tu, german: du, angol: you.
az:ти de:ти el:ти hr:ти it:ти ka:ти hu:ти ko:ти mk:ти pl:ти ru:ти fi:ти sv:ти tr:ти uk:ти
TIZON DE EBANO means EBONY'S FIREBRAND and it's the name chosen by a group of young musicians from many towns of Colombia.

Tizón - izzón spanyol nyelven: live coal, brand, burning wood, firebrand, smoldering piece of wood;

A szótár a magyar jelentésnél a szlávos "zsarátnok" szót veszi előre, a magyar "parázs" pedig elbújtatva van.

Ami pedig Indiában AGNI fog (=future tense), az a latinoknál is IGNIS, nálunk pedig csak ÉGNI.

Po vidék
Mint láttuk, a "fog=tosc" északon, de a Po folyó vidékén: Fire - Fug (romagnolo); fog (ferrarese). Arabok?: Mother - Mèder; madar (ferrarese).



Then: collis and hill become apparent
Pater and Father: cognates

Halom, domb, (hegy)

From Middle English, from Old English hyll ("hill"), from Proto-Germanic *hulliz ("stone, rock"), from Proto-Indo-European *kolən-, *koləm- ("top, hill, rock"). Cognate with Middle Dutch hille, hulle ("hill"), Low German hull ("hill"), Icelandic hóll ("hill"), Latin collis ("hill"), Old English holm ("rising land, island"). More at holm.

Latin: collis (la) m.
Portuguese: monte (pt), colina (pt), morro (pt), ladeira (pt), barranco (pt)
French: colline (fr) f.
Italian: collina (it) f.
Spanish: cerro (es) m., loma (es) f., colina (es) f.

Bulgarian: хълм (bg) hlm m
Hungarian: domb, halom
Russian: холм (ru) holm m., горка (ru) (górka) f., высота (ru) (vysotá) f.
Icelandic: hæð (is) f., hlíð (is) f., brekka (is) f., hóll (is) m.

Estonian: mägi (et), küngas (et)
Malayalam: കുന്ന് kunnu, മല (mala)
Finnish: mäki (fi), kukkula (fi), kumpu (fi)
Tamil: குனறு (ta) kundru

Greek: λόφος (el) lófos

Szent Hilarius! - Kelták

Hill = O.E. hyll, from P.Gmc. *khulnis (cf. M.Du. hille, Low Ger. hull "hill," O.N. hallr "stone," Goth. hallus "rock," O.N. holmr "islet in a bay," O.E. holm "rising land, island"), from PIE base *kel- "to rise, be elevated, to be prominent" (cf. Skt. kutam "top, skull;" L. collis "hill," columna "projecting object," culmen "top, summit," cellere "raise," celsus "high;" Gk. kolonos "hill," kolophon "summit;" Lith. kalnas "mountain," kalnelis "hill," kelti "raise"). Formerly including mountains, now usually confined to heights under 2,000 feet.

Az "aranyhegy"
Althaea is the Latin rendering of Greek λθαία Althaia, which may be related to Greek λθος althos "healing".

Nem olvasta Nemäti-t

«Esfinge» < Lat. Sphinx, ngis < Gr. Σφίγξ = Sphinx, ngos > Boeot. phix < Monte Phikion na Boeócia. Σφίγξ, gen. Σφιγγός, Boeot. φίξ , Φικός: = Sphinx, Prob. form σφίγγω, the throttler.
There are references to a war between the Thebans and the Minyans of Orchomenos which started on Mt. Phikion.
Yatpan < Jatipan < *Chu-at-Phan < Ish-Phan-at <= *Kiki-Kian-Kiki > *Ishkianish > Ishpian > Gr. Sphinx. > Kaphian-ish, lit. "filha duma *Saphian, a cobra da sabedoria"?
..the proto-Dravida ech-pinx, meaning "the ghost (i.e., the double or ka) of the dead" or, yet, "the guardian of the dead".
..esfinge shesep ankh, o "icon com vida", e a esfinge.
Ícone < εκών < eu-kon < Eu-| Xon, verdadeira «xoana» < Ishan(on)

"Abu el-Hol, "the Father of Terror" o nome moderno em árabe da «Grande Esfinge de Gizé»

From a list of title of the goddess collected by Dr. Brugsch, it is clear that Isis was called Usert, in Thebes, Aat, in Heliopolis, Menkh-et, in Memphis, God-Mother, in Coptos, Hert, in Letopolis; and "Hent," i.e., "Queen," in every nome; and another important list tells us that Isis was called Ament, in Thebes, Menh-et, in Heliopolis, Renp-et, In Memphis, Sept, in Abydos, Hetet, in Behutet, Hurt, in Nekhen, Thenen-et, in Hermonthis, Ant, in Dendera, Sesh-eta, in Hermopolis, Heq-et, in Hibiu, Uatchit, in Hipponus, Mersekhen, in Herakleopolis, Renpet, in Crocodilopolis, Neb-tept, in Arsinoe, That, or Tchetut, in Aphroditopolis, and Shet-at, in Bubastis.

Pesti István 2012 február
